var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); function formatDuree(time) { if(typeof time !== 'undefined' && time != "" && time > 0){ var d = new Date(time); // js fonctionne en milisecondes return addZero(d.getHours()-1) + "h "+ addZero(d.getMinutes()) + "m "+ addZero(d.getSeconds()) + "s "; } else { return ""; } } function addZero(v) { return v.toString().replace(/^(\d)$/,'0$1'); }; /* GET home page. */ router.get('/:id/:incoming_chan', function(req, res, next) { var config = res.locals.config; var db = config.init_db(); var data = []; //we do all the basic operations following db.serialize(function() { db.each("SELECT as id, episode.title as titre, episode.[index] as episode, episode.duration as second, season.[index] as saison, show.title as serie "+ "FROM metadata_items episode,metadata_items season,metadata_items show "+ "WHERE AND season.parent_id = AND = ? ",, function(err, row) { /*//découpage des hints var params = {}; var tab = row.hints.split('&'); tab.forEach(function(val,index,table){ var tab2 = val.split('='); params[tab2[0]] = decodeURIComponent(tab2[1]); }); row.info_meta = params; */ if(typeof row.episode !== '' && row.saison !== '' ){ row.season_episode = "S"+addZero(row.saison)+"E"+addZero(row.episode ); } row.duree = formatDuree(row.second); data.push(row); }, function() { //a la fin du foreach }); db.close(function(){ //after all the operations of the database var titre = "Série inexistante"; if(data.length > 0){ titre = 'Episode de '+data[0].serie; } res.render('show',{ title: titre, videos: data, channel_id: req.params.incoming_chan, show_id: }); }); }); }); module.exports = router;