use serde_json::Value; use super::Cipher; use CONFIG; #[derive(Debug, Identifiable, Queryable, Insertable, Associations)] #[table_name = "attachments"] #[belongs_to(Cipher, foreign_key = "cipher_uuid")] #[primary_key(id)] pub struct Attachment { pub id: String, pub cipher_uuid: String, pub file_name: String, pub file_size: i32, pub key: Option<String> } /// Local methods impl Attachment { pub fn new(id: String, cipher_uuid: String, file_name: String, file_size: i32) -> Self { Self { id, cipher_uuid, file_name, file_size, key: None } } pub fn get_file_path(&self) -> String { format!("{}/{}/{}", CONFIG.attachments_folder, self.cipher_uuid, } pub fn to_json(&self, host: &str) -> Value { use util::get_display_size; let web_path = format!("{}/attachments/{}/{}", host, self.cipher_uuid,; let display_size = get_display_size(self.file_size); json!({ "Id":, "Url": web_path, "FileName": self.file_name, "Size": self.file_size.to_string(), "SizeName": display_size, "Key": self.key, "Object": "attachment" }) } } use diesel; use diesel::prelude::*; use db::DbConn; use db::schema::attachments; /// Database methods impl Attachment { pub fn save(&self, conn: &DbConn) -> QueryResult<()> { diesel::replace_into(attachments::table) .values(self) .execute(&**conn) .and(Ok(())) } pub fn delete(self, conn: &DbConn) -> QueryResult<()> { use util; use std::{thread, time}; let mut retries = 10; loop { match diesel::delete( attachments::table.filter( attachments::id.eq(& ) ).execute(&**conn) { Ok(_) => break, Err(err) => { if retries < 1 { error!("Failed with 10 retries"); return Err(err) } else { retries -= 1; info!("Had to retry! Retries left: {}", retries); thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(500)); continue } } } } util::delete_file(&self.get_file_path()); Ok(()) } pub fn delete_all_by_cipher(cipher_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> QueryResult<()> { for attachment in Attachment::find_by_cipher(&cipher_uuid, &conn) { attachment.delete(&conn)?; } Ok(()) } pub fn find_by_id(id: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Option<Self> { attachments::table .filter(attachments::id.eq(id)) .first::<Self>(&**conn).ok() } pub fn find_by_cipher(cipher_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<Self> { attachments::table .filter(attachments::cipher_uuid.eq(cipher_uuid)) .load::<Self>(&**conn).expect("Error loading attachments") } pub fn find_by_ciphers(cipher_uuids: Vec<String>, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<Self> { attachments::table .filter(attachments::cipher_uuid.eq_any(cipher_uuids)) .load::<Self>(&**conn).expect("Error loading attachments") } }