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synced 2025-03-13 21:12:55 -04:00
New metrics added to calculate API request count per bucket, per API. Captures errors, including 4xx, 5xx HTTP status codes separately.
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List of metrics reported cluster wide
Each metric includes a label for the server that calculated the metric. Each metric has a label for the server that generated the metric.
These metrics can be obtained from any MinIO server once per collection.
Name | Description |
minio_audit_failed_messages |
Total number of messages that failed to send since start. |
minio_audit_target_queue_length |
Number of unsent messages in queue for target. |
minio_audit_total_messages |
Total number of messages sent since start. |
minio_bucket_objects_size_distribution |
Distribution of object sizes in the bucket, includes label for the bucket name. |
minio_bucket_quota_total_bytes |
Total bucket quota size in bytes. |
minio_bucket_replication_failed_bytes |
Total number of bytes failed at least once to replicate. |
minio_bucket_replication_failed_count |
Total number of objects which failed replication. |
minio_bucket_replication_latency_ms |
Replication latency in milliseconds. |
minio_bucket_replication_received_bytes |
Total number of bytes replicated to this bucket from another source bucket. |
minio_bucket_replication_sent_bytes |
Total number of bytes replicated to the target bucket. |
minio_bucket_traffic_received_bytes |
Total number of S3 bytes received for this bucket. |
minio_bucket_traffic_sent_bytes |
Total number of S3 bytes sent for this bucket. |
minio_bucket_usage_object_total |
Total number of objects. |
minio_bucket_usage_total_bytes |
Total bucket size in bytes. |
minio_bucket_requests_4xx_errors_total |
Total number of S3 requests with (4xx) errors on a bucket. |
minio_bucket_requests_5xx_errors_total |
Total number of S3 requests with (5xx) errors on a bucket. |
minio_bucket_requests_inflight_total |
Total number of S3 requests currently in flight on a bucket. |
minio_bucket_requests_total |
Total number of S3 requests on a bucket. |
minio_bucket_requests_canceled_total |
Total number S3 requests canceled by the client. |
minio_cache_hits_total |
Total number of drive cache hits. |
minio_cache_missed_total |
Total number of drive cache misses. |
minio_cache_sent_bytes |
Total number of bytes served from cache. |
minio_cache_total_bytes |
Total size of cache drive in bytes. |
minio_cache_usage_info |
Total percentage cache usage, value of 1 indicates high and 0 low, label level is set as well. |
minio_cache_used_bytes |
Current cache usage in bytes. |
minio_cluster_capacity_raw_free_bytes |
Total free capacity online in the cluster. |
minio_cluster_capacity_raw_total_bytes |
Total capacity online in the cluster. |
minio_cluster_capacity_usable_free_bytes |
Total free usable capacity online in the cluster. |
minio_cluster_capacity_usable_total_bytes |
Total usable capacity online in the cluster. |
minio_cluster_disk_offline_total |
Total drives offline. |
minio_cluster_disk_online_total |
Total drives online. |
minio_cluster_disk_total |
Total drives. |
minio_cluster_ilm_transitioned_bytes |
Total bytes transitioned to a tier. |
minio_cluster_ilm_transitioned_objects |
Total number of objects transitioned to a tier. |
minio_cluster_ilm_transitioned_versions |
Total number of versions transitioned to a tier. |
minio_cluster_kms_online |
Reports whether the KMS is online (1) or offline (0). |
minio_cluster_kms_request_error |
Number of KMS requests that failed due to some error. (HTTP 4xx status code). |
minio_cluster_kms_request_failure |
Number of KMS requests that failed due to some internal failure. (HTTP 5xx status code). |
minio_cluster_kms_request_success |
Number of KMS requests that succeeded. |
minio_cluster_kms_uptime |
The time the KMS has been up and running in seconds. |
minio_cluster_nodes_offline_total |
Total number of MinIO nodes offline. |
minio_cluster_nodes_online_total |
Total number of MinIO nodes online. |
minio_heal_objects_errors_total |
Objects for which healing failed in current self healing run. |
minio_heal_objects_heal_total |
Objects healed in current self healing run. |
minio_heal_objects_total |
Objects scanned in current self healing run. |
minio_heal_time_last_activity_nano_seconds |
Time elapsed (in nano seconds) since last self healing activity. |
minio_inter_node_traffic_dial_avg_time |
Average time of internodes TCP dial calls. |
minio_inter_node_traffic_dial_errors |
Total number of internode TCP dial timeouts and errors. |
minio_inter_node_traffic_errors_total |
Total number of failed internode calls. |
minio_inter_node_traffic_received_bytes |
Total number of bytes received from other peer nodes. |
minio_inter_node_traffic_sent_bytes |
Total number of bytes sent to the other peer nodes. |
minio_minio_update_percent |
Total percentage cache usage. |
minio_node_disk_free_bytes |
Total storage available on a drive. |
minio_node_disk_free_inodes |
Total free inodes. |
minio_node_disk_latency_us |
Average last minute latency in µs for drive API storage operations. |
minio_node_disk_offline_total |
Total drives offline. |
minio_node_disk_online_total |
Total drives online. |
minio_node_disk_total |
Total drives. |
minio_node_disk_total_bytes |
Total storage on a drive. |
minio_node_disk_used_bytes |
Total storage used on a drive. |
minio_node_file_descriptor_limit_total |
Limit on total number of open file descriptors for the MinIO Server process. |
minio_node_file_descriptor_open_total |
Total number of open file descriptors by the MinIO Server process. |
minio_node_go_routine_total |
Total number of go routines running. |
minio_node_iam_last_sync_duration_millis |
Last successful IAM data sync duration in milliseconds. |
minio_node_iam_since_last_sync_millis |
Time (in milliseconds) since last successful IAM data sync. |
minio_node_iam_sync_failures |
Number of failed IAM data syncs since server start. |
minio_node_iam_sync_successes |
Number of successful IAM data syncs since server start. |
minio_node_ilm_expiry_pending_tasks |
Number of pending ILM expiry tasks in the queue. |
minio_node_ilm_transition_active_tasks |
Number of active ILM transition tasks. |
minio_node_ilm_transition_pending_tasks |
Number of pending ILM transition tasks in the queue. |
minio_node_ilm_versions_scanned |
Total number of object versions checked for ilm actions since server start. |
minio_node_io_rchar_bytes |
Total bytes read by the process from the underlying storage system including cache, /proc/[pid]/io rchar. |
minio_node_io_read_bytes |
Total bytes read by the process from the underlying storage system, /proc/[pid]/io read_bytes. |
minio_node_io_wchar_bytes |
Total bytes written by the process to the underlying storage system including page cache, /proc/[pid]/io wchar. |
minio_node_io_write_bytes |
Total bytes written by the process to the underlying storage system, /proc/[pid]/io write_bytes. |
minio_node_process_cpu_total_seconds |
Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds. |
minio_node_process_resident_memory_bytes |
Resident memory size in bytes. |
minio_node_process_starttime_seconds |
Start time for MinIO process per node, time in seconds since Unix epoc. |
minio_node_process_uptime_seconds |
Uptime for MinIO process per node in seconds. |
minio_node_scanner_bucket_scans_finished |
Total number of bucket scans finished since server start. |
minio_node_scanner_bucket_scans_started |
Total number of bucket scans started since server start. |
minio_node_scanner_directories_scanned |
Total number of directories scanned since server start. |
minio_node_scanner_objects_scanned |
Total number of unique objects scanned since server start. |
minio_node_scanner_versions_scanned |
Total number of object versions scanned since server start. |
minio_node_syscall_read_total |
Total read SysCalls to the kernel. /proc/[pid]/io syscr. |
minio_node_syscall_write_total |
Total write SysCalls to the kernel. /proc/[pid]/io syscw. |
minio_notify_current_send_in_progress |
Number of concurrent async Send calls active to all targets. |
minio_notify_target_queue_length |
Number of unsent notifications in queue for target. |
minio_s3_requests_4xx_errors_total |
Total number S3 requests with (4xx) errors. |
minio_s3_requests_5xx_errors_total |
Total number S3 requests with (5xx) errors. |
minio_s3_requests_canceled_total |
Total number S3 requests canceled by the client. |
minio_s3_requests_errors_total |
Total number S3 requests with (4xx and 5xx) errors. |
minio_s3_requests_incoming_total |
Volatile number of total incoming S3 requests. |
minio_s3_requests_inflight_total |
Total number of S3 requests currently in flight. |
minio_s3_requests_rejected_auth_total |
Total number S3 requests rejected for auth failure. |
minio_s3_requests_rejected_header_total |
Total number S3 requests rejected for invalid header. |
minio_s3_requests_rejected_invalid_total |
Total number S3 invalid requests. |
minio_s3_requests_rejected_timestamp_total |
Total number S3 requests rejected for invalid timestamp. |
minio_s3_requests_total |
Total number S3 requests. |
minio_s3_requests_waiting_total |
Number of S3 requests in the waiting queue. |
minio_s3_time_ttfb_seconds_distribution |
Distribution of the time to first byte across API calls. |
minio_s3_traffic_received_bytes |
Total number of s3 bytes received. |
minio_s3_traffic_sent_bytes |
Total number of s3 bytes sent. |
minio_software_commit_info |
Git commit hash for the MinIO release. |
minio_software_version_info |
MinIO Release tag for the server. |
minio_usage_last_activity_nano_seconds |
Time elapsed (in nano seconds) since last scan activity. |