2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
/ * *
* @ description Remote Desktop
* @ author Ylian Saint - Hilaire
* @ version v0 . 0.2 g
* /
// Construct a MeshServer object
var CreateAgentRemoteDesktop = function ( canvasid , scrolldiv ) {
var obj = { }
obj . CanvasId = canvasid ;
if ( typeof canvasid === 'string' ) obj . CanvasId = Q ( canvasid ) ;
obj . Canvas = obj . CanvasId . getContext ( "2d" ) ;
obj . scrolldiv = scrolldiv ;
obj . State = 0 ;
obj . PendingOperations = [ ] ;
obj . tilesReceived = 0 ;
obj . TilesDrawn = 0 ;
obj . KillDraw = 0 ;
obj . ipad = false ;
obj . tabletKeyboardVisible = false ;
obj . LastX = 0 ;
obj . LastY = 0 ;
obj . touchenabled = 0 ;
obj . submenuoffset = 0 ;
obj . touchtimer = null ;
obj . TouchArray = { } ;
obj . connectmode = 0 ; // 0 = HTTP, 1 = WebSocket, 2 = WebRTC
obj . connectioncount = 0 ;
obj . rotation = 0 ;
obj . protocol = 2 ; // KVM
2018-01-09 20:13:41 -08:00
obj . debugmode = 0 ;
2018-01-14 21:01:06 -08:00
obj . firstUpKeys = [ ] ;
obj . stopInput = false ;
2019-03-09 14:28:08 -08:00
obj . localKeyMap = true ;
2020-02-06 18:04:55 -08:00
obj . pressedKeys = [ ] ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . sessionid = 0 ;
obj . username ;
obj . oldie = false ;
obj . CompressionLevel = 50 ;
obj . ScalingLevel = 1024 ;
2020-04-24 18:24:24 -07:00
obj . FrameRateTimer = 100 ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . FirstDraw = false ;
obj . ScreenWidth = 960 ;
obj . ScreenHeight = 700 ;
obj . width = 960 ;
obj . height = 960 ;
2018-01-14 21:01:06 -08:00
obj . onScreenSizeChange = null ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . onMessage = null ;
obj . onConnectCountChanged = null ;
obj . onDebugMessage = null ;
obj . onTouchEnabledChanged = null ;
2018-01-02 16:52:49 -08:00
obj . onDisplayinfo = null ;
2019-02-04 18:06:01 -08:00
obj . accumulator = null ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
2020-03-06 14:06:33 -08:00
var mouseCursors = [ 'default' , 'progress' , 'crosshair' , 'pointer' , 'help' , 'text' , 'no-drop' , 'move' , 'nesw-resize' , 'ns-resize' , 'nwse-resize' , 'w-resize' , 'alias' , 'wait' , 'none' , 'not-allowed' , 'col-resize' , 'row-resize' , 'copy' , 'zoom-in' , 'zoom-out' ] ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . Start = function ( ) {
obj . State = 0 ;
2019-02-04 18:06:01 -08:00
obj . accumulator = null ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . Stop = function ( ) {
obj . setRotation ( 0 ) ;
obj . UnGrabKeyInput ( ) ;
obj . UnGrabMouseInput ( ) ;
obj . touchenabled = 0 ;
2018-01-14 21:01:06 -08:00
if ( obj . onScreenSizeChange != null ) obj . onScreenSizeChange ( obj , obj . ScreenWidth , obj . ScreenHeight , obj . CanvasId ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . Canvas . clearRect ( 0 , 0 , obj . CanvasId . width , obj . CanvasId . height ) ;
obj . xxStateChange = function ( newstate ) {
if ( obj . State == newstate ) return ;
obj . State = newstate ;
2019-02-06 12:05:55 -08:00
obj . CanvasId . style . cursor = 'default' ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
//console.log('xxStateChange', newstate);
switch ( newstate ) {
case 0 : {
// Disconnect
obj . Stop ( ) ;
break ;
case 3 : {
// Websocket connected
break ;
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
obj . send = function ( x ) {
2018-09-18 14:47:17 -07:00
if ( obj . debugmode > 1 ) { console . log ( "KSend(" + x . length + "): " + rstr2hex ( x ) ) ; }
2019-08-10 22:34:21 -07:00
if ( obj . parent != null ) { obj . parent . send ( x ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// KVM Control.
// Routines for processing incoming packets from the AJAX server, and handling individual messages.
obj . ProcessPictureMsg = function ( str , X , Y ) {
//if (obj.targetnode != null) obj.Debug("ProcessPictureMsg " + X + "," + Y + " - " + obj.targetnode.substring(0, 8));
var tile = new Image ( ) ;
2018-01-18 15:43:43 -08:00
tile . xcount = obj . tilesReceived ++ ;
//console.log('Tile #' + tile.xcount);
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var r = obj . tilesReceived ;
tile . src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + btoa ( str . substring ( 4 , str . length ) ) ;
tile . onload = function ( ) {
2018-01-18 15:43:43 -08:00
//console.log('DecodeTile #' + this.xcount);
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( obj . Canvas != null && obj . KillDraw < r && obj . State != 0 ) {
obj . PendingOperations . push ( [ r , 2 , tile , X , Y ] ) ;
while ( obj . DoPendingOperations ( ) ) { }
2018-01-18 15:43:43 -08:00
tile . error = function ( ) { console . log ( 'DecodeTileError' ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . DoPendingOperations = function ( ) {
if ( obj . PendingOperations . length == 0 ) return false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < obj . PendingOperations . length ; i ++ ) { // && KillDraw < tilesDrawn
var Msg = obj . PendingOperations [ i ] ;
if ( Msg [ 0 ] == ( obj . TilesDrawn + 1 ) ) {
if ( Msg [ 1 ] == 1 ) { obj . ProcessCopyRectMsg ( Msg [ 2 ] ) ; }
else if ( Msg [ 1 ] == 2 ) { obj . Canvas . drawImage ( Msg [ 2 ] , obj . rotX ( Msg [ 3 ] , Msg [ 4 ] ) , obj . rotY ( Msg [ 3 ] , Msg [ 4 ] ) ) ; delete Msg [ 2 ] ; }
obj . PendingOperations . splice ( i , 1 ) ;
delete Msg ;
obj . TilesDrawn ++ ;
if ( obj . TilesDrawn == obj . tilesReceived && obj . KillDraw < obj . TilesDrawn ) { obj . KillDraw = obj . TilesDrawn = obj . tilesReceived = 0 ; }
return true ;
if ( obj . oldie && obj . PendingOperations . length > 0 ) { obj . TilesDrawn ++ ; }
return false ;
obj . ProcessCopyRectMsg = function ( str ) {
var SX = ( ( str . charCodeAt ( 0 ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( str . charCodeAt ( 1 ) & 0xFF ) ;
var SY = ( ( str . charCodeAt ( 2 ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( str . charCodeAt ( 3 ) & 0xFF ) ;
var DX = ( ( str . charCodeAt ( 4 ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( str . charCodeAt ( 5 ) & 0xFF ) ;
var DY = ( ( str . charCodeAt ( 6 ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( str . charCodeAt ( 7 ) & 0xFF ) ;
var WIDTH = ( ( str . charCodeAt ( 8 ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( str . charCodeAt ( 9 ) & 0xFF ) ;
var HEIGHT = ( ( str . charCodeAt ( 10 ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( str . charCodeAt ( 11 ) & 0xFF ) ;
obj . Canvas . drawImage ( Canvas . canvas , SX , SY , WIDTH , HEIGHT , DX , DY , WIDTH , HEIGHT ) ;
obj . SendUnPause = function ( ) {
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x05 , 0x00 ) ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . SendPause = function ( ) {
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x05 , 0x01 ) ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . SendCompressionLevel = function ( type , level , scaling , frametimer ) {
if ( level ) { obj . CompressionLevel = level ; }
if ( scaling ) { obj . ScalingLevel = scaling ; }
if ( frametimer ) { obj . FrameRateTimer = frametimer ; }
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , 0x05 , 0x00 , 0x0A , type , obj . CompressionLevel ) + obj . shortToStr ( obj . ScalingLevel ) + obj . shortToStr ( obj . FrameRateTimer ) ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . SendRefresh = function ( ) {
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , 0x06 , 0x00 , 0x04 ) ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . ProcessScreenMsg = function ( width , height ) {
2018-09-18 14:47:17 -07:00
if ( obj . debugmode > 0 ) { console . log ( "ScreenSize: " + width + " x " + height ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . Canvas . setTransform ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ) ;
obj . rotation = 0 ;
obj . FirstDraw = true ;
obj . ScreenWidth = obj . width = width ;
obj . ScreenHeight = obj . height = height ;
obj . KillDraw = obj . tilesReceived ;
while ( obj . PendingOperations . length > 0 ) { obj . PendingOperations . shift ( ) ; }
obj . SendCompressionLevel ( 1 ) ;
obj . SendUnPause ( ) ;
2018-01-14 21:01:06 -08:00
if ( obj . onScreenSizeChange != null ) { obj . onScreenSizeChange ( obj , obj . ScreenWidth , obj . ScreenHeight , obj . CanvasId ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . ProcessData = function ( str ) {
2018-02-05 11:56:29 -08:00
var ptr = 0 ;
2019-02-07 15:00:10 -08:00
while ( ptr < str . length ) {
2020-04-27 13:58:58 -07:00
var r = obj . ProcessDataEx ( str . substring ( ptr ) ) ;
if ( ( r == null ) || ( r == 0 ) ) break ;
ptr += r ;
2019-02-07 15:00:10 -08:00
2018-02-05 11:56:29 -08:00
obj . ProcessDataEx = function ( str ) {
2019-02-04 18:06:01 -08:00
if ( obj . accumulator != null ) {
str = obj . accumulator + str ;
2019-04-27 15:36:11 -07:00
//console.log('KVM using accumulated data, total size is now ' + str.length + ' bytes.');
2019-02-04 18:06:01 -08:00
obj . accumulator = null ;
2018-09-18 14:47:17 -07:00
if ( obj . debugmode > 1 ) { console . log ( "KRecv(" + str . length + "): " + rstr2hex ( str . substring ( 0 , Math . min ( str . length , 40 ) ) ) ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( str . length < 4 ) return ;
2019-01-30 13:43:42 -08:00
var cmdmsg = null , X = 0 , Y = 0 , command = ReadShort ( str , 0 ) , cmdsize = ReadShort ( str , 2 ) , jumboAdd = 0 ;
2020-05-02 13:49:56 -07:00
if ( obj . recordedData != null ) { obj . recordedData . push ( { t : Date . now ( ) , d : str } ) ; }
2019-01-30 13:43:42 -08:00
if ( ( command == 27 ) && ( cmdsize == 8 ) ) {
// Jumbo packet
if ( str . length < 12 ) return ;
command = ReadShort ( str , 8 )
cmdsize = ReadInt ( str , 4 ) ;
2019-02-07 15:00:10 -08:00
//console.log('JUMBO cmd=' + command + ', cmdsize=' + cmdsize + ', data received=' + str.length);
2019-02-04 18:06:01 -08:00
if ( ( cmdsize + 8 ) > str . length ) {
2019-04-27 15:36:11 -07:00
//console.log('KVM accumulator set to ' + str.length + ' bytes, need ' + cmdsize + ' bytes.');
2019-02-04 18:06:01 -08:00
obj . accumulator = str ;
return ;
2019-01-30 13:43:42 -08:00
str = str . substring ( 8 ) ;
jumboAdd = 8 ;
2018-09-18 14:47:17 -07:00
if ( ( cmdsize != str . length ) && ( obj . debugmode > 0 ) ) { console . log ( cmdsize , str . length , cmdsize == str . length ) ; }
2020-04-18 19:44:07 -07:00
if ( ( command >= 18 ) && ( command != 65 ) && ( command != 88 ) ) {
console . error ( "Invalid KVM command " + command + " of size " + cmdsize ) ;
console . log ( "Invalid KVM data" , str . length , rstr2hex ( str . substring ( 0 , 40 ) ) + '...' ) ;
if ( obj . parent && obj . parent . setConsoleMessage ) { obj . parent . setConsoleMessage ( "Invalid KVM command " + command + " of size " + cmdsize ) ; }
return ;
2019-02-04 18:06:01 -08:00
if ( cmdsize > str . length ) {
2019-04-27 15:36:11 -07:00
//console.log('KVM accumulator set to ' + str.length + ' bytes, need ' + cmdsize + ' bytes.');
2019-02-04 18:06:01 -08:00
obj . accumulator = str ;
return ;
//console.log("KVM Command: " + command + " Len:" + cmdsize);
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( command == 3 || command == 4 || command == 7 ) {
cmdmsg = str . substring ( 4 , cmdsize ) ;
X = ( ( cmdmsg . charCodeAt ( 0 ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( cmdmsg . charCodeAt ( 1 ) & 0xFF ) ;
Y = ( ( cmdmsg . charCodeAt ( 2 ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( cmdmsg . charCodeAt ( 3 ) & 0xFF ) ;
2018-09-18 14:47:17 -07:00
if ( obj . debugmode > 0 ) { console . log ( "CMD" + command + " at X=" + X + " Y=" + Y ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
switch ( command ) {
case 3 : // Tile
if ( obj . FirstDraw ) obj . onResize ( ) ;
obj . ProcessPictureMsg ( cmdmsg , X , Y ) ;
break ;
case 4 : // Tile Copy
if ( obj . FirstDraw ) obj . onResize ( ) ;
if ( obj . TilesDrawn == obj . tilesReceived ) {
obj . ProcessCopyRectMsg ( cmdmsg ) ;
} else {
obj . PendingOperations . push ( [ ++ tilesReceived , 1 , cmdmsg ] ) ;
break ;
case 7 : // Screen size
obj . ProcessScreenMsg ( X , Y ) ;
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . UP , 16 ) ; // Shift
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . UP , 17 ) ; // Ctrl
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . UP , 18 ) ; // Alt
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . UP , 91 ) ; // Left-Windows
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . UP , 92 ) ; // Right-Windows
2018-01-14 21:01:06 -08:00
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . UP , 16 ) ; // Shift
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , 0x0E , 0x00 , 0x04 ) ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
break ;
case 11 : // GetDisplays
2019-04-27 15:36:11 -07:00
var selectedDisplay = 0 , displays = { } , dcount = ( ( str . charCodeAt ( 4 ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( str . charCodeAt ( 5 ) & 0xFF ) ;
2018-01-02 16:52:49 -08:00
if ( dcount > 0 ) {
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Many displays present
2019-04-27 15:36:11 -07:00
selectedDisplay = ( ( str . charCodeAt ( 6 + ( dcount * 2 ) ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( str . charCodeAt ( 7 + ( dcount * 2 ) ) & 0xFF ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < dcount ; i ++ ) {
var disp = ( ( str . charCodeAt ( 6 + ( i * 2 ) ) & 0xFF ) << 8 ) + ( str . charCodeAt ( 7 + ( i * 2 ) ) & 0xFF ) ;
2019-04-27 15:36:11 -07:00
if ( disp == 65535 ) { displays [ disp ] = 'All Displays' ; } else { displays [ disp ] = 'Display ' + disp ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
//console.log('Get Displays', displays, selectedDisplay, rstr2hex(str));
2019-04-27 15:36:11 -07:00
if ( obj . onDisplayinfo != null ) { obj . onDisplayinfo ( obj , displays , selectedDisplay ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
break ;
case 12 : // SetDisplay
2018-02-02 12:46:09 -08:00
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
break ;
case 14 : // KVM_INIT_TOUCH
obj . touchenabled = 1 ;
obj . TouchArray = { } ;
if ( obj . onTouchEnabledChanged != null ) obj . onTouchEnabledChanged ( obj . touchenabled ) ;
break ;
case 15 : // KVM_TOUCH
obj . TouchArray = { } ;
break ;
obj . connectioncount = ReadInt ( str , 4 ) ;
//obj.Debug("Got KVM Connect Count: " + obj.connectioncount);
if ( obj . onConnectCountChanged != null ) obj . onConnectCountChanged ( obj . connectioncount , obj ) ;
break ;
case 17 : // MNG_KVM_MESSAGE
//obj.Debug("Got KVM Message: " + str.substring(4, cmdsize));
if ( obj . onMessage != null ) obj . onMessage ( str . substring ( 4 , cmdsize ) , obj ) ;
break ;
2019-01-23 18:07:02 -08:00
case 65 : // Alert
2019-01-24 12:08:48 -08:00
str = str . substring ( 4 ) ;
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
if ( str [ 0 ] != '.' ) {
console . log ( str ) ; //alert('KVM: ' + str);
2020-04-18 19:44:07 -07:00
if ( obj . parent && obj . parent . setConsoleMessage ) { obj . parent . setConsoleMessage ( str ) ; }
2019-05-20 16:00:33 -07:00
} else {
console . log ( 'KVM: ' + str . substring ( 1 ) ) ;
2019-01-23 18:07:02 -08:00
break ;
2019-09-19 17:24:05 -07:00
if ( cmdsize != 5 ) break ;
var cursorNum = str . charCodeAt ( 4 ) ;
if ( cursorNum > mouseCursors . length ) { cursorNum = 0 ; }
obj . CanvasId . style . cursor = mouseCursors [ cursorNum ] ;
break ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
2019-01-30 13:43:42 -08:00
return cmdsize + jumboAdd ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Keyboard and Mouse I/O.
obj . MouseButton = { "NONE" : 0x00 , "LEFT" : 0x02 , "RIGHT" : 0x08 , "MIDDLE" : 0x20 } ;
2019-01-23 18:07:02 -08:00
obj . KeyAction = { "NONE" : 0 , "DOWN" : 1 , "UP" : 2 , "SCROLL" : 3 , "EXUP" : 4 , "EXDOWN" : 5 , "DBLCLICK" : 6 } ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . InputType = { "KEY" : 1 , "MOUSE" : 2 , "CTRLALTDEL" : 10 , "TOUCH" : 15 } ;
obj . Alternate = 0 ;
2019-01-06 20:23:29 -08:00
var convertKeyCodeTable = {
"Pause" : 19 ,
"CapsLock" : 20 ,
"Space" : 32 ,
"Quote" : 222 ,
"Minus" : 189 ,
"NumpadMultiply" : 106 ,
"NumpadAdd" : 107 ,
"PrintScreen" : 44 ,
"Comma" : 188 ,
"NumpadSubtract" : 109 ,
"NumpadDecimal" : 110 ,
"Period" : 190 ,
"Slash" : 191 ,
"NumpadDivide" : 111 ,
"Semicolon" : 186 ,
"Equal" : 187 ,
"OSLeft" : 91 ,
"BracketLeft" : 219 ,
"OSRight" : 91 ,
"Backslash" : 220 ,
"BracketRight" : 221 ,
"ContextMenu" : 93 ,
"Backquote" : 192 ,
"NumLock" : 144 ,
"ScrollLock" : 145 ,
"Backspace" : 8 ,
"Tab" : 9 ,
"Enter" : 13 ,
"NumpadEnter" : 13 ,
"Escape" : 27 ,
"Delete" : 46 ,
"Home" : 36 ,
"PageUp" : 33 ,
"PageDown" : 34 ,
"ArrowLeft" : 37 ,
"ArrowUp" : 38 ,
"ArrowRight" : 39 ,
"ArrowDown" : 40 ,
"End" : 35 ,
"Insert" : 45 ,
"F1" : 112 ,
"F2" : 113 ,
"F3" : 114 ,
"F4" : 115 ,
"F5" : 116 ,
"F6" : 117 ,
"F7" : 118 ,
"F8" : 119 ,
"F9" : 120 ,
"F10" : 121 ,
"F11" : 122 ,
"F12" : 123 ,
"ShiftLeft" : 16 ,
"ShiftRight" : 16 ,
"ControlLeft" : 17 ,
"ControlRight" : 17 ,
"AltLeft" : 18 ,
"AltRight" : 18 ,
"MetaLeft" : 91 ,
"MetaRight" : 92 ,
"VolumeMute" : 181
function convertKeyCode ( e ) {
if ( e . code . startsWith ( 'Key' ) && e . code . length == 4 ) { return e . code . charCodeAt ( 3 ) ; }
if ( e . code . startsWith ( 'Digit' ) && e . code . length == 6 ) { return e . code . charCodeAt ( 5 ) ; }
if ( e . code . startsWith ( 'Numpad' ) && e . code . length == 7 ) { return e . code . charCodeAt ( 6 ) + 48 ; }
return convertKeyCodeTable [ e . code ] ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . SendKeyMsg = function ( action , event ) {
if ( action == null ) return ;
2019-01-06 20:23:29 -08:00
if ( ! event ) { event = window . event ; }
2019-03-09 14:28:08 -08:00
if ( event . code && ( obj . localKeyMap == false ) ) {
2019-01-06 20:23:29 -08:00
// Convert "event.code" into a scancode. This works the same regardless of the keyboard language.
// Older browsers will not support this.
var kc = convertKeyCode ( event ) ;
if ( kc != null ) { obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( action , kc ) ; }
} else {
// Use this keycode, this works best with "US-EN" keyboards.
// Older browser support this.
var kc = event . keyCode ;
if ( kc == 0x3B ) { kc = 0xBA ; } // Fix the ';' key
2019-07-05 15:25:03 -07:00
else if ( kc == 173 ) { kc = 189 ; } // Fix the '-' key for Firefox
else if ( kc == 61 ) { kc = 187 ; } // Fix the '=' key for Firefox
2019-01-06 20:23:29 -08:00
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( action , kc ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . SendMessage = function ( msg ) {
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
if ( obj . State == 3 ) obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , 0x11 ) + obj . shortToStr ( 4 + msg . length ) + msg ) ; // 0x11 = 17 MNG_KVM_MESSAGE
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . SendKeyMsgKC = function ( action , kc ) {
2018-07-23 17:34:24 -07:00
//console.log('SendKeyMsgKC', action, kc);
2018-04-28 15:36:10 -07:00
if ( obj . State != 3 ) return ;
if ( typeof action == 'object' ) { for ( var i in action ) { obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( action [ i ] [ 0 ] , action [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ; } }
2020-02-06 18:04:55 -08:00
else {
if ( action == 1 ) { // Key Down
if ( obj . pressedKeys . indexOf ( kc ) == - 1 ) { obj . pressedKeys . unshift ( kc ) ; } // Add key press to start of array
} else if ( action == 2 ) { // Key Up
var i = obj . pressedKeys . indexOf ( kc ) ;
if ( i != - 1 ) { obj . pressedKeys . splice ( i , 1 ) ; } // Remove the key press from the pressed array
obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , obj . InputType . KEY , 0x00 , 0x06 , ( action - 1 ) , kc ) ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . sendcad = function ( ) { obj . SendCtrlAltDelMsg ( ) ; }
obj . SendCtrlAltDelMsg = function ( ) {
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
if ( obj . State == 3 ) { obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , obj . InputType . CTRLALTDEL , 0x00 , 0x04 ) ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . SendEscKey = function ( ) {
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
if ( obj . State == 3 ) obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , obj . InputType . KEY , 0x00 , 0x06 , 0x00 , 0x1B , 0x00 , obj . InputType . KEY , 0x00 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x1B ) ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . SendStartMsg = function ( ) {
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . EXDOWN , 0x5B ) ; // L-Windows
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . EXUP , 0x5B ) ; // L-Windows
obj . SendCharmsMsg = function ( ) {
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . EXDOWN , 0x5B ) ; // L-Windows
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . DOWN , 67 ) ; // C
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . UP , 67 ) ; // C
obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . EXUP , 0x5B ) ; // L-Windows
obj . SendTouchMsg1 = function ( id , flags , x , y ) {
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
if ( obj . State == 3 ) obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , obj . InputType . TOUCH ) + obj . shortToStr ( 14 ) + String . fromCharCode ( 0x01 , id ) + obj . intToStr ( flags ) + obj . shortToStr ( x ) + obj . shortToStr ( y ) ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . SendTouchMsg2 = function ( id , flags ) {
var msg = '' ;
var flags2 ;
var str = "TOUCHSEND: " ;
for ( var k in obj . TouchArray ) {
if ( k == id ) { flags2 = flags ; } else {
if ( obj . TouchArray [ k ] . f == 1 ) { flags2 = 0x00010000 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 ; obj . TouchArray [ k ] . f = 3 ; str += "START" + k ; } // POINTER_FLAG_DOWN
else if ( obj . TouchArray [ k ] . f == 2 ) { flags2 = 0x00040000 ; str += "STOP" + k ; } // POINTER_FLAG_UP
else flags2 = 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00020000 ; // POINTER_FLAG_UPDATE
msg += String . fromCharCode ( k ) + obj . intToStr ( flags2 ) + obj . shortToStr ( obj . TouchArray [ k ] . x ) + obj . shortToStr ( obj . TouchArray [ k ] . y ) ;
if ( obj . TouchArray [ k ] . f == 2 ) delete obj . TouchArray [ k ] ;
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
if ( obj . State == 3 ) obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , obj . InputType . TOUCH ) + obj . shortToStr ( 5 + msg . length ) + String . fromCharCode ( 0x02 ) + msg ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( Object . keys ( obj . TouchArray ) . length == 0 && obj . touchtimer != null ) { clearInterval ( obj . touchtimer ) ; obj . touchtimer = null ; }
obj . SendMouseMsg = function ( Action , event ) {
if ( obj . State != 3 ) return ;
if ( Action != null && obj . Canvas != null ) {
if ( ! event ) { var event = window . event ; }
2019-04-26 16:10:17 -07:00
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
var ScaleFactorHeight = ( obj . Canvas . canvas . height / obj . CanvasId . clientHeight ) ;
var ScaleFactorWidth = ( obj . Canvas . canvas . width / obj . CanvasId . clientWidth ) ;
var Offsets = obj . GetPositionOfControl ( obj . Canvas . canvas ) ;
var X = ( ( event . pageX - Offsets [ 0 ] ) * ScaleFactorWidth ) ;
var Y = ( ( event . pageY - Offsets [ 1 ] ) * ScaleFactorHeight ) ;
2019-04-26 16:10:17 -07:00
if ( event . addx ) { X += event . addx ; }
if ( event . addy ) { Y += event . addy ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
if ( X >= 0 && X <= obj . Canvas . canvas . width && Y >= 0 && Y <= obj . Canvas . canvas . height ) {
var Button = 0 ;
var Delta = 0 ;
if ( Action == obj . KeyAction . UP || Action == obj . KeyAction . DOWN ) {
if ( event . which ) { ( ( event . which == 1 ) ? ( Button = obj . MouseButton . LEFT ) : ( ( event . which == 2 ) ? ( Button = obj . MouseButton . MIDDLE ) : ( Button = obj . MouseButton . RIGHT ) ) ) ; }
else if ( event . button ) { ( ( event . button == 0 ) ? ( Button = obj . MouseButton . LEFT ) : ( ( event . button == 1 ) ? ( Button = obj . MouseButton . MIDDLE ) : ( Button = obj . MouseButton . RIGHT ) ) ) ; }
else if ( Action == obj . KeyAction . SCROLL ) {
if ( event . detail ) { Delta = ( - 1 * ( event . detail * 120 ) ) ; } else if ( event . wheelDelta ) { Delta = ( event . wheelDelta * 3 ) ; }
var MouseMsg = "" ;
2019-01-23 18:07:02 -08:00
if ( Action == obj . KeyAction . DBLCLICK ) {
MouseMsg = String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , obj . InputType . MOUSE , 0x00 , 0x0A , 0x00 , 0x88 , ( ( X / 256 ) & 0xFF ) , ( X & 0xFF ) , ( ( Y / 256 ) & 0xFF ) , ( Y & 0xFF ) ) ;
} else if ( Action == obj . KeyAction . SCROLL ) {
MouseMsg = String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , obj . InputType . MOUSE , 0x00 , 0x0C , 0x00 , 0x00 , ( ( X / 256 ) & 0xFF ) , ( X & 0xFF ) , ( ( Y / 256 ) & 0xFF ) , ( Y & 0xFF ) , ( ( Delta / 256 ) & 0xFF ) , ( Delta & 0xFF ) ) ;
} else {
MouseMsg = String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , obj . InputType . MOUSE , 0x00 , 0x0A , 0x00 , ( ( Action == obj . KeyAction . DOWN ) ? Button : ( ( Button * 2 ) & 0xFF ) ) , ( ( X / 256 ) & 0xFF ) , ( X & 0xFF ) , ( ( Y / 256 ) & 0xFF ) , ( Y & 0xFF ) ) ;
if ( obj . Action == obj . KeyAction . NONE ) {
if ( obj . Alternate == 0 || obj . ipad ) { obj . send ( MouseMsg ) ; obj . Alternate = 1 ; } else { obj . Alternate = 0 ; }
} else {
obj . send ( MouseMsg ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
2018-02-11 17:13:26 -08:00
obj . GetDisplayNumbers = function ( ) { obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , 0x0B , 0x00 , 0x04 ) ) ; } // Get Terminal display
2020-03-25 16:20:11 -07:00
obj . SetDisplay = function ( number ) { /*console.log('Set display', number);*/ obj . send ( String . fromCharCode ( 0x00 , 0x0C , 0x00 , 0x06 , number >> 8 , number & 0xFF ) ) ; } // Set Terminal display
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . intToStr = function ( x ) { return String . fromCharCode ( ( x >> 24 ) & 0xFF , ( x >> 16 ) & 0xFF , ( x >> 8 ) & 0xFF , x & 0xFF ) ; }
obj . shortToStr = function ( x ) { return String . fromCharCode ( ( x >> 8 ) & 0xFF , x & 0xFF ) ; }
obj . onResize = function ( ) {
if ( obj . ScreenWidth == 0 || obj . ScreenHeight == 0 ) return ;
if ( obj . Canvas . canvas . width == obj . ScreenWidth && obj . Canvas . canvas . height == obj . ScreenHeight ) return ;
if ( obj . FirstDraw ) {
obj . Canvas . canvas . width = obj . ScreenWidth ;
obj . Canvas . canvas . height = obj . ScreenHeight ;
obj . Canvas . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , obj . ScreenWidth , obj . ScreenHeight ) ;
2018-01-14 21:01:06 -08:00
if ( obj . onScreenSizeChange != null ) obj . onScreenSizeChange ( obj , obj . ScreenWidth , obj . ScreenHeight , obj . CanvasId ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . FirstDraw = false ;
//obj.Debug("onResize: " + obj.ScreenWidth + " x " + obj.ScreenHeight);
obj . xxMouseInputGrab = false ;
obj . xxKeyInputGrab = false ;
obj . xxMouseMove = function ( e ) { if ( obj . State == 3 ) obj . SendMouseMsg ( obj . KeyAction . NONE , e ) ; if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ; if ( e . stopPropagation ) e . stopPropagation ( ) ; return false ; }
obj . xxMouseUp = function ( e ) { if ( obj . State == 3 ) obj . SendMouseMsg ( obj . KeyAction . UP , e ) ; if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ; if ( e . stopPropagation ) e . stopPropagation ( ) ; return false ; }
obj . xxMouseDown = function ( e ) { if ( obj . State == 3 ) obj . SendMouseMsg ( obj . KeyAction . DOWN , e ) ; if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ; if ( e . stopPropagation ) e . stopPropagation ( ) ; return false ; }
2019-01-23 18:07:02 -08:00
obj . xxMouseDblClick = function ( e ) { if ( obj . State == 3 ) obj . SendMouseMsg ( obj . KeyAction . DBLCLICK , e ) ; if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ; if ( e . stopPropagation ) e . stopPropagation ( ) ; return false ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . xxDOMMouseScroll = function ( e ) { if ( obj . State == 3 ) { obj . SendMouseMsg ( obj . KeyAction . SCROLL , e ) ; return false ; } return true ; }
obj . xxMouseWheel = function ( e ) { if ( obj . State == 3 ) { obj . SendMouseMsg ( obj . KeyAction . SCROLL , e ) ; return false ; } return true ; }
obj . xxKeyUp = function ( e ) { if ( obj . State == 3 ) { obj . SendKeyMsg ( obj . KeyAction . UP , e ) ; } if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ; if ( e . stopPropagation ) e . stopPropagation ( ) ; return false ; }
obj . xxKeyDown = function ( e ) { if ( obj . State == 3 ) { obj . SendKeyMsg ( obj . KeyAction . DOWN , e ) ; } if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ; if ( e . stopPropagation ) e . stopPropagation ( ) ; return false ; }
obj . xxKeyPress = function ( e ) { if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ; if ( e . stopPropagation ) e . stopPropagation ( ) ; return false ; }
// Key handlers
2018-01-14 21:01:06 -08:00
obj . handleKeys = function ( e ) { if ( obj . stopInput == true || desktop . State != 3 ) return false ; return obj . xxKeyPress ( e ) ; }
obj . handleKeyUp = function ( e ) {
if ( obj . stopInput == true || desktop . State != 3 ) return false ;
if ( obj . firstUpKeys . length < 5 ) {
obj . firstUpKeys . push ( e . keyCode ) ;
if ( ( obj . firstUpKeys . length == 5 ) ) { var j = obj . firstUpKeys . join ( ',' ) ; if ( ( j == '16,17,91,91,16' ) || ( j == '16,17,18,91,92' ) ) { obj . stopInput = true ; } }
2019-07-05 15:25:03 -07:00
return obj . xxKeyUp ( e ) ;
obj . handleKeyDown = function ( e ) {
if ( obj . stopInput == true || desktop . State != 3 ) return false ;
return obj . xxKeyDown ( e ) ;
// Release the CTRL, ALT, SHIFT keys if they are pressed.
obj . handleReleaseKeys = function ( ) {
2020-02-06 18:04:55 -08:00
var p = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( obj . pressedKeys ) ) ; // Clone the pressed array
for ( var i in p ) { obj . SendKeyMsgKC ( obj . KeyAction . UP , p [ i ] ) ; } // Release all keys
2018-01-14 21:01:06 -08:00
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Mouse handlers
2019-01-23 18:07:02 -08:00
obj . mousedblclick = function ( e ) { if ( obj . stopInput == true ) return false ; return obj . xxMouseDblClick ( e ) ; }
2018-01-14 21:01:06 -08:00
obj . mousedown = function ( e ) { if ( obj . stopInput == true ) return false ; return obj . xxMouseDown ( e ) ; }
obj . mouseup = function ( e ) { if ( obj . stopInput == true ) return false ; return obj . xxMouseUp ( e ) ; }
obj . mousemove = function ( e ) { if ( obj . stopInput == true ) return false ; return obj . xxMouseMove ( e ) ; }
obj . mousewheel = function ( e ) { if ( obj . stopInput == true ) return false ; return obj . xxMouseWheel ( e ) ; }
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
obj . xxMsTouchEvent = function ( evt ) {
if ( evt . originalEvent . pointerType == 4 ) return ; // If this is a mouse pointer, ignore this event. Touch & pen are ok.
if ( evt . preventDefault ) evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( evt . stopPropagation ) evt . stopPropagation ( ) ;
if ( evt . type == 'MSPointerDown' || evt . type == 'MSPointerMove' || evt . type == 'MSPointerUp' ) {
var flags = 0 ;
var id = evt . originalEvent . pointerId % 256 ;
var X = evt . offsetX * ( Canvas . canvas . width / obj . CanvasId . clientWidth ) ;
var Y = evt . offsetY * ( Canvas . canvas . height / obj . CanvasId . clientHeight ) ;
if ( evt . type == 'MSPointerDown' ) flags = 0x00010000 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 ; // POINTER_FLAG_DOWN
else if ( evt . type == 'MSPointerMove' ) {
//if (obj.TouchArray[id] && MuchTheSame(obj.TouchArray[id].x, X) && MuchTheSame(obj.TouchArray[id].y, Y)) return;
flags = 0x00020000 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 ; // POINTER_FLAG_UPDATE
else if ( evt . type == 'MSPointerUp' ) flags = 0x00040000 ; // POINTER_FLAG_UP
if ( ! obj . TouchArray [ id ] ) obj . TouchArray [ id ] = { x : X , y : Y } ;
obj . SendTouchMsg2 ( id , flags )
if ( evt . type == 'MSPointerUp' ) delete obj . TouchArray [ id ] ;
} else {
alert ( evt . type ) ;
return true ;
obj . xxTouchStart = function ( e ) {
if ( obj . State != 3 ) return ;
if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( obj . touchenabled == 0 || obj . touchenabled == 1 ) {
if ( e . originalEvent . touches . length > 1 ) return ;
var t = e . originalEvent . touches [ 0 ] ;
e . which = 1 ;
obj . LastX = e . pageX = t . pageX ;
obj . LastY = e . pageY = t . pageY ;
obj . SendMouseMsg ( KeyAction . DOWN , e ) ;
} else {
var Offsets = obj . GetPositionOfControl ( Canvas . canvas ) ;
for ( var i in e . originalEvent . changedTouches ) {
if ( ! e . originalEvent . changedTouches [ i ] . identifier ) continue ;
var id = e . originalEvent . changedTouches [ i ] . identifier % 256 ;
if ( ! obj . TouchArray [ id ] ) { obj . TouchArray [ id ] = { x : ( e . originalEvent . touches [ i ] . pageX - Offsets [ 0 ] ) * ( Canvas . canvas . width / obj . CanvasId . clientWidth ) , y : ( e . originalEvent . touches [ i ] . pageY - Offsets [ 1 ] ) * ( Canvas . canvas . height / obj . CanvasId . clientHeight ) , f : 1 } ; }
if ( Object . keys ( obj . TouchArray ) . length > 0 && touchtimer == null ) { obj . touchtimer = setInterval ( function ( ) { obj . SendTouchMsg2 ( 256 , 0 ) ; } , 50 ) ; }
obj . xxTouchMove = function ( e ) {
if ( obj . State != 3 ) return ;
if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( obj . touchenabled == 0 || obj . touchenabled == 1 ) {
if ( e . originalEvent . touches . length > 1 ) return ;
var t = e . originalEvent . touches [ 0 ] ;
e . which = 1 ;
obj . LastX = e . pageX = t . pageX ;
obj . LastY = e . pageY = t . pageY ;
obj . SendMouseMsg ( obj . KeyAction . NONE , e ) ;
} else {
var Offsets = obj . GetPositionOfControl ( Canvas . canvas ) ;
for ( var i in e . originalEvent . changedTouches ) {
if ( ! e . originalEvent . changedTouches [ i ] . identifier ) continue ;
var id = e . originalEvent . changedTouches [ i ] . identifier % 256 ;
if ( obj . TouchArray [ id ] ) {
obj . TouchArray [ id ] . x = ( e . originalEvent . touches [ i ] . pageX - Offsets [ 0 ] ) * ( obj . Canvas . canvas . width / obj . CanvasId . clientWidth ) ;
obj . TouchArray [ id ] . y = ( e . originalEvent . touches [ i ] . pageY - Offsets [ 1 ] ) * ( obj . Canvas . canvas . height / obj . CanvasId . clientHeight ) ;
obj . xxTouchEnd = function ( e ) {
if ( obj . State != 3 ) return ;
if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( obj . touchenabled == 0 || obj . touchenabled == 1 ) {
if ( e . originalEvent . touches . length > 1 ) return ;
e . which = 1 ;
e . pageX = LastX ;
e . pageY = LastY ;
obj . SendMouseMsg ( KeyAction . UP , e ) ;
} else {
for ( var i in e . originalEvent . changedTouches ) {
if ( ! e . originalEvent . changedTouches [ i ] . identifier ) continue ;
var id = e . originalEvent . changedTouches [ i ] . identifier % 256 ;
if ( obj . TouchArray [ id ] ) obj . TouchArray [ id ] . f = 2 ;
obj . GrabMouseInput = function ( ) {
if ( obj . xxMouseInputGrab == true ) return ;
var c = obj . CanvasId ;
c . onmousemove = obj . xxMouseMove ;
c . onmouseup = obj . xxMouseUp ;
c . onmousedown = obj . xxMouseDown ;
c . touchstart = obj . xxTouchStart ;
c . touchmove = obj . xxTouchMove ;
c . touchend = obj . xxTouchEnd ;
c . MSPointerDown = obj . xxMsTouchEvent ;
c . MSPointerMove = obj . xxMsTouchEvent ;
c . MSPointerUp = obj . xxMsTouchEvent ;
if ( navigator . userAgent . match ( /mozilla/i ) ) c . DOMMouseScroll = obj . xxDOMMouseScroll ; else c . onmousewheel = obj . xxMouseWheel ;
obj . xxMouseInputGrab = true ;
obj . UnGrabMouseInput = function ( ) {
if ( obj . xxMouseInputGrab == false ) return ;
var c = obj . CanvasId ;
c . onmousemove = null ;
c . onmouseup = null ;
c . onmousedown = null ;
c . touchstart = null ;
c . touchmove = null ;
c . touchend = null ;
c . MSPointerDown = null ;
c . MSPointerMove = null ;
c . MSPointerUp = null ;
if ( navigator . userAgent . match ( /mozilla/i ) ) c . DOMMouseScroll = null ; else c . onmousewheel = null ;
obj . xxMouseInputGrab = false ;
obj . GrabKeyInput = function ( ) {
if ( obj . xxKeyInputGrab == true ) return ;
document . onkeyup = obj . xxKeyUp ;
document . onkeydown = obj . xxKeyDown ;
document . onkeypress = obj . xxKeyPress ;
obj . xxKeyInputGrab = true ;
obj . UnGrabKeyInput = function ( ) {
if ( obj . xxKeyInputGrab == false ) return ;
document . onkeyup = null ;
document . onkeydown = null ;
document . onkeypress = null ;
obj . xxKeyInputGrab = false ;
obj . GetPositionOfControl = function ( Control ) {
var Position = Array ( 2 ) ;
Position [ 0 ] = Position [ 1 ] = 0 ;
while ( Control ) { Position [ 0 ] += Control . offsetLeft ; Position [ 1 ] += Control . offsetTop ; Control = Control . offsetParent ; }
return Position ;
obj . crotX = function ( x , y ) {
if ( obj . rotation == 0 ) return x ;
if ( obj . rotation == 1 ) return y ;
if ( obj . rotation == 2 ) return obj . Canvas . canvas . width - x ;
if ( obj . rotation == 3 ) return obj . Canvas . canvas . height - y ;
obj . crotY = function ( x , y ) {
if ( obj . rotation == 0 ) return y ;
if ( obj . rotation == 1 ) return obj . Canvas . canvas . width - x ;
if ( obj . rotation == 2 ) return obj . Canvas . canvas . height - y ;
if ( obj . rotation == 3 ) return x ;
obj . rotX = function ( x , y ) {
if ( obj . rotation == 0 || obj . rotation == 1 ) return x ;
if ( obj . rotation == 2 ) return x - obj . Canvas . canvas . width ;
if ( obj . rotation == 3 ) return x - obj . Canvas . canvas . height ;
obj . rotY = function ( x , y ) {
if ( obj . rotation == 0 || obj . rotation == 3 ) return y ;
if ( obj . rotation == 1 ) return y - obj . Canvas . canvas . width ;
if ( obj . rotation == 2 ) return y - obj . Canvas . canvas . height ;
obj . tcanvas = null ;
obj . setRotation = function ( x ) {
while ( x < 0 ) { x += 4 ; }
var newrotation = x % 4 ;
if ( newrotation == obj . rotation ) return true ;
var rw = obj . Canvas . canvas . width ;
var rh = obj . Canvas . canvas . height ;
if ( obj . rotation == 1 || obj . rotation == 3 ) { rw = obj . Canvas . canvas . height ; rh = obj . Canvas . canvas . width ; }
// Copy the canvas, put it back in the correct direction
if ( obj . tcanvas == null ) obj . tcanvas = document . createElement ( 'canvas' ) ;
var tcanvasctx = obj . tcanvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
tcanvasctx . setTransform ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ) ;
tcanvasctx . canvas . width = rw ;
tcanvasctx . canvas . height = rh ;
tcanvasctx . rotate ( ( obj . rotation * - 90 ) * Math . PI / 180 ) ;
if ( obj . rotation == 0 ) tcanvasctx . drawImage ( obj . Canvas . canvas , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( obj . rotation == 1 ) tcanvasctx . drawImage ( obj . Canvas . canvas , - obj . Canvas . canvas . width , 0 ) ;
if ( obj . rotation == 2 ) tcanvasctx . drawImage ( obj . Canvas . canvas , - obj . Canvas . canvas . width , - obj . Canvas . canvas . height ) ;
if ( obj . rotation == 3 ) tcanvasctx . drawImage ( obj . Canvas . canvas , 0 , - obj . Canvas . canvas . height ) ;
// Change the size and orientation and copy the canvas back into the rotation
if ( obj . rotation == 0 || obj . rotation == 2 ) { obj . Canvas . canvas . height = rw ; obj . Canvas . canvas . width = rh ; }
if ( obj . rotation == 1 || obj . rotation == 3 ) { obj . Canvas . canvas . height = rh ; obj . Canvas . canvas . width = rw ; }
obj . Canvas . setTransform ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ) ;
obj . Canvas . rotate ( ( newrotation * 90 ) * Math . PI / 180 ) ;
obj . rotation = newrotation ;
obj . Canvas . drawImage ( obj . tcanvas , obj . rotX ( 0 , 0 ) , obj . rotY ( 0 , 0 ) ) ;
obj . ScreenWidth = obj . Canvas . canvas . width ;
obj . ScreenHeight = obj . Canvas . canvas . height ;
2018-01-14 21:01:06 -08:00
if ( obj . onScreenSizeChange != null ) obj . onScreenSizeChange ( obj , obj . ScreenWidth , obj . ScreenHeight , obj . CanvasId ) ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
return true ;
2020-05-02 13:49:56 -07:00
obj . StartRecording = function ( ) {
obj . recordedData = [ ] ;
obj . recordedStart = Date . now ( ) ;
obj . StopRecording = function ( ) {
var r = obj . recordedData ;
delete obj . recordedData ;
delete obj . recordedStart ;
return r ;
2017-08-28 09:27:45 -07:00
// Private method
obj . MuchTheSame = function ( a , b ) { return ( Math . abs ( a - b ) < 4 ) ; }
obj . Debug = function ( msg ) { console . log ( msg ) ; }
obj . getIEVersion = function ( ) { var r = - 1 ; if ( navigator . appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ) { var ua = navigator . userAgent ; var re = new RegExp ( "MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})" ) ; if ( re . exec ( ua ) != null ) r = parseFloat ( RegExp . $1 ) ; } return r ; }
obj . haltEvent = function ( e ) { if ( e . preventDefault ) e . preventDefault ( ) ; if ( e . stopPropagation ) e . stopPropagation ( ) ; return false ; }
return obj ;