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// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package cmd
import (
xldap ""
xhttp ""
func initHelp() {
var kvs = map[string]config.KVS{
config.EtcdSubSys: etcd.DefaultKVS,
config.CacheSubSys: cache.DefaultKVS,
config.CompressionSubSys: compress.DefaultKVS,
config.IdentityLDAPSubSys: xldap.DefaultKVS,
config.IdentityOpenIDSubSys: openid.DefaultKVS,
config.PolicyOPASubSys: opa.DefaultKVS,
config.RegionSubSys: config.DefaultRegionKVS,
config.APISubSys: api.DefaultKVS,
config.CredentialsSubSys: config.DefaultCredentialKVS,
config.LoggerWebhookSubSys: logger.DefaultKVS,
config.AuditWebhookSubSys: logger.DefaultAuditWebhookKVS,
config.AuditKafkaSubSys: logger.DefaultAuditKafkaKVS,
config.HealSubSys: heal.DefaultKVS,
config.ScannerSubSys: scanner.DefaultKVS,
for k, v := range notify.DefaultNotificationKVS {
kvs[k] = v
if globalIsErasure {
kvs[config.StorageClassSubSys] = storageclass.DefaultKVS
// Captures help for each sub-system
var helpSubSys = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.RegionSubSys,
Description: "label the location of the server",
Key: config.CacheSubSys,
Description: "add caching storage tier",
Key: config.CompressionSubSys,
Description: "enable server side compression of objects",
Key: config.EtcdSubSys,
Description: "federate multiple clusters for IAM and Bucket DNS",
Key: config.IdentityOpenIDSubSys,
Description: "enable OpenID SSO support",
Key: config.IdentityLDAPSubSys,
Description: "enable LDAP SSO support",
Key: config.PolicyOPASubSys,
Description: "[DEPRECATED] enable external OPA for policy enforcement",
Key: config.APISubSys,
Description: "manage global HTTP API call specific features, such as throttling, authentication types, etc.",
Key: config.HealSubSys,
Description: "manage object healing frequency and bitrot verification checks",
Key: config.ScannerSubSys,
Description: "manage namespace scanning for usage calculation, lifecycle, healing and more",
Key: config.LoggerWebhookSubSys,
Description: "send server logs to webhook endpoints",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.AuditWebhookSubSys,
Description: "send audit logs to webhook endpoints",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.AuditKafkaSubSys,
Description: "send audit logs to kafka endpoints",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyWebhookSubSys,
Description: "publish bucket notifications to webhook endpoints",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyAMQPSubSys,
Description: "publish bucket notifications to AMQP endpoints",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyKafkaSubSys,
Description: "publish bucket notifications to Kafka endpoints",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyMQTTSubSys,
Description: "publish bucket notifications to MQTT endpoints",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyNATSSubSys,
Description: "publish bucket notifications to NATS endpoints",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyNSQSubSys,
Description: "publish bucket notifications to NSQ endpoints",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyMySQLSubSys,
Description: "publish bucket notifications to MySQL databases",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyPostgresSubSys,
Description: "publish bucket notifications to Postgres databases",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyESSubSys,
Description: "publish bucket notifications to Elasticsearch endpoints",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyRedisSubSys,
Description: "publish bucket notifications to Redis datastores",
MultipleTargets: true,
if globalIsErasure {
helpSubSys = append(helpSubSys, config.HelpKV{})
copy(helpSubSys[2:], helpSubSys[1:])
helpSubSys[1] = config.HelpKV{
Key: config.StorageClassSubSys,
Description: "define object level redundancy",
var helpMap = map[string]config.HelpKVS{
"": helpSubSys, // Help for all sub-systems.
config.RegionSubSys: config.RegionHelp,
config.APISubSys: api.Help,
config.StorageClassSubSys: storageclass.Help,
config.EtcdSubSys: etcd.Help,
config.CacheSubSys: cache.Help,
config.CompressionSubSys: compress.Help,
config.HealSubSys: heal.Help,
config.ScannerSubSys: scanner.Help,
config.IdentityOpenIDSubSys: openid.Help,
config.IdentityLDAPSubSys: xldap.Help,
config.PolicyOPASubSys: opa.Help,
config.LoggerWebhookSubSys: logger.Help,
config.AuditWebhookSubSys: logger.HelpWebhook,
config.AuditKafkaSubSys: logger.HelpKafka,
config.NotifyAMQPSubSys: notify.HelpAMQP,
config.NotifyKafkaSubSys: notify.HelpKafka,
config.NotifyMQTTSubSys: notify.HelpMQTT,
config.NotifyNATSSubSys: notify.HelpNATS,
config.NotifyNSQSubSys: notify.HelpNSQ,
config.NotifyMySQLSubSys: notify.HelpMySQL,
config.NotifyPostgresSubSys: notify.HelpPostgres,
config.NotifyRedisSubSys: notify.HelpRedis,
config.NotifyWebhookSubSys: notify.HelpWebhook,
config.NotifyESSubSys: notify.HelpES,
var (
// globalServerConfig server config.
globalServerConfig config.Config
globalServerConfigMu sync.RWMutex
func validateConfig(s config.Config, setDriveCounts []int) error {
// We must have a global lock for this so nobody else modifies env while we do.
defer env.LockSetEnv()()
// Disable merging env values with config for validation.
// Enable env values to validate KMS.
defer env.SetEnvOn()
if _, err := config.LookupCreds(s[config.CredentialsSubSys][config.Default]); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := config.LookupRegion(s[config.RegionSubSys][config.Default]); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := api.LookupConfig(s[config.APISubSys][config.Default]); err != nil {
return err
if globalIsErasure {
for _, setDriveCount := range setDriveCounts {
if _, err := storageclass.LookupConfig(s[config.StorageClassSubSys][config.Default], setDriveCount); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := cache.LookupConfig(s[config.CacheSubSys][config.Default]); err != nil {
return err
compCfg, err := compress.LookupConfig(s[config.CompressionSubSys][config.Default])
if err != nil {
return err
objAPI := newObjectLayerFn()
if objAPI != nil {
if compCfg.Enabled && !objAPI.IsCompressionSupported() {
return fmt.Errorf("Backend does not support compression")
if _, err = heal.LookupConfig(s[config.HealSubSys][config.Default]); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = scanner.LookupConfig(s[config.ScannerSubSys][config.Default]); err != nil {
return err
etcdCfg, err := etcd.LookupConfig(s[config.EtcdSubSys][config.Default], globalRootCAs)
if err != nil {
return err
if etcdCfg.Enabled {
etcdClnt, err := etcd.New(etcdCfg)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := openid.LookupConfig(s[config.IdentityOpenIDSubSys][config.Default],
NewGatewayHTTPTransport(), xhttp.DrainBody); err != nil {
return err
cfg, err := xldap.Lookup(s[config.IdentityLDAPSubSys][config.Default],
if err != nil {
return err
if cfg.Enabled {
conn, cerr := cfg.Connect()
if cerr != nil {
return cerr
if _, err := opa.LookupConfig(s[config.PolicyOPASubSys][config.Default],
NewGatewayHTTPTransport(), xhttp.DrainBody); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := logger.LookupConfig(s); err != nil {
return err
certs: refactor cert manager to support multiple certificates (#10207) This commit refactors the certificate management implementation in the `certs` package such that multiple certificates can be specified at the same time. Therefore, the following layout of the `certs/` directory is expected: ``` certs/ │ ├─ public.crt ├─ private.key ├─ CAs/ // CAs directory is ignored │ │ │ ... │ ├─ │ │ │ ├─ public.crt │ └─ private.key └─ │ ├─ public.crt └─ private.key ... ``` However, directory names like `` are just for human readability/organization and don't have any meaning w.r.t whether a particular certificate is served or not. This decision is made based on the SNI sent by the client and the SAN of the certificate. *** The `Manager` will pick a certificate based on the client trying to establish a TLS connection. In particular, it looks at the client hello (i.e. SNI) to determine which host the client tries to access. If the manager can find a certificate that matches the SNI it returns this certificate to the client. However, the client may choose to not send an SNI or tries to access a server directly via IP (`https://<ip>:<port>`). In this case, we cannot use the SNI to determine which certificate to serve. However, we also should not pick "the first" certificate that would be accepted by the client (based on crypto. parameters - like a signature algorithm) because it may be an internal certificate that contains internal hostnames. We would disclose internal infrastructure details doing so. Therefore, the `Manager` returns the "default" certificate when the client does not specify an SNI. The default certificate the top-level `public.crt` - i.e. `certs/public.crt`. This approach has some consequences: - It's the operator's responsibility to ensure that the top-level `public.crt` does not disclose any information (i.e. hostnames) that are not publicly visible. However, this was the case in the past already. - Any other `public.crt` - except for the top-level one - must not contain any IP SAN. The reason for this restriction is that the Manager cannot match a SNI to an IP b/c the SNI is the server host name. The entire purpose of SNI is to indicate which host the client tries to connect to when multiple hosts run on the same IP. So, a client will not set the SNI to an IP. If we would allow IP SANs in a lower-level `public.crt` a user would expect that it is possible to connect to MinIO directly via IP address and that the MinIO server would pick "the right" certificate. However, the MinIO server cannot determine which certificate to serve, and therefore always picks the "default" one. This may lead to all sorts of confusing errors like: "It works if I use `https:instance.minio.local` but not when I use ``. These consequences/limitations should be pointed out / explained in our docs in an appropriate way. However, the support for multiple certificates should not have any impact on how deployment with a single certificate function today. Co-authored-by: Harshavardhana <>
2020-09-04 08:33:37 +02:00
return notify.TestNotificationTargets(GlobalContext, s, NewGatewayHTTPTransport(), globalNotificationSys.ConfiguredTargetIDs())
func lookupConfigs(s config.Config, setDriveCounts []int) {
ctx := GlobalContext
var err error
if !globalActiveCred.IsValid() {
// Env doesn't seem to be set, we fallback to lookup creds from the config.
globalActiveCred, err = config.LookupCreds(s[config.CredentialsSubSys][config.Default])
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Invalid credentials configuration: %w", err))
if dnsURL, dnsUser, dnsPass, ok := env.LookupEnv(config.EnvDNSWebhook); ok {
globalDNSConfig, err = dns.NewOperatorDNS(dnsURL,
dns.Authentication(dnsUser, dnsPass),
if err != nil {
if globalIsGateway {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize remote webhook DNS config")
} else {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize remote webhook DNS config %w", err))
etcdCfg, err := etcd.LookupConfig(s[config.EtcdSubSys][config.Default], globalRootCAs)
if err != nil {
if globalIsGateway {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize etcd config")
} else {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize etcd config: %w", err))
if etcdCfg.Enabled {
if globalEtcdClient == nil {
globalEtcdClient, err = etcd.New(etcdCfg)
if err != nil {
if globalIsGateway {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize etcd config")
} else {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize etcd config: %w", err))
if len(globalDomainNames) != 0 && !globalDomainIPs.IsEmpty() && globalEtcdClient != nil {
if globalDNSConfig != nil {
// if global DNS is already configured, indicate with a warning, incase
// users are confused.
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("DNS store is already configured with %s, not using etcd for DNS store", globalDNSConfig))
} else {
globalDNSConfig, err = dns.NewCoreDNS(etcdCfg.Config,
if err != nil {
if globalIsGateway {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize DNS config")
} else {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize DNS config for %s: %w",
globalDomainNames, err))
// Bucket federation is 'true' only when IAM assets are not namespaced
// per tenant and all tenants interested in globally available users
// if namespace was requested such as specifying etcdPathPrefix then
// we assume that users are interested in global bucket support
// but not federation.
globalBucketFederation = etcdCfg.PathPrefix == "" && etcdCfg.Enabled
globalServerRegion, err = config.LookupRegion(s[config.RegionSubSys][config.Default])
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Invalid region configuration: %w", err))
apiConfig, err := api.LookupConfig(s[config.APISubSys][config.Default])
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Invalid api configuration: %w", err))
// Initialize remote instance transport once.
getRemoteInstanceTransportOnce.Do(func() {
getRemoteInstanceTransport = newGatewayHTTPTransport(apiConfig.RemoteTransportDeadline)
if globalIsErasure {
for i, setDriveCount := range setDriveCounts {
sc, err := storageclass.LookupConfig(s[config.StorageClassSubSys][config.Default], setDriveCount)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize storage class config: %w", err))
// if we validated all setDriveCounts and it was successful
// proceed to store the correct storage class globally.
if i == len(setDriveCounts)-1 {
globalCacheConfig, err = cache.LookupConfig(s[config.CacheSubSys][config.Default])
if err != nil {
if globalIsGateway {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to setup cache")
} else {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to setup cache: %w", err))
if globalCacheConfig.Enabled {
if cacheEncKey := env.Get(cache.EnvCacheEncryptionKey, ""); cacheEncKey != "" {
globalCacheKMS, err = kms.Parse(cacheEncKey)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to setup encryption cache: %w", err))
globalAutoEncryption = crypto.LookupAutoEncryption() // Enable auto-encryption if enabled
if globalAutoEncryption && GlobalKMS == nil {
logger.Fatal(errors.New("no KMS configured"), "MINIO_KMS_AUTO_ENCRYPTION requires a valid KMS configuration")
globalOpenIDConfig, err = openid.LookupConfig(s[config.IdentityOpenIDSubSys][config.Default],
NewGatewayHTTPTransport(), xhttp.DrainBody)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize OpenID: %w", err))
opaCfg, err := opa.LookupConfig(s[config.PolicyOPASubSys][config.Default],
NewGatewayHTTPTransport(), xhttp.DrainBody)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize OPA: %w", err))
globalOpenIDValidators = getOpenIDValidators(globalOpenIDConfig)
globalPolicyOPA = opa.New(opaCfg)
globalLDAPConfig, err = xldap.Lookup(s[config.IdentityLDAPSubSys][config.Default],
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse LDAP configuration: %w", err))
// Load logger targets based on user's configuration
loggerUserAgent := getUserAgent(getMinioMode())
loggerCfg, err := logger.LookupConfig(s)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize logger: %w", err))
for _, l := range loggerCfg.HTTP {
if l.Enabled {
l.LogOnce = logger.LogOnceIf
l.UserAgent = loggerUserAgent
l.Transport = NewGatewayHTTPTransportWithClientCerts(l.ClientCert, l.ClientKey)
// Enable http logging
if err = logger.AddTarget(http.New(l)); err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize console HTTP target: %w", err))
for _, l := range loggerCfg.AuditWebhook {
if l.Enabled {
l.LogOnce = logger.LogOnceIf
l.UserAgent = loggerUserAgent
l.Transport = NewGatewayHTTPTransportWithClientCerts(l.ClientCert, l.ClientKey)
// Enable http audit logging
if err = logger.AddAuditTarget(http.New(l)); err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize audit HTTP target: %w", err))
for _, l := range loggerCfg.AuditKafka {
if l.Enabled {
l.LogOnce = logger.LogOnceIf
// Enable Kafka audit logging
if err = logger.AddAuditTarget(kafka.New(l)); err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize audit Kafka target: %w", err))
certs: refactor cert manager to support multiple certificates (#10207) This commit refactors the certificate management implementation in the `certs` package such that multiple certificates can be specified at the same time. Therefore, the following layout of the `certs/` directory is expected: ``` certs/ │ ├─ public.crt ├─ private.key ├─ CAs/ // CAs directory is ignored │ │ │ ... │ ├─ │ │ │ ├─ public.crt │ └─ private.key └─ │ ├─ public.crt └─ private.key ... ``` However, directory names like `` are just for human readability/organization and don't have any meaning w.r.t whether a particular certificate is served or not. This decision is made based on the SNI sent by the client and the SAN of the certificate. *** The `Manager` will pick a certificate based on the client trying to establish a TLS connection. In particular, it looks at the client hello (i.e. SNI) to determine which host the client tries to access. If the manager can find a certificate that matches the SNI it returns this certificate to the client. However, the client may choose to not send an SNI or tries to access a server directly via IP (`https://<ip>:<port>`). In this case, we cannot use the SNI to determine which certificate to serve. However, we also should not pick "the first" certificate that would be accepted by the client (based on crypto. parameters - like a signature algorithm) because it may be an internal certificate that contains internal hostnames. We would disclose internal infrastructure details doing so. Therefore, the `Manager` returns the "default" certificate when the client does not specify an SNI. The default certificate the top-level `public.crt` - i.e. `certs/public.crt`. This approach has some consequences: - It's the operator's responsibility to ensure that the top-level `public.crt` does not disclose any information (i.e. hostnames) that are not publicly visible. However, this was the case in the past already. - Any other `public.crt` - except for the top-level one - must not contain any IP SAN. The reason for this restriction is that the Manager cannot match a SNI to an IP b/c the SNI is the server host name. The entire purpose of SNI is to indicate which host the client tries to connect to when multiple hosts run on the same IP. So, a client will not set the SNI to an IP. If we would allow IP SANs in a lower-level `public.crt` a user would expect that it is possible to connect to MinIO directly via IP address and that the MinIO server would pick "the right" certificate. However, the MinIO server cannot determine which certificate to serve, and therefore always picks the "default" one. This may lead to all sorts of confusing errors like: "It works if I use `https:instance.minio.local` but not when I use ``. These consequences/limitations should be pointed out / explained in our docs in an appropriate way. However, the support for multiple certificates should not have any impact on how deployment with a single certificate function today. Co-authored-by: Harshavardhana <>
2020-09-04 08:33:37 +02:00
globalConfigTargetList, err = notify.GetNotificationTargets(GlobalContext, s, NewGatewayHTTPTransport(), false)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize notification target(s): %w", err))
certs: refactor cert manager to support multiple certificates (#10207) This commit refactors the certificate management implementation in the `certs` package such that multiple certificates can be specified at the same time. Therefore, the following layout of the `certs/` directory is expected: ``` certs/ │ ├─ public.crt ├─ private.key ├─ CAs/ // CAs directory is ignored │ │ │ ... │ ├─ │ │ │ ├─ public.crt │ └─ private.key └─ │ ├─ public.crt └─ private.key ... ``` However, directory names like `` are just for human readability/organization and don't have any meaning w.r.t whether a particular certificate is served or not. This decision is made based on the SNI sent by the client and the SAN of the certificate. *** The `Manager` will pick a certificate based on the client trying to establish a TLS connection. In particular, it looks at the client hello (i.e. SNI) to determine which host the client tries to access. If the manager can find a certificate that matches the SNI it returns this certificate to the client. However, the client may choose to not send an SNI or tries to access a server directly via IP (`https://<ip>:<port>`). In this case, we cannot use the SNI to determine which certificate to serve. However, we also should not pick "the first" certificate that would be accepted by the client (based on crypto. parameters - like a signature algorithm) because it may be an internal certificate that contains internal hostnames. We would disclose internal infrastructure details doing so. Therefore, the `Manager` returns the "default" certificate when the client does not specify an SNI. The default certificate the top-level `public.crt` - i.e. `certs/public.crt`. This approach has some consequences: - It's the operator's responsibility to ensure that the top-level `public.crt` does not disclose any information (i.e. hostnames) that are not publicly visible. However, this was the case in the past already. - Any other `public.crt` - except for the top-level one - must not contain any IP SAN. The reason for this restriction is that the Manager cannot match a SNI to an IP b/c the SNI is the server host name. The entire purpose of SNI is to indicate which host the client tries to connect to when multiple hosts run on the same IP. So, a client will not set the SNI to an IP. If we would allow IP SANs in a lower-level `public.crt` a user would expect that it is possible to connect to MinIO directly via IP address and that the MinIO server would pick "the right" certificate. However, the MinIO server cannot determine which certificate to serve, and therefore always picks the "default" one. This may lead to all sorts of confusing errors like: "It works if I use `https:instance.minio.local` but not when I use ``. These consequences/limitations should be pointed out / explained in our docs in an appropriate way. However, the support for multiple certificates should not have any impact on how deployment with a single certificate function today. Co-authored-by: Harshavardhana <>
2020-09-04 08:33:37 +02:00
globalEnvTargetList, err = notify.GetNotificationTargets(GlobalContext, newServerConfig(), NewGatewayHTTPTransport(), true)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize notification target(s): %w", err))
// Apply dynamic config values
logger.LogIf(ctx, applyDynamicConfig(ctx, newObjectLayerFn(), s))
// applyDynamicConfig will apply dynamic config values.
// Dynamic systems should be in config.SubSystemsDynamic as well.
func applyDynamicConfig(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, s config.Config) error {
if objAPI == nil {
return nil
// Read all dynamic configs.
// API
apiConfig, err := api.LookupConfig(s[config.APISubSys][config.Default])
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Invalid api configuration: %w", err))
// Compression
cmpCfg, err := compress.LookupConfig(s[config.CompressionSubSys][config.Default])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to setup Compression: %w", err)
// Validate if the object layer supports compression.
if cmpCfg.Enabled && !objAPI.IsCompressionSupported() {
return fmt.Errorf("Backend does not support compression")
// Heal
healCfg, err := heal.LookupConfig(s[config.HealSubSys][config.Default])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to apply heal config: %w", err)
// Scanner
scannerCfg, err := scanner.LookupConfig(s[config.ScannerSubSys][config.Default])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to apply scanner config: %w", err)
// Apply configurations.
// We should not fail after this.
globalAPIConfig.init(apiConfig, objAPI.SetDriveCounts())
globalCompressConfig = cmpCfg
// update dynamic scanner values.
logger.LogIf(ctx, scannerSleeper.Update(scannerCfg.Delay, scannerCfg.MaxWait))
// Update all dynamic config values in memory.
defer globalServerConfigMu.Unlock()
if globalServerConfig != nil {
for k := range config.SubSystemsDynamic {
globalServerConfig[k] = s[k]
return nil
2019-11-19 13:48:13 -08:00
// Help - return sub-system level help
type Help struct {
SubSys string `json:"subSys"`
Description string `json:"description"`
MultipleTargets bool `json:"multipleTargets"`
KeysHelp config.HelpKVS `json:"keysHelp"`
// GetHelp - returns help for sub-sys, a key for a sub-system or all the help.
2019-11-19 13:48:13 -08:00
func GetHelp(subSys, key string, envOnly bool) (Help, error) {
if len(subSys) == 0 {
return Help{KeysHelp: config.HelpSubSysMap[subSys]}, nil
subSystemValue := strings.SplitN(subSys, config.SubSystemSeparator, 2)
if len(subSystemValue) == 0 {
return Help{}, config.Errorf("invalid number of arguments %s", subSys)
subSys = subSystemValue[0]
subSysHelp, ok := config.HelpSubSysMap[""].Lookup(subSys)
if !ok {
return Help{}, config.Errorf("unknown sub-system %s", subSys)
h, ok := config.HelpSubSysMap[subSys]
if !ok {
return Help{}, config.Errorf("unknown sub-system %s", subSys)
if key != "" {
2019-11-19 13:48:13 -08:00
value, ok := h.Lookup(key)
if !ok {
return Help{}, config.Errorf("unknown key %s for sub-system %s",
key, subSys)
2019-11-19 13:48:13 -08:00
h = config.HelpKVS{value}
2019-11-19 13:48:13 -08:00
envHelp := config.HelpKVS{}
if envOnly {
// Only for multiple targets, make sure
// to list the ENV, for regular k/v EnableKey is
// implicit, for ENVs we cannot make it implicit.
if subSysHelp.MultipleTargets {
envK := config.EnvPrefix + strings.Join([]string{
strings.ToTitle(subSys), strings.ToTitle(madmin.EnableKey),
}, config.EnvWordDelimiter)
envHelp = append(envHelp, config.HelpKV{
Key: envK,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("enable %s target, default is 'off'", subSys),
Optional: false,
Type: "on|off",
2019-11-19 13:48:13 -08:00
for _, hkv := range h {
envK := config.EnvPrefix + strings.Join([]string{
2019-11-19 13:48:13 -08:00
strings.ToTitle(subSys), strings.ToTitle(hkv.Key),
}, config.EnvWordDelimiter)
2019-11-19 13:48:13 -08:00
envHelp = append(envHelp, config.HelpKV{
Key: envK,
Description: hkv.Description,
Optional: hkv.Optional,
Type: hkv.Type,
2019-11-19 13:48:13 -08:00
h = envHelp
return Help{
SubSys: subSys,
Description: subSysHelp.Description,
MultipleTargets: subSysHelp.MultipleTargets,
KeysHelp: h,
}, nil
func newServerConfig() config.Config {
return config.New()
// newSrvConfig - initialize a new server config, saves env parameters if
// found, otherwise use default parameters
func newSrvConfig(objAPI ObjectLayer) error {
// Initialize server config.
srvCfg := newServerConfig()
// hold the mutex lock before a new config is assigned.
globalServerConfig = srvCfg
// Save config into file.
return saveServerConfig(GlobalContext, objAPI, globalServerConfig)
func getValidConfig(objAPI ObjectLayer) (config.Config, error) {
return readServerConfig(GlobalContext, objAPI)
// loadConfig - loads a new config from disk, overrides params
// from env if found and valid
func loadConfig(objAPI ObjectLayer) error {
srvCfg, err := getValidConfig(objAPI)
if err != nil {
return err
// Override any values from ENVs.
lookupConfigs(srvCfg, objAPI.SetDriveCounts())
// hold the mutex lock before a new config is assigned.
globalServerConfig = srvCfg
return nil
// getOpenIDValidators - returns ValidatorList which contains
// enabled providers in server config.
// A new authentication provider is added like below
// * Add a new provider in pkg/iam/openid package.
func getOpenIDValidators(cfg openid.Config) *openid.Validators {
validators := openid.NewValidators()
if cfg.Enabled {
return validators