mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:13 -05:00
fix: reply back user-metadata in lower case form (#9697)
some clients such as veeam expect the x-amz-meta to be sent in lower cased form, while this does indeed defeats the HTTP protocol contract it is harder to change these applications, while these applications get fixed appropriately in future. x-amz-meta is usually sent in lowercased form by AWS S3 and some applications like veeam incorrectly end up relying on the case sensitivity of the HTTP headers. Bonus fixes - Fix the iso8601 time format to keep it same as AWS S3 response - Increase maxObjectList to 50,000 and use maxDeleteList as 10,000 whenever multi-object deletes are needed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -221,8 +221,7 @@ func (ahs *allHealState) LaunchNewHealSequence(h *healSequence) (
// Check if new heal sequence to be started overlaps with any
// existing, running sequence
for k, hSeq := range ahs.healSeqMap {
if !hSeq.hasEnded() && (strings.HasPrefix(k, h.path) ||
strings.HasPrefix(h.path, k)) {
if !hSeq.hasEnded() && (HasPrefix(k, h.path) || HasPrefix(h.path, k)) {
errMsg = "The provided heal sequence path overlaps with an existing " +
fmt.Sprintf("heal path: %s", k)
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func setObjectHeaders(w http.ResponseWriter, objInfo ObjectInfo, rs *HTTPRangeSp
if strings.Contains(objInfo.ETag, "-") && len(objInfo.Parts) > 0 {
w.Header().Set(xhttp.AmzMpPartsCount, strconv.Itoa(len(objInfo.Parts)))
w.Header()[xhttp.AmzMpPartsCount] = []string{strconv.Itoa(len(objInfo.Parts))}
if objInfo.ContentType != "" {
@ -106,18 +106,29 @@ func setObjectHeaders(w http.ResponseWriter, objInfo ObjectInfo, rs *HTTPRangeSp
// Set tag count if object has tags
tags, _ := url.ParseQuery(objInfo.UserTags)
tagCount := len(tags)
if tagCount != 0 {
w.Header().Set(xhttp.AmzTagCount, strconv.Itoa(tagCount))
if tagCount > 0 {
w.Header()[xhttp.AmzTagCount] = []string{strconv.Itoa(tagCount)}
// Set all other user defined metadata.
for k, v := range objInfo.UserDefined {
if HasPrefix(k, ReservedMetadataPrefix) {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, ReservedMetadataPrefix) {
// Do not need to send any internal metadata
// values to client.
w.Header().Set(k, v)
var isSet bool
for _, userMetadataPrefix := range userMetadataKeyPrefixes {
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, userMetadataPrefix) {
w.Header()[strings.ToLower(k)] = []string{v}
isSet = true
if !isSet {
w.Header().Set(k, v)
totalObjectSize, err := objInfo.GetActualSize()
@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ import (
const (
timeFormatAMZLong = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z" // Reply date format with nanosecond precision.
maxObjectList = 10000 // Limit number of objects in a listObjectsResponse.
// RFC3339 a subset of the ISO8601 timestamp format. e.g 2014-04-29T18:30:38Z
iso8601TimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z" // Reply date format with nanosecond precision.
maxObjectList = 50000 // Limit number of objects in a listObjectsResponse/listObjectsVersionsResponse.
maxDeleteList = 10000 // Limit number of objects deleted in a delete call.
maxUploadsList = 10000 // Limit number of uploads in a listUploadsResponse.
maxPartsList = 10000 // Limit number of parts in a listPartsResponse.
@ -400,7 +402,7 @@ func generateListBucketsResponse(buckets []BucketInfo) ListBucketsResponse {
for _, bucket := range buckets {
var listbucket = Bucket{}
listbucket.Name = bucket.Name
listbucket.CreationDate = bucket.Created.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
listbucket.CreationDate = bucket.Created.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
listbuckets = append(listbuckets, listbucket)
@ -424,7 +426,7 @@ func generateListVersionsResponse(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, encodingTyp
content.Key = s3EncodeName(object.Name, encodingType)
content.LastModified = object.ModTime.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
content.LastModified = object.ModTime.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
if object.ETag != "" {
content.ETag = "\"" + object.ETag + "\""
@ -440,9 +442,9 @@ func generateListVersionsResponse(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, encodingTyp
content.IsLatest = true
versions = append(versions, content)
data.Name = bucket
data.Versions = versions
data.EncodingType = encodingType
data.Prefix = s3EncodeName(prefix, encodingType)
data.KeyMarker = s3EncodeName(marker, encodingType)
@ -475,7 +477,7 @@ func generateListObjectsV1Response(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, encodingTy
content.Key = s3EncodeName(object.Name, encodingType)
content.LastModified = object.ModTime.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
content.LastModified = object.ModTime.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
if object.ETag != "" {
content.ETag = "\"" + object.ETag + "\""
@ -525,7 +527,7 @@ func generateListObjectsV2Response(bucket, prefix, token, nextToken, startAfter,
content.Key = s3EncodeName(object.Name, encodingType)
content.LastModified = object.ModTime.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
content.LastModified = object.ModTime.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
if object.ETag != "" {
content.ETag = "\"" + object.ETag + "\""
@ -539,7 +541,7 @@ func generateListObjectsV2Response(bucket, prefix, token, nextToken, startAfter,
if metadata {
content.UserMetadata = make(StringMap)
for k, v := range CleanMinioInternalMetadataKeys(object.UserDefined) {
if HasPrefix(k, ReservedMetadataPrefix) {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, ReservedMetadataPrefix) {
// Do not need to send any internal metadata
// values to client.
@ -574,7 +576,7 @@ func generateListObjectsV2Response(bucket, prefix, token, nextToken, startAfter,
func generateCopyObjectResponse(etag string, lastModified time.Time) CopyObjectResponse {
return CopyObjectResponse{
ETag: "\"" + etag + "\"",
LastModified: lastModified.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong),
LastModified: lastModified.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat),
@ -582,7 +584,7 @@ func generateCopyObjectResponse(etag string, lastModified time.Time) CopyObjectR
func generateCopyObjectPartResponse(etag string, lastModified time.Time) CopyObjectPartResponse {
return CopyObjectPartResponse{
ETag: "\"" + etag + "\"",
LastModified: lastModified.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong),
LastModified: lastModified.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat),
@ -627,7 +629,7 @@ func generateListPartsResponse(partsInfo ListPartsInfo, encodingType string) Lis
newPart.PartNumber = part.PartNumber
newPart.ETag = "\"" + part.ETag + "\""
newPart.Size = part.Size
newPart.LastModified = part.LastModified.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
newPart.LastModified = part.LastModified.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
listPartsResponse.Parts[index] = newPart
return listPartsResponse
@ -657,7 +659,7 @@ func generateListMultipartUploadsResponse(bucket string, multipartsInfo ListMult
newUpload := Upload{}
newUpload.UploadID = upload.UploadID
newUpload.Key = s3EncodeName(upload.Object, encodingType)
newUpload.Initiated = upload.Initiated.UTC().Format(timeFormatAMZLong)
newUpload.Initiated = upload.Initiated.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
listMultipartUploadsResponse.Uploads[index] = newUpload
return listMultipartUploadsResponse
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ func enforceFIFOQuota(ctx context.Context, objectAPI ObjectLayer) error {
numKeys := len(scorer.fileNames())
for i, key := range scorer.fileNames() {
objects = append(objects, key)
if len(objects) < maxObjectList && (i < numKeys-1) {
if len(objects) < maxDeleteList && (i < numKeys-1) {
// skip deletion until maxObjectList or end of slice
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func lifecycleRound(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) error {
for {
var objects []string
for obj := range objInfoCh {
if len(objects) == maxObjectList {
if len(objects) == maxDeleteList {
// Reached maximum delete requests, attempt a delete for now.
@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ func (c *cacheObjects) updateMetadataIfChanged(ctx context.Context, dcache *disk
bkMeta := make(map[string]string)
cacheMeta := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range bkObjectInfo.UserDefined {
if HasPrefix(k, ReservedMetadataPrefix) {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, ReservedMetadataPrefix) {
// Do not need to send any internal metadata
bkMeta[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k)] = v
for k, v := range cacheObjInfo.UserDefined {
if HasPrefix(k, ReservedMetadataPrefix) {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, ReservedMetadataPrefix) {
// Do not need to send any internal metadata
@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ func isDirectiveReplace(value string) bool {
var userMetadataKeyPrefixes = []string{
// extractMetadata extracts metadata from HTTP header and HTTP queryString.
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ const (
// S3 object tagging
AmzObjectTagging = "X-Amz-Tagging"
AmzTagCount = "X-Amz-Tagging-Count"
AmzTagCount = "x-amz-tagging-count"
AmzTagDirective = "X-Amz-Tagging-Directive"
// S3 extensions
@ -1072,7 +1072,6 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) CopyObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Re
// If x-amz-tagging-directive header is REPLACE, get passed tags.
if isDirectiveReplace(r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzTagDirective)) {
objTags = r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzObjectTagging)
srcInfo.UserDefined[xhttp.AmzTagDirective] = replaceDirective
if _, err := tags.ParseObjectTags(objTags); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL, guessIsBrowserReq(r))
@ -1096,7 +1095,7 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) CopyObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Re
retentionMode, retentionDate, legalHold, s3Err := checkPutObjectLockAllowed(ctx, r, dstBucket, dstObject, getObjectInfo, retPerms, holdPerms)
if s3Err == ErrNone && retentionMode.Valid() {
srcInfo.UserDefined[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockMode)] = string(retentionMode)
srcInfo.UserDefined[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate)] = retentionDate.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
srcInfo.UserDefined[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate)] = retentionDate.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
if s3Err == ErrNone && legalHold.Status.Valid() {
srcInfo.UserDefined[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockLegalHold)] = string(legalHold.Status)
@ -1429,7 +1428,7 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) PutObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Req
retentionMode, retentionDate, legalHold, s3Err := checkPutObjectLockAllowed(ctx, r, bucket, object, getObjectInfo, retPerms, holdPerms)
if s3Err == ErrNone && retentionMode.Valid() {
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockMode)] = string(retentionMode)
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate)] = retentionDate.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate)] = retentionDate.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
if s3Err == ErrNone && legalHold.Status.Valid() {
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockLegalHold)] = string(legalHold.Status)
@ -1605,7 +1604,7 @@ func (api objectAPIHandlers) NewMultipartUploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r
retentionMode, retentionDate, legalHold, s3Err := checkPutObjectLockAllowed(ctx, r, bucket, object, getObjectInfo, retPerms, holdPerms)
if s3Err == ErrNone && retentionMode.Valid() {
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockMode)] = string(retentionMode)
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate)] = retentionDate.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate)] = retentionDate.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
if s3Err == ErrNone && legalHold.Status.Valid() {
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockLegalHold)] = string(legalHold.Status)
@ -33,14 +33,13 @@ import (
const (
expirationDateFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z"
iso8601DateFormat = "20060102T150405Z"
iso8601DateFormat = "20060102T150405Z"
func newPostPolicyBytesV4WithContentRange(credential, bucketName, objectKey string, expiration time.Time) []byte {
t := UTCNow()
// Add the expiration date.
expirationStr := fmt.Sprintf(`"expiration": "%s"`, expiration.Format(expirationDateFormat))
expirationStr := fmt.Sprintf(`"expiration": "%s"`, expiration.Format(iso8601TimeFormat))
// Add the bucket condition, only accept buckets equal to the one passed.
bucketConditionStr := fmt.Sprintf(`["eq", "$bucket", "%s"]`, bucketName)
// Add the key condition, only accept keys equal to the one passed.
@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ func newPostPolicyBytesV4WithContentRange(credential, bucketName, objectKey stri
func newPostPolicyBytesV4(credential, bucketName, objectKey string, expiration time.Time) []byte {
t := UTCNow()
// Add the expiration date.
expirationStr := fmt.Sprintf(`"expiration": "%s"`, expiration.Format(expirationDateFormat))
expirationStr := fmt.Sprintf(`"expiration": "%s"`, expiration.Format(iso8601TimeFormat))
// Add the bucket condition, only accept buckets equal to the one passed.
bucketConditionStr := fmt.Sprintf(`["eq", "$bucket", "%s"]`, bucketName)
// Add the key condition, only accept keys equal to the one passed.
@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ func newPostPolicyBytesV4(credential, bucketName, objectKey string, expiration t
// newPostPolicyBytesV2 - creates a bare bones postpolicy string with key and bucket matches.
func newPostPolicyBytesV2(bucketName, objectKey string, expiration time.Time) []byte {
// Add the expiration date.
expirationStr := fmt.Sprintf(`"expiration": "%s"`, expiration.Format(expirationDateFormat))
expirationStr := fmt.Sprintf(`"expiration": "%s"`, expiration.Format(iso8601TimeFormat))
// Add the bucket condition, only accept buckets equal to the one passed.
bucketConditionStr := fmt.Sprintf(`["eq", "$bucket", "%s"]`, bucketName)
// Add the key condition, only accept keys equal to the one passed.
@ -264,7 +263,7 @@ func testPostPolicyBucketHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErr
expectedRespStatus: http.StatusNoContent,
accessKey: credentials.AccessKey,
secretKey: credentials.SecretKey,
dates: []interface{}{curTimePlus5Min.Format(expirationDateFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)},
dates: []interface{}{curTimePlus5Min.Format(iso8601TimeFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)},
policy: `{"expiration": "%s","conditions":[["eq", "$bucket", "` + bucketName + `"], ["starts-with", "$key", "test/"], ["eq", "$x-amz-algorithm", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"], ["eq", "$x-amz-date", "%s"], ["eq", "$x-amz-credential", "` + credentials.AccessKey + `/%s/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request"],["eq", "$x-amz-meta-uuid", "1234"]]}`,
// Corrupted Base 64 result
@ -274,7 +273,7 @@ func testPostPolicyBucketHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErr
expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
accessKey: credentials.AccessKey,
secretKey: credentials.SecretKey,
dates: []interface{}{curTimePlus5Min.Format(expirationDateFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)},
dates: []interface{}{curTimePlus5Min.Format(iso8601TimeFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)},
policy: `{"expiration": "%s","conditions":[["eq", "$bucket", "` + bucketName + `"], ["starts-with", "$key", "test/"], ["eq", "$x-amz-algorithm", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"], ["eq", "$x-amz-date", "%s"], ["eq", "$x-amz-credential", "` + credentials.AccessKey + `/%s/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request"]]}`,
corruptedBase64: true,
@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ func testPostPolicyBucketHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErr
expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
accessKey: credentials.AccessKey,
secretKey: credentials.SecretKey,
dates: []interface{}{curTimePlus5Min.Format(expirationDateFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)},
dates: []interface{}{curTimePlus5Min.Format(iso8601TimeFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)},
policy: `{"expiration": "%s","conditions":[["eq", "$bucket", "` + bucketName + `"], ["starts-with", "$key", "test/"], ["eq", "$x-amz-algorithm", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"], ["eq", "$x-amz-date", "%s"], ["eq", "$x-amz-credential", "` + credentials.AccessKey + `/%s/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request"]]}`,
corruptedMultipart: true,
@ -307,7 +306,7 @@ func testPostPolicyBucketHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErr
expectedRespStatus: http.StatusForbidden,
accessKey: credentials.AccessKey,
secretKey: credentials.SecretKey,
dates: []interface{}{curTime.Add(-1 * time.Minute * 5).Format(expirationDateFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)},
dates: []interface{}{curTime.Add(-1 * time.Minute * 5).Format(iso8601TimeFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)},
policy: `{"expiration": "%s","conditions":[["eq", "$bucket", "` + bucketName + `"], ["starts-with", "$key", "test/"], ["eq", "$x-amz-algorithm", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"], ["eq", "$x-amz-date", "%s"], ["eq", "$x-amz-credential", "` + credentials.AccessKey + `/%s/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request"]]}`,
// Corrupted policy document
@ -317,7 +316,7 @@ func testPostPolicyBucketHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErr
expectedRespStatus: http.StatusForbidden,
accessKey: credentials.AccessKey,
secretKey: credentials.SecretKey,
dates: []interface{}{curTimePlus5Min.Format(expirationDateFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)},
dates: []interface{}{curTimePlus5Min.Format(iso8601TimeFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)},
policy: `{"3/aws4_request"]]}`,
@ -460,7 +459,7 @@ func testPostPolicyBucketHandlerRedirect(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
dates := []interface{}{curTimePlus5Min.Format(expirationDateFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)}
dates := []interface{}{curTimePlus5Min.Format(iso8601TimeFormat), curTime.Format(iso8601DateFormat), curTime.Format(yyyymmdd)}
policy := `{"expiration": "%s","conditions":[["eq", "$bucket", "` + bucketName + `"], {"success_action_redirect":"` + redirectURL.String() + `"},["starts-with", "$key", "test/"], ["eq", "$x-amz-meta-uuid", "1234"], ["eq", "$x-amz-algorithm", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"], ["eq", "$x-amz-date", "%s"], ["eq", "$x-amz-credential", "` + credentials.AccessKey + `/%s/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request"]]}`
// Generate the final policy document
@ -1236,7 +1236,7 @@ func (s *TestSuiteCommon) TestListBuckets(c *check) {
c.Assert(createdBucket.Name != "", true)
// Parse the bucket modtime
creationTime, err := time.Parse(timeFormatAMZLong, createdBucket.CreationDate)
creationTime, err := time.Parse(iso8601TimeFormat, createdBucket.CreationDate)
c.Assert(err, nil)
// Check if bucket modtime is consistent (not less than current time and not late more than 5 minutes)
@ -409,8 +409,8 @@ func (web *webAPIHandlers) ListObjects(r *http.Request, args *ListObjectsArgs, r
nextMarker := ""
// Fetch all the objects
for {
result, err := core.ListObjects(args.BucketName, args.Prefix, nextMarker, SlashSeparator,
// Let listObjects reply back the maximum from server implementation
result, err := core.ListObjects(args.BucketName, args.Prefix, nextMarker, SlashSeparator, 0)
if err != nil {
return toJSONError(ctx, err, args.BucketName)
@ -524,7 +524,8 @@ func (web *webAPIHandlers) ListObjects(r *http.Request, args *ListObjectsArgs, r
nextMarker := ""
// Fetch all the objects
for {
lo, err := listObjects(ctx, args.BucketName, args.Prefix, nextMarker, SlashSeparator, maxObjectList)
// Limit browser to 1000 batches to be more responsive, scrolling friendly.
lo, err := listObjects(ctx, args.BucketName, args.Prefix, nextMarker, SlashSeparator, 1000)
if err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: err.Error()}
@ -761,7 +762,7 @@ next:
for {
var objects []string
for obj := range objInfoCh {
if len(objects) == maxObjectList {
if len(objects) == maxDeleteList {
// Reached maximum delete requests, attempt a delete for now.
@ -1122,7 +1123,7 @@ func (web *webAPIHandlers) Upload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
retentionMode, retentionDate, legalHold, s3Err := checkPutObjectLockAllowed(ctx, r, bucket, object, getObjectInfo, retPerms, holdPerms)
if s3Err == ErrNone && retentionMode != "" {
opts.UserDefined[xhttp.AmzObjectLockMode] = string(retentionMode)
opts.UserDefined[xhttp.AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate] = retentionDate.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
opts.UserDefined[xhttp.AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate] = retentionDate.UTC().Format(iso8601TimeFormat)
if s3Err == ErrNone && legalHold.Status != "" {
opts.UserDefined[xhttp.AmzObjectLockLegalHold] = string(legalHold.Status)
@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@ func (z *xlZones) PutObjectPart(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID st
return z.zones[0].PutObjectPart(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partID, data, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
result, err := zone.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, object, "", "", "", maxObjectList)
result, err := zone.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, object, "", "", "", maxUploadsList)
if err != nil {
return PartInfo{}, err
@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ func (z *xlZones) ListObjectParts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID
return z.zones[0].ListObjectParts(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partNumberMarker, maxParts, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
result, err := zone.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, object, "", "", "", maxObjectList)
result, err := zone.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, object, "", "", "", maxUploadsList)
if err != nil {
return ListPartsInfo{}, err
@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ func (z *xlZones) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uplo
for _, zone := range z.zones {
result, err := zone.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, object, "", "", "", maxObjectList)
result, err := zone.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, object, "", "", "", maxUploadsList)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ func (z *xlZones) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, u
for _, zone := range z.zones {
result, err := zone.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, object, "", "", "", maxObjectList)
result, err := zone.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, object, "", "", "", maxUploadsList)
if err != nil {
return objInfo, err
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ const HTTP_NOCONTENT = "204";
const HTTP_BADREQUEST = "400";
const HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR = "500";
const TEST_METADATA = ['Param_1' => 'val-1'];
const TEST_METADATA = ['param_1' => 'val-1'];
* ClientConfig abstracts configuration details to connect to a
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ const (
AccessFormat = "access"
// AMZTimeFormat - event time format.
AMZTimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
AMZTimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"
// Identity represents access key who caused the event.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user