mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 16:20:07 -05:00
Merge pull request #3429 from nzalev/factorize-meshuser
Factorize meshuser
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
const MESHRIGHT_REMOTECOMMAND = 0x00020000; // 131072
const MESHRIGHT_RESETOFF = 0x00040000; // 262144
const MESHRIGHT_GUESTSHARING = 0x00080000; // 524288
const MESHRIGHT_DEVICEDETAILS = 0x00100000; // 1048576
const MESHRIGHT_DEVICEDETAILS = 0x00100000; // 1048576
// Site rights
@ -2171,276 +2171,6 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'editmesh', responseid: command.responseid, result: 'ok' })); } catch (ex) { } }
case 'addmeshuser':
var err = null, mesh, meshIdSplit;
if (typeof command.userid == 'string') { command.userids = [command.userid]; }
// Resolve the device group name if needed
if ((typeof command.meshname == 'string') && (command.meshid == null)) {
for (var i in parent.meshes) {
var m = parent.meshes[i];
if ((m.mtype == 2) && (m.name == command.meshname) && parent.IsMeshViewable(user, m)) {
if (command.meshid == null) { command.meshid = m._id; } else { err = 'Duplicate device groups found'; }
var selfMeshRights = 0;
try {
if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) { err = 'Invalid groupid'; } // Check the meshid
else if (common.validateInt(command.meshadmin) == false) { err = 'Invalid group rights'; } // Mesh rights must be an integer
else if ((common.validateStrArray(command.usernames, 1, 64) == false) && (common.validateStrArray(command.userids, 1, 128) == false)) { err = 'Invalid usernames'; } // Username is between 1 and 64 characters
else {
if (command.meshid.indexOf('/') == -1) { command.meshid = 'mesh/' + domain.id + '/' + command.meshid; }
mesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid];
meshIdSplit = command.meshid.split('/');
if (mesh == null) { err = 'Unknown group'; }
else if (((selfMeshRights = parent.GetMeshRights(user, mesh)) & MESHRIGHT_MANAGEUSERS) == 0) { err = 'Permission denied'; }
else if ((meshIdSplit.length != 3) || (meshIdSplit[1] != domain.id)) { err = 'Invalid domain'; } // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain
} catch (ex) { err = 'Validation exception: ' + ex; }
// Handle any errors
if (err != null) {
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addmeshuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: err })); } catch (ex) { } }
// Convert user names to userid's
if (command.userids == null) {
command.userids = [];
for (var i in command.usernames) {
if (parent.users['user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i].toLowerCase()] != null) { command.userids.push('user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i].toLowerCase()); }
else if (parent.users['user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i]] != null) { command.userids.push('user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i]); }
var unknownUsers = [], successCount = 0, failCount = 0, msgs = [];
for (var i in command.userids) {
// Check if the user exists
var newuserid = command.userids[i], newuser = null;
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) { newuser = parent.users[newuserid]; }
else if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) { newuser = parent.userGroups[newuserid]; }
// Search for a user name in that windows domain is the username starts with *\
if ((newuser == null) && (newuserid.startsWith('user/' + domain.id + '/*\\')) == true) {
var search = newuserid.split('/')[2].substring(1);
for (var i in parent.users) { if (i.endsWith(search) && (parent.users[i].domain == domain.id)) { newuser = parent.users[i]; command.userids[i] = newuserid = parent.users[i]._id; break; } }
// Make sure this user is in the same domain as the device group
if (meshIdSplit[1] != newuserid.split('/')[1]) { msgs.push("Mismatch domains"); continue; }
if (newuser != null) {
// Can't add or modify self
if (newuserid == obj.user._id) { msgs.push("Can't change self"); continue; }
var targetMeshRights = 0;
if ((newuser.links != null) && (newuser.links[command.meshid] != null) && (newuser.links[command.meshid].rights != null)) { targetMeshRights = newuser.links[command.meshid].rights; }
if ((targetMeshRights === MESHRIGHT_ADMIN) && (selfMeshRights != MESHRIGHT_ADMIN)) { msgs.push("Can't change rights of device group administrator"); continue; } // A non-admin can't kick out an admin
if (command.remove === true) {
// Remove mesh from user or user group
delete newuser.links[command.meshid];
} else {
// Adjust rights since we can't add more rights that we have outself for MESHRIGHT_MANAGEUSERS
if ((selfMeshRights != MESHRIGHT_ADMIN) && (command.meshadmin == MESHRIGHT_ADMIN)) { msgs.push("Can't set device group administrator, if not administrator"); continue; }
if (((selfMeshRights & 2) == 0) && ((command.meshadmin & 2) != 0) && ((targetMeshRights & 2) == 0)) { command.meshadmin -= 2; }
// Add mesh to user or user group
if (newuser.links == null) { newuser.links = {}; }
if (newuser.links[command.meshid]) { newuser.links[command.meshid].rights = command.meshadmin; } else { newuser.links[command.meshid] = { rights: command.meshadmin }; }
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) { db.SetUser(newuser); }
else if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) { db.Set(newuser); }
parent.parent.DispatchEvent([newuser._id], obj, 'resubscribe');
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) {
// Notify user change
var targets = ['*', 'server-users', user._id, newuser._id];
var event = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(newuser), action: 'accountchange', msgid: 78, msgArgs: [newuser.name], msg: 'Device group membership changed: ' + newuser.name, domain: domain.id };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, event);
} else if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) {
// Notify user group change
var targets = ['*', 'server-ugroups', user._id, newuser._id];
var event = { etype: 'ugrp', username: user.name, ugrpid: newuser._id, name: newuser.name, desc: newuser.desc, action: 'usergroupchange', links: newuser.links, msgid: 79, msgArgs: [newuser.name], msg: 'User group changed: ' + newuser.name, domain: domain.id };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, event);
var event;
if (command.remove === true) {
// Remove userid from the mesh
delete mesh.links[newuserid];
event = { etype: 'mesh', username: newuser.name, userid: user._id, meshid: mesh._id, name: mesh.name, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Removed user ' + newuser.name + ' from device group ' + mesh.name, domain: domain.id, invite: mesh.invite };
} else {
// Add userid to the mesh
mesh.links[newuserid] = { name: newuser.name, rights: command.meshadmin };
event = { etype: 'mesh', username: newuser.name, userid: user._id, meshid: mesh._id, name: mesh.name, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Added user ' + newuser.name + ' to device group ' + mesh.name, domain: domain.id, invite: mesh.invite };
// Notify mesh change
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the mesh. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(parent.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(mesh, [user._id, newuserid]), obj, event);
if (command.remove === true) { msgs.push("Removed user " + newuserid.split('/')[2]); } else { msgs.push("Added user " + newuserid.split('/')[2]); }
} else {
msgs.push("Unknown user " + newuserid.split('/')[2]);
if ((successCount == 0) && (failCount == 0)) { msgs.push("Nothing done"); }
if (unknownUsers.length > 0) {
// Send error back, user not found.
displayNotificationMessage('User' + ((unknownUsers.length > 1) ? 's' : '') + ' ' + EscapeHtml(unknownUsers.join(', ')) + ' not found.', "Device Group", 'ServerNotify', 5, (unknownUsers.length > 1) ? 16 : 15, [EscapeHtml(unknownUsers.join(', '))]);
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addmeshuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: msgs.join(', '), success: successCount, failed: failCount })); } catch (ex) { } }
case 'adddeviceuser': {
if (typeof command.userid == 'string') { command.userids = [command.userid]; }
var err = null, nodeIdSplit;
try {
if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) { err = 'Invalid nodeid'; } // Check the nodeid
else if (common.validateInt(command.rights) == false) { err = 'Invalid rights'; } // Device rights must be an integer
else if ((command.rights & 7) != 0) { err = 'Invalid rights'; } // EDITMESH, MANAGEUSERS or MANAGECOMPUTERS rights can't be assigned to a user to device link
else if ((common.validateStrArray(command.usernames, 1, 64) == false) && (common.validateStrArray(command.userids, 1, 128) == false)) { err = 'Invalid usernames'; } // Username is between 1 and 64 characters
else {
if (command.nodeid.indexOf('/') == -1) { command.nodeid = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + command.nodeid; }
else if ((command.nodeid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.nodeid.split('/')[1] != domain.id)) { err = 'Invalid domain'; } // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain
} catch (ex) { err = 'Validation exception: ' + ex; }
// Handle any errors
if (err != null) {
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'adddeviceuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: err })); } catch (ex) { } }
// Convert user names to userid's
if (command.userids == null) {
command.userids = [];
for (var i in command.usernames) {
if (command.usernames[i] != null) {
if (parent.users['user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i].toLowerCase()] != null) { command.userids.push('user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i].toLowerCase()); }
else if (parent.users['user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i]] != null) { command.userids.push('user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i]); }
// Get the node and the rights for this node
parent.GetNodeWithRights(domain, user, command.nodeid, function (node, rights, visible) {
// Check if already in the right mesh
if ((node == null) || (node.meshid == command.meshid)) return;
var dispatchTargets = ['*', node.meshid, node._id];
// Check that we have rights to manage users on this device
if ((rights & MESHRIGHT_MANAGEUSERS) == 0) return;
// Add the new link to the users
var nodeChanged = false;
for (var i in command.userids) {
var newuserid = command.userids[i];
// Add a user
var newuser = null;
if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) { newuser = parent.userGroups[newuserid]; }
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) {
newuser = parent.users[newuserid];
// Search for a user name in that windows domain is the username starts with *\
if ((newuser == null) && (newuserid.startsWith('user/' + domain.id + '/*\\')) == true) {
var search = newuserid.split('/')[2].substring(1);
for (var i in parent.users) { if (i.endsWith(search) && (parent.users[i].domain == domain.id)) { newuser = parent.users[i]; command.userids[i] = newuserid = newuser._id; break; } }
// Check the the user and device are in the same domain
if (command.nodeid.split('/')[1] != newuserid.split('/')[1]) return; // Domain mismatch
if (newuser != null) {
// Add this user to the dispatch target list
if (command.remove === true) {
// Remove link to this user
if (newuser.links != null) {
delete newuser.links[command.nodeid];
if (Object.keys(newuser.links).length == 0) { delete newuser.links; }
// Remove link to this device
if (node.links != null) {
delete node.links[newuserid];
nodeChanged = true;
if (Object.keys(node.links).length == 0) { delete node.links; }
} else {
// Add the new link to this user
if (newuser.links == null) { newuser.links = {}; }
newuser.links[command.nodeid] = { rights: command.rights };
// Add the new link to the device
if (node.links == null) { node.links = {}; }
node.links[newuserid] = { rights: command.rights }
nodeChanged = true;
// Save the user to the database
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) {
parent.parent.DispatchEvent([newuser], obj, 'resubscribe');
// Notify user change
var targets = ['*', 'server-users', newuserid];
var event;
if (command.rights == 0) {
event = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, action: 'accountchange', msgid: 81, msgArgs: [newuser.name], msg: 'Removed user device rights for ' + newuser.name, domain: domain.id, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(newuser), nodeListChange: newuserid };
} else {
event = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, action: 'accountchange', msgid: 82, msgArgs: [newuser.name], msg: 'Changed user device rights for ' + newuser.name, domain: domain.id, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(newuser), nodeListChange: newuserid };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, event);
} else if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) {
// Notify user group change
var targets = ['*', 'server-ugroups', newuser._id];
var event = { etype: 'ugrp', username: user.name, ugrpid: newuser._id, name: newuser.name, action: 'usergroupchange', links: newuser.links, msgid: 79, msgArgs: [newuser.name], msg: 'User group changed: ' + newuser.name, domain: domain.id };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, event);
// Save the device
if (nodeChanged == true) {
// Save the node to the database
// Event the node change
var event;
if (command.rights == 0) {
event = { etype: 'node', userid: user._id, username: user.name, action: 'changenode', nodeid: node._id, domain: domain.id, msgid: 81, msgArgs: [node.name], msg: 'Removed user device rights for ' + node.name, node: parent.CloneSafeNode(node) }
} else {
event = { etype: 'node', userid: user._id, username: user.name, action: 'changenode', nodeid: node._id, domain: domain.id, msgid: 82, msgArgs: [node.name], msg: 'Changed user device rights for ' + node.name, node: parent.CloneSafeNode(node) }
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the mesh. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(dispatchTargets, obj, event);
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'adddeviceuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: 'ok' })); } catch (ex) { } }
case 'removemeshuser':
var xdomain, err = null;
@ -3321,26 +3051,6 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
case 'agentdisconnect':
if (common.validateInt(command.disconnectMode) == false) return; // Check disconnect mode
// Get the node and the rights for this node
parent.GetNodeWithRights(domain, user, command.nodeid, function (node, rights, visible) {
if ((node == null) || (((rights & MESHRIGHT_AGENTCONSOLE) == 0) && (user.siteadmin != SITERIGHT_ADMIN))) return;
// Force mesh agent disconnection
parent.forceMeshAgentDisconnect(user, domain, node._id, command.disconnectMode);
case 'close':
// Close the web socket session
if (obj.req.session && obj.req.session.ws && obj.req.session.ws == ws) { delete obj.req.session.ws; }
try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { }
case 'getcookie':
// Check if this user has rights on this nodeid
@ -3854,70 +3564,6 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
delete obj.hardwareKeyRegistrationRequest;
case 'verifyPhone': {
// Do not allow this command when logged in using a login token
if (req.session.loginToken != null) break;
if ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 1024) != 0)) return; // If this account is settings locked, return here.
if (parent.parent.smsserver == null) return;
if (common.validateString(command.phone, 1, 18) == false) break; // Check phone length
if (isPhoneNumber(command.phone) == false) break; // Check phone
const code = common.zeroPad(getRandomSixDigitInteger(), 6)
const phoneCookie = parent.parent.encodeCookie({ a: 'verifyPhone', c: code, p: command.phone, s: ws.sessionId });
parent.parent.smsserver.sendPhoneCheck(domain, command.phone, code, parent.getLanguageCodes(req), function (success) {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'verifyPhone', cookie: phoneCookie, success: success }));
case 'confirmPhone': {
// Do not allow this command when logged in using a login token
if (req.session.loginToken != null) break;
if ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 1024) != 0)) return; // If this account is settings locked, return here.
if ((parent.parent.smsserver == null) || (typeof command.cookie != 'string') || (typeof command.code != 'string') || (obj.failedSmsCookieCheck == 1)) break; // Input checks
var cookie = parent.parent.decodeCookie(command.cookie);
if (cookie == null) break; // Invalid cookie
if (cookie.s != ws.sessionId) break; // Invalid session
if (cookie.c != command.code) {
obj.failedSmsCookieCheck = 1;
// Code does not match, delay the response to limit how many guesses we can make and don't allow more than 1 guess at any given time.
setTimeout(function () {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'verifyPhone', cookie: command.cookie, success: true }));
delete obj.failedSmsCookieCheck;
}, 2000 + (parent.crypto.randomBytes(2).readUInt16BE(0) % 4095));
// Set the user's phone
user.phone = cookie.p;
// Event the change
var event = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msgid: 96, msgArgs: [user.name], msg: 'Verified phone number of user ' + EscapeHtml(user.name), domain: domain.id };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, event);
case 'removePhone': {
// Do not allow this command when logged in using a login token
if (req.session.loginToken != null) break;
if ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 1024) != 0)) return; // If this account is settings locked, return here.
if (user.phone == null) break;
// Clear the user's phone
delete user.phone;
// Event the change
var event = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msgid: 97, msgArgs: [user.name], msg: 'Removed phone number of user ' + EscapeHtml(user.name), domain: domain.id };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, event);
case 'smsuser': { // Send a SMS message to a user
var errMsg = null, errId = 0, smsuser = null;
if (parent.parent.smsserver == null) { errMsg = "SMS gateway not enabled"; errId = 23; }
@ -5328,12 +4974,17 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
const serverCommands = {
'adddeviceuser': serverCommandAddDeviceUser,
'addmeshuser': serverCommandAddMeshUser,
'adduser': serverCommandAddUser,
'adduserbatch': serverCommandAddUserBatch,
'addusertousergroup': serverCommandAddUserToUserGroup,
'agentdisconnect': serverCommandAgentDisconnect,
'authcookie': serverCommandAuthCookie,
'changeemail': serverCommandChangeEmail,
'changelang': serverCommandChangeLang,
'close': serverCommandClose,
'confirmPhone': serverCommandConfirmPhone,
'files': serverCommandFiles,
'getnetworkinfo': serverCommandGetNetworkInfo,
'getsysinfo': serverCommandGetSysInfo,
@ -5347,6 +4998,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
'pong': serverCommandPong,
'powertimeline': serverCommandPowerTimeline,
'print': serverCommandPrint,
'removePhone': serverCommandremovePhone,
'removeuserfromusergroup': serverCommandRemoveUserFromUserGroup,
'serverclearerrorlog': serverCommandServerClearErrorLog,
'serverconsole': serverCommandServerConsole,
@ -5357,7 +5009,8 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
'serverversion': serverCommandServerVersion,
'urlargs': serverCommandUrlArgs,
'users': serverCommandUsers,
'verifyemail': serverCommandVerifyEmail
'verifyemail': serverCommandVerifyEmail,
'verifyPhone': serverCommandVerifyPhone
const serverUserCommands = {
@ -5416,6 +5069,274 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
'webstats': [serverUserCommandWebStats, ""]
function serverCommandAddDeviceUser(command) {
if (typeof command.userid == 'string') { command.userids = [command.userid]; }
var err = null;
try {
if (common.validateString(command.nodeid, 1, 1024) == false) { err = 'Invalid nodeid'; } // Check the nodeid
else if (common.validateInt(command.rights) == false) { err = 'Invalid rights'; } // Device rights must be an integer
else if ((command.rights & 7) != 0) { err = 'Invalid rights'; } // EDITMESH, MANAGEUSERS or MANAGECOMPUTERS rights can't be assigned to a user to device link
else if ((common.validateStrArray(command.usernames, 1, 64) == false) && (common.validateStrArray(command.userids, 1, 128) == false)) { err = 'Invalid usernames'; } // Username is between 1 and 64 characters
else {
if (command.nodeid.indexOf('/') == -1) { command.nodeid = 'node/' + domain.id + '/' + command.nodeid; }
else if ((command.nodeid.split('/').length != 3) || (command.nodeid.split('/')[1] != domain.id)) { err = 'Invalid domain'; } // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain
} catch (ex) { err = 'Validation exception: ' + ex; }
// Handle any errors
if (err != null) {
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'adddeviceuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: err })); } catch (ex) { } }
// Convert user names to userid's
if (command.userids == null) {
command.userids = [];
for (var i in command.usernames) {
if (command.usernames[i] != null) {
if (parent.users['user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i].toLowerCase()] != null) { command.userids.push('user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i].toLowerCase()); }
else if (parent.users['user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i]] != null) { command.userids.push('user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i]); }
// Get the node and the rights for this node
parent.GetNodeWithRights(domain, user, command.nodeid, function (node, rights, visible) {
// Check if already in the right mesh
if ((node == null) || (node.meshid == command.meshid)) return;
var dispatchTargets = ['*', node.meshid, node._id];
// Check that we have rights to manage users on this device
if ((rights & MESHRIGHT_MANAGEUSERS) == 0) return;
// Add the new link to the users
var nodeChanged = false;
for (var i in command.userids) {
var newuserid = command.userids[i];
// Add a user
var newuser = null;
if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) { newuser = parent.userGroups[newuserid]; }
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) {
newuser = parent.users[newuserid];
// Search for a user name in that windows domain is the username starts with *\
if ((newuser == null) && (newuserid.startsWith('user/' + domain.id + '/*\\')) == true) {
var search = newuserid.split('/')[2].substring(1);
for (var i in parent.users) { if (i.endsWith(search) && (parent.users[i].domain == domain.id)) { newuser = parent.users[i]; command.userids[i] = newuserid = newuser._id; break; } }
// Check the the user and device are in the same domain
if (command.nodeid.split('/')[1] != newuserid.split('/')[1]) return; // Domain mismatch
if (newuser != null) {
// Add this user to the dispatch target list
if (command.remove === true) {
// Remove link to this user
if (newuser.links != null) {
delete newuser.links[command.nodeid];
if (Object.keys(newuser.links).length == 0) { delete newuser.links; }
// Remove link to this device
if (node.links != null) {
delete node.links[newuserid];
nodeChanged = true;
if (Object.keys(node.links).length == 0) { delete node.links; }
} else {
// Add the new link to this user
if (newuser.links == null) { newuser.links = {}; }
newuser.links[command.nodeid] = { rights: command.rights };
// Add the new link to the device
if (node.links == null) { node.links = {}; }
node.links[newuserid] = { rights: command.rights };
nodeChanged = true;
// Save the user to the database
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) {
parent.parent.DispatchEvent([newuser], obj, 'resubscribe');
// Notify user change
var targets = ['*', 'server-users', newuserid];
var event;
if (command.rights == 0) {
event = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, action: 'accountchange', msgid: 81, msgArgs: [newuser.name], msg: 'Removed user device rights for ' + newuser.name, domain: domain.id, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(newuser), nodeListChange: newuserid };
} else {
event = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, action: 'accountchange', msgid: 82, msgArgs: [newuser.name], msg: 'Changed user device rights for ' + newuser.name, domain: domain.id, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(newuser), nodeListChange: newuserid };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, event);
} else if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) {
// Notify user group change
var targets = ['*', 'server-ugroups', newuser._id];
var event = { etype: 'ugrp', username: user.name, ugrpid: newuser._id, name: newuser.name, action: 'usergroupchange', links: newuser.links, msgid: 79, msgArgs: [newuser.name], msg: 'User group changed: ' + newuser.name, domain: domain.id };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, event);
// Save the device
if (nodeChanged == true) {
// Save the node to the database
// Event the node change
var event;
if (command.rights == 0) {
event = { etype: 'node', userid: user._id, username: user.name, action: 'changenode', nodeid: node._id, domain: domain.id, msgid: 81, msgArgs: [node.name], msg: 'Removed user device rights for ' + node.name, node: parent.CloneSafeNode(node) };
} else {
event = { etype: 'node', userid: user._id, username: user.name, action: 'changenode', nodeid: node._id, domain: domain.id, msgid: 82, msgArgs: [node.name], msg: 'Changed user device rights for ' + node.name, node: parent.CloneSafeNode(node) };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the mesh. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(dispatchTargets, obj, event);
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'adddeviceuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: 'ok' })); } catch (ex) { } }
function serverCommandAddMeshUser(command) {
var err = null, mesh, meshIdSplit;
if (typeof command.userid == 'string') { command.userids = [command.userid]; }
// Resolve the device group name if needed
if ((typeof command.meshname == 'string') && (command.meshid == null)) {
for (var i in parent.meshes) {
var m = parent.meshes[i];
if ((m.mtype == 2) && (m.name == command.meshname) && parent.IsMeshViewable(user, m)) {
if (command.meshid == null) { command.meshid = m._id; } else { err = 'Duplicate device groups found'; }
var selfMeshRights = 0;
try {
if (common.validateString(command.meshid, 1, 1024) == false) { err = 'Invalid groupid'; } // Check the meshid
else if (common.validateInt(command.meshadmin) == false) { err = 'Invalid group rights'; } // Mesh rights must be an integer
else if ((common.validateStrArray(command.usernames, 1, 64) == false) && (common.validateStrArray(command.userids, 1, 128) == false)) { err = 'Invalid usernames'; } // Username is between 1 and 64 characters
else {
if (command.meshid.indexOf('/') == -1) { command.meshid = 'mesh/' + domain.id + '/' + command.meshid; }
mesh = parent.meshes[command.meshid];
meshIdSplit = command.meshid.split('/');
if (mesh == null) { err = 'Unknown group'; }
else if (((selfMeshRights = parent.GetMeshRights(user, mesh)) & MESHRIGHT_MANAGEUSERS) == 0) { err = 'Permission denied'; }
else if ((meshIdSplit.length != 3) || (meshIdSplit[1] != domain.id)) { err = 'Invalid domain'; } // Invalid domain, operation only valid for current domain
} catch (ex) { err = 'Validation exception: ' + ex; }
// Handle any errors
if (err != null) {
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addmeshuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: err })); } catch (ex) { } }
// Convert user names to userid's
if (command.userids == null) {
command.userids = [];
for (var i in command.usernames) {
if (parent.users['user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i].toLowerCase()] != null) { command.userids.push('user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i].toLowerCase()); }
else if (parent.users['user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i]] != null) { command.userids.push('user/' + domain.id + '/' + command.usernames[i]); }
var unknownUsers = [], successCount = 0, failCount = 0, msgs = [];
for (var i in command.userids) {
// Check if the user exists
var newuserid = command.userids[i], newuser = null;
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) { newuser = parent.users[newuserid]; }
else if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) { newuser = parent.userGroups[newuserid]; }
// Search for a user name in that windows domain is the username starts with *\
if ((newuser == null) && (newuserid.startsWith('user/' + domain.id + '/*\\')) == true) {
var search = newuserid.split('/')[2].substring(1);
for (var i in parent.users) { if (i.endsWith(search) && (parent.users[i].domain == domain.id)) { newuser = parent.users[i]; command.userids[i] = newuserid = parent.users[i]._id; break; } }
// Make sure this user is in the same domain as the device group
if (meshIdSplit[1] != newuserid.split('/')[1]) { msgs.push("Mismatch domains"); continue; }
if (newuser != null) {
// Can't add or modify self
if (newuserid == obj.user._id) { msgs.push("Can't change self"); continue; }
var targetMeshRights = 0;
if ((newuser.links != null) && (newuser.links[command.meshid] != null) && (newuser.links[command.meshid].rights != null)) { targetMeshRights = newuser.links[command.meshid].rights; }
if ((targetMeshRights === MESHRIGHT_ADMIN) && (selfMeshRights != MESHRIGHT_ADMIN)) { msgs.push("Can't change rights of device group administrator"); continue; } // A non-admin can't kick out an admin
if (command.remove === true) {
// Remove mesh from user or user group
delete newuser.links[command.meshid];
} else {
// Adjust rights since we can't add more rights that we have outself for MESHRIGHT_MANAGEUSERS
if ((selfMeshRights != MESHRIGHT_ADMIN) && (command.meshadmin == MESHRIGHT_ADMIN)) { msgs.push("Can't set device group administrator, if not administrator"); continue; }
if (((selfMeshRights & 2) == 0) && ((command.meshadmin & 2) != 0) && ((targetMeshRights & 2) == 0)) { command.meshadmin -= 2; }
// Add mesh to user or user group
if (newuser.links == null) { newuser.links = {}; }
if (newuser.links[command.meshid]) { newuser.links[command.meshid].rights = command.meshadmin; } else { newuser.links[command.meshid] = { rights: command.meshadmin }; }
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) { db.SetUser(newuser); }
else if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) { db.Set(newuser); }
parent.parent.DispatchEvent([newuser._id], obj, 'resubscribe');
if (newuserid.startsWith('user/')) {
// Notify user change
var targets = ['*', 'server-users', user._id, newuser._id];
var event = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(newuser), action: 'accountchange', msgid: 78, msgArgs: [newuser.name], msg: 'Device group membership changed: ' + newuser.name, domain: domain.id };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, event);
} else if (newuserid.startsWith('ugrp/')) {
// Notify user group change
var targets = ['*', 'server-ugroups', user._id, newuser._id];
var event = { etype: 'ugrp', username: user.name, ugrpid: newuser._id, name: newuser.name, desc: newuser.desc, action: 'usergroupchange', links: newuser.links, msgid: 79, msgArgs: [newuser.name], msg: 'User group changed: ' + newuser.name, domain: domain.id };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, event);
var event;
if (command.remove === true) {
// Remove userid from the mesh
delete mesh.links[newuserid];
event = { etype: 'mesh', username: newuser.name, userid: user._id, meshid: mesh._id, name: mesh.name, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Removed user ' + newuser.name + ' from device group ' + mesh.name, domain: domain.id, invite: mesh.invite };
} else {
// Add userid to the mesh
mesh.links[newuserid] = { name: newuser.name, rights: command.meshadmin };
event = { etype: 'mesh', username: newuser.name, userid: user._id, meshid: mesh._id, name: mesh.name, mtype: mesh.mtype, desc: mesh.desc, action: 'meshchange', links: mesh.links, msg: 'Added user ' + newuser.name + ' to device group ' + mesh.name, domain: domain.id, invite: mesh.invite };
// Notify mesh change
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the mesh. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(parent.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(mesh, [user._id, newuserid]), obj, event);
if (command.remove === true) { msgs.push("Removed user " + newuserid.split('/')[2]); } else { msgs.push("Added user " + newuserid.split('/')[2]); }
} else {
msgs.push("Unknown user " + newuserid.split('/')[2]);
if ((successCount == 0) && (failCount == 0)) { msgs.push("Nothing done"); }
if (unknownUsers.length > 0) {
// Send error back, user not found.
displayNotificationMessage('User' + ((unknownUsers.length > 1) ? 's' : '') + ' ' + EscapeHtml(unknownUsers.join(', ')) + ' not found.', "Device Group", 'ServerNotify', 5, (unknownUsers.length > 1) ? 16 : 15, [EscapeHtml(unknownUsers.join(', '))]);
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addmeshuser', responseid: command.responseid, result: msgs.join(', '), success: successCount, failed: failCount })); } catch (ex) { } }
function serverCommandAddUser(command) {
// If the email is the username, set this here.
if (domain.usernameisemail) { if (command.email) { command.username = command.email; } else { command.email = command.username; } }
@ -5703,6 +5624,18 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
if (command.responseid != null) { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addusertousergroup', responseid: command.responseid, result: 'ok', added: addedCount, failed: failCount })); } catch (ex) { } }
function serverCommandAgentDisconnect(command) {
if (common.validateInt(command.disconnectMode) == false) return; // Check disconnect mode
// Get the node and the rights for this node
parent.GetNodeWithRights(domain, user, command.nodeid, function (node, rights, visible) {
if ((node == null) || (((rights & MESHRIGHT_AGENTCONSOLE) == 0) && (user.siteadmin != SITERIGHT_ADMIN))) return;
// Force mesh agent disconnection
parent.forceMeshAgentDisconnect(user, domain, node._id, command.disconnectMode);
function serverCommandAuthCookie(command) {
try {
@ -5793,6 +5726,41 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(targets, obj, message);
function serverCommandClose(command) {
// Close the web socket session
try { if (obj.req.session.ws == ws) delete obj.req.session.ws; } catch (e) { }
try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { }
function serverCommandConfirmPhone(command) {
// Do not allow this command when logged in using a login token
if (req.session.loginToken != null) return;
if ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 1024) != 0)) return; // If this account is settings locked, return here.
if ((parent.parent.smsserver == null) || (typeof command.cookie != 'string') || (typeof command.code != 'string') || (obj.failedSmsCookieCheck == 1)) return; // Input checks
var cookie = parent.parent.decodeCookie(command.cookie);
if (cookie == null) return; // Invalid cookie
if (cookie.s != ws.sessionId) return; // Invalid session
if (cookie.c != command.code) {
obj.failedSmsCookieCheck = 1;
// Code does not match, delay the response to limit how many guesses we can make and don't allow more than 1 guess at any given time.
setTimeout(function () {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'verifyPhone', cookie: command.cookie, success: true }));
delete obj.failedSmsCookieCheck;
}, 2000 + (parent.crypto.randomBytes(2).readUInt16BE(0) % 4095));
// Set the user's phone
user.phone = cookie.p;
// Event the change
var event = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msgid: 96, msgArgs: [user.name], msg: 'Verified phone number of user ' + EscapeHtml(user.name), domain: domain.id };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, event);
function serverCommandFiles(command) {
// Send the full list of server files to the browser app
updateUserFiles(user, ws, domain);
@ -5973,6 +5941,23 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
function serverCommandPrint(command) { console.log(command.value); }
function serverCommandremovePhone(command) {
// Do not allow this command when logged in using a login token
if (req.session.loginToken != null) return;
if ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 1024) != 0)) return; // If this account is settings locked, return here.
if (user.phone == null) return;
// Clear the user's phone
delete user.phone;
// Event the change
var event = { etype: 'user', userid: user._id, username: user.name, account: parent.CloneSafeUser(user), action: 'accountchange', msgid: 97, msgArgs: [user.name], msg: 'Removed phone number of user ' + EscapeHtml(user.name), domain: domain.id };
if (db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the user. Another event will come.
parent.parent.DispatchEvent(['*', 'server-users', user._id], obj, event);
function serverCommandRemoveUserFromUserGroup(command) {
var err = null;
try {
@ -6154,6 +6139,22 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshUser = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, use
function serverCommandVerifyPhone(command) {
// Do not allow this command when logged in using a login token
if (req.session.loginToken != null) return;
if ((user.siteadmin != 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((user.siteadmin & 1024) != 0)) return; // If this account is settings locked, return here.
if (parent.parent.smsserver == null) return;
if (common.validateString(command.phone, 1, 18) == false) return; // Check phone length
if (isPhoneNumber(command.phone) == false) return; // Check phone
const code = common.zeroPad(getRandomSixDigitInteger(), 6);
const phoneCookie = parent.parent.encodeCookie({ a: 'verifyPhone', c: code, p: command.phone, s: ws.sessionId });
parent.parent.smsserver.sendPhoneCheck(domain, command.phone, code, parent.getLanguageCodes(req), function (success) {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'verifyPhone', cookie: phoneCookie, success: success }));
function serverUserCommandHelp(cmdData) {
var fin = '', f = '', availcommands = [];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user