mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:13 -05:00
Migrate to go1.12 to simplify our cmd/http package (#7302)
Simplify the cmd/http package overall by removing custom plain text v/s tls connection detection, by migrating to go1.12 and choose minimum version to be go1.12 Also remove all the vendored deps, since they are not useful anymore.
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ matrix:
- ARCH=x86_64
- GO111MODULE=on
go: 1.11.4
go: 1.12.1
- make
- diff -au <(gofmt -s -d cmd) <(printf "")
@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ matrix:
- ARCH=x86_64
go: 1.11.4
- GO111MODULE=on
go: 1.12.1
- go build --ldflags="$(go run buildscripts/gen-ldflags.go)" -o %GOPATH%\bin\minio.exe
- for d in $(go list ./... | grep -v browser); do CGO_ENABLED=1 go test -v -race --timeout 20m "$d"; done
@ -57,15 +57,13 @@ $ git push origin my-new-feature
Pull requests can be created via GitHub. Refer to [this document](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/) for detailed steps on how to create a pull request. After a Pull Request gets peer reviewed and approved, it will be merged.
## FAQs
### How does ``Minio`` manages dependencies?
``Minio`` manages its dependencies using [govendor](https://github.com/kardianos/govendor). To add a dependency
- Run `go get foo/bar`
- Edit your code to import foo/bar
- Run `make pkg-add PKG=foo/bar` from top-level directory
### How does ``Minio`` manages dependencies?
``Minio`` uses `go mod` to manage its dependencies.
- Run `go get foo/bar` in the source folder to add the dependency to `go.mod` file.
To remove a dependency
- Edit your code to not import foo/bar
- Run `make pkg-remove PKG=foo/bar` from top-level directory
- Edit your code and remove the import reference.
- Run `go mod tidy` in the source folder to remove dependency from `go.mod` file.
### What are the coding guidelines for Minio?
``Minio`` is fully conformant with Golang style. Refer: [Effective Go](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments) article from Golang project. If you observe offending code, please feel free to send a pull request or ping us on [Slack](https://slack.minio.io).
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM golang:1.11.4-alpine3.7
FROM golang:1.12-alpine3.7
LABEL maintainer="Minio Inc <dev@minio.io>"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ RUN \
go get -v -d github.com/minio/minio && \
cd /go/src/github.com/minio/minio && \
go install -v -ldflags "$(go run buildscripts/gen-ldflags.go)" && \
go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o /usr/bin/healthcheck dockerscripts/healthcheck.go
go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o /usr/bin/healthcheck dockerscripts/healthcheck.go
FROM alpine:3.7
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM golang:1.11.4-alpine3.7
FROM golang:1.12-alpine3.7
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Stage 1: Build and Unit tests
FROM golang:1.11.4
FROM golang:1.12
COPY . /go/src/github.com/minio/minio
WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/minio/minio
@ -11,13 +11,9 @@ ENV GO111MODULE=on
RUN git config --global http.cookiefile /gitcookie/.gitcookie
RUN make
RUN bash -c 'diff -au <(gofmt -s -d cmd) <(printf "")'
RUN bash -c 'diff -au <(gofmt -s -d pkg) <(printf "")'
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get -y install sudo
RUN touch /etc/sudoers
RUN touch /etc/sudoers
RUN echo "root ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
RUN echo "ci ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
@ -27,18 +23,19 @@ RUN echo 'Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr
RUN mkdir -p /home/ci/.cache
RUN groupadd -g 999 ci && \
useradd -r -u 999 -g ci ci
RUN chown -R ci:ci /go
RUN chown -R ci:ci /home/ci
RUN chmod -R a+rw /go
useradd -r -u 999 -g ci ci && \
chown -R ci:ci /go /home/ci && \
chmod -R a+rw /go
# -- tests --
RUN make
RUN bash -c 'diff -au <(gofmt -s -d cmd) <(printf "")'
RUN bash -c 'diff -au <(gofmt -s -d pkg) <(printf "")'
RUN for d in $(go list ./... | grep -v browser); do go test -v -race --timeout 15m "$d"; done
RUN make verifiers
RUN make crosscompile
RUN make coverage
RUN make verify
@ -55,19 +52,21 @@ RUN yarn test
# Stage 3: Run Gateway Tests
FROM ubuntu:16.04
COPY --from=0 /go/src/github.com/minio/minio/minio ./minio
COPY buildscripts/gateway-tests.sh ./gateway-tests.sh
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git wget jq curl dnsmasq
COPY --from=0 /go/src/github.com/minio/minio/minio /usr/bin/minio
COPY buildscripts/gateway-tests.sh /usr/bin/gateway-tests.sh
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
ENV GOROOT /usr/local/go
RUN mkdir -p /go
ENV GOPATH /usr/local
RUN ./gateway-tests.sh
RUN apt-get --yes update && apt-get --yes upgrade && apt-get --yes --quiet install wget jq curl git dnsmasq && \
git clone https://github.com/minio/mint.git /mint && \
cd /mint && /mint/release.sh
RUN /usr/bin/gateway-tests.sh
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ PWD := $(shell pwd)
GOPATH := $(shell go env GOPATH)
LDFLAGS := $(shell go run buildscripts/gen-ldflags.go)
TAG ?= $(USER)
all: build
@ -9,8 +10,6 @@ all: build
@echo "Checking dependencies"
@(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/checkdeps.sh)
@echo "Checking for project in GOPATH"
@(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/checkgopath.sh)
@mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/bin
@ -25,12 +24,12 @@ verifiers: getdeps vet fmt lint staticcheck spelling
@echo "Running $@"
@go vet github.com/minio/minio/...
@GO111MODULE=on go vet github.com/minio/minio/...
@echo "Running $@"
@gofmt -d cmd/
@gofmt -d pkg/
@GO111MODULE=on gofmt -d cmd/
@GO111MODULE=on gofmt -d pkg/
@echo "Running $@"
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ spelling:
check: test
test: verifiers build
@echo "Running unit tests"
@CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -tags kqueue ./...
@GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -tags kqueue ./... 1>/dev/null
verify: build
@echo "Verifying build"
@ -66,31 +65,16 @@ coverage: build
# Builds minio locally.
build: checks
@echo "Building minio binary to './minio'"
@GOFLAGS="" CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags kqueue --ldflags $(BUILD_LDFLAGS) -o $(PWD)/minio
@GOFLAGS="" CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags kqueue --ldflags="-s -w" -o $(PWD)/dockerscripts/healthcheck $(PWD)/dockerscripts/healthcheck.go
@GO111MODULE=on GOFLAGS="" CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags kqueue --ldflags $(BUILD_LDFLAGS) -o $(PWD)/minio 1>/dev/null
@GO111MODULE=on GOFLAGS="" CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags kqueue --ldflags $(BUILD_LDFLAGS) -o $(PWD)/dockerscripts/healthcheck $(PWD)/dockerscripts/healthcheck.go 1>/dev/null
docker: build
@docker build -t $(TAG) . -f Dockerfile.dev
@echo "Adding new package $(PKG)"
@${GOPATH}/bin/govendor add $(PKG)
@echo "Updating new package $(PKG)"
@${GOPATH}/bin/govendor update $(PKG)
@echo "Remove new package $(PKG)"
@${GOPATH}/bin/govendor remove $(PKG)
@$(GOPATH)/bin/govendor list
# Builds minio and installs it to $GOPATH/bin.
install: build
@echo "Installing minio binary to '$(GOPATH)/bin/minio'"
@mkdir -p $(GOPATH)/bin && cp $(PWD)/minio $(GOPATH)/bin/minio
@mkdir -p $(GOPATH)/bin && cp -uf $(PWD)/minio $(GOPATH)/bin/minio
@echo "Installation successful. To learn more, try \"minio --help\"."
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ _init() {
## Minimum required versions for build dependencies
KNAME=$(uname -s)
ARCH=$(uname -m)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ _init() {
## In OSX, 'readlink -f' option does not exist, hence
## we have our own readlink -f behavior here.
## Once OSX has the option, below function is good enough.
## readlink() {
## return /bin/readlink -f "$1"
## }
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015-2018 Minio, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
main() {
gopath=$(go env GOPATH)
IFS=':' read -r -a paths <<< "$gopath"
for path in "${paths[@]}"; do
if [ -d "$minio_path" ]; then
if [ "$minio_path" -ef "$PWD" ]; then
exit 0
echo "ERROR"
echo "Project not found in ${gopath}."
echo "Follow instructions at https://github.com/minio/minio/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#setup-your-minio-github-repository"
exit 1
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function _init() {
SUPPORTED_OSARCH="linux/ppc64le linux/arm64 linux/s390x darwin/amd64 freebsd/amd64"
function _build_and_sign() {
function _build() {
local osarch=$1
IFS=/ read -r -a arr <<<"$osarch"
@ -22,13 +22,14 @@ function _build_and_sign() {
# Go build to build the binary.
export GOOS=$os
export GOARCH=$arch
export GO111MODULE=on
go build -tags kqueue -o /dev/null
function main() {
echo "Testing builds for OS/Arch: ${SUPPORTED_OSARCH}"
for each_osarch in ${SUPPORTED_OSARCH}; do
_build_and_sign "${each_osarch}"
_build "${each_osarch}"
@ -19,41 +19,50 @@ set -e
set -E
set -o pipefail
export ACCESS_KEY=minio
export SECRET_KEY=minio123
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minio123
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minio
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minio123
function start_minio_server()
minio --quiet --json server data --address > server.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
trap "cat server.log;cat gateway.log" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM
echo "$server_pid"
./minio --quiet --json server data --address > server.log &
sleep 3
./minio --quiet --json gateway s3 --address > gateway.log &
sleep 3
function start_minio_gateway_s3()
minio --quiet --json gateway s3 \
--address > gateway.log 2>&1 &
sleep 3
mkdir -p /mint
git clone https://github.com/minio/mint /mint
cd /mint
echo "$gw_pid"
export MINT_ROOT_DIR=${MINT_ROOT_DIR:-/mint}
export MINT_RUN_CORE_DIR="$MINT_ROOT_DIR/run/core"
export MINT_RUN_SECURITY_DIR="$MINT_ROOT_DIR/run/security"
export MINT_MODE="full"
export WGET="wget --quiet --no-check-certificate"
function main()
SECRET_KEY=minio123 MINT_MODE="full" /mint/entrypoint.sh aws-sdk-go \
aws-sdk-java aws-sdk-php aws-sdk-ruby awscli healthcheck minio-dotnet \
minio-go minio-java minio-js minio-py
# install mint app packages
for pkg in "build"/*/install.sh; do
echo "Running $pkg"
kill "$sr_pid"
kill "$gw_pid"
sleep 3
if [ "$rv" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "=========== Gateway ==========="
cat "gateway.log"
echo "=========== Server ==========="
cat "server.log"
/mint/entrypoint.sh || cat server.log gateway.log fail
rm -f gateway.log server.log
main "$@"
@ -2,5 +2,4 @@
set -e
CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -v -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./...
GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -v -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./...
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ export SERVER_ENDPOINT=""
export ACCESS_KEY="minio"
export SECRET_KEY="minio123"
export GO111MODULE=on
MINIO=( "$PWD/minio" --config-dir "$MINIO_CONFIG_DIR" )
@ -146,16 +147,6 @@ function start_minio_dist_erasure()
echo "${minio_pids[@]}"
function start_minio_gateway_s3()
"${MINIO[@]}" gateway s3 https://play.minio.io:9000 >"$WORK_DIR/minio-gateway-s3.log" 2>&1 &
sleep 3
echo "$minio_pid"
function run_test_fs()
@ -291,25 +282,9 @@ function run_test_dist_erasure()
return "$rv"
function run_test_gateway_s3()
function purge()
export SECRET_KEY=zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG
kill "$minio_pid"
sleep 3
if [ "$rv" -ne 0 ]; then
cat "$WORK_DIR/minio-gateway-s3.log"
rm -f "$WORK_DIR/minio-gateway-s3.log"
return "$rv"
rm -rf "$1"
function __init__()
@ -319,12 +294,17 @@ function __init__()
mkdir -p "$MINIO_CONFIG_DIR"
mkdir -p "$MINT_DATA_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/minio/mc
cd mc
go build
/bin/cp -a ./mc "$WORK_DIR/mc"
if ! git clone --quiet https://github.com/minio/mc "$MC_BUILD_DIR"; then
echo "failed to download https://github.com/minio/mc"
purge "${MC_BUILD_DIR}"
exit 1
chmod a+x "$WORK_DIR/mc"
(cd "${MC_BUILD_DIR}" && go build -o "$WORK_DIR/mc")
# remove mc source.
purge "${MC_BUILD_DIR}"
shred -n 1 -s 1M - 1>"$FILE_1_MB" 2>/dev/null
shred -n 1 -s 65M - 1>"$FILE_65_MB" 2>/dev/null
@ -346,56 +326,49 @@ function main()
echo "Testing in FS setup"
if ! run_test_fs; then
echo "FAILED"
rm -fr "$WORK_DIR"
purge "$WORK_DIR"
exit 1
echo "Testing in Erasure setup"
if ! run_test_erasure; then
echo "FAILED"
rm -fr "$WORK_DIR"
purge "$WORK_DIR"
exit 1
echo "Testing in Distributed Erasure setup"
if ! run_test_dist_erasure; then
echo "FAILED"
rm -fr "$WORK_DIR"
purge "$WORK_DIR"
exit 1
echo "Testing in Erasure setup as sets"
if ! run_test_erasure_sets; then
echo "FAILED"
rm -fr "$WORK_DIR"
purge "$WORK_DIR"
exit 1
echo "Testing in Distributed Erasure setup as sets"
if ! run_test_dist_erasure_sets; then
echo "FAILED"
rm -fr "$WORK_DIR"
purge "$WORK_DIR"
exit 1
echo "Testing in Distributed Erasure setup as sets with ipv6"
if ! run_test_dist_erasure_sets_ipv6; then
echo "FAILED"
rm -fr "$WORK_DIR"
purge "$WORK_DIR"
exit 1
echo "Testing in Gateway S3 setup"
if ! run_test_gateway_s3; then
echo "FAILED"
rm -fr "$WORK_DIR"
exit 1
rm -fr "$WORK_DIR"
purge "$WORK_DIR"
( __init__ "$@" && main "$@" )
rm -fr "$WORK_DIR"
purge "$WORK_DIR"
exit "$rv"
@ -17,15 +17,13 @@
package http
import (
// BufConn - is a generic stream-oriented network connection supporting buffered reader and read/write timeout.
type BufConn struct {
// DeadlineConn - is a generic stream-oriented network connection supporting buffered reader and read/write timeout.
type DeadlineConn struct {
bufReader *bufio.Reader // buffered reader wraps reader in net.Conn.
readTimeout time.Duration // sets the read timeout in the connection.
writeTimeout time.Duration // sets the write timeout in the connection.
updateBytesReadFunc func(int) // function to be called to update bytes read.
@ -33,42 +31,22 @@ type BufConn struct {
// Sets read timeout
func (c *BufConn) setReadTimeout() {
func (c *DeadlineConn) setReadTimeout() {
if c.readTimeout != 0 && c.canSetReadDeadline() {
func (c *BufConn) setWriteTimeout() {
func (c *DeadlineConn) setWriteTimeout() {
if c.writeTimeout != 0 {
// RemoveTimeout - removes all configured read and write
// timeouts. Used by callers which control net.Conn behavior
// themselves.
func (c *BufConn) RemoveTimeout() {
c.readTimeout = 0
c.writeTimeout = 0
// Unset read/write timeouts, since we use **bufio** it is not
// guaranteed that the underlying Peek/Read operation in-fact
// indeed performed a Read() operation on the network. With
// that in mind we need to unset any timeouts currently set to
// avoid any pre-mature timeouts.
// Peek - returns the next n bytes without advancing the reader. It just wraps bufio.Reader.Peek().
func (c *BufConn) Peek(n int) ([]byte, error) {
return c.bufReader.Peek(n)
// Read - reads data from the connection using wrapped buffered reader.
func (c *BufConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
func (c *DeadlineConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = c.bufReader.Read(b)
n, err = c.Conn.Read(b)
if err == nil && c.updateBytesReadFunc != nil {
@ -77,7 +55,7 @@ func (c *BufConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
// Write - writes data to the connection.
func (c *BufConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
func (c *DeadlineConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = c.Conn.Write(b)
if err == nil && c.updateBytesWrittenFunc != nil {
@ -87,11 +65,10 @@ func (c *BufConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
return n, err
// newBufConn - creates a new connection object wrapping net.Conn.
func newBufConn(c net.Conn, readTimeout, writeTimeout time.Duration, maxHeaderBytes int, updateBytesReadFunc, updateBytesWrittenFunc func(int)) *BufConn {
return &BufConn{
// newDeadlineConn - creates a new connection object wrapping net.Conn with deadlines.
func newDeadlineConn(c net.Conn, readTimeout, writeTimeout time.Duration, updateBytesReadFunc, updateBytesWrittenFunc func(int)) *DeadlineConn {
return &DeadlineConn{
QuirkConn: QuirkConn{Conn: c},
bufReader: bufio.NewReaderSize(c, maxHeaderBytes),
readTimeout: readTimeout,
writeTimeout: writeTimeout,
updateBytesReadFunc: updateBytesReadFunc,
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import (
// Test bufconn handles read timeout properly by reading two messages beyond deadline.
// Test deadlineconn handles read timeout properly by reading two messages beyond deadline.
func TestBuffConnReadTimeout(t *testing.T) {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:0")
if err != nil {
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ func TestBuffConnReadTimeout(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("failed to accept new connection. %v", terr)
bufconn := newBufConn(tcpConn, 1*time.Second, 1*time.Second, 4096, nil, nil)
defer bufconn.Close()
deadlineconn := newDeadlineConn(tcpConn, 1*time.Second, 1*time.Second, nil, nil)
defer deadlineconn.Close()
// Read a line
var b = make([]byte, 12)
_, terr = bufconn.Read(b)
_, terr = deadlineconn.Read(b)
if terr != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to read from client. %v", terr)
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func TestBuffConnReadTimeout(t *testing.T) {
// Wait for more than read timeout to simulate processing.
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
_, terr = bufconn.Read(b)
_, terr = deadlineconn.Read(b)
if terr != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to read from client. %v", terr)
@ -80,14 +80,11 @@ func TestBuffConnReadTimeout(t *testing.T) {
// Send a response.
_, terr = io.WriteString(bufconn, "messages received\n")
_, terr = io.WriteString(deadlineconn, "messages received\n")
if terr != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to write to client. %v", terr)
// Removes all deadlines if any.
c, err := net.Dial("tcp", serverAddr)
@ -17,56 +17,15 @@
package http
import (
var sslRequiredErrMsg = []byte("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n\r\nSSL required")
// HTTP methods.
var methods = []string{
"PRI", // HTTP 2 method
func getPlainText(bufConn *BufConn) (bool, error) {
defer bufConn.setReadTimeout()
if bufConn.canSetReadDeadline() {
// Set deadline such that we close the connection quickly
// of no data was received from the Peek()
bufConn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Second * 3))
b, err := bufConn.Peek(1)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, method := range methods {
if b[0] == method[0] {
return true, nil
return false, nil
type acceptResult struct {
conn net.Conn
err error
@ -78,13 +37,11 @@ type httpListener struct {
tcpListeners []*net.TCPListener // underlaying TCP listeners.
acceptCh chan acceptResult // channel where all TCP listeners write accepted connection.
doneCh chan struct{} // done channel for TCP listener goroutines.
tlsConfig *tls.Config // TLS configuration
tcpKeepAliveTimeout time.Duration
readTimeout time.Duration
writeTimeout time.Duration
maxHeaderBytes int
updateBytesReadFunc func(int) // function to be called to update bytes read in BufConn.
updateBytesWrittenFunc func(int) // function to be called to update bytes written in BufConn.
updateBytesReadFunc func(int) // function to be called to update bytes read in Deadlineconn.
updateBytesWrittenFunc func(int) // function to be called to update bytes written in Deadlineconn.
// isRoutineNetErr returns true if error is due to a network timeout,
@ -107,7 +64,7 @@ func isRoutineNetErr(err error) bool {
return err == io.EOF || err.Error() == "EOF"
// start - starts separate goroutine for each TCP listener. A valid insecure/TLS HTTP new connection is passed to httpListener.acceptCh.
// start - starts separate goroutine for each TCP listener. A valid new connection is passed to httpListener.acceptCh.
func (listener *httpListener) start() {
listener.acceptCh = make(chan acceptResult)
listener.doneCh = make(chan struct{})
@ -134,36 +91,10 @@ func (listener *httpListener) start() {
bufconn := newBufConn(tcpConn, listener.readTimeout, listener.writeTimeout, listener.maxHeaderBytes,
listener.updateBytesReadFunc, listener.updateBytesWrittenFunc)
if listener.tlsConfig != nil {
ok, err := getPlainText(bufconn)
if err != nil {
// Peek could fail legitimately when clients abruptly close
// connection. E.g. Chrome browser opens connections speculatively to
// speed up loading of a web page. Peek may also fail due to network
// saturation on a transport with read timeout set. All other kind of
// errors should be logged for further investigation. Thanks @brendanashworth.
if !isRoutineNetErr(err) {
reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("remoteAddr", bufconn.RemoteAddr().String())
reqInfo.AppendTags("localAddr", bufconn.LocalAddr().String())
ctx := logger.SetReqInfo(context.Background(), reqInfo)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
deadlineConn := newDeadlineConn(tcpConn, listener.readTimeout,
listener.writeTimeout, listener.updateBytesReadFunc, listener.updateBytesWrittenFunc)
if ok {
// As TLS is configured and we got plain text HTTP request,
// return 403 (forbidden) error.
send(acceptResult{bufconn, nil}, doneCh)
send(acceptResult{deadlineConn, nil}, doneCh)
// Closure to handle TCPListener until done channel is closed.
@ -244,11 +175,9 @@ func (listener *httpListener) Addrs() (addrs []net.Addr) {
// * listen to multiple addresses
// * controls incoming connections only doing HTTP protocol
func newHTTPListener(serverAddrs []string,
tlsConfig *tls.Config,
tcpKeepAliveTimeout time.Duration,
readTimeout time.Duration,
writeTimeout time.Duration,
maxHeaderBytes int,
updateBytesReadFunc func(int),
updateBytesWrittenFunc func(int)) (listener *httpListener, err error) {
@ -284,11 +213,9 @@ func newHTTPListener(serverAddrs []string,
listener = &httpListener{
tcpListeners: tcpListeners,
tlsConfig: tlsConfig,
tcpKeepAliveTimeout: tcpKeepAliveTimeout,
readTimeout: readTimeout,
writeTimeout: writeTimeout,
maxHeaderBytes: maxHeaderBytes,
updateBytesReadFunc: updateBytesReadFunc,
updateBytesWrittenFunc: updateBytesWrittenFunc,
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
package http
import (
@ -34,17 +33,6 @@ import (
var serverPort uint32 = 60000
// fail - as t.Fatalf() is not goroutine safe, this function behaves like t.Fatalf().
func fail(t *testing.T, template string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Printf(template, args...)
func getNextPort() string {
return strconv.Itoa(int(atomic.AddUint32(&serverPort, 1)))
var getCert = func(*tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
certificate, err := getTLSCert()
if err != nil {
@ -106,19 +94,8 @@ rr3DRiUP6V/10CZ/ImeSJ72k69VuTw9vq2HzB4x6pqxF2X7JQSLUCS2wfNN13N0d
return tls.X509KeyPair(certPEMBlock, keyPEMBlock)
func getTLSConfig(t *testing.T) *tls.Config {
tlsCert, err := getTLSCert()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unable to parse private/certificate data. %v\n", err)
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
NextProtos: []string{"http/1.1"},
tlsConfig.Certificates = append(tlsConfig.Certificates, tlsCert)
return tlsConfig
func getNextPort() string {
return strconv.Itoa(int(atomic.AddUint32(&serverPort, 1)))
func getNonLoopBackIP(t *testing.T) string {
@ -154,11 +131,8 @@ func getNonLoopBackIP(t *testing.T) string {
func TestNewHTTPListener(t *testing.T) {
tlsConfig := getTLSConfig(t)
testCases := []struct {
serverAddrs []string
tlsConfig *tls.Config
tcpKeepAliveTimeout time.Duration
readTimeout time.Duration
writeTimeout time.Duration
@ -166,24 +140,22 @@ func TestNewHTTPListener(t *testing.T) {
updateBytesWrittenFunc func(int)
expectedErr bool
{[]string{""}, nil, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"example.org:65432"}, nil, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"unknown-host"}, nil, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"unknown-host:65432"}, nil, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"localhost:65432", ""}, nil, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"localhost:65432", "unknown-host:65432"}, nil, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"localhost:0"}, nil, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, false},
{[]string{"localhost:0"}, tlsConfig, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, false},
{[]string{""}, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"example.org:65432"}, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"unknown-host"}, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"unknown-host:65432"}, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"localhost:65432", ""}, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"localhost:65432", "unknown-host:65432"}, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, true},
{[]string{"localhost:0"}, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, false},
{[]string{"localhost:0"}, time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), nil, nil, false},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
listener, err := newHTTPListener(
@ -203,29 +175,25 @@ func TestNewHTTPListener(t *testing.T) {
func TestHTTPListenerStartClose(t *testing.T) {
tlsConfig := getTLSConfig(t)
nonLoopBackIP := getNonLoopBackIP(t)
testCases := []struct {
serverAddrs []string
tlsConfig *tls.Config
{[]string{"localhost:0"}, nil},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":0"}, nil},
{[]string{"", nonLoopBackIP + ":0"}, nil},
{[]string{"localhost:0"}, tlsConfig},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":0"}, tlsConfig},
{[]string{"", nonLoopBackIP + ":0"}, tlsConfig},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":0"}},
{[]string{"", nonLoopBackIP + ":0"}},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":0"}},
{[]string{"", nonLoopBackIP + ":0"}},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
listener, err := newHTTPListener(
nil, nil,
if err != nil {
@ -245,7 +213,6 @@ func TestHTTPListenerStartClose(t *testing.T) {
func TestHTTPListenerAddr(t *testing.T) {
tlsConfig := getTLSConfig(t)
nonLoopBackIP := getNonLoopBackIP(t)
var casePorts []string
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
@ -254,25 +221,22 @@ func TestHTTPListenerAddr(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
serverAddrs []string
tlsConfig *tls.Config
expectedAddr string
{[]string{"localhost:" + casePorts[0]}, nil, "" + casePorts[0]},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[1]}, nil, nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[1]},
{[]string{"" + casePorts[2], nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[2]}, nil, "" + casePorts[2]},
{[]string{"localhost:" + casePorts[3]}, tlsConfig, "" + casePorts[3]},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[4]}, tlsConfig, nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[4]},
{[]string{"" + casePorts[5], nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[5]}, tlsConfig, "" + casePorts[5]},
{[]string{"localhost:" + casePorts[0]}, "" + casePorts[0]},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[1]}, nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[1]},
{[]string{"" + casePorts[2], nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[2]}, "" + casePorts[2]},
{[]string{"localhost:" + casePorts[3]}, "" + casePorts[3]},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[4]}, nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[4]},
{[]string{"" + casePorts[5], nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[5]}, "" + casePorts[5]},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
listener, err := newHTTPListener(
nil, nil,
if err != nil {
@ -289,7 +253,6 @@ func TestHTTPListenerAddr(t *testing.T) {
func TestHTTPListenerAddrs(t *testing.T) {
tlsConfig := getTLSConfig(t)
nonLoopBackIP := getNonLoopBackIP(t)
var casePorts []string
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
@ -298,25 +261,22 @@ func TestHTTPListenerAddrs(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
serverAddrs []string
tlsConfig *tls.Config
expectedAddrs set.StringSet
{[]string{"localhost:" + casePorts[0]}, nil, set.CreateStringSet("" + casePorts[0])},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[1]}, nil, set.CreateStringSet(nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[1])},
{[]string{"" + casePorts[2], nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[2]}, nil, set.CreateStringSet(""+casePorts[2], nonLoopBackIP+":"+casePorts[2])},
{[]string{"localhost:" + casePorts[3]}, tlsConfig, set.CreateStringSet("" + casePorts[3])},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[4]}, tlsConfig, set.CreateStringSet(nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[4])},
{[]string{"" + casePorts[5], nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[5]}, tlsConfig, set.CreateStringSet(""+casePorts[5], nonLoopBackIP+":"+casePorts[5])},
{[]string{"localhost:" + casePorts[0]}, set.CreateStringSet("" + casePorts[0])},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[1]}, set.CreateStringSet(nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[1])},
{[]string{"" + casePorts[2], nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[2]}, set.CreateStringSet(""+casePorts[2], nonLoopBackIP+":"+casePorts[2])},
{[]string{"localhost:" + casePorts[3]}, set.CreateStringSet("" + casePorts[3])},
{[]string{nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[4]}, set.CreateStringSet(nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[4])},
{[]string{"" + casePorts[5], nonLoopBackIP + ":" + casePorts[5]}, set.CreateStringSet(""+casePorts[5], nonLoopBackIP+":"+casePorts[5])},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
listener, err := newHTTPListener(
nil, nil,
if err != nil {
@ -337,69 +297,6 @@ func TestHTTPListenerAddrs(t *testing.T) {
func TestHTTPListenerAcceptTLSError(t *testing.T) {
tlsConfig := getTLSConfig(t)
nonLoopBackIP := getNonLoopBackIP(t)
testCases := []struct {
serverAddrs []string
tlsConfig *tls.Config
request string
{[]string{"", nonLoopBackIP + ":0"}, tlsConfig, "GET / HTTP/1.0\n"},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
listener, err := newHTTPListener(
nil, nil,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: error: expected = <nil>, got = %v", i+1, err)
for _, serverAddr := range listener.Addrs() {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", serverAddr.String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: error: expected = <nil>, got = %v", i+1, err)
if _, err = io.WriteString(conn, testCase.request); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: request send: expected = <nil>, got = %v", i+1, err)
go func() {
serverConn, aerr := listener.Accept()
if aerr == nil {
fail(t, "Test %d: accept: expected = <error>, got = <nil>", i+1)
if serverConn != nil {
fail(t, "Test %d: accept: server expected = <nil>, got = %v", i+1, serverConn)
buf := make([]byte, len(sslRequiredErrMsg))
n, err := io.ReadFull(conn, buf)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: reply read: expected = <nil> got = %v", i+1, err)
} else if n != len(buf) {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: reply length: expected = %v got = %v", i+1, len(buf), n)
} else if !bytes.Equal(buf, sslRequiredErrMsg) {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: reply: expected = %v got = %v", i+1, string(sslRequiredErrMsg), string(buf))
type myTimeoutErr struct {
timeout bool
@ -92,11 +92,9 @@ func (srv *Server) Start() (err error) {
var listener *httpListener
listener, err = newHTTPListener(
@ -37,29 +37,29 @@ func TestPrepareUpdateMessage(t *testing.T) {
{-72 * time.Hour, "another_update_url", ""},
{0, "another_update_url", ""},
{time.Hour, "", ""},
{1 * time.Second, "my_download_url", "now"},
{2 * time.Second, "my_download_url", "1 second ago"},
{0 * time.Second, "my_download_url", "now"},
{1 * time.Second, "my_download_url", "1 second ago"},
{37 * time.Second, "my_download_url", "37 seconds ago"},
{60 * time.Second, "my_download_url", "60 seconds ago"},
{60 * time.Second, "my_download_url", "1 minute ago"},
{61 * time.Second, "my_download_url", "1 minute ago"},
// Testcase index 10
{37 * time.Minute, "my_download_url", "37 minutes ago"},
{1 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "60 minutes ago"},
{1 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "1 hour ago"},
{61 * time.Minute, "my_download_url", "1 hour ago"},
{122 * time.Minute, "my_download_url", "2 hours ago"},
{24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "24 hours ago"},
{24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "1 day ago"},
{25 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "1 day ago"},
{49 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "2 days ago"},
{7 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "7 days ago"},
{7 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "1 week ago"},
{8 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "1 week ago"},
{15 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "2 weeks ago"},
// Testcase index 20
{30 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "4 weeks ago"},
{30 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "1 month ago"},
{31 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "1 month ago"},
{61 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "2 months ago"},
{360 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "12 months ago"},
{360 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "1 year ago"},
{361 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "1 year ago"},
{2 * 365 * 24 * time.Hour, "my_download_url", "2 years ago"},
@ -74,17 +74,17 @@ func TestPrepareUpdateMessage(t *testing.T) {
// fmt.Println(output)
switch {
case testCase.dlURL == "" && output != "":
t.Errorf("Testcase %d: no newer release available but got an update message: %s", i, output)
t.Errorf("Testcase %d: no newer release available but got an update message: %s", i+1, output)
case output == "" && testCase.dlURL != "" && testCase.older > 0:
t.Errorf("Testcase %d: newer release is available but got empty update message!", i)
t.Errorf("Testcase %d: newer release is available but got empty update message!", i+1)
case output == "" && (testCase.dlURL == "" || testCase.older <= 0):
// Valid no update message case. No further
// validation needed.
case !strings.Contains(output, line1):
t.Errorf("Testcase %d: output '%s' did not contain line 1: '%s'", i, output, line1)
t.Errorf("Testcase %d: output '%s' did not contain line 1: '%s'", i+1, output, line1)
case !strings.Contains(output, line2):
t.Errorf("Testcase %d: output '%s' did not contain line 2: '%s'", i, output, line2)
t.Errorf("Testcase %d: output '%s' did not contain line 2: '%s'", i+1, output, line2)
@ -1,192 +1,104 @@
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gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.0.0-20170812160011-eb3733d160e7/go.mod h1:JAlM8MvJe8wmxCU4Bli9HhUf9+ttbYbLASfIpnQbh74=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gotest.tools v2.2.0+incompatible h1:VsBPFP1AI068pPrMxtb/S8Zkgf9xEmTLJjfM+P5UIEo=
gotest.tools v2.2.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:DsYFclhRJ6vuDpmuTbkuFWG+y2sxOXAzmJt81HFBacw=
grpc.go4.org v0.0.0-20170609214715-11d0a25b4919/go.mod h1:77eQGdRu53HpSqPFJFmuJdjuHRquDANNeA4x7B8WQ9o=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20180728063816-88497007e858/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
k8s.io/api v0.0.0-20190313115550-3c12c96769cc h1:m/JS6kQd00rICnXLWlnJzMFQB4AplcURUopS8dKiWmI=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20180920025451-e3ad64cb4ed3/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190106161140-3f1c8253044a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
k8s.io/api v0.0.0-20190313115550-3c12c96769cc/go.mod h1:iuAfoD4hCxJ8Onx9kaTIt30j7jUFS00AXQi6QMi99vA=
k8s.io/apimachinery v0.0.0-20190313115320-c9defaaddf6f h1:6ojhffWUv9DZ8i4L2LIvSjbWH3fXfP6PmrTNwXHHMhM=
k8s.io/apimachinery v0.0.0-20190313115320-c9defaaddf6f/go.mod h1:ccL7Eh7zubPUSh9A3USN90/OzHNSVN6zxzde07TDCL0=
k8s.io/klog v0.2.0 h1:0ElL0OHzF3N+OhoJTL0uca20SxtYt4X4+bzHeqrB83c=
k8s.io/klog v0.2.0/go.mod h1:Gq+BEi5rUBO/HRz0bTSXDUcqjScdoY3a9IHpCEIOOfk=
layeh.com/radius v0.0.0-20190118135028-0f678f039617 h1:UfoQTGVcI2tUZdQxp4kyh07KW0RB+HrUez9LeHurAvs=
layeh.com/radius v0.0.0-20190118135028-0f678f039617/go.mod h1:fywZKyu//X7iRzaxLgPWsvc0L26IUpVvE/aeIL2JtIQ=
sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.1.0 h1:4A07+ZFc2wgJwo8YNlQpr1rVlgUDlxXHhPJciaPY5gs=
sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.1.0/go.mod h1:UJmg0vDUVViEyp3mgSv9WPwZCDxu4rQW1olrI1uml+o=
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
// +build go1.12
* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 Minio, Inc.
@ -23,49 +25,14 @@
package main // import "github.com/minio/minio"
import (
version "github.com/hashicorp/go-version"
minio "github.com/minio/minio/cmd"
// Import gateway
_ "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/gateway"
const (
// Minio requires at least Go v1.9.4
minGoVersion = "1.9.4"
goVersionConstraint = ">= " + minGoVersion
// Check if this binary is compiled with at least minimum Go version.
func checkGoVersion(goVersionStr string) error {
constraint, err := version.NewConstraint(goVersionConstraint)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("'%s': %s", goVersionConstraint, err)
goVersion, err := version.NewVersion(goVersionStr)
if err != nil {
return err
if !constraint.Check(goVersion) {
return fmt.Errorf("Minio is not compiled by go %s. Minimum required version is %s, go %s release is known to have security issues. Please recompile accordingly", goVersionConstraint, minGoVersion, runtime.Version()[2:])
return nil
func main() {
// When `go get` is used minimum Go version check is not triggered but it would have compiled it successfully.
// However such binary will fail at runtime, hence we also check Go version at runtime.
if err := checkGoVersion(runtime.Version()[2:]); err != nil {
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2017, 2018 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
func TestCheckGoVersion(t *testing.T) {
// Test success cases.
testCases := []struct {
version string
success bool
{minGoVersion, true},
{"1.6.8", false},
{"1.5", false},
{"0.1", false},
{".1", false},
{"somejunk", false},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
err := checkGoVersion(testCase.version)
if err != nil && testCase.success {
t.Fatalf("Test %v, expected: success, got: %v", testCase, err)
if err == nil && !testCase.success {
t.Fatalf("Test %v, expected: failure, got: success", testCase)
@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package metadata provides access to Google Compute Engine (GCE)
// metadata and API service accounts.
// This package is a wrapper around the GCE metadata service,
// as documented at https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/metadata.
package metadata // import "cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata"
import (
const (
// metadataIP is the documented metadata server IP address.
metadataIP = ""
// metadataHostEnv is the environment variable specifying the
// GCE metadata hostname. If empty, the default value of
// metadataIP ("") is used instead.
// This is variable name is not defined by any spec, as far as
// I know; it was made up for the Go package.
metadataHostEnv = "GCE_METADATA_HOST"
userAgent = "gcloud-golang/0.1"
type cachedValue struct {
k string
trim bool
mu sync.Mutex
v string
var (
projID = &cachedValue{k: "project/project-id", trim: true}
projNum = &cachedValue{k: "project/numeric-project-id", trim: true}
instID = &cachedValue{k: "instance/id", trim: true}
var (
defaultClient = &Client{hc: &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Dial: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 2 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
ResponseHeaderTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
subscribeClient = &Client{hc: &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Dial: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 2 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
// NotDefinedError is returned when requested metadata is not defined.
// The underlying string is the suffix after "/computeMetadata/v1/".
// This error is not returned if the value is defined to be the empty
// string.
type NotDefinedError string
func (suffix NotDefinedError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("metadata: GCE metadata %q not defined", string(suffix))
func (c *cachedValue) get(cl *Client) (v string, err error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if c.v != "" {
return c.v, nil
if c.trim {
v, err = cl.getTrimmed(c.k)
} else {
v, err = cl.Get(c.k)
if err == nil {
c.v = v
var (
onGCEOnce sync.Once
onGCE bool
// OnGCE reports whether this process is running on Google Compute Engine.
func OnGCE() bool {
return onGCE
func initOnGCE() {
onGCE = testOnGCE()
func testOnGCE() bool {
// The user explicitly said they're on GCE, so trust them.
if os.Getenv(metadataHostEnv) != "" {
return true
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
resc := make(chan bool, 2)
// Try two strategies in parallel.
// See https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-go/issues/194
go func() {
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://"+metadataIP, nil)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
res, err := ctxhttp.Do(ctx, defaultClient.hc, req)
if err != nil {
resc <- false
defer res.Body.Close()
resc <- res.Header.Get("Metadata-Flavor") == "Google"
go func() {
addrs, err := net.LookupHost("metadata.google.internal")
if err != nil || len(addrs) == 0 {
resc <- false
resc <- strsContains(addrs, metadataIP)
tryHarder := systemInfoSuggestsGCE()
if tryHarder {
res := <-resc
if res {
// The first strategy succeeded, so let's use it.
return true
// Wait for either the DNS or metadata server probe to
// contradict the other one and say we are running on
// GCE. Give it a lot of time to do so, since the system
// info already suggests we're running on a GCE BIOS.
timer := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
defer timer.Stop()
select {
case res = <-resc:
return res
case <-timer.C:
// Too slow. Who knows what this system is.
return false
// There's no hint from the system info that we're running on
// GCE, so use the first probe's result as truth, whether it's
// true or false. The goal here is to optimize for speed for
// users who are NOT running on GCE. We can't assume that
// either a DNS lookup or an HTTP request to a blackholed IP
// address is fast. Worst case this should return when the
// metaClient's Transport.ResponseHeaderTimeout or
// Transport.Dial.Timeout fires (in two seconds).
return <-resc
// systemInfoSuggestsGCE reports whether the local system (without
// doing network requests) suggests that we're running on GCE. If this
// returns true, testOnGCE tries a bit harder to reach its metadata
// server.
func systemInfoSuggestsGCE() bool {
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
// We don't have any non-Linux clues available, at least yet.
return false
slurp, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name")
name := strings.TrimSpace(string(slurp))
return name == "Google" || name == "Google Compute Engine"
// Subscribe calls Client.Subscribe on a client designed for subscribing (one with no
// ResponseHeaderTimeout).
func Subscribe(suffix string, fn func(v string, ok bool) error) error {
return subscribeClient.Subscribe(suffix, fn)
// Get calls Client.Get on the default client.
func Get(suffix string) (string, error) { return defaultClient.Get(suffix) }
// ProjectID returns the current instance's project ID string.
func ProjectID() (string, error) { return defaultClient.ProjectID() }
// NumericProjectID returns the current instance's numeric project ID.
func NumericProjectID() (string, error) { return defaultClient.NumericProjectID() }
// InternalIP returns the instance's primary internal IP address.
func InternalIP() (string, error) { return defaultClient.InternalIP() }
// ExternalIP returns the instance's primary external (public) IP address.
func ExternalIP() (string, error) { return defaultClient.ExternalIP() }
// Hostname returns the instance's hostname. This will be of the form
// "<instanceID>.c.<projID>.internal".
func Hostname() (string, error) { return defaultClient.Hostname() }
// InstanceTags returns the list of user-defined instance tags,
// assigned when initially creating a GCE instance.
func InstanceTags() ([]string, error) { return defaultClient.InstanceTags() }
// InstanceID returns the current VM's numeric instance ID.
func InstanceID() (string, error) { return defaultClient.InstanceID() }
// InstanceName returns the current VM's instance ID string.
func InstanceName() (string, error) { return defaultClient.InstanceName() }
// Zone returns the current VM's zone, such as "us-central1-b".
func Zone() (string, error) { return defaultClient.Zone() }
// InstanceAttributes calls Client.InstanceAttributes on the default client.
func InstanceAttributes() ([]string, error) { return defaultClient.InstanceAttributes() }
// ProjectAttributes calls Client.ProjectAttributes on the default client.
func ProjectAttributes() ([]string, error) { return defaultClient.ProjectAttributes() }
// InstanceAttributeValue calls Client.InstanceAttributeValue on the default client.
func InstanceAttributeValue(attr string) (string, error) {
return defaultClient.InstanceAttributeValue(attr)
// ProjectAttributeValue calls Client.ProjectAttributeValue on the default client.
func ProjectAttributeValue(attr string) (string, error) {
return defaultClient.ProjectAttributeValue(attr)
// Scopes calls Client.Scopes on the default client.
func Scopes(serviceAccount string) ([]string, error) { return defaultClient.Scopes(serviceAccount) }
func strsContains(ss []string, s string) bool {
for _, v := range ss {
if v == s {
return true
return false
// A Client provides metadata.
type Client struct {
hc *http.Client
// NewClient returns a Client that can be used to fetch metadata. All HTTP requests
// will use the given http.Client instead of the default client.
func NewClient(c *http.Client) *Client {
return &Client{hc: c}
// getETag returns a value from the metadata service as well as the associated ETag.
// This func is otherwise equivalent to Get.
func (c *Client) getETag(suffix string) (value, etag string, err error) {
// Using a fixed IP makes it very difficult to spoof the metadata service in
// a container, which is an important use-case for local testing of cloud
// deployments. To enable spoofing of the metadata service, the environment
// variable GCE_METADATA_HOST is first inspected to decide where metadata
// requests shall go.
host := os.Getenv(metadataHostEnv)
if host == "" {
// Using instead of "metadata" here because Go
// binaries built with the "netgo" tag and without cgo won't
// know the search suffix for "metadata" is
// ".google.internal", and this IP address is documented as
// being stable anyway.
host = metadataIP
url := "http://" + host + "/computeMetadata/v1/" + suffix
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
req.Header.Set("Metadata-Flavor", "Google")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
res, err := c.hc.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
return "", "", NotDefinedError(suffix)
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("status code %d trying to fetch %s", res.StatusCode, url)
all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return string(all), res.Header.Get("Etag"), nil
// Get returns a value from the metadata service.
// The suffix is appended to "http://${GCE_METADATA_HOST}/computeMetadata/v1/".
// If the GCE_METADATA_HOST environment variable is not defined, a default of
// will be used instead.
// If the requested metadata is not defined, the returned error will
// be of type NotDefinedError.
func (c *Client) Get(suffix string) (string, error) {
val, _, err := c.getETag(suffix)
return val, err
func (c *Client) getTrimmed(suffix string) (s string, err error) {
s, err = c.Get(suffix)
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
func (c *Client) lines(suffix string) ([]string, error) {
j, err := c.Get(suffix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(j), "\n")
for i := range s {
s[i] = strings.TrimSpace(s[i])
return s, nil
// ProjectID returns the current instance's project ID string.
func (c *Client) ProjectID() (string, error) { return projID.get(c) }
// NumericProjectID returns the current instance's numeric project ID.
func (c *Client) NumericProjectID() (string, error) { return projNum.get(c) }
// InstanceID returns the current VM's numeric instance ID.
func (c *Client) InstanceID() (string, error) { return instID.get(c) }
// InternalIP returns the instance's primary internal IP address.
func (c *Client) InternalIP() (string, error) {
return c.getTrimmed("instance/network-interfaces/0/ip")
// ExternalIP returns the instance's primary external (public) IP address.
func (c *Client) ExternalIP() (string, error) {
return c.getTrimmed("instance/network-interfaces/0/access-configs/0/external-ip")
// Hostname returns the instance's hostname. This will be of the form
// "<instanceID>.c.<projID>.internal".
func (c *Client) Hostname() (string, error) {
return c.getTrimmed("instance/hostname")
// InstanceTags returns the list of user-defined instance tags,
// assigned when initially creating a GCE instance.
func (c *Client) InstanceTags() ([]string, error) {
var s []string
j, err := c.Get("instance/tags")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(j)).Decode(&s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, nil
// InstanceName returns the current VM's instance ID string.
func (c *Client) InstanceName() (string, error) {
host, err := c.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return strings.Split(host, ".")[0], nil
// Zone returns the current VM's zone, such as "us-central1-b".
func (c *Client) Zone() (string, error) {
zone, err := c.getTrimmed("instance/zone")
// zone is of the form "projects/<projNum>/zones/<zoneName>".
if err != nil {
return "", err
return zone[strings.LastIndex(zone, "/")+1:], nil
// InstanceAttributes returns the list of user-defined attributes,
// assigned when initially creating a GCE VM instance. The value of an
// attribute can be obtained with InstanceAttributeValue.
func (c *Client) InstanceAttributes() ([]string, error) { return c.lines("instance/attributes/") }
// ProjectAttributes returns the list of user-defined attributes
// applying to the project as a whole, not just this VM. The value of
// an attribute can be obtained with ProjectAttributeValue.
func (c *Client) ProjectAttributes() ([]string, error) { return c.lines("project/attributes/") }
// InstanceAttributeValue returns the value of the provided VM
// instance attribute.
// If the requested attribute is not defined, the returned error will
// be of type NotDefinedError.
// InstanceAttributeValue may return ("", nil) if the attribute was
// defined to be the empty string.
func (c *Client) InstanceAttributeValue(attr string) (string, error) {
return c.Get("instance/attributes/" + attr)
// ProjectAttributeValue returns the value of the provided
// project attribute.
// If the requested attribute is not defined, the returned error will
// be of type NotDefinedError.
// ProjectAttributeValue may return ("", nil) if the attribute was
// defined to be the empty string.
func (c *Client) ProjectAttributeValue(attr string) (string, error) {
return c.Get("project/attributes/" + attr)
// Scopes returns the service account scopes for the given account.
// The account may be empty or the string "default" to use the instance's
// main account.
func (c *Client) Scopes(serviceAccount string) ([]string, error) {
if serviceAccount == "" {
serviceAccount = "default"
return c.lines("instance/service-accounts/" + serviceAccount + "/scopes")
// Subscribe subscribes to a value from the metadata service.
// The suffix is appended to "http://${GCE_METADATA_HOST}/computeMetadata/v1/".
// The suffix may contain query parameters.
// Subscribe calls fn with the latest metadata value indicated by the provided
// suffix. If the metadata value is deleted, fn is called with the empty string
// and ok false. Subscribe blocks until fn returns a non-nil error or the value
// is deleted. Subscribe returns the error value returned from the last call to
// fn, which may be nil when ok == false.
func (c *Client) Subscribe(suffix string, fn func(v string, ok bool) error) error {
const failedSubscribeSleep = time.Second * 5
// First check to see if the metadata value exists at all.
val, lastETag, err := c.getETag(suffix)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := fn(val, true); err != nil {
return err
ok := true
if strings.ContainsRune(suffix, '?') {
suffix += "&wait_for_change=true&last_etag="
} else {
suffix += "?wait_for_change=true&last_etag="
for {
val, etag, err := c.getETag(suffix + url.QueryEscape(lastETag))
if err != nil {
if _, deleted := err.(NotDefinedError); !deleted {
continue // Retry on other errors.
ok = false
lastETag = etag
if err := fn(val, ok); err != nil || !ok {
return err
@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package iam supports the resource-specific operations of Google Cloud
// IAM (Identity and Access Management) for the Google Cloud Libraries.
// See https://cloud.google.com/iam for more about IAM.
// Users of the Google Cloud Libraries will typically not use this package
// directly. Instead they will begin with some resource that supports IAM, like
// a pubsub topic, and call its IAM method to get a Handle for that resource.
package iam
import (
gax "github.com/googleapis/gax-go"
pb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/v1"
// client abstracts the IAMPolicy API to allow multiple implementations.
type client interface {
Get(ctx context.Context, resource string) (*pb.Policy, error)
Set(ctx context.Context, resource string, p *pb.Policy) error
Test(ctx context.Context, resource string, perms []string) ([]string, error)
// grpcClient implements client for the standard gRPC-based IAMPolicy service.
type grpcClient struct {
c pb.IAMPolicyClient
var withRetry = gax.WithRetry(func() gax.Retryer {
return gax.OnCodes([]codes.Code{
}, gax.Backoff{
Initial: 100 * time.Millisecond,
Max: 60 * time.Second,
Multiplier: 1.3,
func (g *grpcClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resource string) (*pb.Policy, error) {
var proto *pb.Policy
err := gax.Invoke(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, _ gax.CallSettings) error {
var err error
proto, err = g.c.GetIamPolicy(ctx, &pb.GetIamPolicyRequest{Resource: resource})
return err
}, withRetry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto, nil
func (g *grpcClient) Set(ctx context.Context, resource string, p *pb.Policy) error {
return gax.Invoke(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, _ gax.CallSettings) error {
_, err := g.c.SetIamPolicy(ctx, &pb.SetIamPolicyRequest{
Resource: resource,
Policy: p,
return err
}, withRetry)
func (g *grpcClient) Test(ctx context.Context, resource string, perms []string) ([]string, error) {
var res *pb.TestIamPermissionsResponse
err := gax.Invoke(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, _ gax.CallSettings) error {
var err error
res, err = g.c.TestIamPermissions(ctx, &pb.TestIamPermissionsRequest{
Resource: resource,
Permissions: perms,
return err
}, withRetry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Permissions, nil
// A Handle provides IAM operations for a resource.
type Handle struct {
c client
resource string
// InternalNewHandle is for use by the Google Cloud Libraries only.
// InternalNewHandle returns a Handle for resource.
// The conn parameter refers to a server that must support the IAMPolicy service.
func InternalNewHandle(conn *grpc.ClientConn, resource string) *Handle {
return InternalNewHandleGRPCClient(pb.NewIAMPolicyClient(conn), resource)
// InternalNewHandleGRPCClient is for use by the Google Cloud Libraries only.
// InternalNewHandleClient returns a Handle for resource using the given
// grpc service that implements IAM as a mixin
func InternalNewHandleGRPCClient(c pb.IAMPolicyClient, resource string) *Handle {
return InternalNewHandleClient(&grpcClient{c: c}, resource)
// InternalNewHandleClient is for use by the Google Cloud Libraries only.
// InternalNewHandleClient returns a Handle for resource using the given
// client implementation.
func InternalNewHandleClient(c client, resource string) *Handle {
return &Handle{
c: c,
resource: resource,
// Policy retrieves the IAM policy for the resource.
func (h *Handle) Policy(ctx context.Context) (*Policy, error) {
proto, err := h.c.Get(ctx, h.resource)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Policy{InternalProto: proto}, nil
// SetPolicy replaces the resource's current policy with the supplied Policy.
// If policy was created from a prior call to Get, then the modification will
// only succeed if the policy has not changed since the Get.
func (h *Handle) SetPolicy(ctx context.Context, policy *Policy) error {
return h.c.Set(ctx, h.resource, policy.InternalProto)
// TestPermissions returns the subset of permissions that the caller has on the resource.
func (h *Handle) TestPermissions(ctx context.Context, permissions []string) ([]string, error) {
return h.c.Test(ctx, h.resource, permissions)
// A RoleName is a name representing a collection of permissions.
type RoleName string
// Common role names.
const (
Owner RoleName = "roles/owner"
Editor RoleName = "roles/editor"
Viewer RoleName = "roles/viewer"
const (
// AllUsers is a special member that denotes all users, even unauthenticated ones.
AllUsers = "allUsers"
// AllAuthenticatedUsers is a special member that denotes all authenticated users.
AllAuthenticatedUsers = "allAuthenticatedUsers"
// A Policy is a list of Bindings representing roles
// granted to members.
// The zero Policy is a valid policy with no bindings.
type Policy struct {
// TODO(jba): when type aliases are available, put Policy into an internal package
// and provide an exported alias here.
// This field is exported for use by the Google Cloud Libraries only.
// It may become unexported in a future release.
InternalProto *pb.Policy
// Members returns the list of members with the supplied role.
// The return value should not be modified. Use Add and Remove
// to modify the members of a role.
func (p *Policy) Members(r RoleName) []string {
b := p.binding(r)
if b == nil {
return nil
return b.Members
// HasRole reports whether member has role r.
func (p *Policy) HasRole(member string, r RoleName) bool {
return memberIndex(member, p.binding(r)) >= 0
// Add adds member member to role r if it is not already present.
// A new binding is created if there is no binding for the role.
func (p *Policy) Add(member string, r RoleName) {
b := p.binding(r)
if b == nil {
if p.InternalProto == nil {
p.InternalProto = &pb.Policy{}
p.InternalProto.Bindings = append(p.InternalProto.Bindings, &pb.Binding{
Role: string(r),
Members: []string{member},
if memberIndex(member, b) < 0 {
b.Members = append(b.Members, member)
// Remove removes member from role r if it is present.
func (p *Policy) Remove(member string, r RoleName) {
bi := p.bindingIndex(r)
if bi < 0 {
bindings := p.InternalProto.Bindings
b := bindings[bi]
mi := memberIndex(member, b)
if mi < 0 {
// Order doesn't matter for bindings or members, so to remove, move the last item
// into the removed spot and shrink the slice.
if len(b.Members) == 1 {
// Remove binding.
last := len(bindings) - 1
bindings[bi] = bindings[last]
bindings[last] = nil
p.InternalProto.Bindings = bindings[:last]
// Remove member.
// TODO(jba): worry about multiple copies of m?
last := len(b.Members) - 1
b.Members[mi] = b.Members[last]
b.Members[last] = ""
b.Members = b.Members[:last]
// Roles returns the names of all the roles that appear in the Policy.
func (p *Policy) Roles() []RoleName {
if p.InternalProto == nil {
return nil
var rns []RoleName
for _, b := range p.InternalProto.Bindings {
rns = append(rns, RoleName(b.Role))
return rns
// binding returns the Binding for the suppied role, or nil if there isn't one.
func (p *Policy) binding(r RoleName) *pb.Binding {
i := p.bindingIndex(r)
if i < 0 {
return nil
return p.InternalProto.Bindings[i]
func (p *Policy) bindingIndex(r RoleName) int {
if p.InternalProto == nil {
return -1
for i, b := range p.InternalProto.Bindings {
if b.Role == string(r) {
return i
return -1
// memberIndex returns the index of m in b's Members, or -1 if not found.
func memberIndex(m string, b *pb.Binding) int {
if b == nil {
return -1
for i, mm := range b.Members {
if mm == m {
return i
return -1
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package internal
import (
// Annotate prepends msg to the error message in err, attempting
// to preserve other information in err, like an error code.
// Annotate panics if err is nil.
// Annotate knows about these error types:
// - "google.golang.org/grpc/status".Status
// - "google.golang.org/api/googleapi".Error
// If the error is not one of these types, Annotate behaves
// like
// fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", msg, err)
func Annotate(err error, msg string) error {
if err == nil {
panic("Annotate called with nil")
if s, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
p := s.Proto()
p.Message = msg + ": " + p.Message
return status.ErrorProto(p)
if g, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok {
g.Message = msg + ": " + g.Message
return g
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", msg, err)
// Annotatef uses format and args to format a string, then calls Annotate.
func Annotatef(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error {
return Annotate(err, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package optional provides versions of primitive types that can
// be nil. These are useful in methods that update some of an API object's
// fields.
package optional
import (
type (
// Bool is either a bool or nil.
Bool interface{}
// String is either a string or nil.
String interface{}
// Int is either an int or nil.
Int interface{}
// Uint is either a uint or nil.
Uint interface{}
// Float64 is either a float64 or nil.
Float64 interface{}
// Duration is either a time.Duration or nil.
Duration interface{}
// ToBool returns its argument as a bool.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not a bool.
func ToBool(v Bool) bool {
x, ok := v.(bool)
if !ok {
doPanic("Bool", v)
return x
// ToString returns its argument as a string.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not a string.
func ToString(v String) string {
x, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
doPanic("String", v)
return x
// ToInt returns its argument as an int.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not an int.
func ToInt(v Int) int {
x, ok := v.(int)
if !ok {
doPanic("Int", v)
return x
// ToUint returns its argument as a uint.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not a uint.
func ToUint(v Uint) uint {
x, ok := v.(uint)
if !ok {
doPanic("Uint", v)
return x
// ToFloat64 returns its argument as a float64.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not a float64.
func ToFloat64(v Float64) float64 {
x, ok := v.(float64)
if !ok {
doPanic("Float64", v)
return x
// ToDuration returns its argument as a time.Duration.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not a time.Duration.
func ToDuration(v Duration) time.Duration {
x, ok := v.(time.Duration)
if !ok {
doPanic("Duration", v)
return x
func doPanic(capType string, v interface{}) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("optional.%s value should be %s, got %T", capType, strings.ToLower(capType), v))
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package internal
import (
gax "github.com/googleapis/gax-go"
// Retry calls the supplied function f repeatedly according to the provided
// backoff parameters. It returns when one of the following occurs:
// When f's first return value is true, Retry immediately returns with f's second
// return value.
// When the provided context is done, Retry returns with an error that
// includes both ctx.Error() and the last error returned by f.
func Retry(ctx context.Context, bo gax.Backoff, f func() (stop bool, err error)) error {
return retry(ctx, bo, f, gax.Sleep)
func retry(ctx context.Context, bo gax.Backoff, f func() (stop bool, err error),
sleep func(context.Context, time.Duration) error) error {
var lastErr error
for {
stop, err := f()
if stop {
return err
// Remember the last "real" error from f.
if err != nil && err != context.Canceled && err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
lastErr = err
p := bo.Pause()
if cerr := sleep(ctx, p); cerr != nil {
if lastErr != nil {
return Annotatef(lastErr, "retry failed with %v; last error", cerr)
return cerr
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build go1.8
package trace
import (
func StartSpan(ctx context.Context, name string) context.Context {
ctx, _ = trace.StartSpan(ctx, name)
return ctx
func EndSpan(ctx context.Context, err error) {
span := trace.FromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
// ToStatus interrogates an error and converts it to an appropriate
// OpenCensus status.
func toStatus(err error) trace.Status {
if err2, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok {
return trace.Status{Code: httpStatusCodeToOCCode(err2.Code), Message: err2.Message}
} else if s, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
return trace.Status{Code: int32(s.Code()), Message: s.Message()}
} else {
return trace.Status{Code: int32(code.Code_UNKNOWN), Message: err.Error()}
// TODO (deklerk): switch to using OpenCensus function when it becomes available.
// Reference: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/blob/26b634d2724ac5dd30ae0b0cbfb01f07f2e4050e/google/rpc/code.proto
func httpStatusCodeToOCCode(httpStatusCode int) int32 {
switch httpStatusCode {
case 200:
return int32(code.Code_OK)
case 499:
return int32(code.Code_CANCELLED)
case 500:
return int32(code.Code_UNKNOWN) // Could also be Code_INTERNAL, Code_DATA_LOSS
case 400:
return int32(code.Code_INVALID_ARGUMENT) // Could also be Code_OUT_OF_RANGE
case 504:
return int32(code.Code_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED)
case 404:
return int32(code.Code_NOT_FOUND)
case 409:
return int32(code.Code_ALREADY_EXISTS) // Could also be Code_ABORTED
case 403:
return int32(code.Code_PERMISSION_DENIED)
case 401:
return int32(code.Code_UNAUTHENTICATED)
case 429:
return int32(code.Code_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)
case 501:
return int32(code.Code_UNIMPLEMENTED)
case 503:
return int32(code.Code_UNAVAILABLE)
return int32(code.Code_UNKNOWN)
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build !go1.8
package trace
import (
// OpenCensus only supports go 1.8 and higher.
func StartSpan(ctx context.Context, _ string) context.Context {
return ctx
func EndSpan(context.Context, error) {
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
today=$(date +%Y%m%d)
sed -i -r -e 's/const Repo = "([0-9]{8})"/const Repo = "'$today'"/' $GOFILE
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//go:generate ./update_version.sh
// Package version contains version information for Google Cloud Client
// Libraries for Go, as reported in request headers.
package version
import (
// Repo is the current version of the client libraries in this
// repo. It should be a date in YYYYMMDD format.
const Repo = "20180226"
// Go returns the Go runtime version. The returned string
// has no whitespace.
func Go() string {
return goVersion
var goVersion = goVer(runtime.Version())
const develPrefix = "devel +"
func goVer(s string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, develPrefix) {
s = s[len(develPrefix):]
if p := strings.IndexFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace); p >= 0 {
s = s[:p]
return s
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "go1") {
s = s[2:]
var prerelease string
if p := strings.IndexFunc(s, notSemverRune); p >= 0 {
s, prerelease = s[:p], s[p:]
if strings.HasSuffix(s, ".") {
s += "0"
} else if strings.Count(s, ".") < 2 {
s += ".0"
if prerelease != "" {
s += "-" + prerelease
return s
return ""
func notSemverRune(r rune) bool {
return strings.IndexRune("0123456789.", r) < 0
@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw "google.golang.org/api/storage/v1"
// ACLRole is the level of access to grant.
type ACLRole string
const (
RoleOwner ACLRole = "OWNER"
RoleReader ACLRole = "READER"
RoleWriter ACLRole = "WRITER"
// ACLEntity refers to a user or group.
// They are sometimes referred to as grantees.
// It could be in the form of:
// "user-<userId>", "user-<email>", "group-<groupId>", "group-<email>",
// "domain-<domain>" and "project-team-<projectId>".
// Or one of the predefined constants: AllUsers, AllAuthenticatedUsers.
type ACLEntity string
const (
AllUsers ACLEntity = "allUsers"
AllAuthenticatedUsers ACLEntity = "allAuthenticatedUsers"
// ACLRule represents a grant for a role to an entity (user, group or team) for a
// Google Cloud Storage object or bucket.
type ACLRule struct {
Entity ACLEntity
EntityID string
Role ACLRole
Domain string
Email string
ProjectTeam *ProjectTeam
// ProjectTeam is the project team associated with the entity, if any.
type ProjectTeam struct {
ProjectNumber string
Team string
// ACLHandle provides operations on an access control list for a Google Cloud Storage bucket or object.
type ACLHandle struct {
c *Client
bucket string
object string
isDefault bool
userProject string // for requester-pays buckets
// Delete permanently deletes the ACL entry for the given entity.
func (a *ACLHandle) Delete(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity) (err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.ACL.Delete")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if a.object != "" {
return a.objectDelete(ctx, entity)
if a.isDefault {
return a.bucketDefaultDelete(ctx, entity)
return a.bucketDelete(ctx, entity)
// Set sets the role for the given entity.
func (a *ACLHandle) Set(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity, role ACLRole) (err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.ACL.Set")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if a.object != "" {
return a.objectSet(ctx, entity, role, false)
if a.isDefault {
return a.objectSet(ctx, entity, role, true)
return a.bucketSet(ctx, entity, role)
// List retrieves ACL entries.
func (a *ACLHandle) List(ctx context.Context) (rules []ACLRule, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.ACL.List")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if a.object != "" {
return a.objectList(ctx)
if a.isDefault {
return a.bucketDefaultList(ctx)
return a.bucketList(ctx)
func (a *ACLHandle) bucketDefaultList(ctx context.Context) ([]ACLRule, error) {
var acls *raw.ObjectAccessControls
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.DefaultObjectAccessControls.List(a.bucket)
a.configureCall(req, ctx)
acls, err = req.Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return toObjectACLRules(acls.Items), nil
func (a *ACLHandle) bucketDefaultDelete(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity) error {
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.DefaultObjectAccessControls.Delete(a.bucket, string(entity))
a.configureCall(req, ctx)
return req.Do()
func (a *ACLHandle) bucketList(ctx context.Context) ([]ACLRule, error) {
var acls *raw.BucketAccessControls
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.BucketAccessControls.List(a.bucket)
a.configureCall(req, ctx)
acls, err = req.Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return toBucketACLRules(acls.Items), nil
func (a *ACLHandle) bucketSet(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity, role ACLRole) error {
acl := &raw.BucketAccessControl{
Bucket: a.bucket,
Entity: string(entity),
Role: string(role),
err := runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.BucketAccessControls.Update(a.bucket, string(entity), acl)
a.configureCall(req, ctx)
_, err := req.Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (a *ACLHandle) bucketDelete(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity) error {
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.BucketAccessControls.Delete(a.bucket, string(entity))
a.configureCall(req, ctx)
return req.Do()
func (a *ACLHandle) objectList(ctx context.Context) ([]ACLRule, error) {
var acls *raw.ObjectAccessControls
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.ObjectAccessControls.List(a.bucket, a.object)
a.configureCall(req, ctx)
acls, err = req.Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return toObjectACLRules(acls.Items), nil
func (a *ACLHandle) objectSet(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity, role ACLRole, isBucketDefault bool) error {
type setRequest interface {
Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*raw.ObjectAccessControl, error)
Header() http.Header
acl := &raw.ObjectAccessControl{
Bucket: a.bucket,
Entity: string(entity),
Role: string(role),
var req setRequest
if isBucketDefault {
req = a.c.raw.DefaultObjectAccessControls.Update(a.bucket, string(entity), acl)
} else {
req = a.c.raw.ObjectAccessControls.Update(a.bucket, a.object, string(entity), acl)
a.configureCall(req, ctx)
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
_, err := req.Do()
return err
func (a *ACLHandle) objectDelete(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity) error {
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.ObjectAccessControls.Delete(a.bucket, a.object, string(entity))
a.configureCall(req, ctx)
return req.Do()
func (a *ACLHandle) configureCall(call interface{ Header() http.Header }, ctx context.Context) {
vc := reflect.ValueOf(call)
if a.userProject != "" {
func toObjectACLRules(items []*raw.ObjectAccessControl) []ACLRule {
var rs []ACLRule
for _, item := range items {
rs = append(rs, toObjectACLRule(item))
return rs
func toBucketACLRules(items []*raw.BucketAccessControl) []ACLRule {
var rs []ACLRule
for _, item := range items {
rs = append(rs, toBucketACLRule(item))
return rs
func toObjectACLRule(a *raw.ObjectAccessControl) ACLRule {
return ACLRule{
Entity: ACLEntity(a.Entity),
EntityID: a.EntityId,
Role: ACLRole(a.Role),
Domain: a.Domain,
Email: a.Email,
ProjectTeam: toObjectProjectTeam(a.ProjectTeam),
func toBucketACLRule(a *raw.BucketAccessControl) ACLRule {
return ACLRule{
Entity: ACLEntity(a.Entity),
EntityID: a.EntityId,
Role: ACLRole(a.Role),
Domain: a.Domain,
Email: a.Email,
ProjectTeam: toBucketProjectTeam(a.ProjectTeam),
func toRawObjectACL(rules []ACLRule) []*raw.ObjectAccessControl {
if len(rules) == 0 {
return nil
r := make([]*raw.ObjectAccessControl, 0, len(rules))
for _, rule := range rules {
r = append(r, rule.toRawObjectAccessControl("")) // bucket name unnecessary
return r
func toRawBucketACL(rules []ACLRule) []*raw.BucketAccessControl {
if len(rules) == 0 {
return nil
r := make([]*raw.BucketAccessControl, 0, len(rules))
for _, rule := range rules {
r = append(r, rule.toRawBucketAccessControl("")) // bucket name unnecessary
return r
func (r ACLRule) toRawBucketAccessControl(bucket string) *raw.BucketAccessControl {
return &raw.BucketAccessControl{
Bucket: bucket,
Entity: string(r.Entity),
Role: string(r.Role),
// The other fields are not settable.
func (r ACLRule) toRawObjectAccessControl(bucket string) *raw.ObjectAccessControl {
return &raw.ObjectAccessControl{
Bucket: bucket,
Entity: string(r.Entity),
Role: string(r.Role),
// The other fields are not settable.
func toBucketProjectTeam(p *raw.BucketAccessControlProjectTeam) *ProjectTeam {
if p == nil {
return nil
return &ProjectTeam{
ProjectNumber: p.ProjectNumber,
Team: p.Team,
func toObjectProjectTeam(p *raw.ObjectAccessControlProjectTeam) *ProjectTeam {
if p == nil {
return nil
return &ProjectTeam{
ProjectNumber: p.ProjectNumber,
Team: p.Team,
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw "google.golang.org/api/storage/v1"
// CopierFrom creates a Copier that can copy src to dst.
// You can immediately call Run on the returned Copier, or
// you can configure it first.
// For Requester Pays buckets, the user project of dst is billed, unless it is empty,
// in which case the user project of src is billed.
func (dst *ObjectHandle) CopierFrom(src *ObjectHandle) *Copier {
return &Copier{dst: dst, src: src}
// A Copier copies a source object to a destination.
type Copier struct {
// ObjectAttrs are optional attributes to set on the destination object.
// Any attributes must be initialized before any calls on the Copier. Nil
// or zero-valued attributes are ignored.
// RewriteToken can be set before calling Run to resume a copy
// operation. After Run returns a non-nil error, RewriteToken will
// have been updated to contain the value needed to resume the copy.
RewriteToken string
// ProgressFunc can be used to monitor the progress of a multi-RPC copy
// operation. If ProgressFunc is not nil and copying requires multiple
// calls to the underlying service (see
// https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/objects/rewrite), then
// ProgressFunc will be invoked after each call with the number of bytes of
// content copied so far and the total size in bytes of the source object.
// ProgressFunc is intended to make upload progress available to the
// application. For example, the implementation of ProgressFunc may update
// a progress bar in the application's UI, or log the result of
// float64(copiedBytes)/float64(totalBytes).
// ProgressFunc should return quickly without blocking.
ProgressFunc func(copiedBytes, totalBytes uint64)
// The Cloud KMS key, in the form projects/P/locations/L/keyRings/R/cryptoKeys/K,
// that will be used to encrypt the object. Overrides the object's KMSKeyName, if
// any.
// Providing both a DestinationKMSKeyName and a customer-supplied encryption key
// (via ObjectHandle.Key) on the destination object will result in an error when
// Run is called.
DestinationKMSKeyName string
dst, src *ObjectHandle
// Run performs the copy.
func (c *Copier) Run(ctx context.Context) (attrs *ObjectAttrs, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.Copier.Run")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if err := c.src.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := c.dst.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.DestinationKMSKeyName != "" && c.dst.encryptionKey != nil {
return nil, errors.New("storage: cannot use DestinationKMSKeyName with a customer-supplied encryption key")
// Convert destination attributes to raw form, omitting the bucket.
// If the bucket is included but name or content-type aren't, the service
// returns a 400 with "Required" as the only message. Omitting the bucket
// does not cause any problems.
rawObject := c.ObjectAttrs.toRawObject("")
for {
res, err := c.callRewrite(ctx, rawObject)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.ProgressFunc != nil {
c.ProgressFunc(uint64(res.TotalBytesRewritten), uint64(res.ObjectSize))
if res.Done { // Finished successfully.
return newObject(res.Resource), nil
func (c *Copier) callRewrite(ctx context.Context, rawObj *raw.Object) (*raw.RewriteResponse, error) {
call := c.dst.c.raw.Objects.Rewrite(c.src.bucket, c.src.object, c.dst.bucket, c.dst.object, rawObj)
if c.RewriteToken != "" {
if c.DestinationKMSKeyName != "" {
if c.PredefinedACL != "" {
if err := applyConds("Copy destination", c.dst.gen, c.dst.conds, call); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.dst.userProject != "" {
} else if c.src.userProject != "" {
if err := applySourceConds(c.src.gen, c.src.conds, call); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := setEncryptionHeaders(call.Header(), c.dst.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := setEncryptionHeaders(call.Header(), c.src.encryptionKey, true); err != nil {
return nil, err
var res *raw.RewriteResponse
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error { res, err = call.Do(); return err })
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.RewriteToken = res.RewriteToken
return res, nil
// ComposerFrom creates a Composer that can compose srcs into dst.
// You can immediately call Run on the returned Composer, or you can
// configure it first.
// The encryption key for the destination object will be used to decrypt all
// source objects and encrypt the destination object. It is an error
// to specify an encryption key for any of the source objects.
func (dst *ObjectHandle) ComposerFrom(srcs ...*ObjectHandle) *Composer {
return &Composer{dst: dst, srcs: srcs}
// A Composer composes source objects into a destination object.
// For Requester Pays buckets, the user project of dst is billed.
type Composer struct {
// ObjectAttrs are optional attributes to set on the destination object.
// Any attributes must be initialized before any calls on the Composer. Nil
// or zero-valued attributes are ignored.
dst *ObjectHandle
srcs []*ObjectHandle
// Run performs the compose operation.
func (c *Composer) Run(ctx context.Context) (attrs *ObjectAttrs, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.Composer.Run")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if err := c.dst.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(c.srcs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("storage: at least one source object must be specified")
req := &raw.ComposeRequest{}
// Compose requires a non-empty Destination, so we always set it,
// even if the caller-provided ObjectAttrs is the zero value.
req.Destination = c.ObjectAttrs.toRawObject(c.dst.bucket)
for _, src := range c.srcs {
if err := src.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if src.bucket != c.dst.bucket {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: all source objects must be in bucket %q, found %q", c.dst.bucket, src.bucket)
if src.encryptionKey != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: compose source %s.%s must not have encryption key", src.bucket, src.object)
srcObj := &raw.ComposeRequestSourceObjects{
Name: src.object,
if err := applyConds("ComposeFrom source", src.gen, src.conds, composeSourceObj{srcObj}); err != nil {
return nil, err
req.SourceObjects = append(req.SourceObjects, srcObj)
call := c.dst.c.raw.Objects.Compose(c.dst.bucket, c.dst.object, req).Context(ctx)
if err := applyConds("ComposeFrom destination", c.dst.gen, c.dst.conds, call); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.dst.userProject != "" {
if c.PredefinedACL != "" {
if err := setEncryptionHeaders(call.Header(), c.dst.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
var obj *raw.Object
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error { obj, err = call.Do(); return err })
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newObject(obj), nil
@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Package storage provides an easy way to work with Google Cloud Storage.
Google Cloud Storage stores data in named objects, which are grouped into buckets.
More information about Google Cloud Storage is available at
See https://godoc.org/cloud.google.com/go for authentication, timeouts,
connection pooling and similar aspects of this package.
All of the methods of this package use exponential backoff to retry calls that fail
with certain errors, as described in
https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/exponential-backoff. Retrying continues
indefinitely unless the controlling context is canceled or the client is closed. See
context.WithTimeout and context.WithCancel.
Creating a Client
To start working with this package, create a client:
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
The client will use your default application credentials.
If you only wish to access public data, you can create
an unauthenticated client with
client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithoutAuthentication())
A Google Cloud Storage bucket is a collection of objects. To work with a
bucket, make a bucket handle:
bkt := client.Bucket(bucketName)
A handle is a reference to a bucket. You can have a handle even if the
bucket doesn't exist yet. To create a bucket in Google Cloud Storage,
call Create on the handle:
if err := bkt.Create(ctx, projectID, nil); err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
Note that although buckets are associated with projects, bucket names are
global across all projects.
Each bucket has associated metadata, represented in this package by
BucketAttrs. The third argument to BucketHandle.Create allows you to set
the initial BucketAttrs of a bucket. To retrieve a bucket's attributes, use
attrs, err := bkt.Attrs(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
fmt.Printf("bucket %s, created at %s, is located in %s with storage class %s\n",
attrs.Name, attrs.Created, attrs.Location, attrs.StorageClass)
An object holds arbitrary data as a sequence of bytes, like a file. You
refer to objects using a handle, just as with buckets, but unlike buckets
you don't explicitly create an object. Instead, the first time you write
to an object it will be created. You can use the standard Go io.Reader
and io.Writer interfaces to read and write object data:
obj := bkt.Object("data")
// Write something to obj.
// w implements io.Writer.
w := obj.NewWriter(ctx)
// Write some text to obj. This will either create the object or overwrite whatever is there already.
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "This object contains text.\n"); err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
// Close, just like writing a file.
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
// Read it back.
r, err := obj.NewReader(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
defer r.Close()
if _, err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, r); err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
// Prints "This object contains text."
Objects also have attributes, which you can fetch with Attrs:
objAttrs, err := obj.Attrs(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
fmt.Printf("object %s has size %d and can be read using %s\n",
objAttrs.Name, objAttrs.Size, objAttrs.MediaLink)
Both objects and buckets have ACLs (Access Control Lists). An ACL is a list of
ACLRules, each of which specifies the role of a user, group or project. ACLs
are suitable for fine-grained control, but you may prefer using IAM to control
access at the project level (see
To list the ACLs of a bucket or object, obtain an ACLHandle and call its List method:
acls, err := obj.ACL().List(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
for _, rule := range acls {
fmt.Printf("%s has role %s\n", rule.Entity, rule.Role)
You can also set and delete ACLs.
Every object has a generation and a metageneration. The generation changes
whenever the content changes, and the metageneration changes whenever the
metadata changes. Conditions let you check these values before an operation;
the operation only executes if the conditions match. You can use conditions to
prevent race conditions in read-modify-write operations.
For example, say you've read an object's metadata into objAttrs. Now
you want to write to that object, but only if its contents haven't changed
since you read it. Here is how to express that:
w = obj.If(storage.Conditions{GenerationMatch: objAttrs.Generation}).NewWriter(ctx)
// Proceed with writing as above.
Signed URLs
You can obtain a URL that lets anyone read or write an object for a limited time.
You don't need to create a client to do this. See the documentation of
SignedURL for details.
url, err := storage.SignedURL(bucketName, "shared-object", opts)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
Errors returned by this client are often of the type [`googleapi.Error`](https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/api/googleapi#Error).
These errors can be introspected for more information by type asserting to the richer `googleapi.Error` type. For example:
if e, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok {
if e.Code = 409 { ... }
package storage // import "cloud.google.com/go/storage"
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build go1.10
package storage
import "google.golang.org/api/googleapi"
func shouldRetry(err error) bool {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *googleapi.Error:
// Retry on 429 and 5xx, according to
// https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/exponential-backoff.
return e.Code == 429 || (e.Code >= 500 && e.Code < 600)
case interface{ Temporary() bool }:
return e.Temporary()
return false
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build go1.7
package storage
import (
func withContext(r *http.Request, ctx context.Context) *http.Request {
return r.WithContext(ctx)
func goHTTPUncompressed(res *http.Response) bool {
return res.Uncompressed
@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw "google.golang.org/api/storage/v1"
iampb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/v1"
// IAM provides access to IAM access control for the bucket.
func (b *BucketHandle) IAM() *iam.Handle {
return iam.InternalNewHandleClient(&iamClient{
raw: b.c.raw,
userProject: b.userProject,
}, b.name)
// iamClient implements the iam.client interface.
type iamClient struct {
raw *raw.Service
userProject string
func (c *iamClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resource string) (p *iampb.Policy, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.IAM.Get")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
call := c.raw.Buckets.GetIamPolicy(resource)
if c.userProject != "" {
var rp *raw.Policy
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
rp, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iamFromStoragePolicy(rp), nil
func (c *iamClient) Set(ctx context.Context, resource string, p *iampb.Policy) (err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.IAM.Set")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
rp := iamToStoragePolicy(p)
call := c.raw.Buckets.SetIamPolicy(resource, rp)
if c.userProject != "" {
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
_, err := call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
func (c *iamClient) Test(ctx context.Context, resource string, perms []string) (permissions []string, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.IAM.Test")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
call := c.raw.Buckets.TestIamPermissions(resource, perms)
if c.userProject != "" {
var res *raw.TestIamPermissionsResponse
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
res, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Permissions, nil
func iamToStoragePolicy(ip *iampb.Policy) *raw.Policy {
return &raw.Policy{
Bindings: iamToStorageBindings(ip.Bindings),
Etag: string(ip.Etag),
func iamToStorageBindings(ibs []*iampb.Binding) []*raw.PolicyBindings {
var rbs []*raw.PolicyBindings
for _, ib := range ibs {
rbs = append(rbs, &raw.PolicyBindings{
Role: ib.Role,
Members: ib.Members,
return rbs
func iamFromStoragePolicy(rp *raw.Policy) *iampb.Policy {
return &iampb.Policy{
Bindings: iamFromStorageBindings(rp.Bindings),
Etag: []byte(rp.Etag),
func iamFromStorageBindings(rbs []*raw.PolicyBindings) []*iampb.Binding {
var ibs []*iampb.Binding
for _, rb := range rbs {
ibs = append(ibs, &iampb.Binding{
Role: rb.Role,
Members: rb.Members,
return ibs
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
gax "github.com/googleapis/gax-go"
// runWithRetry calls the function until it returns nil or a non-retryable error, or
// the context is done.
func runWithRetry(ctx context.Context, call func() error) error {
return internal.Retry(ctx, gax.Backoff{}, func() (stop bool, err error) {
err = call()
if err == nil {
return true, nil
if shouldRetry(err) {
return false, nil
return true, err
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build !go1.10
package storage
import (
func shouldRetry(err error) bool {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *googleapi.Error:
// Retry on 429 and 5xx, according to
// https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/exponential-backoff.
return e.Code == 429 || (e.Code >= 500 && e.Code < 600)
case *url.Error:
// Unfortunately the error type is unexported, so we resort to string
// matching.
return strings.Contains(e.Error(), "REFUSED_STREAM")
case interface{ Temporary() bool }:
return e.Temporary()
return false
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build !go1.7
package storage
import (
func withContext(r *http.Request, _ interface{}) *http.Request {
// In Go 1.6 and below, ignore the context.
return r
// Go 1.6 doesn't have http.Response.Uncompressed, so we can't know whether the Go
// HTTP stack uncompressed a gzip file. As a good approximation, assume that
// the lack of a Content-Length header means that it did uncompress.
func goHTTPUncompressed(res *http.Response) bool {
return res.Header.Get("Content-Length") == ""
@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw "google.golang.org/api/storage/v1"
// A Notification describes how to send Cloud PubSub messages when certain
// events occur in a bucket.
type Notification struct {
//The ID of the notification.
ID string
// The ID of the topic to which this subscription publishes.
TopicID string
// The ID of the project to which the topic belongs.
TopicProjectID string
// Only send notifications about listed event types. If empty, send notifications
// for all event types.
// See https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/pubsub-notifications#events.
EventTypes []string
// If present, only apply this notification configuration to object names that
// begin with this prefix.
ObjectNamePrefix string
// An optional list of additional attributes to attach to each Cloud PubSub
// message published for this notification subscription.
CustomAttributes map[string]string
// The contents of the message payload.
// See https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/pubsub-notifications#payload.
PayloadFormat string
// Values for Notification.PayloadFormat.
const (
// Send no payload with notification messages.
NoPayload = "NONE"
// Send object metadata as JSON with notification messages.
JSONPayload = "JSON_API_V1"
// Values for Notification.EventTypes.
const (
// Event that occurs when an object is successfully created.
ObjectFinalizeEvent = "OBJECT_FINALIZE"
// Event that occurs when the metadata of an existing object changes.
ObjectMetadataUpdateEvent = "OBJECT_METADATA_UPDATE"
// Event that occurs when an object is permanently deleted.
ObjectDeleteEvent = "OBJECT_DELETE"
// Event that occurs when the live version of an object becomes an
// archived version.
ObjectArchiveEvent = "OBJECT_ARCHIVE"
func toNotification(rn *raw.Notification) *Notification {
n := &Notification{
ID: rn.Id,
EventTypes: rn.EventTypes,
ObjectNamePrefix: rn.ObjectNamePrefix,
CustomAttributes: rn.CustomAttributes,
PayloadFormat: rn.PayloadFormat,
n.TopicProjectID, n.TopicID = parseNotificationTopic(rn.Topic)
return n
var topicRE = regexp.MustCompile("^//pubsub.googleapis.com/projects/([^/]+)/topics/([^/]+)")
// parseNotificationTopic extracts the project and topic IDs from from the full
// resource name returned by the service. If the name is malformed, it returns
// "?" for both IDs.
func parseNotificationTopic(nt string) (projectID, topicID string) {
matches := topicRE.FindStringSubmatch(nt)
if matches == nil {
return "?", "?"
return matches[1], matches[2]
func toRawNotification(n *Notification) *raw.Notification {
return &raw.Notification{
Id: n.ID,
Topic: fmt.Sprintf("//pubsub.googleapis.com/projects/%s/topics/%s",
n.TopicProjectID, n.TopicID),
EventTypes: n.EventTypes,
ObjectNamePrefix: n.ObjectNamePrefix,
CustomAttributes: n.CustomAttributes,
PayloadFormat: string(n.PayloadFormat),
// AddNotification adds a notification to b. You must set n's TopicProjectID, TopicID
// and PayloadFormat, and must not set its ID. The other fields are all optional. The
// returned Notification's ID can be used to refer to it.
func (b *BucketHandle) AddNotification(ctx context.Context, n *Notification) (ret *Notification, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.Bucket.AddNotification")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if n.ID != "" {
return nil, errors.New("storage: AddNotification: ID must not be set")
if n.TopicProjectID == "" {
return nil, errors.New("storage: AddNotification: missing TopicProjectID")
if n.TopicID == "" {
return nil, errors.New("storage: AddNotification: missing TopicID")
call := b.c.raw.Notifications.Insert(b.name, toRawNotification(n))
if b.userProject != "" {
rn, err := call.Context(ctx).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return toNotification(rn), nil
// Notifications returns all the Notifications configured for this bucket, as a map
// indexed by notification ID.
func (b *BucketHandle) Notifications(ctx context.Context) (n map[string]*Notification, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.Bucket.Notifications")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
call := b.c.raw.Notifications.List(b.name)
if b.userProject != "" {
var res *raw.Notifications
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
res, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return notificationsToMap(res.Items), nil
func notificationsToMap(rns []*raw.Notification) map[string]*Notification {
m := map[string]*Notification{}
for _, rn := range rns {
m[rn.Id] = toNotification(rn)
return m
// DeleteNotification deletes the notification with the given ID.
func (b *BucketHandle) DeleteNotification(ctx context.Context, id string) (err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.Bucket.DeleteNotification")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
call := b.c.raw.Notifications.Delete(b.name, id)
if b.userProject != "" {
return call.Context(ctx).Do()
@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
var crc32cTable = crc32.MakeTable(crc32.Castagnoli)
// ReaderObjectAttrs are attributes about the object being read. These are populated
// during the New call. This struct only holds a subset of object attributes: to
// get the full set of attributes, use ObjectHandle.Attrs.
// Each field is read-only.
type ReaderObjectAttrs struct {
// Size is the length of the object's content.
Size int64
// ContentType is the MIME type of the object's content.
ContentType string
// ContentEncoding is the encoding of the object's content.
ContentEncoding string
// CacheControl specifies whether and for how long browser and Internet
// caches are allowed to cache your objects.
CacheControl string
// LastModified is the time that the object was last modified.
LastModified time.Time
// Generation is the generation number of the object's content.
Generation int64
// Metageneration is the version of the metadata for this object at
// this generation. This field is used for preconditions and for
// detecting changes in metadata. A metageneration number is only
// meaningful in the context of a particular generation of a
// particular object.
Metageneration int64
// NewReader creates a new Reader to read the contents of the
// object.
// ErrObjectNotExist will be returned if the object is not found.
// The caller must call Close on the returned Reader when done reading.
func (o *ObjectHandle) NewReader(ctx context.Context) (*Reader, error) {
return o.NewRangeReader(ctx, 0, -1)
// NewRangeReader reads part of an object, reading at most length bytes
// starting at the given offset. If length is negative, the object is read
// until the end.
func (o *ObjectHandle) NewRangeReader(ctx context.Context, offset, length int64) (r *Reader, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "cloud.google.com/go/storage.Object.NewRangeReader")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if err := o.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if offset < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid offset %d < 0", offset)
if o.conds != nil {
if err := o.conds.validate("NewRangeReader"); err != nil {
return nil, err
u := &url.URL{
Scheme: "https",
Host: "storage.googleapis.com",
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", o.bucket, o.object),
verb := "GET"
if length == 0 {
verb = "HEAD"
req, err := http.NewRequest(verb, u.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req = withContext(req, ctx)
if o.userProject != "" {
req.Header.Set("X-Goog-User-Project", o.userProject)
if o.readCompressed {
req.Header.Set("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")
if err := setEncryptionHeaders(req.Header, o.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
gen := o.gen
// Define a function that initiates a Read with offset and length, assuming we
// have already read seen bytes.
reopen := func(seen int64) (*http.Response, error) {
start := offset + seen
if length < 0 && start > 0 {
req.Header.Set("Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-", start))
} else if length > 0 {
// The end character isn't affected by how many bytes we've seen.
req.Header.Set("Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", start, offset+length-1))
// We wait to assign conditions here because the generation number can change in between reopen() runs.
req.URL.RawQuery = conditionsQuery(gen, o.conds)
var res *http.Response
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
res, err = o.c.hc.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
if res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
return ErrObjectNotExist
if res.StatusCode < 200 || res.StatusCode > 299 {
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
return &googleapi.Error{
Code: res.StatusCode,
Header: res.Header,
Body: string(body),
if start > 0 && length != 0 && res.StatusCode != http.StatusPartialContent {
return errors.New("storage: partial request not satisfied")
// If a generation hasn't been specified, and this is the first response we get, let's record the
// generation. In future requests we'll use this generation as a precondition to avoid data races.
if gen < 0 && res.Header.Get("X-Goog-Generation") != "" {
gen64, err := strconv.ParseInt(res.Header.Get("X-Goog-Generation"), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
gen = gen64
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
res, err := reopen(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var (
size int64 // total size of object, even if a range was requested.
checkCRC bool
crc uint32
if res.StatusCode == http.StatusPartialContent {
cr := strings.TrimSpace(res.Header.Get("Content-Range"))
if !strings.HasPrefix(cr, "bytes ") || !strings.Contains(cr, "/") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid Content-Range %q", cr)
size, err = strconv.ParseInt(cr[strings.LastIndex(cr, "/")+1:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid Content-Range %q", cr)
} else {
size = res.ContentLength
// Check the CRC iff all of the following hold:
// - We asked for content (length != 0).
// - We got all the content (status != PartialContent).
// - The server sent a CRC header.
// - The Go http stack did not uncompress the file.
// - We were not served compressed data that was uncompressed on download.
// The problem with the last two cases is that the CRC will not match -- GCS
// computes it on the compressed contents, but we compute it on the
// uncompressed contents.
if length != 0 && !goHTTPUncompressed(res) && !uncompressedByServer(res) {
crc, checkCRC = parseCRC32c(res)
remain := res.ContentLength
body := res.Body
if length == 0 {
remain = 0
body = emptyBody
var metaGen int64
if res.Header.Get("X-Goog-Generation") != "" {
metaGen, err = strconv.ParseInt(res.Header.Get("X-Goog-Metageneration"), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var lm time.Time
if res.Header.Get("Last-Modified") != "" {
lm, err = http.ParseTime(res.Header.Get("Last-Modified"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
attrs := ReaderObjectAttrs{
Size: size,
ContentType: res.Header.Get("Content-Type"),
ContentEncoding: res.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"),
CacheControl: res.Header.Get("Cache-Control"),
LastModified: lm,
Generation: gen,
Metageneration: metaGen,
return &Reader{
Attrs: attrs,
body: body,
size: size,
remain: remain,
wantCRC: crc,
checkCRC: checkCRC,
reopen: reopen,
}, nil
func uncompressedByServer(res *http.Response) bool {
// If the data is stored as gzip but is not encoded as gzip, then it
// was uncompressed by the server.
return res.Header.Get("X-Goog-Stored-Content-Encoding") == "gzip" &&
res.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") != "gzip"
func parseCRC32c(res *http.Response) (uint32, bool) {
const prefix = "crc32c="
for _, spec := range res.Header["X-Goog-Hash"] {
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, prefix) {
c, err := decodeUint32(spec[len(prefix):])
if err == nil {
return c, true
return 0, false
var emptyBody = ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(""))
// Reader reads a Cloud Storage object.
// It implements io.Reader.
// Typically, a Reader computes the CRC of the downloaded content and compares it to
// the stored CRC, returning an error from Read if there is a mismatch. This integrity check
// is skipped if transcoding occurs. See https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/transcoding.
type Reader struct {
Attrs ReaderObjectAttrs
body io.ReadCloser
seen, remain, size int64
checkCRC bool // should we check the CRC?
wantCRC uint32 // the CRC32c value the server sent in the header
gotCRC uint32 // running crc
reopen func(seen int64) (*http.Response, error)
// Close closes the Reader. It must be called when done reading.
func (r *Reader) Close() error {
return r.body.Close()
func (r *Reader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := r.readWithRetry(p)
if r.remain != -1 {
r.remain -= int64(n)
if r.checkCRC {
r.gotCRC = crc32.Update(r.gotCRC, crc32cTable, p[:n])
// Check CRC here. It would be natural to check it in Close, but
// everybody defers Close on the assumption that it doesn't return
// anything worth looking at.
if err == io.EOF {
if r.gotCRC != r.wantCRC {
return n, fmt.Errorf("storage: bad CRC on read: got %d, want %d",
r.gotCRC, r.wantCRC)
return n, err
func (r *Reader) readWithRetry(p []byte) (int, error) {
n := 0
for len(p[n:]) > 0 {
m, err := r.body.Read(p[n:])
n += m
r.seen += int64(m)
if !shouldRetryRead(err) {
return n, err
// Read failed, but we will try again. Send a ranged read request that takes
// into account the number of bytes we've already seen.
res, err := r.reopen(r.seen)
if err != nil {
// reopen already retries
return n, err
r.body = res.Body
return n, nil
func shouldRetryRead(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
return strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "INTERNAL_ERROR") && strings.Contains(reflect.TypeOf(err).String(), "http2")
// Size returns the size of the object in bytes.
// The returned value is always the same and is not affected by
// calls to Read or Close.
// Deprecated: use Reader.Attrs.Size.
func (r *Reader) Size() int64 {
return r.Attrs.Size
// Remain returns the number of bytes left to read, or -1 if unknown.
func (r *Reader) Remain() int64 {
return r.remain
// ContentType returns the content type of the object.
// Deprecated: use Reader.Attrs.ContentType.
func (r *Reader) ContentType() string {
return r.Attrs.ContentType
// ContentEncoding returns the content encoding of the object.
// Deprecated: use Reader.Attrs.ContentEncoding.
func (r *Reader) ContentEncoding() string {
return r.Attrs.ContentEncoding
// CacheControl returns the cache control of the object.
// Deprecated: use Reader.Attrs.CacheControl.
func (r *Reader) CacheControl() string {
return r.Attrs.CacheControl
// LastModified returns the value of the Last-Modified header.
// Deprecated: use Reader.Attrs.LastModified.
func (r *Reader) LastModified() (time.Time, error) {
return r.Attrs.LastModified, nil
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw "google.golang.org/api/storage/v1"
// A Writer writes a Cloud Storage object.
type Writer struct {
// ObjectAttrs are optional attributes to set on the object. Any attributes
// must be initialized before the first Write call. Nil or zero-valued
// attributes are ignored.
// SendCRC specifies whether to transmit a CRC32C field. It should be set
// to true in addition to setting the Writer's CRC32C field, because zero
// is a valid CRC and normally a zero would not be transmitted.
// If a CRC32C is sent, and the data written does not match the checksum,
// the write will be rejected.
SendCRC32C bool
// ChunkSize controls the maximum number of bytes of the object that the
// Writer will attempt to send to the server in a single request. Objects
// smaller than the size will be sent in a single request, while larger
// objects will be split over multiple requests. The size will be rounded up
// to the nearest multiple of 256K. If zero, chunking will be disabled and
// the object will be uploaded in a single request.
// ChunkSize will default to a reasonable value. If you perform many concurrent
// writes of small objects, you may wish set ChunkSize to a value that matches
// your objects' sizes to avoid consuming large amounts of memory.
// ChunkSize must be set before the first Write call.
ChunkSize int
// ProgressFunc can be used to monitor the progress of a large write.
// operation. If ProgressFunc is not nil and writing requires multiple
// calls to the underlying service (see
// https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/how-tos/resumable-upload),
// then ProgressFunc will be invoked after each call with the number of bytes of
// content copied so far.
// ProgressFunc should return quickly without blocking.
ProgressFunc func(int64)
ctx context.Context
o *ObjectHandle
opened bool
pw *io.PipeWriter
donec chan struct{} // closed after err and obj are set.
obj *ObjectAttrs
mu sync.Mutex
err error
func (w *Writer) open() error {
attrs := w.ObjectAttrs
// Check the developer didn't change the object Name (this is unfortunate, but
// we don't want to store an object under the wrong name).
if attrs.Name != w.o.object {
return fmt.Errorf("storage: Writer.Name %q does not match object name %q", attrs.Name, w.o.object)
if !utf8.ValidString(attrs.Name) {
return fmt.Errorf("storage: object name %q is not valid UTF-8", attrs.Name)
if attrs.KMSKeyName != "" && w.o.encryptionKey != nil {
return errors.New("storage: cannot use KMSKeyName with a customer-supplied encryption key")
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
w.pw = pw
w.opened = true
if w.ChunkSize < 0 {
return errors.New("storage: Writer.ChunkSize must be non-negative")
mediaOpts := []googleapi.MediaOption{
if c := attrs.ContentType; c != "" {
mediaOpts = append(mediaOpts, googleapi.ContentType(c))
go func() {
defer close(w.donec)
rawObj := attrs.toRawObject(w.o.bucket)
if w.SendCRC32C {
rawObj.Crc32c = encodeUint32(attrs.CRC32C)
if w.MD5 != nil {
rawObj.Md5Hash = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(w.MD5)
call := w.o.c.raw.Objects.Insert(w.o.bucket, rawObj).
Media(pr, mediaOpts...).
if w.ProgressFunc != nil {
call.ProgressUpdater(func(n, _ int64) { w.ProgressFunc(n) })
if attrs.KMSKeyName != "" {
if attrs.PredefinedACL != "" {
if err := setEncryptionHeaders(call.Header(), w.o.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
w.err = err
var resp *raw.Object
err := applyConds("NewWriter", w.o.gen, w.o.conds, call)
if err == nil {
if w.o.userProject != "" {
// If the chunk size is zero, then no chunking is done on the Reader,
// which means we cannot retry: the first call will read the data, and if
// it fails, there is no way to re-read.
if w.ChunkSize == 0 {
resp, err = call.Do()
} else {
// We will only retry here if the initial POST, which obtains a URI for
// the resumable upload, fails with a retryable error. The upload itself
// has its own retry logic.
err = runWithRetry(w.ctx, func() error {
var err2 error
resp, err2 = call.Do()
return err2
if err != nil {
w.err = err
w.obj = newObject(resp)
return nil
// Write appends to w. It implements the io.Writer interface.
// Since writes happen asynchronously, Write may return a nil
// error even though the write failed (or will fail). Always
// use the error returned from Writer.Close to determine if
// the upload was successful.
func (w *Writer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
werr := w.err
if werr != nil {
return 0, werr
if !w.opened {
if err := w.open(); err != nil {
return 0, err
return w.pw.Write(p)
// Close completes the write operation and flushes any buffered data.
// If Close doesn't return an error, metadata about the written object
// can be retrieved by calling Attrs.
func (w *Writer) Close() error {
if !w.opened {
if err := w.open(); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.pw.Close(); err != nil {
return err
defer w.mu.Unlock()
return w.err
// CloseWithError aborts the write operation with the provided error.
// CloseWithError always returns nil.
// Deprecated: cancel the context passed to NewWriter instead.
func (w *Writer) CloseWithError(err error) error {
if !w.opened {
return nil
return w.pw.CloseWithError(err)
// Attrs returns metadata about a successfully-written object.
// It's only valid to call it after Close returns nil.
func (w *Writer) Attrs() *ObjectAttrs {
return w.obj
@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018, OpenCensus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package propagation implement X-Cloud-Trace-Context header propagation used
// by Google Cloud products.
package propagation // import "contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver/propagation"
import (
const (
httpHeaderMaxSize = 200
httpHeader = `X-Cloud-Trace-Context`
var _ propagation.HTTPFormat = (*HTTPFormat)(nil)
// HTTPFormat implements propagation.HTTPFormat to propagate
// traces in HTTP headers for Google Cloud Platform and Stackdriver Trace.
type HTTPFormat struct{}
// SpanContextFromRequest extracts a Stackdriver Trace span context from incoming requests.
func (f *HTTPFormat) SpanContextFromRequest(req *http.Request) (sc trace.SpanContext, ok bool) {
h := req.Header.Get(httpHeader)
// See https://cloud.google.com/trace/docs/faq for the header HTTPFormat.
// Return if the header is empty or missing, or if the header is unreasonably
// large, to avoid making unnecessary copies of a large string.
if h == "" || len(h) > httpHeaderMaxSize {
return trace.SpanContext{}, false
// Parse the trace id field.
slash := strings.Index(h, `/`)
if slash == -1 {
return trace.SpanContext{}, false
tid, h := h[:slash], h[slash+1:]
buf, err := hex.DecodeString(tid)
if err != nil {
return trace.SpanContext{}, false
copy(sc.TraceID[:], buf)
// Parse the span id field.
spanstr := h
semicolon := strings.Index(h, `;`)
if semicolon != -1 {
spanstr, h = h[:semicolon], h[semicolon+1:]
sid, err := strconv.ParseUint(spanstr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return trace.SpanContext{}, false
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(sc.SpanID[:], sid)
// Parse the options field, options field is optional.
if !strings.HasPrefix(h, "o=") {
return sc, true
o, err := strconv.ParseUint(h[2:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return trace.SpanContext{}, false
sc.TraceOptions = trace.TraceOptions(o)
return sc, true
// SpanContextToRequest modifies the given request to include a Stackdriver Trace header.
func (f *HTTPFormat) SpanContextToRequest(sc trace.SpanContext, req *http.Request) {
sid := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(sc.SpanID[:])
header := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d;o=%d", hex.EncodeToString(sc.TraceID[:]), sid, int64(sc.TraceOptions))
req.Header.Set(httpHeader, header)
@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
const (
var defaultApplicationExceptionMessage = map[int32]string{
UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_EXCEPTION: "unknown application exception",
UNKNOWN_METHOD: "unknown method",
INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXCEPTION: "invalid message type",
WRONG_METHOD_NAME: "wrong method name",
BAD_SEQUENCE_ID: "bad sequence ID",
MISSING_RESULT: "missing result",
INTERNAL_ERROR: "unknown internal error",
PROTOCOL_ERROR: "unknown protocol error",
// Application level Thrift exception
type TApplicationException interface {
TypeId() int32
Read(iprot TProtocol) error
Write(oprot TProtocol) error
type tApplicationException struct {
message string
type_ int32
func (e tApplicationException) Error() string {
if e.message != "" {
return e.message
return defaultApplicationExceptionMessage[e.type_]
func NewTApplicationException(type_ int32, message string) TApplicationException {
return &tApplicationException{message, type_}
func (p *tApplicationException) TypeId() int32 {
return p.type_
func (p *tApplicationException) Read(iprot TProtocol) error {
// TODO: this should really be generated by the compiler
_, err := iprot.ReadStructBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
message := ""
for {
_, ttype, id, err := iprot.ReadFieldBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
if ttype == STOP {
switch id {
case 1:
if ttype == STRING {
if message, err = iprot.ReadString(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err = SkipDefaultDepth(iprot, ttype); err != nil {
return err
case 2:
if ttype == I32 {
if type_, err = iprot.ReadI32(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err = SkipDefaultDepth(iprot, ttype); err != nil {
return err
if err = SkipDefaultDepth(iprot, ttype); err != nil {
return err
if err = iprot.ReadFieldEnd(); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadStructEnd(); err != nil {
return err
p.message = message
p.type_ = type_
return nil
func (p *tApplicationException) Write(oprot TProtocol) (err error) {
err = oprot.WriteStructBegin("TApplicationException")
if len(p.Error()) > 0 {
err = oprot.WriteFieldBegin("message", STRING, 1)
if err != nil {
err = oprot.WriteString(p.Error())
if err != nil {
err = oprot.WriteFieldEnd()
if err != nil {
err = oprot.WriteFieldBegin("type", I32, 2)
if err != nil {
err = oprot.WriteI32(p.type_)
if err != nil {
err = oprot.WriteFieldEnd()
if err != nil {
err = oprot.WriteFieldStop()
if err != nil {
err = oprot.WriteStructEnd()
@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type TBinaryProtocol struct {
trans TRichTransport
origTransport TTransport
reader io.Reader
writer io.Writer
strictRead bool
strictWrite bool
buffer [64]byte
type TBinaryProtocolFactory struct {
strictRead bool
strictWrite bool
func NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(t TTransport) *TBinaryProtocol {
return NewTBinaryProtocol(t, false, true)
func NewTBinaryProtocol(t TTransport, strictRead, strictWrite bool) *TBinaryProtocol {
p := &TBinaryProtocol{origTransport: t, strictRead: strictRead, strictWrite: strictWrite}
if et, ok := t.(TRichTransport); ok {
p.trans = et
} else {
p.trans = NewTRichTransport(t)
p.reader = p.trans
p.writer = p.trans
return p
func NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault() *TBinaryProtocolFactory {
return NewTBinaryProtocolFactory(false, true)
func NewTBinaryProtocolFactory(strictRead, strictWrite bool) *TBinaryProtocolFactory {
return &TBinaryProtocolFactory{strictRead: strictRead, strictWrite: strictWrite}
func (p *TBinaryProtocolFactory) GetProtocol(t TTransport) TProtocol {
return NewTBinaryProtocol(t, p.strictRead, p.strictWrite)
* Writing Methods
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteMessageBegin(name string, typeId TMessageType, seqId int32) error {
if p.strictWrite {
version := uint32(VERSION_1) | uint32(typeId)
e := p.WriteI32(int32(version))
if e != nil {
return e
e = p.WriteString(name)
if e != nil {
return e
e = p.WriteI32(seqId)
return e
} else {
e := p.WriteString(name)
if e != nil {
return e
e = p.WriteByte(int8(typeId))
if e != nil {
return e
e = p.WriteI32(seqId)
return e
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteMessageEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteStructBegin(name string) error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteStructEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteFieldBegin(name string, typeId TType, id int16) error {
e := p.WriteByte(int8(typeId))
if e != nil {
return e
e = p.WriteI16(id)
return e
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteFieldEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteFieldStop() error {
e := p.WriteByte(STOP)
return e
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteMapBegin(keyType TType, valueType TType, size int) error {
e := p.WriteByte(int8(keyType))
if e != nil {
return e
e = p.WriteByte(int8(valueType))
if e != nil {
return e
e = p.WriteI32(int32(size))
return e
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteMapEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteListBegin(elemType TType, size int) error {
e := p.WriteByte(int8(elemType))
if e != nil {
return e
e = p.WriteI32(int32(size))
return e
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteListEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteSetBegin(elemType TType, size int) error {
e := p.WriteByte(int8(elemType))
if e != nil {
return e
e = p.WriteI32(int32(size))
return e
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteSetEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteBool(value bool) error {
if value {
return p.WriteByte(1)
return p.WriteByte(0)
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteByte(value int8) error {
e := p.trans.WriteByte(byte(value))
return NewTProtocolException(e)
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteI16(value int16) error {
v := p.buffer[0:2]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(v, uint16(value))
_, e := p.writer.Write(v)
return NewTProtocolException(e)
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteI32(value int32) error {
v := p.buffer[0:4]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(v, uint32(value))
_, e := p.writer.Write(v)
return NewTProtocolException(e)
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteI64(value int64) error {
v := p.buffer[0:8]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(v, uint64(value))
_, err := p.writer.Write(v)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteDouble(value float64) error {
return p.WriteI64(int64(math.Float64bits(value)))
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteString(value string) error {
e := p.WriteI32(int32(len(value)))
if e != nil {
return e
_, err := p.trans.WriteString(value)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) WriteBinary(value []byte) error {
e := p.WriteI32(int32(len(value)))
if e != nil {
return e
_, err := p.writer.Write(value)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
* Reading methods
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadMessageBegin() (name string, typeId TMessageType, seqId int32, err error) {
size, e := p.ReadI32()
if e != nil {
return "", typeId, 0, NewTProtocolException(e)
if size < 0 {
typeId = TMessageType(size & 0x0ff)
version := int64(int64(size) & VERSION_MASK)
if version != VERSION_1 {
return name, typeId, seqId, NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(BAD_VERSION, fmt.Errorf("Bad version in ReadMessageBegin"))
name, e = p.ReadString()
if e != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, NewTProtocolException(e)
seqId, e = p.ReadI32()
if e != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, NewTProtocolException(e)
return name, typeId, seqId, nil
if p.strictRead {
return name, typeId, seqId, NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(BAD_VERSION, fmt.Errorf("Missing version in ReadMessageBegin"))
name, e2 := p.readStringBody(size)
if e2 != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, e2
b, e3 := p.ReadByte()
if e3 != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, e3
typeId = TMessageType(b)
seqId, e4 := p.ReadI32()
if e4 != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, e4
return name, typeId, seqId, nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadMessageEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadStructBegin() (name string, err error) {
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadStructEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadFieldBegin() (name string, typeId TType, seqId int16, err error) {
t, err := p.ReadByte()
typeId = TType(t)
if err != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, err
if t != STOP {
seqId, err = p.ReadI16()
return name, typeId, seqId, err
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadFieldEnd() error {
return nil
var invalidDataLength = NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(INVALID_DATA, errors.New("Invalid data length"))
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadMapBegin() (kType, vType TType, size int, err error) {
k, e := p.ReadByte()
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
kType = TType(k)
v, e := p.ReadByte()
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
vType = TType(v)
size32, e := p.ReadI32()
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
if size32 < 0 {
err = invalidDataLength
size = int(size32)
return kType, vType, size, nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadMapEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadListBegin() (elemType TType, size int, err error) {
b, e := p.ReadByte()
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
elemType = TType(b)
size32, e := p.ReadI32()
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
if size32 < 0 {
err = invalidDataLength
size = int(size32)
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadListEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadSetBegin() (elemType TType, size int, err error) {
b, e := p.ReadByte()
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
elemType = TType(b)
size32, e := p.ReadI32()
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
if size32 < 0 {
err = invalidDataLength
size = int(size32)
return elemType, size, nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadSetEnd() error {
return nil
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadBool() (bool, error) {
b, e := p.ReadByte()
v := true
if b != 1 {
v = false
return v, e
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadByte() (int8, error) {
v, err := p.trans.ReadByte()
return int8(v), err
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadI16() (value int16, err error) {
buf := p.buffer[0:2]
err = p.readAll(buf)
value = int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf))
return value, err
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadI32() (value int32, err error) {
buf := p.buffer[0:4]
err = p.readAll(buf)
value = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf))
return value, err
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadI64() (value int64, err error) {
buf := p.buffer[0:8]
err = p.readAll(buf)
value = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(buf))
return value, err
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadDouble() (value float64, err error) {
buf := p.buffer[0:8]
err = p.readAll(buf)
value = math.Float64frombits(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(buf))
return value, err
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadString() (value string, err error) {
size, e := p.ReadI32()
if e != nil {
return "", e
if size < 0 {
err = invalidDataLength
return p.readStringBody(size)
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) ReadBinary() ([]byte, error) {
size, e := p.ReadI32()
if e != nil {
return nil, e
if size < 0 {
return nil, invalidDataLength
isize := int(size)
buf := make([]byte, isize)
_, err := io.ReadFull(p.trans, buf)
return buf, NewTProtocolException(err)
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) Flush(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
return NewTProtocolException(p.trans.Flush(ctx))
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) Skip(fieldType TType) (err error) {
return SkipDefaultDepth(p, fieldType)
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) Transport() TTransport {
return p.origTransport
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) readAll(buf []byte) error {
_, err := io.ReadFull(p.reader, buf)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
const readLimit = 32768
func (p *TBinaryProtocol) readStringBody(size int32) (value string, err error) {
if size < 0 {
return "", nil
var (
buf bytes.Buffer
e error
b []byte
switch {
case int(size) <= len(p.buffer):
b = p.buffer[:size] // avoids allocation for small reads
case int(size) < readLimit:
b = make([]byte, size)
b = make([]byte, readLimit)
for size > 0 {
_, e = io.ReadFull(p.trans, b)
if e != nil {
size -= readLimit
if size < readLimit && size > 0 {
b = b[:size]
return buf.String(), NewTProtocolException(e)
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type TBufferedTransportFactory struct {
size int
type TBufferedTransport struct {
tp TTransport
func (p *TBufferedTransportFactory) GetTransport(trans TTransport) (TTransport, error) {
return NewTBufferedTransport(trans, p.size), nil
func NewTBufferedTransportFactory(bufferSize int) *TBufferedTransportFactory {
return &TBufferedTransportFactory{size: bufferSize}
func NewTBufferedTransport(trans TTransport, bufferSize int) *TBufferedTransport {
return &TBufferedTransport{
ReadWriter: bufio.ReadWriter{
Reader: bufio.NewReaderSize(trans, bufferSize),
Writer: bufio.NewWriterSize(trans, bufferSize),
tp: trans,
func (p *TBufferedTransport) IsOpen() bool {
return p.tp.IsOpen()
func (p *TBufferedTransport) Open() (err error) {
return p.tp.Open()
func (p *TBufferedTransport) Close() (err error) {
return p.tp.Close()
func (p *TBufferedTransport) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := p.ReadWriter.Read(b)
if err != nil {
return n, err
func (p *TBufferedTransport) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := p.ReadWriter.Write(b)
if err != nil {
return n, err
func (p *TBufferedTransport) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := p.ReadWriter.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return p.tp.Flush(ctx)
func (p *TBufferedTransport) RemainingBytes() (num_bytes uint64) {
return p.tp.RemainingBytes()
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
package thrift
import (
type TClient interface {
Call(ctx context.Context, method string, args, result TStruct) error
type TStandardClient struct {
seqId int32
iprot, oprot TProtocol
// TStandardClient implements TClient, and uses the standard message format for Thrift.
// It is not safe for concurrent use.
func NewTStandardClient(inputProtocol, outputProtocol TProtocol) *TStandardClient {
return &TStandardClient{
iprot: inputProtocol,
oprot: outputProtocol,
func (p *TStandardClient) Send(ctx context.Context, oprot TProtocol, seqId int32, method string, args TStruct) error {
if err := oprot.WriteMessageBegin(method, CALL, seqId); err != nil {
return err
if err := args.Write(oprot); err != nil {
return err
if err := oprot.WriteMessageEnd(); err != nil {
return err
return oprot.Flush(ctx)
func (p *TStandardClient) Recv(iprot TProtocol, seqId int32, method string, result TStruct) error {
rMethod, rTypeId, rSeqId, err := iprot.ReadMessageBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
if method != rMethod {
return NewTApplicationException(WRONG_METHOD_NAME, fmt.Sprintf("%s: wrong method name", method))
} else if seqId != rSeqId {
return NewTApplicationException(BAD_SEQUENCE_ID, fmt.Sprintf("%s: out of order sequence response", method))
} else if rTypeId == EXCEPTION {
var exception tApplicationException
if err := exception.Read(iprot); err != nil {
return err
if err := iprot.ReadMessageEnd(); err != nil {
return err
return &exception
} else if rTypeId != REPLY {
return NewTApplicationException(INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE_EXCEPTION, fmt.Sprintf("%s: invalid message type", method))
if err := result.Read(iprot); err != nil {
return err
return iprot.ReadMessageEnd()
func (p *TStandardClient) Call(ctx context.Context, method string, args, result TStruct) error {
seqId := p.seqId
if err := p.Send(ctx, p.oprot, seqId, method, args); err != nil {
return err
// method is oneway
if result == nil {
return nil
return p.Recv(p.iprot, seqId, method, result)
@ -1,810 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
const (
type tCompactType byte
const (
COMPACT_I16 = 0x04
COMPACT_I32 = 0x05
COMPACT_I64 = 0x06
var (
ttypeToCompactType map[TType]tCompactType
func init() {
ttypeToCompactType = map[TType]tCompactType{
type TCompactProtocolFactory struct{}
func NewTCompactProtocolFactory() *TCompactProtocolFactory {
return &TCompactProtocolFactory{}
func (p *TCompactProtocolFactory) GetProtocol(trans TTransport) TProtocol {
return NewTCompactProtocol(trans)
type TCompactProtocol struct {
trans TRichTransport
origTransport TTransport
// Used to keep track of the last field for the current and previous structs,
// so we can do the delta stuff.
lastField []int
lastFieldId int
// If we encounter a boolean field begin, save the TField here so it can
// have the value incorporated.
booleanFieldName string
booleanFieldId int16
booleanFieldPending bool
// If we read a field header, and it's a boolean field, save the boolean
// value here so that readBool can use it.
boolValue bool
boolValueIsNotNull bool
buffer [64]byte
// Create a TCompactProtocol given a TTransport
func NewTCompactProtocol(trans TTransport) *TCompactProtocol {
p := &TCompactProtocol{origTransport: trans, lastField: []int{}}
if et, ok := trans.(TRichTransport); ok {
p.trans = et
} else {
p.trans = NewTRichTransport(trans)
return p
// Public Writing methods.
// Write a message header to the wire. Compact Protocol messages contain the
// protocol version so we can migrate forwards in the future if need be.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteMessageBegin(name string, typeId TMessageType, seqid int32) error {
err := p.writeByteDirect(COMPACT_PROTOCOL_ID)
if err != nil {
return NewTProtocolException(err)
if err != nil {
return NewTProtocolException(err)
_, err = p.writeVarint32(seqid)
if err != nil {
return NewTProtocolException(err)
e := p.WriteString(name)
return e
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteMessageEnd() error { return nil }
// Write a struct begin. This doesn't actually put anything on the wire. We
// use it as an opportunity to put special placeholder markers on the field
// stack so we can get the field id deltas correct.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteStructBegin(name string) error {
p.lastField = append(p.lastField, p.lastFieldId)
p.lastFieldId = 0
return nil
// Write a struct end. This doesn't actually put anything on the wire. We use
// this as an opportunity to pop the last field from the current struct off
// of the field stack.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteStructEnd() error {
p.lastFieldId = p.lastField[len(p.lastField)-1]
p.lastField = p.lastField[:len(p.lastField)-1]
return nil
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteFieldBegin(name string, typeId TType, id int16) error {
if typeId == BOOL {
// we want to possibly include the value, so we'll wait.
p.booleanFieldName, p.booleanFieldId, p.booleanFieldPending = name, id, true
return nil
_, err := p.writeFieldBeginInternal(name, typeId, id, 0xFF)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
// The workhorse of writeFieldBegin. It has the option of doing a
// 'type override' of the type header. This is used specifically in the
// boolean field case.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) writeFieldBeginInternal(name string, typeId TType, id int16, typeOverride byte) (int, error) {
// short lastField = lastField_.pop();
// if there's a type override, use that.
var typeToWrite byte
if typeOverride == 0xFF {
typeToWrite = byte(p.getCompactType(typeId))
} else {
typeToWrite = typeOverride
// check if we can use delta encoding for the field id
fieldId := int(id)
written := 0
if fieldId > p.lastFieldId && fieldId-p.lastFieldId <= 15 {
// write them together
err := p.writeByteDirect(byte((fieldId-p.lastFieldId)<<4) | typeToWrite)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
} else {
// write them separate
err := p.writeByteDirect(typeToWrite)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
err = p.WriteI16(id)
written = 1 + 2
if err != nil {
return 0, err
p.lastFieldId = fieldId
// p.lastField.Push(field.id);
return written, nil
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteFieldEnd() error { return nil }
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteFieldStop() error {
err := p.writeByteDirect(STOP)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteMapBegin(keyType TType, valueType TType, size int) error {
if size == 0 {
err := p.writeByteDirect(0)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
_, err := p.writeVarint32(int32(size))
if err != nil {
return NewTProtocolException(err)
err = p.writeByteDirect(byte(p.getCompactType(keyType))<<4 | byte(p.getCompactType(valueType)))
return NewTProtocolException(err)
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteMapEnd() error { return nil }
// Write a list header.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteListBegin(elemType TType, size int) error {
_, err := p.writeCollectionBegin(elemType, size)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteListEnd() error { return nil }
// Write a set header.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteSetBegin(elemType TType, size int) error {
_, err := p.writeCollectionBegin(elemType, size)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteSetEnd() error { return nil }
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteBool(value bool) error {
if value {
if p.booleanFieldPending {
// we haven't written the field header yet
_, err := p.writeFieldBeginInternal(p.booleanFieldName, BOOL, p.booleanFieldId, v)
p.booleanFieldPending = false
return NewTProtocolException(err)
// we're not part of a field, so just write the value.
err := p.writeByteDirect(v)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
// Write a byte. Nothing to see here!
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteByte(value int8) error {
err := p.writeByteDirect(byte(value))
return NewTProtocolException(err)
// Write an I16 as a zigzag varint.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteI16(value int16) error {
_, err := p.writeVarint32(p.int32ToZigzag(int32(value)))
return NewTProtocolException(err)
// Write an i32 as a zigzag varint.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteI32(value int32) error {
_, err := p.writeVarint32(p.int32ToZigzag(value))
return NewTProtocolException(err)
// Write an i64 as a zigzag varint.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteI64(value int64) error {
_, err := p.writeVarint64(p.int64ToZigzag(value))
return NewTProtocolException(err)
// Write a double to the wire as 8 bytes.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteDouble(value float64) error {
buf := p.buffer[0:8]
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf, math.Float64bits(value))
_, err := p.trans.Write(buf)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
// Write a string to the wire with a varint size preceding.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteString(value string) error {
_, e := p.writeVarint32(int32(len(value)))
if e != nil {
return NewTProtocolException(e)
if len(value) > 0 {
_, e = p.trans.WriteString(value)
return e
// Write a byte array, using a varint for the size.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) WriteBinary(bin []byte) error {
_, e := p.writeVarint32(int32(len(bin)))
if e != nil {
return NewTProtocolException(e)
if len(bin) > 0 {
_, e = p.trans.Write(bin)
return NewTProtocolException(e)
return nil
// Reading methods.
// Read a message header.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadMessageBegin() (name string, typeId TMessageType, seqId int32, err error) {
protocolId, err := p.readByteDirect()
if err != nil {
if protocolId != COMPACT_PROTOCOL_ID {
e := fmt.Errorf("Expected protocol id %02x but got %02x", COMPACT_PROTOCOL_ID, protocolId)
return "", typeId, seqId, NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(BAD_VERSION, e)
versionAndType, err := p.readByteDirect()
if err != nil {
version := versionAndType & COMPACT_VERSION_MASK
typeId = TMessageType((versionAndType >> COMPACT_TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) & COMPACT_TYPE_BITS)
if version != COMPACT_VERSION {
e := fmt.Errorf("Expected version %02x but got %02x", COMPACT_VERSION, version)
err = NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(BAD_VERSION, e)
seqId, e := p.readVarint32()
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
name, err = p.ReadString()
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadMessageEnd() error { return nil }
// Read a struct begin. There's nothing on the wire for this, but it is our
// opportunity to push a new struct begin marker onto the field stack.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadStructBegin() (name string, err error) {
p.lastField = append(p.lastField, p.lastFieldId)
p.lastFieldId = 0
// Doesn't actually consume any wire data, just removes the last field for
// this struct from the field stack.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadStructEnd() error {
// consume the last field we read off the wire.
p.lastFieldId = p.lastField[len(p.lastField)-1]
p.lastField = p.lastField[:len(p.lastField)-1]
return nil
// Read a field header off the wire.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadFieldBegin() (name string, typeId TType, id int16, err error) {
t, err := p.readByteDirect()
if err != nil {
// if it's a stop, then we can return immediately, as the struct is over.
if (t & 0x0f) == STOP {
return "", STOP, 0, nil
// mask off the 4 MSB of the type header. it could contain a field id delta.
modifier := int16((t & 0xf0) >> 4)
if modifier == 0 {
// not a delta. look ahead for the zigzag varint field id.
id, err = p.ReadI16()
if err != nil {
} else {
// has a delta. add the delta to the last read field id.
id = int16(p.lastFieldId) + modifier
typeId, e := p.getTType(tCompactType(t & 0x0f))
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
// if this happens to be a boolean field, the value is encoded in the type
if p.isBoolType(t) {
// save the boolean value in a special instance variable.
p.boolValue = (byte(t)&0x0f == COMPACT_BOOLEAN_TRUE)
p.boolValueIsNotNull = true
// push the new field onto the field stack so we can keep the deltas going.
p.lastFieldId = int(id)
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadFieldEnd() error { return nil }
// Read a map header off the wire. If the size is zero, skip reading the key
// and value type. This means that 0-length maps will yield TMaps without the
// "correct" types.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadMapBegin() (keyType TType, valueType TType, size int, err error) {
size32, e := p.readVarint32()
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
if size32 < 0 {
err = invalidDataLength
size = int(size32)
keyAndValueType := byte(STOP)
if size != 0 {
keyAndValueType, err = p.readByteDirect()
if err != nil {
keyType, _ = p.getTType(tCompactType(keyAndValueType >> 4))
valueType, _ = p.getTType(tCompactType(keyAndValueType & 0xf))
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadMapEnd() error { return nil }
// Read a list header off the wire. If the list size is 0-14, the size will
// be packed into the element type header. If it's a longer list, the 4 MSB
// of the element type header will be 0xF, and a varint will follow with the
// true size.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadListBegin() (elemType TType, size int, err error) {
size_and_type, err := p.readByteDirect()
if err != nil {
size = int((size_and_type >> 4) & 0x0f)
if size == 15 {
size2, e := p.readVarint32()
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
if size2 < 0 {
err = invalidDataLength
size = int(size2)
elemType, e := p.getTType(tCompactType(size_and_type))
if e != nil {
err = NewTProtocolException(e)
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadListEnd() error { return nil }
// Read a set header off the wire. If the set size is 0-14, the size will
// be packed into the element type header. If it's a longer set, the 4 MSB
// of the element type header will be 0xF, and a varint will follow with the
// true size.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadSetBegin() (elemType TType, size int, err error) {
return p.ReadListBegin()
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadSetEnd() error { return nil }
// Read a boolean off the wire. If this is a boolean field, the value should
// already have been read during readFieldBegin, so we'll just consume the
// pre-stored value. Otherwise, read a byte.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadBool() (value bool, err error) {
if p.boolValueIsNotNull {
p.boolValueIsNotNull = false
return p.boolValue, nil
v, err := p.readByteDirect()
return v == COMPACT_BOOLEAN_TRUE, err
// Read a single byte off the wire. Nothing interesting here.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadByte() (int8, error) {
v, err := p.readByteDirect()
if err != nil {
return 0, NewTProtocolException(err)
return int8(v), err
// Read an i16 from the wire as a zigzag varint.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadI16() (value int16, err error) {
v, err := p.ReadI32()
return int16(v), err
// Read an i32 from the wire as a zigzag varint.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadI32() (value int32, err error) {
v, e := p.readVarint32()
if e != nil {
return 0, NewTProtocolException(e)
value = p.zigzagToInt32(v)
return value, nil
// Read an i64 from the wire as a zigzag varint.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadI64() (value int64, err error) {
v, e := p.readVarint64()
if e != nil {
return 0, NewTProtocolException(e)
value = p.zigzagToInt64(v)
return value, nil
// No magic here - just read a double off the wire.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadDouble() (value float64, err error) {
longBits := p.buffer[0:8]
_, e := io.ReadFull(p.trans, longBits)
if e != nil {
return 0.0, NewTProtocolException(e)
return math.Float64frombits(p.bytesToUint64(longBits)), nil
// Reads a []byte (via readBinary), and then UTF-8 decodes it.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadString() (value string, err error) {
length, e := p.readVarint32()
if e != nil {
return "", NewTProtocolException(e)
if length < 0 {
return "", invalidDataLength
if length == 0 {
return "", nil
var buf []byte
if length <= int32(len(p.buffer)) {
buf = p.buffer[0:length]
} else {
buf = make([]byte, length)
_, e = io.ReadFull(p.trans, buf)
return string(buf), NewTProtocolException(e)
// Read a []byte from the wire.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) ReadBinary() (value []byte, err error) {
length, e := p.readVarint32()
if e != nil {
return nil, NewTProtocolException(e)
if length == 0 {
return []byte{}, nil
if length < 0 {
return nil, invalidDataLength
buf := make([]byte, length)
_, e = io.ReadFull(p.trans, buf)
return buf, NewTProtocolException(e)
func (p *TCompactProtocol) Flush(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
return NewTProtocolException(p.trans.Flush(ctx))
func (p *TCompactProtocol) Skip(fieldType TType) (err error) {
return SkipDefaultDepth(p, fieldType)
func (p *TCompactProtocol) Transport() TTransport {
return p.origTransport
// Internal writing methods
// Abstract method for writing the start of lists and sets. List and sets on
// the wire differ only by the type indicator.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) writeCollectionBegin(elemType TType, size int) (int, error) {
if size <= 14 {
return 1, p.writeByteDirect(byte(int32(size<<4) | int32(p.getCompactType(elemType))))
err := p.writeByteDirect(0xf0 | byte(p.getCompactType(elemType)))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
m, err := p.writeVarint32(int32(size))
return 1 + m, err
// Write an i32 as a varint. Results in 1-5 bytes on the wire.
// TODO(pomack): make a permanent buffer like writeVarint64?
func (p *TCompactProtocol) writeVarint32(n int32) (int, error) {
i32buf := p.buffer[0:5]
idx := 0
for {
if (n & ^0x7F) == 0 {
i32buf[idx] = byte(n)
// p.writeByteDirect(byte(n));
// return;
} else {
i32buf[idx] = byte((n & 0x7F) | 0x80)
// p.writeByteDirect(byte(((n & 0x7F) | 0x80)));
u := uint32(n)
n = int32(u >> 7)
return p.trans.Write(i32buf[0:idx])
// Write an i64 as a varint. Results in 1-10 bytes on the wire.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) writeVarint64(n int64) (int, error) {
varint64out := p.buffer[0:10]
idx := 0
for {
if (n & ^0x7F) == 0 {
varint64out[idx] = byte(n)
} else {
varint64out[idx] = byte((n & 0x7F) | 0x80)
u := uint64(n)
n = int64(u >> 7)
return p.trans.Write(varint64out[0:idx])
// Convert l into a zigzag long. This allows negative numbers to be
// represented compactly as a varint.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) int64ToZigzag(l int64) int64 {
return (l << 1) ^ (l >> 63)
// Convert l into a zigzag long. This allows negative numbers to be
// represented compactly as a varint.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) int32ToZigzag(n int32) int32 {
return (n << 1) ^ (n >> 31)
func (p *TCompactProtocol) fixedUint64ToBytes(n uint64, buf []byte) {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf, n)
func (p *TCompactProtocol) fixedInt64ToBytes(n int64, buf []byte) {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(n))
// Writes a byte without any possibility of all that field header nonsense.
// Used internally by other writing methods that know they need to write a byte.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) writeByteDirect(b byte) error {
return p.trans.WriteByte(b)
// Writes a byte without any possibility of all that field header nonsense.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) writeIntAsByteDirect(n int) (int, error) {
return 1, p.writeByteDirect(byte(n))
// Internal reading methods
// Read an i32 from the wire as a varint. The MSB of each byte is set
// if there is another byte to follow. This can read up to 5 bytes.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) readVarint32() (int32, error) {
// if the wire contains the right stuff, this will just truncate the i64 we
// read and get us the right sign.
v, err := p.readVarint64()
return int32(v), err
// Read an i64 from the wire as a proper varint. The MSB of each byte is set
// if there is another byte to follow. This can read up to 10 bytes.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) readVarint64() (int64, error) {
shift := uint(0)
result := int64(0)
for {
b, err := p.readByteDirect()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
result |= int64(b&0x7f) << shift
if (b & 0x80) != 0x80 {
shift += 7
return result, nil
// Read a byte, unlike ReadByte that reads Thrift-byte that is i8.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) readByteDirect() (byte, error) {
return p.trans.ReadByte()
// encoding helpers
// Convert from zigzag int to int.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) zigzagToInt32(n int32) int32 {
u := uint32(n)
return int32(u>>1) ^ -(n & 1)
// Convert from zigzag long to long.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) zigzagToInt64(n int64) int64 {
u := uint64(n)
return int64(u>>1) ^ -(n & 1)
// Note that it's important that the mask bytes are long literals,
// otherwise they'll default to ints, and when you shift an int left 56 bits,
// you just get a messed up int.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) bytesToInt64(b []byte) int64 {
return int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b))
// Note that it's important that the mask bytes are long literals,
// otherwise they'll default to ints, and when you shift an int left 56 bits,
// you just get a messed up int.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) bytesToUint64(b []byte) uint64 {
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b)
// type testing and converting
func (p *TCompactProtocol) isBoolType(b byte) bool {
return (b&0x0f) == COMPACT_BOOLEAN_TRUE || (b&0x0f) == COMPACT_BOOLEAN_FALSE
// Given a tCompactType constant, convert it to its corresponding
// TType value.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) getTType(t tCompactType) (TType, error) {
switch byte(t) & 0x0f {
case STOP:
return STOP, nil
return BOOL, nil
return BYTE, nil
case COMPACT_I16:
return I16, nil
case COMPACT_I32:
return I32, nil
case COMPACT_I64:
return I64, nil
return DOUBLE, nil
return STRING, nil
return LIST, nil
return SET, nil
return MAP, nil
return STRUCT, nil
return STOP, TException(fmt.Errorf("don't know what type: %v", t&0x0f))
// Given a TType value, find the appropriate TCompactProtocol.Types constant.
func (p *TCompactProtocol) getCompactType(t TType) tCompactType {
return ttypeToCompactType[t]
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import "context"
var defaultCtx = context.Background()
@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type TDebugProtocol struct {
Delegate TProtocol
LogPrefix string
type TDebugProtocolFactory struct {
Underlying TProtocolFactory
LogPrefix string
func NewTDebugProtocolFactory(underlying TProtocolFactory, logPrefix string) *TDebugProtocolFactory {
return &TDebugProtocolFactory{
Underlying: underlying,
LogPrefix: logPrefix,
func (t *TDebugProtocolFactory) GetProtocol(trans TTransport) TProtocol {
return &TDebugProtocol{
Delegate: t.Underlying.GetProtocol(trans),
LogPrefix: t.LogPrefix,
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteMessageBegin(name string, typeId TMessageType, seqid int32) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteMessageBegin(name, typeId, seqid)
log.Printf("%sWriteMessageBegin(name=%#v, typeId=%#v, seqid=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, name, typeId, seqid, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteMessageEnd() error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteMessageEnd()
log.Printf("%sWriteMessageEnd() => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteStructBegin(name string) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteStructBegin(name)
log.Printf("%sWriteStructBegin(name=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, name, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteStructEnd() error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteStructEnd()
log.Printf("%sWriteStructEnd() => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteFieldBegin(name string, typeId TType, id int16) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteFieldBegin(name, typeId, id)
log.Printf("%sWriteFieldBegin(name=%#v, typeId=%#v, id%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, name, typeId, id, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteFieldEnd() error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteFieldEnd()
log.Printf("%sWriteFieldEnd() => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteFieldStop() error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteFieldStop()
log.Printf("%sWriteFieldStop() => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteMapBegin(keyType TType, valueType TType, size int) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteMapBegin(keyType, valueType, size)
log.Printf("%sWriteMapBegin(keyType=%#v, valueType=%#v, size=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, keyType, valueType, size, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteMapEnd() error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteMapEnd()
log.Printf("%sWriteMapEnd() => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteListBegin(elemType TType, size int) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteListBegin(elemType, size)
log.Printf("%sWriteListBegin(elemType=%#v, size=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, elemType, size, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteListEnd() error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteListEnd()
log.Printf("%sWriteListEnd() => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteSetBegin(elemType TType, size int) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteSetBegin(elemType, size)
log.Printf("%sWriteSetBegin(elemType=%#v, size=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, elemType, size, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteSetEnd() error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteSetEnd()
log.Printf("%sWriteSetEnd() => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteBool(value bool) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteBool(value)
log.Printf("%sWriteBool(value=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteByte(value int8) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteByte(value)
log.Printf("%sWriteByte(value=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteI16(value int16) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteI16(value)
log.Printf("%sWriteI16(value=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteI32(value int32) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteI32(value)
log.Printf("%sWriteI32(value=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteI64(value int64) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteI64(value)
log.Printf("%sWriteI64(value=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteDouble(value float64) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteDouble(value)
log.Printf("%sWriteDouble(value=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteString(value string) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteString(value)
log.Printf("%sWriteString(value=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) WriteBinary(value []byte) error {
err := tdp.Delegate.WriteBinary(value)
log.Printf("%sWriteBinary(value=%#v) => %#v", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
return err
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadMessageBegin() (name string, typeId TMessageType, seqid int32, err error) {
name, typeId, seqid, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadMessageBegin()
log.Printf("%sReadMessageBegin() (name=%#v, typeId=%#v, seqid=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, name, typeId, seqid, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadMessageEnd() (err error) {
err = tdp.Delegate.ReadMessageEnd()
log.Printf("%sReadMessageEnd() err=%#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadStructBegin() (name string, err error) {
name, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadStructBegin()
log.Printf("%sReadStructBegin() (name%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, name, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadStructEnd() (err error) {
err = tdp.Delegate.ReadStructEnd()
log.Printf("%sReadStructEnd() err=%#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadFieldBegin() (name string, typeId TType, id int16, err error) {
name, typeId, id, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadFieldBegin()
log.Printf("%sReadFieldBegin() (name=%#v, typeId=%#v, id=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, name, typeId, id, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadFieldEnd() (err error) {
err = tdp.Delegate.ReadFieldEnd()
log.Printf("%sReadFieldEnd() err=%#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadMapBegin() (keyType TType, valueType TType, size int, err error) {
keyType, valueType, size, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadMapBegin()
log.Printf("%sReadMapBegin() (keyType=%#v, valueType=%#v, size=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, keyType, valueType, size, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadMapEnd() (err error) {
err = tdp.Delegate.ReadMapEnd()
log.Printf("%sReadMapEnd() err=%#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadListBegin() (elemType TType, size int, err error) {
elemType, size, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadListBegin()
log.Printf("%sReadListBegin() (elemType=%#v, size=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, elemType, size, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadListEnd() (err error) {
err = tdp.Delegate.ReadListEnd()
log.Printf("%sReadListEnd() err=%#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadSetBegin() (elemType TType, size int, err error) {
elemType, size, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadSetBegin()
log.Printf("%sReadSetBegin() (elemType=%#v, size=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, elemType, size, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadSetEnd() (err error) {
err = tdp.Delegate.ReadSetEnd()
log.Printf("%sReadSetEnd() err=%#v", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadBool() (value bool, err error) {
value, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadBool()
log.Printf("%sReadBool() (value=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadByte() (value int8, err error) {
value, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadByte()
log.Printf("%sReadByte() (value=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadI16() (value int16, err error) {
value, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadI16()
log.Printf("%sReadI16() (value=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadI32() (value int32, err error) {
value, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadI32()
log.Printf("%sReadI32() (value=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadI64() (value int64, err error) {
value, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadI64()
log.Printf("%sReadI64() (value=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadDouble() (value float64, err error) {
value, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadDouble()
log.Printf("%sReadDouble() (value=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadString() (value string, err error) {
value, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadString()
log.Printf("%sReadString() (value=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) ReadBinary() (value []byte, err error) {
value, err = tdp.Delegate.ReadBinary()
log.Printf("%sReadBinary() (value=%#v, err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, value, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) Skip(fieldType TType) (err error) {
err = tdp.Delegate.Skip(fieldType)
log.Printf("%sSkip(fieldType=%#v) (err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, fieldType, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) Flush(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
err = tdp.Delegate.Flush(ctx)
log.Printf("%sFlush() (err=%#v)", tdp.LogPrefix, err)
func (tdp *TDebugProtocol) Transport() TTransport {
return tdp.Delegate.Transport()
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
type TDeserializer struct {
Transport TTransport
Protocol TProtocol
func NewTDeserializer() *TDeserializer {
var transport TTransport
transport = NewTMemoryBufferLen(1024)
protocol := NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault().GetProtocol(transport)
return &TDeserializer{
func (t *TDeserializer) ReadString(msg TStruct, s string) (err error) {
err = nil
if _, err = t.Transport.Write([]byte(s)); err != nil {
if err = msg.Read(t.Protocol); err != nil {
func (t *TDeserializer) Read(msg TStruct, b []byte) (err error) {
err = nil
if _, err = t.Transport.Write(b); err != nil {
if err = msg.Read(t.Protocol); err != nil {
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
// Generic Thrift exception
type TException interface {
// Prepends additional information to an error without losing the Thrift exception interface
func PrependError(prepend string, err error) error {
if t, ok := err.(TTransportException); ok {
return NewTTransportException(t.TypeId(), prepend+t.Error())
if t, ok := err.(TProtocolException); ok {
return NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(t.TypeId(), errors.New(prepend+err.Error()))
if t, ok := err.(TApplicationException); ok {
return NewTApplicationException(t.TypeId(), prepend+t.Error())
return errors.New(prepend + err.Error())
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
// Helper class that encapsulates field metadata.
type field struct {
name string
typeId TType
id int
func newField(n string, t TType, i int) *field {
return &field{name: n, typeId: t, id: i}
func (p *field) Name() string {
if p == nil {
return ""
return p.name
func (p *field) TypeId() TType {
if p == nil {
return TType(VOID)
return p.typeId
func (p *field) Id() int {
if p == nil {
return -1
return p.id
func (p *field) String() string {
if p == nil {
return "<nil>"
return "<TField name:'" + p.name + "' type:" + string(p.typeId) + " field-id:" + string(p.id) + ">"
type fieldSlice []field
func (p fieldSlice) Len() int {
return len(p)
func (p fieldSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p[i].Id() < p[j].Id()
func (p fieldSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]
func init() {
ANONYMOUS_FIELD = newField("", STOP, 0)
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
const DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH = 16384000
type TFramedTransport struct {
transport TTransport
buf bytes.Buffer
reader *bufio.Reader
frameSize uint32 //Current remaining size of the frame. if ==0 read next frame header
buffer [4]byte
maxLength uint32
type tFramedTransportFactory struct {
factory TTransportFactory
maxLength uint32
func NewTFramedTransportFactory(factory TTransportFactory) TTransportFactory {
return &tFramedTransportFactory{factory: factory, maxLength: DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH}
func NewTFramedTransportFactoryMaxLength(factory TTransportFactory, maxLength uint32) TTransportFactory {
return &tFramedTransportFactory{factory: factory, maxLength: maxLength}
func (p *tFramedTransportFactory) GetTransport(base TTransport) (TTransport, error) {
tt, err := p.factory.GetTransport(base)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewTFramedTransportMaxLength(tt, p.maxLength), nil
func NewTFramedTransport(transport TTransport) *TFramedTransport {
return &TFramedTransport{transport: transport, reader: bufio.NewReader(transport), maxLength: DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH}
func NewTFramedTransportMaxLength(transport TTransport, maxLength uint32) *TFramedTransport {
return &TFramedTransport{transport: transport, reader: bufio.NewReader(transport), maxLength: maxLength}
func (p *TFramedTransport) Open() error {
return p.transport.Open()
func (p *TFramedTransport) IsOpen() bool {
return p.transport.IsOpen()
func (p *TFramedTransport) Close() error {
return p.transport.Close()
func (p *TFramedTransport) Read(buf []byte) (l int, err error) {
if p.frameSize == 0 {
p.frameSize, err = p.readFrameHeader()
if err != nil {
if p.frameSize < uint32(len(buf)) {
frameSize := p.frameSize
tmp := make([]byte, p.frameSize)
l, err = p.Read(tmp)
copy(buf, tmp)
if err == nil {
err = NewTTransportExceptionFromError(fmt.Errorf("Not enough frame size %d to read %d bytes", frameSize, len(buf)))
got, err := p.reader.Read(buf)
p.frameSize = p.frameSize - uint32(got)
//sanity check
if p.frameSize < 0 {
return 0, NewTTransportException(UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT_EXCEPTION, "Negative frame size")
return got, NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *TFramedTransport) ReadByte() (c byte, err error) {
if p.frameSize == 0 {
p.frameSize, err = p.readFrameHeader()
if err != nil {
if p.frameSize < 1 {
return 0, NewTTransportExceptionFromError(fmt.Errorf("Not enough frame size %d to read %d bytes", p.frameSize, 1))
c, err = p.reader.ReadByte()
if err == nil {
func (p *TFramedTransport) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := p.buf.Write(buf)
return n, NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *TFramedTransport) WriteByte(c byte) error {
return p.buf.WriteByte(c)
func (p *TFramedTransport) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
return p.buf.WriteString(s)
func (p *TFramedTransport) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {
size := p.buf.Len()
buf := p.buffer[:4]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf, uint32(size))
_, err := p.transport.Write(buf)
if err != nil {
return NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
if size > 0 {
if n, err := p.buf.WriteTo(p.transport); err != nil {
print("Error while flushing write buffer of size ", size, " to transport, only wrote ", n, " bytes: ", err.Error(), "\n")
return NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
err = p.transport.Flush(ctx)
return NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *TFramedTransport) readFrameHeader() (uint32, error) {
buf := p.buffer[:4]
if _, err := io.ReadFull(p.reader, buf); err != nil {
return 0, err
size := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf)
if size < 0 || size > p.maxLength {
return 0, NewTTransportException(UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT_EXCEPTION, fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect frame size (%d)", size))
return size, nil
func (p *TFramedTransport) RemainingBytes() (num_bytes uint64) {
return uint64(p.frameSize)
@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
// Default to using the shared http client. Library users are
// free to change this global client or specify one through
// THttpClientOptions.
var DefaultHttpClient *http.Client = http.DefaultClient
type THttpClient struct {
client *http.Client
response *http.Response
url *url.URL
requestBuffer *bytes.Buffer
header http.Header
nsecConnectTimeout int64
nsecReadTimeout int64
type THttpClientTransportFactory struct {
options THttpClientOptions
url string
func (p *THttpClientTransportFactory) GetTransport(trans TTransport) (TTransport, error) {
if trans != nil {
t, ok := trans.(*THttpClient)
if ok && t.url != nil {
return NewTHttpClientWithOptions(t.url.String(), p.options)
return NewTHttpClientWithOptions(p.url, p.options)
type THttpClientOptions struct {
// If nil, DefaultHttpClient is used
Client *http.Client
func NewTHttpClientTransportFactory(url string) *THttpClientTransportFactory {
return NewTHttpClientTransportFactoryWithOptions(url, THttpClientOptions{})
func NewTHttpClientTransportFactoryWithOptions(url string, options THttpClientOptions) *THttpClientTransportFactory {
return &THttpClientTransportFactory{url: url, options: options}
func NewTHttpClientWithOptions(urlstr string, options THttpClientOptions) (TTransport, error) {
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(urlstr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buf := make([]byte, 0, 1024)
client := options.Client
if client == nil {
client = DefaultHttpClient
httpHeader := map[string][]string{"Content-Type": {"application/x-thrift"}}
return &THttpClient{client: client, url: parsedURL, requestBuffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf), header: httpHeader}, nil
func NewTHttpClient(urlstr string) (TTransport, error) {
return NewTHttpClientWithOptions(urlstr, THttpClientOptions{})
// Set the HTTP Header for this specific Thrift Transport
// It is important that you first assert the TTransport as a THttpClient type
// like so:
// httpTrans := trans.(THttpClient)
// httpTrans.SetHeader("User-Agent","Thrift Client 1.0")
func (p *THttpClient) SetHeader(key string, value string) {
p.header.Add(key, value)
// Get the HTTP Header represented by the supplied Header Key for this specific Thrift Transport
// It is important that you first assert the TTransport as a THttpClient type
// like so:
// httpTrans := trans.(THttpClient)
// hdrValue := httpTrans.GetHeader("User-Agent")
func (p *THttpClient) GetHeader(key string) string {
return p.header.Get(key)
// Deletes the HTTP Header given a Header Key for this specific Thrift Transport
// It is important that you first assert the TTransport as a THttpClient type
// like so:
// httpTrans := trans.(THttpClient)
// httpTrans.DelHeader("User-Agent")
func (p *THttpClient) DelHeader(key string) {
func (p *THttpClient) Open() error {
// do nothing
return nil
func (p *THttpClient) IsOpen() bool {
return p.response != nil || p.requestBuffer != nil
func (p *THttpClient) closeResponse() error {
var err error
if p.response != nil && p.response.Body != nil {
// The docs specify that if keepalive is enabled and the response body is not
// read to completion the connection will never be returned to the pool and
// reused. Errors are being ignored here because if the connection is invalid
// and this fails for some reason, the Close() method will do any remaining
// cleanup.
io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, p.response.Body)
err = p.response.Body.Close()
p.response = nil
return err
func (p *THttpClient) Close() error {
if p.requestBuffer != nil {
p.requestBuffer = nil
return p.closeResponse()
func (p *THttpClient) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
if p.response == nil {
return 0, NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Response buffer is empty, no request.")
n, err := p.response.Body.Read(buf)
if n > 0 && (err == nil || err == io.EOF) {
return n, nil
return n, NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *THttpClient) ReadByte() (c byte, err error) {
return readByte(p.response.Body)
func (p *THttpClient) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := p.requestBuffer.Write(buf)
return n, err
func (p *THttpClient) WriteByte(c byte) error {
return p.requestBuffer.WriteByte(c)
func (p *THttpClient) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
return p.requestBuffer.WriteString(s)
func (p *THttpClient) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {
// Close any previous response body to avoid leaking connections.
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", p.url.String(), p.requestBuffer)
if err != nil {
return NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
req.Header = p.header
if ctx != nil {
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
response, err := p.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
// Close the response to avoid leaking file descriptors. closeResponse does
// more than just call Close(), so temporarily assign it and reuse the logic.
p.response = response
// TODO(pomack) log bad response
return NewTTransportException(UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT_EXCEPTION, "HTTP Response code: "+strconv.Itoa(response.StatusCode))
p.response = response
return nil
func (p *THttpClient) RemainingBytes() (num_bytes uint64) {
len := p.response.ContentLength
if len >= 0 {
return uint64(len)
const maxSize = ^uint64(0)
return maxSize // the thruth is, we just don't know unless framed is used
// Deprecated: Use NewTHttpClientTransportFactory instead.
func NewTHttpPostClientTransportFactory(url string) *THttpClientTransportFactory {
return NewTHttpClientTransportFactoryWithOptions(url, THttpClientOptions{})
// Deprecated: Use NewTHttpClientTransportFactoryWithOptions instead.
func NewTHttpPostClientTransportFactoryWithOptions(url string, options THttpClientOptions) *THttpClientTransportFactory {
return NewTHttpClientTransportFactoryWithOptions(url, options)
// Deprecated: Use NewTHttpClientWithOptions instead.
func NewTHttpPostClientWithOptions(urlstr string, options THttpClientOptions) (TTransport, error) {
return NewTHttpClientWithOptions(urlstr, options)
// Deprecated: Use NewTHttpClient instead.
func NewTHttpPostClient(urlstr string) (TTransport, error) {
return NewTHttpClientWithOptions(urlstr, THttpClientOptions{})
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
// NewThriftHandlerFunc is a function that create a ready to use Apache Thrift Handler function
func NewThriftHandlerFunc(processor TProcessor,
inPfactory, outPfactory TProtocolFactory) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return gz(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/x-thrift")
transport := NewStreamTransport(r.Body, w)
processor.Process(r.Context(), inPfactory.GetProtocol(transport), outPfactory.GetProtocol(transport))
// gz transparently compresses the HTTP response if the client supports it.
func gz(handler http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !strings.Contains(r.Header.Get("Accept-Encoding"), "gzip") {
handler(w, r)
w.Header().Set("Content-Encoding", "gzip")
gz := gzip.NewWriter(w)
defer gz.Close()
gzw := gzipResponseWriter{Writer: gz, ResponseWriter: w}
handler(gzw, r)
type gzipResponseWriter struct {
func (w gzipResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return w.Writer.Write(b)
@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
// StreamTransport is a Transport made of an io.Reader and/or an io.Writer
type StreamTransport struct {
isReadWriter bool
closed bool
type StreamTransportFactory struct {
Reader io.Reader
Writer io.Writer
isReadWriter bool
func (p *StreamTransportFactory) GetTransport(trans TTransport) (TTransport, error) {
if trans != nil {
t, ok := trans.(*StreamTransport)
if ok {
if t.isReadWriter {
return NewStreamTransportRW(t.Reader.(io.ReadWriter)), nil
if t.Reader != nil && t.Writer != nil {
return NewStreamTransport(t.Reader, t.Writer), nil
if t.Reader != nil && t.Writer == nil {
return NewStreamTransportR(t.Reader), nil
if t.Reader == nil && t.Writer != nil {
return NewStreamTransportW(t.Writer), nil
return &StreamTransport{}, nil
if p.isReadWriter {
return NewStreamTransportRW(p.Reader.(io.ReadWriter)), nil
if p.Reader != nil && p.Writer != nil {
return NewStreamTransport(p.Reader, p.Writer), nil
if p.Reader != nil && p.Writer == nil {
return NewStreamTransportR(p.Reader), nil
if p.Reader == nil && p.Writer != nil {
return NewStreamTransportW(p.Writer), nil
return &StreamTransport{}, nil
func NewStreamTransportFactory(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer, isReadWriter bool) *StreamTransportFactory {
return &StreamTransportFactory{Reader: reader, Writer: writer, isReadWriter: isReadWriter}
func NewStreamTransport(r io.Reader, w io.Writer) *StreamTransport {
return &StreamTransport{Reader: bufio.NewReader(r), Writer: bufio.NewWriter(w)}
func NewStreamTransportR(r io.Reader) *StreamTransport {
return &StreamTransport{Reader: bufio.NewReader(r)}
func NewStreamTransportW(w io.Writer) *StreamTransport {
return &StreamTransport{Writer: bufio.NewWriter(w)}
func NewStreamTransportRW(rw io.ReadWriter) *StreamTransport {
bufrw := bufio.NewReadWriter(bufio.NewReader(rw), bufio.NewWriter(rw))
return &StreamTransport{Reader: bufrw, Writer: bufrw, isReadWriter: true}
func (p *StreamTransport) IsOpen() bool {
return !p.closed
// implicitly opened on creation, can't be reopened once closed
func (p *StreamTransport) Open() error {
if !p.closed {
return NewTTransportException(ALREADY_OPEN, "StreamTransport already open.")
} else {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "cannot reopen StreamTransport.")
// Closes both the input and output streams.
func (p *StreamTransport) Close() error {
if p.closed {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "StreamTransport already closed.")
p.closed = true
closedReader := false
if p.Reader != nil {
c, ok := p.Reader.(io.Closer)
if ok {
e := c.Close()
closedReader = true
if e != nil {
return e
p.Reader = nil
if p.Writer != nil && (!closedReader || !p.isReadWriter) {
c, ok := p.Writer.(io.Closer)
if ok {
e := c.Close()
if e != nil {
return e
p.Writer = nil
return nil
// Flushes the underlying output stream if not null.
func (p *StreamTransport) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {
if p.Writer == nil {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Cannot flush null outputStream")
f, ok := p.Writer.(Flusher)
if ok {
err := f.Flush()
if err != nil {
return NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
return nil
func (p *StreamTransport) Read(c []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = p.Reader.Read(c)
if err != nil {
err = NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *StreamTransport) ReadByte() (c byte, err error) {
f, ok := p.Reader.(io.ByteReader)
if ok {
c, err = f.ReadByte()
} else {
c, err = readByte(p.Reader)
if err != nil {
err = NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *StreamTransport) Write(c []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = p.Writer.Write(c)
if err != nil {
err = NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *StreamTransport) WriteByte(c byte) (err error) {
f, ok := p.Writer.(io.ByteWriter)
if ok {
err = f.WriteByte(c)
} else {
err = writeByte(p.Writer, c)
if err != nil {
err = NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *StreamTransport) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
f, ok := p.Writer.(stringWriter)
if ok {
n, err = f.WriteString(s)
} else {
n, err = p.Writer.Write([]byte(s))
if err != nil {
err = NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *StreamTransport) RemainingBytes() (num_bytes uint64) {
const maxSize = ^uint64(0)
return maxSize // the thruth is, we just don't know unless framed is used
@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
const (
// for references to _ParseContext see tsimplejson_protocol.go
// JSON protocol implementation for thrift.
// This protocol produces/consumes a simple output format
// suitable for parsing by scripting languages. It should not be
// confused with the full-featured TJSONProtocol.
type TJSONProtocol struct {
// Constructor
func NewTJSONProtocol(t TTransport) *TJSONProtocol {
v := &TJSONProtocol{TSimpleJSONProtocol: NewTSimpleJSONProtocol(t)}
v.parseContextStack = append(v.parseContextStack, int(_CONTEXT_IN_TOPLEVEL))
v.dumpContext = append(v.dumpContext, int(_CONTEXT_IN_TOPLEVEL))
return v
// Factory
type TJSONProtocolFactory struct{}
func (p *TJSONProtocolFactory) GetProtocol(trans TTransport) TProtocol {
return NewTJSONProtocol(trans)
func NewTJSONProtocolFactory() *TJSONProtocolFactory {
return &TJSONProtocolFactory{}
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteMessageBegin(name string, typeId TMessageType, seqId int32) error {
p.resetContextStack() // THRIFT-3735
if e := p.OutputListBegin(); e != nil {
return e
if e := p.WriteI32(THRIFT_JSON_PROTOCOL_VERSION); e != nil {
return e
if e := p.WriteString(name); e != nil {
return e
if e := p.WriteByte(int8(typeId)); e != nil {
return e
if e := p.WriteI32(seqId); e != nil {
return e
return nil
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteMessageEnd() error {
return p.OutputListEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteStructBegin(name string) error {
if e := p.OutputObjectBegin(); e != nil {
return e
return nil
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteStructEnd() error {
return p.OutputObjectEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteFieldBegin(name string, typeId TType, id int16) error {
if e := p.WriteI16(id); e != nil {
return e
if e := p.OutputObjectBegin(); e != nil {
return e
s, e1 := p.TypeIdToString(typeId)
if e1 != nil {
return e1
if e := p.WriteString(s); e != nil {
return e
return nil
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteFieldEnd() error {
return p.OutputObjectEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteFieldStop() error { return nil }
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteMapBegin(keyType TType, valueType TType, size int) error {
if e := p.OutputListBegin(); e != nil {
return e
s, e1 := p.TypeIdToString(keyType)
if e1 != nil {
return e1
if e := p.WriteString(s); e != nil {
return e
s, e1 = p.TypeIdToString(valueType)
if e1 != nil {
return e1
if e := p.WriteString(s); e != nil {
return e
if e := p.WriteI64(int64(size)); e != nil {
return e
return p.OutputObjectBegin()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteMapEnd() error {
if e := p.OutputObjectEnd(); e != nil {
return e
return p.OutputListEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteListBegin(elemType TType, size int) error {
return p.OutputElemListBegin(elemType, size)
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteListEnd() error {
return p.OutputListEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteSetBegin(elemType TType, size int) error {
return p.OutputElemListBegin(elemType, size)
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteSetEnd() error {
return p.OutputListEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteBool(b bool) error {
if b {
return p.WriteI32(1)
return p.WriteI32(0)
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteByte(b int8) error {
return p.WriteI32(int32(b))
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteI16(v int16) error {
return p.WriteI32(int32(v))
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteI32(v int32) error {
return p.OutputI64(int64(v))
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteI64(v int64) error {
return p.OutputI64(int64(v))
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteDouble(v float64) error {
return p.OutputF64(v)
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteString(v string) error {
return p.OutputString(v)
func (p *TJSONProtocol) WriteBinary(v []byte) error {
// JSON library only takes in a string,
// not an arbitrary byte array, to ensure bytes are transmitted
// efficiently we must convert this into a valid JSON string
// therefore we use base64 encoding to avoid excessive escaping/quoting
if e := p.OutputPreValue(); e != nil {
return e
if _, e := p.write(JSON_QUOTE_BYTES); e != nil {
return NewTProtocolException(e)
writer := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, p.writer)
if _, e := writer.Write(v); e != nil {
p.writer.Reset(p.trans) // THRIFT-3735
return NewTProtocolException(e)
if e := writer.Close(); e != nil {
return NewTProtocolException(e)
if _, e := p.write(JSON_QUOTE_BYTES); e != nil {
return NewTProtocolException(e)
return p.OutputPostValue()
// Reading methods.
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadMessageBegin() (name string, typeId TMessageType, seqId int32, err error) {
p.resetContextStack() // THRIFT-3735
if isNull, err := p.ParseListBegin(); isNull || err != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, err
version, err := p.ReadI32()
if err != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, err
e := fmt.Errorf("Unknown Protocol version %d, expected version %d", version, THRIFT_JSON_PROTOCOL_VERSION)
return name, typeId, seqId, NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(INVALID_DATA, e)
if name, err = p.ReadString(); err != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, err
bTypeId, err := p.ReadByte()
typeId = TMessageType(bTypeId)
if err != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, err
if seqId, err = p.ReadI32(); err != nil {
return name, typeId, seqId, err
return name, typeId, seqId, nil
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadMessageEnd() error {
err := p.ParseListEnd()
return err
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadStructBegin() (name string, err error) {
_, err = p.ParseObjectStart()
return "", err
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadStructEnd() error {
return p.ParseObjectEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadFieldBegin() (string, TType, int16, error) {
b, _ := p.reader.Peek(1)
if len(b) < 1 || b[0] == JSON_RBRACE[0] || b[0] == JSON_RBRACKET[0] {
return "", STOP, -1, nil
fieldId, err := p.ReadI16()
if err != nil {
return "", STOP, fieldId, err
if _, err = p.ParseObjectStart(); err != nil {
return "", STOP, fieldId, err
sType, err := p.ReadString()
if err != nil {
return "", STOP, fieldId, err
fType, err := p.StringToTypeId(sType)
return "", fType, fieldId, err
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadFieldEnd() error {
return p.ParseObjectEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadMapBegin() (keyType TType, valueType TType, size int, e error) {
if isNull, e := p.ParseListBegin(); isNull || e != nil {
return VOID, VOID, 0, e
// read keyType
sKeyType, e := p.ReadString()
if e != nil {
return keyType, valueType, size, e
keyType, e = p.StringToTypeId(sKeyType)
if e != nil {
return keyType, valueType, size, e
// read valueType
sValueType, e := p.ReadString()
if e != nil {
return keyType, valueType, size, e
valueType, e = p.StringToTypeId(sValueType)
if e != nil {
return keyType, valueType, size, e
// read size
iSize, e := p.ReadI64()
if e != nil {
return keyType, valueType, size, e
size = int(iSize)
_, e = p.ParseObjectStart()
return keyType, valueType, size, e
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadMapEnd() error {
e := p.ParseObjectEnd()
if e != nil {
return e
return p.ParseListEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadListBegin() (elemType TType, size int, e error) {
return p.ParseElemListBegin()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadListEnd() error {
return p.ParseListEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadSetBegin() (elemType TType, size int, e error) {
return p.ParseElemListBegin()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadSetEnd() error {
return p.ParseListEnd()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadBool() (bool, error) {
value, err := p.ReadI32()
return (value != 0), err
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadByte() (int8, error) {
v, err := p.ReadI64()
return int8(v), err
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadI16() (int16, error) {
v, err := p.ReadI64()
return int16(v), err
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadI32() (int32, error) {
v, err := p.ReadI64()
return int32(v), err
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadI64() (int64, error) {
v, _, err := p.ParseI64()
return v, err
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadDouble() (float64, error) {
v, _, err := p.ParseF64()
return v, err
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadString() (string, error) {
var v string
if err := p.ParsePreValue(); err != nil {
return v, err
f, _ := p.reader.Peek(1)
if len(f) > 0 && f[0] == JSON_QUOTE {
value, err := p.ParseStringBody()
v = value
if err != nil {
return v, err
} else if len(f) > 0 && f[0] == JSON_NULL[0] {
b := make([]byte, len(JSON_NULL))
_, err := p.reader.Read(b)
if err != nil {
return v, NewTProtocolException(err)
if string(b) != string(JSON_NULL) {
e := fmt.Errorf("Expected a JSON string, found unquoted data started with %s", string(b))
return v, NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(INVALID_DATA, e)
} else {
e := fmt.Errorf("Expected a JSON string, found unquoted data started with %s", string(f))
return v, NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(INVALID_DATA, e)
return v, p.ParsePostValue()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ReadBinary() ([]byte, error) {
var v []byte
if err := p.ParsePreValue(); err != nil {
return nil, err
f, _ := p.reader.Peek(1)
if len(f) > 0 && f[0] == JSON_QUOTE {
value, err := p.ParseBase64EncodedBody()
v = value
if err != nil {
return v, err
} else if len(f) > 0 && f[0] == JSON_NULL[0] {
b := make([]byte, len(JSON_NULL))
_, err := p.reader.Read(b)
if err != nil {
return v, NewTProtocolException(err)
if string(b) != string(JSON_NULL) {
e := fmt.Errorf("Expected a JSON string, found unquoted data started with %s", string(b))
return v, NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(INVALID_DATA, e)
} else {
e := fmt.Errorf("Expected a JSON string, found unquoted data started with %s", string(f))
return v, NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(INVALID_DATA, e)
return v, p.ParsePostValue()
func (p *TJSONProtocol) Flush(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
err = p.writer.Flush()
if err == nil {
err = p.trans.Flush(ctx)
return NewTProtocolException(err)
func (p *TJSONProtocol) Skip(fieldType TType) (err error) {
return SkipDefaultDepth(p, fieldType)
func (p *TJSONProtocol) Transport() TTransport {
return p.trans
func (p *TJSONProtocol) OutputElemListBegin(elemType TType, size int) error {
if e := p.OutputListBegin(); e != nil {
return e
s, e1 := p.TypeIdToString(elemType)
if e1 != nil {
return e1
if e := p.WriteString(s); e != nil {
return e
if e := p.WriteI64(int64(size)); e != nil {
return e
return nil
func (p *TJSONProtocol) ParseElemListBegin() (elemType TType, size int, e error) {
if isNull, e := p.ParseListBegin(); isNull || e != nil {
return VOID, 0, e
sElemType, err := p.ReadString()
if err != nil {
return VOID, size, err
elemType, err = p.StringToTypeId(sElemType)
if err != nil {
return elemType, size, err
nSize, err2 := p.ReadI64()
size = int(nSize)
return elemType, size, err2
func (p *TJSONProtocol) readElemListBegin() (elemType TType, size int, e error) {
if isNull, e := p.ParseListBegin(); isNull || e != nil {
return VOID, 0, e
sElemType, err := p.ReadString()
if err != nil {
return VOID, size, err
elemType, err = p.StringToTypeId(sElemType)
if err != nil {
return elemType, size, err
nSize, err2 := p.ReadI64()
size = int(nSize)
return elemType, size, err2
func (p *TJSONProtocol) writeElemListBegin(elemType TType, size int) error {
if e := p.OutputListBegin(); e != nil {
return e
s, e1 := p.TypeIdToString(elemType)
if e1 != nil {
return e1
if e := p.OutputString(s); e != nil {
return e
if e := p.OutputI64(int64(size)); e != nil {
return e
return nil
func (p *TJSONProtocol) TypeIdToString(fieldType TType) (string, error) {
switch byte(fieldType) {
case BOOL:
return "tf", nil
case BYTE:
return "i8", nil
case I16:
return "i16", nil
case I32:
return "i32", nil
case I64:
return "i64", nil
case DOUBLE:
return "dbl", nil
case STRING:
return "str", nil
case STRUCT:
return "rec", nil
case MAP:
return "map", nil
case SET:
return "set", nil
case LIST:
return "lst", nil
e := fmt.Errorf("Unknown fieldType: %d", int(fieldType))
return "", NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(INVALID_DATA, e)
func (p *TJSONProtocol) StringToTypeId(fieldType string) (TType, error) {
switch fieldType {
case "tf":
return TType(BOOL), nil
case "i8":
return TType(BYTE), nil
case "i16":
return TType(I16), nil
case "i32":
return TType(I32), nil
case "i64":
return TType(I64), nil
case "dbl":
return TType(DOUBLE), nil
case "str":
return TType(STRING), nil
case "rec":
return TType(STRUCT), nil
case "map":
return TType(MAP), nil
case "set":
return TType(SET), nil
case "lst":
return TType(LIST), nil
e := fmt.Errorf("Unknown type identifier: %s", fieldType)
return TType(STOP), NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(INVALID_DATA, e)
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
// Memory buffer-based implementation of the TTransport interface.
type TMemoryBuffer struct {
size int
type TMemoryBufferTransportFactory struct {
size int
func (p *TMemoryBufferTransportFactory) GetTransport(trans TTransport) (TTransport, error) {
if trans != nil {
t, ok := trans.(*TMemoryBuffer)
if ok && t.size > 0 {
return NewTMemoryBufferLen(t.size), nil
return NewTMemoryBufferLen(p.size), nil
func NewTMemoryBufferTransportFactory(size int) *TMemoryBufferTransportFactory {
return &TMemoryBufferTransportFactory{size: size}
func NewTMemoryBuffer() *TMemoryBuffer {
return &TMemoryBuffer{Buffer: &bytes.Buffer{}, size: 0}
func NewTMemoryBufferLen(size int) *TMemoryBuffer {
buf := make([]byte, 0, size)
return &TMemoryBuffer{Buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(buf), size: size}
func (p *TMemoryBuffer) IsOpen() bool {
return true
func (p *TMemoryBuffer) Open() error {
return nil
func (p *TMemoryBuffer) Close() error {
return nil
// Flushing a memory buffer is a no-op
func (p *TMemoryBuffer) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func (p *TMemoryBuffer) RemainingBytes() (num_bytes uint64) {
return uint64(p.Buffer.Len())
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
// Message type constants in the Thrift protocol.
type TMessageType int32
const (
CALL TMessageType = 1
REPLY TMessageType = 2
EXCEPTION TMessageType = 3
ONEWAY TMessageType = 4
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
TMultiplexedProtocol is a protocol-independent concrete decorator
that allows a Thrift client to communicate with a multiplexing Thrift server,
by prepending the service name to the function name during function calls.
NOTE: THIS IS NOT USED BY SERVERS. On the server, use TMultiplexedProcessor to handle request
from a multiplexing client.
This example uses a single socket transport to invoke two services:
socket := thrift.NewTSocketFromAddrTimeout(addr, TIMEOUT)
transport := thrift.NewTFramedTransport(socket)
protocol := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(transport)
mp := thrift.NewTMultiplexedProtocol(protocol, "Calculator")
service := Calculator.NewCalculatorClient(mp)
mp2 := thrift.NewTMultiplexedProtocol(protocol, "WeatherReport")
service2 := WeatherReport.NewWeatherReportClient(mp2)
err := transport.Open()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unable to open client socket", err)
type TMultiplexedProtocol struct {
serviceName string
func NewTMultiplexedProtocol(protocol TProtocol, serviceName string) *TMultiplexedProtocol {
return &TMultiplexedProtocol{
TProtocol: protocol,
serviceName: serviceName,
func (t *TMultiplexedProtocol) WriteMessageBegin(name string, typeId TMessageType, seqid int32) error {
if typeId == CALL || typeId == ONEWAY {
return t.TProtocol.WriteMessageBegin(t.serviceName+MULTIPLEXED_SEPARATOR+name, typeId, seqid)
} else {
return t.TProtocol.WriteMessageBegin(name, typeId, seqid)
TMultiplexedProcessor is a TProcessor allowing
a single TServer to provide multiple services.
To do so, you instantiate the processor and then register additional
processors with it, as shown in the following example:
var processor = thrift.NewTMultiplexedProcessor()
firstProcessor :=
processor.RegisterProcessor("FirstService", firstProcessor)
serverTransport, err := thrift.NewTServerSocketTimeout(addr, TIMEOUT)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Unable to create server socket", err)
server := thrift.NewTSimpleServer2(processor, serverTransport)
type TMultiplexedProcessor struct {
serviceProcessorMap map[string]TProcessor
DefaultProcessor TProcessor
func NewTMultiplexedProcessor() *TMultiplexedProcessor {
return &TMultiplexedProcessor{
serviceProcessorMap: make(map[string]TProcessor),
func (t *TMultiplexedProcessor) RegisterDefault(processor TProcessor) {
t.DefaultProcessor = processor
func (t *TMultiplexedProcessor) RegisterProcessor(name string, processor TProcessor) {
if t.serviceProcessorMap == nil {
t.serviceProcessorMap = make(map[string]TProcessor)
t.serviceProcessorMap[name] = processor
func (t *TMultiplexedProcessor) Process(ctx context.Context, in, out TProtocol) (bool, TException) {
name, typeId, seqid, err := in.ReadMessageBegin()
if err != nil {
return false, err
if typeId != CALL && typeId != ONEWAY {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected message type %v", typeId)
//extract the service name
v := strings.SplitN(name, MULTIPLEXED_SEPARATOR, 2)
if len(v) != 2 {
if t.DefaultProcessor != nil {
smb := NewStoredMessageProtocol(in, name, typeId, seqid)
return t.DefaultProcessor.Process(ctx, smb, out)
return false, fmt.Errorf("Service name not found in message name: %s. Did you forget to use a TMultiplexProtocol in your client?", name)
actualProcessor, ok := t.serviceProcessorMap[v[0]]
if !ok {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Service name not found: %s. Did you forget to call registerProcessor()?", v[0])
smb := NewStoredMessageProtocol(in, v[1], typeId, seqid)
return actualProcessor.Process(ctx, smb, out)
//Protocol that use stored message for ReadMessageBegin
type storedMessageProtocol struct {
name string
typeId TMessageType
seqid int32
func NewStoredMessageProtocol(protocol TProtocol, name string, typeId TMessageType, seqid int32) *storedMessageProtocol {
return &storedMessageProtocol{protocol, name, typeId, seqid}
func (s *storedMessageProtocol) ReadMessageBegin() (name string, typeId TMessageType, seqid int32, err error) {
return s.name, s.typeId, s.seqid, nil
@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type Numeric interface {
Int64() int64
Int32() int32
Int16() int16
Byte() byte
Int() int
Float64() float64
Float32() float32
String() string
isNull() bool
type numeric struct {
iValue int64
dValue float64
sValue string
isNil bool
var (
NAN Numeric
ZERO Numeric
func NewNumericFromDouble(dValue float64) Numeric {
if math.IsInf(dValue, 1) {
if math.IsInf(dValue, -1) {
if math.IsNaN(dValue) {
return NAN
iValue := int64(dValue)
sValue := strconv.FormatFloat(dValue, 'g', 10, 64)
isNil := false
return &numeric{iValue: iValue, dValue: dValue, sValue: sValue, isNil: isNil}
func NewNumericFromI64(iValue int64) Numeric {
dValue := float64(iValue)
sValue := string(iValue)
isNil := false
return &numeric{iValue: iValue, dValue: dValue, sValue: sValue, isNil: isNil}
func NewNumericFromI32(iValue int32) Numeric {
dValue := float64(iValue)
sValue := string(iValue)
isNil := false
return &numeric{iValue: int64(iValue), dValue: dValue, sValue: sValue, isNil: isNil}
func NewNumericFromString(sValue string) Numeric {
if sValue == INFINITY.String() {
if sValue == NEGATIVE_INFINITY.String() {
if sValue == NAN.String() {
return NAN
iValue, _ := strconv.ParseInt(sValue, 10, 64)
dValue, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(sValue, 64)
isNil := len(sValue) == 0
return &numeric{iValue: iValue, dValue: dValue, sValue: sValue, isNil: isNil}
func NewNumericFromJSONString(sValue string, isNull bool) Numeric {
if isNull {
return NewNullNumeric()
if sValue == JSON_INFINITY {
if sValue == JSON_NAN {
return NAN
iValue, _ := strconv.ParseInt(sValue, 10, 64)
dValue, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(sValue, 64)
return &numeric{iValue: iValue, dValue: dValue, sValue: sValue, isNil: isNull}
func NewNullNumeric() Numeric {
return &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: 0.0, sValue: "", isNil: true}
func (p *numeric) Int64() int64 {
return p.iValue
func (p *numeric) Int32() int32 {
return int32(p.iValue)
func (p *numeric) Int16() int16 {
return int16(p.iValue)
func (p *numeric) Byte() byte {
return byte(p.iValue)
func (p *numeric) Int() int {
return int(p.iValue)
func (p *numeric) Float64() float64 {
return p.dValue
func (p *numeric) Float32() float32 {
return float32(p.dValue)
func (p *numeric) String() string {
return p.sValue
func (p *numeric) isNull() bool {
return p.isNil
func init() {
INFINITY = &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: math.Inf(1), sValue: "Infinity", isNil: false}
NEGATIVE_INFINITY = &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: math.Inf(-1), sValue: "-Infinity", isNil: false}
NAN = &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: math.NaN(), sValue: "NaN", isNil: false}
ZERO = &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: 0, sValue: "0", isNil: false}
NUMERIC_NULL = &numeric{iValue: 0, dValue: 0, sValue: "0", isNil: true}
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
// This file is home to helpers that convert from various base types to
// respective pointer types. This is necessary because Go does not permit
// references to constants, nor can a pointer type to base type be allocated
// and initialized in a single expression.
// E.g., this is not allowed:
// var ip *int = &5
// But this *is* allowed:
// func IntPtr(i int) *int { return &i }
// var ip *int = IntPtr(5)
// Since pointers to base types are commonplace as [optional] fields in
// exported thrift structs, we factor such helpers here.
func Float32Ptr(v float32) *float32 { return &v }
func Float64Ptr(v float64) *float64 { return &v }
func IntPtr(v int) *int { return &v }
func Int32Ptr(v int32) *int32 { return &v }
func Int64Ptr(v int64) *int64 { return &v }
func StringPtr(v string) *string { return &v }
func Uint32Ptr(v uint32) *uint32 { return &v }
func Uint64Ptr(v uint64) *uint64 { return &v }
func BoolPtr(v bool) *bool { return &v }
func ByteSlicePtr(v []byte) *[]byte { return &v }
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import "context"
// A processor is a generic object which operates upon an input stream and
// writes to some output stream.
type TProcessor interface {
Process(ctx context.Context, in, out TProtocol) (bool, TException)
type TProcessorFunction interface {
Process(ctx context.Context, seqId int32, in, out TProtocol) (bool, TException)
// The default processor factory just returns a singleton
// instance.
type TProcessorFactory interface {
GetProcessor(trans TTransport) TProcessor
type tProcessorFactory struct {
processor TProcessor
func NewTProcessorFactory(p TProcessor) TProcessorFactory {
return &tProcessorFactory{processor: p}
func (p *tProcessorFactory) GetProcessor(trans TTransport) TProcessor {
return p.processor
* The default processor factory just returns a singleton
* instance.
type TProcessorFunctionFactory interface {
GetProcessorFunction(trans TTransport) TProcessorFunction
type tProcessorFunctionFactory struct {
processor TProcessorFunction
func NewTProcessorFunctionFactory(p TProcessorFunction) TProcessorFunctionFactory {
return &tProcessorFunctionFactory{processor: p}
func (p *tProcessorFunctionFactory) GetProcessorFunction(trans TTransport) TProcessorFunction {
return p.processor
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
const (
VERSION_MASK = 0xffff0000
VERSION_1 = 0x80010000
type TProtocol interface {
WriteMessageBegin(name string, typeId TMessageType, seqid int32) error
WriteMessageEnd() error
WriteStructBegin(name string) error
WriteStructEnd() error
WriteFieldBegin(name string, typeId TType, id int16) error
WriteFieldEnd() error
WriteFieldStop() error
WriteMapBegin(keyType TType, valueType TType, size int) error
WriteMapEnd() error
WriteListBegin(elemType TType, size int) error
WriteListEnd() error
WriteSetBegin(elemType TType, size int) error
WriteSetEnd() error
WriteBool(value bool) error
WriteByte(value int8) error
WriteI16(value int16) error
WriteI32(value int32) error
WriteI64(value int64) error
WriteDouble(value float64) error
WriteString(value string) error
WriteBinary(value []byte) error
ReadMessageBegin() (name string, typeId TMessageType, seqid int32, err error)
ReadMessageEnd() error
ReadStructBegin() (name string, err error)
ReadStructEnd() error
ReadFieldBegin() (name string, typeId TType, id int16, err error)
ReadFieldEnd() error
ReadMapBegin() (keyType TType, valueType TType, size int, err error)
ReadMapEnd() error
ReadListBegin() (elemType TType, size int, err error)
ReadListEnd() error
ReadSetBegin() (elemType TType, size int, err error)
ReadSetEnd() error
ReadBool() (value bool, err error)
ReadByte() (value int8, err error)
ReadI16() (value int16, err error)
ReadI32() (value int32, err error)
ReadI64() (value int64, err error)
ReadDouble() (value float64, err error)
ReadString() (value string, err error)
ReadBinary() (value []byte, err error)
Skip(fieldType TType) (err error)
Flush(ctx context.Context) (err error)
Transport() TTransport
// The maximum recursive depth the skip() function will traverse
// Skips over the next data element from the provided input TProtocol object.
func SkipDefaultDepth(prot TProtocol, typeId TType) (err error) {
return Skip(prot, typeId, DEFAULT_RECURSION_DEPTH)
// Skips over the next data element from the provided input TProtocol object.
func Skip(self TProtocol, fieldType TType, maxDepth int) (err error) {
if maxDepth <= 0 {
return NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(DEPTH_LIMIT, errors.New("Depth limit exceeded"))
switch fieldType {
case STOP:
case BOOL:
_, err = self.ReadBool()
case BYTE:
_, err = self.ReadByte()
case I16:
_, err = self.ReadI16()
case I32:
_, err = self.ReadI32()
case I64:
_, err = self.ReadI64()
case DOUBLE:
_, err = self.ReadDouble()
case STRING:
_, err = self.ReadString()
case STRUCT:
if _, err = self.ReadStructBegin(); err != nil {
return err
for {
_, typeId, _, _ := self.ReadFieldBegin()
if typeId == STOP {
err := Skip(self, typeId, maxDepth-1)
if err != nil {
return err
return self.ReadStructEnd()
case MAP:
keyType, valueType, size, err := self.ReadMapBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
err := Skip(self, keyType, maxDepth-1)
if err != nil {
return err
return self.ReadMapEnd()
case SET:
elemType, size, err := self.ReadSetBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
err := Skip(self, elemType, maxDepth-1)
if err != nil {
return err
return self.ReadSetEnd()
case LIST:
elemType, size, err := self.ReadListBegin()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
err := Skip(self, elemType, maxDepth-1)
if err != nil {
return err
return self.ReadListEnd()
return NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(INVALID_DATA, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown data type %d", fieldType)))
return nil
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
// Thrift Protocol exception
type TProtocolException interface {
TypeId() int
const (
type tProtocolException struct {
typeId int
message string
func (p *tProtocolException) TypeId() int {
return p.typeId
func (p *tProtocolException) String() string {
return p.message
func (p *tProtocolException) Error() string {
return p.message
func NewTProtocolException(err error) TProtocolException {
if err == nil {
return nil
if e, ok := err.(TProtocolException); ok {
return e
if _, ok := err.(base64.CorruptInputError); ok {
return &tProtocolException{INVALID_DATA, err.Error()}
return &tProtocolException{UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION, err.Error()}
func NewTProtocolExceptionWithType(errType int, err error) TProtocolException {
if err == nil {
return nil
return &tProtocolException{errType, err.Error()}
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
// Factory interface for constructing protocol instances.
type TProtocolFactory interface {
GetProtocol(trans TTransport) TProtocol
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import "io"
type RichTransport struct {
// Wraps Transport to provide TRichTransport interface
func NewTRichTransport(trans TTransport) *RichTransport {
return &RichTransport{trans}
func (r *RichTransport) ReadByte() (c byte, err error) {
return readByte(r.TTransport)
func (r *RichTransport) WriteByte(c byte) error {
return writeByte(r.TTransport, c)
func (r *RichTransport) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
return r.Write([]byte(s))
func (r *RichTransport) RemainingBytes() (num_bytes uint64) {
return r.TTransport.RemainingBytes()
func readByte(r io.Reader) (c byte, err error) {
v := [1]byte{0}
n, err := r.Read(v[0:1])
if n > 0 && (err == nil || err == io.EOF) {
return v[0], nil
if n > 0 && err != nil {
return v[0], err
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return v[0], nil
func writeByte(w io.Writer, c byte) error {
v := [1]byte{c}
_, err := w.Write(v[0:1])
return err
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type TSerializer struct {
Transport *TMemoryBuffer
Protocol TProtocol
type TStruct interface {
Write(p TProtocol) error
Read(p TProtocol) error
func NewTSerializer() *TSerializer {
transport := NewTMemoryBufferLen(1024)
protocol := NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault().GetProtocol(transport)
return &TSerializer{
func (t *TSerializer) WriteString(ctx context.Context, msg TStruct) (s string, err error) {
if err = msg.Write(t.Protocol); err != nil {
if err = t.Protocol.Flush(ctx); err != nil {
if err = t.Transport.Flush(ctx); err != nil {
return t.Transport.String(), nil
func (t *TSerializer) Write(ctx context.Context, msg TStruct) (b []byte, err error) {
if err = msg.Write(t.Protocol); err != nil {
if err = t.Protocol.Flush(ctx); err != nil {
if err = t.Transport.Flush(ctx); err != nil {
b = append(b, t.Transport.Bytes()...)
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
type TServer interface {
ProcessorFactory() TProcessorFactory
ServerTransport() TServerTransport
InputTransportFactory() TTransportFactory
OutputTransportFactory() TTransportFactory
InputProtocolFactory() TProtocolFactory
OutputProtocolFactory() TProtocolFactory
// Starts the server
Serve() error
// Stops the server. This is optional on a per-implementation basis. Not
// all servers are required to be cleanly stoppable.
Stop() error
@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type TServerSocket struct {
listener net.Listener
addr net.Addr
clientTimeout time.Duration
// Protects the interrupted value to make it thread safe.
mu sync.RWMutex
interrupted bool
func NewTServerSocket(listenAddr string) (*TServerSocket, error) {
return NewTServerSocketTimeout(listenAddr, 0)
func NewTServerSocketTimeout(listenAddr string, clientTimeout time.Duration) (*TServerSocket, error) {
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", listenAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &TServerSocket{addr: addr, clientTimeout: clientTimeout}, nil
// Creates a TServerSocket from a net.Addr
func NewTServerSocketFromAddrTimeout(addr net.Addr, clientTimeout time.Duration) *TServerSocket {
return &TServerSocket{addr: addr, clientTimeout: clientTimeout}
func (p *TServerSocket) Listen() error {
defer p.mu.Unlock()
if p.IsListening() {
return nil
l, err := net.Listen(p.addr.Network(), p.addr.String())
if err != nil {
return err
p.listener = l
return nil
func (p *TServerSocket) Accept() (TTransport, error) {
interrupted := p.interrupted
if interrupted {
return nil, errTransportInterrupted
listener := p.listener
if listener == nil {
return nil, NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "No underlying server socket")
conn, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
return nil, NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
return NewTSocketFromConnTimeout(conn, p.clientTimeout), nil
// Checks whether the socket is listening.
func (p *TServerSocket) IsListening() bool {
return p.listener != nil
// Connects the socket, creating a new socket object if necessary.
func (p *TServerSocket) Open() error {
defer p.mu.Unlock()
if p.IsListening() {
return NewTTransportException(ALREADY_OPEN, "Server socket already open")
if l, err := net.Listen(p.addr.Network(), p.addr.String()); err != nil {
return err
} else {
p.listener = l
return nil
func (p *TServerSocket) Addr() net.Addr {
if p.listener != nil {
return p.listener.Addr()
return p.addr
func (p *TServerSocket) Close() error {
defer func() {
p.listener = nil
if p.IsListening() {
return p.listener.Close()
return nil
func (p *TServerSocket) Interrupt() error {
defer p.mu.Unlock()
p.interrupted = true
return nil
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
// Server transport. Object which provides client transports.
type TServerTransport interface {
Listen() error
Accept() (TTransport, error)
Close() error
// Optional method implementation. This signals to the server transport
// that it should break out of any accept() or listen() that it is currently
// blocked on. This method, if implemented, MUST be thread safe, as it may
// be called from a different thread context than the other TServerTransport
// methods.
Interrupt() error
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
* This is not a typical TSimpleServer as it is not blocked after accept a socket.
* It is more like a TThreadedServer that can handle different connections in different goroutines.
* This will work if golang user implements a conn-pool like thing in client side.
type TSimpleServer struct {
closed int32
wg sync.WaitGroup
mu sync.Mutex
processorFactory TProcessorFactory
serverTransport TServerTransport
inputTransportFactory TTransportFactory
outputTransportFactory TTransportFactory
inputProtocolFactory TProtocolFactory
outputProtocolFactory TProtocolFactory
func NewTSimpleServer2(processor TProcessor, serverTransport TServerTransport) *TSimpleServer {
return NewTSimpleServerFactory2(NewTProcessorFactory(processor), serverTransport)
func NewTSimpleServer4(processor TProcessor, serverTransport TServerTransport, transportFactory TTransportFactory, protocolFactory TProtocolFactory) *TSimpleServer {
return NewTSimpleServerFactory4(NewTProcessorFactory(processor),
func NewTSimpleServer6(processor TProcessor, serverTransport TServerTransport, inputTransportFactory TTransportFactory, outputTransportFactory TTransportFactory, inputProtocolFactory TProtocolFactory, outputProtocolFactory TProtocolFactory) *TSimpleServer {
return NewTSimpleServerFactory6(NewTProcessorFactory(processor),
func NewTSimpleServerFactory2(processorFactory TProcessorFactory, serverTransport TServerTransport) *TSimpleServer {
return NewTSimpleServerFactory6(processorFactory,
func NewTSimpleServerFactory4(processorFactory TProcessorFactory, serverTransport TServerTransport, transportFactory TTransportFactory, protocolFactory TProtocolFactory) *TSimpleServer {
return NewTSimpleServerFactory6(processorFactory,
func NewTSimpleServerFactory6(processorFactory TProcessorFactory, serverTransport TServerTransport, inputTransportFactory TTransportFactory, outputTransportFactory TTransportFactory, inputProtocolFactory TProtocolFactory, outputProtocolFactory TProtocolFactory) *TSimpleServer {
return &TSimpleServer{
processorFactory: processorFactory,
serverTransport: serverTransport,
inputTransportFactory: inputTransportFactory,
outputTransportFactory: outputTransportFactory,
inputProtocolFactory: inputProtocolFactory,
outputProtocolFactory: outputProtocolFactory,
func (p *TSimpleServer) ProcessorFactory() TProcessorFactory {
return p.processorFactory
func (p *TSimpleServer) ServerTransport() TServerTransport {
return p.serverTransport
func (p *TSimpleServer) InputTransportFactory() TTransportFactory {
return p.inputTransportFactory
func (p *TSimpleServer) OutputTransportFactory() TTransportFactory {
return p.outputTransportFactory
func (p *TSimpleServer) InputProtocolFactory() TProtocolFactory {
return p.inputProtocolFactory
func (p *TSimpleServer) OutputProtocolFactory() TProtocolFactory {
return p.outputProtocolFactory
func (p *TSimpleServer) Listen() error {
return p.serverTransport.Listen()
func (p *TSimpleServer) innerAccept() (int32, error) {
client, err := p.serverTransport.Accept()
defer p.mu.Unlock()
closed := atomic.LoadInt32(&p.closed)
if closed != 0 {
return closed, nil
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if client != nil {
go func() {
defer p.wg.Done()
if err := p.processRequests(client); err != nil {
log.Println("error processing request:", err)
return 0, nil
func (p *TSimpleServer) AcceptLoop() error {
for {
closed, err := p.innerAccept()
if err != nil {
return err
if closed != 0 {
return nil
func (p *TSimpleServer) Serve() error {
err := p.Listen()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *TSimpleServer) Stop() error {
defer p.mu.Unlock()
if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.closed) != 0 {
return nil
atomic.StoreInt32(&p.closed, 1)
return nil
func (p *TSimpleServer) processRequests(client TTransport) error {
processor := p.processorFactory.GetProcessor(client)
inputTransport, err := p.inputTransportFactory.GetTransport(client)
if err != nil {
return err
outputTransport, err := p.outputTransportFactory.GetTransport(client)
if err != nil {
return err
inputProtocol := p.inputProtocolFactory.GetProtocol(inputTransport)
outputProtocol := p.outputProtocolFactory.GetProtocol(outputTransport)
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
log.Printf("panic in processor: %s: %s", e, debug.Stack())
if inputTransport != nil {
defer inputTransport.Close()
if outputTransport != nil {
defer outputTransport.Close()
for {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.closed) != 0 {
return nil
ok, err := processor.Process(defaultCtx, inputProtocol, outputProtocol)
if err, ok := err.(TTransportException); ok && err.TypeId() == END_OF_FILE {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
if err, ok := err.(TApplicationException); ok && err.TypeId() == UNKNOWN_METHOD {
if !ok {
return nil
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type TSocket struct {
conn net.Conn
addr net.Addr
timeout time.Duration
// NewTSocket creates a net.Conn-backed TTransport, given a host and port
// Example:
// trans, err := thrift.NewTSocket("localhost:9090")
func NewTSocket(hostPort string) (*TSocket, error) {
return NewTSocketTimeout(hostPort, 0)
// NewTSocketTimeout creates a net.Conn-backed TTransport, given a host and port
// it also accepts a timeout as a time.Duration
func NewTSocketTimeout(hostPort string, timeout time.Duration) (*TSocket, error) {
//conn, err := net.DialTimeout(network, address, timeout)
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", hostPort)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewTSocketFromAddrTimeout(addr, timeout), nil
// Creates a TSocket from a net.Addr
func NewTSocketFromAddrTimeout(addr net.Addr, timeout time.Duration) *TSocket {
return &TSocket{addr: addr, timeout: timeout}
// Creates a TSocket from an existing net.Conn
func NewTSocketFromConnTimeout(conn net.Conn, timeout time.Duration) *TSocket {
return &TSocket{conn: conn, addr: conn.RemoteAddr(), timeout: timeout}
// Sets the socket timeout
func (p *TSocket) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error {
p.timeout = timeout
return nil
func (p *TSocket) pushDeadline(read, write bool) {
var t time.Time
if p.timeout > 0 {
t = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(p.timeout))
if read && write {
} else if read {
} else if write {
// Connects the socket, creating a new socket object if necessary.
func (p *TSocket) Open() error {
if p.IsOpen() {
return NewTTransportException(ALREADY_OPEN, "Socket already connected.")
if p.addr == nil {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Cannot open nil address.")
if len(p.addr.Network()) == 0 {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Cannot open bad network name.")
if len(p.addr.String()) == 0 {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Cannot open bad address.")
var err error
if p.conn, err = net.DialTimeout(p.addr.Network(), p.addr.String(), p.timeout); err != nil {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, err.Error())
return nil
// Retrieve the underlying net.Conn
func (p *TSocket) Conn() net.Conn {
return p.conn
// Returns true if the connection is open
func (p *TSocket) IsOpen() bool {
if p.conn == nil {
return false
return true
// Closes the socket.
func (p *TSocket) Close() error {
// Close the socket
if p.conn != nil {
err := p.conn.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
p.conn = nil
return nil
//Returns the remote address of the socket.
func (p *TSocket) Addr() net.Addr {
return p.addr
func (p *TSocket) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
if !p.IsOpen() {
return 0, NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Connection not open")
p.pushDeadline(true, false)
n, err := p.conn.Read(buf)
return n, NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *TSocket) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
if !p.IsOpen() {
return 0, NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Connection not open")
p.pushDeadline(false, true)
return p.conn.Write(buf)
func (p *TSocket) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func (p *TSocket) Interrupt() error {
if !p.IsOpen() {
return nil
return p.conn.Close()
func (p *TSocket) RemainingBytes() (num_bytes uint64) {
const maxSize = ^uint64(0)
return maxSize // the thruth is, we just don't know unless framed is used
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type TSSLServerSocket struct {
listener net.Listener
addr net.Addr
clientTimeout time.Duration
interrupted bool
cfg *tls.Config
func NewTSSLServerSocket(listenAddr string, cfg *tls.Config) (*TSSLServerSocket, error) {
return NewTSSLServerSocketTimeout(listenAddr, cfg, 0)
func NewTSSLServerSocketTimeout(listenAddr string, cfg *tls.Config, clientTimeout time.Duration) (*TSSLServerSocket, error) {
if cfg.MinVersion == 0 {
cfg.MinVersion = tls.VersionTLS10
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", listenAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &TSSLServerSocket{addr: addr, clientTimeout: clientTimeout, cfg: cfg}, nil
func (p *TSSLServerSocket) Listen() error {
if p.IsListening() {
return nil
l, err := tls.Listen(p.addr.Network(), p.addr.String(), p.cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
p.listener = l
return nil
func (p *TSSLServerSocket) Accept() (TTransport, error) {
if p.interrupted {
return nil, errTransportInterrupted
if p.listener == nil {
return nil, NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "No underlying server socket")
conn, err := p.listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
return nil, NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
return NewTSSLSocketFromConnTimeout(conn, p.cfg, p.clientTimeout), nil
// Checks whether the socket is listening.
func (p *TSSLServerSocket) IsListening() bool {
return p.listener != nil
// Connects the socket, creating a new socket object if necessary.
func (p *TSSLServerSocket) Open() error {
if p.IsListening() {
return NewTTransportException(ALREADY_OPEN, "Server socket already open")
if l, err := tls.Listen(p.addr.Network(), p.addr.String(), p.cfg); err != nil {
return err
} else {
p.listener = l
return nil
func (p *TSSLServerSocket) Addr() net.Addr {
return p.addr
func (p *TSSLServerSocket) Close() error {
defer func() {
p.listener = nil
if p.IsListening() {
return p.listener.Close()
return nil
func (p *TSSLServerSocket) Interrupt() error {
p.interrupted = true
return nil
@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type TSSLSocket struct {
conn net.Conn
// hostPort contains host:port (e.g. "asdf.com:12345"). The field is
// only valid if addr is nil.
hostPort string
// addr is nil when hostPort is not "", and is only used when the
// TSSLSocket is constructed from a net.Addr.
addr net.Addr
timeout time.Duration
cfg *tls.Config
// NewTSSLSocket creates a net.Conn-backed TTransport, given a host and port and tls Configuration
// Example:
// trans, err := thrift.NewTSSLSocket("localhost:9090", nil)
func NewTSSLSocket(hostPort string, cfg *tls.Config) (*TSSLSocket, error) {
return NewTSSLSocketTimeout(hostPort, cfg, 0)
// NewTSSLSocketTimeout creates a net.Conn-backed TTransport, given a host and port
// it also accepts a tls Configuration and a timeout as a time.Duration
func NewTSSLSocketTimeout(hostPort string, cfg *tls.Config, timeout time.Duration) (*TSSLSocket, error) {
if cfg.MinVersion == 0 {
cfg.MinVersion = tls.VersionTLS10
return &TSSLSocket{hostPort: hostPort, timeout: timeout, cfg: cfg}, nil
// Creates a TSSLSocket from a net.Addr
func NewTSSLSocketFromAddrTimeout(addr net.Addr, cfg *tls.Config, timeout time.Duration) *TSSLSocket {
return &TSSLSocket{addr: addr, timeout: timeout, cfg: cfg}
// Creates a TSSLSocket from an existing net.Conn
func NewTSSLSocketFromConnTimeout(conn net.Conn, cfg *tls.Config, timeout time.Duration) *TSSLSocket {
return &TSSLSocket{conn: conn, addr: conn.RemoteAddr(), timeout: timeout, cfg: cfg}
// Sets the socket timeout
func (p *TSSLSocket) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error {
p.timeout = timeout
return nil
func (p *TSSLSocket) pushDeadline(read, write bool) {
var t time.Time
if p.timeout > 0 {
t = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(p.timeout))
if read && write {
} else if read {
} else if write {
// Connects the socket, creating a new socket object if necessary.
func (p *TSSLSocket) Open() error {
var err error
// If we have a hostname, we need to pass the hostname to tls.Dial for
// certificate hostname checks.
if p.hostPort != "" {
if p.conn, err = tls.DialWithDialer(&net.Dialer{
Timeout: p.timeout}, "tcp", p.hostPort, p.cfg); err != nil {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, err.Error())
} else {
if p.IsOpen() {
return NewTTransportException(ALREADY_OPEN, "Socket already connected.")
if p.addr == nil {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Cannot open nil address.")
if len(p.addr.Network()) == 0 {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Cannot open bad network name.")
if len(p.addr.String()) == 0 {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Cannot open bad address.")
if p.conn, err = tls.DialWithDialer(&net.Dialer{
Timeout: p.timeout}, p.addr.Network(), p.addr.String(), p.cfg); err != nil {
return NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, err.Error())
return nil
// Retrieve the underlying net.Conn
func (p *TSSLSocket) Conn() net.Conn {
return p.conn
// Returns true if the connection is open
func (p *TSSLSocket) IsOpen() bool {
if p.conn == nil {
return false
return true
// Closes the socket.
func (p *TSSLSocket) Close() error {
// Close the socket
if p.conn != nil {
err := p.conn.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
p.conn = nil
return nil
func (p *TSSLSocket) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
if !p.IsOpen() {
return 0, NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Connection not open")
p.pushDeadline(true, false)
n, err := p.conn.Read(buf)
return n, NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
func (p *TSSLSocket) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
if !p.IsOpen() {
return 0, NewTTransportException(NOT_OPEN, "Connection not open")
p.pushDeadline(false, true)
return p.conn.Write(buf)
func (p *TSSLSocket) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func (p *TSSLSocket) Interrupt() error {
if !p.IsOpen() {
return nil
return p.conn.Close()
func (p *TSSLSocket) RemainingBytes() (num_bytes uint64) {
const maxSize = ^uint64(0)
return maxSize // the thruth is, we just don't know unless framed is used
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
var errTransportInterrupted = errors.New("Transport Interrupted")
type Flusher interface {
Flush() (err error)
type ContextFlusher interface {
Flush(ctx context.Context) (err error)
type ReadSizeProvider interface {
RemainingBytes() (num_bytes uint64)
// Encapsulates the I/O layer
type TTransport interface {
// Opens the transport for communication
Open() error
// Returns true if the transport is open
IsOpen() bool
type stringWriter interface {
WriteString(s string) (n int, err error)
// This is "enchanced" transport with extra capabilities. You need to use one of these
// to construct protocol.
// Notably, TSocket does not implement this interface, and it is always a mistake to use
// TSocket directly in protocol.
type TRichTransport interface {
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type timeoutable interface {
Timeout() bool
// Thrift Transport exception
type TTransportException interface {
TypeId() int
Err() error
const (
type tTransportException struct {
typeId int
err error
func (p *tTransportException) TypeId() int {
return p.typeId
func (p *tTransportException) Error() string {
return p.err.Error()
func (p *tTransportException) Err() error {
return p.err
func NewTTransportException(t int, e string) TTransportException {
return &tTransportException{typeId: t, err: errors.New(e)}
func NewTTransportExceptionFromError(e error) TTransportException {
if e == nil {
return nil
if t, ok := e.(TTransportException); ok {
return t
switch v := e.(type) {
case TTransportException:
return v
case timeoutable:
if v.Timeout() {
return &tTransportException{typeId: TIMED_OUT, err: e}
if e == io.EOF {
return &tTransportException{typeId: END_OF_FILE, err: e}
return &tTransportException{typeId: UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT_EXCEPTION, err: e}
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
// Factory class used to create wrapped instance of Transports.
// This is used primarily in servers, which get Transports from
// a ServerTransport and then may want to mutate them (i.e. create
// a BufferedTransport from the underlying base transport)
type TTransportFactory interface {
GetTransport(trans TTransport) (TTransport, error)
type tTransportFactory struct{}
// Return a wrapped instance of the base Transport.
func (p *tTransportFactory) GetTransport(trans TTransport) (TTransport, error) {
return trans, nil
func NewTTransportFactory() TTransportFactory {
return &tTransportFactory{}
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
// Type constants in the Thrift protocol
type TType byte
const (
STOP = 0
VOID = 1
BOOL = 2
BYTE = 3
I08 = 3
I16 = 6
I32 = 8
I64 = 10
UTF7 = 11
MAP = 13
SET = 14
LIST = 15
UTF8 = 16
UTF16 = 17
//BINARY = 18 wrong and unusued
var typeNames = map[int]string{
I16: "I16",
I32: "I32",
I64: "I64",
UTF8: "UTF8",
UTF16: "UTF16",
func (p TType) String() string {
if s, ok := typeNames[int(p)]; ok {
return s
return "Unknown"
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
// TZlibTransportFactory is a factory for TZlibTransport instances
type TZlibTransportFactory struct {
level int
factory TTransportFactory
// TZlibTransport is a TTransport implementation that makes use of zlib compression.
type TZlibTransport struct {
reader io.ReadCloser
transport TTransport
writer *zlib.Writer
// GetTransport constructs a new instance of NewTZlibTransport
func (p *TZlibTransportFactory) GetTransport(trans TTransport) (TTransport, error) {
if p.factory != nil {
// wrap other factory
var err error
trans, err = p.factory.GetTransport(trans)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewTZlibTransport(trans, p.level)
// NewTZlibTransportFactory constructs a new instance of NewTZlibTransportFactory
func NewTZlibTransportFactory(level int) *TZlibTransportFactory {
return &TZlibTransportFactory{level: level, factory: nil}
// NewTZlibTransportFactory constructs a new instance of TZlibTransportFactory
// as a wrapper over existing transport factory
func NewTZlibTransportFactoryWithFactory(level int, factory TTransportFactory) *TZlibTransportFactory {
return &TZlibTransportFactory{level: level, factory: factory}
// NewTZlibTransport constructs a new instance of TZlibTransport
func NewTZlibTransport(trans TTransport, level int) (*TZlibTransport, error) {
w, err := zlib.NewWriterLevel(trans, level)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &TZlibTransport{
writer: w,
transport: trans,
}, nil
// Close closes the reader and writer (flushing any unwritten data) and closes
// the underlying transport.
func (z *TZlibTransport) Close() error {
if z.reader != nil {
if err := z.reader.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := z.writer.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return z.transport.Close()
// Flush flushes the writer and its underlying transport.
func (z *TZlibTransport) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := z.writer.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return z.transport.Flush(ctx)
// IsOpen returns true if the transport is open
func (z *TZlibTransport) IsOpen() bool {
return z.transport.IsOpen()
// Open opens the transport for communication
func (z *TZlibTransport) Open() error {
return z.transport.Open()
func (z *TZlibTransport) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
if z.reader == nil {
r, err := zlib.NewReader(z.transport)
if err != nil {
return 0, NewTTransportExceptionFromError(err)
z.reader = r
return z.reader.Read(p)
// RemainingBytes returns the size in bytes of the data that is still to be
// read.
func (z *TZlibTransport) RemainingBytes() uint64 {
return z.transport.RemainingBytes()
func (z *TZlibTransport) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return z.writer.Write(p)
@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
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use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
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Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
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risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Microsoft Azure-SDK-for-Go
Copyright 2014-2017 Microsoft
This product includes software developed at
the Microsoft Corporation (https://www.microsoft.com).
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
package storage
import (
// PutAppendBlob initializes an empty append blob with specified name. An
// append blob must be created using this method before appending blocks.
// See CreateBlockBlobFromReader for more info on creating blobs.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Put-Blob
func (b *Blob) PutAppendBlob(options *PutBlobOptions) error {
params := url.Values{}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers["x-ms-blob-type"] = string(BlobTypeAppend)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(b.Properties))
headers = b.Container.bsc.client.addMetadataToHeaders(headers, b.Metadata)
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
return b.respondCreation(resp, BlobTypeAppend)
// AppendBlockOptions includes the options for an append block operation
type AppendBlockOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
MaxSize *uint `header:"x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize"`
AppendPosition *uint `header:"x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
IfMatch string `header:"If-Match"`
IfNoneMatch string `header:"If-None-Match"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
ContentMD5 bool
// AppendBlock appends a block to an append blob.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Append-Block
func (b *Blob) AppendBlock(chunk []byte, options *AppendBlockOptions) error {
params := url.Values{"comp": {"appendblock"}}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers["x-ms-blob-type"] = string(BlobTypeAppend)
headers["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", len(chunk))
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
if options.ContentMD5 {
md5sum := md5.Sum(chunk)
headers[headerContentMD5] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(md5sum[:])
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, bytes.NewReader(chunk), b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
return b.respondCreation(resp, BlobTypeAppend)
@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
// Package storage provides clients for Microsoft Azure Storage Services.
package storage
import (
// See: https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/authentication-for-the-azure-storage-services
type authentication string
const (
sharedKey authentication = "sharedKey"
sharedKeyForTable authentication = "sharedKeyTable"
sharedKeyLite authentication = "sharedKeyLite"
sharedKeyLiteForTable authentication = "sharedKeyLiteTable"
// headers
headerAcceptCharset = "Accept-Charset"
headerAuthorization = "Authorization"
headerContentLength = "Content-Length"
headerDate = "Date"
headerXmsDate = "x-ms-date"
headerXmsVersion = "x-ms-version"
headerContentEncoding = "Content-Encoding"
headerContentLanguage = "Content-Language"
headerContentType = "Content-Type"
headerContentMD5 = "Content-MD5"
headerIfModifiedSince = "If-Modified-Since"
headerIfMatch = "If-Match"
headerIfNoneMatch = "If-None-Match"
headerIfUnmodifiedSince = "If-Unmodified-Since"
headerRange = "Range"
headerDataServiceVersion = "DataServiceVersion"
headerMaxDataServiceVersion = "MaxDataServiceVersion"
headerContentTransferEncoding = "Content-Transfer-Encoding"
func (c *Client) addAuthorizationHeader(verb, url string, headers map[string]string, auth authentication) (map[string]string, error) {
authHeader, err := c.getSharedKey(verb, url, headers, auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
headers[headerAuthorization] = authHeader
return headers, nil
func (c *Client) getSharedKey(verb, url string, headers map[string]string, auth authentication) (string, error) {
canRes, err := c.buildCanonicalizedResource(url, auth, false)
if err != nil {
return "", err
canString, err := buildCanonicalizedString(verb, headers, canRes, auth)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return c.createAuthorizationHeader(canString, auth), nil
func (c *Client) buildCanonicalizedResource(uri string, auth authentication, sas bool) (string, error) {
errMsg := "buildCanonicalizedResource error: %s"
u, err := url.Parse(uri)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf(errMsg, err.Error())
cr := bytes.NewBufferString("")
if c.accountName != StorageEmulatorAccountName || !sas {
if len(u.Path) > 0 {
// Any portion of the CanonicalizedResource string that is derived from
// the resource's URI should be encoded exactly as it is in the URI.
// -- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/azure/dd179428.aspx
params, err := url.ParseQuery(u.RawQuery)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf(errMsg, err.Error())
// See https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-net/blob/master/Lib/Common/Core/Util/AuthenticationUtility.cs#L277
if auth == sharedKey {
if len(params) > 0 {
keys := []string{}
for key := range params {
keys = append(keys, key)
completeParams := []string{}
for _, key := range keys {
if len(params[key]) > 1 {
completeParams = append(completeParams, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", key, strings.Join(params[key], ",")))
cr.WriteString(strings.Join(completeParams, "\n"))
} else {
// search for "comp" parameter, if exists then add it to canonicalizedresource
if v, ok := params["comp"]; ok {
cr.WriteString("?comp=" + v[0])
return string(cr.Bytes()), nil
func (c *Client) getCanonicalizedAccountName() string {
// since we may be trying to access a secondary storage account, we need to
// remove the -secondary part of the storage name
return strings.TrimSuffix(c.accountName, "-secondary")
func buildCanonicalizedString(verb string, headers map[string]string, canonicalizedResource string, auth authentication) (string, error) {
contentLength := headers[headerContentLength]
if contentLength == "0" {
contentLength = ""
date := headers[headerDate]
if v, ok := headers[headerXmsDate]; ok {
if auth == sharedKey || auth == sharedKeyLite {
date = ""
} else {
date = v
var canString string
switch auth {
case sharedKey:
canString = strings.Join([]string{
}, "\n")
case sharedKeyForTable:
canString = strings.Join([]string{
}, "\n")
case sharedKeyLite:
canString = strings.Join([]string{
}, "\n")
case sharedKeyLiteForTable:
canString = strings.Join([]string{
}, "\n")
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s authentication is not supported yet", auth)
return canString, nil
func buildCanonicalizedHeader(headers map[string]string) string {
cm := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range headers {
headerName := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(k))
if strings.HasPrefix(headerName, "x-ms-") {
cm[headerName] = v
if len(cm) == 0 {
return ""
keys := []string{}
for key := range cm {
keys = append(keys, key)
ch := bytes.NewBufferString("")
for _, key := range keys {
return strings.TrimSuffix(string(ch.Bytes()), "\n")
func (c *Client) createAuthorizationHeader(canonicalizedString string, auth authentication) string {
signature := c.computeHmac256(canonicalizedString)
var key string
switch auth {
case sharedKey, sharedKeyForTable:
key = "SharedKey"
case sharedKeyLite, sharedKeyLiteForTable:
key = "SharedKeyLite"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s:%s", key, c.getCanonicalizedAccountName(), signature)
@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
package storage
import (
// A Blob is an entry in BlobListResponse.
type Blob struct {
Container *Container
Name string `xml:"Name"`
Snapshot time.Time `xml:"Snapshot"`
Properties BlobProperties `xml:"Properties"`
Metadata BlobMetadata `xml:"Metadata"`
// PutBlobOptions includes the options any put blob operation
// (page, block, append)
type PutBlobOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
Origin string `header:"Origin"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
IfMatch string `header:"If-Match"`
IfNoneMatch string `header:"If-None-Match"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// BlobMetadata is a set of custom name/value pairs.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179404.aspx
type BlobMetadata map[string]string
type blobMetadataEntries struct {
Entries []blobMetadataEntry `xml:",any"`
type blobMetadataEntry struct {
XMLName xml.Name
Value string `xml:",chardata"`
// UnmarshalXML converts the xml:Metadata into Metadata map
func (bm *BlobMetadata) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
var entries blobMetadataEntries
if err := d.DecodeElement(&entries, &start); err != nil {
return err
for _, entry := range entries.Entries {
if *bm == nil {
*bm = make(BlobMetadata)
(*bm)[strings.ToLower(entry.XMLName.Local)] = entry.Value
return nil
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaler interface. It encodes
// metadata name/value pairs as they would appear in an Azure
// ListBlobs response.
func (bm BlobMetadata) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
entries := make([]blobMetadataEntry, 0, len(bm))
for k, v := range bm {
entries = append(entries, blobMetadataEntry{
XMLName: xml.Name{Local: http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k)},
Value: v,
return enc.EncodeElement(blobMetadataEntries{
Entries: entries,
}, start)
// BlobProperties contains various properties of a blob
// returned in various endpoints like ListBlobs or GetBlobProperties.
type BlobProperties struct {
LastModified TimeRFC1123 `xml:"Last-Modified"`
Etag string `xml:"Etag"`
ContentMD5 string `xml:"Content-MD5" header:"x-ms-blob-content-md5"`
ContentLength int64 `xml:"Content-Length"`
ContentType string `xml:"Content-Type" header:"x-ms-blob-content-type"`
ContentEncoding string `xml:"Content-Encoding" header:"x-ms-blob-content-encoding"`
CacheControl string `xml:"Cache-Control" header:"x-ms-blob-cache-control"`
ContentLanguage string `xml:"Cache-Language" header:"x-ms-blob-content-language"`
ContentDisposition string `xml:"Content-Disposition" header:"x-ms-blob-content-disposition"`
BlobType BlobType `xml:"x-ms-blob-blob-type"`
SequenceNumber int64 `xml:"x-ms-blob-sequence-number"`
CopyID string `xml:"CopyId"`
CopyStatus string `xml:"CopyStatus"`
CopySource string `xml:"CopySource"`
CopyProgress string `xml:"CopyProgress"`
CopyCompletionTime TimeRFC1123 `xml:"CopyCompletionTime"`
CopyStatusDescription string `xml:"CopyStatusDescription"`
LeaseStatus string `xml:"LeaseStatus"`
LeaseState string `xml:"LeaseState"`
LeaseDuration string `xml:"LeaseDuration"`
ServerEncrypted bool `xml:"ServerEncrypted"`
IncrementalCopy bool `xml:"IncrementalCopy"`
// BlobType defines the type of the Azure Blob.
type BlobType string
// Types of page blobs
const (
BlobTypeBlock BlobType = "BlockBlob"
BlobTypePage BlobType = "PageBlob"
BlobTypeAppend BlobType = "AppendBlob"
func (b *Blob) buildPath() string {
return b.Container.buildPath() + "/" + b.Name
// Exists returns true if a blob with given name exists on the specified
// container of the storage account.
func (b *Blob) Exists() (bool, error) {
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), nil)
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodHead, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if resp != nil {
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if resp.statusCode == http.StatusOK || resp.statusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
return resp.statusCode == http.StatusOK, nil
return false, err
// GetURL gets the canonical URL to the blob with the specified name in the
// specified container. If name is not specified, the canonical URL for the entire
// container is obtained.
// This method does not create a publicly accessible URL if the blob or container
// is private and this method does not check if the blob exists.
func (b *Blob) GetURL() string {
container := b.Container.Name
if container == "" {
container = "$root"
return b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, pathForResource(container, b.Name), nil)
// GetBlobRangeOptions includes the options for a get blob range operation
type GetBlobRangeOptions struct {
Range *BlobRange
GetRangeContentMD5 bool
// GetBlobOptions includes the options for a get blob operation
type GetBlobOptions struct {
Timeout uint
Snapshot *time.Time
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
Origin string `header:"Origin"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
IfMatch string `header:"If-Match"`
IfNoneMatch string `header:"If-None-Match"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// BlobRange represents the bytes range to be get
type BlobRange struct {
Start uint64
End uint64
func (br BlobRange) String() string {
if br.End == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-", br.Start)
return fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", br.Start, br.End)
// Get returns a stream to read the blob. Caller must call both Read and Close()
// to correctly close the underlying connection.
// See the GetRange method for use with a Range header.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Get-Blob
func (b *Blob) Get(options *GetBlobOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
rangeOptions := GetBlobRangeOptions{
GetBlobOptions: options,
resp, err := b.getRange(&rangeOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusOK}); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := b.writeProperties(resp.headers, true); err != nil {
return resp.body, err
return resp.body, nil
// GetRange reads the specified range of a blob to a stream. The bytesRange
// string must be in a format like "0-", "10-100" as defined in HTTP 1.1 spec.
// Caller must call both Read and Close()// to correctly close the underlying
// connection.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Get-Blob
func (b *Blob) GetRange(options *GetBlobRangeOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
resp, err := b.getRange(options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusPartialContent}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Content-Length header should not be updated, as the service returns the range length
// (which is not alwys the full blob length)
if err := b.writeProperties(resp.headers, false); err != nil {
return resp.body, err
return resp.body, nil
func (b *Blob) getRange(options *GetBlobRangeOptions) (*storageResponse, error) {
params := url.Values{}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
if options != nil {
if options.Range != nil {
headers["Range"] = options.Range.String()
if options.GetRangeContentMD5 {
headers["x-ms-range-get-content-md5"] = "true"
if options.GetBlobOptions != nil {
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options.GetBlobOptions))
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
params = addSnapshot(params, options.Snapshot)
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodGet, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, err
// SnapshotOptions includes the options for a snapshot blob operation
type SnapshotOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
IfMatch string `header:"If-Match"`
IfNoneMatch string `header:"If-None-Match"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// CreateSnapshot creates a snapshot for a blob
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee691971.aspx
func (b *Blob) CreateSnapshot(options *SnapshotOptions) (snapshotTimestamp *time.Time, err error) {
params := url.Values{"comp": {"snapshot"}}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers = b.Container.bsc.client.addMetadataToHeaders(headers, b.Metadata)
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil || resp == nil {
return nil, err
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if err := checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusCreated}); err != nil {
return nil, err
snapshotResponse := resp.headers.Get(http.CanonicalHeaderKey("x-ms-snapshot"))
if snapshotResponse != "" {
snapshotTimestamp, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, snapshotResponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &snapshotTimestamp, nil
return nil, errors.New("Snapshot not created")
// GetBlobPropertiesOptions includes the options for a get blob properties operation
type GetBlobPropertiesOptions struct {
Timeout uint
Snapshot *time.Time
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
IfMatch string `header:"If-Match"`
IfNoneMatch string `header:"If-None-Match"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// GetProperties provides various information about the specified blob.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179394.aspx
func (b *Blob) GetProperties(options *GetBlobPropertiesOptions) error {
params := url.Values{}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
params = addSnapshot(params, options.Snapshot)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodHead, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if err = checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusOK}); err != nil {
return err
return b.writeProperties(resp.headers, true)
func (b *Blob) writeProperties(h http.Header, includeContentLen bool) error {
var err error
contentLength := b.Properties.ContentLength
if includeContentLen {
contentLengthStr := h.Get("Content-Length")
if contentLengthStr != "" {
contentLength, err = strconv.ParseInt(contentLengthStr, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
var sequenceNum int64
sequenceNumStr := h.Get("x-ms-blob-sequence-number")
if sequenceNumStr != "" {
sequenceNum, err = strconv.ParseInt(sequenceNumStr, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
lastModified, err := getTimeFromHeaders(h, "Last-Modified")
if err != nil {
return err
copyCompletionTime, err := getTimeFromHeaders(h, "x-ms-copy-completion-time")
if err != nil {
return err
b.Properties = BlobProperties{
LastModified: TimeRFC1123(*lastModified),
Etag: h.Get("Etag"),
ContentMD5: h.Get("Content-MD5"),
ContentLength: contentLength,
ContentEncoding: h.Get("Content-Encoding"),
ContentType: h.Get("Content-Type"),
ContentDisposition: h.Get("Content-Disposition"),
CacheControl: h.Get("Cache-Control"),
ContentLanguage: h.Get("Content-Language"),
SequenceNumber: sequenceNum,
CopyCompletionTime: TimeRFC1123(*copyCompletionTime),
CopyStatusDescription: h.Get("x-ms-copy-status-description"),
CopyID: h.Get("x-ms-copy-id"),
CopyProgress: h.Get("x-ms-copy-progress"),
CopySource: h.Get("x-ms-copy-source"),
CopyStatus: h.Get("x-ms-copy-status"),
BlobType: BlobType(h.Get("x-ms-blob-type")),
LeaseStatus: h.Get("x-ms-lease-status"),
LeaseState: h.Get("x-ms-lease-state"),
return nil
// SetBlobPropertiesOptions contains various properties of a blob and is an entry
// in SetProperties
type SetBlobPropertiesOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
Origin string `header:"Origin"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
IfMatch string `header:"If-Match"`
IfNoneMatch string `header:"If-None-Match"`
SequenceNumberAction *SequenceNumberAction
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// SequenceNumberAction defines how the blob's sequence number should be modified
type SequenceNumberAction string
// Options for sequence number action
const (
SequenceNumberActionMax SequenceNumberAction = "max"
SequenceNumberActionUpdate SequenceNumberAction = "update"
SequenceNumberActionIncrement SequenceNumberAction = "increment"
// SetProperties replaces the BlobHeaders for the specified blob.
// Some keys may be converted to Camel-Case before sending. All keys
// are returned in lower case by GetBlobProperties. HTTP header names
// are case-insensitive so case munging should not matter to other
// applications either.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Set-Blob-Properties
func (b *Blob) SetProperties(options *SetBlobPropertiesOptions) error {
params := url.Values{"comp": {"properties"}}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(b.Properties))
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
if b.Properties.BlobType == BlobTypePage {
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-blob-content-length", fmt.Sprintf("%v", b.Properties.ContentLength))
if options != nil && options.SequenceNumberAction != nil {
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-sequence-number-action", string(*options.SequenceNumberAction))
if *options.SequenceNumberAction != SequenceNumberActionIncrement {
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", fmt.Sprintf("%v", b.Properties.SequenceNumber))
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
return checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusOK})
// SetBlobMetadataOptions includes the options for a set blob metadata operation
type SetBlobMetadataOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
IfMatch string `header:"If-Match"`
IfNoneMatch string `header:"If-None-Match"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// SetMetadata replaces the metadata for the specified blob.
// Some keys may be converted to Camel-Case before sending. All keys
// are returned in lower case by GetBlobMetadata. HTTP header names
// are case-insensitive so case munging should not matter to other
// applications either.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179414.aspx
func (b *Blob) SetMetadata(options *SetBlobMetadataOptions) error {
params := url.Values{"comp": {"metadata"}}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers = b.Container.bsc.client.addMetadataToHeaders(headers, b.Metadata)
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
return checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusOK})
// GetBlobMetadataOptions includes the options for a get blob metadata operation
type GetBlobMetadataOptions struct {
Timeout uint
Snapshot *time.Time
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
IfMatch string `header:"If-Match"`
IfNoneMatch string `header:"If-None-Match"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// GetMetadata returns all user-defined metadata for the specified blob.
// All metadata keys will be returned in lower case. (HTTP header
// names are case-insensitive.)
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179414.aspx
func (b *Blob) GetMetadata(options *GetBlobMetadataOptions) error {
params := url.Values{"comp": {"metadata"}}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
params = addSnapshot(params, options.Snapshot)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodGet, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if err := checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusOK}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *Blob) writeMetadata(h http.Header) {
metadata := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range h {
// Can't trust CanonicalHeaderKey() to munge case
// reliably. "_" is allowed in identifiers:
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179414.aspx
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa664670(VS.71).aspx
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2
// ...but "_" is considered invalid by
// CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey in
// https://golang.org/src/net/textproto/reader.go?s=14615:14659#L542
// so k can be "X-Ms-Meta-Lol" or "x-ms-meta-lol_rofl".
k = strings.ToLower(k)
if len(v) == 0 || !strings.HasPrefix(k, strings.ToLower(userDefinedMetadataHeaderPrefix)) {
// metadata["lol"] = content of the last X-Ms-Meta-Lol header
k = k[len(userDefinedMetadataHeaderPrefix):]
metadata[k] = v[len(v)-1]
b.Metadata = BlobMetadata(metadata)
// DeleteBlobOptions includes the options for a delete blob operation
type DeleteBlobOptions struct {
Timeout uint
Snapshot *time.Time
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
DeleteSnapshots *bool
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
IfMatch string `header:"If-Match"`
IfNoneMatch string `header:"If-None-Match"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// Delete deletes the given blob from the specified container.
// If the blob does not exists at the time of the Delete Blob operation, it
// returns error.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Delete-Blob
func (b *Blob) Delete(options *DeleteBlobOptions) error {
resp, err := b.delete(options)
if err != nil {
return err
return checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusAccepted})
// DeleteIfExists deletes the given blob from the specified container If the
// blob is deleted with this call, returns true. Otherwise returns false.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Delete-Blob
func (b *Blob) DeleteIfExists(options *DeleteBlobOptions) (bool, error) {
resp, err := b.delete(options)
if resp != nil {
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if resp.statusCode == http.StatusAccepted || resp.statusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
return resp.statusCode == http.StatusAccepted, nil
return false, err
func (b *Blob) delete(options *DeleteBlobOptions) (*storageResponse, error) {
params := url.Values{}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
params = addSnapshot(params, options.Snapshot)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
if options.DeleteSnapshots != nil {
if *options.DeleteSnapshots {
headers["x-ms-delete-snapshots"] = "include"
} else {
headers["x-ms-delete-snapshots"] = "only"
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
return b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodDelete, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
// helper method to construct the path to either a blob or container
func pathForResource(container, name string) string {
if name != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", container, name)
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s", container)
func (b *Blob) respondCreation(resp *storageResponse, bt BlobType) error {
err := checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusCreated})
if err != nil {
return err
b.Properties.BlobType = bt
return nil
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
package storage
import (
// GetSASURIWithSignedIPAndProtocol creates an URL to the specified blob which contains the Shared
// Access Signature with specified permissions and expiration time. Also includes signedIPRange and allowed protocols.
// If old API version is used but no signedIP is passed (ie empty string) then this should still work.
// We only populate the signedIP when it non-empty.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee395415.aspx
func (b *Blob) GetSASURIWithSignedIPAndProtocol(expiry time.Time, permissions string, signedIPRange string, HTTPSOnly bool) (string, error) {
var (
signedPermissions = permissions
blobURL = b.GetURL()
canonicalizedResource, err := b.Container.bsc.client.buildCanonicalizedResource(blobURL, b.Container.bsc.auth, true)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// "The canonicalizedresouce portion of the string is a canonical path to the signed resource.
// It must include the service name (blob, table, queue or file) for version 2015-02-21 or
// later, the storage account name, and the resource name, and must be URL-decoded.
// -- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn140255.aspx
// We need to replace + with %2b first to avoid being treated as a space (which is correct for query strings, but not the path component).
canonicalizedResource = strings.Replace(canonicalizedResource, "+", "%2b", -1)
canonicalizedResource, err = url.QueryUnescape(canonicalizedResource)
if err != nil {
return "", err
signedExpiry := expiry.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
//If blob name is missing, resource is a container
signedResource := "c"
if len(b.Name) > 0 {
signedResource = "b"
protocols := ""
if HTTPSOnly {
protocols = "https"
stringToSign, err := blobSASStringToSign(b.Container.bsc.client.apiVersion, canonicalizedResource, signedExpiry, signedPermissions, signedIPRange, protocols)
if err != nil {
return "", err
sig := b.Container.bsc.client.computeHmac256(stringToSign)
sasParams := url.Values{
"sv": {b.Container.bsc.client.apiVersion},
"se": {signedExpiry},
"sr": {signedResource},
"sp": {signedPermissions},
"sig": {sig},
if b.Container.bsc.client.apiVersion >= "2015-04-05" {
if protocols != "" {
sasParams.Add("spr", protocols)
if signedIPRange != "" {
sasParams.Add("sip", signedIPRange)
sasURL, err := url.Parse(blobURL)
if err != nil {
return "", err
sasURL.RawQuery = sasParams.Encode()
return sasURL.String(), nil
// GetSASURI creates an URL to the specified blob which contains the Shared
// Access Signature with specified permissions and expiration time.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee395415.aspx
func (b *Blob) GetSASURI(expiry time.Time, permissions string) (string, error) {
return b.GetSASURIWithSignedIPAndProtocol(expiry, permissions, "", false)
func blobSASStringToSign(signedVersion, canonicalizedResource, signedExpiry, signedPermissions string, signedIP string, protocols string) (string, error) {
var signedStart, signedIdentifier, rscc, rscd, rsce, rscl, rsct string
if signedVersion >= "2015-02-21" {
canonicalizedResource = "/blob" + canonicalizedResource
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn140255.aspx#Anchor_12
if signedVersion >= "2015-04-05" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s", signedPermissions, signedStart, signedExpiry, canonicalizedResource, signedIdentifier, signedIP, protocols, signedVersion, rscc, rscd, rsce, rscl, rsct), nil
// reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn140255.aspx
if signedVersion >= "2013-08-15" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s", signedPermissions, signedStart, signedExpiry, canonicalizedResource, signedIdentifier, signedVersion, rscc, rscd, rsce, rscl, rsct), nil
return "", errors.New("storage: not implemented SAS for versions earlier than 2013-08-15")
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
package storage
import (
// BlobStorageClient contains operations for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
// Service.
type BlobStorageClient struct {
client Client
auth authentication
// GetServiceProperties gets the properties of your storage account's blob service.
// See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/get-blob-service-properties
func (b *BlobStorageClient) GetServiceProperties() (*ServiceProperties, error) {
return b.client.getServiceProperties(blobServiceName, b.auth)
// SetServiceProperties sets the properties of your storage account's blob service.
// See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/set-blob-service-properties
func (b *BlobStorageClient) SetServiceProperties(props ServiceProperties) error {
return b.client.setServiceProperties(props, blobServiceName, b.auth)
// ListContainersParameters defines the set of customizable parameters to make a
// List Containers call.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179352.aspx
type ListContainersParameters struct {
Prefix string
Marker string
Include string
MaxResults uint
Timeout uint
// GetContainerReference returns a Container object for the specified container name.
func (b *BlobStorageClient) GetContainerReference(name string) *Container {
return &Container{
bsc: b,
Name: name,
// ListContainers returns the list of containers in a storage account along with
// pagination token and other response details.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179352.aspx
func (b BlobStorageClient) ListContainers(params ListContainersParameters) (*ContainerListResponse, error) {
q := mergeParams(params.getParameters(), url.Values{"comp": {"list"}})
uri := b.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, "", q)
headers := b.client.getStandardHeaders()
var out ContainerListResponse
resp, err := b.client.exec(http.MethodGet, uri, headers, nil, b.auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.body.Close()
err = xmlUnmarshal(resp.body, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// assign our client to the newly created Container objects
for i := range out.Containers {
out.Containers[i].bsc = &b
return &out, err
func (p ListContainersParameters) getParameters() url.Values {
out := url.Values{}
if p.Prefix != "" {
out.Set("prefix", p.Prefix)
if p.Marker != "" {
out.Set("marker", p.Marker)
if p.Include != "" {
out.Set("include", p.Include)
if p.MaxResults != 0 {
out.Set("maxresults", strconv.FormatUint(uint64(p.MaxResults), 10))
if p.Timeout != 0 {
out.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatUint(uint64(p.Timeout), 10))
return out
@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
package storage
import (
// BlockListType is used to filter out types of blocks in a Get Blocks List call
// for a block blob.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179400.aspx for all
// block types.
type BlockListType string
// Filters for listing blocks in block blobs
const (
BlockListTypeAll BlockListType = "all"
BlockListTypeCommitted BlockListType = "committed"
BlockListTypeUncommitted BlockListType = "uncommitted"
// Maximum sizes (per REST API) for various concepts
const (
MaxBlobBlockSize = 100 * 1024 * 1024
MaxBlobPageSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024
// BlockStatus defines states a block for a block blob can
// be in.
type BlockStatus string
// List of statuses that can be used to refer to a block in a block list
const (
BlockStatusUncommitted BlockStatus = "Uncommitted"
BlockStatusCommitted BlockStatus = "Committed"
BlockStatusLatest BlockStatus = "Latest"
// Block is used to create Block entities for Put Block List
// call.
type Block struct {
ID string
Status BlockStatus
// BlockListResponse contains the response fields from Get Block List call.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179400.aspx
type BlockListResponse struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BlockList"`
CommittedBlocks []BlockResponse `xml:"CommittedBlocks>Block"`
UncommittedBlocks []BlockResponse `xml:"UncommittedBlocks>Block"`
// BlockResponse contains the block information returned
// in the GetBlockListCall.
type BlockResponse struct {
Name string `xml:"Name"`
Size int64 `xml:"Size"`
// CreateBlockBlob initializes an empty block blob with no blocks.
// See CreateBlockBlobFromReader for more info on creating blobs.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Put-Blob
func (b *Blob) CreateBlockBlob(options *PutBlobOptions) error {
return b.CreateBlockBlobFromReader(nil, options)
// CreateBlockBlobFromReader initializes a block blob using data from
// reader. Size must be the number of bytes read from reader. To
// create an empty blob, use size==0 and reader==nil.
// Any headers set in blob.Properties or metadata in blob.Metadata
// will be set on the blob.
// The API rejects requests with size > 256 MiB (but this limit is not
// checked by the SDK). To write a larger blob, use CreateBlockBlob,
// PutBlock, and PutBlockList.
// To create a blob from scratch, call container.GetBlobReference() to
// get an empty blob, fill in blob.Properties and blob.Metadata as
// appropriate then call this method.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Put-Blob
func (b *Blob) CreateBlockBlobFromReader(blob io.Reader, options *PutBlobOptions) error {
params := url.Values{}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers["x-ms-blob-type"] = string(BlobTypeBlock)
headers["Content-Length"] = "0"
var n int64
var err error
if blob != nil {
type lener interface {
Len() int
// TODO(rjeczalik): handle io.ReadSeeker, in case blob is *os.File etc.
if l, ok := blob.(lener); ok {
n = int64(l.Len())
} else {
var buf bytes.Buffer
n, err = io.Copy(&buf, blob)
if err != nil {
return err
blob = &buf
headers["Content-Length"] = strconv.FormatInt(n, 10)
b.Properties.ContentLength = n
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(b.Properties))
headers = b.Container.bsc.client.addMetadataToHeaders(headers, b.Metadata)
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, blob, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
return b.respondCreation(resp, BlobTypeBlock)
// PutBlockOptions includes the options for a put block operation
type PutBlockOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
ContentMD5 string `header:"Content-MD5"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// PutBlock saves the given data chunk to the specified block blob with
// given ID.
// The API rejects chunks larger than 100 MiB (but this limit is not
// checked by the SDK).
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Put-Block
func (b *Blob) PutBlock(blockID string, chunk []byte, options *PutBlockOptions) error {
return b.PutBlockWithLength(blockID, uint64(len(chunk)), bytes.NewReader(chunk), options)
// PutBlockWithLength saves the given data stream of exactly specified size to
// the block blob with given ID. It is an alternative to PutBlocks where data
// comes as stream but the length is known in advance.
// The API rejects requests with size > 100 MiB (but this limit is not
// checked by the SDK).
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Put-Block
func (b *Blob) PutBlockWithLength(blockID string, size uint64, blob io.Reader, options *PutBlockOptions) error {
query := url.Values{
"comp": {"block"},
"blockid": {blockID},
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", size)
if options != nil {
query = addTimeout(query, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), query)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, blob, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
return b.respondCreation(resp, BlobTypeBlock)
// PutBlockListOptions includes the options for a put block list operation
type PutBlockListOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
IfMatch string `header:"If-Match"`
IfNoneMatch string `header:"If-None-Match"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// PutBlockList saves list of blocks to the specified block blob.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Put-Block-List
func (b *Blob) PutBlockList(blocks []Block, options *PutBlockListOptions) error {
params := url.Values{"comp": {"blocklist"}}
blockListXML := prepareBlockListRequest(blocks)
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", len(blockListXML))
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(b.Properties))
headers = b.Container.bsc.client.addMetadataToHeaders(headers, b.Metadata)
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, strings.NewReader(blockListXML), b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
return checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusCreated})
// GetBlockListOptions includes the options for a get block list operation
type GetBlockListOptions struct {
Timeout uint
Snapshot *time.Time
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// GetBlockList retrieves list of blocks in the specified block blob.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Get-Block-List
func (b *Blob) GetBlockList(blockType BlockListType, options *GetBlockListOptions) (BlockListResponse, error) {
params := url.Values{
"comp": {"blocklist"},
"blocklisttype": {string(blockType)},
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
params = addSnapshot(params, options.Snapshot)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
var out BlockListResponse
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodGet, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return out, err
defer resp.body.Close()
err = xmlUnmarshal(resp.body, &out)
return out, err
@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
// Package storage provides clients for Microsoft Azure Storage Services.
package storage
import (
const (
// DefaultBaseURL is the domain name used for storage requests in the
// public cloud when a default client is created.
DefaultBaseURL = "core.windows.net"
// DefaultAPIVersion is the Azure Storage API version string used when a
// basic client is created.
DefaultAPIVersion = "2016-05-31"
defaultUseHTTPS = true
// StorageEmulatorAccountName is the fixed storage account used by Azure Storage Emulator
StorageEmulatorAccountName = "devstoreaccount1"
// StorageEmulatorAccountKey is the the fixed storage account used by Azure Storage Emulator
StorageEmulatorAccountKey = "Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw=="
blobServiceName = "blob"
tableServiceName = "table"
queueServiceName = "queue"
fileServiceName = "file"
storageEmulatorBlob = ""
storageEmulatorTable = ""
storageEmulatorQueue = ""
userAgentHeader = "User-Agent"
userDefinedMetadataHeaderPrefix = "x-ms-meta-"
var (
validStorageAccount = regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9a-z]{3,24}$")
// Sender sends a request
type Sender interface {
Send(*Client, *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
// DefaultSender is the default sender for the client. It implements
// an automatic retry strategy.
type DefaultSender struct {
RetryAttempts int
RetryDuration time.Duration
ValidStatusCodes []int
attempts int // used for testing
// Send is the default retry strategy in the client
func (ds *DefaultSender) Send(c *Client, req *http.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
rr := autorest.NewRetriableRequest(req)
for attempts := 0; attempts < ds.RetryAttempts; attempts++ {
err = rr.Prepare()
if err != nil {
return resp, err
resp, err = c.HTTPClient.Do(rr.Request())
if err != nil || !autorest.ResponseHasStatusCode(resp, ds.ValidStatusCodes...) {
return resp, err
autorest.DelayForBackoff(ds.RetryDuration, attempts, req.Cancel)
ds.attempts = attempts
return resp, err
// Client is the object that needs to be constructed to perform
// operations on the storage account.
type Client struct {
// HTTPClient is the http.Client used to initiate API
// requests. http.DefaultClient is used when creating a
// client.
HTTPClient *http.Client
// Sender is an interface that sends the request. Clients are
// created with a DefaultSender. The DefaultSender has an
// automatic retry strategy built in. The Sender can be customized.
Sender Sender
accountName string
accountKey []byte
useHTTPS bool
UseSharedKeyLite bool
baseURL string
apiVersion string
userAgent string
type storageResponse struct {
statusCode int
headers http.Header
body io.ReadCloser
type odataResponse struct {
odata odataErrorWrapper
// AzureStorageServiceError contains fields of the error response from
// Azure Storage Service REST API. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179382.aspx
// Some fields might be specific to certain calls.
type AzureStorageServiceError struct {
Code string `xml:"Code"`
Message string `xml:"Message"`
AuthenticationErrorDetail string `xml:"AuthenticationErrorDetail"`
QueryParameterName string `xml:"QueryParameterName"`
QueryParameterValue string `xml:"QueryParameterValue"`
Reason string `xml:"Reason"`
Lang string
StatusCode int
RequestID string
Date string
APIVersion string
type odataErrorMessage struct {
Lang string `json:"lang"`
Value string `json:"value"`
type odataError struct {
Code string `json:"code"`
Message odataErrorMessage `json:"message"`
type odataErrorWrapper struct {
Err odataError `json:"odata.error"`
// UnexpectedStatusCodeError is returned when a storage service responds with neither an error
// nor with an HTTP status code indicating success.
type UnexpectedStatusCodeError struct {
allowed []int
got int
func (e UnexpectedStatusCodeError) Error() string {
s := func(i int) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", i, http.StatusText(i)) }
got := s(e.got)
expected := []string{}
for _, v := range e.allowed {
expected = append(expected, s(v))
return fmt.Sprintf("storage: status code from service response is %s; was expecting %s", got, strings.Join(expected, " or "))
// Got is the actual status code returned by Azure.
func (e UnexpectedStatusCodeError) Got() int {
return e.got
// NewBasicClient constructs a Client with given storage service name and
// key.
func NewBasicClient(accountName, accountKey string) (Client, error) {
if accountName == StorageEmulatorAccountName {
return NewEmulatorClient()
return NewClient(accountName, accountKey, DefaultBaseURL, DefaultAPIVersion, defaultUseHTTPS)
// NewBasicClientOnSovereignCloud constructs a Client with given storage service name and
// key in the referenced cloud.
func NewBasicClientOnSovereignCloud(accountName, accountKey string, env azure.Environment) (Client, error) {
if accountName == StorageEmulatorAccountName {
return NewEmulatorClient()
return NewClient(accountName, accountKey, env.StorageEndpointSuffix, DefaultAPIVersion, defaultUseHTTPS)
//NewEmulatorClient contructs a Client intended to only work with Azure
//Storage Emulator
func NewEmulatorClient() (Client, error) {
return NewClient(StorageEmulatorAccountName, StorageEmulatorAccountKey, DefaultBaseURL, DefaultAPIVersion, false)
// NewClient constructs a Client. This should be used if the caller wants
// to specify whether to use HTTPS, a specific REST API version or a custom
// storage endpoint than Azure Public Cloud.
func NewClient(accountName, accountKey, blobServiceBaseURL, apiVersion string, useHTTPS bool) (Client, error) {
var c Client
if !IsValidStorageAccount(accountName) {
return c, fmt.Errorf("azure: account name is not valid: it must be between 3 and 24 characters, and only may contain numbers and lowercase letters: %v", accountName)
} else if accountKey == "" {
return c, fmt.Errorf("azure: account key required")
} else if blobServiceBaseURL == "" {
return c, fmt.Errorf("azure: base storage service url required")
key, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(accountKey)
if err != nil {
return c, fmt.Errorf("azure: malformed storage account key: %v", err)
c = Client{
HTTPClient: http.DefaultClient,
accountName: accountName,
accountKey: key,
baseURL: blobServiceBaseURL,
apiVersion: apiVersion,
UseSharedKeyLite: false,
Sender: &DefaultSender{
RetryAttempts: 5,
ValidStatusCodes: []int{
http.StatusRequestTimeout, // 408
http.StatusInternalServerError, // 500
http.StatusBadGateway, // 502
http.StatusServiceUnavailable, // 503
http.StatusGatewayTimeout, // 504
RetryDuration: time.Second * 5,
c.userAgent = c.getDefaultUserAgent()
return c, nil
// IsValidStorageAccount checks if the storage account name is valid.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/storage-create-storage-account
func IsValidStorageAccount(account string) bool {
return validStorageAccount.MatchString(account)
func (c Client) getDefaultUserAgent() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Go/%s (%s-%s) azure-storage-go/%s api-version/%s",
// AddToUserAgent adds an extension to the current user agent
func (c *Client) AddToUserAgent(extension string) error {
if extension != "" {
c.userAgent = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", c.userAgent, extension)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Extension was empty, User Agent stayed as %s", c.userAgent)
// protectUserAgent is used in funcs that include extraheaders as a parameter.
// It prevents the User-Agent header to be overwritten, instead if it happens to
// be present, it gets added to the current User-Agent. Use it before getStandardHeaders
func (c *Client) protectUserAgent(extraheaders map[string]string) map[string]string {
if v, ok := extraheaders[userAgentHeader]; ok {
delete(extraheaders, userAgentHeader)
return extraheaders
func (c Client) getBaseURL(service string) *url.URL {
scheme := "http"
if c.useHTTPS {
scheme = "https"
host := ""
if c.accountName == StorageEmulatorAccountName {
switch service {
case blobServiceName:
host = storageEmulatorBlob
case tableServiceName:
host = storageEmulatorTable
case queueServiceName:
host = storageEmulatorQueue
} else {
host = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", c.accountName, service, c.baseURL)
return &url.URL{
Scheme: scheme,
Host: host,
func (c Client) getEndpoint(service, path string, params url.Values) string {
u := c.getBaseURL(service)
// API doesn't accept path segments not starting with '/'
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = fmt.Sprintf("/%v", path)
if c.accountName == StorageEmulatorAccountName {
path = fmt.Sprintf("/%v%v", StorageEmulatorAccountName, path)
u.Path = path
u.RawQuery = params.Encode()
return u.String()
// GetBlobService returns a BlobStorageClient which can operate on the blob
// service of the storage account.
func (c Client) GetBlobService() BlobStorageClient {
b := BlobStorageClient{
client: c,
b.auth = sharedKey
if c.UseSharedKeyLite {
b.auth = sharedKeyLite
return b
// GetQueueService returns a QueueServiceClient which can operate on the queue
// service of the storage account.
func (c Client) GetQueueService() QueueServiceClient {
q := QueueServiceClient{
client: c,
q.auth = sharedKey
if c.UseSharedKeyLite {
q.auth = sharedKeyLite
return q
// GetTableService returns a TableServiceClient which can operate on the table
// service of the storage account.
func (c Client) GetTableService() TableServiceClient {
t := TableServiceClient{
client: c,
t.auth = sharedKeyForTable
if c.UseSharedKeyLite {
t.auth = sharedKeyLiteForTable
return t
// GetFileService returns a FileServiceClient which can operate on the file
// service of the storage account.
func (c Client) GetFileService() FileServiceClient {
f := FileServiceClient{
client: c,
f.auth = sharedKey
if c.UseSharedKeyLite {
f.auth = sharedKeyLite
return f
func (c Client) getStandardHeaders() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
userAgentHeader: c.userAgent,
"x-ms-version": c.apiVersion,
"x-ms-date": currentTimeRfc1123Formatted(),
func (c Client) exec(verb, url string, headers map[string]string, body io.Reader, auth authentication) (*storageResponse, error) {
headers, err := c.addAuthorizationHeader(verb, url, headers, auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req, err := http.NewRequest(verb, url, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("azure/storage: error creating request: " + err.Error())
// if a body was provided ensure that the content length was set.
// http.NewRequest() will automatically do this for a handful of types
// and for those that it doesn't we will handle here.
if body != nil && req.ContentLength < 1 {
if lr, ok := body.(*io.LimitedReader); ok {
setContentLengthFromLimitedReader(req, lr)
for k, v := range headers {
req.Header[k] = append(req.Header[k], v) // Must bypass case munging present in `Add` by using map functions directly. See https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/issues/645
resp, err := c.Sender.Send(&c, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.StatusCode >= 400 && resp.StatusCode <= 505 {
var respBody []byte
respBody, err = readAndCloseBody(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
requestID, date, version := getDebugHeaders(resp.Header)
if len(respBody) == 0 {
// no error in response body, might happen in HEAD requests
err = serviceErrFromStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Status, requestID, date, version)
} else {
storageErr := AzureStorageServiceError{
StatusCode: resp.StatusCode,
RequestID: requestID,
Date: date,
APIVersion: version,
// response contains storage service error object, unmarshal
if resp.Header.Get("Content-Type") == "application/xml" {
errIn := serviceErrFromXML(respBody, &storageErr)
if err != nil { // error unmarshaling the error response
err = errIn
} else {
errIn := serviceErrFromJSON(respBody, &storageErr)
if err != nil { // error unmarshaling the error response
err = errIn
err = storageErr
return &storageResponse{
statusCode: resp.StatusCode,
headers: resp.Header,
body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(respBody)), /* restore the body */
}, err
return &storageResponse{
statusCode: resp.StatusCode,
headers: resp.Header,
body: resp.Body}, nil
func (c Client) execInternalJSONCommon(verb, url string, headers map[string]string, body io.Reader, auth authentication) (*odataResponse, *http.Request, *http.Response, error) {
headers, err := c.addAuthorizationHeader(verb, url, headers, auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
req, err := http.NewRequest(verb, url, body)
for k, v := range headers {
req.Header.Add(k, v)
resp, err := c.Sender.Send(&c, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
respToRet := &odataResponse{}
respToRet.body = resp.Body
respToRet.statusCode = resp.StatusCode
respToRet.headers = resp.Header
statusCode := resp.StatusCode
if statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 505 {
var respBody []byte
respBody, err = readAndCloseBody(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
requestID, date, version := getDebugHeaders(resp.Header)
if len(respBody) == 0 {
// no error in response body, might happen in HEAD requests
err = serviceErrFromStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Status, requestID, date, version)
return respToRet, req, resp, err
// try unmarshal as odata.error json
err = json.Unmarshal(respBody, &respToRet.odata)
return respToRet, req, resp, err
func (c Client) execInternalJSON(verb, url string, headers map[string]string, body io.Reader, auth authentication) (*odataResponse, error) {
respToRet, _, _, err := c.execInternalJSONCommon(verb, url, headers, body, auth)
return respToRet, err
func (c Client) execBatchOperationJSON(verb, url string, headers map[string]string, body io.Reader, auth authentication) (*odataResponse, error) {
// execute common query, get back generated request, response etc... for more processing.
respToRet, req, resp, err := c.execInternalJSONCommon(verb, url, headers, body, auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// return the OData in the case of executing batch commands.
// In this case we need to read the outer batch boundary and contents.
// Then we read the changeset information within the batch
var respBody []byte
respBody, err = readAndCloseBody(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// outer multipart body
_, batchHeader, err := mime.ParseMediaType(resp.Header["Content-Type"][0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// batch details.
batchBoundary := batchHeader["boundary"]
batchPartBuf, changesetBoundary, err := genBatchReader(batchBoundary, respBody)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// changeset details.
err = genChangesetReader(req, respToRet, batchPartBuf, changesetBoundary)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return respToRet, nil
func genChangesetReader(req *http.Request, respToRet *odataResponse, batchPartBuf io.Reader, changesetBoundary string) error {
changesetMultiReader := multipart.NewReader(batchPartBuf, changesetBoundary)
changesetPart, err := changesetMultiReader.NextPart()
if err != nil {
return err
changesetPartBufioReader := bufio.NewReader(changesetPart)
changesetResp, err := http.ReadResponse(changesetPartBufioReader, req)
if err != nil {
return err
if changesetResp.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {
changesetBody, err := readAndCloseBody(changesetResp.Body)
err = json.Unmarshal(changesetBody, &respToRet.odata)
if err != nil {
return err
respToRet.statusCode = changesetResp.StatusCode
return nil
func genBatchReader(batchBoundary string, respBody []byte) (io.Reader, string, error) {
respBodyString := string(respBody)
respBodyReader := strings.NewReader(respBodyString)
// reading batchresponse
batchMultiReader := multipart.NewReader(respBodyReader, batchBoundary)
batchPart, err := batchMultiReader.NextPart()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
batchPartBufioReader := bufio.NewReader(batchPart)
_, changesetHeader, err := mime.ParseMediaType(batchPart.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
changesetBoundary := changesetHeader["boundary"]
return batchPartBufioReader, changesetBoundary, nil
func readAndCloseBody(body io.ReadCloser) ([]byte, error) {
defer body.Close()
out, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
return out, err
func serviceErrFromXML(body []byte, storageErr *AzureStorageServiceError) error {
if err := xml.Unmarshal(body, storageErr); err != nil {
storageErr.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Response body could no be unmarshaled: %v. Body: %v.", err, string(body))
return err
return nil
func serviceErrFromJSON(body []byte, storageErr *AzureStorageServiceError) error {
odataError := odataErrorWrapper{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &odataError); err != nil {
storageErr.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Response body could no be unmarshaled: %v. Body: %v.", err, string(body))
return err
storageErr.Code = odataError.Err.Code
storageErr.Message = odataError.Err.Message.Value
storageErr.Lang = odataError.Err.Message.Lang
return nil
func serviceErrFromStatusCode(code int, status string, requestID, date, version string) AzureStorageServiceError {
return AzureStorageServiceError{
StatusCode: code,
Code: status,
RequestID: requestID,
Date: date,
APIVersion: version,
Message: "no response body was available for error status code",
func (e AzureStorageServiceError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("storage: service returned error: StatusCode=%d, ErrorCode=%s, ErrorMessage=%s, RequestInitiated=%s, RequestId=%s, API Version=%s, QueryParameterName=%s, QueryParameterValue=%s",
e.StatusCode, e.Code, e.Message, e.Date, e.RequestID, e.APIVersion, e.QueryParameterName, e.QueryParameterValue)
// checkRespCode returns UnexpectedStatusError if the given response code is not
// one of the allowed status codes; otherwise nil.
func checkRespCode(respCode int, allowed []int) error {
for _, v := range allowed {
if respCode == v {
return nil
return UnexpectedStatusCodeError{allowed, respCode}
func (c Client) addMetadataToHeaders(h map[string]string, metadata map[string]string) map[string]string {
metadata = c.protectUserAgent(metadata)
for k, v := range metadata {
h[userDefinedMetadataHeaderPrefix+k] = v
return h
func getDebugHeaders(h http.Header) (requestID, date, version string) {
requestID = h.Get("x-ms-request-id")
version = h.Get("x-ms-version")
date = h.Get("Date")
@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
package storage
import (
// Container represents an Azure container.
type Container struct {
bsc *BlobStorageClient
Name string `xml:"Name"`
Properties ContainerProperties `xml:"Properties"`
Metadata map[string]string
func (c *Container) buildPath() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s", c.Name)
// ContainerProperties contains various properties of a container returned from
// various endpoints like ListContainers.
type ContainerProperties struct {
LastModified string `xml:"Last-Modified"`
Etag string `xml:"Etag"`
LeaseStatus string `xml:"LeaseStatus"`
LeaseState string `xml:"LeaseState"`
LeaseDuration string `xml:"LeaseDuration"`
// ContainerListResponse contains the response fields from
// ListContainers call.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179352.aspx
type ContainerListResponse struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"EnumerationResults"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"`
Marker string `xml:"Marker"`
NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker"`
MaxResults int64 `xml:"MaxResults"`
Containers []Container `xml:"Containers>Container"`
// BlobListResponse contains the response fields from ListBlobs call.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd135734.aspx
type BlobListResponse struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"EnumerationResults"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"`
Marker string `xml:"Marker"`
NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker"`
MaxResults int64 `xml:"MaxResults"`
Blobs []Blob `xml:"Blobs>Blob"`
// BlobPrefix is used to traverse blobs as if it were a file system.
// It is returned if ListBlobsParameters.Delimiter is specified.
// The list here can be thought of as "folders" that may contain
// other folders or blobs.
BlobPrefixes []string `xml:"Blobs>BlobPrefix>Name"`
// Delimiter is used to traverse blobs as if it were a file system.
// It is returned if ListBlobsParameters.Delimiter is specified.
Delimiter string `xml:"Delimiter"`
// IncludeBlobDataset has options to include in a list blobs operation
type IncludeBlobDataset struct {
Snapshots bool
Metadata bool
UncommittedBlobs bool
Copy bool
// ListBlobsParameters defines the set of customizable
// parameters to make a List Blobs call.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd135734.aspx
type ListBlobsParameters struct {
Prefix string
Delimiter string
Marker string
Include *IncludeBlobDataset
MaxResults uint
Timeout uint
RequestID string
func (p ListBlobsParameters) getParameters() url.Values {
out := url.Values{}
if p.Prefix != "" {
out.Set("prefix", p.Prefix)
if p.Delimiter != "" {
out.Set("delimiter", p.Delimiter)
if p.Marker != "" {
out.Set("marker", p.Marker)
if p.Include != nil {
include := []string{}
include = addString(include, p.Include.Snapshots, "snapshots")
include = addString(include, p.Include.Metadata, "metadata")
include = addString(include, p.Include.UncommittedBlobs, "uncommittedblobs")
include = addString(include, p.Include.Copy, "copy")
fullInclude := strings.Join(include, ",")
out.Set("include", fullInclude)
if p.MaxResults != 0 {
out.Set("maxresults", strconv.FormatUint(uint64(p.MaxResults), 10))
if p.Timeout != 0 {
out.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatUint(uint64(p.Timeout), 10))
return out
func addString(datasets []string, include bool, text string) []string {
if include {
datasets = append(datasets, text)
return datasets
// ContainerAccessType defines the access level to the container from a public
// request.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179468.aspx and "x-ms-
// blob-public-access" header.
type ContainerAccessType string
// Access options for containers
const (
ContainerAccessTypePrivate ContainerAccessType = ""
ContainerAccessTypeBlob ContainerAccessType = "blob"
ContainerAccessTypeContainer ContainerAccessType = "container"
// ContainerAccessPolicy represents each access policy in the container ACL.
type ContainerAccessPolicy struct {
ID string
StartTime time.Time
ExpiryTime time.Time
CanRead bool
CanWrite bool
CanDelete bool
// ContainerPermissions represents the container ACLs.
type ContainerPermissions struct {
AccessType ContainerAccessType
AccessPolicies []ContainerAccessPolicy
// ContainerAccessHeader references header used when setting/getting container ACL
const (
ContainerAccessHeader string = "x-ms-blob-public-access"
// GetBlobReference returns a Blob object for the specified blob name.
func (c *Container) GetBlobReference(name string) *Blob {
return &Blob{
Container: c,
Name: name,
// CreateContainerOptions includes the options for a create container operation
type CreateContainerOptions struct {
Timeout uint
Access ContainerAccessType `header:"x-ms-blob-public-access"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// Create creates a blob container within the storage account
// with given name and access level. Returns error if container already exists.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Create-Container
func (c *Container) Create(options *CreateContainerOptions) error {
resp, err := c.create(options)
if err != nil {
return err
return checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusCreated})
// CreateIfNotExists creates a blob container if it does not exist. Returns
// true if container is newly created or false if container already exists.
func (c *Container) CreateIfNotExists(options *CreateContainerOptions) (bool, error) {
resp, err := c.create(options)
if resp != nil {
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if resp.statusCode == http.StatusCreated || resp.statusCode == http.StatusConflict {
return resp.statusCode == http.StatusCreated, nil
return false, err
func (c *Container) create(options *CreateContainerOptions) (*storageResponse, error) {
query := url.Values{"restype": {"container"}}
headers := c.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers = c.bsc.client.addMetadataToHeaders(headers, c.Metadata)
if options != nil {
query = addTimeout(query, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := c.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, c.buildPath(), query)
return c.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, nil, c.bsc.auth)
// Exists returns true if a container with given name exists
// on the storage account, otherwise returns false.
func (c *Container) Exists() (bool, error) {
uri := c.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, c.buildPath(), url.Values{"restype": {"container"}})
headers := c.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
resp, err := c.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodHead, uri, headers, nil, c.bsc.auth)
if resp != nil {
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if resp.statusCode == http.StatusOK || resp.statusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
return resp.statusCode == http.StatusOK, nil
return false, err
// SetContainerPermissionOptions includes options for a set container permissions operation
type SetContainerPermissionOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// SetPermissions sets up container permissions
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Set-Container-ACL
func (c *Container) SetPermissions(permissions ContainerPermissions, options *SetContainerPermissionOptions) error {
body, length, err := generateContainerACLpayload(permissions.AccessPolicies)
if err != nil {
return err
params := url.Values{
"restype": {"container"},
"comp": {"acl"},
headers := c.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers = addToHeaders(headers, ContainerAccessHeader, string(permissions.AccessType))
headers["Content-Length"] = strconv.Itoa(length)
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := c.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, c.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := c.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, body, c.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if err := checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusOK}); err != nil {
return errors.New("Unable to set permissions")
return nil
// GetContainerPermissionOptions includes options for a get container permissions operation
type GetContainerPermissionOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// GetPermissions gets the container permissions as per https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179469.aspx
// If timeout is 0 then it will not be passed to Azure
// leaseID will only be passed to Azure if populated
func (c *Container) GetPermissions(options *GetContainerPermissionOptions) (*ContainerPermissions, error) {
params := url.Values{
"restype": {"container"},
"comp": {"acl"},
headers := c.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := c.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, c.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := c.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodGet, uri, headers, nil, c.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.body.Close()
var ap AccessPolicy
err = xmlUnmarshal(resp.body, &ap.SignedIdentifiersList)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buildAccessPolicy(ap, &resp.headers), nil
func buildAccessPolicy(ap AccessPolicy, headers *http.Header) *ContainerPermissions {
// containerAccess. Blob, Container, empty
containerAccess := headers.Get(http.CanonicalHeaderKey(ContainerAccessHeader))
permissions := ContainerPermissions{
AccessType: ContainerAccessType(containerAccess),
AccessPolicies: []ContainerAccessPolicy{},
for _, policy := range ap.SignedIdentifiersList.SignedIdentifiers {
capd := ContainerAccessPolicy{
ID: policy.ID,
StartTime: policy.AccessPolicy.StartTime,
ExpiryTime: policy.AccessPolicy.ExpiryTime,
capd.CanRead = updatePermissions(policy.AccessPolicy.Permission, "r")
capd.CanWrite = updatePermissions(policy.AccessPolicy.Permission, "w")
capd.CanDelete = updatePermissions(policy.AccessPolicy.Permission, "d")
permissions.AccessPolicies = append(permissions.AccessPolicies, capd)
return &permissions
// DeleteContainerOptions includes options for a delete container operation
type DeleteContainerOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
IfModifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Modified-Since"`
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time `header:"If-Unmodified-Since"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// Delete deletes the container with given name on the storage
// account. If the container does not exist returns error.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/delete-container
func (c *Container) Delete(options *DeleteContainerOptions) error {
resp, err := c.delete(options)
if err != nil {
return err
return checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusAccepted})
// DeleteIfExists deletes the container with given name on the storage
// account if it exists. Returns true if container is deleted with this call, or
// false if the container did not exist at the time of the Delete Container
// operation.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/delete-container
func (c *Container) DeleteIfExists(options *DeleteContainerOptions) (bool, error) {
resp, err := c.delete(options)
if resp != nil {
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if resp.statusCode == http.StatusAccepted || resp.statusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
return resp.statusCode == http.StatusAccepted, nil
return false, err
func (c *Container) delete(options *DeleteContainerOptions) (*storageResponse, error) {
query := url.Values{"restype": {"container"}}
headers := c.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
if options != nil {
query = addTimeout(query, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := c.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, c.buildPath(), query)
return c.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodDelete, uri, headers, nil, c.bsc.auth)
// ListBlobs returns an object that contains list of blobs in the container,
// pagination token and other information in the response of List Blobs call.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/List-Blobs
func (c *Container) ListBlobs(params ListBlobsParameters) (BlobListResponse, error) {
q := mergeParams(params.getParameters(), url.Values{
"restype": {"container"},
"comp": {"list"}},
uri := c.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, c.buildPath(), q)
headers := c.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-client-request-id", params.RequestID)
var out BlobListResponse
resp, err := c.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodGet, uri, headers, nil, c.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return out, err
defer resp.body.Close()
err = xmlUnmarshal(resp.body, &out)
for i := range out.Blobs {
out.Blobs[i].Container = c
return out, err
func generateContainerACLpayload(policies []ContainerAccessPolicy) (io.Reader, int, error) {
sil := SignedIdentifiers{
SignedIdentifiers: []SignedIdentifier{},
for _, capd := range policies {
permission := capd.generateContainerPermissions()
signedIdentifier := convertAccessPolicyToXMLStructs(capd.ID, capd.StartTime, capd.ExpiryTime, permission)
sil.SignedIdentifiers = append(sil.SignedIdentifiers, signedIdentifier)
return xmlMarshal(sil)
func (capd *ContainerAccessPolicy) generateContainerPermissions() (permissions string) {
// generate the permissions string (rwd).
// still want the end user API to have bool flags.
permissions = ""
if capd.CanRead {
permissions += "r"
if capd.CanWrite {
permissions += "w"
if capd.CanDelete {
permissions += "d"
return permissions
@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
package storage
import (
const (
blobCopyStatusPending = "pending"
blobCopyStatusSuccess = "success"
blobCopyStatusAborted = "aborted"
blobCopyStatusFailed = "failed"
// CopyOptions includes the options for a copy blob operation
type CopyOptions struct {
Timeout uint
Source CopyOptionsConditions
Destiny CopyOptionsConditions
RequestID string
// IncrementalCopyOptions includes the options for an incremental copy blob operation
type IncrementalCopyOptions struct {
Timeout uint
Destination IncrementalCopyOptionsConditions
RequestID string
// CopyOptionsConditions includes some conditional options in a copy blob operation
type CopyOptionsConditions struct {
LeaseID string
IfModifiedSince *time.Time
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time
IfMatch string
IfNoneMatch string
// IncrementalCopyOptionsConditions includes some conditional options in a copy blob operation
type IncrementalCopyOptionsConditions struct {
IfModifiedSince *time.Time
IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time
IfMatch string
IfNoneMatch string
// Copy starts a blob copy operation and waits for the operation to
// complete. sourceBlob parameter must be a canonical URL to the blob (can be
// obtained using the GetURL method.) There is no SLA on blob copy and therefore
// this helper method works faster on smaller files.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Copy-Blob
func (b *Blob) Copy(sourceBlob string, options *CopyOptions) error {
copyID, err := b.StartCopy(sourceBlob, options)
if err != nil {
return err
return b.WaitForCopy(copyID)
// StartCopy starts a blob copy operation.
// sourceBlob parameter must be a canonical URL to the blob (can be
// obtained using the GetURL method.)
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Copy-Blob
func (b *Blob) StartCopy(sourceBlob string, options *CopyOptions) (string, error) {
params := url.Values{}
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers["x-ms-copy-source"] = sourceBlob
headers = b.Container.bsc.client.addMetadataToHeaders(headers, b.Metadata)
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-client-request-id", options.RequestID)
// source
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-source-lease-id", options.Source.LeaseID)
headers = addTimeToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-source-if-modified-since", options.Source.IfModifiedSince)
headers = addTimeToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", options.Source.IfUnmodifiedSince)
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-source-if-match", options.Source.IfMatch)
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-source-if-none-match", options.Source.IfNoneMatch)
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-lease-id", options.Destiny.LeaseID)
headers = addTimeToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-if-modified-since", options.Destiny.IfModifiedSince)
headers = addTimeToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-if-unmodified-since", options.Destiny.IfUnmodifiedSince)
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-if-match", options.Destiny.IfMatch)
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-if-none-match", options.Destiny.IfNoneMatch)
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if err := checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusCreated}); err != nil {
return "", err
copyID := resp.headers.Get("x-ms-copy-id")
if copyID == "" {
return "", errors.New("Got empty copy id header")
return copyID, nil
// AbortCopyOptions includes the options for an abort blob operation
type AbortCopyOptions struct {
Timeout uint
LeaseID string `header:"x-ms-lease-id"`
RequestID string `header:"x-ms-client-request-id"`
// AbortCopy aborts a BlobCopy which has already been triggered by the StartBlobCopy function.
// copyID is generated from StartBlobCopy function.
// currentLeaseID is required IF the destination blob has an active lease on it.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Abort-Copy-Blob
func (b *Blob) AbortCopy(copyID string, options *AbortCopyOptions) error {
params := url.Values{
"comp": {"copy"},
"copyid": {copyID},
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers["x-ms-copy-action"] = "abort"
if options != nil {
params = addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = mergeHeaders(headers, headersFromStruct(*options))
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return err
return checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusNoContent})
// WaitForCopy loops until a BlobCopy operation is completed (or fails with error)
func (b *Blob) WaitForCopy(copyID string) error {
for {
err := b.GetProperties(nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if b.Properties.CopyID != copyID {
return errBlobCopyIDMismatch
switch b.Properties.CopyStatus {
case blobCopyStatusSuccess:
return nil
case blobCopyStatusPending:
case blobCopyStatusAborted:
return errBlobCopyAborted
case blobCopyStatusFailed:
return fmt.Errorf("storage: blob copy failed. Id=%s Description=%s", b.Properties.CopyID, b.Properties.CopyStatusDescription)
return fmt.Errorf("storage: unhandled blob copy status: '%s'", b.Properties.CopyStatus)
// IncrementalCopyBlob copies a snapshot of a source blob and copies to referring blob
// sourceBlob parameter must be a valid snapshot URL of the original blob.
// THe original blob mut be public, or use a Shared Access Signature.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/incremental-copy-blob .
func (b *Blob) IncrementalCopyBlob(sourceBlobURL string, snapshotTime time.Time, options *IncrementalCopyOptions) (string, error) {
params := url.Values{"comp": {"incrementalcopy"}}
// need formatting to 7 decimal places so it's friendly to Windows and *nix
snapshotTimeFormatted := snapshotTime.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.0000000Z")
u, err := url.Parse(sourceBlobURL)
if err != nil {
return "", err
query := u.Query()
query.Add("snapshot", snapshotTimeFormatted)
encodedQuery := query.Encode()
encodedQuery = strings.Replace(encodedQuery, "%3A", ":", -1)
u.RawQuery = encodedQuery
snapshotURL := u.String()
headers := b.Container.bsc.client.getStandardHeaders()
headers["x-ms-copy-source"] = snapshotURL
if options != nil {
addTimeout(params, options.Timeout)
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-client-request-id", options.RequestID)
headers = addTimeToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-if-modified-since", options.Destination.IfModifiedSince)
headers = addTimeToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-if-unmodified-since", options.Destination.IfUnmodifiedSince)
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-if-match", options.Destination.IfMatch)
headers = addToHeaders(headers, "x-ms-if-none-match", options.Destination.IfNoneMatch)
// get URI of destination blob
uri := b.Container.bsc.client.getEndpoint(blobServiceName, b.buildPath(), params)
resp, err := b.Container.bsc.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, nil, b.Container.bsc.auth)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if err := checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusAccepted}); err != nil {
return "", err
copyID := resp.headers.Get("x-ms-copy-id")
if copyID == "" {
return "", errors.New("Got empty copy id header")
return copyID, nil
@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
package storage
import (
// Directory represents a directory on a share.
type Directory struct {
fsc *FileServiceClient
Metadata map[string]string
Name string `xml:"Name"`
parent *Directory
Properties DirectoryProperties
share *Share
// DirectoryProperties contains various properties of a directory.
type DirectoryProperties struct {
LastModified string `xml:"Last-Modified"`
Etag string `xml:"Etag"`
// ListDirsAndFilesParameters defines the set of customizable parameters to
// make a List Files and Directories call.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/List-Directories-and-Files
type ListDirsAndFilesParameters struct {
Prefix string
Marker string
MaxResults uint
Timeout uint
// DirsAndFilesListResponse contains the response fields from
// a List Files and Directories call.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/List-Directories-and-Files
type DirsAndFilesListResponse struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"EnumerationResults"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
Marker string `xml:"Marker"`
MaxResults int64 `xml:"MaxResults"`
Directories []Directory `xml:"Entries>Directory"`
Files []File `xml:"Entries>File"`
NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker"`
// builds the complete directory path for this directory object.
func (d *Directory) buildPath() string {
path := ""
current := d
for current.Name != "" {
path = "/" + current.Name + path
current = current.parent
return d.share.buildPath() + path
// Create this directory in the associated share.
// If a directory with the same name already exists, the operation fails.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Create-Directory
func (d *Directory) Create(options *FileRequestOptions) error {
// if this is the root directory exit early
if d.parent == nil {
return nil
params := prepareOptions(options)
headers, err := d.fsc.createResource(d.buildPath(), resourceDirectory, params, mergeMDIntoExtraHeaders(d.Metadata, nil), []int{http.StatusCreated})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreateIfNotExists creates this directory under the associated share if the
// directory does not exists. Returns true if the directory is newly created or
// false if the directory already exists.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Create-Directory
func (d *Directory) CreateIfNotExists(options *FileRequestOptions) (bool, error) {
// if this is the root directory exit early
if d.parent == nil {
return false, nil
params := prepareOptions(options)
resp, err := d.fsc.createResourceNoClose(d.buildPath(), resourceDirectory, params, nil)
if resp != nil {
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if resp.statusCode == http.StatusCreated || resp.statusCode == http.StatusConflict {
if resp.statusCode == http.StatusCreated {
return true, nil
return false, d.FetchAttributes(nil)
return false, err
// Delete removes this directory. It must be empty in order to be deleted.
// If the directory does not exist the operation fails.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Delete-Directory
func (d *Directory) Delete(options *FileRequestOptions) error {
return d.fsc.deleteResource(d.buildPath(), resourceDirectory, options)
// DeleteIfExists removes this directory if it exists.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Delete-Directory
func (d *Directory) DeleteIfExists(options *FileRequestOptions) (bool, error) {
resp, err := d.fsc.deleteResourceNoClose(d.buildPath(), resourceDirectory, options)
if resp != nil {
defer readAndCloseBody(resp.body)
if resp.statusCode == http.StatusAccepted || resp.statusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
return resp.statusCode == http.StatusAccepted, nil
return false, err
// Exists returns true if this directory exists.
func (d *Directory) Exists() (bool, error) {
exists, headers, err := d.fsc.resourceExists(d.buildPath(), resourceDirectory)
if exists {
return exists, err
// FetchAttributes retrieves metadata for this directory.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/get-directory-properties
func (d *Directory) FetchAttributes(options *FileRequestOptions) error {
params := prepareOptions(options)
headers, err := d.fsc.getResourceHeaders(d.buildPath(), compNone, resourceDirectory, params, http.MethodHead)
if err != nil {
return err
d.Metadata = getMetadataFromHeaders(headers)
return nil
// GetDirectoryReference returns a child Directory object for this directory.
func (d *Directory) GetDirectoryReference(name string) *Directory {
return &Directory{
fsc: d.fsc,
Name: name,
parent: d,
share: d.share,
// GetFileReference returns a child File object for this directory.
func (d *Directory) GetFileReference(name string) *File {
return &File{
fsc: d.fsc,
Name: name,
parent: d,
share: d.share,
mutex: &sync.Mutex{},
// ListDirsAndFiles returns a list of files and directories under this directory.
// It also contains a pagination token and other response details.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/List-Directories-and-Files
func (d *Directory) ListDirsAndFiles(params ListDirsAndFilesParameters) (*DirsAndFilesListResponse, error) {
q := mergeParams(params.getParameters(), getURLInitValues(compList, resourceDirectory))
resp, err := d.fsc.listContent(d.buildPath(), q, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.body.Close()
var out DirsAndFilesListResponse
err = xmlUnmarshal(resp.body, &out)
return &out, err
// SetMetadata replaces the metadata for this directory.
// Some keys may be converted to Camel-Case before sending. All keys
// are returned in lower case by GetDirectoryMetadata. HTTP header names
// are case-insensitive so case munging should not matter to other
// applications either.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Set-Directory-Metadata
func (d *Directory) SetMetadata(options *FileRequestOptions) error {
headers, err := d.fsc.setResourceHeaders(d.buildPath(), compMetadata, resourceDirectory, mergeMDIntoExtraHeaders(d.Metadata, nil), options)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// updates Etag and last modified date
func (d *Directory) updateEtagAndLastModified(headers http.Header) {
d.Properties.Etag = headers.Get("Etag")
d.Properties.LastModified = headers.Get("Last-Modified")
// URL gets the canonical URL to this directory.
// This method does not create a publicly accessible URL if the directory
// is private and this method does not check if the directory exists.
func (d *Directory) URL() string {
return d.fsc.client.getEndpoint(fileServiceName, d.buildPath(), url.Values{})
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