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synced 2025-03-28 00:11:00 -04:00
improve admin invite (#5403)
* check for admin invite * refactor the invitation logic * cleanup check for undefined token * prevent wrong user from accepting invitation
This commit is contained in:
@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ const DT_FMT: &str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z";
const BASE_TEMPLATE: &str = "admin/base";
const ACTING_ADMIN_USER: &str = "vaultwarden-admin-00000-000000000000";
pub const FAKE_ADMIN_UUID: &str = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
fn admin_path() -> String {
format!("{}{}", CONFIG.domain_path(), ADMIN_PATH)
@ -299,7 +300,9 @@ async fn invite_user(data: Json<InviteData>, _token: AdminToken, mut conn: DbCon
async fn _generate_invite(user: &User, conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
mail::send_invite(user, None, None, &CONFIG.invitation_org_name(), None).await
let org_id: OrganizationId = FAKE_ADMIN_UUID.to_string().into();
let member_id: MembershipId = FAKE_ADMIN_UUID.to_string().into();
mail::send_invite(user, org_id, member_id, &CONFIG.invitation_org_name(), None).await
} else {
let invitation = Invitation::new(&user.email);
@ -475,7 +478,9 @@ async fn resend_user_invite(user_id: UserId, _token: AdminToken, mut conn: DbCon
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
mail::send_invite(&user, None, None, &CONFIG.invitation_org_name(), None).await
let org_id: OrganizationId = FAKE_ADMIN_UUID.to_string().into();
let member_id: MembershipId = FAKE_ADMIN_UUID.to_string().into();
mail::send_invite(&user, org_id, member_id, &CONFIG.invitation_org_name(), None).await
} else {
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ use rocket::Route;
use serde_json::Value;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use crate::api::admin::FAKE_ADMIN_UUID;
use crate::{
core::{log_event, two_factor, CipherSyncData, CipherSyncType},
@ -971,8 +972,8 @@ async fn send_invite(
if let Err(e) = mail::send_invite(
@ -1098,14 +1099,7 @@ async fn _reinvite_member(
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
mail::send_invite(&user, org_id.clone(), member.uuid, &org_name, Some(invited_by_email.to_string())).await?;
} else if user.password_hash.is_empty() {
let invitation = Invitation::new(&user.email);
@ -1131,79 +1125,81 @@ async fn accept_invite(
org_id: OrganizationId,
member_id: MembershipId,
data: Json<AcceptData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
) -> EmptyResult {
// The web-vault passes org_id and member_id in the URL, but we are just reading them from the JWT instead
let data: AcceptData = data.into_inner();
let claims = decode_invite(&data.token)?;
// If a claim does not have a member_id or it does not match the one in from the URI, something is wrong.
match &claims.member_id {
Some(ou_id) if ou_id.eq(&member_id) => {}
_ => err!("Error accepting the invitation", "Claim does not match the member_id"),
// Don't allow other users from accepting an invitation.
if !claims.email.eq(&headers.user.email) {
err!("Invitation was issued to a different account", "Claim does not match user_id")
match User::find_by_mail(&claims.email, &mut conn).await {
Some(user) => {
Invitation::take(&claims.email, &mut conn).await;
// If a claim does not have a member_id or it does not match the one in from the URI, something is wrong.
if !claims.member_id.eq(&member_id) {
err!("Error accepting the invitation", "Claim does not match the member_id")
if let (Some(member), Some(org)) = (&claims.member_id, &claims.org_id) {
let Some(mut member) = Membership::find_by_uuid_and_org(member, org, &mut conn).await else {
err!("Error accepting the invitation")
let member = &claims.member_id;
let org = &claims.org_id;
if member.status != MembershipStatus::Invited as i32 {
err!("User already accepted the invitation")
Invitation::take(&claims.email, &mut conn).await;
let master_password_required = OrgPolicy::org_is_reset_password_auto_enroll(org, &mut conn).await;
if data.reset_password_key.is_none() && master_password_required {
err!("Reset password key is required, but not provided.");
// skip invitation logic when we were invited via the /admin panel
if **member != FAKE_ADMIN_UUID {
let Some(mut member) = Membership::find_by_uuid_and_org(member, org, &mut conn).await else {
err!("Error accepting the invitation")
// This check is also done at accept_invite, _confirm_invite, _activate_member, edit_member, admin::update_membership_type
// It returns different error messages per function.
if member.atype < MembershipType::Admin {
match OrgPolicy::is_user_allowed(&member.user_uuid, &org_id, false, &mut conn).await {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(OrgPolicyErr::TwoFactorMissing) => {
if CONFIG.email_2fa_auto_fallback() {
two_factor::email::activate_email_2fa(&user, &mut conn).await?;
} else {
err!("You cannot join this organization until you enable two-step login on your user account");
Err(OrgPolicyErr::SingleOrgEnforced) => {
err!("You cannot join this organization because you are a member of an organization which forbids it");
if member.status != MembershipStatus::Invited as i32 {
err!("User already accepted the invitation")
let master_password_required = OrgPolicy::org_is_reset_password_auto_enroll(org, &mut conn).await;
if data.reset_password_key.is_none() && master_password_required {
err!("Reset password key is required, but not provided.");
// This check is also done at accept_invite, _confirm_invite, _activate_member, edit_member, admin::update_membership_type
// It returns different error messages per function.
if member.atype < MembershipType::Admin {
match OrgPolicy::is_user_allowed(&member.user_uuid, &org_id, false, &mut conn).await {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(OrgPolicyErr::TwoFactorMissing) => {
if CONFIG.email_2fa_auto_fallback() {
two_factor::email::activate_email_2fa(&headers.user, &mut conn).await?;
} else {
err!("You cannot join this organization until you enable two-step login on your user account");
member.status = MembershipStatus::Accepted as i32;
if master_password_required {
member.reset_password_key = data.reset_password_key;
Err(OrgPolicyErr::SingleOrgEnforced) => {
err!("You cannot join this organization because you are a member of an organization which forbids it");
member.save(&mut conn).await?;
None => err!("Invited user not found"),
member.status = MembershipStatus::Accepted as i32;
if master_password_required {
member.reset_password_key = data.reset_password_key;
member.save(&mut conn).await?;
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
let mut org_name = CONFIG.invitation_org_name();
if let Some(org_id) = &claims.org_id {
org_name = match Organization::find_by_uuid(org_id, &mut conn).await {
if let Some(invited_by_email) = &claims.invited_by_email {
let org_name = match Organization::find_by_uuid(&claims.org_id, &mut conn).await {
Some(org) => org.name,
None => err!("Organization not found."),
if let Some(invited_by_email) = &claims.invited_by_email {
// User was invited to an organization, so they must be confirmed manually after acceptance
mail::send_invite_accepted(&claims.email, invited_by_email, &org_name).await?;
} else {
// User was invited from /admin, so they are automatically confirmed
let org_name = CONFIG.invitation_org_name();
mail::send_invite_confirmed(&claims.email, &org_name).await?;
@ -1825,23 +1821,17 @@ async fn list_policies(org_id: OrganizationId, _headers: AdminHeaders, mut conn:
async fn list_policies_token(org_id: OrganizationId, token: &str, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
// web-vault 2024.6.2 seems to send these values and cause logs to output errors
// Catch this and prevent errors in the logs
// TODO: CleanUp after 2024.6.x is not used anymore.
if org_id.as_ref() == "undefined" && token == "undefined" {
return Ok(Json(json!({})));
let invite = decode_invite(token)?;
let Some(invite_org_id) = invite.org_id else {
err!("Invalid token")
if invite_org_id != org_id {
if invite.org_id != org_id {
err!("Token doesn't match request organization");
// exit early when we have been invited via /admin panel
if org_id.as_ref() == FAKE_ADMIN_UUID {
return Ok(Json(json!({})));
// TODO: We receive the invite token as ?token=<>, validate it contains the org id
let policies = OrgPolicy::find_by_org(&org_id, &mut conn).await;
let policies_json: Vec<Value> = policies.iter().map(OrgPolicy::to_json).collect();
@ -2141,8 +2131,8 @@ async fn import(org_id: OrganizationId, data: Json<OrgImportData>, headers: Head
@ -119,14 +119,8 @@ async fn ldap_import(data: Json<OrgImportData>, token: PublicToken, mut conn: Db
None => err!("Error looking up organization"),
if let Err(e) = mail::send_invite(
if let Err(e) =
mail::send_invite(&user, org_id.clone(), new_member.uuid.clone(), &org_name, Some(org_email)).await
// Upon error delete the user, invite and org member records when needed
if user_created {
@ -194,16 +194,16 @@ pub struct InviteJwtClaims {
pub sub: UserId,
pub email: String,
pub org_id: Option<OrganizationId>,
pub member_id: Option<MembershipId>,
pub org_id: OrganizationId,
pub member_id: MembershipId,
pub invited_by_email: Option<String>,
pub fn generate_invite_claims(
user_id: UserId,
email: String,
org_id: Option<OrganizationId>,
member_id: Option<MembershipId>,
org_id: OrganizationId,
member_id: MembershipId,
invited_by_email: Option<String>,
) -> InviteJwtClaims {
let time_now = Utc::now();
@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ pub async fn send_single_org_removed_from_org(address: &str, org_name: &str) ->
pub async fn send_invite(
user: &User,
org_id: Option<OrganizationId>,
member_id: Option<MembershipId>,
org_id: OrganizationId,
member_id: MembershipId,
org_name: &str,
invited_by_email: Option<String>,
) -> EmptyResult {
@ -272,22 +272,14 @@ pub async fn send_invite(
let invite_token = encode_jwt(&claims);
let org_id = match org_id {
Some(ref org_id) => org_id.as_ref(),
None => "_",
let member_id = match member_id {
Some(ref member_id) => member_id.as_ref(),
None => "_",
let mut query = url::Url::parse("https://query.builder").unwrap();
let mut query_params = query.query_pairs_mut();
.append_pair("email", &user.email)
.append_pair("organizationName", org_name)
.append_pair("organizationId", org_id)
.append_pair("organizationUserId", member_id)
.append_pair("organizationId", &org_id)
.append_pair("organizationUserId", &member_id)
.append_pair("token", &invite_token);
if user.private_key.is_some() {
query_params.append_pair("orgUserHasExistingUser", "true");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user