#Script to h265ize and copy to rclone one season at a time # Nick Leffler mydir1="${0%/*}" source "${mydir1}/info.inc" in1="${1%/}" # takes input and strips last slash / show=$(basename "${in1}") date22=$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') logdir="${loglocation}/${date22}/" tempshow="${temp}/${show}" IFS=$'\n' # make newlines the only separator mkdir -p "${logdir}" cd "${logdir}" || exit mkdir -p "${tempshow}" for f in "${in1}/Season "*/; do season=$(basename "${f}") # printf " log $logdir \n in2 $in2 \n f $f \n temp $temp \n" h265ize -n en -v --stats -d "${tempshow}" "${f}" || exit rclone move -v "${tempshow}/${season}/" "${rclonedest}/${show}/${season}/" done