#!/bin/bash sicklocation="/opt/sickbeard_mp4_automator/manual.py" # Location of sickbeard_mp4_automator tsdate="/root/scripts/rawhdconvert/ts.$(date +'%Y%m%d')" # Create current date and time tsdatec=$tsdate # Not sure why I did this ts="/root/scripts/rawhdconvert/ts" # location of ts. TS is the temp file that holds files to be converted location="$1" # Folder you want to search in type="$2" # File extension without the . of what you want to be converted num="$3" # Amount of files you want to be converted EMAIL_TO="email@site.net" # Where you want it to email when done being converted function run { sed -i 's#^#python '$sicklocation' -i "#' $ts sed -i 's#$#" -a#' $ts date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M' >> $tsdate find "$location" -iname "*."$type"" -type f -exec du -hsc {} + | tail -1 >> $tsdate cat $ts >> $tsdate chmod +x $ts sh $ts rm $ts find "$location" -iname "*."$type"" -type f -exec du -hsc {} + | tail -1 >> $tsdate date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M' >> $tsdatec echo "Finished Converting" | mutt -a "$tsdate" -s "Finished Converting" -- "$EMAIL_TO" } if [ -f $ts ] then echo "Already Running" else if [ $num == "a" ] then find "$location" -iname "*."$type"" -type f >> $ts run else find "$location" -iname "*."$type"" -type f | tail -$num >> $ts run fi fi