var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); function btoa(string){ return new Buffer(string).toString('base64'); } function atob(string){ return new Buffer(string, 'base64').toString('ascii'); } /* GET home page. */ router.get('/:id', function(req, res, next) { var config = require('../config'); var db = config.init_db(); var shows = {}; var id = /*atob(*/*)*/; console.log(id); //on fais toute les opération de base a la suite db.serialize(function() { db.each("SELECT as id, i.title as title, t.hints as hints, p.file as file, i.duration as second, t.size as size, i.year as year" + " FROM media_items t, metadata_items i, media_parts p " + " WHERE AND t.metadata_item_id = AND i.title != '' AND t.hints LIKE '%show=?%' " ,id, function(err, row) { console.log(err); console.log(row); //découpage des hints var params = {}; var tab = row.hints.split('&'); tab.forEach(function(val,index,table){ var tab2 = val.split('='); params[tab2[0]] = decodeURIComponent(tab2[1]); }); row.info_meta = params; //formattage des données var tab = row.file.split('/'); var tab2 = tab[tab.length -1].split('\\'); var filename = tab2[tab2.length -1]; row.filename = filename; if(typeof row.info_meta !== 'undefined' && typeof row.info_meta.season !== 'undefined' && typeof row.info_meta.episode !== 'undefined'){ row.season_episode = "S"+addZero(row.info_meta.season)+"E"+addZero(row.info_meta.episode); } row.duree = formatDuree(row.second); row.size = humanFileSize(row.size,true); data.push(row); }, //aprés toute les opération de la base function() { res.render('channel', { title: 'Liste des vidéos',channel:{ 'name': "Liste de la série", 'type': 2 },videos: data }); }); }); db.close(); }); module.exports = router;