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2015-09-14 12:20:08 -04:00
'use strict';
var utils = require('./utils');
var characterParser = require('character-parser');
* Initialize `Lexer` with the given `str`.
* @param {String} str
* @param {String} filename
* @api private
var Lexer = module.exports = function Lexer(str, filename) {
this.input = str.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n');
this.filename = filename;
this.deferredTokens = [];
this.lastIndents = 0;
this.lineno = 1;
this.stash = [];
this.indentStack = [];
this.indentRe = null;
this.pipeless = false;
function assertExpression(exp) {
//this verifies that a JavaScript expression is valid
Function('', 'return (' + exp + ')');
function assertNestingCorrect(exp) {
//this verifies that code is properly nested, but allows
//invalid JavaScript such as the contents of `attributes`
var res = characterParser(exp)
if (res.isNesting()) {
throw new Error('Nesting must match on expression `' + exp + '`')
* Lexer prototype.
Lexer.prototype = {
* Construct a token with the given `type` and `val`.
* @param {String} type
* @param {String} val
* @return {Object}
* @api private
tok: function(type, val){
return {
type: type
, line: this.lineno
, val: val
* Consume the given `len` of input.
* @param {Number} len
* @api private
consume: function(len){
this.input = this.input.substr(len);
* Scan for `type` with the given `regexp`.
* @param {String} type
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @return {Object}
* @api private
scan: function(regexp, type){
var captures;
if (captures = regexp.exec(this.input)) {
return this.tok(type, captures[1]);
* Defer the given `tok`.
* @param {Object} tok
* @api private
defer: function(tok){
* Lookahead `n` tokens.
* @param {Number} n
* @return {Object}
* @api private
lookahead: function(n){
var fetch = n - this.stash.length;
while (fetch-- > 0) this.stash.push(;
return this.stash[--n];
* Return the indexOf `(` or `{` or `[` / `)` or `}` or `]` delimiters.
* @return {Number}
* @api private
bracketExpression: function(skip){
skip = skip || 0;
var start = this.input[skip];
if (start != '(' && start != '{' && start != '[') throw new Error('unrecognized start character');
var end = ({'(': ')', '{': '}', '[': ']'})[start];
var range = characterParser.parseMax(this.input, {start: skip + 1});
if (this.input[range.end] !== end) throw new Error('start character ' + start + ' does not match end character ' + this.input[range.end]);
return range;
* Stashed token.
stashed: function() {
return this.stash.length
&& this.stash.shift();
* Deferred token.
deferred: function() {
return this.deferredTokens.length
&& this.deferredTokens.shift();
* end-of-source.
eos: function() {
if (this.input.length) return;
if (this.indentStack.length) {
return this.tok('outdent');
} else {
return this.tok('eos');
* Blank line.
blank: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^\n *\n/.exec(this.input)) {
this.consume(captures[0].length - 1);
if (this.pipeless) return this.tok('text', '');
* Comment.
comment: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^\/\/(-)?([^\n]*)/.exec(this.input)) {
var tok = this.tok('comment', captures[2]);
tok.buffer = '-' != captures[1];
this.pipeless = true;
return tok;
* Interpolated tag.
interpolation: function() {
if (/^#\{/.test(this.input)) {
var match = this.bracketExpression(1);
this.consume(match.end + 1);
return this.tok('interpolation', match.src);
* Tag.
tag: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^(\w[-:\w]*)(\/?)/.exec(this.input)) {
var tok, name = captures[1];
if (':' == name[name.length - 1]) {
name = name.slice(0, -1);
tok = this.tok('tag', name);
if (this.input[0] !== ' ') {
console.warn('Warning: space required after `:` on line ' + this.lineno +
' of jade file "' + this.filename + '"');
while (' ' == this.input[0]) this.input = this.input.substr(1);
} else {
tok = this.tok('tag', name);
tok.selfClosing = !!captures[2];
return tok;
* Filter.
filter: function() {
var tok = this.scan(/^:([\w\-]+)/, 'filter');
if (tok) {
this.pipeless = true;
return tok;
* Doctype.
doctype: function() {
if (this.scan(/^!!! *([^\n]+)?/, 'doctype')) {
throw new Error('`!!!` is deprecated, you must now use `doctype`');
var node = this.scan(/^(?:doctype) *([^\n]+)?/, 'doctype');
if (node && node.val && node.val.trim() === '5') {
throw new Error('`doctype 5` is deprecated, you must now use `doctype html`');
return node;
* Id.
id: function() {
return this.scan(/^#([\w-]+)/, 'id');
* Class.
className: function() {
return this.scan(/^\.([\w-]+)/, 'class');
* Text.
text: function() {
return this.scan(/^(?:\| ?| )([^\n]+)/, 'text') ||
this.scan(/^\|?( )/, 'text') ||
this.scan(/^(<[^\n]*)/, 'text');
textFail: function () {
var tok;
if (tok = this.scan(/^([^\.\n][^\n]+)/, 'text')) {
console.warn('Warning: missing space before text for line ' + this.lineno +
' of jade file "' + this.filename + '"');
return tok;
* Dot.
dot: function() {
var match;
if (match = this.scan(/^\./, 'dot')) {
this.pipeless = true;
return match;
* Extends.
"extends": function() {
return this.scan(/^extends? +([^\n]+)/, 'extends');
* Block prepend.
prepend: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^prepend +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) {
var mode = 'prepend'
, name = captures[1]
, tok = this.tok('block', name);
tok.mode = mode;
return tok;
* Block append.
append: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^append +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) {
var mode = 'append'
, name = captures[1]
, tok = this.tok('block', name);
tok.mode = mode;
return tok;
* Block.
block: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^block\b *(?:(prepend|append) +)?([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) {
var mode = captures[1] || 'replace'
, name = captures[2]
, tok = this.tok('block', name);
tok.mode = mode;
return tok;
* Mixin Block.
mixinBlock: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^block[ \t]*(\n|$)/.exec(this.input)) {
this.consume(captures[0].length - captures[1].length);
return this.tok('mixin-block');
* Yield.
'yield': function() {
return this.scan(/^yield */, 'yield');
* Include.
include: function() {
return this.scan(/^include +([^\n]+)/, 'include');
* Include with filter
includeFiltered: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^include:([\w\-]+)([\( ])/.exec(this.input)) {
this.consume(captures[0].length - 1);
var filter = captures[1];
var attrs = captures[2] === '(' ? this.attrs() : null;
if (!(captures[2] === ' ' || this.input[0] === ' ')) {
throw new Error('expected space after include:filter but got ' + utils.stringify(this.input[0]));
captures = /^ *([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input);
if (!captures || captures[1].trim() === '') {
throw new Error('missing path for include:filter');
var path = captures[1];
var tok = this.tok('include', path);
tok.filter = filter;
tok.attrs = attrs;
return tok;
* Case.
"case": function() {
return this.scan(/^case +([^\n]+)/, 'case');
* When.
when: function() {
return this.scan(/^when +([^:\n]+)/, 'when');
* Default.
"default": function() {
return this.scan(/^default */, 'default');
* Call mixin.
call: function(){
var tok, captures;
if (captures = /^\+(\s*)(([-\w]+)|(#\{))/.exec(this.input)) {
// try to consume simple or interpolated call
if (captures[3]) {
// simple call
tok = this.tok('call', captures[3]);
} else {
// interpolated call
var match = this.bracketExpression(2 + captures[1].length);
this.consume(match.end + 1);
tok = this.tok('call', '#{'+match.src+'}');
// Check for args (not attributes)
if (captures = /^ *\(/.exec(this.input)) {
var range = this.bracketExpression(captures[0].length - 1);
if (!/^\s*[-\w]+ *=/.test(range.src)) { // not attributes
this.consume(range.end + 1);
tok.args = range.src;
if (tok.args) {
assertExpression('[' + tok.args + ']');
return tok;
* Mixin.
mixin: function(){
var captures;
if (captures = /^mixin +([-\w]+)(?: *\((.*)\))? */.exec(this.input)) {
var tok = this.tok('mixin', captures[1]);
tok.args = captures[2];
return tok;
* Conditional.
conditional: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^(if|unless|else if|else)\b([^\n]*)/.exec(this.input)) {
var type = captures[1]
var js = captures[2];
var isIf = false;
var isElse = false;
switch (type) {
case 'if':
js = 'if (' + js + ')';
isIf = true;
case 'unless':
js = 'if (!(' + js + '))';
isIf = true;
case 'else if':
js = 'else if (' + js + ')';
isIf = true;
isElse = true;
case 'else':
if (js && js.trim()) {
throw new Error('`else` cannot have a condition, perhaps you meant `else if`');
js = 'else';
isElse = true;
var tok = this.tok('code', js);
tok.isElse = isElse;
tok.isIf = isIf;
tok.requiresBlock = true;
return tok;
* While.
"while": function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^while +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) {
var tok = this.tok('code', 'while (' + captures[1] + ')');
tok.requiresBlock = true;
return tok;
* Each.
each: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^(?:- *)?(?:each|for) +([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)(?: *, *([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*))? * in *([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) {
var tok = this.tok('each', captures[1]);
tok.key = captures[2] || '$index';
tok.code = captures[3];
return tok;
* Code.
code: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^(!?=|-)[ \t]*([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) {
var flags = captures[1];
captures[1] = captures[2];
var tok = this.tok('code', captures[1]);
tok.escape = flags.charAt(0) === '=';
tok.buffer = flags.charAt(0) === '=' || flags.charAt(1) === '=';
if (tok.buffer) assertExpression(captures[1])
return tok;
* Block code.
blockCode: function() {
var captures;
if (captures = /^-\n/.exec(this.input)) {
this.consume(captures[0].length - 1);
var tok = this.tok('blockCode');
this.pipeless = true;
return tok;
* Attributes.
attrs: function() {
if ('(' == this.input.charAt(0)) {
var index = this.bracketExpression().end
, str = this.input.substr(1, index-1)
, tok = this.tok('attrs');
var quote = '';
var interpolate = function (attr) {
return attr.replace(/(\\)?#\{(.+)/g, function(_, escape, expr){
if (escape) return _;
try {
var range = characterParser.parseMax(expr);
if (expr[range.end] !== '}') return _.substr(0, 2) + interpolate(_.substr(2));
return quote + " + (" + range.src + ") + " + quote + interpolate(expr.substr(range.end + 1));
} catch (ex) {
return _.substr(0, 2) + interpolate(_.substr(2));
this.consume(index + 1);
tok.attrs = [];
var escapedAttr = true
var key = '';
var val = '';
var interpolatable = '';
var state = characterParser.defaultState();
var loc = 'key';
var isEndOfAttribute = function (i) {
if (key.trim() === '') return false;
if (i === str.length) return true;
if (loc === 'key') {
if (str[i] === ' ' || str[i] === '\n') {
for (var x = i; x < str.length; x++) {
if (str[x] != ' ' && str[x] != '\n') {
if (str[x] === '=' || str[x] === '!' || str[x] === ',') return false;
else return true;
return str[i] === ','
} else if (loc === 'value' && !state.isNesting()) {
try {
if (str[i] === ' ' || str[i] === '\n') {
for (var x = i; x < str.length; x++) {
if (str[x] != ' ' && str[x] != '\n') {
if (characterParser.isPunctuator(str[x]) && str[x] != '"' && str[x] != "'") return false;
else return true;
return str[i] === ',';
} catch (ex) {
return false;
this.lineno += str.split("\n").length - 1;
for (var i = 0; i <= str.length; i++) {
if (isEndOfAttribute(i)) {
val = val.trim();
if (val) assertExpression(val)
key = key.trim();
key = key.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, '');
name: key,
val: '' == val ? true : val,
escaped: escapedAttr
key = val = '';
loc = 'key';
escapedAttr = false;
} else {
switch (loc) {
case 'key-char':
if (str[i] === quote) {
loc = 'key';
if (i + 1 < str.length && [' ', ',', '!', '=', '\n'].indexOf(str[i + 1]) === -1)
throw new Error('Unexpected character ' + str[i + 1] + ' expected ` `, `\\n`, `,`, `!` or `=`');
} else {
key += str[i];
case 'key':
if (key === '' && (str[i] === '"' || str[i] === "'")) {
loc = 'key-char';
quote = str[i];
} else if (str[i] === '!' || str[i] === '=') {
escapedAttr = str[i] !== '!';
if (str[i] === '!') i++;
if (str[i] !== '=') throw new Error('Unexpected character ' + str[i] + ' expected `=`');
loc = 'value';
state = characterParser.defaultState();
} else {
key += str[i]
case 'value':
state = characterParser.parseChar(str[i], state);
if (state.isString()) {
loc = 'string';
quote = str[i];
interpolatable = str[i];
} else {
val += str[i];
case 'string':
state = characterParser.parseChar(str[i], state);
interpolatable += str[i];
if (!state.isString()) {
loc = 'value';
val += interpolate(interpolatable);
if ('/' == this.input.charAt(0)) {
tok.selfClosing = true;
return tok;
* &attributes block
attributesBlock: function () {
var captures;
if (/^&attributes\b/.test(this.input)) {
var args = this.bracketExpression();
this.consume(args.end + 1);
return this.tok('&attributes', args.src);
* Indent | Outdent | Newline.
indent: function() {
var captures, re;
// established regexp
if (this.indentRe) {
captures = this.indentRe.exec(this.input);
// determine regexp
} else {
// tabs
re = /^\n(\t*) */;
captures = re.exec(this.input);
// spaces
if (captures && !captures[1].length) {
re = /^\n( *)/;
captures = re.exec(this.input);
// established
if (captures && captures[1].length) this.indentRe = re;
if (captures) {
var tok
, indents = captures[1].length;
this.consume(indents + 1);
if (' ' == this.input[0] || '\t' == this.input[0]) {
throw new Error('Invalid indentation, you can use tabs or spaces but not both');
// blank line
if ('\n' == this.input[0]) {
this.pipeless = false;
return this.tok('newline');
// outdent
if (this.indentStack.length && indents < this.indentStack[0]) {
while (this.indentStack.length && this.indentStack[0] > indents) {
tok = this.stash.pop();
// indent
} else if (indents && indents != this.indentStack[0]) {
tok = this.tok('indent', indents);
// newline
} else {
tok = this.tok('newline');
this.pipeless = false;
return tok;
* Pipe-less text consumed only when
* pipeless is true;
pipelessText: function() {
if (!this.pipeless) return;
var captures, re;
// established regexp
if (this.indentRe) {
captures = this.indentRe.exec(this.input);
// determine regexp
} else {
// tabs
re = /^\n(\t*) */;
captures = re.exec(this.input);
// spaces
if (captures && !captures[1].length) {
re = /^\n( *)/;
captures = re.exec(this.input);
// established
if (captures && captures[1].length) this.indentRe = re;
var indents = captures && captures[1].length;
if (indents && (this.indentStack.length === 0 || indents > this.indentStack[0])) {
var indent = captures[1];
var line;
var tokens = [];
var isMatch;
do {
// text has `\n` as a prefix
var i = this.input.substr(1).indexOf('\n');
if (-1 == i) i = this.input.length - 1;
var str = this.input.substr(1, i);
isMatch = str.substr(0, indent.length) === indent || !str.trim();
if (isMatch) {
// consume test along with `\n` prefix if match
this.consume(str.length + 1);
} while(this.input.length && isMatch);
while (this.input.length === 0 && tokens[tokens.length - 1] === '') tokens.pop();
return this.tok('pipeless-text', tokens);
* ':'
colon: function() {
var good = /^: +/.test(this.input);
var res = this.scan(/^: */, ':');
if (res && !good) {
console.warn('Warning: space required after `:` on line ' + this.lineno +
' of jade file "' + this.filename + '"');
return res;
fail: function () {
throw new Error('unexpected text ' + this.input.substr(0, 5));
* Return the next token object, or those
* previously stashed by lookahead.
* @return {Object}
* @api private
advance: function(){
return this.stashed()
* Return the next token object.
* @return {Object}
* @api private
next: function() {
return this.deferred()
|| this.blank()
|| this.eos()
|| this.pipelessText()
|| this.yield()
|| this.doctype()
|| this.interpolation()
|| this["case"]()
|| this.when()
|| this["default"]()
|| this["extends"]()
|| this.append()
|| this.prepend()
|| this.block()
|| this.mixinBlock()
|| this.include()
|| this.includeFiltered()
|| this.mixin()
|| this.conditional()
|| this.each()
|| this["while"]()
|| this.tag()
|| this.filter()
|| this.blockCode()
|| this.code()
|| this.className()
|| this.attrs()
|| this.attributesBlock()
|| this.indent()
|| this.text()
|| this.comment()
|| this.colon()
|| this.textFail()