## CLI Adds a command-line interface to your cluster. ### Usage This plugin requires that you use `pidfiles()` above `cli()`, so that the pidfile directory is exposed. cluster(server) .use(cluster.pidfiles()) .use(cluster.cli()) .listen(3000); Once set up our server script serves as both the master, and the CLI. For example we may still launch the server(s) as shown below. $ nohup node server.js & However now we may also utilize commands provided by this plugin. $ node server.js status master 3281 alive worker 0 3282 dead worker 1 3283 alive worker 2 3284 alive worker 3 3285 alive $ node server.js restart $ node server.js shutdown For more command information use `--help`. $ node server.js --help ### Defining CLI Commands Plugins may define additional commands, simply by invoking `cluster.cli.define()` passing the flag(s), a callback function, and a description. Below is the implementation of `--help` for reference: var cli = require('cluster').cli; cli.define('-h, --help, help', function(master){ console.log('\n Usage: node \n'); commands.forEach(function(command){ console.log(' ' + command.flags.join(', ') + '\n ' + '\033[90m' + command.desc + '\033[0m' + '\n'); }); console.log(); process.exit(); }, 'Show help information');