Stefan Melmuk 6576914e55
fix invitations of new users when mail is disabled
If you add a new user that has already been Invited to another
organization they will be Accepted automatically. This should not be
possible because they cannot be Confirmed until they have completed
their registration. It is also not necessary because their invitation
will be accepted automatically once they register.
2022-10-19 20:39:07 +02:00

1722 lines
58 KiB

use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
use rocket::serde::json::Json;
use rocket::Route;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::{
core::{CipherSyncData, CipherSyncType},
EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase, JsonUpcaseVec, Notify, NumberOrString, PasswordData, UpdateType,
auth::{decode_invite, AdminHeaders, Headers, ManagerHeaders, ManagerHeadersLoose, OwnerHeaders},
db::{models::*, DbConn},
use futures::{stream, stream::StreamExt};
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
struct OrgData {
BillingEmail: String,
CollectionName: String,
Key: String,
Name: String,
Keys: Option<OrgKeyData>,
#[serde(rename = "PlanType")]
_PlanType: NumberOrString, // Ignored, always use the same plan
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct OrganizationUpdateData {
BillingEmail: String,
Name: String,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct NewCollectionData {
Name: String,
struct OrgKeyData {
EncryptedPrivateKey: String,
PublicKey: String,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct OrgBulkIds {
Ids: Vec<String>,
#[post("/organizations", data = "<data>")]
async fn create_organization(headers: Headers, data: JsonUpcase<OrgData>, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
if !CONFIG.is_org_creation_allowed(& {
err!("User not allowed to create organizations")
if OrgPolicy::is_applicable_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, OrgPolicyType::SingleOrg, None, &conn).await {
"You may not create an organization. You belong to an organization which has a policy that prohibits you from being a member of any other organization."
let data: OrgData = data.into_inner().data;
let (private_key, public_key) = if data.Keys.is_some() {
let keys: OrgKeyData = data.Keys.unwrap();
(Some(keys.EncryptedPrivateKey), Some(keys.PublicKey))
} else {
(None, None)
let org = Organization::new(data.Name, data.BillingEmail, private_key, public_key);
let mut user_org = UserOrganization::new(headers.user.uuid, org.uuid.clone());
let collection = Collection::new(org.uuid.clone(), data.CollectionName);
user_org.akey = data.Key;
user_org.access_all = true;
user_org.atype = UserOrgType::Owner as i32;
user_org.status = UserOrgStatus::Confirmed as i32;;;;
#[delete("/organizations/<org_id>", data = "<data>")]
async fn delete_organization(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<PasswordData>,
headers: OwnerHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: PasswordData = data.into_inner().data;
let password_hash = data.MasterPasswordHash;
if !headers.user.check_valid_password(&password_hash) {
err!("Invalid password")
match Organization::find_by_uuid(&org_id, &conn).await {
None => err!("Organization not found"),
Some(org) => org.delete(&conn).await,
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/delete", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_delete_organization(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<PasswordData>,
headers: OwnerHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
delete_organization(org_id, data, headers, conn).await
async fn leave_organization(org_id: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
match UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(&headers.user.uuid, &org_id, &conn).await {
None => err!("User not part of organization"),
Some(user_org) => {
if user_org.atype == UserOrgType::Owner
&& UserOrganization::count_confirmed_by_org_and_type(&org_id, UserOrgType::Owner, &conn).await <= 1
err!("The last owner can't leave")
async fn get_organization(org_id: String, _headers: OwnerHeaders, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
match Organization::find_by_uuid(&org_id, &conn).await {
Some(organization) => Ok(Json(organization.to_json())),
None => err!("Can't find organization details"),
#[put("/organizations/<org_id>", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_organization(
org_id: String,
headers: OwnerHeaders,
data: JsonUpcase<OrganizationUpdateData>,
conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
post_organization(org_id, headers, data, conn).await
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_organization(
org_id: String,
_headers: OwnerHeaders,
data: JsonUpcase<OrganizationUpdateData>,
conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: OrganizationUpdateData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut org = match Organization::find_by_uuid(&org_id, &conn).await {
Some(organization) => organization,
None => err!("Can't find organization details"),
}; = data.Name;
org.billing_email = data.BillingEmail;;
// GET /api/collections?writeOnly=false
async fn get_user_collections(headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
Collection::find_by_user_uuid(&headers.user.uuid, &conn).await
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null,
async fn get_org_collections(org_id: String, _headers: ManagerHeadersLoose, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
Json(_get_org_collections(&org_id, &conn).await)
async fn _get_org_collections(org_id: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Value {
Collection::find_by_organization(org_id, conn).await
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null,
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/collections", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_organization_collections(
org_id: String,
headers: ManagerHeadersLoose,
data: JsonUpcase<NewCollectionData>,
conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: NewCollectionData = data.into_inner().data;
let org = match Organization::find_by_uuid(&org_id, &conn).await {
Some(organization) => organization,
None => err!("Can't find organization details"),
// Get the user_organization record so that we can check if the user has access to all collections.
let user_org = match UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(&headers.user.uuid, &org_id, &conn).await {
Some(u) => u,
None => err!("User is not part of organization"),
let collection = Collection::new(org.uuid, data.Name);;
// If the user doesn't have access to all collections, only in case of a Manger,
// then we need to save the creating user uuid (Manager) to the users_collection table.
// Else the user will not have access to his own created collection.
if !user_org.access_all {
CollectionUser::save(&headers.user.uuid, &collection.uuid, false, false, &conn).await?;
#[put("/organizations/<org_id>/collections/<col_id>", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_organization_collection_update(
org_id: String,
col_id: String,
headers: ManagerHeaders,
data: JsonUpcase<NewCollectionData>,
conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
post_organization_collection_update(org_id, col_id, headers, data, conn).await
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/collections/<col_id>", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_organization_collection_update(
org_id: String,
col_id: String,
_headers: ManagerHeaders,
data: JsonUpcase<NewCollectionData>,
conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: NewCollectionData = data.into_inner().data;
let org = match Organization::find_by_uuid(&org_id, &conn).await {
Some(organization) => organization,
None => err!("Can't find organization details"),
let mut collection = match Collection::find_by_uuid(&col_id, &conn).await {
Some(collection) => collection,
None => err!("Collection not found"),
if collection.org_uuid != org.uuid {
err!("Collection is not owned by organization");
} = data.Name;;
async fn delete_organization_collection_user(
org_id: String,
col_id: String,
org_user_id: String,
_headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
let collection = match Collection::find_by_uuid(&col_id, &conn).await {
None => err!("Collection not found"),
Some(collection) => {
if collection.org_uuid == org_id {
} else {
err!("Collection and Organization id do not match")
match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid_and_org(&org_user_id, &org_id, &conn).await {
None => err!("User not found in organization"),
Some(user_org) => {
match CollectionUser::find_by_collection_and_user(&collection.uuid, &user_org.user_uuid, &conn).await {
None => err!("User not assigned to collection"),
Some(col_user) => col_user.delete(&conn).await,
async fn post_organization_collection_delete_user(
org_id: String,
col_id: String,
org_user_id: String,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
delete_organization_collection_user(org_id, col_id, org_user_id, headers, conn).await
async fn delete_organization_collection(
org_id: String,
col_id: String,
_headers: ManagerHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
match Collection::find_by_uuid(&col_id, &conn).await {
None => err!("Collection not found"),
Some(collection) => {
if collection.org_uuid == org_id {
} else {
err!("Collection and Organization id do not match")
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[allow(non_snake_case, dead_code)]
struct DeleteCollectionData {
Id: String,
OrgId: String,
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/collections/<col_id>/delete", data = "<_data>")]
async fn post_organization_collection_delete(
org_id: String,
col_id: String,
headers: ManagerHeaders,
_data: JsonUpcase<DeleteCollectionData>,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
delete_organization_collection(org_id, col_id, headers, conn).await
async fn get_org_collection_detail(
org_id: String,
coll_id: String,
headers: ManagerHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
match Collection::find_by_uuid_and_user(&coll_id, &headers.user.uuid, &conn).await {
None => err!("Collection not found"),
Some(collection) => {
if collection.org_uuid != org_id {
err!("Collection is not owned by organization")
async fn get_collection_users(org_id: String, coll_id: String, _headers: ManagerHeaders, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
// Get org and collection, check that collection is from org
let collection = match Collection::find_by_uuid_and_org(&coll_id, &org_id, &conn).await {
None => err!("Collection not found in Organization"),
Some(collection) => collection,
let user_list = stream::iter(CollectionUser::find_by_collection(&collection.uuid, &conn).await)
.then(|col_user| async {
let col_user = col_user; // Move out this single variable
UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(&col_user.user_uuid, &org_id, &conn)
#[put("/organizations/<org_id>/collections/<coll_id>/users", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_collection_users(
org_id: String,
coll_id: String,
data: JsonUpcaseVec<CollectionData>,
_headers: ManagerHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
// Get org and collection, check that collection is from org
if Collection::find_by_uuid_and_org(&coll_id, &org_id, &conn).await.is_none() {
err!("Collection not found in Organization")
// Delete all the user-collections
CollectionUser::delete_all_by_collection(&coll_id, &conn).await?;
// And then add all the received ones (except if the user has access_all)
for d in data.iter().map(|d| & {
let user = match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid(&d.Id, &conn).await {
Some(u) => u,
None => err!("User is not part of organization"),
if user.access_all {
CollectionUser::save(&user.user_uuid, &coll_id, d.ReadOnly, d.HidePasswords, &conn).await?;
struct OrgIdData {
#[field(name = "organizationId")]
organization_id: String,
async fn get_org_details(data: OrgIdData, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
Json(_get_org_details(&data.organization_id, &, &headers.user.uuid, &conn).await)
async fn _get_org_details(org_id: &str, host: &str, user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Value {
let ciphers = Cipher::find_by_org(org_id, conn).await;
let cipher_sync_data = CipherSyncData::new(user_uuid, &ciphers, CipherSyncType::Organization, conn).await;
let ciphers_json = stream::iter(ciphers)
.then(|c| async {
let c = c; // Move out this single variable
c.to_json(host, user_uuid, Some(&cipher_sync_data), conn).await
"Data": ciphers_json,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null,
async fn get_org_users(org_id: String, _headers: ManagerHeadersLoose, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
let users_json = stream::iter(UserOrganization::find_by_org(&org_id, &conn).await)
.then(|u| async {
let u = u; // Move out this single variable
"Data": users_json,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null,
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/keys", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_org_keys(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<OrgKeyData>,
_headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: OrgKeyData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut org = match Organization::find_by_uuid(&org_id, &conn).await {
Some(organization) => {
if organization.private_key.is_some() && organization.public_key.is_some() {
err!("Organization Keys already exist")
None => err!("Can't find organization details"),
org.private_key = Some(data.EncryptedPrivateKey);
org.public_key = Some(data.PublicKey);;
"Object": "organizationKeys",
"PublicKey": org.public_key,
"PrivateKey": org.private_key,
struct CollectionData {
Id: String,
ReadOnly: bool,
HidePasswords: bool,
struct InviteData {
Emails: Vec<String>,
Type: NumberOrString,
Collections: Option<Vec<CollectionData>>,
AccessAll: Option<bool>,
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/users/invite", data = "<data>")]
async fn send_invite(org_id: String, data: JsonUpcase<InviteData>, headers: AdminHeaders, conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
let data: InviteData = data.into_inner().data;
let new_type = match UserOrgType::from_str(&data.Type.into_string()) {
Some(new_type) => new_type as i32,
None => err!("Invalid type"),
if new_type != UserOrgType::User && headers.org_user_type != UserOrgType::Owner {
err!("Only Owners can invite Managers, Admins or Owners")
for email in data.Emails.iter() {
let email = email.to_lowercase();
let mut user_org_status = UserOrgStatus::Invited as i32;
let user = match User::find_by_mail(&email, &conn).await {
None => {
if !CONFIG.invitations_allowed() {
err!(format!("User does not exist: {}", email))
if !CONFIG.is_email_domain_allowed(&email) {
err!("Email domain not eligible for invitations")
if !CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
let invitation = Invitation::new(email.clone());;
let mut user = User::new(email.clone());;
Some(user) => {
if UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(&user.uuid, &org_id, &conn).await.is_some() {
err!(format!("User already in organization: {}", email))
} else {
// automatically accept existing users if mail is disabled
if !CONFIG.mail_enabled() && !user.password_hash.is_empty() {
user_org_status = UserOrgStatus::Accepted as i32;
let mut new_user = UserOrganization::new(user.uuid.clone(), org_id.clone());
let access_all = data.AccessAll.unwrap_or(false);
new_user.access_all = access_all;
new_user.atype = new_type;
new_user.status = user_org_status;
// If no accessAll, add the collections received
if !access_all {
for col in data.Collections.iter().flatten() {
match Collection::find_by_uuid_and_org(&col.Id, &org_id, &conn).await {
None => err!("Collection not found in Organization"),
Some(collection) => {
CollectionUser::save(&user.uuid, &collection.uuid, col.ReadOnly, col.HidePasswords, &conn)
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
let org_name = match Organization::find_by_uuid(&org_id, &conn).await {
Some(org) =>,
None => err!("Error looking up organization"),
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/users/reinvite", data = "<data>")]
async fn bulk_reinvite_user(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<OrgBulkIds>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> Json<Value> {
let data: OrgBulkIds = data.into_inner().data;
let mut bulk_response = Vec::new();
for org_user_id in data.Ids {
let err_msg = match _reinvite_user(&org_id, &org_user_id, &, &conn).await {
Ok(_) => String::from(""),
Err(e) => format!("{:?}", e),
"Object": "OrganizationBulkConfirmResponseModel",
"Id": org_user_id,
"Error": err_msg
"Data": bulk_response,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
async fn reinvite_user(org_id: String, user_org: String, headers: AdminHeaders, conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
_reinvite_user(&org_id, &user_org, &, &conn).await
async fn _reinvite_user(org_id: &str, user_org: &str, invited_by_email: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
if !CONFIG.invitations_allowed() {
err!("Invitations are not allowed.")
if !CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
err!("SMTP is not configured.")
let user_org = match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid(user_org, conn).await {
Some(user_org) => user_org,
None => err!("The user hasn't been invited to the organization."),
if user_org.status != UserOrgStatus::Invited as i32 {
err!("The user is already accepted or confirmed to the organization")
let user = match User::find_by_uuid(&user_org.user_uuid, conn).await {
Some(user) => user,
None => err!("User not found."),
let org_name = match Organization::find_by_uuid(org_id, conn).await {
Some(org) =>,
None => err!("Error looking up organization."),
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
} else {
let invitation = Invitation::new(;;
struct AcceptData {
Token: String,
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/users/<_org_user_id>/accept", data = "<data>")]
async fn accept_invite(
org_id: String,
_org_user_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<AcceptData>,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
// The web-vault passes org_id and org_user_id in the URL, but we are just reading them from the JWT instead
let data: AcceptData = data.into_inner().data;
let claims = decode_invite(&data.Token)?;
match User::find_by_mail(&, &conn).await {
Some(_) => {
Invitation::take(&, &conn).await;
if let (Some(user_org), Some(org)) = (&claims.user_org_id, &claims.org_id) {
let mut user_org = match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid_and_org(user_org, org, &conn).await {
Some(user_org) => user_org,
None => err!("Error accepting the invitation"),
if user_org.status != UserOrgStatus::Invited as i32 {
err!("User already accepted the invitation")
// This check is also done at accept_invite(), _confirm_invite, _activate_user(), edit_user(), admin::update_user_org_type
// It returns different error messages per function.
if user_org.atype < UserOrgType::Admin {
match OrgPolicy::is_user_allowed(&user_org.user_uuid, &org_id, false, &conn).await {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(OrgPolicyErr::TwoFactorMissing) => {
err!("You cannot join this organization until you enable two-step login on your user account");
Err(OrgPolicyErr::SingleOrgEnforced) => {
err!("You cannot join this organization because you are a member of an organization which forbids it");
user_org.status = UserOrgStatus::Accepted as i32;;
None => err!("Invited user not found"),
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
let mut org_name = CONFIG.invitation_org_name();
if let Some(org_id) = &claims.org_id {
org_name = match Organization::find_by_uuid(org_id, &conn).await {
Some(org) =>,
None => err!("Organization not found."),
if let Some(invited_by_email) = &claims.invited_by_email {
// User was invited to an organization, so they must be confirmed manually after acceptance
mail::send_invite_accepted(&, invited_by_email, &org_name).await?;
} else {
// User was invited from /admin, so they are automatically confirmed
mail::send_invite_confirmed(&, &org_name).await?;
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/users/confirm", data = "<data>")]
async fn bulk_confirm_invite(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> Json<Value> {
let data = data.into_inner().data;
let mut bulk_response = Vec::new();
match data["Keys"].as_array() {
Some(keys) => {
for invite in keys {
let org_user_id = invite["Id"].as_str().unwrap_or_default();
let user_key = invite["Key"].as_str().unwrap_or_default();
let err_msg = match _confirm_invite(&org_id, org_user_id, user_key, &headers, &conn).await {
Ok(_) => String::from(""),
Err(e) => format!("{:?}", e),
"Object": "OrganizationBulkConfirmResponseModel",
"Id": org_user_id,
"Error": err_msg
None => error!("No keys to confirm"),
"Data": bulk_response,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/users/<org_user_id>/confirm", data = "<data>")]
async fn confirm_invite(
org_id: String,
org_user_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data = data.into_inner().data;
let user_key = data["Key"].as_str().unwrap_or_default();
_confirm_invite(&org_id, &org_user_id, user_key, &headers, &conn).await
async fn _confirm_invite(
org_id: &str,
org_user_id: &str,
key: &str,
headers: &AdminHeaders,
conn: &DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
if key.is_empty() || org_user_id.is_empty() {
err!("Key or UserId is not set, unable to process request");
let mut user_to_confirm = match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid_and_org(org_user_id, org_id, conn).await {
Some(user) => user,
None => err!("The specified user isn't a member of the organization"),
if user_to_confirm.atype != UserOrgType::User && headers.org_user_type != UserOrgType::Owner {
err!("Only Owners can confirm Managers, Admins or Owners")
if user_to_confirm.status != UserOrgStatus::Accepted as i32 {
err!("User in invalid state")
// This check is also done at accept_invite(), _confirm_invite, _activate_user(), edit_user(), admin::update_user_org_type
// It returns different error messages per function.
if user_to_confirm.atype < UserOrgType::Admin {
match OrgPolicy::is_user_allowed(&user_to_confirm.user_uuid, org_id, true, conn).await {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(OrgPolicyErr::TwoFactorMissing) => {
err!("You cannot confirm this user because it has no two-step login method activated");
Err(OrgPolicyErr::SingleOrgEnforced) => {
err!("You cannot confirm this user because it is a member of an organization which forbids it");
user_to_confirm.status = UserOrgStatus::Confirmed as i32;
user_to_confirm.akey = key.to_string();
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
let org_name = match Organization::find_by_uuid(org_id, conn).await {
Some(org) =>,
None => err!("Error looking up organization."),
let address = match User::find_by_uuid(&user_to_confirm.user_uuid, conn).await {
Some(user) =>,
None => err!("Error looking up user."),
mail::send_invite_confirmed(&address, &org_name).await?;
async fn get_user(org_id: String, org_user_id: String, _headers: AdminHeaders, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let user = match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid_and_org(&org_user_id, &org_id, &conn).await {
Some(user) => user,
None => err!("The specified user isn't a member of the organization"),
struct EditUserData {
Type: NumberOrString,
Collections: Option<Vec<CollectionData>>,
AccessAll: bool,
#[put("/organizations/<org_id>/users/<org_user_id>", data = "<data>", rank = 1)]
async fn put_organization_user(
org_id: String,
org_user_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<EditUserData>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
edit_user(org_id, org_user_id, data, headers, conn).await
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/users/<org_user_id>", data = "<data>", rank = 1)]
async fn edit_user(
org_id: String,
org_user_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<EditUserData>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: EditUserData = data.into_inner().data;
let new_type = match UserOrgType::from_str(&data.Type.into_string()) {
Some(new_type) => new_type,
None => err!("Invalid type"),
let mut user_to_edit = match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid_and_org(&org_user_id, &org_id, &conn).await {
Some(user) => user,
None => err!("The specified user isn't member of the organization"),
if new_type != user_to_edit.atype
&& (user_to_edit.atype >= UserOrgType::Admin || new_type >= UserOrgType::Admin)
&& headers.org_user_type != UserOrgType::Owner
err!("Only Owners can grant and remove Admin or Owner privileges")
if user_to_edit.atype == UserOrgType::Owner && headers.org_user_type != UserOrgType::Owner {
err!("Only Owners can edit Owner users")
if user_to_edit.atype == UserOrgType::Owner
&& new_type != UserOrgType::Owner
&& user_to_edit.status == UserOrgStatus::Confirmed as i32
// Removing owner permission, check that there is at least one other confirmed owner
if UserOrganization::count_confirmed_by_org_and_type(&org_id, UserOrgType::Owner, &conn).await <= 1 {
err!("Can't delete the last owner")
// This check is also done at accept_invite(), _confirm_invite, _activate_user(), edit_user(), admin::update_user_org_type
// It returns different error messages per function.
if new_type < UserOrgType::Admin {
match OrgPolicy::is_user_allowed(&user_to_edit.user_uuid, &org_id, true, &conn).await {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(OrgPolicyErr::TwoFactorMissing) => {
err!("You cannot modify this user to this type because it has no two-step login method activated");
Err(OrgPolicyErr::SingleOrgEnforced) => {
err!("You cannot modify this user to this type because it is a member of an organization which forbids it");
user_to_edit.access_all = data.AccessAll;
user_to_edit.atype = new_type as i32;
// Delete all the odd collections
for c in CollectionUser::find_by_organization_and_user_uuid(&org_id, &user_to_edit.user_uuid, &conn).await {
// If no accessAll, add the collections received
if !data.AccessAll {
for col in data.Collections.iter().flatten() {
match Collection::find_by_uuid_and_org(&col.Id, &org_id, &conn).await {
None => err!("Collection not found in Organization"),
Some(collection) => {
#[delete("/organizations/<org_id>/users", data = "<data>")]
async fn bulk_delete_user(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<OrgBulkIds>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> Json<Value> {
let data: OrgBulkIds = data.into_inner().data;
let mut bulk_response = Vec::new();
for org_user_id in data.Ids {
let err_msg = match _delete_user(&org_id, &org_user_id, &headers, &conn).await {
Ok(_) => String::from(""),
Err(e) => format!("{:?}", e),
"Object": "OrganizationBulkConfirmResponseModel",
"Id": org_user_id,
"Error": err_msg
"Data": bulk_response,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
async fn delete_user(org_id: String, org_user_id: String, headers: AdminHeaders, conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_user(&org_id, &org_user_id, &headers, &conn).await
async fn _delete_user(org_id: &str, org_user_id: &str, headers: &AdminHeaders, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
let user_to_delete = match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid_and_org(org_user_id, org_id, conn).await {
Some(user) => user,
None => err!("User to delete isn't member of the organization"),
if user_to_delete.atype != UserOrgType::User && headers.org_user_type != UserOrgType::Owner {
err!("Only Owners can delete Admins or Owners")
if user_to_delete.atype == UserOrgType::Owner && user_to_delete.status == UserOrgStatus::Confirmed as i32 {
// Removing owner, check that there is at least one other confirmed owner
if UserOrganization::count_confirmed_by_org_and_type(org_id, UserOrgType::Owner, conn).await <= 1 {
err!("Can't delete the last owner")
async fn post_delete_user(org_id: String, org_user_id: String, headers: AdminHeaders, conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
delete_user(org_id, org_user_id, headers, conn).await
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/users/public-keys", data = "<data>")]
async fn bulk_public_keys(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<OrgBulkIds>,
_headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> Json<Value> {
let data: OrgBulkIds = data.into_inner().data;
let mut bulk_response = Vec::new();
// Check all received UserOrg UUID's and find the matching User to retreive the public-key.
// If the user does not exists, just ignore it, and do not return any information regarding that UserOrg UUID.
// The web-vault will then ignore that user for the folowing steps.
for user_org_id in data.Ids {
match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid_and_org(&user_org_id, &org_id, &conn).await {
Some(user_org) => match User::find_by_uuid(&user_org.user_uuid, &conn).await {
Some(user) => bulk_response.push(json!(
"Object": "organizationUserPublicKeyResponseModel",
"Id": user_org_id,
"UserId": user.uuid,
"Key": user.public_key
None => debug!("User doesn't exist"),
None => debug!("UserOrg doesn't exist"),
"Data": bulk_response,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
use super::ciphers::update_cipher_from_data;
use super::ciphers::CipherData;
struct ImportData {
Ciphers: Vec<CipherData>,
Collections: Vec<NewCollectionData>,
CollectionRelationships: Vec<RelationsData>,
struct RelationsData {
// Cipher index
Key: usize,
// Collection index
Value: usize,
#[post("/ciphers/import-organization?<query..>", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_org_import(
query: OrgIdData,
data: JsonUpcase<ImportData>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: ImportData = data.into_inner().data;
let org_id = query.organization_id;
let collections = stream::iter(data.Collections)
.then(|coll| async {
let collection = Collection::new(org_id.clone(), coll.Name);
if {
err!("Failed to create Collection");
// Read the relations between collections and ciphers
let mut relations = Vec::new();
for relation in data.CollectionRelationships {
relations.push((relation.Key, relation.Value));
let headers: Headers = headers.into();
let ciphers = stream::iter(data.Ciphers)
.then(|cipher_data| async {
let mut cipher = Cipher::new(cipher_data.Type, cipher_data.Name.clone());
update_cipher_from_data(&mut cipher, cipher_data, &headers, false, &conn, &nt, UpdateType::None).await.ok();
// Assign the collections
for (cipher_index, coll_index) in relations {
let cipher_id = &ciphers[cipher_index].uuid;
let coll = &collections[coll_index];
let coll_id = match coll {
Ok(coll) => coll.uuid.as_str(),
Err(_) => err!("Failed to assign to collection"),
CollectionCipher::save(cipher_id, coll_id, &conn).await?;
let mut user = headers.user;
async fn list_policies(org_id: String, _headers: AdminHeaders, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
let policies = OrgPolicy::find_by_org(&org_id, &conn).await;
let policies_json: Vec<Value> = policies.iter().map(OrgPolicy::to_json).collect();
"Data": policies_json,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
async fn list_policies_token(org_id: String, token: String, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let invite = crate::auth::decode_invite(&token)?;
let invite_org_id = match invite.org_id {
Some(invite_org_id) => invite_org_id,
None => err!("Invalid token"),
if invite_org_id != org_id {
err!("Token doesn't match request organization");
// TODO: We receive the invite token as ?token=<>, validate it contains the org id
let policies = OrgPolicy::find_by_org(&org_id, &conn).await;
let policies_json: Vec<Value> = policies.iter().map(OrgPolicy::to_json).collect();
"Data": policies_json,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
async fn get_policy(org_id: String, pol_type: i32, _headers: AdminHeaders, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let pol_type_enum = match OrgPolicyType::from_i32(pol_type) {
Some(pt) => pt,
None => err!("Invalid or unsupported policy type"),
let policy = match OrgPolicy::find_by_org_and_type(&org_id, pol_type_enum, &conn).await {
Some(p) => p,
None => OrgPolicy::new(org_id, pol_type_enum, "{}".to_string()),
struct PolicyData {
enabled: bool,
#[serde(rename = "type")]
_type: i32,
data: Option<Value>,
#[put("/organizations/<org_id>/policies/<pol_type>", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_policy(
org_id: String,
pol_type: i32,
data: Json<PolicyData>,
_headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: PolicyData = data.into_inner();
let pol_type_enum = match OrgPolicyType::from_i32(pol_type) {
Some(pt) => pt,
None => err!("Invalid or unsupported policy type"),
// When enabling the TwoFactorAuthentication policy, remove this org's members that do have 2FA
if pol_type_enum == OrgPolicyType::TwoFactorAuthentication && data.enabled {
for member in UserOrganization::find_by_org(&org_id, &conn).await.into_iter() {
let user_twofactor_disabled = TwoFactor::find_by_user(&member.user_uuid, &conn).await.is_empty();
// Policy only applies to non-Owner/non-Admin members who have accepted joining the org
// Invited users still need to accept the invite and will get an error when they try to accept the invite.
if user_twofactor_disabled
&& member.atype < UserOrgType::Admin
&& member.status != UserOrgStatus::Invited as i32
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
let org = Organization::find_by_uuid(&member.org_uuid, &conn).await.unwrap();
let user = User::find_by_uuid(&member.user_uuid, &conn).await.unwrap();
mail::send_2fa_removed_from_org(&, &;
// When enabling the SingleOrg policy, remove this org's members that are members of other orgs
if pol_type_enum == OrgPolicyType::SingleOrg && data.enabled {
for member in UserOrganization::find_by_org(&org_id, &conn).await.into_iter() {
// Policy only applies to non-Owner/non-Admin members who have accepted joining the org
// Exclude invited and revoked users when checking for this policy.
// Those users will not be allowed to accept or be activated because of the policy checks done there.
// We check if the count is larger then 1, because it includes this organization also.
if member.atype < UserOrgType::Admin
&& member.status != UserOrgStatus::Invited as i32
&& UserOrganization::count_accepted_and_confirmed_by_user(&member.user_uuid, &conn).await > 1
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
let org = Organization::find_by_uuid(&member.org_uuid, &conn).await.unwrap();
let user = User::find_by_uuid(&member.user_uuid, &conn).await.unwrap();
mail::send_single_org_removed_from_org(&, &;
let mut policy = match OrgPolicy::find_by_org_and_type(&org_id, pol_type_enum, &conn).await {
Some(p) => p,
None => OrgPolicy::new(org_id, pol_type_enum, "{}".to_string()),
policy.enabled = data.enabled; = serde_json::to_string(&;;
fn get_organization_tax(org_id: String, _headers: Headers) -> Json<Value> {
// Prevent a 404 error, which also causes Javascript errors.
// Upstream sends "Only allowed when not self hosted." As an error message.
// If we do the same it will also output this to the log, which is overkill.
// An empty list/data also works fine.
fn get_plans() -> Json<Value> {
// Respond with a minimal json just enough to allow the creation of an new organization.
"Object": "list",
"Data": [{
"Object": "plan",
"Type": 0,
"Product": 0,
"Name": "Free",
"NameLocalizationKey": "planNameFree",
"DescriptionLocalizationKey": "planDescFree"
"ContinuationToken": null
fn get_plans_tax_rates(_headers: Headers) -> Json<Value> {
// Prevent a 404 error, which also causes Javascript errors.
fn _empty_data_json() -> Value {
"Object": "list",
"Data": [],
"ContinuationToken": null
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
#[allow(non_snake_case, dead_code)]
struct OrgImportGroupData {
Name: String, // "GroupName"
ExternalId: String, // "cn=GroupName,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
Users: Vec<String>, // ["uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"]
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct OrgImportUserData {
Email: String, // ""
ExternalId: String, // "uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
Deleted: bool,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct OrgImportData {
Groups: Vec<OrgImportGroupData>,
OverwriteExisting: bool,
Users: Vec<OrgImportUserData>,
#[post("/organizations/<org_id>/import", data = "<data>")]
async fn import(org_id: String, data: JsonUpcase<OrgImportData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
let data = data.into_inner().data;
// TODO: Currently we aren't storing the externalId's anywhere, so we also don't have a way
// to differentiate between auto-imported users and manually added ones.
// This means that this endpoint can end up removing users that were added manually by an admin,
// as opposed to upstream which only removes auto-imported users.
// User needs to be admin or owner to use the Directry Connector
match UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(&headers.user.uuid, &org_id, &conn).await {
Some(user_org) if user_org.atype >= UserOrgType::Admin => { /* Okay, nothing to do */ }
Some(_) => err!("User has insufficient permissions to use Directory Connector"),
None => err!("User not part of organization"),
for user_data in &data.Users {
if user_data.Deleted {
// If user is marked for deletion and it exists, delete it
if let Some(user_org) = UserOrganization::find_by_email_and_org(&user_data.Email, &org_id, &conn).await {
// If user is not part of the organization, but it exists
} else if UserOrganization::find_by_email_and_org(&user_data.Email, &org_id, &conn).await.is_none() {
if let Some(user) = User::find_by_mail(&user_data.Email, &conn).await {
let user_org_status = if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
UserOrgStatus::Invited as i32
} else {
UserOrgStatus::Accepted as i32 // Automatically mark user as accepted if no email invites
let mut new_org_user = UserOrganization::new(user.uuid.clone(), org_id.clone());
new_org_user.access_all = false;
new_org_user.atype = UserOrgType::User as i32;
new_org_user.status = user_org_status;;
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
let org_name = match Organization::find_by_uuid(&org_id, &conn).await {
Some(org) =>,
None => err!("Error looking up organization"),
// If this flag is enabled, any user that isn't provided in the Users list will be removed (by default they will be kept unless they have Deleted == true)
if data.OverwriteExisting {
for user_org in UserOrganization::find_by_org_and_type(&org_id, UserOrgType::User, &conn).await {
if let Some(user_email) = User::find_by_uuid(&user_org.user_uuid, &conn)|u| {
if !data.Users.iter().any(|u| u.Email == user_email) {
// Pre web-vault v2022.9.x endpoint
async fn deactivate_organization_user(
org_id: String,
org_user_id: String,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
_revoke_organization_user(&org_id, &org_user_id, &headers, &conn).await
// Pre web-vault v2022.9.x endpoint
#[put("/organizations/<org_id>/users/deactivate", data = "<data>")]
async fn bulk_deactivate_organization_user(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> Json<Value> {
bulk_revoke_organization_user(org_id, data, headers, conn).await
async fn revoke_organization_user(
org_id: String,
org_user_id: String,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
_revoke_organization_user(&org_id, &org_user_id, &headers, &conn).await
#[put("/organizations/<org_id>/users/revoke", data = "<data>")]
async fn bulk_revoke_organization_user(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> Json<Value> {
let data = data.into_inner().data;
let mut bulk_response = Vec::new();
match data["Ids"].as_array() {
Some(org_users) => {
for org_user_id in org_users {
let org_user_id = org_user_id.as_str().unwrap_or_default();
let err_msg = match _revoke_organization_user(&org_id, org_user_id, &headers, &conn).await {
Ok(_) => String::from(""),
Err(e) => format!("{:?}", e),
"Object": "OrganizationUserBulkResponseModel",
"Id": org_user_id,
"Error": err_msg
None => error!("No users to revoke"),
"Data": bulk_response,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
async fn _revoke_organization_user(
org_id: &str,
org_user_id: &str,
headers: &AdminHeaders,
conn: &DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid_and_org(org_user_id, org_id, conn).await {
Some(mut user_org) if user_org.status > UserOrgStatus::Revoked as i32 => {
if user_org.user_uuid == headers.user.uuid {
err!("You cannot revoke yourself")
if user_org.atype == UserOrgType::Owner && headers.org_user_type != UserOrgType::Owner {
err!("Only owners can revoke other owners")
if user_org.atype == UserOrgType::Owner
&& UserOrganization::count_confirmed_by_org_and_type(org_id, UserOrgType::Owner, conn).await <= 1
err!("Organization must have at least one confirmed owner")
Some(_) => err!("User is already revoked"),
None => err!("User not found in organization"),
// Pre web-vault v2022.9.x endpoint
async fn activate_organization_user(
org_id: String,
org_user_id: String,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
_restore_organization_user(&org_id, &org_user_id, &headers, &conn).await
// Pre web-vault v2022.9.x endpoint
#[put("/organizations/<org_id>/users/activate", data = "<data>")]
async fn bulk_activate_organization_user(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> Json<Value> {
bulk_restore_organization_user(org_id, data, headers, conn).await
async fn restore_organization_user(
org_id: String,
org_user_id: String,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
_restore_organization_user(&org_id, &org_user_id, &headers, &conn).await
#[put("/organizations/<org_id>/users/restore", data = "<data>")]
async fn bulk_restore_organization_user(
org_id: String,
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: AdminHeaders,
conn: DbConn,
) -> Json<Value> {
let data = data.into_inner().data;
let mut bulk_response = Vec::new();
match data["Ids"].as_array() {
Some(org_users) => {
for org_user_id in org_users {
let org_user_id = org_user_id.as_str().unwrap_or_default();
let err_msg = match _restore_organization_user(&org_id, org_user_id, &headers, &conn).await {
Ok(_) => String::from(""),
Err(e) => format!("{:?}", e),
"Object": "OrganizationUserBulkResponseModel",
"Id": org_user_id,
"Error": err_msg
None => error!("No users to restore"),
"Data": bulk_response,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
async fn _restore_organization_user(
org_id: &str,
org_user_id: &str,
headers: &AdminHeaders,
conn: &DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
match UserOrganization::find_by_uuid_and_org(org_user_id, org_id, conn).await {
Some(mut user_org) if user_org.status < UserOrgStatus::Accepted as i32 => {
if user_org.user_uuid == headers.user.uuid {
err!("You cannot restore yourself")
if user_org.atype == UserOrgType::Owner && headers.org_user_type != UserOrgType::Owner {
err!("Only owners can restore other owners")
// This check is also done at accept_invite(), _confirm_invite, _activate_user(), edit_user(), admin::update_user_org_type
// It returns different error messages per function.
if user_org.atype < UserOrgType::Admin {
match OrgPolicy::is_user_allowed(&user_org.user_uuid, org_id, false, conn).await {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(OrgPolicyErr::TwoFactorMissing) => {
err!("You cannot restore this user because it has no two-step login method activated");
Err(OrgPolicyErr::SingleOrgEnforced) => {
err!("You cannot restore this user because it is a member of an organization which forbids it");
Some(_) => err!("User is already active"),
None => err!("User not found in organization"),
// This is a new function active since the v2022.9.x clients.
// It combines the previous two calls done before.
// We call those two functions here and combine them our selfs.
// NOTE: It seems clients can't handle uppercase-first keys!!
// We need to convert all keys so they have the first character to be a lowercase.
// Else the export will be just an empty JSON file.
async fn get_org_export(org_id: String, headers: AdminHeaders, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
// Also both main keys here need to be lowercase, else the export will fail.
"collections": convert_json_key_lcase_first(_get_org_collections(&org_id, &conn).await),
"ciphers": convert_json_key_lcase_first(_get_org_details(&org_id, &, &headers.user.uuid, &conn).await),