chme d6d6e93c3b [web-src] Use kebap-case for events
Otherwise ESLint will report errors
2020-10-18 09:44:59 +02:00

88 lines
2.7 KiB

<transition name="fade">
<div class="modal is-active" v-if="show">
<div class="modal-background" @click="$emit('close')"></div>
<div class="modal-content fd-modal-card">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-content">
<p class="title is-4">Add Podcast RSS feed URL</p>
<form @submit.prevent="add_stream">
<div class="field">
<p class="control is-expanded has-icons-left">
<input class="input is-shadowless" type="text" placeholder="http://url-to-rss" v-model="url" :disabled="loading" ref="url_field">
<span class="icon is-left">
<i class="mdi mdi-rss"></i>
<p class="help">Adding a podcast includes creating an RSS playlist, that will allow forked-daapd to manage the podcast subscription.
<footer class="card-footer" v-if="loading">
<a class="card-footer-item button is-loading">
<span class="icon"><i class="mdi mdi-web"></i></span> <span class="is-size-7">Processing ...</span>
<footer class="card-footer" v-else>
<a class="card-footer-item has-text-danger" @click="$emit('close')">
<span class="icon"><i class="mdi mdi-cancel"></i></span> <span class="is-size-7">Cancel</span>
<a class="card-footer-item has-background-info has-text-white has-text-weight-bold" @click="add_stream">
<span class="icon"><i class="mdi mdi-playlist-plus"></i></span> <span class="is-size-7">Add</span>
<button class="modal-close is-large" aria-label="close" @click="$emit('close')"></button>
import webapi from '@/webapi'
export default {
name: 'ModalDialogAddRss',
props: ['show'],
data () {
return {
url: '',
loading: false
methods: {
add_stream: function () {
this.loading = true
webapi.library_add(this.url).then(() => {
this.url = ''
}).catch(() => {
this.loading = false
watch: {
'show' () {
if (this.show) {
this.loading = false
// We need to delay setting the focus to the input field until the field is part of the dom and visible
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10)