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synced 2025-03-02 23:09:13 -05:00
Add help with order of keys (#8535)
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package cmd
import (
@ -261,7 +260,112 @@ func lookupConfigs(s config.Config) (err error) {
return nil
var helpMap = map[string]config.HelpKV{
// Captures help for each sub-system
var helpSubSys = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.RegionSubSys,
Description: "Configure to describe the physical location of the server",
Key: config.WormSubSys,
Description: "Configure to enable WORM mode, turns-off any overwrites and deletes of content",
Key: config.StorageClassSubSys,
Description: "Configure to control data and parity per object",
Key: config.CacheSubSys,
Description: "Configure to enable edge caching",
Key: config.CompressionSubSys,
Description: "Configure to enable streaming on disk compression",
Key: config.EtcdSubSys,
Description: "Configure to enable 'etcd' configuration",
Key: config.IdentityOpenIDSubSys,
Description: "Configure to enable OpenID SSO support",
Key: config.IdentityLDAPSubSys,
Description: "Configure to enable LDAP SSO support",
Key: config.PolicyOPASubSys,
Description: "Configure to enable external OPA policy support",
Key: config.KmsVaultSubSys,
Description: "Configure to enable Vault based external KMS",
Key: config.LoggerWebhookSubSys,
Description: "Configure to enable Webhook based logger",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.AuditWebhookSubSys,
Description: "Configure to enable Webhook based audit logger",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyWebhookSubSys,
Description: "Configure to publish events to Webhook target",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyAMQPSubSys,
Description: "Configure to publish events to AMQP target",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyKafkaSubSys,
Description: "Configure to publish events to Kafka target",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyMQTTSubSys,
Description: "Configure to publish events to MQTT target",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyNATSSubSys,
Description: "Configure to publish events to NATS target",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyNSQSubSys,
Description: "Configure to publish events to NSQ target",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyMySQLSubSys,
Description: "Configure to publish events to MySQL target",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyPostgresSubSys,
Description: "Configure to publish events to Postgres target",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyRedisSubSys,
Description: "Configure to publish events to Redis target",
MultipleTargets: true,
Key: config.NotifyESSubSys,
Description: "Configure to publish events to Elasticsearch target",
MultipleTargets: true,
var helpMap = map[string]config.HelpKVS{
config.RegionSubSys: config.RegionHelp,
config.WormSubSys: config.WormHelp,
config.EtcdSubSys: etcd.Help,
@ -286,47 +390,66 @@ var helpMap = map[string]config.HelpKV{
config.NotifyESSubSys: notify.HelpES,
// Help - return sub-system level help
type Help struct {
SubSys string `json:"subSys"`
Description string `json:"description"`
MultipleTargets bool `json:"multipleTargets"`
KeysHelp config.HelpKVS `json:"keysHelp"`
// GetHelp - returns help for sub-sys, a key for a sub-system or all the help.
func GetHelp(subSys, key string, envOnly bool) (config.HelpKV, error) {
func GetHelp(subSys, key string, envOnly bool) (Help, error) {
if len(subSys) == 0 {
help := config.HelpKV{}
for _, subSys := range config.SubSystems.ToSlice() {
help[subSys] = fmt.Sprintf("Specify sub-sys '%s' to get further help", subSys)
return help, nil
return Help{KeysHelp: helpSubSys}, nil
subSystemValue := strings.SplitN(subSys, config.SubSystemSeparator, 2)
if len(subSystemValue) == 0 {
return nil, config.Errorf("invalid number of arguments %s", subSys)
return Help{}, config.Errorf("invalid number of arguments %s", subSys)
if !config.SubSystems.Contains(subSystemValue[0]) {
return nil, config.Errorf("unknown sub-system %s", subSys)
return Help{}, config.Errorf("unknown sub-system %s", subSys)
help := helpMap[subSystemValue[0]]
h := helpMap[subSystemValue[0]]
if key != "" {
value, ok := help[key]
value, ok := h.Lookup(key)
if !ok {
return nil, config.Errorf("unknown key %s for sub-system %s", key, subSys)
help = config.HelpKV{
key: value,
return Help{}, config.Errorf("unknown key %s for sub-system %s", key, subSys)
h = config.HelpKVS{value}
envHelp := config.HelpKV{}
subSys = subSystemValue[0]
envHelp := config.HelpKVS{}
if envOnly {
for k, v := range help {
for _, hkv := range h {
envK := config.EnvPrefix + strings.Join([]string{
strings.ToTitle(subSys), strings.ToTitle(k),
strings.ToTitle(subSys), strings.ToTitle(hkv.Key),
}, config.EnvWordDelimiter)
envHelp[envK] = v
envHelp = append(envHelp, config.HelpKV{
Key: envK,
Description: hkv.Description,
Optional: hkv.Optional,
Type: hkv.Type,
help = envHelp
h = envHelp
return help, nil
subSysHelp, ok := helpSubSys.Lookup(subSys)
if !ok {
return Help{}, config.Errorf("unknown sub-system %s", subSys)
return Help{
SubSys: subSys,
Description: subSysHelp.Description,
MultipleTargets: subSysHelp.MultipleTargets,
KeysHelp: h,
}, nil
func newServerConfig() config.Config {
@ -20,12 +20,40 @@ import "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/config"
// Help template for caching feature.
var (
Help = config.HelpKV{
Drives: `List of mounted drives or directories delimited by ";"`,
Exclude: `List of wildcard based cache exclusion patterns delimited by ";"`,
Expiry: `Cache expiry duration in days. eg: "90"`,
Quota: `Maximum permitted usage of the cache in percentage (0-100)`,
config.State: "Indicates if caching is enabled or not",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the caching setting",
Help = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Indicates if caching is enabled or not",
Type: "on|off",
Key: Drives,
Description: `List of mounted drives or directories delimited by ";"`,
Type: "delimited-string",
Key: Exclude,
Description: `List of wildcard based cache exclusion patterns delimited by ";"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "delimited-string",
Key: Expiry,
Description: `Cache expiry duration in days. eg: "90"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: Quota,
Description: `Maximum permitted usage of the cache in percentage (0-100)`,
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the 'cache' settings",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
@ -20,10 +20,29 @@ import "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/config"
// Help template for compress feature.
var (
Help = config.HelpKV{
Extensions: `Comma separated file extensions to compress. eg: ".txt,.log,.csv"`,
MimeTypes: `Comma separate wildcard mime-types to compress. eg: "text/*,application/json,application/xml"`,
config.State: "Indicates if compression is enabled or not",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the compression setting",
Help = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Indicates if compression is enabled or not",
Type: "on|off",
Key: Extensions,
Description: `Comma separated file extensions to compress eg: ".txt,.log,.csv"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "delimited-string",
Key: MimeTypes,
Description: `Comma separate wildcard mime-types to compress eg: "text/*,application/json,application/xml"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "delimited-string",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the compression setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
@ -20,12 +20,40 @@ import "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/config"
// etcd config documented in default config
var (
Help = config.HelpKV{
Endpoints: `(required) Comma separated list of etcd endpoints eg: "http://localhost:2379"`,
CoreDNSPath: `(optional) CoreDNS etcd path location to populate DNS srv records eg: "/skydns"`,
ClientCert: `(optional) Etcd client cert for mTLS authentication`,
ClientCertKey: `(optional) Etcd client cert key for mTLS authentication`,
config.State: "Indicates if etcd config is on or off",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the etcd settings",
Help = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Indicates if etcd config is on or off",
Type: "on|off",
Key: Endpoints,
Description: `Comma separated list of etcd endpoints eg: "http://localhost:2379"`,
Type: "delimited-string",
Key: CoreDNSPath,
Description: `CoreDNS etcd path location to populate DNS srv records eg: "/skydns"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: ClientCert,
Description: `Etcd client cert for mTLS authentication`,
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: ClientCertKey,
Description: `Etcd client cert key for mTLS authentication`,
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the etcd settings",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
@ -18,18 +18,62 @@ package config
// HelpKV - implements help messages for keys
// with value as description of the keys.
type HelpKV map[string]string
type HelpKV struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Optional bool `json:"optional"`
// Indicates if sub-sys supports multiple targets.
MultipleTargets bool `json:"multipleTargets"`
// HelpKVS - implement order of keys help messages.
type HelpKVS []HelpKV
// Lookup - lookup a key from help kvs.
func (hkvs HelpKVS) Lookup(key string) (HelpKV, bool) {
for _, hkv := range hkvs {
if hkv.Key == key {
return hkv, true
return HelpKV{}, false
// Region and Worm help is documented in default config
var (
RegionHelp = HelpKV{
RegionName: `Region name of this deployment, eg: "us-west-2"`,
State: "Indicates if config region is honored or ignored",
Comment: "A comment to describe the region setting",
RegionHelp = HelpKVS{
Key: State,
Type: "on|off",
Description: "Indicates if config region is honored or ignored",
Key: RegionName,
Type: "string",
Description: `Region name of this deployment, eg: "us-west-2"`,
Optional: true,
Key: Comment,
Type: "sentence",
Description: "A comment to describe the region setting",
Optional: true,
WormHelp = HelpKV{
State: `Indicates if worm is "on" or "off"`,
Comment: "A comment to describe the worm state",
WormHelp = HelpKVS{
Key: State,
Type: "on|off",
Description: `Indicates if worm is "on" or "off"`,
Key: Comment,
Type: "sentence",
Description: "A comment to describe the worm state",
Optional: true,
@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ func TestSubstituter(t *testing.T) {
SubstitutableStr: "uid=${usernamedn},cn=users,dc=example,dc=com",
ErrExpected: true,
KV: []string{"username", "john"},
SubstitutableStr: "(&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName={username})(memberOf=CN=myorg,OU=Rialto,OU=Application Managed,OU=Groups,DC=amr,DC=corp,DC=myorg,DC=com))",
SubstitutedStr: "(&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName=john)(memberOf=CN=myorg,OU=Rialto,OU=Application Managed,OU=Groups,DC=amr,DC=corp,DC=myorg,DC=com))",
ErrExpected: false,
for _, test := range tests {
@ -18,17 +18,59 @@ package ldap
import "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/config"
// Help template for Ldap identity feature.
// Help template for LDAP identity feature.
var (
Help = config.HelpKV{
ServerAddr: `(Required) AD/LDAP server address eg: "myldapserver.com:636"`,
UsernameFormat: `(Required) AD/LDAP format of full username DN eg: "uid={username},cn=accounts,dc=myldapserver,dc=com"`,
GroupSearchFilter: `Search filter to find groups of a user (optional) eg: "(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(member={usernamedn}))"`,
GroupNameAttribute: `Attribute of search results to use as group name (optional) eg: "cn"`,
GroupSearchBaseDN: `Base DN in AD/LDAP hierarchy to use in search requests (optional) eg: "dc=myldapserver,dc=com"`,
STSExpiry: `AD/LDAP STS credentials validity duration (optional) eg: "1h"`,
TLSSkipVerify: "Set this to 'on', to disable client verification of server certificates",
config.State: "(Required) Enable or disable LDAP/AD identity",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the LDAP/AD identity setting",
Help = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Enable or disable LDAP/AD identity",
Type: "on|off",
Key: ServerAddr,
Description: `AD/LDAP server address eg: "myldapserver.com:636"`,
Type: "address",
Key: UsernameFormat,
Description: `AD/LDAP format of full username DN eg: "uid={username},cn=accounts,dc=myldapserver,dc=com"`,
Type: "string",
Key: GroupSearchFilter,
Description: `Search filter to find groups of a user (optional) eg: "(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(member={usernamedn}))"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: GroupNameAttribute,
Description: `Attribute of search results to use as group name (optional) eg: "cn"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: GroupSearchBaseDN,
Description: `Base DN in AD/LDAP hierarchy to use in search requests (optional) eg: "dc=myldapserver,dc=com"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: STSExpiry,
Description: `AD/LDAP STS credentials validity duration eg: "1h"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "duration",
Key: TLSSkipVerify,
Description: "Set this to 'on', to disable client verification of server certificates",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the LDAP/AD identity setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
@ -20,9 +20,22 @@ import "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/config"
// Help template for OpenID identity feature.
var (
Help = config.HelpKV{
ConfigURL: `OpenID discovery documented endpoint. eg: "https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration"`,
config.State: "Indicates if OpenID identity is enabled or not",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the OpenID identity setting",
Help = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Indicates if OpenID identity is enabled or not",
Type: "on|off",
Key: ConfigURL,
Description: `OpenID discovery documented endpoint. eg: "https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration"`,
Type: "url",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the OpenID identity setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
@ -23,141 +23,650 @@ import (
// Help template inputs for all notification targets
var (
HelpAMQP = config.HelpKV{
config.State: "(Required) Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the AMQP target setting",
target.AmqpURL: "(Required) AMQP server endpoint, e.g. `amqp://myuser:mypassword@localhost:5672`",
target.AmqpExchange: "Name of the AMQP exchange",
target.AmqpExchangeType: "Kind of AMQP exchange type",
target.AmqpRoutingKey: "Routing key for publishing",
target.AmqpMandatory: "Set this to 'on' for server to return an unroutable message with a Return method. If this flag is 'off', the server silently drops the message",
target.AmqpDurable: "Set this to 'on' for queue to surive broker restarts",
target.AmqpNoWait: "When no_wait is 'on', declare without waiting for a confirmation from the server",
target.AmqpInternal: "Set this to 'on' for exchange to be not used directly by publishers, but only when bound to other exchanges",
target.AmqpAutoDeleted: "Set this to 'on' for queue that has had at least one consumer is deleted when last consumer unsubscribes",
target.AmqpDeliveryMode: "Delivery queue implementation use non-persistent (1) or persistent (2)",
target.AmqpQueueLimit: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
target.AmqpQueueDir: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
HelpAMQP = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.AmqpURL,
Description: "AMQP server endpoint, e.g. `amqp://myuser:mypassword@localhost:5672`",
Type: "url",
Key: target.AmqpExchange,
Description: "Name of the AMQP exchange",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.AmqpExchangeType,
Description: "Kind of AMQP exchange type",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.AmqpRoutingKey,
Description: "Routing key for publishing",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.AmqpMandatory,
Description: "Set this to 'on' for server to return an unroutable message with a Return method. If this flag is 'off', the server silently drops the message",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.AmqpDurable,
Description: "Set this to 'on' for queue to survive broker restarts",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.AmqpNoWait,
Description: "When no_wait is 'on', declare without waiting for a confirmation from the server",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.AmqpInternal,
Description: "Set this to 'on' for exchange to be not used directly by publishers, but only when bound to other exchanges",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.AmqpAutoDeleted,
Description: "Set this to 'on' for queue that has had at least one consumer is deleted when last consumer unsubscribes",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.AmqpDeliveryMode,
Description: "Delivery queue implementation use non-persistent (1) or persistent (2)",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: target.AmqpQueueDir,
Description: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: target.AmqpQueueLimit,
Description: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the AMQP target setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
HelpKafka = config.HelpKV{
config.State: "(Required) Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the Kafka target setting",
target.KafkaTopic: "The Kafka topic for a given message",
target.KafkaBrokers: "Command separated list of Kafka broker addresses",
target.KafkaSASLUsername: "Username for SASL/PLAIN or SASL/SCRAM authentication",
target.KafkaSASLPassword: "Password for SASL/PLAIN or SASL/SCRAM authentication",
target.KafkaTLSClientAuth: "ClientAuth determines the Kafka server's policy for TLS client auth",
target.KafkaSASL: "Set this to 'on' to enable SASL authentication",
target.KafkaTLS: "Set this to 'on' to enable TLS",
target.KafkaTLSSkipVerify: "Set this to 'on' to disable client verification of server certificate chain",
target.KafkaQueueLimit: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
target.KafkaQueueDir: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
HelpKafka = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.KafkaBrokers,
Description: "Command separated list of Kafka broker addresses",
Type: "delimited-string",
Key: target.KafkaTopic,
Description: "The Kafka topic for a given message",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.KafkaSASLUsername,
Description: "Username for SASL/PLAIN or SASL/SCRAM authentication",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.KafkaSASLPassword,
Description: "Password for SASL/PLAIN or SASL/SCRAM authentication",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.KafkaTLSClientAuth,
Description: "ClientAuth determines the Kafka server's policy for TLS client auth",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.KafkaSASL,
Description: "Set this to 'on' to enable SASL authentication",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.KafkaTLS,
Description: "Set this to 'on' to enable TLS",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.KafkaTLSSkipVerify,
Description: "Set this to 'on' to disable client verification of server certificate chain",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.KafkaQueueDir,
Description: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: target.KafkaQueueLimit,
Description: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the Kafka target setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
HelpMQTT = config.HelpKV{
config.State: "(Required) Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the MQTT target setting",
target.MqttBroker: "(Required) MQTT server endpoint, e.g. `tcp://localhost:1883`",
target.MqttTopic: "(Required) Name of the MQTT topic to publish on, e.g. `minio`",
target.MqttUsername: "Username to connect to the MQTT server (if required)",
target.MqttPassword: "Password to connect to the MQTT server (if required)",
target.MqttQoS: "Set the Quality of Service Level for MQTT endpoint",
target.MqttKeepAliveInterval: "Optional keep alive interval for MQTT connections",
target.MqttReconnectInterval: "Optional reconnect interval for MQTT connections",
target.MqttQueueDir: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
target.MqttQueueLimit: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
HelpMQTT = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.MqttBroker,
Description: "MQTT server endpoint, e.g. `tcp://localhost:1883`",
Type: "uri",
Key: target.MqttTopic,
Description: "Name of the MQTT topic to publish on, e.g. `minio`",
Type: "string",
Key: target.MqttUsername,
Description: "Username to connect to the MQTT server",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.MqttPassword,
Description: "Password to connect to the MQTT server",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.MqttQoS,
Description: "Set the Quality of Service Level for MQTT endpoint",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: target.MqttKeepAliveInterval,
Description: "Keep alive interval for MQTT connections",
Optional: true,
Type: "duration",
Key: target.MqttReconnectInterval,
Description: "Reconnect interval for MQTT connections",
Optional: true,
Type: "duration",
Key: target.MqttQueueDir,
Description: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: target.MqttQueueLimit,
Description: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the MQTT target setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
HelpES = config.HelpKV{
config.State: "(Required) Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the Elasticsearch target setting",
target.ElasticURL: "(Required) The Elasticsearch server's address, with optional authentication info",
target.ElasticFormat: "(Required) Either `namespace` or `access`, defaults to 'namespace'",
target.ElasticIndex: "(Required) The name of an Elasticsearch index in which MinIO will store document",
target.ElasticQueueDir: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
target.ElasticQueueLimit: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
HelpES = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.ElasticURL,
Description: "The Elasticsearch server's address, with optional authentication info",
Type: "url",
Key: target.ElasticFormat,
Description: "Either `namespace` or `access`, defaults to 'namespace'",
Type: "namespace*|access",
Key: target.ElasticIndex,
Description: "The name of an Elasticsearch index in which MinIO will store document",
Type: "string",
Key: target.ElasticQueueDir,
Description: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: target.ElasticQueueLimit,
Description: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the Elasticsearch target setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
HelpWebhook = config.HelpKV{
config.State: "(Required) Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the Webhook target setting",
target.WebhookEndpoint: "Webhook server endpoint eg: http://localhost:8080/minio/events",
target.WebhookAuthToken: "Authorization token used for webhook server endpoint (optional)",
target.WebhookQueueLimit: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
target.WebhookQueueDir: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
HelpWebhook = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.WebhookEndpoint,
Description: "Webhook server endpoint eg: http://localhost:8080/minio/events",
Type: "url",
Key: target.WebhookAuthToken,
Description: "Authorization token used for webhook server endpoint",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.WebhookQueueDir,
Description: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: target.WebhookQueueLimit,
Description: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the Webhook target setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
HelpRedis = config.HelpKV{
config.State: "(Required) Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the Redis target setting",
target.RedisFormat: "Specify how data is populated, a hash is used in case of `namespace` format and a list in case of `access` format, defaults to 'namespace'",
target.RedisAddress: "(Required) The Redis server's address. For example: `localhost:6379`",
target.RedisKey: "The name of the redis key under which events are stored",
target.RedisPassword: "(Optional) The Redis server's password",
target.RedisQueueDir: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
target.RedisQueueLimit: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
HelpRedis = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.RedisAddress,
Description: "The Redis server's address. For example: `localhost:6379`",
Type: "address",
Key: target.RedisFormat,
Description: "Specify how data is populated, a hash is used in case of `namespace` format and a list in case of `access` format, defaults to 'namespace'",
Type: "namespace|access",
Key: target.RedisKey,
Description: "The name of the Redis key under which events are stored",
Type: "string",
Key: target.RedisPassword,
Description: "The Redis server's password",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.RedisQueueDir,
Description: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: target.RedisQueueLimit,
Description: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the Redis target setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
HelpPostgres = config.HelpKV{
config.State: "(Required) Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the Postgres target setting",
target.PostgresFormat: "Specify how data is populated, `namespace` format and `access` format, defaults to 'namespace'",
target.PostgresConnectionString: "Connection string parameters for the PostgreSQL server",
target.PostgresTable: "(Required) Table name in which events will be stored/updated. If the table does not exist, the MinIO server creates it at start-up",
target.PostgresHost: "(Optional) Host name of the PostgreSQL server. Defaults to `localhost`. IPv6 host should be enclosed with `[` and `]`",
target.PostgresPort: "(Optional) Port on which to connect to PostgreSQL server, defaults to `5432`",
target.PostgresUsername: "Database username, defaults to user running the MinIO process if not specified",
target.PostgresPassword: "Database password",
target.PostgresDatabase: "Database name",
target.PostgresQueueDir: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
target.PostgresQueueLimit: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
HelpPostgres = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.PostgresConnectionString,
Description: "Connection string parameters for the PostgreSQL server",
Type: "string",
Key: target.PostgresFormat,
Description: "Specify how data is populated, `namespace` format and `access` format, defaults to 'namespace'",
Type: "namespace|access",
Key: target.PostgresTable,
Description: "Table name in which events will be stored/updated. If the table does not exist, the MinIO server creates it at start-up",
Type: "string",
Key: target.PostgresHost,
Description: "Host name of the PostgreSQL server. Defaults to `localhost`. IPv6 host should be enclosed with `[` and `]`",
Optional: true,
Type: "hostname",
Key: target.PostgresPort,
Description: "Port on which to connect to PostgreSQL server, defaults to `5432`",
Optional: true,
Type: "port",
Key: target.PostgresUsername,
Description: "Database username, defaults to user running the MinIO process if not specified",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.PostgresPassword,
Description: "Database password",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.PostgresDatabase,
Description: "Postgres Database name",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.PostgresQueueDir,
Description: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: target.PostgresQueueLimit,
Description: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the Postgres target setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
HelpMySQL = config.HelpKV{
config.State: "(Required) Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the MySQL target setting",
target.MySQLFormat: "Specify how data is populated, `namespace` format and `access` format, defaults to 'namespace'",
target.MySQLHost: "Host name of the MySQL server (used only if `dsnString` is empty)",
target.MySQLPort: "Port on which to connect to the MySQL server (used only if `dsn_string` is empty)",
target.MySQLUsername: "Database user-name (used only if `dsnString` is empty)",
target.MySQLPassword: "Database password (used only if `dsnString` is empty)",
target.MySQLDatabase: "Database name (used only if `dsnString` is empty)",
target.MySQLDSNString: "Data-Source-Name connection string for the MySQL server",
target.MySQLTable: "(Required) Table name in which events will be stored/updated. If the table does not exist, the MinIO server creates it at start-up",
target.MySQLQueueLimit: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
target.MySQLQueueDir: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
HelpMySQL = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.MySQLDSNString,
Description: "Data-Source-Name connection string for the MySQL server",
Type: "string",
Key: target.MySQLTable,
Description: "Table name in which events will be stored/updated. If the table does not exist, the MinIO server creates it at start-up",
Type: "string",
Key: target.MySQLFormat,
Description: "Specify how data is populated, `namespace` format and `access` format, defaults to 'namespace'",
Type: "namespace|access",
Key: target.MySQLHost,
Description: "Host name of the MySQL server (used only if `dsnString` is empty)",
Optional: true,
Type: "hostname",
Key: target.MySQLPort,
Description: "Port on which to connect to the MySQL server (used only if `dsn_string` is empty)",
Optional: true,
Type: "port",
Key: target.MySQLUsername,
Description: "Database user-name (used only if `dsnString` is empty)",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.MySQLPassword,
Description: "Database password (used only if `dsnString` is empty)",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.MySQLDatabase,
Description: "Database name (used only if `dsnString` is empty)",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.MySQLQueueDir,
Description: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: target.MySQLQueueLimit,
Description: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the MySQL target setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
HelpNATS = config.HelpKV{
config.State: "(Required) Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the NATS target setting",
target.NATSAddress: "NATS server address eg: ''",
target.NATSSubject: "NATS subject that represents this subscription",
target.NATSUsername: "Username to be used when connecting to the server",
target.NATSPassword: "Password to be used when connecting to a server",
target.NATSToken: "Token to be used when connecting to a server",
target.NATSSecure: "Set this to 'on', enables TLS secure connections that skip server verification (not recommended)",
target.NATSPingInterval: "Client ping commands interval to the server, disabled by default",
target.NATSStreaming: "Set this to 'on', to use streaming NATS server",
target.NATSStreamingAsync: "Set this to 'on', to enable asynchronous publish, process the ACK or error state",
target.NATSStreamingMaxPubAcksInFlight: "Specifies how many messages can be published without getting ACKs back from NATS streaming server",
target.NATSStreamingClusterID: "Unique ID for the NATS streaming cluster",
target.NATSQueueLimit: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
target.NATSQueueDir: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
target.NATSCertAuthority: "Certificate chain of the target NATS server if self signed certs were used",
target.NATSClientCert: "TLS Cert used to authenticate against NATS configured to require client certificates",
target.NATSClientKey: "TLS Key used to authenticate against NATS configured to require client certificates",
HelpNATS = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.NATSAddress,
Description: "NATS server address eg: ''",
Type: "address",
Key: target.NATSSubject,
Description: "NATS subject that represents this subscription",
Type: "string",
Key: target.NATSUsername,
Description: "Username to be used when connecting to the server",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.NATSPassword,
Description: "Password to be used when connecting to a server",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.NATSToken,
Description: "Token to be used when connecting to a server",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.NATSSecure,
Description: "Set this to 'on', enables TLS secure connections that skip server verification (not recommended)",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.NATSPingInterval,
Description: "Client ping commands interval to the server, disabled by default",
Optional: true,
Type: "duration",
Key: target.NATSStreaming,
Description: "Set this to 'on', to use streaming NATS server",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.NATSStreamingAsync,
Description: "Set this to 'on', to enable asynchronous publish, process the ACK or error state",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.NATSStreamingMaxPubAcksInFlight,
Description: "Specifies how many messages can be published without getting ACKs back from NATS streaming server",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: target.NATSStreamingClusterID,
Description: "Unique ID for the NATS streaming cluster",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.NATSQueueLimit,
Description: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: target.NATSQueueDir,
Description: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: target.NATSCertAuthority,
Description: "Certificate chain of the target NATS server if self signed certs were used",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.NATSClientCert,
Description: "TLS Cert used to authenticate against NATS configured to require client certificates",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: target.NATSClientKey,
Description: "TLS Key used to authenticate against NATS configured to require client certificates",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the NATS target setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
HelpNSQ = config.HelpKV{
config.State: "(Required) Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the NSQ target setting",
target.NSQAddress: "NSQ server address eg: ''",
target.NSQTopic: "NSQ topic unique per target",
target.NSQTLS: "Set this to 'on', to enable TLS negotiation",
target.NSQTLSSkipVerify: "Set this to 'on', to disable client verification of server certificates",
target.NSQQueueLimit: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
target.NSQQueueDir: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
HelpNSQ = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Is this server endpoint configuration active/enabled",
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.NSQAddress,
Description: "NSQ server address eg: ''",
Type: "address",
Key: target.NSQTopic,
Description: "NSQ topic unique per target",
Type: "string",
Key: target.NSQTLS,
Description: "Set this to 'on', to enable TLS negotiation",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.NSQTLSSkipVerify,
Description: "Set this to 'on', to disable client verification of server certificates",
Optional: true,
Type: "on|off",
Key: target.NSQQueueDir,
Description: "Local directory where events are stored eg: '/home/events'",
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: target.NSQQueueLimit,
Description: "Enable persistent event store queue limit, defaults to '10000'",
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the NSQ target setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
@ -20,10 +20,28 @@ import "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/config"
// Help template for OPA policy feature.
var (
Help = config.HelpKV{
URL: `Points to URL for OPA HTTP API endpoint. eg: "http://localhost:8181/v1/data/httpapi/authz/allow"`,
AuthToken: "Authorization token for the OPA HTTP API endpoint (optional)",
config.State: "Indicates if OPA policy is enabled or not",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the OPA policy setting",
Help = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Indicates if OPA policy is enabled or not",
Type: "on|off",
Key: URL,
Description: `Points to URL for OPA HTTP API endpoint. eg: "http://localhost:8181/v1/data/httpapi/authz/allow"`,
Type: "url",
Key: AuthToken,
Description: "Authorization token for the OPA HTTP API endpoint",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the OPA policy setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
@ -20,10 +20,29 @@ import "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/config"
// Help template for storageclass feature.
var (
Help = config.HelpKV{
ClassRRS: "Set reduced redundancy storage class parity ratio. eg: \"EC:2\"",
ClassStandard: "Set standard storage class parity ratio. eg: \"EC:4\"",
config.State: "Indicates if storageclass is enabled or not",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the storageclass setting",
Help = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Indicates if storageclass is enabled or not",
Type: "on|off",
Key: ClassRRS,
Description: `Set reduced redundancy storage class parity ratio. eg: "EC:2"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: ClassStandard,
Description: `Set standard storage class parity ratio. eg: "EC:4"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the storageclass setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
@ -20,16 +20,60 @@ import "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/config"
// Help template for KMS vault
var (
Help = config.HelpKV{
KMSVaultEndpoint: `Points to Vault API endpoint eg: "http://vault-endpoint-ip:8200"`,
KMSVaultKeyName: `Transit key name used in vault policy, must be unique name eg: "my-minio-key"`,
KMSVaultAuthType: `Authentication type to Vault API endpoint eg: "approle"`,
KMSVaultAppRoleID: `Unique role ID created for AppRole`,
KMSVaultAppRoleSecret: `Unique secret ID created for AppRole`,
KMSVaultNamespace: `Only needed if AppRole engine is scoped to Vault Namespace eg: "ns1"`,
KMSVaultKeyVersion: `Key version (optional)`,
KMSVaultCAPath: `Path to PEM-encoded CA cert files to use mTLS authentication (optional) eg: "/home/user/custom-certs"`,
config.State: "Indicates if KMS Vault is enabled or not",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the KMS Vault setting",
Help = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Indicates if KMS Vault is enabled or not",
Type: "on|off",
Key: KMSVaultEndpoint,
Description: `Points to Vault API endpoint eg: "http://vault-endpoint-ip:8200"`,
Type: "url",
Key: KMSVaultKeyName,
Description: `Transit key name used in vault policy, must be unique name eg: "my-minio-key"`,
Type: "string",
Key: KMSVaultAuthType,
Description: `Authentication type to Vault API endpoint eg: "approle"`,
Type: "string",
Key: KMSVaultAppRoleID,
Description: `Unique role ID created for AppRole`,
Type: "string",
Key: KMSVaultAppRoleSecret,
Description: `Unique secret ID created for AppRole`,
Type: "string",
Key: KMSVaultNamespace,
Description: `Only needed if AppRole engine is scoped to Vault Namespace eg: "ns1"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: KMSVaultKeyVersion,
Description: `KMS Vault key version`,
Optional: true,
Type: "number",
Key: KMSVaultCAPath,
Description: `Path to PEM-encoded CA cert files to use mTLS authentication (optional) eg: "/home/user/custom-certs"`,
Optional: true,
Type: "path",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the KMS Vault setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
@ -20,17 +20,53 @@ import "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/config"
// Help template for logger http and audit
var (
Help = config.HelpKV{
Endpoint: `HTTP logger endpoint eg: "http://localhost:8080/minio/logs/server"`,
AuthToken: "Authorization token for logger endpoint",
config.State: "Indicates if HTTP logger is enabled or not",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the HTTP logger setting",
Help = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Indicates if HTTP logger is enabled or not",
Type: "on|off",
Key: Endpoint,
Description: `HTTP logger endpoint eg: "http://localhost:8080/minio/logs/server"`,
Type: "url",
Key: AuthToken,
Description: "Authorization token for logger endpoint",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the HTTP logger setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
HelpAudit = config.HelpKV{
Endpoint: `HTTP Audit logger endpoint eg: "http://localhost:8080/minio/logs/audit"`,
AuthToken: "Authorization token for logger endpoint",
config.State: "Indicates if HTTP Audit logger is enabled or not",
config.Comment: "A comment to describe the HTTP Audit logger setting",
HelpAudit = config.HelpKVS{
Key: config.State,
Description: "Indicates if HTTP Audit logger is enabled or not",
Type: "on|off",
Key: Endpoint,
Description: `HTTP Audit logger endpoint eg: "http://localhost:8080/minio/logs/audit"`,
Type: "url",
Key: AuthToken,
Description: "Authorization token for logger endpoint",
Optional: true,
Type: "string",
Key: config.Comment,
Description: "A comment to describe the HTTP Audit logger setting",
Optional: true,
Type: "sentence",
@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ require (
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golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190325154230-a5d413f7728c/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w=
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golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190513172903-22d7a77e9e5f/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8UmvKecakEJjdnWj3jj499lnFckfCI=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190701094942-4def268fd1a4/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8UmvKecakEJjdnWj3jj499lnFckfCI=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190820162420-60c769a6c586 h1:7KByu05hhLed2MO29w7p1XfZvZ13m8mub3shuVftRs0=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190820162420-60c769a6c586/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8UmvKecakEJjdnWj3jj499lnFckfCI=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190923035154-9ee001bba392 h1:ACG4HJsFiNMf47Y4PeRoebLNy/2lXT9EtprMuTFWt1M=
@ -773,6 +786,7 @@ golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190322080309-f49334f85ddc/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7w
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190412213103-97732733099d/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190422165155-953cdadca894/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190429190828-d89cdac9e872/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190726091711-fc99dfbffb4e/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190826190057-c7b8b68b1456 h1:ng0gs1AKnRRuEMZoTLLlbOd+C17zUDepwGQBb/n+JVg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190826190057-c7b8b68b1456/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190922100055-0a153f010e69 h1:rOhMmluY6kLMhdnrivzec6lLgaVbMHMn2ISQXJeJ5EM=
@ -23,8 +23,29 @@ import (
// Help - return sub-system level help
type Help struct {
SubSys string `json:"subSys"`
Description string `json:"description"`
MultipleTargets bool `json:"multipleTargets"`
KeysHelp HelpKVS `json:"keysHelp"`
// HelpKV - implements help messages for keys
// with value as description of the keys.
type HelpKV struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Optional bool `json:"optional"`
Type string `json:"type"`
MultipleTargets bool `json:"multipleTargets"`
// HelpKVS - implement order of keys help messages.
type HelpKVS []HelpKV
// HelpConfigKV - return help for a given sub-system.
func (adm *AdminClient) HelpConfigKV(subSys, key string, envOnly bool) (map[string]string, error) {
func (adm *AdminClient) HelpConfigKV(subSys, key string, envOnly bool) (Help, error) {
v := url.Values{}
v.Set("subSys", subSys)
v.Set("key", key)
@ -40,18 +61,19 @@ func (adm *AdminClient) HelpConfigKV(subSys, key string, envOnly bool) (map[stri
// Execute GET on /minio/admin/v2/help-config-kv
resp, err := adm.executeMethod(http.MethodGet, reqData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return Help{}, err
defer closeResponse(resp)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, httpRespToErrorResponse(resp)
return Help{}, httpRespToErrorResponse(resp)
var help = make(map[string]string)
var help = Help{}
d := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
if err = d.Decode(&help); err != nil {
return nil, err
return help, err
return help, nil
Reference in New Issue
Block a user