2019-03-19 13:50:59 -07:00
module github.com/minio/minio
[feat]: change erasure coding default block size from 10MiB to 1MiB (#11721)
major performance improvements in range GETs to avoid large
read amplification when ranges are tiny and random
Operation: GET
Operations: 142014 -> 339421
Duration: 4m50s -> 4m56s
* Average: +139.41% (+1177.3 MiB/s) throughput, +139.11% (+658.4) obj/s
* Fastest: +125.24% (+1207.4 MiB/s) throughput, +132.32% (+612.9) obj/s
* 50% Median: +139.06% (+1175.7 MiB/s) throughput, +133.46% (+660.9) obj/s
* Slowest: +203.40% (+1267.9 MiB/s) throughput, +198.59% (+753.5) obj/s
TTFB from 10MiB BlockSize
* First Access TTFB: Avg: 81ms, Median: 61ms, Best: 20ms, Worst: 2.056s
TTFB from 1MiB BlockSize
* First Access TTFB: Avg: 22ms, Median: 21ms, Best: 8ms, Worst: 91ms
Full object reads however do see a slight change which won't be
noticeable in real world, so not doing any comparisons
TTFB still had improvements with full object reads with 1MiB
* First Access TTFB: Avg: 68ms, Median: 35ms, Best: 11ms, Worst: 1.16s
TTFB with 10MiB
* First Access TTFB: Avg: 388ms, Median: 98ms, Best: 20ms, Worst: 4.156s
This change should affect all new uploads, previous uploads should
continue to work with business as usual. But dramatic improvements can
be seen with these changes.
2021-03-06 14:09:34 -08:00
go 1.16
2019-04-02 18:28:39 -07:00
2019-03-19 13:50:59 -07:00
require (
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2020-12-12 20:31:28 -08:00
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