mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 21:12:57 -04:00
* fix emergency access invites with no mail when mail is disabled instead of accepting emergency access for all invited users automatically, we only accept if the user already exists on registration of a new account any open emergency access invitations will be accepted, if mail is disabled also prevent invited emergency access contacts to register if emergency access is disabled (this is only relevant for when mail is enabled, if mail is disabled they should have an Invitation entry) * delete emergency access invitations if an invited user is deleted in the /admin panel their emergency access invitation will remain in the database which causes the to_json_grantee_details fn to panic * improve missing emergency access grantees instead of returning an empty emergency access contact the entry should not be added to the list. also the error handling can be improved a bit.
1313 lines
43 KiB
1313 lines
43 KiB
use crate::db::DbPool;
use chrono::Utc;
use rocket::serde::json::Json;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::{
core::{log_user_event, two_factor::email},
register_push_device, unregister_push_device, AnonymousNotify, EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase, Notify,
PasswordOrOtpData, UpdateType,
auth::{decode_delete, decode_invite, decode_verify_email, ClientHeaders, Headers},
db::{models::*, DbConn},
use rocket::{
request::{FromRequest, Outcome, Request},
pub fn routes() -> Vec<rocket::Route> {
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct RegisterData {
Email: String,
Kdf: Option<i32>,
KdfIterations: Option<i32>,
KdfMemory: Option<i32>,
KdfParallelism: Option<i32>,
Key: String,
Keys: Option<KeysData>,
MasterPasswordHash: String,
MasterPasswordHint: Option<String>,
Name: Option<String>,
Token: Option<String>,
OrganizationUserId: Option<String>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct KeysData {
EncryptedPrivateKey: String,
PublicKey: String,
/// Trims whitespace from password hints, and converts blank password hints to `None`.
fn clean_password_hint(password_hint: &Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
match password_hint {
None => None,
Some(h) => match h.trim() {
"" => None,
ht => Some(ht.to_string()),
fn enforce_password_hint_setting(password_hint: &Option<String>) -> EmptyResult {
if password_hint.is_some() && !CONFIG.password_hints_allowed() {
err!("Password hints have been disabled by the administrator. Remove the hint and try again.");
async fn is_email_2fa_required(org_user_uuid: Option<String>, conn: &mut DbConn) -> bool {
if !CONFIG._enable_email_2fa() {
return false;
if CONFIG.email_2fa_enforce_on_verified_invite() {
return true;
if org_user_uuid.is_some() {
return OrgPolicy::is_enabled_by_org(&org_user_uuid.unwrap(), OrgPolicyType::TwoFactorAuthentication, conn)
#[post("/accounts/register", data = "<data>")]
async fn register(data: JsonUpcase<RegisterData>, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
_register(data, conn).await
pub async fn _register(data: JsonUpcase<RegisterData>, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: RegisterData = data.into_inner().data;
let email = data.Email.to_lowercase();
// Check if the length of the username exceeds 50 characters (Same is Upstream Bitwarden)
// This also prevents issues with very long usernames causing to large JWT's. See #2419
if let Some(ref name) = data.Name {
if name.len() > 50 {
err!("The field Name must be a string with a maximum length of 50.");
// Check against the password hint setting here so if it fails, the user
// can retry without losing their invitation below.
let password_hint = clean_password_hint(&data.MasterPasswordHint);
let mut verified_by_invite = false;
let mut user = match User::find_by_mail(&email, &mut conn).await {
Some(mut user) => {
if !user.password_hash.is_empty() {
err!("Registration not allowed or user already exists")
if let Some(token) = data.Token {
let claims = decode_invite(&token)?;
if claims.email == email {
// Verify the email address when signing up via a valid invite token
verified_by_invite = true;
user.verified_at = Some(Utc::now().naive_utc());
} else {
err!("Registration email does not match invite email")
} else if Invitation::take(&email, &mut conn).await {
for user_org in UserOrganization::find_invited_by_user(&user.uuid, &mut conn).await.iter_mut() {
user_org.status = UserOrgStatus::Accepted as i32;
user_org.save(&mut conn).await?;
} else if CONFIG.is_signup_allowed(&email)
|| (CONFIG.emergency_access_allowed()
&& EmergencyAccess::find_invited_by_grantee_email(&email, &mut conn).await.is_some())
} else {
err!("Registration not allowed or user already exists")
None => {
// Order is important here; the invitation check must come first
// because the vaultwarden admin can invite anyone, regardless
// of other signup restrictions.
if Invitation::take(&email, &mut conn).await || CONFIG.is_signup_allowed(&email) {
} else {
err!("Registration not allowed or user already exists")
// Make sure we don't leave a lingering invitation.
Invitation::take(&email, &mut conn).await;
if let Some(client_kdf_type) = data.Kdf {
user.client_kdf_type = client_kdf_type;
if let Some(client_kdf_iter) = data.KdfIterations {
user.client_kdf_iter = client_kdf_iter;
user.client_kdf_memory = data.KdfMemory;
user.client_kdf_parallelism = data.KdfParallelism;
user.set_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash, Some(data.Key), true, None);
user.password_hint = password_hint;
// Add extra fields if present
if let Some(name) = data.Name {
user.name = name;
if let Some(keys) = data.Keys {
user.private_key = Some(keys.EncryptedPrivateKey);
user.public_key = Some(keys.PublicKey);
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
if CONFIG.signups_verify() && !verified_by_invite {
if let Err(e) = mail::send_welcome_must_verify(&user.email, &user.uuid).await {
error!("Error sending welcome email: {:#?}", e);
user.last_verifying_at = Some(user.created_at);
} else if let Err(e) = mail::send_welcome(&user.email).await {
error!("Error sending welcome email: {:#?}", e);
if verified_by_invite && is_email_2fa_required(data.OrganizationUserId, &mut conn).await {
let _ = email::activate_email_2fa(&user, &mut conn).await;
user.save(&mut conn).await?;
// accept any open emergency access invitations
if !CONFIG.mail_enabled() && CONFIG.emergency_access_allowed() {
for mut emergency_invite in EmergencyAccess::find_all_invited_by_grantee_email(&user.email, &mut conn).await {
let _ = emergency_invite.accept_invite(&user.uuid, &user.email, &mut conn).await;
"Object": "register",
"CaptchaBypassToken": "",
async fn profile(headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
Json(headers.user.to_json(&mut conn).await)
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct ProfileData {
// Culture: String, // Ignored, always use en-US
// MasterPasswordHint: Option<String>, // Ignored, has been moved to ChangePassData
Name: String,
#[put("/accounts/profile", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_profile(data: JsonUpcase<ProfileData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
post_profile(data, headers, conn).await
#[post("/accounts/profile", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_profile(data: JsonUpcase<ProfileData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: ProfileData = data.into_inner().data;
// Check if the length of the username exceeds 50 characters (Same is Upstream Bitwarden)
// This also prevents issues with very long usernames causing to large JWT's. See #2419
if data.Name.len() > 50 {
err!("The field Name must be a string with a maximum length of 50.");
let mut user = headers.user;
user.name = data.Name;
user.save(&mut conn).await?;
Ok(Json(user.to_json(&mut conn).await))
struct AvatarData {
AvatarColor: Option<String>,
#[put("/accounts/avatar", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_avatar(data: JsonUpcase<AvatarData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: AvatarData = data.into_inner().data;
// It looks like it only supports the 6 hex color format.
// If you try to add the short value it will not show that color.
// Check and force 7 chars, including the #.
if let Some(color) = &data.AvatarColor {
if color.len() != 7 {
err!("The field AvatarColor must be a HTML/Hex color code with a length of 7 characters")
let mut user = headers.user;
user.avatar_color = data.AvatarColor;
user.save(&mut conn).await?;
Ok(Json(user.to_json(&mut conn).await))
async fn get_public_keys(uuid: &str, _headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let user = match User::find_by_uuid(uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(user) if user.public_key.is_some() => user,
Some(_) => err_code!("User has no public_key", Status::NotFound.code),
None => err_code!("User doesn't exist", Status::NotFound.code),
"UserId": user.uuid,
"PublicKey": user.public_key,
#[post("/accounts/keys", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_keys(data: JsonUpcase<KeysData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let data: KeysData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut user = headers.user;
user.private_key = Some(data.EncryptedPrivateKey);
user.public_key = Some(data.PublicKey);
user.save(&mut conn).await?;
"PrivateKey": user.private_key,
"PublicKey": user.public_key,
struct ChangePassData {
MasterPasswordHash: String,
NewMasterPasswordHash: String,
MasterPasswordHint: Option<String>,
Key: String,
#[post("/accounts/password", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_password(
data: JsonUpcase<ChangePassData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: ChangePassData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut user = headers.user;
if !user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) {
err!("Invalid password")
user.password_hint = clean_password_hint(&data.MasterPasswordHint);
log_user_event(EventType::UserChangedPassword as i32, &user.uuid, headers.device.atype, &headers.ip.ip, &mut conn)
Some(vec![String::from("post_rotatekey"), String::from("get_contacts"), String::from("get_public_keys")]),
let save_result = user.save(&mut conn).await;
// Prevent logging out the client where the user requested this endpoint from.
// If you do logout the user it will causes issues at the client side.
// Adding the device uuid will prevent this.
nt.send_logout(&user, Some(headers.device.uuid)).await;
struct ChangeKdfData {
Kdf: i32,
KdfIterations: i32,
KdfMemory: Option<i32>,
KdfParallelism: Option<i32>,
MasterPasswordHash: String,
NewMasterPasswordHash: String,
Key: String,
#[post("/accounts/kdf", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_kdf(data: JsonUpcase<ChangeKdfData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn, nt: Notify<'_>) -> EmptyResult {
let data: ChangeKdfData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut user = headers.user;
if !user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) {
err!("Invalid password")
if data.Kdf == UserKdfType::Pbkdf2 as i32 && data.KdfIterations < 100_000 {
err!("PBKDF2 KDF iterations must be at least 100000.")
if data.Kdf == UserKdfType::Argon2id as i32 {
if data.KdfIterations < 1 {
err!("Argon2 KDF iterations must be at least 1.")
if let Some(m) = data.KdfMemory {
if !(15..=1024).contains(&m) {
err!("Argon2 memory must be between 15 MB and 1024 MB.")
user.client_kdf_memory = data.KdfMemory;
} else {
err!("Argon2 memory parameter is required.")
if let Some(p) = data.KdfParallelism {
if !(1..=16).contains(&p) {
err!("Argon2 parallelism must be between 1 and 16.")
user.client_kdf_parallelism = data.KdfParallelism;
} else {
err!("Argon2 parallelism parameter is required.")
} else {
user.client_kdf_memory = None;
user.client_kdf_parallelism = None;
user.client_kdf_iter = data.KdfIterations;
user.client_kdf_type = data.Kdf;
user.set_password(&data.NewMasterPasswordHash, Some(data.Key), true, None);
let save_result = user.save(&mut conn).await;
nt.send_logout(&user, Some(headers.device.uuid)).await;
struct UpdateFolderData {
// There is a bug in 2024.3.x which adds a `null` item.
// To bypass this we allow a Option here, but skip it during the updates
// See: https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/8453
Id: Option<String>,
Name: String,
struct UpdateEmergencyAccessData {
Id: String,
KeyEncrypted: String,
struct UpdateResetPasswordData {
OrganizationId: String,
ResetPasswordKey: String,
use super::ciphers::CipherData;
use super::sends::{update_send_from_data, SendData};
struct KeyData {
Ciphers: Vec<CipherData>,
Folders: Vec<UpdateFolderData>,
Sends: Vec<SendData>,
EmergencyAccessKeys: Vec<UpdateEmergencyAccessData>,
ResetPasswordKeys: Vec<UpdateResetPasswordData>,
Key: String,
MasterPasswordHash: String,
PrivateKey: String,
#[post("/accounts/key", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_rotatekey(data: JsonUpcase<KeyData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn, nt: Notify<'_>) -> EmptyResult {
// TODO: See if we can wrap everything within a SQL Transaction. If something fails it should revert everything.
let data: KeyData = data.into_inner().data;
if !headers.user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) {
err!("Invalid password")
// Validate the import before continuing
// Bitwarden does not process the import if there is one item invalid.
// Since we check for the size of the encrypted note length, we need to do that here to pre-validate it.
// TODO: See if we can optimize the whole cipher adding/importing and prevent duplicate code and checks.
let user_uuid = &headers.user.uuid;
// Update folder data
for folder_data in data.Folders {
// Skip `null` folder id entries.
// See: https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/8453
if let Some(folder_id) = folder_data.Id {
let mut saved_folder = match Folder::find_by_uuid(&folder_id, &mut conn).await {
Some(folder) => folder,
None => err!("Folder doesn't exist"),
if &saved_folder.user_uuid != user_uuid {
err!("The folder is not owned by the user")
saved_folder.name = folder_data.Name;
saved_folder.save(&mut conn).await?
// Update emergency access data
for emergency_access_data in data.EmergencyAccessKeys {
let mut saved_emergency_access = match EmergencyAccess::find_by_uuid(&emergency_access_data.Id, &mut conn).await
Some(emergency_access) => emergency_access,
None => err!("Emergency access doesn't exist"),
if &saved_emergency_access.grantor_uuid != user_uuid {
err!("The emergency access is not owned by the user")
saved_emergency_access.key_encrypted = Some(emergency_access_data.KeyEncrypted);
saved_emergency_access.save(&mut conn).await?
// Update reset password data
for reset_password_data in data.ResetPasswordKeys {
let mut user_org =
match UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(user_uuid, &reset_password_data.OrganizationId, &mut conn)
Some(reset_password) => reset_password,
None => err!("Reset password doesn't exist"),
user_org.reset_password_key = Some(reset_password_data.ResetPasswordKey);
user_org.save(&mut conn).await?
// Update send data
for send_data in data.Sends {
let mut send = match Send::find_by_uuid(send_data.Id.as_ref().unwrap(), &mut conn).await {
Some(send) => send,
None => err!("Send doesn't exist"),
update_send_from_data(&mut send, send_data, &headers, &mut conn, &nt, UpdateType::None).await?;
// Update cipher data
use super::ciphers::update_cipher_from_data;
for cipher_data in data.Ciphers {
if cipher_data.OrganizationId.is_none() {
let mut saved_cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(cipher_data.Id.as_ref().unwrap(), &mut conn).await {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if saved_cipher.user_uuid.as_ref().unwrap() != user_uuid {
err!("The cipher is not owned by the user")
// Prevent triggering cipher updates via WebSockets by settings UpdateType::None
// The user sessions are invalidated because all the ciphers were re-encrypted and thus triggering an update could cause issues.
// We force the users to logout after the user has been saved to try and prevent these issues.
update_cipher_from_data(&mut saved_cipher, cipher_data, &headers, None, &mut conn, &nt, UpdateType::None)
// Update user data
let mut user = headers.user;
user.akey = data.Key;
user.private_key = Some(data.PrivateKey);
let save_result = user.save(&mut conn).await;
// Prevent logging out the client where the user requested this endpoint from.
// If you do logout the user it will causes issues at the client side.
// Adding the device uuid will prevent this.
nt.send_logout(&user, Some(headers.device.uuid)).await;
#[post("/accounts/security-stamp", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_sstamp(
data: JsonUpcase<PasswordOrOtpData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: PasswordOrOtpData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut user = headers.user;
data.validate(&user, true, &mut conn).await?;
Device::delete_all_by_user(&user.uuid, &mut conn).await?;
let save_result = user.save(&mut conn).await;
nt.send_logout(&user, None).await;
struct EmailTokenData {
MasterPasswordHash: String,
NewEmail: String,
#[post("/accounts/email-token", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_email_token(data: JsonUpcase<EmailTokenData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
if !CONFIG.email_change_allowed() {
err!("Email change is not allowed.");
let data: EmailTokenData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut user = headers.user;
if !user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) {
err!("Invalid password")
if User::find_by_mail(&data.NewEmail, &mut conn).await.is_some() {
err!("Email already in use");
if !CONFIG.is_email_domain_allowed(&data.NewEmail) {
err!("Email domain not allowed");
let token = crypto::generate_email_token(6);
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
if let Err(e) = mail::send_change_email(&data.NewEmail, &token).await {
error!("Error sending change-email email: {:#?}", e);
} else {
debug!("Email change request for user ({}) to email ({}) with token ({})", user.uuid, data.NewEmail, token);
user.email_new = Some(data.NewEmail);
user.email_new_token = Some(token);
user.save(&mut conn).await
struct ChangeEmailData {
MasterPasswordHash: String,
NewEmail: String,
Key: String,
NewMasterPasswordHash: String,
Token: NumberOrString,
#[post("/accounts/email", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_email(
data: JsonUpcase<ChangeEmailData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
if !CONFIG.email_change_allowed() {
err!("Email change is not allowed.");
let data: ChangeEmailData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut user = headers.user;
if !user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) {
err!("Invalid password")
if User::find_by_mail(&data.NewEmail, &mut conn).await.is_some() {
err!("Email already in use");
match user.email_new {
Some(ref val) => {
if val != &data.NewEmail {
err!("Email change mismatch");
None => err!("No email change pending"),
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
// Only check the token if we sent out an email...
match user.email_new_token {
Some(ref val) => {
if *val != data.Token.into_string() {
err!("Token mismatch");
None => err!("No email change pending"),
user.verified_at = Some(Utc::now().naive_utc());
} else {
user.verified_at = None;
user.email = data.NewEmail;
user.email_new = None;
user.email_new_token = None;
user.set_password(&data.NewMasterPasswordHash, Some(data.Key), true, None);
let save_result = user.save(&mut conn).await;
nt.send_logout(&user, None).await;
async fn post_verify_email(headers: Headers) -> EmptyResult {
let user = headers.user;
if !CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
err!("Cannot verify email address");
if let Err(e) = mail::send_verify_email(&user.email, &user.uuid).await {
error!("Error sending verify_email email: {:#?}", e);
struct VerifyEmailTokenData {
UserId: String,
Token: String,
#[post("/accounts/verify-email-token", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_verify_email_token(data: JsonUpcase<VerifyEmailTokenData>, mut conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
let data: VerifyEmailTokenData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut user = match User::find_by_uuid(&data.UserId, &mut conn).await {
Some(user) => user,
None => err!("User doesn't exist"),
let claims = match decode_verify_email(&data.Token) {
Ok(claims) => claims,
Err(_) => err!("Invalid claim"),
if claims.sub != user.uuid {
err!("Invalid claim");
user.verified_at = Some(Utc::now().naive_utc());
user.last_verifying_at = None;
user.login_verify_count = 0;
if let Err(e) = user.save(&mut conn).await {
error!("Error saving email verification: {:#?}", e);
struct DeleteRecoverData {
Email: String,
#[post("/accounts/delete-recover", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_delete_recover(data: JsonUpcase<DeleteRecoverData>, mut conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
let data: DeleteRecoverData = data.into_inner().data;
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
if let Some(user) = User::find_by_mail(&data.Email, &mut conn).await {
if let Err(e) = mail::send_delete_account(&user.email, &user.uuid).await {
error!("Error sending delete account email: {:#?}", e);
} else {
// We don't support sending emails, but we shouldn't allow anybody
// to delete accounts without at least logging in... And if the user
// cannot remember their password then they will need to contact
// the administrator to delete it...
err!("Please contact the administrator to delete your account");
struct DeleteRecoverTokenData {
UserId: String,
Token: String,
#[post("/accounts/delete-recover-token", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_delete_recover_token(data: JsonUpcase<DeleteRecoverTokenData>, mut conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
let data: DeleteRecoverTokenData = data.into_inner().data;
let user = match User::find_by_uuid(&data.UserId, &mut conn).await {
Some(user) => user,
None => err!("User doesn't exist"),
let claims = match decode_delete(&data.Token) {
Ok(claims) => claims,
Err(_) => err!("Invalid claim"),
if claims.sub != user.uuid {
err!("Invalid claim");
user.delete(&mut conn).await
#[post("/accounts/delete", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_delete_account(data: JsonUpcase<PasswordOrOtpData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
delete_account(data, headers, conn).await
#[delete("/accounts", data = "<data>")]
async fn delete_account(data: JsonUpcase<PasswordOrOtpData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
let data: PasswordOrOtpData = data.into_inner().data;
let user = headers.user;
data.validate(&user, true, &mut conn).await?;
user.delete(&mut conn).await
fn revision_date(headers: Headers) -> JsonResult {
let revision_date = headers.user.updated_at.and_utc().timestamp_millis();
struct PasswordHintData {
Email: String,
#[post("/accounts/password-hint", data = "<data>")]
async fn password_hint(data: JsonUpcase<PasswordHintData>, mut conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
if !CONFIG.mail_enabled() && !CONFIG.show_password_hint() {
err!("This server is not configured to provide password hints.");
const NO_HINT: &str = "Sorry, you have no password hint...";
let data: PasswordHintData = data.into_inner().data;
let email = &data.Email;
match User::find_by_mail(email, &mut conn).await {
None => {
// To prevent user enumeration, act as if the user exists.
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
// There is still a timing side channel here in that the code
// paths that send mail take noticeably longer than ones that
// don't. Add a randomized sleep to mitigate this somewhat.
use rand::{rngs::SmallRng, Rng, SeedableRng};
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
let delta: i32 = 100;
let sleep_ms = (1_000 + rng.gen_range(-delta..=delta)) as u64;
} else {
Some(user) => {
let hint: Option<String> = user.password_hint;
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
mail::send_password_hint(email, hint).await?;
} else if let Some(hint) = hint {
err!(format!("Your password hint is: {hint}"));
} else {
pub struct PreloginData {
Email: String,
#[post("/accounts/prelogin", data = "<data>")]
async fn prelogin(data: JsonUpcase<PreloginData>, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
_prelogin(data, conn).await
pub async fn _prelogin(data: JsonUpcase<PreloginData>, mut conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
let data: PreloginData = data.into_inner().data;
let (kdf_type, kdf_iter, kdf_mem, kdf_para) = match User::find_by_mail(&data.Email, &mut conn).await {
Some(user) => (user.client_kdf_type, user.client_kdf_iter, user.client_kdf_memory, user.client_kdf_parallelism),
let result = json!({
"Kdf": kdf_type,
"KdfIterations": kdf_iter,
"KdfMemory": kdf_mem,
"KdfParallelism": kdf_para,
// https://github.com/bitwarden/server/blob/master/src/Api/Models/Request/Accounts/SecretVerificationRequestModel.cs
struct SecretVerificationRequest {
MasterPasswordHash: String,
#[post("/accounts/verify-password", data = "<data>")]
fn verify_password(data: JsonUpcase<SecretVerificationRequest>, headers: Headers) -> EmptyResult {
let data: SecretVerificationRequest = data.into_inner().data;
let user = headers.user;
if !user.check_valid_password(&data.MasterPasswordHash) {
err!("Invalid password")
async fn _api_key(data: JsonUpcase<PasswordOrOtpData>, rotate: bool, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
use crate::util::format_date;
let data: PasswordOrOtpData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut user = headers.user;
data.validate(&user, true, &mut conn).await?;
if rotate || user.api_key.is_none() {
user.api_key = Some(crypto::generate_api_key());
user.save(&mut conn).await.expect("Error saving API key");
"ApiKey": user.api_key,
"RevisionDate": format_date(&user.updated_at),
"Object": "apiKey",
#[post("/accounts/api-key", data = "<data>")]
async fn api_key(data: JsonUpcase<PasswordOrOtpData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
_api_key(data, false, headers, conn).await
#[post("/accounts/rotate-api-key", data = "<data>")]
async fn rotate_api_key(data: JsonUpcase<PasswordOrOtpData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
_api_key(data, true, headers, conn).await
// This variant is deprecated: https://github.com/bitwarden/server/pull/2682
async fn get_known_device_from_path(email: &str, uuid: &str, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
// This endpoint doesn't have auth header
let mut result = false;
if let Some(user) = User::find_by_mail(email, &mut conn).await {
result = Device::find_by_uuid_and_user(uuid, &user.uuid, &mut conn).await.is_some();
async fn get_known_device(device: KnownDevice, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
get_known_device_from_path(&device.email, &device.uuid, conn).await
struct KnownDevice {
email: String,
uuid: String,
impl<'r> FromRequest<'r> for KnownDevice {
type Error = &'static str;
async fn from_request(req: &'r Request<'_>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
let email = if let Some(email_b64) = req.headers().get_one("X-Request-Email") {
let email_bytes = match data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD.decode(email_b64.as_bytes()) {
Ok(bytes) => bytes,
Err(_) => {
return Outcome::Error((Status::BadRequest, "X-Request-Email value failed to decode as base64url"));
match String::from_utf8(email_bytes) {
Ok(email) => email,
Err(_) => {
return Outcome::Error((Status::BadRequest, "X-Request-Email value failed to decode as UTF-8"));
} else {
return Outcome::Error((Status::BadRequest, "X-Request-Email value is required"));
let uuid = if let Some(uuid) = req.headers().get_one("X-Device-Identifier") {
} else {
return Outcome::Error((Status::BadRequest, "X-Device-Identifier value is required"));
Outcome::Success(KnownDevice {
struct PushToken {
PushToken: String,
#[post("/devices/identifier/<uuid>/token", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_device_token(uuid: &str, data: JsonUpcase<PushToken>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
put_device_token(uuid, data, headers, conn).await
#[put("/devices/identifier/<uuid>/token", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_device_token(uuid: &str, data: JsonUpcase<PushToken>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
let data = data.into_inner().data;
let token = data.PushToken;
let mut device = match Device::find_by_uuid_and_user(&headers.device.uuid, &headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(device) => device,
None => err!(format!("Error: device {uuid} should be present before a token can be assigned")),
// if the device already has been registered
if device.is_registered() {
// check if the new token is the same as the registered token
if device.push_token.is_some() && device.push_token.unwrap() == token.clone() {
debug!("Device {} is already registered and token is the same", uuid);
return Ok(());
} else {
// Try to unregister already registered device
let _ = unregister_push_device(device.push_uuid).await;
// clear the push_uuid
device.push_uuid = None;
device.push_token = Some(token);
if let Err(e) = device.save(&mut conn).await {
err!(format!("An error occurred while trying to save the device push token: {e}"));
register_push_device(&mut device, &mut conn).await?;
async fn put_clear_device_token(uuid: &str, mut conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
// This only clears push token
// https://github.com/bitwarden/core/blob/master/src/Api/Controllers/DevicesController.cs#L109
// https://github.com/bitwarden/core/blob/master/src/Core/Services/Implementations/DeviceService.cs#L37
// This is somehow not implemented in any app, added it in case it is required
if !CONFIG.push_enabled() {
return Ok(());
if let Some(device) = Device::find_by_uuid(uuid, &mut conn).await {
Device::clear_push_token_by_uuid(uuid, &mut conn).await?;
// On upstream server, both PUT and POST are declared. Implementing the POST method in case it would be useful somewhere
async fn post_clear_device_token(uuid: &str, conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
put_clear_device_token(uuid, conn).await
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct AuthRequestRequest {
accessCode: String,
deviceIdentifier: String,
email: String,
publicKey: String,
#[serde(alias = "type")]
_type: i32,
#[post("/auth-requests", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_auth_request(
data: Json<AuthRequestRequest>,
headers: ClientHeaders,
mut conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let data = data.into_inner();
let user = match User::find_by_mail(&data.email, &mut conn).await {
Some(user) => user,
None => {
err!("AuthRequest doesn't exist")
let mut auth_request = AuthRequest::new(
auth_request.save(&mut conn).await?;
nt.send_auth_request(&user.uuid, &auth_request.uuid, &data.deviceIdentifier, &mut conn).await;
"id": auth_request.uuid,
"publicKey": auth_request.public_key,
"requestDeviceType": DeviceType::from_i32(auth_request.device_type).to_string(),
"requestIpAddress": auth_request.request_ip,
"key": null,
"masterPasswordHash": null,
"creationDate": auth_request.creation_date.and_utc(),
"responseDate": null,
"requestApproved": false,
"origin": CONFIG.domain_origin(),
"object": "auth-request"
async fn get_auth_request(uuid: &str, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let auth_request = match AuthRequest::find_by_uuid(uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(auth_request) => auth_request,
None => {
err!("AuthRequest doesn't exist")
let response_date_utc = auth_request.response_date.map(|response_date| response_date.and_utc());
"id": uuid,
"publicKey": auth_request.public_key,
"requestDeviceType": DeviceType::from_i32(auth_request.device_type).to_string(),
"requestIpAddress": auth_request.request_ip,
"key": auth_request.enc_key,
"masterPasswordHash": auth_request.master_password_hash,
"creationDate": auth_request.creation_date.and_utc(),
"responseDate": response_date_utc,
"requestApproved": auth_request.approved,
"origin": CONFIG.domain_origin(),
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct AuthResponseRequest {
deviceIdentifier: String,
key: String,
masterPasswordHash: Option<String>,
requestApproved: bool,
#[put("/auth-requests/<uuid>", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_auth_request(
uuid: &str,
data: Json<AuthResponseRequest>,
mut conn: DbConn,
ant: AnonymousNotify<'_>,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let data = data.into_inner();
let mut auth_request: AuthRequest = match AuthRequest::find_by_uuid(uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(auth_request) => auth_request,
None => {
err!("AuthRequest doesn't exist")
auth_request.approved = Some(data.requestApproved);
auth_request.enc_key = Some(data.key);
auth_request.master_password_hash = data.masterPasswordHash;
auth_request.response_device_id = Some(data.deviceIdentifier.clone());
auth_request.save(&mut conn).await?;
if auth_request.approved.unwrap_or(false) {
ant.send_auth_response(&auth_request.user_uuid, &auth_request.uuid).await;
nt.send_auth_response(&auth_request.user_uuid, &auth_request.uuid, data.deviceIdentifier, &mut conn).await;
let response_date_utc = auth_request.response_date.map(|response_date| response_date.and_utc());
"id": uuid,
"publicKey": auth_request.public_key,
"requestDeviceType": DeviceType::from_i32(auth_request.device_type).to_string(),
"requestIpAddress": auth_request.request_ip,
"key": auth_request.enc_key,
"masterPasswordHash": auth_request.master_password_hash,
"creationDate": auth_request.creation_date.and_utc(),
"responseDate": response_date_utc,
"requestApproved": auth_request.approved,
"origin": CONFIG.domain_origin(),
async fn get_auth_request_response(uuid: &str, code: &str, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let auth_request = match AuthRequest::find_by_uuid(uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(auth_request) => auth_request,
None => {
err!("AuthRequest doesn't exist")
if !auth_request.check_access_code(code) {
err!("Access code invalid doesn't exist")
let response_date_utc = auth_request.response_date.map(|response_date| response_date.and_utc());
"id": uuid,
"publicKey": auth_request.public_key,
"requestDeviceType": DeviceType::from_i32(auth_request.device_type).to_string(),
"requestIpAddress": auth_request.request_ip,
"key": auth_request.enc_key,
"masterPasswordHash": auth_request.master_password_hash,
"creationDate": auth_request.creation_date.and_utc(),
"responseDate": response_date_utc,
"requestApproved": auth_request.approved,
"origin": CONFIG.domain_origin(),
async fn get_auth_requests(headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let auth_requests = AuthRequest::find_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await;
"data": auth_requests
.filter(|request| request.approved.is_none())
.map(|request| {
let response_date_utc = request.response_date.map(|response_date| response_date.and_utc());
"id": request.uuid,
"publicKey": request.public_key,
"requestDeviceType": DeviceType::from_i32(request.device_type).to_string(),
"requestIpAddress": request.request_ip,
"key": request.enc_key,
"masterPasswordHash": request.master_password_hash,
"creationDate": request.creation_date.and_utc(),
"responseDate": response_date_utc,
"requestApproved": request.approved,
"origin": CONFIG.domain_origin(),
"continuationToken": null,
"object": "list"
pub async fn purge_auth_requests(pool: DbPool) {
debug!("Purging auth requests");
if let Ok(mut conn) = pool.get().await {
AuthRequest::purge_expired_auth_requests(&mut conn).await;
} else {
error!("Failed to get DB connection while purging trashed ciphers")