2021-10-28 13:07:39 -07:00
// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception.
//! Live video websocket handling.
use std::sync::Arc;
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use base::{bail, err, Error};
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use futures::SinkExt;
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use http::header;
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use tokio::sync::broadcast::error::RecvError;
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use tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite;
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use uuid::Uuid;
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use crate::mp4;
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use super::{websocket::WebSocketStream, Caller, Service};
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/// Interval at which to send keepalives if there are no frames.
/// Chrome appears to time out WebSockets after 60 seconds of inactivity.
/// If the camera is disconnected or not sending frames, we'd like to keep
/// the connection open so everything will recover when the camera comes back.
const KEEPALIVE_AFTER_IDLE: tokio::time::Duration = tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(30);
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impl Service {
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pub(super) async fn stream_live_m4s(
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self: Arc<Self>,
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ws: &mut WebSocketStream,
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caller: Result<Caller, Error>,
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uuid: Uuid,
stream_type: db::StreamType,
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) -> Result<(), Error> {
let caller = caller?;
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if !caller.permissions.view_video {
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bail!(PermissionDenied, msg("view_video required"));
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let stream_id;
let open_id;
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let mut sub_rx = {
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let mut db = self.db.lock();
open_id = match db.open {
None => {
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2021-10-28 13:07:39 -07:00
2023-07-09 22:04:17 -07:00
msg("database is read-only; there are no live streams"),
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Some(o) => o.id,
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let camera = db
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.ok_or_else(|| err!(NotFound, msg("no such camera {uuid}")))?;
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stream_id = camera.streams[stream_type.index()]
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.ok_or_else(|| err!(NotFound, msg("no such stream {uuid}/{stream_type}")))?;
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db.watch_live(stream_id).expect("stream_id refed by camera")
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let mut keepalive = tokio::time::interval(KEEPALIVE_AFTER_IDLE);
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// On the first LiveFrame, send all the data from the previous key frame
// onward. Afterward, send a single (often non-key) frame at a time.
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let mut start_at_key = true;
loop {
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tokio::select! {
next = sub_rx.recv() => {
match next {
Ok(l) => {
if !self.stream_live_m4s_chunk(
).await? {
return Ok(());
start_at_key = false;
Err(RecvError::Closed) => {
bail!(Internal, msg("live stream closed unexpectedly"));
Err(RecvError::Lagged(frames)) => {
msg("subscriber {frames} frames further behind than allowed; \
this typically indicates insufficient bandwidth"),
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_ = keepalive.tick() => {
if ws.send(tungstenite::Message::Ping(Vec::new())).await.is_err() {
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return Ok(());
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2023-02-15 07:04:50 -08:00
/// Sends a single live segment chunk of a `live.m4s` stream, returning `Ok(false)` when
/// the connection is lost.
2021-10-28 13:07:39 -07:00
async fn stream_live_m4s_chunk(
open_id: u32,
stream_id: i32,
2024-08-23 20:56:40 -07:00
ws: &mut WebSocketStream,
2024-08-15 06:12:11 -07:00
live: db::LiveFrame,
2021-10-28 13:07:39 -07:00
start_at_key: bool,
2023-02-15 07:04:50 -08:00
) -> Result<bool, Error> {
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let mut builder = mp4::FileBuilder::new(mp4::Type::MediaSegment);
let mut row = None;
let db = self.db.lock();
let mut rows = 0;
db.list_recordings_by_id(stream_id, live.recording..live.recording + 1, &mut |r| {
rows += 1;
2024-06-01 07:46:11 -07:00
builder.append(&db, &r, live.media_off_90k.clone(), start_at_key)?;
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row = Some(r);
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let row = row.ok_or_else(|| err!(Internal, msg("unable to find {live:?}")))?;
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use http_serve::Entity;
let mp4 = builder.build(self.db.clone(), self.dirs_by_stream_id.clone())?;
let mut hdrs = header::HeaderMap::new();
mp4.add_headers(&mut hdrs);
let mime_type = hdrs.get(header::CONTENT_TYPE).unwrap();
let (prev_media_duration, prev_runs) = row.prev_media_duration_and_runs.unwrap();
let hdr = format!(
"Content-Type: {}\r\n\
X-Recording-Start: {}\r\n\
X-Recording-Id: {}.{}\r\n\
X-Media-Time-Range: {}-{}\r\n\
X-Prev-Media-Duration: {}\r\n\
X-Runs: {}\r\n\
X-Video-Sample-Entry-Id: {}\r\n\r\n",
prev_runs + if row.run_offset == 0 { 1 } else { 0 },
let mut v = hdr.into_bytes();
mp4.append_into_vec(&mut v).await?;
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