mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 13:04:15 -04:00
some clients such as veeam expect the x-amz-meta to be sent in lower cased form, while this does indeed defeats the HTTP protocol contract it is harder to change these applications, while these applications get fixed appropriately in future. x-amz-meta is usually sent in lowercased form by AWS S3 and some applications like veeam incorrectly end up relying on the case sensitivity of the HTTP headers. Bonus fixes - Fix the iso8601 time format to keep it same as AWS S3 response - Increase maxObjectList to 50,000 and use maxDeleteList as 10,000 whenever multi-object deletes are needed.
1125 lines
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1125 lines
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# Mint, (C) 2017 Minio, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
use Aws\Credentials;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
// Constants
const FILE_1_KB = "datafile-1-kB";
const FILE_5_MB = "datafile-5-MB";
const HTTP_OK = "200";
const HTTP_NOCONTENT = "204";
const HTTP_BADREQUEST = "400";
const HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR = "500";
const TEST_METADATA = ['param_1' => 'val-1'];
* ClientConfig abstracts configuration details to connect to a
* S3-like service
class ClientConfig {
public $creds;
public $endpoint;
public $region;
function __construct(string $access_key, string $secret_key, string $host, string $secure, string $region) {
$this->creds = new Aws\Credentials\Credentials($access_key, $secret_key);
if ($secure == "1") {
$this->endpoint = "https://" . $host;
} else {
$this->endpoint = "http://" . $host;
$this->region = $region;
* randomName returns a name prefixed by aws-sdk-php using uniqid()
* from standard library
* @return string
function randomName():string {
return uniqid("aws-sdk-php-");
* getStatusCode returns HTTP status code of the given result.
* @param $result - AWS\S3 result object
* @return string - HTTP status code. E.g, "400" for Bad Request.
function getStatusCode($result):string {
return $result->toArray()['@metadata']['statusCode'];
* runExceptionalTests executes a collection of tests that will throw
* a known exception.
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $apiCall Name of the S3Client API method to call
* @param $exceptionMatcher Name of Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception
* method to fetch exception details
* @param $exceptionParamMap Associative array of exception names to
* API parameters. E.g,
* $apiCall = 'headBucket'
* $exceptionMatcher = 'getStatusCode'
* $exceptionParamMap = [
* // Non existent bucket
* '404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket['Name'] . '--'],
* // Non existent bucket
* '404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket['Name'] . '-non-existent'],
* ];
* @return string - HTTP status code. E.g, "404" for Non existent bucket.
function runExceptionalTests($s3Client, $apiCall, $exceptionMatcher, $exceptionParamMap) {
foreach($exceptionParamMap as $exn => $params) {
$exceptionCaught = false;
try {
$result = $s3Client->$apiCall($params);
} catch(Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception $e) {
$exceptionCaught = true;
switch ($e->$exceptionMatcher()) {
case $exn:
// This is expected
throw $e;
finally {
if (!$exceptionCaught) {
$message = sprintf("Expected %s to fail with %s", $apiCall, $exn);
throw new Exception($message);
* testListBuckets tests ListBuckets S3 API
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @return void
function testListBuckets(S3Client $s3Client) {
$buckets = $s3Client->listBuckets();
$debugger = $GLOBALS['debugger'];
foreach ($buckets['Buckets'] as $bucket){
$debugger->out($bucket['Name'] . "\n");
* testBucketExists tests HEAD Bucket S3 API
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @return void
function testBucketExists(S3Client $s3Client) {
// List all buckets
$buckets = $s3Client->listBuckets();
// All HEAD on existing buckets must return success
foreach($buckets['Buckets'] as $bucket) {
$result = $s3Client->headBucket(['Bucket' => $bucket['Name']]);
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('headBucket API failed for ' . $bucket['Name']);
// Run failure tests
$params = [
// Non existent bucket
'404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket['Name'] . '--'],
// Non existent bucket
'404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket['Name'] . '-non-existent'],
runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'headBucket', 'getStatusCode', $params);
* testHeadObject tests HeadObject S3 API
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $objects Associative array of buckets and objects
* @return void
function testHeadObject($s3Client, $objects) {
foreach($objects as $bucket => $object) {
$result = $s3Client->headObject(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object]);
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('headObject API failed for ' .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
if ($result['Metadata'] != TEST_METADATA) {
throw new Exception("headObject API Metadata didn't match for " .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
// Run failure tests
$params = [
'404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object . '-non-existent']
runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'headObject', 'getStatusCode', $params);
* testListObjects tests ListObjectsV1 and V2 S3 APIs
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names
* @return void
function testListObjects($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
$object = $params['Object'];
$debugger = $GLOBALS['debugger'];
try {
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$copyKey = $object . '-copy-' . strval($i);
$result = $s3Client->copyObject([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $copyKey,
'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception("copyObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object);
$paginator = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListObjects', ['Bucket' => $bucket]);
foreach ($paginator->search('Contents[].Key') as $key) {
$debugger->out('key = ' . $key . "\n");
$paginator = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListObjectsV2', ['Bucket' => $bucket]);
foreach ($paginator->search('Contents[].Key') as $key) {
$debugger->out('key = ' . $key . "\n");
$prefix = 'obj';
$result = $s3Client->listObjects(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Prefix' => $prefix]);
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK || $result['Prefix'] != $prefix)
throw new Exception("listObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object);
$maxKeys = 1;
$result = $s3Client->listObjects(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'MaxKeys' => $maxKeys]);
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK || count($result['Contents']) != $maxKeys)
throw new Exception("listObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object);
$params = [
'InvalidArgument' => ['Bucket' => $bucket, 'MaxKeys' => -1],
'NoSuchBucket' => ['Bucket' => $bucket . '-non-existent']
runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'listObjects', 'getAwsErrorCode', $params);
} finally {
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Delete' => [
'Objects' => array_map(function($a, $b) {
return ['Key' => $a . '-copy-' . strval($b)];
}, array_fill(0, 5, $object), range(0,4))
* testListMultipartUploads tests ListMultipartUploads, ListParts and
* UploadPartCopy S3 APIs
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names
* @return void
function testListMultipartUploads($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
$object = $params['Object'];
$debugger = $GLOBALS['debugger'];
$data_dir = $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR'];
// Initiate multipart upload
$result = $s3Client->createMultipartUpload([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object . '-copy',
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('createMultipartupload API failed for ' .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
// upload 5 parts
$uploadId = $result['UploadId'];
$parts = [];
try {
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$result = $s3Client->uploadPartCopy([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object . '-copy',
'UploadId' => $uploadId,
'PartNumber' => $i+1,
'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) {
throw new Exception('uploadPart API failed for ' .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
array_push($parts, [
'ETag' => $result['ETag'],
'PartNumber' => $i+1,
// ListMultipartUploads and ListParts may return empty
// responses in the case of minio gateway gcs and minio server
// FS mode. So, the following tests don't make assumptions on
// result response.
$paginator = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListMultipartUploads',
['Bucket' => $bucket]);
foreach ($paginator->search('Uploads[].{Key: Key, UploadId: UploadId}') as $keyHash) {
$debugger->out('key = ' . $keyHash['Key'] . ' uploadId = ' . $keyHash['UploadId'] . "\n");
$paginator = $s3Client->getPaginator('ListParts', [
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object . '-copy',
'UploadId' => $uploadId,
foreach ($paginator->search('Parts[].{PartNumber: PartNumber, ETag: ETag}') as $partsHash) {
$debugger->out('partNumber = ' . $partsHash['PartNumber'] . ' ETag = ' . $partsHash['ETag'] . "\n");
}finally {
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object . '-copy',
'UploadId' => $uploadId
* initSetup creates buckets and objects necessary for the functional
* tests to run
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $objects Associative array of buckets and objects
* @return void
function initSetup(S3Client $s3Client, $objects) {
foreach($objects as $bucket => $object) {
$s3Client->createBucket(['Bucket' => $bucket]);
$stream = NULL;
try {
if (!file_exists($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB))
throw new Exception('File not found ' . $MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB);
$stream = Psr7\stream_for(fopen($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB, 'r'));
$result = $s3Client->putObject([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
'Body' => $stream,
'Metadata' => TEST_METADATA,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception("putObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object);
finally {
// close data file
if (!is_null($stream))
// Create an empty bucket for bucket policy + delete tests
$result = $s3Client->createBucket(['Bucket' => $GLOBALS['emptyBucket']]);
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception("createBucket API failed for " . $bucket);
* testGetPutObject tests GET/PUT object S3 API
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names
* @return void
function testGetPutObject($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
$object = $params['Object'];
// Upload a 10KB file
try {
$stream = Psr7\stream_for(fopen($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB, 'r'));
$result = $s3Client->putObject([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
'Body' => $stream,
finally {
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception("putObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object);
// Download the same object and verify size
$result = $s3Client->getObject([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception("getObject API failed for " . $bucket . '/' . $object);
$body = $result['Body'];
$bodyLen = 0;
while (!$body->eof()) {
$bodyLen += strlen($body->read(4096));
if ($bodyLen != 1 * 1024) {
throw new Exception("Object downloaded has different content length than uploaded object "
. $bucket . '/' . $object);
* testMultipartUploadFailure tests MultipartUpload failures
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names
* @return void
function testMultipartUploadFailure($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
$object = $params['Object'];
// Initiate multipart upload
$result = $s3Client->createMultipartUpload([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('createMultipartupload API failed for ' .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
// upload 2 parts
$uploadId = $result['UploadId'];
$parts = [];
try {
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
$stream = Psr7\stream_for(fopen($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_5_MB, 'r'));
$limitedStream = new Psr7\LimitStream($stream, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 0);
$result = $s3Client->uploadPart([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
'UploadId' => $uploadId,
'ContentLength' => 4 * 1024 * 1024,
'Body' => $limitedStream,
'PartNumber' => $i+1,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) {
throw new Exception('uploadPart API failed for ' .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
array_push($parts, [
'ETag' => $result['ETag'],
'PartNumber' => $i+1,
$limitedStream = NULL;
finally {
if (!is_null($limitedStream))
$params = [
'EntityTooSmall' => [
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
'UploadId' => $uploadId,
'MultipartUpload' => [
'Parts' => $parts,
'NoSuchUpload' => [
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
'UploadId' => 'non-existent',
'MultipartUpload' => [
'Parts' => $parts,
runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'completeMultipartUpload', 'getAwsErrorCode', $params);
* testMultipartUpload tests MultipartUpload S3 APIs
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names
* @return void
function testMultipartUpload($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
$object = $params['Object'];
// Initiate multipart upload
$result = $s3Client->createMultipartUpload([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('createMultipartupload API failed for ' .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
// upload 2 parts
$uploadId = $result['UploadId'];
$parts = [];
try {
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
$stream = Psr7\stream_for(fopen($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_5_MB, 'r'));
$result = $s3Client->uploadPart([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
'UploadId' => $uploadId,
'ContentLength' => 5 * 1024 * 1024,
'Body' => $stream,
'PartNumber' => $i+1,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) {
throw new Exception('uploadPart API failed for ' .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
array_push($parts, [
'ETag' => $result['ETag'],
'PartNumber' => $i+1,
$stream = NULL;
finally {
if (!is_null($stream))
// complete multipart upload
$result = $s3Client->completeMultipartUpload([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
'UploadId' => $uploadId,
'MultipartUpload' => [
'Parts' => $parts,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK) {
throw new Exception('completeMultipartupload API failed for ' .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
* testAbortMultipartUpload tests aborting of a multipart upload
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names
* @return void
function testAbortMultipartUpload($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
$object = $params['Object'];
// Initiate multipart upload
$result = $s3Client->createMultipartUpload([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('createMultipartupload API failed for ' .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
// Abort multipart upload
$uploadId = $result['UploadId'];
$result = $s3Client->abortMultipartUpload([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
'UploadId' => $uploadId,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_NOCONTENT)
throw new Exception('abortMultipartupload API failed for ' .
$bucket . '/' . $object);
//Run failure tests
$params = [
// Upload doesn't exist
'NoSuchUpload' => [
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
'UploadId' => 'non-existent',
runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'abortMultipartUpload', 'getAwsErrorCode', $params);
* testGetBucketLocation tests GET bucket location S3 API
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket name
* @return void
function testGetBucketLocation($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
// Valid test
$result = $s3Client->getBucketLocation(['Bucket' => $bucket]);
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('getBucketLocation API failed for ' .
// Run failure tests.
$params = [
// Non existent bucket
'NoSuchBucket' => ['Bucket' => $bucket . '--'],
// Bucket not found
'NoSuchBucket' => ['Bucket' => $bucket . '-non-existent'],
runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'getBucketLocation', 'getAwsErrorCode', $params);
* testCopyObject tests copy object S3 API
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket and object name
* @return void
function testCopyObject($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
$object = $params['Object'];
$result = $s3Client->copyObject([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object . '-copy',
'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object,
if (getStatusCode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('copyObject API failed for ' .
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object . '-copy',
// Run failure tests
$params = [
// Invalid copy source format
'InvalidArgument' => [
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object . '-copy',
'CopySource' => $bucket . $object
// Missing source object
'NoSuchKey' => [
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object . '-copy',
'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object . '-non-existent'
runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'copyObject', 'getAwsErrorCode', $params);
* testDeleteObjects tests Delete Objects S3 API
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names
* @return void
function testDeleteObjects($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
$object = $params['Object'];
$copies = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$copyKey = $object . '-copy' . strval($i);
$result = $s3Client->copyObject([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $copyKey,
'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object,
if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('copyobject API failed for ' .
array_push($copies, ['Key' => $copyKey]);
$result = $s3Client->deleteObjects([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Delete' => [
'Objects' => $copies,
if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('deleteObjects api failed for ' .
* testAnonDeleteObjects tests Delete Objects S3 API for anonymous requests.
* The test case checks this scenario:
* http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html#multiobjectdeleteapi-examples
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names
* @return void
function testAnonDeleteObjects($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
$object = $params['Object'];
// Create anonymous config object
$anonConfig = new ClientConfig("", "", $GLOBALS['endpoint'], $GLOBALS['secure'], $GLOBALS['region']);
// Create anonymous S3 client
$anonymousClient = new S3Client([
'credentials' => false,
'endpoint' => $anonConfig->endpoint,
'use_path_style_endpoint' => true,
'region' => $anonConfig->region,
'version' => '2006-03-01'
$copies = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$copyKey = $object . '-copy' . strval($i);
$result = $s3Client->copyObject([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $copyKey,
'CopySource' => $bucket . '/' . $object,
if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('copyobject API failed for ' .
array_push($copies, ['Key' => $copyKey]);
// Try anonymous delete.
$result = $anonymousClient->deleteObjects([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Delete' => [
'Objects' => $copies,
// Response code should be 200
if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('deleteObjects returned incorrect response ' .
// Each object should have error code AccessDenied
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
if ($result["Errors"][$i]["Code"] != "AccessDenied")
throw new Exception('Incorrect response deleteObjects anonymous
call for ' .$bucket);
// Delete objects after the test passed
$result = $s3Client->deleteObjects([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Delete' => [
'Objects' => $copies,
if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('deleteObjects api failed for ' .
// Each object should have empty code in case of successful delete
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
if ($result["Errors"][$i]["Code"] != "")
throw new Exception('Incorrect response deleteObjects anonymous
call for ' .$bucket);
// Check if the policy statements are equal
function are_statements_equal($expected, $got) {
$expected = json_decode($expected, TRUE);
$got = json_decode($got, TRUE);
function are_actions_equal($action1, $action2) {
return (
&& is_array($action2)
&& count($action1) == count($action2)
&& array_diff($action1, $action2) === array_diff($action2, $action1)
foreach ($expected['Statement'] as $index => $value) {
if (!are_actions_equal($value['Action'], $got['Statement'][$index]['Action']))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* testBucketPolicy tests GET/PUT Bucket policy S3 APIs
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $params associative array containing bucket and object names
* @return void
function testBucketPolicy($s3Client, $params) {
$bucket = $params['Bucket'];
$downloadPolicy = sprintf('{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"AWS":["*"]},"Action":["s3:GetBucketLocation","s3:ListBucket","s3:GetObject"],"Resource":["arn:aws:s3:::%s","arn:aws:s3:::%s/*"]}]}', $bucket, $bucket);
$result = $s3Client->putBucketPolicy([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Policy' => $downloadPolicy
if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_NOCONTENT)
throw new Exception('putBucketPolicy API failed for ' .
$result = $s3Client->getBucketPolicy(['Bucket' => $bucket]);
if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('putBucketPolicy API failed for ' .
if ($result['Policy'] != $downloadPolicy)
if (!are_statements_equal($result['Policy'], $downloadPolicy))
throw new Exception('bucket policy we got is not we set');
// Delete the bucket, make the bucket (again) and check if policy is none
// Ref: https://github.com/minio/minio/issues/4714
$result = $s3Client->deleteBucket(['Bucket' => $bucket]);
if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_NOCONTENT)
throw new Exception('deleteBucket API failed for ' .
try {
$s3Client->getBucketPolicy(['Bucket' => $bucket]);
} catch (AWSException $e) {
switch ($e->getAwsErrorCode()) {
case 'NoSuchBucket':
// Sleep is needed for Minio Gateway for Azure, ref:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/Delete-Container#remarks
$s3Client->createBucket(['Bucket' => $bucket]);
$params = [
'404' => ['Bucket' => $bucket]
runExceptionalTests($s3Client, 'getBucketPolicy', 'getStatusCode', $params);
try {
// Create an object to test anonymous GET object
$object = 'test-anon';
if (!file_exists($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB))
throw new Exception('File not found ' . $MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB);
$stream = Psr7\stream_for(fopen($MINT_DATA_DIR . '/' . FILE_1_KB, 'r'));
$result = $s3Client->putObject([
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
'Body' => $stream,
if (getstatuscode($result) != HTTP_OK)
throw new Exception('createBucket API failed for ' .
$anonConfig = new ClientConfig("", "", $GLOBALS['endpoint'], $GLOBALS['secure'], $GLOBALS['region']);
$anonymousClient = new S3Client([
'credentials' => false,
'endpoint' => $anonConfig->endpoint,
'use_path_style_endpoint' => true,
'region' => $anonConfig->region,
'version' => '2006-03-01'
runExceptionalTests($anonymousClient, 'getObject', 'getStatusCode', [
'403' => [
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $object,
} finally {
// close data file
if (!is_null($stream))
$s3Client->deleteObject(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object]);
* cleanupSetup removes all buckets and objects created during the
* functional test
* @param $s3Client AWS\S3\S3Client object
* @param $objects Associative array of buckets to objects
* @return void
function cleanupSetup($s3Client, $objects) {
// Delete all objects
foreach ($objects as $bucket => $object) {
$s3Client->deleteObject(['Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $object]);
// Delete the buckets incl. emptyBucket
$allBuckets = array_keys($objects);
array_push($allBuckets, $GLOBALS['emptyBucket']);
foreach ($allBuckets as $bucket) {
try {
// Delete the bucket
$s3Client->deleteBucket(['Bucket' => $bucket]);
// Wait until the bucket is removed from object store
$s3Client->waitUntil('BucketNotExists', ['Bucket' => $bucket]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Ignore exceptions thrown during cleanup
* runTest helper function to wrap a test function and log
* success or failure accordingly.
* @param myfunc name of test function to be run
* @param fnSignature function signature of the main S3 SDK API
* @param args parameters to be passed to test function
* @return void
function runTest($s3Client, $myfunc, $fnSignature, $args = []) {
try {
$start_time = microtime(true);
$status = "PASS";
$error = "";
$message = "";
$myfunc($s3Client, $args);
} catch (AwsException $e) {
$errorCode = $e->getAwsErrorCode();
// $fnSignature holds the specific API that is being
// tested. It is possible that functions used to create the
// test setup may not be implemented.
if ($errorCode != "NotImplemented") {
$status = "FAIL";
$error = $e->getMessage();
} else {
$status = "NA";
$error = $e->getMessage();
$alert = sprintf("%s or a related API is NOT IMPLEMENTED, see \"error\" for exact details.", $fnSignature);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// This exception handler handles high-level custom exceptions.
$status = "FAIL";
$error = $e->getMessage();
} finally {
$end_time = microtime(true);
$json_log = [
"name" => "aws-sdk-php",
"function" => $fnSignature,
"args" => $args,
"duration" => sprintf("%d", ($end_time - $start_time) * 1000), // elapsed time in ms
"status" => $status,
if ($error !== "") {
$json_log["error"] = $error;
if ($message !== "") {
$json_log["message"] = $message;
// Exit on first failure.
switch ($status) {
case "FAIL":
// Get client configuration from environment variables
$GLOBALS['access_key'] = getenv("ACCESS_KEY");
$GLOBALS['secret_key'] = getenv("SECRET_KEY");
$GLOBALS['endpoint'] = getenv("SERVER_ENDPOINT");
$GLOBALS['region'] = getenv("SERVER_REGION");
$GLOBALS['secure'] = getenv("ENABLE_HTTPS");
* @global string $GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR']
* @name $MINT_DATA_DIR
$GLOBALS['MINT_DATA_DIR'] = '/mint/data';
// Useful for debugging test failures; Set $debugmode it to true when required
$debugmode = false;
interface Debugger {
public function out($data);
class EchoDebugger implements Debugger {
public function out($data) {
echo $data;
class NullDebugger implements Debugger {
public function out($data) {
// Do nothing
$debugger = new EchoDebugger();
$debugger = new NullDebugger();
// Make $debugger global
$GLOBALS['debugger'] = $debugger;
// Create config object
$config = new ClientConfig($GLOBALS['access_key'], $GLOBALS['secret_key'],
$GLOBALS['endpoint'], $GLOBALS['secure'],
// Create a S3Client
$s3Client = new S3Client([
'credentials' => $config->creds,
'endpoint' => $config->endpoint,
'use_path_style_endpoint' => true,
'region' => $config->region,
'version' => '2006-03-01'
// Used by initSetup
$emptyBucket = randomName();
$objects = [
randomName() => 'obj1',
randomName() => 'obj2',
try {
initSetup($s3Client, $objects);
$firstBucket = array_keys($objects)[0];
$firstObject = $objects[$firstBucket];
$testParams = ['Bucket' => $firstBucket, 'Object' => $firstObject];
runTest($s3Client, 'testGetBucketLocation', "getBucketLocation ( array \$params = [] )", ['Bucket' => $firstBucket]);
runTest($s3Client, 'testListBuckets', "listBuckets ( array \$params = [] )");
runTest($s3Client, 'testListObjects', "listObjects ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams);
runTest($s3Client, 'testListMultipartUploads', "listMultipartUploads ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams);
runTest($s3Client, 'testBucketExists', "headBucket ( array \$params = [] )", array_keys($objects));
runTest($s3Client, 'testHeadObject', "headObject ( array \$params = [] )", $objects);
runTest($s3Client, 'testGetPutObject', "getObject ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams);
runTest($s3Client, 'testCopyObject', "copyObject ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams);
runTest($s3Client, 'testDeleteObjects', "deleteObjects (array \$params = [] )", $testParams);
runTest($s3Client, 'testAnonDeleteObjects', "anonDeleteObjects ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams);
runTest($s3Client, 'testMultipartUpload', "createMultipartUpload ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams);
runTest($s3Client, 'testMultipartUploadFailure', "uploadPart ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams);
runTest($s3Client, 'testAbortMultipartUpload', "abortMultipartupload ( array \$params = [] )", $testParams);
runTest($s3Client, 'testBucketPolicy', "getBucketPolicy ( array \$params = [] )", ['Bucket' => $emptyBucket]);
finally {
cleanupSetup($s3Client, $objects);