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Web Interface

The built-in web interface is a mobile-friendly music player and browser for OwnTone.

You can reach it at http://owntone.local:3689 or depending on the OwnTone installation at http://<server-address>:<port>.

This interface becomes useful when you need to control playback, trigger manual library rescans, pair with remotes, select speakers, grant access to Spotify, and for many other operations.

Alternatively, you can use a MPD web client like for instance ympd.


Below you have a selection of screenshots that shows different part of the interface.

Now playing{: class="zoom" } Queue{: class="zoom" } Music browse{: class="zoom" } Music artists{: class="zoom" } Music artist{: class="zoom" } Music albums{: class="zoom" } Music albums options{: class="zoom" } Music album{: class="zoom" } Spotify{: class="zoom" } Audiobooks authors{: class="zoom" } Audiobooks{: class="zoom" } Podcasts{: class="zoom" } Podcast{: class="zoom" } Files{: class="zoom" } Search{: class="zoom" } Menu{: class="zoom" } Outputs{: class="zoom" }


The web interface is usually reachable at http://owntone.local:3689. But depending on the setup of OwnTone you might need to adjust the server name and port of the server accordingly http://<server-name>:<port>.