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synced 2024-12-31 17:43:23 -05:00
When ticking the 'Also rotate my account's encryption key' box, the key rotated ciphers are posted after the change of password. During the password change the security stamp was reseted which made the posted key's return an invalid auth. This reset is needed to prevent other clients from still being able to read/write. This fixes this by adding a new database column which stores a stamp exception which includes the allowed route and the current security stamp before it gets reseted. When the security stamp check fails it will check if there is a stamp exception and tries to match the route and security stamp. Currently it only allows for one exception. But if needed we could expand it by using a Vec<UserStampException> and change the functions accordingly. fixes #1240
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// JWT Handling
use chrono::{Duration, Utc};
use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use jsonwebtoken::{self, Algorithm, DecodingKey, EncodingKey, Header};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::ser::Serialize;
use crate::{
error::{Error, MapResult},
const JWT_ALGORITHM: Algorithm = Algorithm::RS256;
pub static DEFAULT_VALIDITY: Lazy<Duration> = Lazy::new(|| Duration::hours(2));
static JWT_HEADER: Lazy<Header> = Lazy::new(|| Header::new(JWT_ALGORITHM));
pub static JWT_LOGIN_ISSUER: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| format!("{}|login", CONFIG.domain_origin()));
static JWT_INVITE_ISSUER: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| format!("{}|invite", CONFIG.domain_origin()));
static JWT_DELETE_ISSUER: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| format!("{}|delete", CONFIG.domain_origin()));
static JWT_VERIFYEMAIL_ISSUER: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| format!("{}|verifyemail", CONFIG.domain_origin()));
static JWT_ADMIN_ISSUER: Lazy<String> = Lazy::new(|| format!("{}|admin", CONFIG.domain_origin()));
static PRIVATE_RSA_KEY: Lazy<Vec<u8>> = Lazy::new(|| match read_file(&CONFIG.private_rsa_key()) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(e) => panic!("Error loading private RSA Key.\n Error: {}", e),
static PUBLIC_RSA_KEY: Lazy<Vec<u8>> = Lazy::new(|| match read_file(&CONFIG.public_rsa_key()) {
Ok(key) => key,
Err(e) => panic!("Error loading public RSA Key.\n Error: {}", e),
pub fn encode_jwt<T: Serialize>(claims: &T) -> String {
match jsonwebtoken::encode(&JWT_HEADER, claims, &EncodingKey::from_rsa_der(&PRIVATE_RSA_KEY)) {
Ok(token) => token,
Err(e) => panic!("Error encoding jwt {}", e),
fn decode_jwt<T: DeserializeOwned>(token: &str, issuer: String) -> Result<T, Error> {
let validation = jsonwebtoken::Validation {
leeway: 30, // 30 seconds
validate_exp: true,
validate_nbf: true,
aud: None,
iss: Some(issuer),
sub: None,
algorithms: vec![JWT_ALGORITHM],
let token = token.replace(char::is_whitespace, "");
jsonwebtoken::decode(&token, &DecodingKey::from_rsa_der(&PUBLIC_RSA_KEY), &validation)
.map(|d| d.claims)
.map_res("Error decoding JWT")
pub fn decode_login(token: &str) -> Result<LoginJWTClaims, Error> {
decode_jwt(token, JWT_LOGIN_ISSUER.to_string())
pub fn decode_invite(token: &str) -> Result<InviteJWTClaims, Error> {
decode_jwt(token, JWT_INVITE_ISSUER.to_string())
pub fn decode_delete(token: &str) -> Result<DeleteJWTClaims, Error> {
decode_jwt(token, JWT_DELETE_ISSUER.to_string())
pub fn decode_verify_email(token: &str) -> Result<VerifyEmailJWTClaims, Error> {
decode_jwt(token, JWT_VERIFYEMAIL_ISSUER.to_string())
pub fn decode_admin(token: &str) -> Result<AdminJWTClaims, Error> {
decode_jwt(token, JWT_ADMIN_ISSUER.to_string())
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct LoginJWTClaims {
// Not before
pub nbf: i64,
// Expiration time
pub exp: i64,
// Issuer
pub iss: String,
// Subject
pub sub: String,
pub premium: bool,
pub name: String,
pub email: String,
pub email_verified: bool,
pub orgowner: Vec<String>,
pub orgadmin: Vec<String>,
pub orguser: Vec<String>,
pub orgmanager: Vec<String>,
// user security_stamp
pub sstamp: String,
// device uuid
pub device: String,
// [ "api", "offline_access" ]
pub scope: Vec<String>,
// [ "Application" ]
pub amr: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct InviteJWTClaims {
// Not before
pub nbf: i64,
// Expiration time
pub exp: i64,
// Issuer
pub iss: String,
// Subject
pub sub: String,
pub email: String,
pub org_id: Option<String>,
pub user_org_id: Option<String>,
pub invited_by_email: Option<String>,
pub fn generate_invite_claims(
uuid: String,
email: String,
org_id: Option<String>,
user_org_id: Option<String>,
invited_by_email: Option<String>,
) -> InviteJWTClaims {
let time_now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
InviteJWTClaims {
nbf: time_now.timestamp(),
exp: (time_now + Duration::days(5)).timestamp(),
iss: JWT_INVITE_ISSUER.to_string(),
sub: uuid,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DeleteJWTClaims {
// Not before
pub nbf: i64,
// Expiration time
pub exp: i64,
// Issuer
pub iss: String,
// Subject
pub sub: String,
pub fn generate_delete_claims(uuid: String) -> DeleteJWTClaims {
let time_now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
DeleteJWTClaims {
nbf: time_now.timestamp(),
exp: (time_now + Duration::days(5)).timestamp(),
iss: JWT_DELETE_ISSUER.to_string(),
sub: uuid,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct VerifyEmailJWTClaims {
// Not before
pub nbf: i64,
// Expiration time
pub exp: i64,
// Issuer
pub iss: String,
// Subject
pub sub: String,
pub fn generate_verify_email_claims(uuid: String) -> DeleteJWTClaims {
let time_now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
DeleteJWTClaims {
nbf: time_now.timestamp(),
exp: (time_now + Duration::days(5)).timestamp(),
iss: JWT_VERIFYEMAIL_ISSUER.to_string(),
sub: uuid,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct AdminJWTClaims {
// Not before
pub nbf: i64,
// Expiration time
pub exp: i64,
// Issuer
pub iss: String,
// Subject
pub sub: String,
pub fn generate_admin_claims() -> AdminJWTClaims {
let time_now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
AdminJWTClaims {
nbf: time_now.timestamp(),
exp: (time_now + Duration::minutes(20)).timestamp(),
iss: JWT_ADMIN_ISSUER.to_string(),
sub: "admin_panel".to_string(),
// Bearer token authentication
use rocket::request::{FromRequest, Outcome, Request};
use crate::db::{
models::{CollectionUser, Device, User, UserOrgStatus, UserOrgType, UserOrganization, UserStampException},
pub struct Headers {
pub host: String,
pub device: Device,
pub user: User,
impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for Headers {
type Error = &'static str;
fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
let headers = request.headers();
// Get host
let host = if CONFIG.domain_set() {
} else if let Some(referer) = headers.get_one("Referer") {
} else {
// Try to guess from the headers
use std::env;
let protocol = if let Some(proto) = headers.get_one("X-Forwarded-Proto") {
} else if env::var("ROCKET_TLS").is_ok() {
} else {
let host = if let Some(host) = headers.get_one("X-Forwarded-Host") {
} else if let Some(host) = headers.get_one("Host") {
} else {
format!("{}://{}", protocol, host)
// Get access_token
let access_token: &str = match headers.get_one("Authorization") {
Some(a) => match a.rsplit("Bearer ").next() {
Some(split) => split,
None => err_handler!("No access token provided"),
None => err_handler!("No access token provided"),
// Check JWT token is valid and get device and user from it
let claims = match decode_login(access_token) {
Ok(claims) => claims,
Err(_) => err_handler!("Invalid claim"),
let device_uuid = claims.device;
let user_uuid = claims.sub;
let conn = match request.guard::<DbConn>() {
Outcome::Success(conn) => conn,
_ => err_handler!("Error getting DB"),
let device = match Device::find_by_uuid(&device_uuid, &conn) {
Some(device) => device,
None => err_handler!("Invalid device id"),
let user = match User::find_by_uuid(&user_uuid, &conn) {
Some(user) => user,
None => err_handler!("Device has no user associated"),
if user.security_stamp != claims.sstamp {
if let Some(stamp_exception) = user
.and_then(|s| serde_json::from_str::<UserStampException>(s).ok())
let current_route = match request.route().and_then(|r| r.name) {
Some(name) => name,
_ => err_handler!("Error getting current route for stamp exception"),
// Check if both match, if not this route is not allowed with the current security stamp.
if stamp_exception.route != current_route {
err_handler!("Invalid security stamp: Current route and exception route do not match")
} else if stamp_exception.security_stamp != claims.sstamp {
err_handler!("Invalid security stamp for matched stamp exception")
} else {
err_handler!("Invalid security stamp")
Outcome::Success(Headers { host, device, user })
pub struct OrgHeaders {
pub host: String,
pub device: Device,
pub user: User,
pub org_user_type: UserOrgType,
pub org_user: UserOrganization,
pub org_id: String,
// org_id is usually the second param ("/organizations/<org_id>")
// But there are cases where it is located in a query value.
// First check the param, if this is not a valid uuid, we will try the query value.
fn get_org_id(request: &Request) -> Option<String> {
if let Some(Ok(org_id)) = request.get_param::<String>(1) {
if uuid::Uuid::parse_str(&org_id).is_ok() {
return Some(org_id);
if let Some(Ok(org_id)) = request.get_query_value::<String>("organizationId") {
if uuid::Uuid::parse_str(&org_id).is_ok() {
return Some(org_id);
impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for OrgHeaders {
type Error = &'static str;
fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
match request.guard::<Headers>() {
Outcome::Forward(_) => Outcome::Forward(()),
Outcome::Failure(f) => Outcome::Failure(f),
Outcome::Success(headers) => {
match get_org_id(request) {
Some(org_id) => {
let conn = match request.guard::<DbConn>() {
Outcome::Success(conn) => conn,
_ => err_handler!("Error getting DB"),
let user = headers.user;
let org_user = match UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(&user.uuid, &org_id, &conn) {
Some(user) => {
if user.status == UserOrgStatus::Confirmed as i32 {
} else {
err_handler!("The current user isn't confirmed member of the organization")
None => err_handler!("The current user isn't member of the organization"),
Outcome::Success(Self {
host: headers.host,
device: headers.device,
org_user_type: {
if let Some(org_usr_type) = UserOrgType::from_i32(org_user.atype) {
} else {
// This should only happen if the DB is corrupted
err_handler!("Unknown user type in the database")
_ => err_handler!("Error getting the organization id"),
pub struct AdminHeaders {
pub host: String,
pub device: Device,
pub user: User,
pub org_user_type: UserOrgType,
impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for AdminHeaders {
type Error = &'static str;
fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
match request.guard::<OrgHeaders>() {
Outcome::Forward(_) => Outcome::Forward(()),
Outcome::Failure(f) => Outcome::Failure(f),
Outcome::Success(headers) => {
if headers.org_user_type >= UserOrgType::Admin {
Outcome::Success(Self {
host: headers.host,
device: headers.device,
user: headers.user,
org_user_type: headers.org_user_type,
} else {
err_handler!("You need to be Admin or Owner to call this endpoint")
impl Into<Headers> for AdminHeaders {
fn into(self) -> Headers {
Headers {
host: self.host,
device: self.device,
user: self.user,
// col_id is usually the forth param ("/organizations/<org_id>/collections/<col_id>")
// But there cloud be cases where it is located in a query value.
// First check the param, if this is not a valid uuid, we will try the query value.
fn get_col_id(request: &Request) -> Option<String> {
if let Some(Ok(col_id)) = request.get_param::<String>(3) {
if uuid::Uuid::parse_str(&col_id).is_ok() {
return Some(col_id);
if let Some(Ok(col_id)) = request.get_query_value::<String>("collectionId") {
if uuid::Uuid::parse_str(&col_id).is_ok() {
return Some(col_id);
/// The ManagerHeaders are used to check if you are at least a Manager
/// and have access to the specific collection provided via the <col_id>/collections/collectionId.
/// This does strict checking on the collection_id, ManagerHeadersLoose does not.
pub struct ManagerHeaders {
pub host: String,
pub device: Device,
pub user: User,
pub org_user_type: UserOrgType,
impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for ManagerHeaders {
type Error = &'static str;
fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
match request.guard::<OrgHeaders>() {
Outcome::Forward(_) => Outcome::Forward(()),
Outcome::Failure(f) => Outcome::Failure(f),
Outcome::Success(headers) => {
if headers.org_user_type >= UserOrgType::Manager {
match get_col_id(request) {
Some(col_id) => {
let conn = match request.guard::<DbConn>() {
Outcome::Success(conn) => conn,
_ => err_handler!("Error getting DB"),
if !headers.org_user.access_all {
match CollectionUser::find_by_collection_and_user(&col_id, &headers.org_user.user_uuid, &conn) {
Some(_) => (),
None => err_handler!("The current user isn't a manager for this collection"),
_ => err_handler!("Error getting the collection id"),
Outcome::Success(Self {
host: headers.host,
device: headers.device,
user: headers.user,
org_user_type: headers.org_user_type,
} else {
err_handler!("You need to be a Manager, Admin or Owner to call this endpoint")
impl Into<Headers> for ManagerHeaders {
fn into(self) -> Headers {
Headers {
host: self.host,
device: self.device,
user: self.user,
/// The ManagerHeadersLoose is used when you at least need to be a Manager,
/// but there is no collection_id sent with the request (either in the path or as form data).
pub struct ManagerHeadersLoose {
pub host: String,
pub device: Device,
pub user: User,
pub org_user_type: UserOrgType,
impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for ManagerHeadersLoose {
type Error = &'static str;
fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
match request.guard::<OrgHeaders>() {
Outcome::Forward(_) => Outcome::Forward(()),
Outcome::Failure(f) => Outcome::Failure(f),
Outcome::Success(headers) => {
if headers.org_user_type >= UserOrgType::Manager {
Outcome::Success(Self {
host: headers.host,
device: headers.device,
user: headers.user,
org_user_type: headers.org_user_type,
} else {
err_handler!("You need to be a Manager, Admin or Owner to call this endpoint")
impl Into<Headers> for ManagerHeadersLoose {
fn into(self) -> Headers {
Headers {
host: self.host,
device: self.device,
user: self.user,
pub struct OwnerHeaders {
pub host: String,
pub device: Device,
pub user: User,
impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for OwnerHeaders {
type Error = &'static str;
fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
match request.guard::<OrgHeaders>() {
Outcome::Forward(_) => Outcome::Forward(()),
Outcome::Failure(f) => Outcome::Failure(f),
Outcome::Success(headers) => {
if headers.org_user_type == UserOrgType::Owner {
Outcome::Success(Self {
host: headers.host,
device: headers.device,
user: headers.user,
} else {
err_handler!("You need to be Owner to call this endpoint")
// Client IP address detection
use std::net::IpAddr;
pub struct ClientIp {
pub ip: IpAddr,
impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for ClientIp {
type Error = ();
fn from_request(req: &'a Request<'r>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
let ip = if CONFIG._ip_header_enabled() {
req.headers().get_one(&CONFIG.ip_header()).and_then(|ip| {
match ip.find(',') {
Some(idx) => &ip[..idx],
None => ip,
.map_err(|_| warn!("'{}' header is malformed: {}", CONFIG.ip_header(), ip))
} else {
let ip = ip
.or_else(|| req.remote().map(|r| r.ip()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| "".parse().unwrap());
Outcome::Success(ClientIp { ip })