BlackDex 3181e4e96e
Optimize CipherSyncData for very large vaults
As mentioned in #3111, using a very very large vault causes some issues.
Mainly because of a SQLite limit, but, it could also cause issue on
MariaDB/MySQL or PostgreSQL. It also uses a lot of memory, and memory

This PR solves this by removing the need of all the cipher_uuid's just
to gather the correct attachments.

It will use the user_uuid and org_uuid's to get all attachments linked
to both, weither the user has access to them or not. This isn't an
issue, since the matching is done per cipher and the attachment data is
only returned if there is a matching cipher to where the user has access to.

I also modified some code to be able to use `::with_capacity(n)` where
possible. This prevents re-allocations if the `Vec` increases size,
which will happen a lot if there are a lot of ciphers.

According to my tests measuring the time it takes to sync, it seems to
have lowered the duration a bit more.

Fixes #3111
2023-01-11 20:23:53 +01:00

1798 lines
59 KiB

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use chrono::{NaiveDateTime, Utc};
use rocket::fs::TempFile;
use rocket::serde::json::Json;
use rocket::{
form::{Form, FromForm},
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::{
api::{self, core::log_event, EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase, Notify, PasswordData, UpdateType},
auth::{ClientIp, Headers},
db::{models::*, DbConn, DbPool},
use super::folders::FolderData;
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
// Note that many routes have an `admin` variant; this seems to be
// because the stored procedure that upstream Bitwarden uses to determine
// whether the user can edit a cipher doesn't take into account whether
// the user is an org owner/admin. The `admin` variant first checks
// whether the user is an owner/admin of the relevant org, and if so,
// allows the operation unconditionally.
// vaultwarden factors in the org owner/admin status as part of
// determining the write accessibility of a cipher, so most
// admin/non-admin implementations can be shared.
post_attachment, // legacy
post_attachment_admin, // legacy
pub async fn purge_trashed_ciphers(pool: DbPool) {
debug!("Purging trashed ciphers");
if let Ok(mut conn) = pool.get().await {
Cipher::purge_trash(&mut conn).await;
} else {
error!("Failed to get DB connection while purging trashed ciphers")
#[derive(FromForm, Default)]
struct SyncData {
#[field(name = "excludeDomains")]
exclude_domains: bool, // Default: 'false'
async fn sync(data: SyncData, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
let user_json = headers.user.to_json(&mut conn).await;
// Get all ciphers which are visible by the user
let ciphers = Cipher::find_by_user_visible(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await;
let cipher_sync_data = CipherSyncData::new(&headers.user.uuid, CipherSyncType::User, &mut conn).await;
// Lets generate the ciphers_json using all the gathered info
let mut ciphers_json = Vec::with_capacity(ciphers.len());
for c in ciphers {
ciphers_json.push(c.to_json(&, &headers.user.uuid, Some(&cipher_sync_data), &mut conn).await);
let collections = Collection::find_by_user_uuid(headers.user.uuid.clone(), &mut conn).await;
let mut collections_json = Vec::with_capacity(collections.len());
for c in collections {
collections_json.push(c.to_json_details(&headers.user.uuid, Some(&cipher_sync_data), &mut conn).await);
let folders_json: Vec<Value> =
Folder::find_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await.iter().map(Folder::to_json).collect();
let sends_json: Vec<Value> =
Send::find_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await.iter().map(Send::to_json).collect();
let policies_json: Vec<Value> =
OrgPolicy::find_confirmed_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await.iter().map(OrgPolicy::to_json).collect();
let domains_json = if data.exclude_domains {
} else {
api::core::_get_eq_domains(headers, true).into_inner()
"Profile": user_json,
"Folders": folders_json,
"Collections": collections_json,
"Policies": policies_json,
"Ciphers": ciphers_json,
"Domains": domains_json,
"Sends": sends_json,
"unofficialServer": true,
"Object": "sync"
async fn get_ciphers(headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
let ciphers = Cipher::find_by_user_visible(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await;
let cipher_sync_data = CipherSyncData::new(&headers.user.uuid, CipherSyncType::User, &mut conn).await;
let mut ciphers_json = Vec::with_capacity(ciphers.len());
for c in ciphers {
ciphers_json.push(c.to_json(&, &headers.user.uuid, Some(&cipher_sync_data), &mut conn).await);
"Data": ciphers_json,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
async fn get_cipher(uuid: String, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await {
err!("Cipher is not owned by user")
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&, &headers.user.uuid, None, &mut conn).await))
async fn get_cipher_admin(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
// TODO: Implement this correctly
get_cipher(uuid, headers, conn).await
async fn get_cipher_details(uuid: String, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
get_cipher(uuid, headers, conn).await
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct CipherData {
// Id is optional as it is included only in bulk share
pub Id: Option<String>,
// Folder id is not included in import
FolderId: Option<String>,
// TODO: Some of these might appear all the time, no need for Option
OrganizationId: Option<String>,
Login = 1,
SecureNote = 2,
Card = 3,
Identity = 4
pub Type: i32,
pub Name: String,
pub Notes: Option<String>,
Fields: Option<Value>,
// Only one of these should exist, depending on type
Login: Option<Value>,
SecureNote: Option<Value>,
Card: Option<Value>,
Identity: Option<Value>,
Favorite: Option<bool>,
Reprompt: Option<i32>,
PasswordHistory: Option<Value>,
// These are used during key rotation
// 'Attachments' is unused, contains map of {id: filename}
#[serde(rename = "Attachments")]
_Attachments: Option<Value>,
Attachments2: Option<HashMap<String, Attachments2Data>>,
// The revision datetime (in ISO 8601 format) of the client's local copy
// of the cipher. This is used to prevent a client from updating a cipher
// when it doesn't have the latest version, as that can result in data
// loss. It's not an error when no value is provided; this can happen
// when using older client versions, or if the operation doesn't involve
// updating an existing cipher.
LastKnownRevisionDate: Option<String>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Attachments2Data {
FileName: String,
Key: String,
/// Called when an org admin clones an org cipher.
#[post("/ciphers/admin", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_ciphers_admin(
data: JsonUpcase<ShareCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
post_ciphers_create(data, headers, conn, ip, nt).await
/// Called when creating a new org-owned cipher, or cloning a cipher (whether
/// user- or org-owned). When cloning a cipher to a user-owned cipher,
/// `organizationId` is null.
#[post("/ciphers/create", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_ciphers_create(
data: JsonUpcase<ShareCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let mut data: ShareCipherData = data.into_inner().data;
// Check if there are one more more collections selected when this cipher is part of an organization.
// err if this is not the case before creating an empty cipher.
if data.Cipher.OrganizationId.is_some() && data.CollectionIds.is_empty() {
err!("You must select at least one collection.");
// This check is usually only needed in update_cipher_from_data(), but we
// need it here as well to avoid creating an empty cipher in the call to
// below.
enforce_personal_ownership_policy(Some(&data.Cipher), &headers, &mut conn).await?;
let mut cipher = Cipher::new(data.Cipher.Type, data.Cipher.Name.clone());
cipher.user_uuid = Some(headers.user.uuid.clone()); conn).await?;
// When cloning a cipher, the Bitwarden clients seem to set this field
// based on the cipher being cloned (when creating a new cipher, it's set
// to null as expected). However, `cipher.created_at` is initialized to
// the current time, so the stale data check will end up failing down the
// line. Since this function only creates new ciphers (whether by cloning
// or otherwise), we can just ignore this field entirely.
data.Cipher.LastKnownRevisionDate = None;
share_cipher_by_uuid(&cipher.uuid, data, &headers, &mut conn, &ip, &nt).await
/// Called when creating a new user-owned cipher.
#[post("/ciphers", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_ciphers(
data: JsonUpcase<CipherData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let mut data: CipherData = data.into_inner().data;
// The web/browser clients set this field to null as expected, but the
// mobile clients seem to set the invalid value `0001-01-01T00:00:00`,
// which results in a warning message being logged. This field isn't
// needed when creating a new cipher, so just ignore it unconditionally.
data.LastKnownRevisionDate = None;
let mut cipher = Cipher::new(data.Type, data.Name.clone());
update_cipher_from_data(&mut cipher, data, &headers, false, &mut conn, &ip, &nt, UpdateType::SyncCipherCreate)
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&, &headers.user.uuid, None, &mut conn).await))
/// Enforces the personal ownership policy on user-owned ciphers, if applicable.
/// A non-owner/admin user belonging to an org with the personal ownership policy
/// enabled isn't allowed to create new user-owned ciphers or modify existing ones
/// (that were created before the policy was applicable to the user). The user is
/// allowed to delete or share such ciphers to an org, however.
/// Ref:
async fn enforce_personal_ownership_policy(
data: Option<&CipherData>,
headers: &Headers,
conn: &mut DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
if data.is_none() || data.unwrap().OrganizationId.is_none() {
let user_uuid = &headers.user.uuid;
let policy_type = OrgPolicyType::PersonalOwnership;
if OrgPolicy::is_applicable_to_user(user_uuid, policy_type, None, conn).await {
err!("Due to an Enterprise Policy, you are restricted from saving items to your personal vault.")
pub async fn update_cipher_from_data(
cipher: &mut Cipher,
data: CipherData,
headers: &Headers,
shared_to_collection: bool,
conn: &mut DbConn,
ip: &ClientIp,
nt: &Notify<'_>,
ut: UpdateType,
) -> EmptyResult {
enforce_personal_ownership_policy(Some(&data), headers, conn).await?;
// Check that the client isn't updating an existing cipher with stale data.
if let Some(dt) = data.LastKnownRevisionDate {
match NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(&dt, "%+") {
// ISO 8601 format
Err(err) => warn!("Error parsing LastKnownRevisionDate '{}': {}", dt, err),
Ok(dt) if cipher.updated_at.signed_duration_since(dt).num_seconds() > 1 => {
err!("The client copy of this cipher is out of date. Resync the client and try again.")
Ok(_) => (),
if cipher.organization_uuid.is_some() && cipher.organization_uuid != data.OrganizationId {
err!("Organization mismatch. Please resync the client before updating the cipher")
if let Some(note) = &data.Notes {
if note.len() > 10_000 {
err!("The field Notes exceeds the maximum encrypted value length of 10000 characters.")
// Check if this cipher is being transferred from a personal to an organization vault
let transfer_cipher = cipher.organization_uuid.is_none() && data.OrganizationId.is_some();
if let Some(org_id) = data.OrganizationId {
match UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(&headers.user.uuid, &org_id, conn).await {
None => err!("You don't have permission to add item to organization"),
Some(org_user) => {
if shared_to_collection
|| org_user.has_full_access()
|| cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn).await
cipher.organization_uuid = Some(org_id);
// After some discussion in PR #1329 re-added the user_uuid = None again.
// TODO: Audit/Check the whole save/update cipher chain.
// Upstream uses the user_uuid to allow a cipher added by a user to an org to still allow the user to view/edit the cipher
// even when the user has hide-passwords configured as there policy.
// Removing the line below would fix that, but we have to check which effect this would have on the rest of the code.
cipher.user_uuid = None;
} else {
err!("You don't have permission to add cipher directly to organization")
} else {
cipher.user_uuid = Some(headers.user.uuid.clone());
if let Some(ref folder_id) = data.FolderId {
match Folder::find_by_uuid(folder_id, conn).await {
Some(folder) => {
if folder.user_uuid != headers.user.uuid {
err!("Folder is not owned by user")
None => err!("Folder doesn't exist"),
// Modify attachments name and keys when rotating
if let Some(attachments) = data.Attachments2 {
for (id, attachment) in attachments {
let mut saved_att = match Attachment::find_by_id(&id, conn).await {
Some(att) => att,
None => {
// Warn and continue here.
// A missing attachment means it was removed via an other client.
// Also the Desktop Client supports removing attachments and save an update afterwards.
// Bitwarden it self ignores these mismatches server side.
warn!("Attachment {id} doesn't exist");
if saved_att.cipher_uuid != cipher.uuid {
// Warn and break here since cloning ciphers provides attachment data but will not be cloned.
// If we error out here it will break the whole cloning and causes empty ciphers to appear.
warn!("Attachment is not owned by the cipher");
saved_att.akey = Some(attachment.Key);
saved_att.file_name = attachment.FileName;;
// Cleanup cipher data, like removing the 'Response' key.
// This key is somewhere generated during Javascript so no way for us this fix this.
// Also, upstream only retrieves keys they actually want to store, and thus skip the 'Response' key.
// We do not mind which data is in it, the keep our model more flexible when there are upstream changes.
// But, we at least know we do not need to store and return this specific key.
fn _clean_cipher_data(mut json_data: Value) -> Value {
if json_data.is_array() {
json_data.as_array_mut().unwrap().iter_mut().for_each(|ref mut f| {
let type_data_opt = match data.Type {
1 => data.Login,
2 => data.SecureNote,
3 => data.Card,
4 => data.Identity,
_ => err!("Invalid type"),
let type_data = match type_data_opt {
Some(mut data) => {
// Remove the 'Response' key from the base object.
// Remove the 'Response' key from every Uri.
if data["Uris"].is_array() {
data["Uris"] = _clean_cipher_data(data["Uris"].clone());
None => err!("Data missing"),
}; = data.Name;
cipher.notes = data.Notes;
cipher.fields =|f| _clean_cipher_data(f).to_string()); = type_data.to_string();
cipher.password_history =|f| f.to_string());
cipher.reprompt = data.Reprompt;;
cipher.move_to_folder(data.FolderId, &headers.user.uuid, conn).await?;
cipher.set_favorite(data.Favorite, &headers.user.uuid, conn).await?;
if ut != UpdateType::None {
// Only log events for organizational ciphers
if let Some(org_uuid) = &cipher.organization_uuid {
let event_type = match (&ut, transfer_cipher) {
(UpdateType::SyncCipherCreate, true) => EventType::CipherCreated,
(UpdateType::SyncCipherUpdate, true) => EventType::CipherShared,
(_, _) => EventType::CipherUpdated,
event_type as i32,
nt.send_cipher_update(ut, cipher, &cipher.update_users_revision(conn).await, &headers.device.uuid).await;
struct ImportData {
Ciphers: Vec<CipherData>,
Folders: Vec<FolderData>,
FolderRelationships: Vec<RelationsData>,
struct RelationsData {
// Cipher id
Key: usize,
// Folder id
Value: usize,
#[post("/ciphers/import", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_ciphers_import(
data: JsonUpcase<ImportData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
enforce_personal_ownership_policy(None, &headers, &mut conn).await?;
let data: ImportData = data.into_inner().data;
// Validate the import before continuing
// Bitwarden does not process the import if there is one item invalid.
// Since we check for the size of the encrypted note length, we need to do that here to pre-validate it.
// TODO: See if we can optimize the whole cipher adding/importing and prevent duplicate code and checks.
// Read and create the folders
let mut folders: Vec<_> = Vec::new();
for folder in data.Folders.into_iter() {
let mut new_folder = Folder::new(headers.user.uuid.clone(), folder.Name); conn).await?;
// Read the relations between folders and ciphers
let mut relations_map = HashMap::new();
for relation in data.FolderRelationships {
relations_map.insert(relation.Key, relation.Value);
// Read and create the ciphers
for (index, mut cipher_data) in data.Ciphers.into_iter().enumerate() {
let folder_uuid = relations_map.get(&index).map(|i| folders[*i].uuid.clone());
cipher_data.FolderId = folder_uuid;
let mut cipher = Cipher::new(cipher_data.Type, cipher_data.Name.clone());
update_cipher_from_data(&mut cipher, cipher_data, &headers, false, &mut conn, &ip, &nt, UpdateType::None)
let mut user = headers.user;
user.update_revision(&mut conn).await?;
nt.send_user_update(UpdateType::SyncVault, &user).await;
/// Called when an org admin modifies an existing org cipher.
#[put("/ciphers/<uuid>/admin", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_cipher_admin(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
put_cipher(uuid, data, headers, conn, ip, nt).await
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/admin", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_cipher_admin(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
post_cipher(uuid, data, headers, conn, ip, nt).await
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_cipher(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
put_cipher(uuid, data, headers, conn, ip, nt).await
#[put("/ciphers/<uuid>", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_cipher(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CipherData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: CipherData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
// TODO: Check if only the folder ID or favorite status is being changed.
// These are per-user properties that technically aren't part of the
// cipher itself, so the user shouldn't need write access to change these.
// Interestingly, upstream Bitwarden doesn't properly handle this either.
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await {
err!("Cipher is not write accessible")
update_cipher_from_data(&mut cipher, data, &headers, false, &mut conn, &ip, &nt, UpdateType::SyncCipherUpdate)
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&, &headers.user.uuid, None, &mut conn).await))
struct CollectionsAdminData {
CollectionIds: Vec<String>,
#[put("/ciphers/<uuid>/collections", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_collections_update(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CollectionsAdminData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
) -> EmptyResult {
post_collections_admin(uuid, data, headers, conn, ip).await
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/collections", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_collections_update(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CollectionsAdminData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
) -> EmptyResult {
post_collections_admin(uuid, data, headers, conn, ip).await
#[put("/ciphers/<uuid>/collections-admin", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_collections_admin(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CollectionsAdminData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
) -> EmptyResult {
post_collections_admin(uuid, data, headers, conn, ip).await
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/collections-admin", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_collections_admin(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<CollectionsAdminData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: CollectionsAdminData = data.into_inner().data;
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await {
err!("Cipher is not write accessible")
let posted_collections: HashSet<String> = data.CollectionIds.iter().cloned().collect();
let current_collections: HashSet<String> =
cipher.get_collections(headers.user.uuid.clone(), &mut conn).await.iter().cloned().collect();
for collection in posted_collections.symmetric_difference(&current_collections) {
match Collection::find_by_uuid(collection, &mut conn).await {
None => err!("Invalid collection ID provided"),
Some(collection) => {
if collection.is_writable_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await {
if posted_collections.contains(&collection.uuid) {
// Add to collection
CollectionCipher::save(&cipher.uuid, &collection.uuid, &mut conn).await?;
} else {
// Remove from collection
CollectionCipher::delete(&cipher.uuid, &collection.uuid, &mut conn).await?;
} else {
err!("No rights to modify the collection")
EventType::CipherUpdatedCollections as i32,
&mut conn,
struct ShareCipherData {
Cipher: CipherData,
CollectionIds: Vec<String>,
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/share", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_cipher_share(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<ShareCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: ShareCipherData = data.into_inner().data;
share_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, data, &headers, &mut conn, &ip, &nt).await
#[put("/ciphers/<uuid>/share", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_cipher_share(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<ShareCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: ShareCipherData = data.into_inner().data;
share_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, data, &headers, &mut conn, &ip, &nt).await
struct ShareSelectedCipherData {
Ciphers: Vec<CipherData>,
CollectionIds: Vec<String>,
#[put("/ciphers/share", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_cipher_share_selected(
data: JsonUpcase<ShareSelectedCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
let mut data: ShareSelectedCipherData = data.into_inner().data;
let mut cipher_ids: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
if data.Ciphers.is_empty() {
err!("You must select at least one cipher.")
if data.CollectionIds.is_empty() {
err!("You must select at least one collection.")
for cipher in data.Ciphers.iter() {
match cipher.Id {
Some(ref id) => cipher_ids.push(id.to_string()),
None => err!("Request missing ids field"),
while let Some(cipher) = data.Ciphers.pop() {
let mut shared_cipher_data = ShareCipherData {
Cipher: cipher,
CollectionIds: data.CollectionIds.clone(),
match shared_cipher_data.Cipher.Id.take() {
Some(id) => share_cipher_by_uuid(&id, shared_cipher_data, &headers, &mut conn, &ip, &nt).await?,
None => err!("Request missing ids field"),
async fn share_cipher_by_uuid(
uuid: &str,
data: ShareCipherData,
headers: &Headers,
conn: &mut DbConn,
ip: &ClientIp,
nt: &Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let mut cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(uuid, conn).await {
Some(cipher) => {
if cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn).await {
} else {
err!("Cipher is not write accessible")
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
let mut shared_to_collection = false;
if let Some(organization_uuid) = &data.Cipher.OrganizationId {
for uuid in &data.CollectionIds {
match Collection::find_by_uuid_and_org(uuid, organization_uuid, conn).await {
None => err!("Invalid collection ID provided"),
Some(collection) => {
if collection.is_writable_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn).await {
CollectionCipher::save(&cipher.uuid, &collection.uuid, conn).await?;
shared_to_collection = true;
} else {
err!("No rights to modify the collection")
// When LastKnownRevisionDate is None, it is a new cipher, so send CipherCreate.
let ut = if data.Cipher.LastKnownRevisionDate.is_some() {
} else {
update_cipher_from_data(&mut cipher, data.Cipher, headers, shared_to_collection, conn, ip, nt, ut).await?;
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&, &headers.user.uuid, None, conn).await))
/// v2 API for downloading an attachment. This just redirects the client to
/// the actual location of an attachment.
/// Upstream added this v2 API to support direct download of attachments from
/// their object storage service. For self-hosted instances, it basically just
/// redirects to the same location as before the v2 API.
async fn get_attachment(uuid: String, attachment_id: String, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
match Attachment::find_by_id(&attachment_id, &mut conn).await {
Some(attachment) if uuid == attachment.cipher_uuid => Ok(Json(attachment.to_json(&,
Some(_) => err!("Attachment doesn't belong to cipher"),
None => err!("Attachment doesn't exist"),
struct AttachmentRequestData {
Key: String,
FileName: String,
FileSize: i32,
AdminRequest: Option<bool>, // true when attaching from an org vault view
enum FileUploadType {
Direct = 0,
// Azure = 1, // only used upstream
/// v2 API for creating an attachment associated with a cipher.
/// This redirects the client to the API it should use to upload the attachment.
/// For upstream's cloud-hosted service, it's an Azure object storage API.
/// For self-hosted instances, it's another API on the local instance.
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/v2", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_attachment_v2(
uuid: String,
data: JsonUpcase<AttachmentRequestData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
) -> JsonResult {
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await {
err!("Cipher is not write accessible")
let attachment_id = crypto::generate_attachment_id();
let data: AttachmentRequestData = data.into_inner().data;
let attachment =
Attachment::new(attachment_id.clone(), cipher.uuid.clone(), data.FileName, data.FileSize, Some(data.Key)); conn).await.expect("Error saving attachment");
let url = format!("/ciphers/{}/attachment/{}", cipher.uuid, attachment_id);
let response_key = match data.AdminRequest {
Some(b) if b => "CipherMiniResponse",
_ => "CipherResponse",
Ok(Json(json!({ // AttachmentUploadDataResponseModel
"Object": "attachment-fileUpload",
"AttachmentId": attachment_id,
"Url": url,
"FileUploadType": FileUploadType::Direct as i32,
response_key: cipher.to_json(&, &headers.user.uuid, None, &mut conn).await,
struct UploadData<'f> {
key: Option<String>,
data: TempFile<'f>,
/// Saves the data content of an attachment to a file. This is common code
/// shared between the v2 and legacy attachment APIs.
/// When used with the legacy API, this function is responsible for creating
/// the attachment database record, so `attachment` is None.
/// When used with the v2 API, post_attachment_v2() has already created the
/// database record, which is passed in as `attachment`.
async fn save_attachment(
mut attachment: Option<Attachment>,
cipher_uuid: String,
data: Form<UploadData<'_>>,
headers: &Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> Result<(Cipher, DbConn), crate::error::Error> {
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&cipher_uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await {
err!("Cipher is not write accessible")
// In the v2 API, the attachment record has already been created,
// so the size limit needs to be adjusted to account for that.
let size_adjust = match &attachment {
None => 0, // Legacy API
Some(a) => i64::from(a.file_size), // v2 API
let size_limit = if let Some(ref user_uuid) = cipher.user_uuid {
match CONFIG.user_attachment_limit() {
Some(0) => err!("Attachments are disabled"),
Some(limit_kb) => {
let left = (limit_kb * 1024) - Attachment::size_by_user(user_uuid, &mut conn).await + size_adjust;
if left <= 0 {
err!("Attachment storage limit reached! Delete some attachments to free up space")
Some(left as u64)
None => None,
} else if let Some(ref org_uuid) = cipher.organization_uuid {
match CONFIG.org_attachment_limit() {
Some(0) => err!("Attachments are disabled"),
Some(limit_kb) => {
let left = (limit_kb * 1024) - Attachment::size_by_org(org_uuid, &mut conn).await + size_adjust;
if left <= 0 {
err!("Attachment storage limit reached! Delete some attachments to free up space")
Some(left as u64)
None => None,
} else {
err!("Cipher is neither owned by a user nor an organization");
let mut data = data.into_inner();
if let Some(size_limit) = size_limit {
if > size_limit {
err!("Attachment storage limit exceeded with this file");
let file_id = match &attachment {
Some(attachment) =>, // v2 API
None => crypto::generate_attachment_id(), // Legacy API
let folder_path = tokio::fs::canonicalize(&CONFIG.attachments_folder()).await?.join(&cipher_uuid);
let file_path = folder_path.join(&file_id);
let size = as i32;
if let Some(attachment) = &mut attachment {
// v2 API
// Check the actual size against the size initially provided by
// the client. Upstream allows +/- 1 MiB deviation from this
// size, but it's not clear when or why this is needed.
const LEEWAY: i32 = 1024 * 1024; // 1 MiB
let min_size = attachment.file_size - LEEWAY;
let max_size = attachment.file_size + LEEWAY;
if min_size <= size && size <= max_size {
if size != attachment.file_size {
// Update the attachment with the actual file size.
attachment.file_size = size; conn).await.expect("Error updating attachment");
} else {
attachment.delete(&mut conn).await.ok();
err!(format!("Attachment size mismatch (expected within [{min_size}, {max_size}], got {size})"));
} else {
// Legacy API
let encrypted_filename =|s| s.dangerous_unsafe_unsanitized_raw().to_string());
if encrypted_filename.is_none() {
err!("No filename provided")
if data.key.is_none() {
err!("No attachment key provided")
let attachment = Attachment::new(file_id, cipher_uuid.clone(), encrypted_filename.unwrap(), size, data.key); conn).await.expect("Error saving attachment");
if let Err(_err) = {
&cipher.update_users_revision(&mut conn).await,
if let Some(org_uuid) = &cipher.organization_uuid {
EventType::CipherAttachmentCreated as i32,
&mut conn,
Ok((cipher, conn))
/// v2 API for uploading the actual data content of an attachment.
/// This route needs a rank specified so that Rocket prioritizes the
/// /ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/v2 route, which would otherwise conflict
/// with this one.
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/<attachment_id>", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>", rank = 1)]
async fn post_attachment_v2_data(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
data: Form<UploadData<'_>>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
let attachment = match Attachment::find_by_id(&attachment_id, &mut conn).await {
Some(attachment) if uuid == attachment.cipher_uuid => Some(attachment),
Some(_) => err!("Attachment doesn't belong to cipher"),
None => err!("Attachment doesn't exist"),
save_attachment(attachment, uuid, data, &headers, conn, ip, nt).await?;
/// Legacy API for creating an attachment associated with a cipher.
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_attachment(
uuid: String,
data: Form<UploadData<'_>>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
// Setting this as None signifies to save_attachment() that it should create
// the attachment database record as well as saving the data to disk.
let attachment = None;
let (cipher, mut conn) = save_attachment(attachment, uuid, data, &headers, conn, ip, nt).await?;
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&, &headers.user.uuid, None, &mut conn).await))
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment-admin", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_attachment_admin(
uuid: String,
data: Form<UploadData<'_>>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
post_attachment(uuid, data, headers, conn, ip, nt).await
#[post("/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/<attachment_id>/share", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_attachment_share(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
data: Form<UploadData<'_>>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
_delete_cipher_attachment_by_id(&uuid, &attachment_id, &headers, &mut conn, &ip, &nt).await?;
post_attachment(uuid, data, headers, conn, ip, nt).await
async fn delete_attachment_post_admin(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
delete_attachment(uuid, attachment_id, headers, conn, ip, nt).await
async fn delete_attachment_post(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
delete_attachment(uuid, attachment_id, headers, conn, ip, nt).await
async fn delete_attachment(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_attachment_by_id(&uuid, &attachment_id, &headers, &mut conn, &ip, &nt).await
async fn delete_attachment_admin(
uuid: String,
attachment_id: String,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_attachment_by_id(&uuid, &attachment_id, &headers, &mut conn, &ip, &nt).await
async fn delete_cipher_post(
uuid: String,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &mut conn, false, &ip, &nt).await // permanent delete
async fn delete_cipher_post_admin(
uuid: String,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &mut conn, false, &ip, &nt).await // permanent delete
async fn delete_cipher_put(
uuid: String,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &mut conn, true, &ip, &nt).await // soft delete
async fn delete_cipher_put_admin(
uuid: String,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &mut conn, true, &ip, &nt).await
async fn delete_cipher(uuid: String, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn, ip: ClientIp, nt: Notify<'_>) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &mut conn, false, &ip, &nt).await // permanent delete
async fn delete_cipher_admin(
uuid: String,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &mut conn, false, &ip, &nt).await // permanent delete
#[delete("/ciphers", data = "<data>")]
async fn delete_cipher_selected(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_multiple_ciphers(data, headers, conn, false, ip, nt).await // permanent delete
#[post("/ciphers/delete", data = "<data>")]
async fn delete_cipher_selected_post(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_multiple_ciphers(data, headers, conn, false, ip, nt).await // permanent delete
#[put("/ciphers/delete", data = "<data>")]
async fn delete_cipher_selected_put(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_multiple_ciphers(data, headers, conn, true, ip, nt).await // soft delete
#[delete("/ciphers/admin", data = "<data>")]
async fn delete_cipher_selected_admin(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_multiple_ciphers(data, headers, conn, false, ip, nt).await // permanent delete
#[post("/ciphers/delete-admin", data = "<data>")]
async fn delete_cipher_selected_post_admin(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_multiple_ciphers(data, headers, conn, false, ip, nt).await // permanent delete
#[put("/ciphers/delete-admin", data = "<data>")]
async fn delete_cipher_selected_put_admin(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
_delete_multiple_ciphers(data, headers, conn, true, ip, nt).await // soft delete
async fn restore_cipher_put(
uuid: String,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
_restore_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &mut conn, &ip, &nt).await
async fn restore_cipher_put_admin(
uuid: String,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
_restore_cipher_by_uuid(&uuid, &headers, &mut conn, &ip, &nt).await
#[put("/ciphers/restore", data = "<data>")]
async fn restore_cipher_selected(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
_restore_multiple_ciphers(data, &headers, &mut conn, ip, &nt).await
struct MoveCipherData {
FolderId: Option<String>,
Ids: Vec<String>,
#[post("/ciphers/move", data = "<data>")]
async fn move_cipher_selected(
data: JsonUpcase<MoveCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data = data.into_inner().data;
let user_uuid = headers.user.uuid;
if let Some(ref folder_id) = data.FolderId {
match Folder::find_by_uuid(folder_id, &mut conn).await {
Some(folder) => {
if folder.user_uuid != user_uuid {
err!("Folder is not owned by user")
None => err!("Folder doesn't exist"),
for uuid in data.Ids {
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &mut conn).await {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_accessible_to_user(&user_uuid, &mut conn).await {
err!("Cipher is not accessible by user")
// Move cipher
cipher.move_to_folder(data.FolderId.clone(), &user_uuid, &mut conn).await?;
nt.send_cipher_update(UpdateType::SyncCipherUpdate, &cipher, &[user_uuid.clone()], &headers.device.uuid).await;
#[put("/ciphers/move", data = "<data>")]
async fn move_cipher_selected_put(
data: JsonUpcase<MoveCipherData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
move_cipher_selected(data, headers, conn, nt).await
struct OrganizationId {
#[field(name = "organizationId")]
org_id: String,
#[post("/ciphers/purge?<organization..>", data = "<data>")]
async fn delete_all(
organization: Option<OrganizationId>,
data: JsonUpcase<PasswordData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: PasswordData = data.into_inner().data;
let password_hash = data.MasterPasswordHash;
let mut user = headers.user;
if !user.check_valid_password(&password_hash) {
err!("Invalid password")
match organization {
Some(org_data) => {
// Organization ID in query params, purging organization vault
match UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(&user.uuid, &org_data.org_id, &mut conn).await {
None => err!("You don't have permission to purge the organization vault"),
Some(user_org) => {
if user_org.atype == UserOrgType::Owner {
Cipher::delete_all_by_organization(&org_data.org_id, &mut conn).await?;
nt.send_user_update(UpdateType::SyncVault, &user).await;
EventType::OrganizationPurgedVault as i32,
&mut conn,
} else {
err!("You don't have permission to purge the organization vault");
None => {
// No organization ID in query params, purging user vault
// Delete ciphers and their attachments
for cipher in Cipher::find_owned_by_user(&user.uuid, &mut conn).await {
cipher.delete(&mut conn).await?;
// Delete folders
for f in Folder::find_by_user(&user.uuid, &mut conn).await {
f.delete(&mut conn).await?;
user.update_revision(&mut conn).await?;
nt.send_user_update(UpdateType::SyncVault, &user).await;
async fn _delete_cipher_by_uuid(
uuid: &str,
headers: &Headers,
conn: &mut DbConn,
soft_delete: bool,
ip: &ClientIp,
nt: &Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
let mut cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(uuid, conn).await {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn).await {
err!("Cipher can't be deleted by user")
if soft_delete {
cipher.deleted_at = Some(Utc::now().naive_utc());;
} else {
if let Some(org_uuid) = cipher.organization_uuid {
let event_type = match soft_delete {
true => EventType::CipherSoftDeleted as i32,
false => EventType::CipherDeleted as i32,
log_event(event_type, &cipher.uuid, org_uuid, headers.user.uuid.clone(), headers.device.atype, &ip.ip, conn)
async fn _delete_multiple_ciphers(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
soft_delete: bool,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
let data: Value = data.into_inner().data;
let uuids = match data.get("Ids") {
Some(ids) => match ids.as_array() {
Some(ids) => ids.iter().filter_map(Value::as_str),
None => err!("Posted ids field is not an array"),
None => err!("Request missing ids field"),
for uuid in uuids {
if let error @ Err(_) = _delete_cipher_by_uuid(uuid, &headers, &mut conn, soft_delete, &ip, &nt).await {
return error;
async fn _restore_cipher_by_uuid(
uuid: &str,
headers: &Headers,
conn: &mut DbConn,
ip: &ClientIp,
nt: &Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let mut cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(uuid, conn).await {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn).await {
err!("Cipher can't be restored by user")
cipher.deleted_at = None;;
if let Some(org_uuid) = &cipher.organization_uuid {
EventType::CipherRestored as i32,
Ok(Json(cipher.to_json(&, &headers.user.uuid, None, conn).await))
async fn _restore_multiple_ciphers(
data: JsonUpcase<Value>,
headers: &Headers,
conn: &mut DbConn,
ip: ClientIp,
nt: &Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: Value = data.into_inner().data;
let uuids = match data.get("Ids") {
Some(ids) => match ids.as_array() {
Some(ids) => ids.iter().filter_map(Value::as_str),
None => err!("Posted ids field is not an array"),
None => err!("Request missing ids field"),
let mut ciphers: Vec<Value> = Vec::new();
for uuid in uuids {
match _restore_cipher_by_uuid(uuid, headers, conn, &ip, nt).await {
Ok(json) => ciphers.push(json.into_inner()),
err => return err,
"Data": ciphers,
"Object": "list",
"ContinuationToken": null
async fn _delete_cipher_attachment_by_id(
uuid: &str,
attachment_id: &str,
headers: &Headers,
conn: &mut DbConn,
ip: &ClientIp,
nt: &Notify<'_>,
) -> EmptyResult {
let attachment = match Attachment::find_by_id(attachment_id, conn).await {
Some(attachment) => attachment,
None => err!("Attachment doesn't exist"),
if attachment.cipher_uuid != uuid {
err!("Attachment from other cipher")
let cipher = match Cipher::find_by_uuid(uuid, conn).await {
Some(cipher) => cipher,
None => err!("Cipher doesn't exist"),
if !cipher.is_write_accessible_to_user(&headers.user.uuid, conn).await {
err!("Cipher cannot be deleted by user")
// Delete attachment
if let Some(org_uuid) = cipher.organization_uuid {
EventType::CipherAttachmentDeleted as i32,
/// This will hold all the necessary data to improve a full sync of all the ciphers
/// It can be used during the `Cipher::to_json()` call.
/// It will prevent the so called N+1 SQL issue by running just a few queries which will hold all the data needed.
/// This will not improve the speed of a single cipher.to_json() call that much, so better not to use it for those calls.
pub struct CipherSyncData {
pub cipher_attachments: HashMap<String, Vec<Attachment>>,
pub cipher_folders: HashMap<String, String>,
pub cipher_favorites: HashSet<String>,
pub cipher_collections: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
pub user_organizations: HashMap<String, UserOrganization>,
pub user_collections: HashMap<String, CollectionUser>,
pub user_collections_groups: HashMap<String, CollectionGroup>,
pub user_group_full_access_for_organizations: HashSet<String>,
pub enum CipherSyncType {
impl CipherSyncData {
pub async fn new(user_uuid: &str, sync_type: CipherSyncType, conn: &mut DbConn) -> Self {
let cipher_folders: HashMap<String, String>;
let cipher_favorites: HashSet<String>;
match sync_type {
// User Sync supports Folders and Favorits
CipherSyncType::User => {
// Generate a HashMap with the Cipher UUID as key and the Folder UUID as value
cipher_folders = FolderCipher::find_by_user(user_uuid, conn).await.into_iter().collect();
// Generate a HashSet of all the Cipher UUID's which are marked as favorite
cipher_favorites = Favorite::get_all_cipher_uuid_by_user(user_uuid, conn).await.into_iter().collect();
// Organization Sync does not support Folders and Favorits.
// If these are set, it will cause issues in the web-vault.
CipherSyncType::Organization => {
cipher_folders = HashMap::with_capacity(0);
cipher_favorites = HashSet::with_capacity(0);
// Generate a list of Cipher UUID's containing a Vec with one or more Attachment records
let user_org_uuids = UserOrganization::get_org_uuid_by_user(user_uuid, conn).await;
let attachments = Attachment::find_all_by_user_and_orgs(user_uuid, &user_org_uuids, conn).await;
let mut cipher_attachments: HashMap<String, Vec<Attachment>> = HashMap::with_capacity(attachments.len());
for attachment in attachments {
// Generate a HashMap with the Cipher UUID as key and one or more Collection UUID's
let user_cipher_collections = Cipher::get_collections_with_cipher_by_user(user_uuid.to_string(), conn).await;
let mut cipher_collections: HashMap<String, Vec<String>> =
for (cipher, collection) in user_cipher_collections {
// Generate a HashMap with the Organization UUID as key and the UserOrganization record
let user_organizations: HashMap<String, UserOrganization> = UserOrganization::find_by_user(user_uuid, conn)
.map(|uo| (uo.org_uuid.clone(), uo))
// Generate a HashMap with the User_Collections UUID as key and the CollectionUser record
let user_collections: HashMap<String, CollectionUser> = CollectionUser::find_by_user(user_uuid, conn)
.map(|uc| (uc.collection_uuid.clone(), uc))
// Generate a HashMap with the collections_uuid as key and the CollectionGroup record
let user_collections_groups: HashMap<String, CollectionGroup> = CollectionGroup::find_by_user(user_uuid, conn)
.map(|collection_group| (collection_group.collections_uuid.clone(), collection_group))
// Get all organizations that the user has full access to via group assignement
let user_group_full_access_for_organizations: HashSet<String> =
Group::gather_user_organizations_full_access(user_uuid, conn).await.into_iter().collect();
Self {