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# Installation instructions for OwnTone
This document contains instructions for installing OwnTone from the git tree.
The source for this version of OwnTone can be found here:
## Quick version for Raspbian (Raspberry Pi)
See the instructions here:
[OwnTone server (iTunes server) -
Raspberry Pi Forums](http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=49928)
## Quick version for Debian/Ubuntu users
If you are the lucky kind, this should get you all the required tools and
sudo apt-get install \
build-essential git autotools-dev autoconf automake libtool gettext gawk \
gperf antlr3 libantlr3c-dev libconfuse-dev libunistring-dev libsqlite3-dev \
libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavfilter-dev libswscale-dev libavutil-dev \
libasound2-dev libmxml-dev libgcrypt20-dev libavahi-client-dev zlib1g-dev \
libevent-dev libplist-dev libsodium-dev libjson-c-dev libwebsockets-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev libprotobuf-c-dev
Note that OwnTone will also work with other versions and flavours of
libgcrypt and libcurl, so the above are just suggestions.
The following features require extra packages, and that you add a configure
argument when you run ./configure:
Feature | Configure argument | Packages
Chromecast | `--enable-chromecast` | libgnutls*-dev
Spotify (libspotify) | `--enable-libspotify` | libspotify-dev
Pulseaudio | `--with-pulseaudio` | libpulse-dev
These features can be disabled saving you package dependencies:
Feature | Configure argument | Packages
Spotify (built-in) | `--disable-spotify` | libprotobuf-c-dev
Player web UI | `--disable-webinterface` | libwebsockets-dev
Live web UI | `--without-libwebsockets`| libwebsockets-dev
Then run the following (adding configure arguments for optional features):
git clone https://github.com/owntone/owntone-server.git
cd owntone-server
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-install-user
sudo make install
Using `--enable-install-user` means that `make install` will also add system
user and group for owntone.
With the above configure arguments, a systemd service file will be installed to
`/etc/systemd/system/owntone.service` so that the server will start on boot.
Use `--disable-install-systemd` if you don't want that.
Now edit `/etc/owntone.conf`. Note the guide at the top highlighting which
settings that normally require modification.
Start the server with `sudo systemctl start owntone` and check that it is
running with `sudo systemctl status owntone`.
See the [README.md](README.md) for usage information.
## Quick version for Fedora
If you haven't already enabled the free RPM fusion packages do that, since you
will need ffmpeg. You can google how to do that. Then run:
sudo yum install \
git automake autoconf gettext-devel gperf gawk libtool \
sqlite-devel libconfuse-devel libunistring-devel mxml-devel libevent-devel \
avahi-devel libgcrypt-devel zlib-devel alsa-lib-devel ffmpeg-devel \
libplist-devel libsodium-devel json-c-devel libwebsockets-devel \
libcurl-devel protobuf-c-devel antlr3 antlr3-C-devel
Clone the OwnTone repo:
git clone https://github.com/owntone/owntone-server.git
cd owntone-server
Then run the following:
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-install-user
sudo make install
Using `--enable-install-user` means that `make install` will also add system
user and group for owntone.
With the above configure arguments, a systemd service file will be installed to
`/etc/systemd/system/owntone.service` so that the server will start on boot.
Use `--disable-install-systemd` if you don't want that.
Now edit `/etc/owntone.conf`. Note the guide at the top highlighting which
settings that normally require modification.
Start the server with `sudo systemctl start owntone` and check that it is
running with `sudo systemctl status owntone`.
See the [README.md](README.md) for usage information.
## Quick version for FreeBSD
There is a script in the 'scripts' folder that will at least attempt to do all
the work for you. And should the script not work for you, you can still look
through it and use it as an installation guide.
## Quick version for macOS (using Homebrew)
This workflow file used for building OwnTone via Github actions includes
all the steps that you need to execute:
## "Quick" version for macOS (using macports)
1) this approach may be out of date, consider using the Homebrew method above
since it is continuously tested.
2) macports requires many downloads and lots of time to install (and sometimes
build) ports... you'll want a decent network connection and some patience!
Install macports (which requires Xcode):
Install Apple's Java (this enables java command on OSX 10.7+):
Afterwards, you can optionally install Oracle's newer version, and then
choose it using the Java pref in the System Preferences:
sudo port install \
autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig git gperf libgcrypt \
libunistring libconfuse ffmpeg libevent json-c libwebsockets curl \
libplist libsodium protobuf-c
Download, configure, build and install the Mini-XML library:
Download, configure, build and install the libinotify library:
Add the following to `.bashrc`:
# add /usr/local to pkg-config path
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig
# libunistring doesn't support pkg-config, set overrides
export LIBUNISTRING_CFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include
export LIBUNISTRING_LIBS="-L/opt/local/lib -lunistring"
Optional features require the following additional ports:
Feature | Configure argument | Ports
Chromecast | `--enable-chromecast` | gnutls
Pulseaudio | `--with-pulseaudio` | pulseaudio
Clone the OwnTone repo:
git clone https://github.com/owntone/owntone-server.git
cd owntone-server
Install antlr3 and library using the included script:
scripts/antlr35_install.sh -p /usr/local
Finally, configure, build and install, adding configure arguments for
optional features:
autoreconf -i
sudo make install
Note: if for some reason you've installed the avahi port, you need to
add `--without-avahi` to configure above.
Edit `/usr/local/etc/owntone.conf` and change the `uid` to a nice
system daemon (eg: unknown), and run the following:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/run
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/log # or change logfile in conf
sudo chown unknown /usr/local/var/cache/owntone # or change conf
Run OwnTone:
sudo /usr/local/sbin/owntone
Verify it's running (you need to <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd> to stop
dns-sd -B _daap._tcp
## Long version - requirements
Required tools:
- ANTLR v3 is required to build OwnTone, along with its C runtime
(libantlr3c). Use a version between 3.1.3 and 3.5 of ANTLR v3 and the
matching C runtime version. Get it from <http://www.antlr3.org/>
- Java runtime: ANTLR is written in Java and as such a JRE is required to
run the tool. The JRE is enough, you don't need a full JDK.
- autotools: autoconf 2.63+, automake 1.10+, libtool 2.2. Run `autoreconf -i`
at the top of the source tree to generate the build system.
- gettext: libunistring requires iconv and gettext provides the autotools
macro definitions for iconv.
- gperf
- libantlr3c (ANTLR3 C runtime, use the same version as antlr3)
from <https://github.com/antlr/website-antlr3/tree/gh-pages/download/C>
- Avahi client libraries (avahi-client), 0.6.24 minimum
from <http://avahi.org/>
- sqlite3 3.5.0+ with unlock notify API enabled (read below)
from <http://sqlite.org/download.html>
- ffmpeg (libav)
from <http://ffmpeg.org/>
- libconfuse
from <http://www.nongnu.org/confuse/>
- libevent 2.0+ (best with 2.1.4+)
from <http://libevent.org/>
- MiniXML (aka mxml or libmxml)
from <http://minixml.org/software.php>
- gcrypt 1.2.0+
from <http://gnupg.org/download/index.en.html#libgcrypt>
- zlib
from <http://zlib.net/>
- libunistring 0.9.3+
from <http://www.gnu.org/software/libunistring/#downloading>
- libjson-c
from <https://github.com/json-c/json-c/wiki>
- libcurl
from <http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/>
- libplist 0.16+
from <http://github.com/JonathanBeck/libplist/downloads>
- libsodium
from <https://download.libsodium.org/doc/>
- libprotobuf-c
from <https://github.com/protobuf-c/protobuf-c/wiki>
- libasound (optional - ALSA local audio)
often already installed as part of your distro
- libpulse (optional - Pulseaudio local audio)
from <https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Download/>
- libspotify (optional - Spotify support)
(deprecated by Spotify)
- libgnutls (optional - Chromecast support)
from <http://www.gnutls.org/>
- libwebsockets 2.0.2+ (optional - websocket support)
from <https://libwebsockets.org/>
If using binary packages, remember that you need the development packages to
build OwnTone (usually named -dev or -devel).
sqlite3 needs to be built with support for the unlock notify API; this isn't
always the case in binary packages, so you may need to rebuild sqlite3 to
enable the unlock notify API (you can check for the presence of the
sqlite3_unlock_notify symbol in the sqlite3 library). Refer to the sqlite3
documentation, look for `SQLITE_ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY`.
## Long version - building and installing
Start by generating the build system by running `autoreconf -i`. This will
generate the configure script and `Makefile.in`.
The configure script will look for a wrapper called antlr3 in the PATH to
invoke ANTLR3. If your installation of ANTLR3 does not come with such a
wrapper, create one as follows:
exec /path/to/java -cp $CLASSPATH org.antlr.Tool "$@"
Adjust the `CLASSPATH` as needed so that Java will find all the jars needed
by ANTLR3.
The parsers will be generated during the build, no manual intervention is
To display the configure options `run ./configure --help`.
Support for Spotify is optional. Use `--disable-spotify` to disable this feature.
OwnTone supports two ways of integrating with Spotify: Using its own, built-in
integration layer (which is the default), or to use Spotify's deprecated
libspotify. To enable the latter, you must configure with `--enable-libspotify`
and also make sure libspotify's `libspotify/api.h` is installed at compile time.
At runtime, libspotify must be installed, and `use_libspotify` must be enabled
in owntone.conf. OwnTone uses runtime dynamic linking to the libspotify library,
so even though you compiled with `--enable-libspotify`, the executable will
still be able to run on systems without libspotify. If you only want libspotify
integration, you can use `--disable-spotify` and `--enable-libspotify`.
Support for LastFM scrobbling is optional. Use `--enable-lastfm` to enable this
Support for the MPD protocol is optional. Use `--disable-mpd` to disable this
Support for Chromecast devices is optional. Use `--enable-chromecast` to enable
this feature.
The player web interface is optional. Use `--disable-webinterface` to disable
this feature.
If enabled, `sudo make install` will install the prebuild html, js, css files.
The prebuild files are:
- `htdocs/index.html`
- `htdocs/player/*`
The source for the player web interface is located under the `web-src` folder and
requires nodejs >= 6.0 to be built. In the `web-src` folder run `npm install` to
install all dependencies for the player web interface. After that run `npm run build`.
This will build the web interface and update the `htdocs` folder.
Building with libwebsockets is required if you want the web interface. It will be enabled
if the library is present (with headers). Use `--without-libwebsockets` to disable.
Building with Pulseaudio is optional. It will be enabled if the library is
present (with headers). Use `--without-pulseaudio` to disable.
Recommended build settings:
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-install-user
After configure run the usual make, and if that went well, `sudo make install`.
With the above configure arguments, a systemd service file will be installed to
`/etc/systemd/system/owntone.service` so that the server will start on boot.
Use `--disable-install-systemd` if you don't want that.
Using `--enable-install-user` means that `make install` will also add a system
user and group for owntone.
You may see two kinds of warnings during make.
First, `/usr/bin/antlr3` may generate a long series of warnings that
begin like this:
warning(24): template error: context ...
Second, you may see compiler warnings that look like this:
RSPLexer.c: In function `mESCAPED':
RSPLexer.c:2674:16: warning: unused variable `_type' [-Wunused-variable]
ANTLR3_UINT32 _type;
You can safely ignore all of these warnings.
After installation:
- edit the configuration file, `/etc/owntone.conf`
- make sure the Avahi daemon is installed and running (Debian:
`apt install avahi-daemon`)
OwnTone will drop privileges to any user you specify in the configuration file
if it's started as root.
This user must have read permission to your library and read/write permissions
to the database location (`$localstatedir/cache/owntone` by default).