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synced 2025-03-09 19:20:10 -04:00
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235 lines
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/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is not running" = "Firefly är inte aktivt";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Error message if invalid port entered */
"Please enter a port number between 1024 and 65535, or choose \"Automatic\" from the pop-up menu" = "Ange ett port nummer mellan 1024 och 65535, eller välj \"Automatisk\" från pop-up menyn";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSButton (Show Firefly menu in menu bar) : <title:Show Firefly menu in menu bar> (oid:196) */
"Show Firefly menu in menu bar" = "Visa Firefly status i menyraden";
/* English.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField (Shared Name:) : <title:Shared Name:> (oid:106) */
"Shared Name:" = "Delat Namn:";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: @Alert title when password is invalid */
"Missing password" = "Lösenord saknas";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is stopping" = "Firefly stoppas";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Label for cancel button in save prompt dialog */
"Cancel" = "Avbryt";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Error message related to invalid config */
"Unable to read configuration information" = "Kan inte läsa konfigurationen";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSButton (Open Web Page) : <title:Open Web Page> (oid:120) */
"Open Web Page" = "Öppna Webbsida";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is scanning the library" = "Firefly söker igenom biblioteket";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"Unable to create a default configuration file at: %@" = "Kunde inte skapa en standard konfigutaions fil i: %@";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField (Prefs Panel Version:) : <title:Prefs Panel Version:> (oid:170) */
"Prefs Panel Version:" = "Inställningspanelens version:";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField (Firefly Server Version:) : <title:Firefly Server Version:> (oid:171) */
"Firefly Server Version:" = "Firefly serverns version:";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Alert message notifying the user of failure to apply */
"Failed to apply changes" = "Kunde inte utföra ändringarna";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is restarting" = "Firefly startar om";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Info text for the web page button when server is running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Click to open the page in your browser." = "Fler konfigurations alternativ är tillgängliga via Firefly’s inbyggde webb sida. Klicka för att öppna sidan i din webbläsare.";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Info text for the library browse dialog */
"Please select the folder containing your music library, then click Choose." = "Välj mappen som innehåller ditt musik bibliotek, och klicka Välj.";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: @Alert title when port number is invalid */
"Invalid port number" = "Felaktigt port nummer";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSButton (Browse...) : <title:Browse...> (oid:123) */
"Browse..." = "Välj mapp...";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField (Library Location:) : <title:Library Location:> (oid:122) */
"Library Location:" = "Bibliotekets mappen:";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Status text for when Firefly state is not known */
"Checking Firefly status…" = "Kontrollerar Firefly's status…";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Text for missing log file */
"The log file has not been created." = "Loggfilen har inte skapats.";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: @Alert title when library name is invalid */
"Missing library name" = "Saknar bibliotekets namn";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Explanatory text for the failure-to-get-status alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to get the status of the Firefly server. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Ett oväntat fel har uppstått när Firefly’s status kontrollerades. Starta om den här panelen för att försöka igen.";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Error message displayed at panel load */
"Unable to find or create Application Support folder" = "Kunde inte hitta eller skapa Application Support mappen";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Error message if library name is invalid */
"Please enter a library name" = "Skriv in bibliotekets namn";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Due to an unexpected error, your changes could not be applied." = "Ett oväntat fel gjorde att dina ändringar inte kunde sparas.";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly status is unknown" = "Fireflys status är okänd";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSButton (Apply Now) : <title:Apply Now> (oid:167) */
"Apply Now" = "Använd";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to stop Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Ett oväntat fel uppstod när Firefly skulle stoppas. Starta om den här panelen för att försöka igen.";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField (Start server:) : <title:Start server:> (oid:114) */
"Start server:" = "Starta servern:";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to stop Firefly" = "Kunde inte stoppa Firefly";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSMenu : <title:OtherViews> (oid:161) */
"OtherViews" = "Andra Vyer";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Error message displayed at panel load */
"Library directory could not be found in user folder" = "Biblioteksmappen kunde inte hittas i användar mappen";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Generic alert string for an invalid control */
"Invalid value" = "Ogiltigt värde";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSWindow (<< do not localize >>) : <title:<< do not localize >>> (oid:12) */
"<< do not localize >>" = "<< do not localize >>";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Error message if password is empty */
"Please enter a password, or un-check the password checkbox" = "Ange ett lösenord eller kryssa ur lösenords rutan";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Alert message notifying the user of config error */
"Configuration error" = "Konfigurations fel";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Explanatory text for the connection-lost alert */
"Communication has been lost with the Firefly Helper. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Kontakten med Firefly Helper har förlorats. Starta om den här panelen för att försöka igen.";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Label for dont' apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Don't Apply" = "Aktivera Inte";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is running" = "Firefly är inte aktivt";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"The Firefly installation appears to be damaged. Unable to locate Firefly Helper." = "Installationen av Firefly verkar vara skadad. Kan inte lokalisera Firefly Helper.";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTabViewItem : <title:General> (oid:99) */
"General" = "Allmänt";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTabViewItem : <title:Advanced> (oid:101) */
"Advanced" = "Avancerat";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Lost contact with Firefly Helper" = "Förlorade kontakten med Firefly Helper";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSMenuItem : <title:Manually> (oid:163) */
"Manually" = "Manuellt";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Firefly appears to be incorrectly installed or damaged. Please consult the documentation.\n\n" = "Firefly verkar vara felaktig installerat eller skadat. Se dokumentationen för mer information.\n\n";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to start Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Ett oväntat fel uppstod när Firefly startades. Starta om den här panelen för att försöka igen.";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is starting" = "Firefly startar";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Alert message notifying the user of failure to save */
"Failed to save changes" = "Kunde inte spara ändringarna";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Title of the library browser dialog */
"Choose Library Location" = "Välj din biblioteketsmapp";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Unable to get server status" = "Kunde inte få serverns status";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSBox (Box) : <title:Box> (oid:181) */
"Box" = "Box";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically, when I log in> (oid:111) */
"Automatically, when I log in" = "Automatiskt, när jag loggar in";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Format string for error message */
"The configuration file is present, but is not writable: %@" = "Konfigurations filen existerar, men går inte att skriva till: %@";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField (The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.) : <title:The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.> (oid:125) */
"The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network." = "Firefly delar ditt musikbibliotek med andra datorer och kompatibla enheter på det lokala nätverket.";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Stop Firefly" = "Stoppa Firefly";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSButton (Start Firefly) : <title:Start Firefly> (oid:103)
Localizable.strings: One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Start Firefly" = "Starta Firefly";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField (Assign Server Port:) : <title:Assign Server Port:> (oid:116) */
"Assign Server Port:" = "Ange Serverns Port:";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Text for empty log file */
"The log file is empty." = "Logg filen är tom.";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTabViewItem : <title:Log> (oid:199) */
"Log" = "Logg";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Explanatory text for the failure-to-save alert */
"Firefly could not be started because your changes could not be saved" = "Firefly kunde inte startas eftersom dina ändringar inte kunde sparas";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly failed to start" = "Firefly kunde inte startas";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField (Firefly is disabled) : <title:Firefly is disabled> (oid:104) */
"Firefly is disabled" = "Firefly är avaktiverat";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField (<unknown>) : <title:<unknown>> (oid:128) */
"<unknown>" = "<okänd>";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField ((available when Firefly is running)) : <title:(available when Firefly is running)> (oid:172)
Localizable.strings: Displayed in place of server version when server is not running */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(tillgängligt när Firefly ar aktivt)";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Label for apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Apply" = "Använd";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Format string for error message */
"Firefly directory could not be found or created at: %@" = "Firefly mappen kunde inte hittas eller skapas i: %@";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to start Firefly" = "Kunde inte starta Firefly";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSTextField (Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.) : <title:Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.> (oid:119)
Localizable.strings: Info text for the web page button when server is not running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Fler konfigurations alternativ är tillgängliga via Fireflys inbyggde webb sida. Tillgängligt när Firefly är aktivt.";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly stopped unexpectedly" = "Firefly stannade oväntat";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically> (oid:162) */
"Automatically" = "Automatiskt";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: The Choose button in the library browser dialog */
"Choose" = "Välj";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Prompt to save changes when exiting prefs pane */
"Apply configuration changes?" = "Använd konfigurations ändringarna?";
/* Swedish.strings: FireflyPrefsPref.nib: NSButton (Require Password:) : <title:Require Password:> (oid:107) */
"Require Password:" = "Lösenord som krävs:";
/* Swedish.strings: Localizable.strings: Format string for default library name */
"%@'s Firefly on %@" = "%1$@'s Firefly på %2$@";
/* Swedish.strings: InfoPlist.strings: Localized versions of Info.plist keys */
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "© 2006 Roku LLC";