mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:09:10 -05:00
Updated macOS agent, more multiplexor work.
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -59,27 +59,31 @@ MNG_ENCAPSULATE_AGENT_COMMAND = 70
function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
var obj = {};
obj.agent = null;
obj.viewers = [];
obj.width = 0;
obj.height = 0;
obj.swidth = 0;
obj.sheight = 0;
obj.screen = null;
obj.counter = 1;
obj.imagesCount = 0;
obj.imagesCounters = {};
obj.images = {};
obj.lastScreenSizeCmd = null;
obj.lastScreenSizeCounter = 0;
obj.firstData = null;
obj.lastData = null;
obj.lastDisplayInfoData = null;
obj.desktopPaused = true;
obj.imageCompression = 50;
obj.imageScaling = 1024;
obj.imageFrameRate = 50;
obj.agent = null; // Reference to the connection object that is the agent.
obj.viewers = []; // Array of references to all viewers.
obj.viewersSendingCount = 0; // Number of viewers currently activaly sending something.
obj.width = 0; // Current width of the display in pixels.
obj.height = 0; // Current height of the display in pixels.
obj.swidth = 0; // Current width of the display in tiles.
obj.sheight = 0; // Current height of the display in tiles.
obj.screen = null; // The main screen, (x * y) --> tile index. Indicates this image is covering each tile on the screen.
obj.counter = 1; // The main counter, used as index for the obj.images table when now images come in.
obj.imagesCount = 0; // Total number of images in the obj.images table.
obj.imagesCounters = {}; // Main table of indexes --> tile count, the number of tiles still using this image.
obj.images = {}; // Main table of indexes --> image data object.
obj.lastScreenSizeCmd = null; // Pointer to the last screen size command from the agent.
obj.lastScreenSizeCounter = 0; // Index into the image table of the screen size command, this is generally also the first command.
obj.firstData = null; // Index in the image table of the first image in the table, generally this points to the display resolution command.
obj.lastData = null; // Index in the images table of the last image in the table.
obj.lastDisplayInfoData = null; // Pointer to the last display information command from the agent (Number of displays).
obj.desktopPaused = true; // Current desktop pause state, it's true if all viewers are paused.
obj.imageCompression = 50; // Current image compression, this is the highest value of all viewers.
obj.imageScaling = 1024; // Current image scaling, this is the highest value of all viewers.
obj.imageFrameRate = 50; // Current framerate setting, this is the lowest values of all viewers.
obj.protocolOptions = null; // Set to the protocol options of the first viewer that connected.
obj.viewerConnected = false; // Set to true if one viewer attempted to connect to the agent.
// Add an agent or viewer
obj.addPeer = function (peer) {
if (peer.req.query.browser) {
@ -93,7 +97,10 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
peer.imageCompression = 30;
peer.imageScaling = 1024;
peer.imageFrameRate = 100;
peer.lastImageNumberSent = null;
peer.dataPtr = obj.firstData;
peer.sending = false;
peer.sendQueue = [];
} else {
if (obj.agent != null) return false;
@ -102,11 +109,20 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
obj.agent = peer;
// Setup the agent
peer.sending = false;
peer.sendQueue = [];
if (obj.viewerConnected == true) {
if (obj.protocolOptions != null) { obj.sendToAgent(JSON.stringify(obj.protocolOptions)); } // Send connection options
obj.sendToAgent('2'); // Send remote desktop connect
return true;
// Remove an agent or viewer
obj.removePeer = function (peer) {
if (peer == agent) {
@ -125,7 +141,75 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
return true;
// Send data to the agent or queue it up for sending
obj.sendToAgent = function (data) {
if (obj.agent == null) return;
//console.log('SendToAgent', data.length);
if (obj.agent.sending) {
// TODO: Flow control, stop all viewers
} else {
obj.agent.ws.send(data, sendAgentNext);
// Send more data to the agent
function sendAgentNext() {
if (obj.agent.sendQueue.length > 0) {
// Send from the pending send queue
obj.agent.ws.send(obj.agent.sendQueue.shift(), sendAgentNext);
} else {
// Nothing to send
obj.agent.sending = false;
// TODO: Flow control, start all viewers
// Send this command to all viewers
obj.sendToAllViewers = function (data) {
for (var i in obj.viewers) { obj.sendToViewer(obj.viewers[i], data); }
// Send data to the viewer or queue it up for sending
obj.sendToViewer = function (viewer, data) {
if (viewer == null) return;
//console.log('SendToViewer', data.length);
if (viewer.sending) {
// TODO: Flow control, stop the agent
} else {
viewer.sending = true;
viewer.ws.send(data, function () { sendViewerNext(viewer); });
// Send more data to the viewer
function sendViewerNext(viewer) {
if (viewer.sendQueue.length > 0) {
// Send from the pending send queue
if (viewer.sending == false) { viewer.sending = true; obj.viewersSendingCount++; }
viewer.ws.send(viewer.sendQueue.shift(), function () { sendViewerNext(viewer); });
} else {
if (viewer.dataPtr != null) {
// Send the next image
if ((viewer.lastImageNumberSent != null) && ((viewer.lastImageNumberSent + 1) != (viewer.dataPtr))) { console.log('SVIEW-S1', viewer.lastImageNumberSent, viewer.dataPtr); } // DEBUG
var image = obj.images[viewer.dataPtr];
viewer.lastImageNumberSent = viewer.dataPtr;
if ((image.next != null) && ((viewer.dataPtr + 1) != image.next)) { console.log('SVIEW-S2', viewer.dataPtr, image.next); } // DEBUG
viewer.dataPtr = image.next;
if (viewer.sending == false) { viewer.sending = true; obj.viewersSendingCount++; }
viewer.ws.send(image.data, function () { sendViewerNext(viewer); });
} else {
// Nothing to send
viewer.sending = false;
// TODO: Flow control, start agent
// Process data coming from the agent or any viewers
obj.processData = function (peer, data) {
if (peer == obj.agent) { obj.processAgentData(data); } else { obj.processViewerData(peer, data); }
@ -133,16 +217,37 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
// Process incoming viewer data
obj.processViewerData = function (viewer, data) {
//console.log('ViewerData', data.length);
if (typeof data == 'string') {
if (data == '2') {
if (obj.viewerConnected == false) {
if (obj.agent != null) {
if (obj.protocolOptions != null) { obj.sendToAgent(JSON.stringify(obj.protocolOptions)); } // Send connection options
obj.sendToAgent('2'); // Send remote desktop connect
obj.viewerConnected = true;
var json = null;
try { json = JSON.parse(data); } catch (ex) { }
if (json == null) return;
if ((json.type == 'options') && (obj.protocolOptions == null)) { obj.protocolOptions = json; }
//console.log('ViewerData', data.length, typeof data, data);
if ((typeof data != 'object') || (data.length < 4)) return; // Ignore all control traffic for now (WebRTC)
var command = data.readUInt16BE(0);
var cmdsize = data.readUInt16BE(2);
//console.log('ViewerData', data.length, command, cmdsize);
switch (command) {
case 1:// Key Events, forward to agent
case 2:// Mouse events, forward to agent
case 5:// Compression
if (data.length < 10) return;
@ -166,14 +271,21 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
obj.imageCompression = viewersimageCompression;
obj.imageScaling = viewersimageScaling;
obj.imageFrameRate = viewersimageFrameRate
console.log('Send-Agent-Compression', obj.imageCompression, obj.imageScaling, obj.imageFrameRate);
// obj.send(String.fromCharCode(0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x0A, type, obj.CompressionLevel) + obj.shortToStr(obj.ScalingLevel) + obj.shortToStr(obj.FrameRateTimer));
//console.log('Send-Agent-Compression', obj.imageCompression, obj.imageScaling, obj.imageFrameRate);
var cmd = Buffer.alloc(10);
cmd.writeUInt16BE(5, 0); // Command 5, compression
cmd.writeUInt16BE(10, 2); // Command size, 10 bytes long
cmd[4] = 1; // Image type, 1 = JPEN
cmd[5] = obj.imageCompression; // Image compression level
cmd.writeUInt16BE(obj.imageScaling, 6); // Scaling level
cmd.writeUInt16BE(obj.imageFrameRate, 8); // Frame rate timer
case 6:// Refresh, handle this on the server
viewer.dataPtr = obj.firstData; // Start over
if (viewer.sending == false) { sendViewerNext(viewer); }
case 8:// Pause and unpause
if (data.length != 5) break;
@ -185,15 +297,13 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
for (var i in obj.viewers) { if (obj.viewers[i].desktopPaused == false) { viewersPaused = false; }; }
if (viewersPaused != obj.desktopPaused) {
obj.desktopPaused = viewersPaused;
console.log('Send-Agent-' + ((viewersPaused == 1)?'Pause':'UnPause'));
if (viewer.desktopPaused == false) {
viewer.dataPtr = obj.firstData; // Start over
//console.log('Send-Agent-' + ((viewersPaused == true) ? 'Pause' : 'UnPause'));
data[4] = (viewersPaused == true) ? 1 : 0;
case 10:// CTRL-ALT-DEL, forward to agent
case 14:// Touch setup
@ -202,13 +312,14 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
// Process incoming agent data
obj.processAgentData = function (data) {
//console.log('AgentData', data.length);
if ((typeof data != 'object') || (data.length < 4)) return; // Ignore all control traffic for now (WebRTC)
const jumboData = data;
var command = data.readUInt16BE(0);
var cmdsize = data.readUInt16BE(2);
//console.log('AgentData', data.length, command, cmdsize);
if ((command == 27) && (cmdsize == 8)) {
// Jumbo packet
if (data.length >= 12) {
@ -232,33 +343,47 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
//console.log("Tile", x, y, dimensions.width, dimensions.height);
// Keep a reference to this image & how many tiles it covers
obj.images[obj.counter] = { next: null, prev: obj.lastData, data: data };
obj.images[obj.counter] = { next: null, prev: obj.lastData, data: jumboData };
obj.images[obj.lastData].next = obj.counter;
obj.lastData = obj.counter;
obj.imagesCounters[obj.counter] = (sw * sh);
if (obj.imagesCount == 2000000000) { obj.imagesCount = 1; } // Loop the counter if needed
//console.log('Adding Image ' + obj.counter);
var skips = [];
// Update the screen with the correct pointers.
for (var i = 0; i < sw; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < sh; j++) {
var k = ((obj.swidth * (j + sy)) + (i + sx)), oi = obj.screen[k];
var k = ((obj.swidth * (j + sy)) + (i + sx));
const oi = obj.screen[k];
obj.screen[k] = obj.counter;
if ((oi != null) && (--obj.imagesCounters[oi] == 0)) {
// Remove data from the link list
var d = obj.images[oi];
//console.log('Removing Image', oi, obj.images[oi].prev, obj.images[oi].next);
obj.images[d.prev].next = d.next;
obj.images[d.next].prev = d.prev;
delete obj.images[oi];
delete obj.imagesCounters[oi];
// If any viewers are currently on image "oi" must be moved to "d.next"
for (var l in obj.viewers) { const v = obj.viewers[l]; if (v.dataPtr == oi) { skips.push(oi); v.dataPtr = d.next; } }
obj.screen[k] = obj.counter;
if (skips.length > 0) { console.log('SKIPS', skips.length); }
// Any viewer on dataPtr null, change to this image
for (var i in obj.viewers) {
const v = obj.viewers[i];
if (v.dataPtr == null) { v.dataPtr = obj.counter; if (v.sending == false) { sendViewerNext(v); } }
// Debug, display the link list
//var xx = '', xptr = obj.firstData;
//while (xptr != null) { xx += '>' + xptr; xptr = obj.images[xptr].next; }
@ -284,14 +409,15 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
obj.imagesCount = 0;
obj.imagesCounters = {};
obj.images = {};
obj.images[obj.counter] = { next: null, prev: null, data: data};
obj.images[obj.counter] = { next: null, prev: null, data: data };
obj.firstData = obj.counter;
obj.lastData = obj.counter;
// Add viewers must be set to start at "obj.counter"
for (var i in obj.viewers) {
obj.viewers[i].dataPtr = obj.counter;
const v = obj.viewers[i];
v.dataPtr = obj.counter;
if (v.sending == false) { sendViewerNext(v); }
//console.log("ScreenSize", obj.width, obj.height, obj.swidth, obj.sheight, obj.swidth * obj.sheight);
@ -299,8 +425,7 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
case 11: // GetDisplays
// Store and send this to all viewers right away
obj.lastDisplayInfoData = data;
case 14: // KVM_INIT_TOUCH
@ -309,22 +434,16 @@ function CreateDesktopDecoder() {
case 17: // MNG_KVM_MESSAGE
// Send this to all viewers right away
case 65: // Alert
// Send this to all viewers right away
// Send this to all viewers right away
console.log('Un-handled agent command: ' + command);
@ -636,6 +755,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshRelay = function (parent, ws, req, domain, user, cookie
// If this data was received by the agent, decode it.
if (this.me.deskDecoder != null) { this.me.deskDecoder.processData(this.me, data); }
//console.log(typeof data, data.length);
if (this.peer != null) {
//if (typeof data == 'string') { console.log('Relay: ' + data); } else { console.log('Relay:' + data.length + ' byte(s)'); }
@ -651,6 +771,7 @@ module.exports.CreateMeshRelay = function (parent, ws, req, domain, user, cookie
} catch (ex) { console.log(ex); }
// If error, close both sides of the relay.
@ -180,11 +180,10 @@ var CreateAgentRemoteDesktop = function (canvasid, scrolldiv) {
obj.ProcessData = function (str) {
var ptr = 0;
//console.log('x0', str.length);
while (ptr < str.length) {
//console.log('x1', ptr, str.length);
ptr += obj.ProcessDataEx(str.substring(ptr));
//console.log('x2', ptr, str.length);
var r = obj.ProcessDataEx(str.substring(ptr));
if ((r == null) || (r == 0)) break;
ptr += r;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user