
# Use the value of the corresponding env var (if present),
# or a default value otherwise.
: ${DATA_FOLDER:="data"}
: ${ROCKET_PORT:="80"}


# Given a config key, return the corresponding config value from the
# config file. If the key doesn't exist, return an empty string.
get_config_val() {
    local key="$1"
    # Extract a line of the form:
    #   "domain": "https://bw.example.com/path",
    grep "\"${key}\":" "${CONFIG_FILE}" |
    # To extract just the value (https://bw.example.com/path), delete:
    # (1) everything up to and including the first ':',
    # (2) whitespace and '"' from the front,
    # (3) ',' and '"' from the back.
    sed -e 's/[^:]\+://' -e 's/^[ "]\+//' -e 's/[,"]\+$//'

# Extract the base path from a domain URL. For example:
# - `` -> ``
# - `https://bw.example.com` -> ``
# - `https://bw.example.com/` -> ``
# - `https://bw.example.com/path` -> `/path`
# - `https://bw.example.com/multi/path` -> `/multi/path`
get_base_path() {
    echo "$1" |
    # Delete:
    # (1) everything up to and including '://',
    # (2) everything up to '/',
    # (3) trailing '/' from the back.
    sed -e 's|.*://||' -e 's|[^/]\+||' -e 's|/*$||'

# Read domain URL from config.json, if present.
if [ -r "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]; then
    domain="$(get_config_val 'domain')"
    if [ -n "${domain}" ]; then
        # config.json 'domain' overrides the DOMAIN env var.

base_path="$(get_base_path "${DOMAIN}")"
if [ -n "${ROCKET_TLS}" ]; then
curl --insecure --fail --silent --show-error \
     "http${s}://localhost:${ROCKET_PORT}${base_path}/alive" || exit 1