mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 10:18:30 -04:00
Fixed some song selecting issues + the one mentioned in ticket #60 (comment 04/22/06 14:17:24: Modified by abetner)
2852 lines
90 KiB
2852 lines
90 KiB
* Copyright 2005 Sabre Airline Solutions
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
* file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
//-------------------- rico.js
var Rico = {
Version: '1.1.2',
prototypeVersion: parseFloat(Prototype.Version.split(".")[0] + "." + Prototype.Version.split(".")[1])
if((typeof Prototype=='undefined') || Rico.prototypeVersion < 1.3)
throw("Rico requires the Prototype JavaScript framework >= 1.3");
Rico.ArrayExtensions = new Array();
if (Object.prototype.extend) {
Rico.ArrayExtensions[ Rico.ArrayExtensions.length ] = Object.prototype.extend;
Object.prototype.extend = function(object) {
return Object.extend.apply(this, [this, object]);
Rico.ArrayExtensions[ Rico.ArrayExtensions.length ] = Object.prototype.extend;
if (Array.prototype.push) {
Rico.ArrayExtensions[ Rico.ArrayExtensions.length ] = Array.prototype.push;
if (!Array.prototype.remove) {
Array.prototype.remove = function(dx) {
if( isNaN(dx) || dx > this.length )
return false;
for( var i=0,n=0; i<this.length; i++ )
if( i != dx )
Rico.ArrayExtensions[ Rico.ArrayExtensions.length ] = Array.prototype.remove;
if (!Array.prototype.removeItem) {
Array.prototype.removeItem = function(item) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.length ; i++ )
if ( this[i] == item ) {
Rico.ArrayExtensions[ Rico.ArrayExtensions.length ] = Array.prototype.removeItem;
if (!Array.prototype.indices) {
Array.prototype.indices = function() {
var indexArray = new Array();
for ( index in this ) {
var ignoreThis = false;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < Rico.ArrayExtensions.length ; i++ ) {
if ( this[index] == Rico.ArrayExtensions[i] ) {
ignoreThis = true;
if ( !ignoreThis )
indexArray[ indexArray.length ] = index;
return indexArray;
Rico.ArrayExtensions[ Rico.ArrayExtensions.length ] = Array.prototype.indices;
// Create the loadXML method and xml getter for Mozilla
if ( window.DOMParser &&
window.XMLSerializer &&
window.Node && Node.prototype && Node.prototype.__defineGetter__ ) {
if (!Document.prototype.loadXML) {
Document.prototype.loadXML = function (s) {
var doc2 = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(s, "text/xml");
while (this.hasChildNodes())
for (var i = 0; i < doc2.childNodes.length; i++) {
this.appendChild(this.importNode(doc2.childNodes[i], true));
Document.prototype.__defineGetter__( "xml",
function () {
return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this);
document.getElementsByTagAndClassName = function(tagName, className) {
if ( tagName == null )
tagName = '*';
var children = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName) || document.all;
var elements = new Array();
if ( className == null )
return children;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var child = children[i];
var classNames = child.className.split(' ');
for (var j = 0; j < classNames.length; j++) {
if (classNames[j] == className) {
return elements;
//-------------------- ricoAccordion.js
Rico.Accordion = Class.create();
Rico.Accordion.prototype = {
initialize: function(container, options) {
this.container = $(container);
this.lastExpandedTab = null;
this.accordionTabs = new Array();
if(!container) return;
this.container.style.borderBottom = '1px solid ' + this.options.borderColor;
// validate onloadShowTab
if (this.options.onLoadShowTab >= this.accordionTabs.length)
this.options.onLoadShowTab = 0;
// set the initial visual state...
for ( var i=0 ; i < this.accordionTabs.length ; i++ )
if (i != this.options.onLoadShowTab){
this.accordionTabs[i].content.style.display = 'none';
this.lastExpandedTab = this.accordionTabs[this.options.onLoadShowTab];
if (this.options.panelHeight == 'auto'){
var tabToCheck = (this.options.onloadShowTab === 0)? 1 : 0;
var titleBarSize = parseInt(RicoUtil.getElementsComputedStyle(this.accordionTabs[tabToCheck].titleBar, 'height'));
if (isNaN(titleBarSize))
titleBarSize = this.accordionTabs[tabToCheck].titleBar.offsetHeight;
var totalTitleBarSize = this.accordionTabs.length * titleBarSize;
var parentHeight = parseInt(RicoUtil.getElementsComputedStyle(this.container.parentNode, 'height'));
if (isNaN(parentHeight))
parentHeight = this.container.parentNode.offsetHeight;
this.options.panelHeight = parentHeight - totalTitleBarSize-2;
this.lastExpandedTab.content.style.height = this.options.panelHeight + "px";
this.lastExpandedTab.titleBar.style.fontWeight = this.options.expandedFontWeight;
setOptions: function(options) {
this.options = {
expandedBg : '#63699c',
hoverBg : '#63699c',
collapsedBg : '#6b79a5',
expandedTextColor : '#ffffff',
expandedFontWeight : 'bold',
hoverTextColor : '#ffffff',
collapsedTextColor : '#ced7ef',
collapsedFontWeight : 'normal',
hoverTextColor : '#ffffff',
borderColor : '#1f669b',
panelHeight : 200,
onHideTab : null,
onShowTab : null,
onLoadShowTab : 0
Object.extend(this.options, options || {});
showTabByIndex: function( anIndex, animate ) {
var doAnimate = arguments.length == 1 ? true : animate;
this.showTab( this.accordionTabs[anIndex], doAnimate );
showTab: function( accordionTab, animate ) {
if ( this.lastExpandedTab == accordionTab )
var doAnimate = arguments.length == 1 ? true : animate;
if ( this.options.onHideTab )
var accordion = this;
var lastExpandedTab = this.lastExpandedTab;
this.lastExpandedTab.content.style.height = (this.options.panelHeight - 1) + 'px';
accordionTab.content.style.display = '';
accordionTab.titleBar.style.fontWeight = this.options.expandedFontWeight;
if ( doAnimate ) {
new Rico.Effect.AccordionSize( this.lastExpandedTab.content,
50, 7,
{ complete: function() {accordion.showTabDone(lastExpandedTab)} } );
this.lastExpandedTab = accordionTab;
else {
this.lastExpandedTab.content.style.height = "1px";
accordionTab.content.style.height = this.options.panelHeight + "px";
this.lastExpandedTab = accordionTab;
showTabDone: function(collapsedTab) {
collapsedTab.content.style.display = 'none';
if ( this.options.onShowTab )
_attachBehaviors: function() {
var panels = this._getDirectChildrenByTag(this.container, 'DIV');
for ( var i = 0 ; i < panels.length ; i++ ) {
var tabChildren = this._getDirectChildrenByTag(panels[i],'DIV');
if ( tabChildren.length != 2 )
continue; // unexpected
var tabTitleBar = tabChildren[0];
var tabContentBox = tabChildren[1];
this.accordionTabs.push( new Rico.Accordion.Tab(this,tabTitleBar,tabContentBox) );
_getDirectChildrenByTag: function(e, tagName) {
var kids = new Array();
var allKids = e.childNodes;
for( var i = 0 ; i < allKids.length ; i++ )
if ( allKids[i] && allKids[i].tagName && allKids[i].tagName == tagName )
return kids;
Rico.Accordion.Tab = Class.create();
Rico.Accordion.Tab.prototype = {
initialize: function(accordion, titleBar, content) {
this.accordion = accordion;
this.titleBar = titleBar;
this.content = content;
collapse: function() {
this.content.style.height = "1px";
showCollapsed: function() {
this.expanded = false;
this.titleBar.style.backgroundColor = this.accordion.options.collapsedBg;
this.titleBar.style.color = this.accordion.options.collapsedTextColor;
this.titleBar.style.fontWeight = this.accordion.options.collapsedFontWeight;
this.content.style.overflow = "hidden";
showExpanded: function() {
this.expanded = true;
this.titleBar.style.backgroundColor = this.accordion.options.expandedBg;
this.titleBar.style.color = this.accordion.options.expandedTextColor;
this.content.style.overflow = "auto";
titleBarClicked: function(e) {
if ( this.accordion.lastExpandedTab == this )
hover: function(e) {
this.titleBar.style.backgroundColor = this.accordion.options.hoverBg;
this.titleBar.style.color = this.accordion.options.hoverTextColor;
this.titleBar.style.cursor = 'pointer';
unhover: function(e) {
if ( this.expanded ) {
this.titleBar.style.backgroundColor = this.accordion.options.expandedBg;
this.titleBar.style.color = this.accordion.options.expandedTextColor;
else {
this.titleBar.style.backgroundColor = this.accordion.options.collapsedBg;
this.titleBar.style.color = this.accordion.options.collapsedTextColor;
this.titleBar.style.cursor = '';
_attachBehaviors: function() {
this.content.style.border = "1px solid " + this.accordion.options.borderColor;
this.content.style.borderTopWidth = "0px";
this.content.style.borderBottomWidth = "0px";
this.content.style.margin = "0px";
this.titleBar.onclick = this.titleBarClicked.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.titleBar.onmouseover = this.hover.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.titleBar.onmouseout = this.unhover.bindAsEventListener(this);
//-------------------- ricoAjaxEngine.js
Rico.AjaxEngine = Class.create();
Rico.AjaxEngine.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
this.ajaxElements = new Array();
this.ajaxObjects = new Array();
this.requestURLS = new Array();
this.options = {};
registerAjaxElement: function( anId, anElement ) {
if ( !anElement )
anElement = $(anId);
this.ajaxElements[anId] = anElement;
registerAjaxObject: function( anId, anObject ) {
this.ajaxObjects[anId] = anObject;
registerRequest: function (requestLogicalName, requestURL) {
this.requestURLS[requestLogicalName] = requestURL;
sendRequest: function(requestName, options) {
// Allow for backwards Compatibility
if ( arguments.length >= 2 )
if (typeof arguments[1] == 'string')
options = {parameters: this._createQueryString(arguments, 1)};
this.sendRequestWithData(requestName, null, options);
sendRequestWithData: function(requestName, xmlDocument, options) {
var requestURL = this.requestURLS[requestName];
if ( requestURL == null )
// Allow for backwards Compatibility
if ( arguments.length >= 3 )
if (typeof arguments[2] == 'string')
options.parameters = this._createQueryString(arguments, 2);
new Ajax.Request(requestURL, this._requestOptions(options,xmlDocument));
sendRequestAndUpdate: function(requestName,container,options) {
// Allow for backwards Compatibility
if ( arguments.length >= 3 )
if (typeof arguments[2] == 'string')
options.parameters = this._createQueryString(arguments, 2);
this.sendRequestWithDataAndUpdate(requestName, null, container, options);
sendRequestWithDataAndUpdate: function(requestName,xmlDocument,container,options) {
var requestURL = this.requestURLS[requestName];
if ( requestURL == null )
// Allow for backwards Compatibility
if ( arguments.length >= 4 )
if (typeof arguments[3] == 'string')
options.parameters = this._createQueryString(arguments, 3);
var updaterOptions = this._requestOptions(options,xmlDocument);
new Ajax.Updater(container, requestURL, updaterOptions);
// Private -- not part of intended engine API --------------------------------------------------------------------
_requestOptions: function(options,xmlDoc) {
var requestHeaders = ['X-Rico-Version', Rico.Version ];
var sendMethod = 'post';
if ( xmlDoc == null )
if (Rico.prototypeVersion < 1.4)
requestHeaders.push( 'Content-type', 'text/xml' );
sendMethod = 'get';
(!options) ? options = {} : '';
if (!options._RicoOptionsProcessed){
// Check and keep any user onComplete functions
if (options.onComplete)
options.onRicoComplete = options.onComplete;
// Fix onComplete
if (options.overrideOnComplete)
options.onComplete = options.overrideOnComplete;
options.onComplete = this._onRequestComplete.bind(this);
options._RicoOptionsProcessed = true;
// Set the default options and extend with any user options
this.options = {
requestHeaders: requestHeaders,
parameters: options.parameters,
postBody: xmlDoc,
method: sendMethod,
onComplete: options.onComplete
// Set any user options:
Object.extend(this.options, options);
return this.options;
_createQueryString: function( theArgs, offset ) {
var queryString = ""
for ( var i = offset ; i < theArgs.length ; i++ ) {
if ( i != offset )
queryString += "&";
var anArg = theArgs[i];
if ( anArg.name != undefined && anArg.value != undefined ) {
queryString += anArg.name + "=" + escape(anArg.value);
else {
var ePos = anArg.indexOf('=');
var argName = anArg.substring( 0, ePos );
var argValue = anArg.substring( ePos + 1 );
queryString += argName + "=" + escape(argValue);
return queryString;
_onRequestComplete : function(request) {
// User can set an onFailure option - which will be called by prototype
if (request.status != 200)
var response = request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("ajax-response");
if (response == null || response.length != 1)
this._processAjaxResponse( response[0].childNodes );
// Check if user has set a onComplete function
var onRicoComplete = this.options.onRicoComplete;
if (onRicoComplete != null)
_processAjaxResponse: function( xmlResponseElements ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < xmlResponseElements.length ; i++ ) {
var responseElement = xmlResponseElements[i];
// only process nodes of type element.....
if ( responseElement.nodeType != 1 )
var responseType = responseElement.getAttribute("type");
var responseId = responseElement.getAttribute("id");
if ( responseType == "object" )
this._processAjaxObjectUpdate( this.ajaxObjects[ responseId ], responseElement );
else if ( responseType == "element" )
this._processAjaxElementUpdate( this.ajaxElements[ responseId ], responseElement );
alert('unrecognized AjaxResponse type : ' + responseType );
_processAjaxObjectUpdate: function( ajaxObject, responseElement ) {
ajaxObject.ajaxUpdate( responseElement );
_processAjaxElementUpdate: function( ajaxElement, responseElement ) {
ajaxElement.innerHTML = RicoUtil.getContentAsString(responseElement);
var ajaxEngine = new Rico.AjaxEngine();
//-------------------- ricoColor.js
Rico.Color = Class.create();
Rico.Color.prototype = {
initialize: function(red, green, blue) {
this.rgb = { r: red, g : green, b : blue };
setRed: function(r) {
this.rgb.r = r;
setGreen: function(g) {
this.rgb.g = g;
setBlue: function(b) {
this.rgb.b = b;
setHue: function(h) {
// get an HSB model, and set the new hue...
var hsb = this.asHSB();
hsb.h = h;
// convert back to RGB...
this.rgb = Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b);
setSaturation: function(s) {
// get an HSB model, and set the new hue...
var hsb = this.asHSB();
hsb.s = s;
// convert back to RGB and set values...
this.rgb = Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b);
setBrightness: function(b) {
// get an HSB model, and set the new hue...
var hsb = this.asHSB();
hsb.b = b;
// convert back to RGB and set values...
this.rgb = Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB( hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b );
darken: function(percent) {
var hsb = this.asHSB();
this.rgb = Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb.h, hsb.s, Math.max(hsb.b - percent,0));
brighten: function(percent) {
var hsb = this.asHSB();
this.rgb = Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb.h, hsb.s, Math.min(hsb.b + percent,1));
blend: function(other) {
this.rgb.r = Math.floor((this.rgb.r + other.rgb.r)/2);
this.rgb.g = Math.floor((this.rgb.g + other.rgb.g)/2);
this.rgb.b = Math.floor((this.rgb.b + other.rgb.b)/2);
isBright: function() {
var hsb = this.asHSB();
return this.asHSB().b > 0.5;
isDark: function() {
return ! this.isBright();
asRGB: function() {
return "rgb(" + this.rgb.r + "," + this.rgb.g + "," + this.rgb.b + ")";
asHex: function() {
return "#" + this.rgb.r.toColorPart() + this.rgb.g.toColorPart() + this.rgb.b.toColorPart();
asHSB: function() {
return Rico.Color.RGBtoHSB(this.rgb.r, this.rgb.g, this.rgb.b);
toString: function() {
return this.asHex();
Rico.Color.createFromHex = function(hexCode) {
if(hexCode.length==4) {
var shortHexCode = hexCode;
var hexCode = '#';
for(var i=1;i<4;i++) hexCode += (shortHexCode.charAt(i) +
if ( hexCode.indexOf('#') == 0 )
hexCode = hexCode.substring(1);
var red = hexCode.substring(0,2);
var green = hexCode.substring(2,4);
var blue = hexCode.substring(4,6);
return new Rico.Color( parseInt(red,16), parseInt(green,16), parseInt(blue,16) );
* Factory method for creating a color from the background of
* an HTML element.
Rico.Color.createColorFromBackground = function(elem) {
var actualColor = RicoUtil.getElementsComputedStyle($(elem), "backgroundColor", "background-color");
if ( actualColor == "transparent" && elem.parentNode )
return Rico.Color.createColorFromBackground(elem.parentNode);
if ( actualColor == null )
return new Rico.Color(255,255,255);
if ( actualColor.indexOf("rgb(") == 0 ) {
var colors = actualColor.substring(4, actualColor.length - 1 );
var colorArray = colors.split(",");
return new Rico.Color( parseInt( colorArray[0] ),
parseInt( colorArray[1] ),
parseInt( colorArray[2] ) );
else if ( actualColor.indexOf("#") == 0 ) {
return Rico.Color.createFromHex(actualColor);
return new Rico.Color(255,255,255);
Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB = function(hue, saturation, brightness) {
var red = 0;
var green = 0;
var blue = 0;
if (saturation == 0) {
red = parseInt(brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
green = red;
blue = red;
else {
var h = (hue - Math.floor(hue)) * 6.0;
var f = h - Math.floor(h);
var p = brightness * (1.0 - saturation);
var q = brightness * (1.0 - saturation * f);
var t = brightness * (1.0 - (saturation * (1.0 - f)));
switch (parseInt(h)) {
case 0:
red = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
green = (t * 255.0 + 0.5);
blue = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
case 1:
red = (q * 255.0 + 0.5);
green = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
blue = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
case 2:
red = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
green = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
blue = (t * 255.0 + 0.5);
case 3:
red = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
green = (q * 255.0 + 0.5);
blue = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
case 4:
red = (t * 255.0 + 0.5);
green = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
blue = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
case 5:
red = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
green = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
blue = (q * 255.0 + 0.5);
return { r : parseInt(red), g : parseInt(green) , b : parseInt(blue) };
Rico.Color.RGBtoHSB = function(r, g, b) {
var hue;
var saturation;
var brightness;
var cmax = (r > g) ? r : g;
if (b > cmax)
cmax = b;
var cmin = (r < g) ? r : g;
if (b < cmin)
cmin = b;
brightness = cmax / 255.0;
if (cmax != 0)
saturation = (cmax - cmin)/cmax;
saturation = 0;
if (saturation == 0)
hue = 0;
else {
var redc = (cmax - r)/(cmax - cmin);
var greenc = (cmax - g)/(cmax - cmin);
var bluec = (cmax - b)/(cmax - cmin);
if (r == cmax)
hue = bluec - greenc;
else if (g == cmax)
hue = 2.0 + redc - bluec;
hue = 4.0 + greenc - redc;
hue = hue / 6.0;
if (hue < 0)
hue = hue + 1.0;
return { h : hue, s : saturation, b : brightness };
//-------------------- ricoCorner.js
Rico.Corner = {
round: function(e, options) {
var e = $(e);
var color = this.options.color;
if ( this.options.color == "fromElement" )
color = this._background(e);
var bgColor = this.options.bgColor;
if ( this.options.bgColor == "fromParent" )
bgColor = this._background(e.offsetParent);
this._roundCornersImpl(e, color, bgColor);
_roundCornersImpl: function(e, color, bgColor) {
_renderBorder: function(el,bgColor) {
var borderValue = "1px solid " + this._borderColor(bgColor);
var borderL = "border-left: " + borderValue;
var borderR = "border-right: " + borderValue;
var style = "style='" + borderL + ";" + borderR + "'";
el.innerHTML = "<div " + style + ">" + el.innerHTML + "</div>"
_roundTopCorners: function(el, color, bgColor) {
var corner = this._createCorner(bgColor);
for(var i=0 ; i < this.options.numSlices ; i++ )
el.style.paddingTop = 0;
_roundBottomCorners: function(el, color, bgColor) {
var corner = this._createCorner(bgColor);
for(var i=(this.options.numSlices-1) ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
el.style.paddingBottom = 0;
_createCorner: function(bgColor) {
var corner = document.createElement("div");
corner.style.backgroundColor = (this._isTransparent() ? "transparent" : bgColor);
return corner;
_createCornerSlice: function(color,bgColor, n, position) {
var slice = document.createElement("span");
var inStyle = slice.style;
inStyle.backgroundColor = color;
inStyle.display = "block";
inStyle.height = "1px";
inStyle.overflow = "hidden";
inStyle.fontSize = "1px";
var borderColor = this._borderColor(color,bgColor);
if ( this.options.border && n == 0 ) {
inStyle.borderTopStyle = "solid";
inStyle.borderTopWidth = "1px";
inStyle.borderLeftWidth = "0px";
inStyle.borderRightWidth = "0px";
inStyle.borderBottomWidth = "0px";
inStyle.height = "0px"; // assumes css compliant box model
inStyle.borderColor = borderColor;
else if(borderColor) {
inStyle.borderColor = borderColor;
inStyle.borderStyle = "solid";
inStyle.borderWidth = "0px 1px";
if ( !this.options.compact && (n == (this.options.numSlices-1)) )
inStyle.height = "2px";
this._setMargin(slice, n, position);
this._setBorder(slice, n, position);
return slice;
_setOptions: function(options) {
this.options = {
corners : "all",
color : "fromElement",
bgColor : "fromParent",
blend : true,
border : false,
compact : false
Object.extend(this.options, options || {});
this.options.numSlices = this.options.compact ? 2 : 4;
if ( this._isTransparent() )
this.options.blend = false;
_whichSideTop: function() {
if ( this._hasString(this.options.corners, "all", "top") )
return "";
if ( this.options.corners.indexOf("tl") >= 0 && this.options.corners.indexOf("tr") >= 0 )
return "";
if (this.options.corners.indexOf("tl") >= 0)
return "left";
else if (this.options.corners.indexOf("tr") >= 0)
return "right";
return "";
_whichSideBottom: function() {
if ( this._hasString(this.options.corners, "all", "bottom") )
return "";
if ( this.options.corners.indexOf("bl")>=0 && this.options.corners.indexOf("br")>=0 )
return "";
if(this.options.corners.indexOf("bl") >=0)
return "left";
else if(this.options.corners.indexOf("br")>=0)
return "right";
return "";
_borderColor : function(color,bgColor) {
if ( color == "transparent" )
return bgColor;
else if ( this.options.border )
return this.options.border;
else if ( this.options.blend )
return this._blend( bgColor, color );
return "";
_setMargin: function(el, n, corners) {
var marginSize = this._marginSize(n);
var whichSide = corners == "top" ? this._whichSideTop() : this._whichSideBottom();
if ( whichSide == "left" ) {
el.style.marginLeft = marginSize + "px"; el.style.marginRight = "0px";
else if ( whichSide == "right" ) {
el.style.marginRight = marginSize + "px"; el.style.marginLeft = "0px";
else {
el.style.marginLeft = marginSize + "px"; el.style.marginRight = marginSize + "px";
_setBorder: function(el,n,corners) {
var borderSize = this._borderSize(n);
var whichSide = corners == "top" ? this._whichSideTop() : this._whichSideBottom();
if ( whichSide == "left" ) {
el.style.borderLeftWidth = borderSize + "px"; el.style.borderRightWidth = "0px";
else if ( whichSide == "right" ) {
el.style.borderRightWidth = borderSize + "px"; el.style.borderLeftWidth = "0px";
else {
el.style.borderLeftWidth = borderSize + "px"; el.style.borderRightWidth = borderSize + "px";
if (this.options.border != false)
el.style.borderLeftWidth = borderSize + "px"; el.style.borderRightWidth = borderSize + "px";
_marginSize: function(n) {
if ( this._isTransparent() )
return 0;
var marginSizes = [ 5, 3, 2, 1 ];
var blendedMarginSizes = [ 3, 2, 1, 0 ];
var compactMarginSizes = [ 2, 1 ];
var smBlendedMarginSizes = [ 1, 0 ];
if ( this.options.compact && this.options.blend )
return smBlendedMarginSizes[n];
else if ( this.options.compact )
return compactMarginSizes[n];
else if ( this.options.blend )
return blendedMarginSizes[n];
return marginSizes[n];
_borderSize: function(n) {
var transparentBorderSizes = [ 5, 3, 2, 1 ];
var blendedBorderSizes = [ 2, 1, 1, 1 ];
var compactBorderSizes = [ 1, 0 ];
var actualBorderSizes = [ 0, 2, 0, 0 ];
if ( this.options.compact && (this.options.blend || this._isTransparent()) )
return 1;
else if ( this.options.compact )
return compactBorderSizes[n];
else if ( this.options.blend )
return blendedBorderSizes[n];
else if ( this.options.border )
return actualBorderSizes[n];
else if ( this._isTransparent() )
return transparentBorderSizes[n];
return 0;
_hasString: function(str) { for(var i=1 ; i<arguments.length ; i++) if (str.indexOf(arguments[i]) >= 0) return true; return false; },
_blend: function(c1, c2) { var cc1 = Rico.Color.createFromHex(c1); cc1.blend(Rico.Color.createFromHex(c2)); return cc1; },
_background: function(el) { try { return Rico.Color.createColorFromBackground(el).asHex(); } catch(err) { return "#ffffff"; } },
_isTransparent: function() { return this.options.color == "transparent"; },
_isTopRounded: function() { return this._hasString(this.options.corners, "all", "top", "tl", "tr"); },
_isBottomRounded: function() { return this._hasString(this.options.corners, "all", "bottom", "bl", "br"); },
_hasSingleTextChild: function(el) { return el.childNodes.length == 1 && el.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3; }
//-------------------- ricoDragAndDrop.js
Rico.DragAndDrop = Class.create();
Rico.DragAndDrop.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
this.dropZones = new Array();
this.draggables = new Array();
this.currentDragObjects = new Array();
this.dragElement = null;
this.lastSelectedDraggable = null;
this.currentDragObjectVisible = false;
this.interestedInMotionEvents = false;
this._mouseDown = this._mouseDownHandler.bindAsEventListener(this);
this._mouseMove = this._mouseMoveHandler.bindAsEventListener(this);
this._mouseUp = this._mouseUpHandler.bindAsEventListener(this);
registerDropZone: function(aDropZone) {
this.dropZones[ this.dropZones.length ] = aDropZone;
deregisterDropZone: function(aDropZone) {
var newDropZones = new Array();
var j = 0;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.dropZones.length ; i++ ) {
if ( this.dropZones[i] != aDropZone )
newDropZones[j++] = this.dropZones[i];
this.dropZones = newDropZones;
clearDropZones: function() {
this.dropZones = new Array();
registerDraggable: function( aDraggable ) {
this.draggables[ this.draggables.length ] = aDraggable;
this._addMouseDownHandler( aDraggable );
clearSelection: function() {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.currentDragObjects.length ; i++ )
this.currentDragObjects = new Array();
this.lastSelectedDraggable = null;
hasSelection: function() {
return this.currentDragObjects.length > 0;
setStartDragFromElement: function( e, mouseDownElement ) {
this.origPos = RicoUtil.toDocumentPosition(mouseDownElement);
this.startx = e.screenX - this.origPos.x
this.starty = e.screenY - this.origPos.y
//this.startComponentX = e.layerX ? e.layerX : e.offsetX;
//this.startComponentY = e.layerY ? e.layerY : e.offsetY;
//this.adjustedForDraggableSize = false;
this.interestedInMotionEvents = this.hasSelection();
updateSelection: function( draggable, extendSelection ) {
if ( ! extendSelection )
if ( draggable.isSelected() ) {
if ( draggable == this.lastSelectedDraggable )
this.lastSelectedDraggable = null;
else {
this.currentDragObjects[ this.currentDragObjects.length ] = draggable;
this.lastSelectedDraggable = draggable;
_mouseDownHandler: function(e) {
if ( arguments.length == 0 )
e = event;
// if not button 1 ignore it...
var nsEvent = e.which != undefined;
if ( (nsEvent && e.which != 1) || (!nsEvent && e.button != 1))
var eventTarget = e.target ? e.target : e.srcElement;
var draggableObject = eventTarget.draggable;
var candidate = eventTarget;
while (draggableObject == null && candidate.parentNode) {
candidate = candidate.parentNode;
draggableObject = candidate.draggable;
if ( draggableObject == null )
this.updateSelection( draggableObject, e.ctrlKey );
// clear the drop zones postion cache...
if ( this.hasSelection() )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.dropZones.length ; i++ )
this.setStartDragFromElement( e, draggableObject.getMouseDownHTMLElement() );
_mouseMoveHandler: function(e) {
var nsEvent = e.which != undefined;
if ( !this.interestedInMotionEvents ) {
if ( ! this.hasSelection() )
if ( ! this.currentDragObjectVisible )
if ( !this.activatedDropZones )
//if ( !this.adjustedForDraggableSize )
// this._adjustForDraggableSize(e);
_makeDraggableObjectVisible: function(e)
if ( !this.hasSelection() )
var dragElement;
if ( this.currentDragObjects.length > 1 )
dragElement = this.currentDragObjects[0].getMultiObjectDragGUI(this.currentDragObjects);
dragElement = this.currentDragObjects[0].getSingleObjectDragGUI();
// go ahead and absolute position it...
if ( RicoUtil.getElementsComputedStyle(dragElement, "position") != "absolute" )
dragElement.style.position = "absolute";
// need to parent him into the document...
if ( dragElement.parentNode == null || dragElement.parentNode.nodeType == 11 )
this.dragElement = dragElement;
this.currentDragObjectVisible = true;
_adjustForDraggableSize: function(e) {
var dragElementWidth = this.dragElement.offsetWidth;
var dragElementHeight = this.dragElement.offsetHeight;
if ( this.startComponentX > dragElementWidth )
this.startx -= this.startComponentX - dragElementWidth + 2;
if ( e.offsetY ) {
if ( this.startComponentY > dragElementHeight )
this.starty -= this.startComponentY - dragElementHeight + 2;
this.adjustedForDraggableSize = true;
_leftOffset: function(e) {
return e.offsetX ? document.body.scrollLeft : 0
_topOffset: function(e) {
return e.offsetY ? document.body.scrollTop:0
_updateDraggableLocation: function(e) {
var dragObjectStyle = this.dragElement.style;
dragObjectStyle.left = (e.screenX + this._leftOffset(e) - this.startx) + "px"
dragObjectStyle.top = (e.screenY + this._topOffset(e) - this.starty) + "px";
_updateDropZonesHover: function(e) {
var n = this.dropZones.length;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
if ( ! this._mousePointInDropZone( e, this.dropZones[i] ) )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
if ( this._mousePointInDropZone( e, this.dropZones[i] ) ) {
if ( this.dropZones[i].canAccept(this.currentDragObjects) )
_startDrag: function(e) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.currentDragObjects.length ; i++ )
_mouseUpHandler: function(e) {
if ( ! this.hasSelection() )
var nsEvent = e.which != undefined;
if ( (nsEvent && e.which != 1) || (!nsEvent && e.button != 1))
this.interestedInMotionEvents = false;
if ( this.dragElement == null ) {
if ( this._placeDraggableInDropZone(e) )
else {
new Rico.Effect.Position( this.dragElement,
{ complete : this._doCancelDragProcessing.bind(this) } );
Event.stopObserving(document.body, "mousemove", this._mouseMove);
Event.stopObserving(document.body, "mouseup", this._mouseUp);
_retTrue: function () {
return true;
_completeDropOperation: function(e) {
if ( this.dragElement != this.currentDragObjects[0].getMouseDownHTMLElement() ) {
if ( this.dragElement.parentNode != null )
this.dragElement = null;
this.currentDragObjectVisible = false;
_doCancelDragProcessing: function() {
if ( this.dragElement != this.currentDragObjects[0].getMouseDownHTMLElement() && this.dragElement)
if ( this.dragElement.parentNode != null )
this.dragElement = null;
this.currentDragObjectVisible = false;
_placeDraggableInDropZone: function(e) {
var foundDropZone = false;
var n = this.dropZones.length;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
if ( this._mousePointInDropZone( e, this.dropZones[i] ) ) {
if ( this.dropZones[i].canAccept(this.currentDragObjects) ) {
foundDropZone = true;
return foundDropZone;
_cancelDrag: function() {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.currentDragObjects.length ; i++ )
_endDrag: function() {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.currentDragObjects.length ; i++ )
_mousePointInDropZone: function( e, dropZone ) {
var absoluteRect = dropZone.getAbsoluteRect();
return e.clientX > absoluteRect.left + this._leftOffset(e) &&
e.clientX < absoluteRect.right + this._leftOffset(e) &&
e.clientY > absoluteRect.top + this._topOffset(e) &&
e.clientY < absoluteRect.bottom + this._topOffset(e);
_addMouseDownHandler: function( aDraggable )
htmlElement = aDraggable.getMouseDownHTMLElement();
if ( htmlElement != null ) {
htmlElement.draggable = aDraggable;
Event.observe(htmlElement , "mousedown", this._onmousedown.bindAsEventListener(this));
Event.observe(htmlElement, "mousedown", this._mouseDown);
_activateRegisteredDropZones: function() {
var n = this.dropZones.length;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
var dropZone = this.dropZones[i];
if ( dropZone.canAccept(this.currentDragObjects) )
this.activatedDropZones = true;
_deactivateRegisteredDropZones: function() {
var n = this.dropZones.length;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )
this.activatedDropZones = false;
_onmousedown: function () {
Event.observe(document.body, "mousemove", this._mouseMove);
Event.observe(document.body, "mouseup", this._mouseUp);
_terminateEvent: function(e) {
if ( e.stopPropagation != undefined )
else if ( e.cancelBubble != undefined )
e.cancelBubble = true;
if ( e.preventDefault != undefined )
e.returnValue = false;
initializeEventHandlers: function() {
if ( typeof document.implementation != "undefined" &&
document.implementation.hasFeature("HTML", "1.0") &&
document.implementation.hasFeature("Events", "2.0") &&
document.implementation.hasFeature("CSS", "2.0") ) {
document.addEventListener("mouseup", this._mouseUpHandler.bindAsEventListener(this), false);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", this._mouseMoveHandler.bindAsEventListener(this), false);
else {
document.attachEvent( "onmouseup", this._mouseUpHandler.bindAsEventListener(this) );
document.attachEvent( "onmousemove", this._mouseMoveHandler.bindAsEventListener(this) );
var dndMgr = new Rico.DragAndDrop();
//-------------------- ricoDraggable.js
Rico.Draggable = Class.create();
Rico.Draggable.prototype = {
initialize: function( type, htmlElement ) {
this.type = type;
this.htmlElement = $(htmlElement);
this.selected = false;
* Returns the HTML element that should have a mouse down event
* added to it in order to initiate a drag operation
getMouseDownHTMLElement: function() {
return this.htmlElement;
select: function() {
this.selected = true;
if ( this.showingSelected )
var htmlElement = this.getMouseDownHTMLElement();
var color = Rico.Color.createColorFromBackground(htmlElement);
color.isBright() ? color.darken(0.033) : color.brighten(0.033);
this.saveBackground = RicoUtil.getElementsComputedStyle(htmlElement, "backgroundColor", "background-color");
htmlElement.style.backgroundColor = color.asHex();
this.showingSelected = true;
deselect: function() {
this.selected = false;
if ( !this.showingSelected )
var htmlElement = this.getMouseDownHTMLElement();
htmlElement.style.backgroundColor = this.saveBackground;
this.showingSelected = false;
isSelected: function() {
return this.selected;
startDrag: function() {
cancelDrag: function() {
endDrag: function() {
getSingleObjectDragGUI: function() {
return this.htmlElement;
getMultiObjectDragGUI: function( draggables ) {
return this.htmlElement;
getDroppedGUI: function() {
return this.htmlElement;
toString: function() {
return this.type + ":" + this.htmlElement + ":";
//-------------------- ricoDropzone.js
Rico.Dropzone = Class.create();
Rico.Dropzone.prototype = {
initialize: function( htmlElement ) {
this.htmlElement = $(htmlElement);
this.absoluteRect = null;
getHTMLElement: function() {
return this.htmlElement;
clearPositionCache: function() {
this.absoluteRect = null;
getAbsoluteRect: function() {
if ( this.absoluteRect == null ) {
var htmlElement = this.getHTMLElement();
var pos = RicoUtil.toViewportPosition(htmlElement);
this.absoluteRect = {
top: pos.y,
left: pos.x,
bottom: pos.y + htmlElement.offsetHeight,
right: pos.x + htmlElement.offsetWidth
return this.absoluteRect;
activate: function() {
var htmlElement = this.getHTMLElement();
if (htmlElement == null || this.showingActive)
this.showingActive = true;
this.saveBackgroundColor = htmlElement.style.backgroundColor;
var fallbackColor = "#ffea84";
var currentColor = Rico.Color.createColorFromBackground(htmlElement);
if ( currentColor == null )
htmlElement.style.backgroundColor = fallbackColor;
else {
currentColor.isBright() ? currentColor.darken(0.2) : currentColor.brighten(0.2);
htmlElement.style.backgroundColor = currentColor.asHex();
deactivate: function() {
var htmlElement = this.getHTMLElement();
if (htmlElement == null || !this.showingActive)
htmlElement.style.backgroundColor = this.saveBackgroundColor;
this.showingActive = false;
this.saveBackgroundColor = null;
showHover: function() {
var htmlElement = this.getHTMLElement();
if ( htmlElement == null || this.showingHover )
this.saveBorderWidth = htmlElement.style.borderWidth;
this.saveBorderStyle = htmlElement.style.borderStyle;
this.saveBorderColor = htmlElement.style.borderColor;
this.showingHover = true;
htmlElement.style.borderWidth = "1px";
htmlElement.style.borderStyle = "solid";
//htmlElement.style.borderColor = "#ff9900";
htmlElement.style.borderColor = "#ffff00";
hideHover: function() {
var htmlElement = this.getHTMLElement();
if ( htmlElement == null || !this.showingHover )
htmlElement.style.borderWidth = this.saveBorderWidth;
htmlElement.style.borderStyle = this.saveBorderStyle;
htmlElement.style.borderColor = this.saveBorderColor;
this.showingHover = false;
canAccept: function(draggableObjects) {
return true;
accept: function(draggableObjects) {
var htmlElement = this.getHTMLElement();
if ( htmlElement == null )
n = draggableObjects.length;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )
var theGUI = draggableObjects[i].getDroppedGUI();
if ( RicoUtil.getElementsComputedStyle( theGUI, "position" ) == "absolute" )
theGUI.style.position = "static";
theGUI.style.top = "";
theGUI.style.top = "";
//-------------------- ricoEffects.js
Rico.Effect = {};
Rico.Effect.SizeAndPosition = Class.create();
Rico.Effect.SizeAndPosition.prototype = {
initialize: function(element, x, y, w, h, duration, steps, options) {
this.element = $(element);
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.duration = duration;
this.steps = steps;
this.options = arguments[7] || {};
sizeAndPosition: function() {
if (this.isFinished()) {
if(this.options.complete) this.options.complete(this);
if (this.timer)
var stepDuration = Math.round(this.duration/this.steps) ;
// Get original values: x,y = top left corner; w,h = width height
var currentX = this.element.offsetLeft;
var currentY = this.element.offsetTop;
var currentW = this.element.offsetWidth;
var currentH = this.element.offsetHeight;
// If values not set, or zero, we do not modify them, and take original as final as well
this.x = (this.x) ? this.x : currentX;
this.y = (this.y) ? this.y : currentY;
this.w = (this.w) ? this.w : currentW;
this.h = (this.h) ? this.h : currentH;
// how much do we need to modify our values for each step?
var difX = this.steps > 0 ? (this.x - currentX)/this.steps : 0;
var difY = this.steps > 0 ? (this.y - currentY)/this.steps : 0;
var difW = this.steps > 0 ? (this.w - currentW)/this.steps : 0;
var difH = this.steps > 0 ? (this.h - currentH)/this.steps : 0;
this.moveBy(difX, difY);
this.resizeBy(difW, difH);
this.duration -= stepDuration;
this.timer = setTimeout(this.sizeAndPosition.bind(this), stepDuration);
isFinished: function() {
return this.steps <= 0;
moveBy: function( difX, difY ) {
var currentLeft = this.element.offsetLeft;
var currentTop = this.element.offsetTop;
var intDifX = parseInt(difX);
var intDifY = parseInt(difY);
var style = this.element.style;
if ( intDifX != 0 )
style.left = (currentLeft + intDifX) + "px";
if ( intDifY != 0 )
style.top = (currentTop + intDifY) + "px";
resizeBy: function( difW, difH ) {
var currentWidth = this.element.offsetWidth;
var currentHeight = this.element.offsetHeight;
var intDifW = parseInt(difW);
var intDifH = parseInt(difH);
var style = this.element.style;
if ( intDifW != 0 )
style.width = (currentWidth + intDifW) + "px";
if ( intDifH != 0 )
style.height = (currentHeight + intDifH) + "px";
Rico.Effect.Size = Class.create();
Rico.Effect.Size.prototype = {
initialize: function(element, w, h, duration, steps, options) {
new Rico.Effect.SizeAndPosition(element, null, null, w, h, duration, steps, options);
Rico.Effect.Position = Class.create();
Rico.Effect.Position.prototype = {
initialize: function(element, x, y, duration, steps, options) {
new Rico.Effect.SizeAndPosition(element, x, y, null, null, duration, steps, options);
Rico.Effect.Round = Class.create();
Rico.Effect.Round.prototype = {
initialize: function(tagName, className, options) {
var elements = document.getElementsByTagAndClassName(tagName,className);
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elements.length ; i++ )
Rico.Corner.round( elements[i], options );
Rico.Effect.FadeTo = Class.create();
Rico.Effect.FadeTo.prototype = {
initialize: function( element, opacity, duration, steps, options) {
this.element = $(element);
this.opacity = opacity;
this.duration = duration;
this.steps = steps;
this.options = arguments[4] || {};
fadeTo: function() {
if (this.isFinished()) {
if(this.options.complete) this.options.complete(this);
if (this.timer)
var stepDuration = Math.round(this.duration/this.steps) ;
var currentOpacity = this.getElementOpacity();
var delta = this.steps > 0 ? (this.opacity - currentOpacity)/this.steps : 0;
this.duration -= stepDuration;
this.timer = setTimeout(this.fadeTo.bind(this), stepDuration);
changeOpacityBy: function(v) {
var currentOpacity = this.getElementOpacity();
var newOpacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(currentOpacity+v, 1));
this.element.ricoOpacity = newOpacity;
this.element.style.filter = "alpha(opacity:"+Math.round(newOpacity*100)+")";
this.element.style.opacity = newOpacity; /*//*/;
isFinished: function() {
return this.steps <= 0;
getElementOpacity: function() {
if ( this.element.ricoOpacity == undefined ) {
var opacity = RicoUtil.getElementsComputedStyle(this.element, 'opacity');
this.element.ricoOpacity = opacity != undefined ? opacity : 1.0;
return parseFloat(this.element.ricoOpacity);
Rico.Effect.AccordionSize = Class.create();
Rico.Effect.AccordionSize.prototype = {
initialize: function(e1, e2, start, end, duration, steps, options) {
this.e1 = $(e1);
this.e2 = $(e2);
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.duration = duration;
this.steps = steps;
this.options = arguments[6] || {};
accordionSize: function() {
if (this.isFinished()) {
// just in case there are round errors or such...
this.e1.style.height = this.start + "px";
this.e2.style.height = this.end + "px";
if (this.timer)
var stepDuration = Math.round(this.duration/this.steps) ;
var diff = this.steps > 0 ? (parseInt(this.e1.offsetHeight) - this.start)/this.steps : 0;
this.duration -= stepDuration;
this.timer = setTimeout(this.accordionSize.bind(this), stepDuration);
isFinished: function() {
return this.steps <= 0;
resizeBy: function(diff) {
var h1Height = this.e1.offsetHeight;
var h2Height = this.e2.offsetHeight;
var intDiff = parseInt(diff);
if ( diff != 0 ) {
this.e1.style.height = (h1Height - intDiff) + "px";
this.e2.style.height = (h2Height + intDiff) + "px";
//-------------------- ricoLiveGrid.js
// Rico.LiveGridMetaData -----------------------------------------------------
Rico.LiveGridMetaData = Class.create();
Rico.LiveGridMetaData.prototype = {
initialize: function( pageSize, totalRows, columnCount, options ) {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.totalRows = totalRows;
this.ArrowHeight = 16;
this.columnCount = columnCount;
setOptions: function(options) {
this.options = {
largeBufferSize : 7.0, // 7 pages
nearLimitFactor : 0.2 // 20% of buffer
Object.extend(this.options, options || {});
getPageSize: function() {
return this.pageSize;
getTotalRows: function() {
return this.totalRows;
setTotalRows: function(n) {
this.totalRows = n;
getLargeBufferSize: function() {
return parseInt(this.options.largeBufferSize * this.pageSize);
getLimitTolerance: function() {
return parseInt(this.getLargeBufferSize() * this.options.nearLimitFactor);
// Rico.LiveGridScroller -----------------------------------------------------
Rico.LiveGridScroller = Class.create();
Rico.LiveGridScroller.prototype = {
initialize: function(liveGrid, viewPort) {
this.isIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") >= 0;
this.liveGrid = liveGrid;
this.metaData = liveGrid.metaData;
this.scrollTimeout = null;
this.lastScrollPos = 0;
this.viewPort = viewPort;
this.rows = new Array();
isUnPlugged: function() {
return this.scrollerDiv.onscroll == null;
plugin: function() {
this.scrollerDiv.onscroll = this.handleScroll.bindAsEventListener(this);
unplug: function() {
this.scrollerDiv.onscroll = null;
sizeIEHeaderHack: function() {
if ( !this.isIE ) return;
var headerTable = $(this.liveGrid.tableId + "_header");
if ( headerTable )
headerTable.rows[0].cells[0].style.width =
(headerTable.rows[0].cells[0].offsetWidth + 1) + "px";
createScrollBar: function() {
var visibleHeight = this.liveGrid.viewPort.visibleHeight();
// create the outer div...
this.scrollerDiv = document.createElement("div");
var scrollerStyle = this.scrollerDiv.style;
scrollerStyle.borderRight = this.liveGrid.options.scrollerBorderRight;
scrollerStyle.position = "relative";
scrollerStyle.left = this.isIE ? "-6px" : "-3px";
scrollerStyle.width = "19px";
scrollerStyle.height = visibleHeight + "px";
scrollerStyle.overflow = "auto";
// create the inner div...
this.heightDiv = document.createElement("div");
this.heightDiv.style.width = "1px";
this.heightDiv.style.height = parseInt(visibleHeight *
this.metaData.getTotalRows()/this.metaData.getPageSize()) + "px" ;
this.scrollerDiv.onscroll = this.handleScroll.bindAsEventListener(this);
var table = this.liveGrid.table;
table.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore( this.scrollerDiv, table.parentNode.nextSibling );
var eventName = this.isIE ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll";
Event.observe(table, eventName,
function(evt) {
if (evt.wheelDelta>=0 || evt.detail < 0) //wheel-up
this.scrollerDiv.scrollTop -= (2*this.viewPort.rowHeight);
this.scrollerDiv.scrollTop += (2*this.viewPort.rowHeight);
updateSize: function() {
var table = this.liveGrid.table;
var visibleHeight = this.viewPort.visibleHeight();
this.heightDiv.style.height = parseInt(visibleHeight *
this.metaData.getTotalRows()/this.metaData.getPageSize()) + "px";
rowToPixel: function(rowOffset) {
return (rowOffset / this.metaData.getTotalRows()) * this.heightDiv.offsetHeight
moveScroll: function(rowOffset) {
this.scrollerDiv.scrollTop = this.rowToPixel(rowOffset);
if ( this.metaData.options.onscroll )
this.metaData.options.onscroll( this.liveGrid, rowOffset );
handleScroll: function() {
if ( this.scrollTimeout )
clearTimeout( this.scrollTimeout );
var scrollDiff = this.lastScrollPos-this.scrollerDiv.scrollTop;
if (scrollDiff != 0.00) {
var r = this.scrollerDiv.scrollTop % this.viewPort.rowHeight;
if (r != 0) {
if ( scrollDiff < 0 ) {
this.scrollerDiv.scrollTop += (this.viewPort.rowHeight-r);
} else {
this.scrollerDiv.scrollTop -= r;
var contentOffset = parseInt(this.scrollerDiv.scrollTop / this.viewPort.rowHeight);
if ( this.metaData.options.onscroll )
this.metaData.options.onscroll( this.liveGrid, contentOffset );
this.scrollTimeout = setTimeout(this.scrollIdle.bind(this), 1200 );
this.lastScrollPos = this.scrollerDiv.scrollTop;
scrollIdle: function() {
if ( this.metaData.options.onscrollidle )
// Rico.LiveGridBuffer -----------------------------------------------------
Rico.LiveGridBuffer = Class.create();
Rico.LiveGridBuffer.prototype = {
initialize: function(metaData, viewPort) {
this.startPos = 0;
this.size = 0;
this.metaData = metaData;
this.rows = new Array();
this.updateInProgress = false;
this.viewPort = viewPort;
this.maxBufferSize = metaData.getLargeBufferSize() * 2;
this.maxFetchSize = metaData.getLargeBufferSize();
this.lastOffset = 0;
getBlankRow: function() {
if (!this.blankRow ) {
this.blankRow = new Array();
this.blankRow[0] = {name: ' ',id: ''};
for ( var i=1; i < this.metaData.columnCount ; i++ )
this.blankRow[i] = " ";
return this.blankRow;
loadRows: function(ajaxResponse) {
var newRows = [];
$A(ajaxResponse.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('item')).each(function (el) {
var row = [];
name: Element.textContent(el.getElementsByTagName('title')[0])});
['disc','artist','album'].each(function (name) {
if ('disc' == name) {
var time = parseInt(Element.textContent(el.getElementsByTagName(name)[0]));
time = Math.round(time / 1000);
var seconds = time % 60;
seconds = (seconds < 10) ? '0'+seconds : seconds;
row.push(Math.floor(time/60)+ ':' + seconds);
} else {
return newRows;
var rowsElement = ajaxResponse.getElementsByTagName('rows')[0];
this.updateUI = rowsElement.getAttribute("update_ui") == "true"
var newRows = new Array()
var trs = rowsElement.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for ( var i=0 ; i < trs.length; i++ ) {
var row = newRows[i] = new Array();
var cells = trs[i].getElementsByTagName("td");
for ( var j=0; j < cells.length ; j++ ) {
var cell = cells[j];
var convertSpaces = cell.getAttribute("convert_spaces") == "true";
var cellContent = RicoUtil.getContentAsString(cell);
row[j] = convertSpaces ? this.convertSpaces(cellContent) : cellContent;
if (!row[j])
row[j] = ' ';
return newRows;
update: function(ajaxResponse, start) {
var newRows = this.loadRows(ajaxResponse);
if (this.rows.length == 0) { // initial load
this.rows = newRows;
this.size = this.rows.length;
this.startPos = start;
if (start > this.startPos) { //appending
if (this.startPos + this.rows.length < start) {
this.rows = newRows;
this.startPos = start;//
} else {
this.rows = this.rows.concat( newRows.slice(0, newRows.length));
if (this.rows.length > this.maxBufferSize) {
var fullSize = this.rows.length;
this.rows = this.rows.slice(this.rows.length - this.maxBufferSize, this.rows.length)
this.startPos = this.startPos + (fullSize - this.rows.length);
} else { //prepending
if (start + newRows.length < this.startPos) {
this.rows = newRows;
} else {
this.rows = newRows.slice(0, this.startPos).concat(this.rows);
if (this.rows.length > this.maxBufferSize)
this.rows = this.rows.slice(0, this.maxBufferSize)
this.startPos = start;
this.size = this.rows.length;
clear: function() {
this.rows = new Array();
this.startPos = 0;
this.size = 0;
isOverlapping: function(start, size) {
return ((start < this.endPos()) && (this.startPos < start + size)) || (this.endPos() == 0)
isInRange: function(position) {
return (position >= this.startPos) && (position + this.metaData.getPageSize() <= this.endPos());
//&& this.size() != 0;
isNearingTopLimit: function(position) {
return position - this.startPos < this.metaData.getLimitTolerance();
endPos: function() {
return this.startPos + this.rows.length;
isNearingBottomLimit: function(position) {
return this.endPos() - (position + this.metaData.getPageSize()) < this.metaData.getLimitTolerance();
isAtTop: function() {
return this.startPos == 0;
isAtBottom: function() {
return this.endPos() == this.metaData.getTotalRows();
isNearingLimit: function(position) {
return ( !this.isAtTop() && this.isNearingTopLimit(position)) ||
( !this.isAtBottom() && this.isNearingBottomLimit(position) )
getFetchSize: function(offset) {
var adjustedOffset = this.getFetchOffset(offset);
var adjustedSize = 0;
if (adjustedOffset >= this.startPos) { //apending
var endFetchOffset = this.maxFetchSize + adjustedOffset;
if (endFetchOffset > this.metaData.totalRows)
endFetchOffset = this.metaData.totalRows;
adjustedSize = endFetchOffset - adjustedOffset;
if(adjustedOffset == 0 && adjustedSize < this.maxFetchSize){
adjustedSize = this.maxFetchSize;
} else {//prepending
var adjustedSize = this.startPos - adjustedOffset;
if (adjustedSize > this.maxFetchSize)
adjustedSize = this.maxFetchSize;
return adjustedSize;
getFetchOffset: function(offset) {
var adjustedOffset = offset;
if (offset > this.startPos) //apending
adjustedOffset = (offset > this.endPos()) ? offset : this.endPos();
else { //prepending
if (offset + this.maxFetchSize >= this.startPos) {
var adjustedOffset = this.startPos - this.maxFetchSize;
if (adjustedOffset < 0)
adjustedOffset = 0;
this.lastOffset = adjustedOffset;
return adjustedOffset;
getRows: function(start, count) {
var begPos = start - this.startPos
var endPos = begPos + count
// er? need more data...
if ( endPos > this.size )
endPos = this.size
var results = new Array()
var index = 0;
for ( var i=begPos ; i < endPos; i++ ) {
results[index++] = this.rows[i]
return results
convertSpaces: function(s) {
return s.split(" ").join(" ");
//Rico.GridViewPort --------------------------------------------------
Rico.GridViewPort = Class.create();
Rico.GridViewPort.prototype = {
initialize: function(table, rowHeight, visibleRows, buffer, liveGrid) {
this.lastDisplayedStartPos = 0;
this.div = table.parentNode;
this.table = table
this.rowHeight = rowHeight;
this.div.style.height = (this.rowHeight * visibleRows) + "px";
this.div.style.overflow = "hidden";
this.buffer = buffer;
this.liveGrid = liveGrid;
this.visibleRows = visibleRows + 1;
this.lastPixelOffset = 0;
this.startPos = 0;
populateRow: function(htmlRow, row) {
htmlRow.cells[0].innerHTML = row[0].name;
for (var j=1; j < row.length; j++) {
htmlRow.cells[j].innerHTML = row[j]
bufferChanged: function() {
this.refreshContents( parseInt(this.lastPixelOffset / this.rowHeight));
clearRows: function() {
if (!this.isBlank) {
this.liveGrid.table.className = this.liveGrid.options.loadingClass;
for (var i=0; i < this.visibleRows; i++) {
this.populateRow(this.table.rows[i], this.buffer.getBlankRow());
this.isBlank = true;
clearContents: function() {
this.startPos = 0;
this.lastStartPos = -1;
refreshContents: function(startPos) {
if (startPos == this.lastRowPos && !this.isPartialBlank && !this.isBlank) {
if ((startPos + this.visibleRows < this.buffer.startPos)
|| (this.buffer.startPos + this.buffer.size < startPos)
|| (this.buffer.size == 0)) {
this.isBlank = false;
var viewPrecedesBuffer = this.buffer.startPos > startPos
var contentStartPos = viewPrecedesBuffer ? this.buffer.startPos: startPos;
var contentEndPos = (this.buffer.startPos + this.buffer.size < startPos + this.visibleRows)
? this.buffer.startPos + this.buffer.size
: startPos + this.visibleRows;
var rowSize = contentEndPos - contentStartPos;
var rows = this.buffer.getRows(contentStartPos, rowSize );
var blankSize = this.visibleRows - rowSize;
var blankOffset = viewPrecedesBuffer ? 0: rowSize;
var contentOffset = viewPrecedesBuffer ? blankSize: 0;
for (var i=0; i < rows.length; i++) {//initialize what we have
SelectedRows.updateState(this.table.rows[i + contentOffset],rows[i][0].id,startPos+i);
this.populateRow(this.table.rows[i + contentOffset], rows[i]);
for (var i=0; i < blankSize; i++) {// blank out the rest
SelectedRows.updateState(this.table.rows[i + blankOffset]);
this.populateRow(this.table.rows[i + blankOffset], this.buffer.getBlankRow());
this.isPartialBlank = blankSize > 0;
this.lastRowPos = startPos;
this.liveGrid.table.className = this.liveGrid.options.tableClass;
// Check if user has set a onRefreshComplete function
var onRefreshComplete = this.liveGrid.options.onRefreshComplete;
if (onRefreshComplete != null)
scrollTo: function(pixelOffset) {
if (this.lastPixelOffset == pixelOffset)
this.refreshContents(parseInt(pixelOffset / this.rowHeight))
this.div.scrollTop = pixelOffset % this.rowHeight
this.lastPixelOffset = pixelOffset;
visibleHeight: function() {
return parseInt(RicoUtil.getElementsComputedStyle(this.div, 'height'));
Rico.LiveGridRequest = Class.create();
Rico.LiveGridRequest.prototype = {
initialize: function( requestOffset, options ) {
this.requestOffset = requestOffset;
// Rico.LiveGrid -----------------------------------------------------
Rico.LiveGrid = Class.create();
Rico.LiveGrid.prototype = {
initialize: function( tableId, visibleRows, totalRows, url, options, ajaxOptions ) {
this.options = {
tableClass: $(tableId).className,
loadingClass: $(tableId).className,
scrollerBorderRight: '1px solid #ababab',
bufferTimeout: 20000,
sortAscendImg: 'images/sort_asc.gif',
sortDescendImg: 'images/sort_desc.gif',
sortImageWidth: 9,
sortImageHeight: 5,
ajaxSortURLParms: [],
onRefreshComplete: null,
requestParameters: null,
inlineStyles: true
Object.extend(this.options, options || {});
this.ajaxOptions = {parameters: null};
Object.extend(this.ajaxOptions, ajaxOptions || {});
this.tableId = tableId;
this.table = $(tableId);
var columnCount = this.table.rows[0].cells.length;
this.metaData = new Rico.LiveGridMetaData(visibleRows, totalRows, columnCount, options);
this.buffer = new Rico.LiveGridBuffer(this.metaData);
var rowCount = this.table.rows.length;
this.viewPort = new Rico.GridViewPort(this.table,
this.buffer, this);
this.scroller = new Rico.LiveGridScroller(this,this.viewPort);
this.options.sortHandler = this.sortHandler.bind(this);
if ( $(tableId + '_header') )
this.sort = new Rico.LiveGridSort(tableId + '_header', this.options)
this.processingRequest = null;
this.unprocessedRequest = null;
if ( this.options.prefetchBuffer || this.options.prefetchOffset > 0) {
var offset = 0;
if (this.options.offset ) {
offset = this.options.offset;
if (this.options.sortCol) {
this.sortCol = options.sortCol;
this.sortDir = options.sortDir;
addLiveGridHtml: function() {
// Check to see if need to create a header table.
if (this.table.getElementsByTagName("thead").length > 0){
// Create Table this.tableId+'_header'
var tableHeader = this.table.cloneNode(true);
tableHeader.setAttribute('id', this.tableId+'_header');
tableHeader.setAttribute('class', this.table.className+'_header');
// Clean up and insert
for( var i = 0; i < tableHeader.tBodies.length; i++ )
new Insertion.Before(this.table, "<div id='"+this.tableId+"_container'></div>");
new Insertion.Before(this.table,"<div id='"+this.tableId+"_viewport' style='float:left;'></div>");
resetContents: function() {
sortHandler: function(column) {
if(!column) return ;
this.sortCol = column.name;
this.sortDir = column.currentSort;
adjustRowSize: function() {
setTotalRows: function( newTotalRows ) {
initAjax: function(url) {
ajaxEngine.registerRequest( this.tableId + '_request', url );
ajaxEngine.registerAjaxObject( this.tableId + '_updater', this );
invokeAjax: function() {
handleTimedOut: function() {
//server did not respond in 4 seconds... assume that there could have been
//an error or something, and allow requests to be processed again...
this.processingRequest = null;
fetchBuffer: function(offset) {
if ( this.buffer.isInRange(offset) &&
!this.buffer.isNearingLimit(offset)) {
if (this.processingRequest) {
this.unprocessedRequest = new Rico.LiveGridRequest(offset);
var bufferStartPos = this.buffer.getFetchOffset(offset);
this.processingRequest = new Rico.LiveGridRequest(offset);
this.processingRequest.bufferOffset = bufferStartPos;
var fetchSize = this.buffer.getFetchSize(offset);
var partialLoaded = false;
var queryString
if (this.options.requestParameters)
queryString = this._createQueryString(this.options.requestParameters, 0);
queryString = (queryString == null) ? '' : queryString+'&';
queryString = queryString+'id='+this.tableId+'&page_size='+fetchSize+'&offset='+bufferStartPos;
if (this.sortCol)
queryString = queryString+'&sort_col='+escape(this.sortCol)+'&sort_dir='+this.sortDir;
this.ajaxOptions.parameters = queryString;
var end = bufferStartPos+fetchSize;
new Ajax.Request(Query.getFullUrl('songs')+'&offset='+bufferStartPos+'&limit='+fetchSize,{method: 'get',onComplete: this.ajaxUpdate.bind(this)});
// ajaxEngine.sendRequest( this.tableId + '_request', this.ajaxOptions );
this.timeoutHandler = setTimeout( this.handleTimedOut.bind(this), this.options.bufferTimeout);
setRequestParams: function() {
this.options.requestParameters = [];
for ( var i=0 ; i < arguments.length ; i++ )
this.options.requestParameters[i] = arguments[i];
requestContentRefresh: function(contentOffset) {
ajaxUpdate: function(ajaxResponse) {
try {
clearTimeout( this.timeoutHandler );
var totalRows = ajaxResponse.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('totalrecords')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
if (this.metaData.getTotalRows() != totalRows) {
catch(err) {}
finally {this.processingRequest = null; }
_createQueryString: function( theArgs, offset ) {
var queryString = ""
if (!theArgs)
return queryString;
for ( var i = offset ; i < theArgs.length ; i++ ) {
if ( i != offset )
queryString += "&";
var anArg = theArgs[i];
if ( anArg.name != undefined && anArg.value != undefined ) {
queryString += anArg.name + "=" + escape(anArg.value);
else {
var ePos = anArg.indexOf('=');
var argName = anArg.substring( 0, ePos );
var argValue = anArg.substring( ePos + 1 );
queryString += argName + "=" + escape(argValue);
return queryString;
processQueuedRequest: function() {
if (this.unprocessedRequest != null) {
this.unprocessedRequest = null
//-------------------- ricoLiveGridSort.js
Rico.LiveGridSort = Class.create();
Rico.LiveGridSort.prototype = {
initialize: function(headerTableId, options) {
this.headerTableId = headerTableId;
this.headerTable = $(headerTableId);
this.options = options;
if ( this.options.sortCol ) {
this.setSortUI( this.options.sortCol, this.options.sortDir );
setSortUI: function( columnName, sortDirection ) {
var cols = this.options.columns;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i++ ) {
if ( cols[i].name == columnName ) {
this.setColumnSort(i, sortDirection);
setOptions: function() {
// preload the images...
new Image().src = this.options.sortAscendImg;
new Image().src = this.options.sortDescendImg;
this.sort = this.options.sortHandler;
if ( !this.options.columns )
this.options.columns = this.introspectForColumnInfo();
else {
// allow client to pass { columns: [ ["a", true], ["b", false] ] }
// and convert to an array of Rico.TableColumn objs...
this.options.columns = this.convertToTableColumns(this.options.columns);
applySortBehavior: function() {
var headerRow = this.headerTable.rows[0];
var headerCells = headerRow.cells;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < headerCells.length ; i++ ) {
this.addSortBehaviorToColumn( i, headerCells[i] );
addSortBehaviorToColumn: function( n, cell ) {
if ( this.options.columns[n].isSortable() ) {
cell.id = this.headerTableId + '_' + n;
cell.style.cursor = 'pointer';
cell.onclick = this.headerCellClicked.bindAsEventListener(this);
cell.innerHTML = cell.innerHTML + '<span id="' + this.headerTableId + '_img_' + n + '">'
+ ' </span>';
// event handler....
headerCellClicked: function(evt) {
var eventTarget = evt.target ? evt.target : evt.srcElement;
var cellId = eventTarget.id;
var columnNumber = parseInt(cellId.substring( cellId.lastIndexOf('_') + 1 ));
var sortedColumnIndex = this.getSortedColumnIndex();
if ( sortedColumnIndex != -1 ) {
if ( sortedColumnIndex != columnNumber ) {
this.setColumnSort(columnNumber, Rico.TableColumn.SORT_ASC);
this.setColumnSort(columnNumber, Rico.TableColumn.SORT_ASC);
if (this.options.sortHandler) {
removeColumnSort: function(n) {
setColumnSort: function(n, direction) {
if(isNaN(n)) return ;
toggleColumnSort: function(n) {
setSortImage: function(n) {
var sortDirection = this.options.columns[n].getSortDirection();
var sortImageSpan = $( this.headerTableId + '_img_' + n );
if ( sortDirection == Rico.TableColumn.UNSORTED )
sortImageSpan.innerHTML = ' ';
else if ( sortDirection == Rico.TableColumn.SORT_ASC )
sortImageSpan.innerHTML = ' <img width="' + this.options.sortImageWidth + '" ' +
'height="'+ this.options.sortImageHeight + '" ' +
'src="' + this.options.sortAscendImg + '"/>';
else if ( sortDirection == Rico.TableColumn.SORT_DESC )
sortImageSpan.innerHTML = ' <img width="' + this.options.sortImageWidth + '" ' +
'height="'+ this.options.sortImageHeight + '" ' +
'src="' + this.options.sortDescendImg + '"/>';
getSortedColumnIndex: function() {
var cols = this.options.columns;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i++ ) {
if ( cols[i].isSorted() )
return i;
return -1;
introspectForColumnInfo: function() {
var columns = new Array();
var headerRow = this.headerTable.rows[0];
var headerCells = headerRow.cells;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < headerCells.length ; i++ )
columns.push( new Rico.TableColumn( this.deriveColumnNameFromCell(headerCells[i],i), true ) );
return columns;
convertToTableColumns: function(cols) {
var columns = new Array();
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i++ )
columns.push( new Rico.TableColumn( cols[i][0], cols[i][1] ) );
return columns;
deriveColumnNameFromCell: function(cell,columnNumber) {
var cellContent = cell.innerText != undefined ? cell.innerText : cell.textContent;
return cellContent ? cellContent.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_') : "col_" + columnNumber;
Rico.TableColumn = Class.create();
Rico.TableColumn.UNSORTED = 0;
Rico.TableColumn.SORT_ASC = "ASC";
Rico.TableColumn.SORT_DESC = "DESC";
Rico.TableColumn.prototype = {
initialize: function(name, sortable) {
this.name = name;
this.sortable = sortable;
this.currentSort = Rico.TableColumn.UNSORTED;
isSortable: function() {
return this.sortable;
isSorted: function() {
return this.currentSort != Rico.TableColumn.UNSORTED;
getSortDirection: function() {
return this.currentSort;
toggleSort: function() {
if ( this.currentSort == Rico.TableColumn.UNSORTED || this.currentSort == Rico.TableColumn.SORT_DESC )
this.currentSort = Rico.TableColumn.SORT_ASC;
else if ( this.currentSort == Rico.TableColumn.SORT_ASC )
this.currentSort = Rico.TableColumn.SORT_DESC;
setUnsorted: function(direction) {
setSorted: function(direction) {
// direction must by one of Rico.TableColumn.UNSORTED, .SORT_ASC, or .SORT_DESC...
this.currentSort = direction;
//-------------------- ricoUtil.js
var RicoUtil = {
getElementsComputedStyle: function ( htmlElement, cssProperty, mozillaEquivalentCSS) {
if ( arguments.length == 2 )
mozillaEquivalentCSS = cssProperty;
var el = $(htmlElement);
if ( el.currentStyle )
return el.currentStyle[cssProperty];
return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(mozillaEquivalentCSS);
createXmlDocument : function() {
if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) {
var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
if (doc.readyState == null) {
doc.readyState = 1;
doc.addEventListener("load", function () {
doc.readyState = 4;
if (typeof doc.onreadystatechange == "function")
}, false);
return doc;
if (window.ActiveXObject)
return Try.these(
function() { return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.DomDocument') },
function() { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.DomDocument')},
function() { return new ActiveXObject('MSXML.DomDocument') },
function() { return new ActiveXObject('MSXML3.DomDocument') }
) || false;
return null;
getContentAsString: function( parentNode ) {
return parentNode.xml != undefined ?
this._getContentAsStringIE(parentNode) :
_getContentAsStringIE: function(parentNode) {
var contentStr = "";
for ( var i = 0 ; i < parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ ) {
var n = parentNode.childNodes[i];
if (n.nodeType == 4) {
contentStr += n.nodeValue;
else {
contentStr += n.xml;
return contentStr;
_getContentAsStringMozilla: function(parentNode) {
var xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer();
var contentStr = "";
for ( var i = 0 ; i < parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ ) {
var n = parentNode.childNodes[i];
if (n.nodeType == 4) { // CDATA node
contentStr += n.nodeValue;
else {
contentStr += xmlSerializer.serializeToString(n);
return contentStr;
toViewportPosition: function(element) {
return this._toAbsolute(element,true);
toDocumentPosition: function(element) {
return this._toAbsolute(element,false);
* Compute the elements position in terms of the window viewport
* so that it can be compared to the position of the mouse (dnd)
* This is additions of all the offsetTop,offsetLeft values up the
* offsetParent hierarchy, ...taking into account any scrollTop,
* scrollLeft values along the way...
* IE has a bug reporting a correct offsetLeft of elements within a
* a relatively positioned parent!!!
_toAbsolute: function(element,accountForDocScroll) {
if ( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") == -1 )
return this._toAbsoluteMozilla(element,accountForDocScroll);
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var parent = element;
while ( parent ) {
var borderXOffset = 0;
var borderYOffset = 0;
if ( parent != element ) {
var borderXOffset = parseInt(this.getElementsComputedStyle(parent, "borderLeftWidth" ));
var borderYOffset = parseInt(this.getElementsComputedStyle(parent, "borderTopWidth" ));
borderXOffset = isNaN(borderXOffset) ? 0 : borderXOffset;
borderYOffset = isNaN(borderYOffset) ? 0 : borderYOffset;
x += parent.offsetLeft - parent.scrollLeft + borderXOffset;
y += parent.offsetTop - parent.scrollTop + borderYOffset;
parent = parent.offsetParent;
if ( accountForDocScroll ) {
x -= this.docScrollLeft();
y -= this.docScrollTop();
return { x:x, y:y };
* Mozilla did not report all of the parents up the hierarchy via the
* offsetParent property that IE did. So for the calculation of the
* offsets we use the offsetParent property, but for the calculation of
* the scrollTop/scrollLeft adjustments we navigate up via the parentNode
* property instead so as to get the scroll offsets...
_toAbsoluteMozilla: function(element,accountForDocScroll) {
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var parent = element;
while ( parent ) {
x += parent.offsetLeft;
y += parent.offsetTop;
parent = parent.offsetParent;
parent = element;
while ( parent &&
parent != document.body &&
parent != document.documentElement ) {
if ( parent.scrollLeft )
x -= parent.scrollLeft;
if ( parent.scrollTop )
y -= parent.scrollTop;
parent = parent.parentNode;
if ( accountForDocScroll ) {
x -= this.docScrollLeft();
y -= this.docScrollTop();
return { x:x, y:y };
docScrollLeft: function() {
if ( window.pageXOffset )
return window.pageXOffset;
else if ( document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft )
return document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
else if ( document.body )
return document.body.scrollLeft;
return 0;
docScrollTop: function() {
if ( window.pageYOffset )
return window.pageYOffset;
else if ( document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop )
return document.documentElement.scrollTop;
else if ( document.body )
return document.body.scrollTop;
return 0;