Alain Nussbaumer a1046f3913 [web] Fix for items not displaying because of their name
Albums, artists, composers, genres, and any other items listed on page where they appear sorted by names are now all displayed properly.
2023-06-04 13:54:01 +02:00

223 lines
6.0 KiB

import i18n from '@/i18n'
const { t, locale } = i18n.global
export function noop() {
return {
compareFn: null,
groupKeyFn: (item) => GROUP_KEY_NONE
export function byName(field, keepSortOrder = false, defaultValue = '_') {
return {
compareFn: keepSortOrder
? null
: (a, b) => {
const fieldA = a[field] || defaultValue
const fieldB = b[field] || defaultValue
return fieldA.localeCompare(fieldB, locale.value)
groupKeyFn: (item) => {
const value = (item[field] || defaultValue).charAt(0)
if (value.match(/\p{Letter}/gu)) {
return value.toUpperCase()
} else if (value.match(/\p{Number}/gu)) {
return '#'
} else {
return '⌘'
export function byRating(field, { direction = 'asc', defaultValue = 0 }) {
return {
compareFn: (a, b) => {
const fieldA = a[field] || defaultValue
const fieldB = b[field] || defaultValue
const result = fieldA - fieldB
return direction === 'asc' ? result : result * -1
groupKeyFn: (item) => {
const fieldValue = item[field] || defaultValue
return Math.floor(fieldValue / 10)
export function byYear(field, { direction = 'asc', defaultValue = '0000' }) {
return {
compareFn: (a, b) => {
const fieldA = a[field] || defaultValue
const fieldB = b[field] || defaultValue
const result = fieldA.localeCompare(fieldB, locale.value)
return direction === 'asc' ? result : result * -1
groupKeyFn: (item) => {
const fieldValue = item[field] || defaultValue
return fieldValue.substring(0, 4)
export function byDateSinceToday(field, defaultValue = '0000') {
return {
compareFn: (a, b) => {
const fieldA = a[field] || defaultValue
const fieldB = b[field] || defaultValue
return fieldB.localeCompare(fieldA, locale.value)
groupKeyFn: (item) => {
const fieldValue = item[field]
if (!fieldValue) {
return defaultValue
const diff = new Date().getTime() - new Date(fieldValue).getTime()
if (diff < 86400000) {
// 24h
return t('group-by-list.today')
} else if (diff < 604800000) {
// 7 days
return t('group-by-list.last-week')
} else if (diff < 2592000000) {
// 30 days
return t('group-by-list.last-month')
return fieldValue.substring(0, 4)
export class GroupByList {
constructor({ items = [], total = 0, offset = 0, limit = -1 } = {}) {
this.items = items
this.total = total
this.offset = offset
this.limit = limit
this.count = items.length
this.indexList = []
get() {
return this.itemsByGroup
isEmpty() {
return !this.items || this.items.length <= 0
group(options, filterFns = []) {
const itemsFiltered = filterFns
? this.items.filter((item) => filterFns.every((fn) => fn(item)))
: this.items
this.count = itemsFiltered.length
// Sort item list
let itemsSorted = options.compareFn
? [...itemsFiltered].sort(options.compareFn)
: itemsFiltered
// Create index list
this.indexList = [...new Set(itemsSorted.map(options.groupKeyFn))]
// Group item list
this.itemsByGroup = itemsSorted.reduce((r, item) => {
const groupKey = options.groupKeyFn(item)
r[groupKey] = [...(r[groupKey] || []), item]
return r
}, {})
[Symbol.iterator]() {
// Use a new index for each iterator. This makes multiple
// iterations over the iterable safe for non-trivial cases,
// such as use of break or nested looping over the same iterable.
let groupIndex = -1
let itemIndex = -1
return {
next: () => {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return { done: true }
} else if (groupIndex >= this.indexList.length) {
// We reached the end of all groups and items
// This should never happen, as the we already
// return "done" after we reached the last item
// of the last group
return { done: true }
} else if (groupIndex < 0) {
// We start iterating
// Return the first group title as the next item
itemIndex = 0
if (this.indexList[groupIndex] !== GROUP_KEY_NONE) {
// Only return the group, if it is not the "noop" default group
return {
value: {
groupKey: this.indexList[groupIndex],
itemId: this.indexList[groupIndex],
isItem: false,
item: {}
done: false
let currentGroupKey = this.indexList[groupIndex]
let currentGroupItems = this.itemsByGroup[currentGroupKey]
if (itemIndex < currentGroupItems.length) {
// We are in a group with items left
// Return the current item and increment the item index
const currentItem = this.itemsByGroup[currentGroupKey][itemIndex++]
return {
value: {
groupKey: currentGroupKey,
itemId: currentItem.id,
isItem: true,
item: currentItem
done: false
} else {
// We reached the end of the current groups item list
// Move to the next group and return the group key/title
// as the next item
itemIndex = 0
if (groupIndex < this.indexList.length) {
currentGroupKey = this.indexList[groupIndex]
return {
value: {
groupKey: currentGroupKey,
itemId: currentGroupKey,
isItem: false,
item: {}
done: false
} else {
// No group left, we are done iterating
return { done: true }