chme 5e85e0b024 [web-src] Refactor details modal dialogs into separate components
This will allow to open a dialog outside of the ListItem component. Also
reduces the size of the generated DOM tree by only including one dialog
per page (per object type) and not for each list item.
2018-12-23 09:31:04 +01:00

132 lines
4.1 KiB

<template slot="heading-left">
<p class="heading">{{ queue.count }} tracks</p>
<p class="title is-4">Queue</p>
<template slot="heading-right">
<div class="buttons is-centered">
<a class="button is-small" :class="{ 'is-info': show_only_next_items }" @click="update_show_next_items">
<span class="icon">
<i class="mdi mdi-arrow-collapse-down"></i>
<span>Hide previous</span>
<a class="button" :class="{ 'is-info': edit_mode }" @click="edit_mode = !edit_mode">
<span class="icon">
<i class="mdi mdi-content-save"></i>
<a class="button is-small" :class="{ 'is-info': edit_mode }" @click="edit_mode = !edit_mode">
<span class="icon">
<i class="mdi mdi-pencil"></i>
<a class="button is-small" @click="queue_clear">
<span class="icon">
<i class="mdi mdi-delete-empty"></i>
<template slot="content">
<draggable v-model="queue_items" :options="{handle:'.handle'}" @end="move_item">
<list-item-queue-item v-for="(item, index) in queue_items"
:key="item.id" :item="item" :position="index"
<template slot="actions">
<a @click="open_dialog(item)" v-if="!edit_mode">
<span class="icon has-text-dark"><i class="mdi mdi-dots-vertical mdi-18px"></i></span>
<a @click="remove(item)" v-if="item.id !== state.item_id && edit_mode">
<span class="icon has-text-grey"><i class="mdi mdi-delete mdi-18px"></i></span>
<modal-dialog-queue-item :show="show_details_modal" :item="selected_item" @close="show_details_modal = false" />
import ContentWithHeading from '@/templates/ContentWithHeading'
import ListItemQueueItem from '@/components/ListItemQueueItem'
import ModalDialogQueueItem from '@/components/ModalDialogQueueItem'
import webapi from '@/webapi'
import * as types from '@/store/mutation_types'
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
export default {
name: 'PageQueue',
components: { ContentWithHeading, ListItemQueueItem, draggable, ModalDialogQueueItem },
data () {
return {
edit_mode: false,
show_details_modal: false,
selected_item: {}
computed: {
state () {
return this.$store.state.player
queue () {
return this.$store.state.queue
queue_items: {
get () { return this.$store.state.queue.items },
set (value) { /* Do nothing? Send move request in @end event */ }
current_position () {
const nowPlaying = this.$store.getters.now_playing
return nowPlaying === undefined || nowPlaying.position === undefined ? -1 : this.$store.getters.now_playing.position
show_only_next_items () {
return this.$store.state.show_only_next_items
methods: {
queue_clear: function () {
update_show_next_items: function (e) {
this.$store.commit(types.SHOW_ONLY_NEXT_ITEMS, !this.show_only_next_items)
remove: function (item) {
move_item: function (e) {
var oldPosition = !this.show_only_next_items ? e.oldIndex : e.oldIndex + this.current_position
var item = this.queue_items[oldPosition]
var newPosition = item.position + (e.newIndex - e.oldIndex)
if (newPosition !== oldPosition) {
webapi.queue_move(item.id, newPosition)
open_dialog: function (item) {
this.selected_item = item
this.show_details_modal = true