#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "db-generic.h" #include "err.h" #include "query.h" static query_node_t* query_build(const char* query); static void query_free(query_node_t* query); static int query_build_clause(query_node_t *query, char **current, int *size); static const query_field_t *find_field(const char* name, const query_field_t* fields); // static int arith_query(query_node_t* query, void* target); // static int string_query(query_node_t* query, void* target); static query_node_t *match_specifier(const char* query, const char** cursor, const query_field_t* fields); static query_node_t *group_match(const char* query, const char** cursor, const query_field_t* fields); static query_node_t *single_match(const char* query, const char** cursor, const query_field_t* fields); static int get_field_name(const char** pcursor, const char* query, char* name, int len); static query_node_t *match_number(const query_field_t* field, char not, char opcode, const char** pcursor, const char* query); static query_node_t *match_string(const query_field_t* field, char not, char opcode, const char** pcursor, const char* query); char *query_unescape(const char* query); static query_field_t song_fields[] = { { qft_string, "dmap.itemname", "title" }, { qft_i32, "dmap.itemid", "id" }, { qft_string, "daap.songalbum", "album" }, { qft_string, "daap.songartist", "artist" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songbitrate", "bitrate" }, { qft_string, "daap.songcomment", "comment" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songcompilation", "compilation" }, { qft_string, "daap.songcomposer", "composer" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songdatakind", "data_kind" }, { qft_string, "daap.songdataurl", "url" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songdateadded", "time_added" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songdatemodified","time_modified" }, { qft_string, "daap.songdescription", "description" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songdisccount", "total_discs" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songdiscnumber", "disc" }, { qft_string, "daap.songformat", "type" }, { qft_string, "daap.songgenre", "genre" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songsamplerate", "samplerate" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songsize", "file_size" }, // { qft_i32_const, "daap.songstarttime", 0 }, { qft_i32, "daap.songstoptime", "song_length" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songtime", "song_length" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songtrackcount", "total_tracks" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songtracknumber", "track" }, { qft_i32, "daap.songyear", "year" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; char *query_build_sql(char *query) { query_node_t *pquery; char sql[2048]; char *sqlptr=sql; int size=sizeof(sql); pquery=query_build(query); if(pquery) { if(!query_build_clause(pquery,&sqlptr,&size)) { query_free(pquery); return strdup(sql); } query_free(pquery); } return NULL; } query_node_t* query_build(const char* query) { query_node_t* left = 0; char* raw = query_unescape(query); const char* cursor = raw; query_node_t* right = 0; query_type_t join; if(0 == (left = match_specifier(query, &cursor, song_fields))) goto error; while(*cursor) { query_node_t* con; switch(*cursor) { case '+': case ' ': join = qot_and; break; case ',': join = qot_or; break; default: DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY, "Illegal character '%c' (0%o) at index %d: %s\n", *cursor, *cursor, cursor - raw, raw); goto error; } cursor++; if(0 == (right = match_specifier(raw, &cursor, song_fields))) goto error; con = (query_node_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*con)); con->type = join; con->left.node = left; con->right.node = right; left = con; } if(query != raw) free(raw); return left; error: if(left != 0) query_free(left); if(raw != query) free(raw); return NULL; } static query_node_t* match_specifier(const char* query, const char** cursor, const query_field_t* fields) { switch(**cursor) { case '\'': return single_match(query, cursor, fields); case '(': return group_match(query, cursor, fields); } DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Illegal character '%c' (0%o) at index %d: %s\n", **cursor, **cursor, *cursor - query, query); return NULL; } static query_node_t* group_match(const char* query, const char** pcursor, const query_field_t* fields) { query_node_t* left = 0; query_node_t* right = 0; query_node_t* join = 0; query_type_t opcode; const char* cursor = *pcursor; /* skip the opening ')' */ ++cursor; if(0 == (left = single_match(query, &cursor, fields))) return NULL; switch(*cursor) { case '+': case ' ': opcode = qot_and; break; case ',': opcode = qot_or; break; default: DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Illegal character '%c' (0%o) at index %d: %s\n", *cursor, *cursor, cursor - query, query); goto error; } if(0 == (right = single_match(query, &cursor, fields))) goto error; if(*cursor != ')') { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Illegal character '%c' (0%o) at index %d: %s\n", *cursor, *cursor, cursor - query, query); goto error; } *pcursor = cursor + 1; join = (query_node_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*join)); join->type = opcode; join->left.node = left; join->right.node = right; return join; error: if(0 != left) query_free(left); if(0 != right) query_free(right); return 0; } static query_node_t* single_match(const char* query, const char** pcursor, const query_field_t* fields) { char fname[64]; const query_field_t* field; char not = 0; char op = 0; query_node_t* node = 0; /* skip opening ' */ (*pcursor)++; /* collect the field name */ if(!get_field_name(pcursor, query, fname, sizeof(fname))) return NULL; if(**pcursor == '!') { not = '!'; ++(*pcursor); } if(strchr(":+-", **pcursor)) { op = **pcursor; ++(*pcursor); } else { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Illegal Operator: %c (0%o) at index %d: %s\n", **pcursor, **pcursor, *pcursor - query, query); return NULL; } if(0 == (field = find_field(fname, fields))) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Unknown field: %s\n", fname); return NULL; } switch(field->type) { case qft_i32: case qft_i64: node = match_number(field, not, op, pcursor, query); break; case qft_string: node = match_string(field, not, op, pcursor, query); break; default: DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Invalid field type: %d\n", field->type); break; } if(**pcursor != '\'') { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Illegal Character: %c (0%o) index %d: %s\n", **pcursor, **pcursor, *pcursor - query, query); query_free(node); node = 0; } else ++(*pcursor); return node; } static int get_field_name(const char** pcursor, const char* query, char* name, int len) { const char* cursor = *pcursor; if(!isalpha(*cursor)) return 0; while(isalpha(*cursor) || *cursor == '.') { if(--len <= 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"token length exceeded at offset %d: %s\n", cursor - query, query); return 0; } *name++ = *cursor++; } *pcursor = cursor; *name = 0; return 1; } static query_node_t* match_number(const query_field_t* field, char not, char opcode, const char** pcursor, const char* query) { query_node_t* node = (query_node_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*node)); switch(opcode) { case ':': node->type = not ? qot_ne : qot_eq; break; case '+': case ' ': node->type = not ? qot_le : qot_gt; break; case '-': node->type = not ? qot_ge : qot_lt; break; } node->left.field = field; switch(field->type) { case qft_i32: node->right.i32 = strtol(*pcursor, (char**) pcursor, 10); break; case qft_i64: node->right.i64 = strtoll(*pcursor, (char**) pcursor, 10); break; default: DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Bad field type -- invalid query\n"); break; } if(**pcursor != '\'') { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Illegal char in number '%c' (0%o) at index %d: %s\n", **pcursor, **pcursor, *pcursor - query, query); free(node); return 0; } return node; } static query_node_t* match_string(const query_field_t* field, char not, char opcode, const char** pcursor, const char* query) { char match[256]; char* dst = match; int left = sizeof(match); const char* cursor = *pcursor; query_type_t op = qot_is; query_node_t* node; if(opcode != ':') { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Illegal operation on string: %c at index %d: %s\n", opcode, cursor - query - 1); return NULL; } if(*cursor == '*') { op = qot_ends; cursor++; } while(*cursor && *cursor != '\'') { if(--left == 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"string too long at index %d: %s\n", cursor - query, query); return NULL; } if(*cursor == '\\') { switch(*++cursor) { case '*': case '\'': case '\\': *dst++ = *cursor++; break; default: DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Illegal escape: %c (0%o) at index %d: %s\n", *cursor, *cursor, cursor - query, query); return NULL; } } else { *dst++ = *cursor++; } } if(dst[-1] == '*') { op = (op == qot_is) ? qot_begins : qot_contains; dst--; } *dst = 0; node = (query_node_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*node)); node->type = op; node->left.field = field; node->right.str = strdup(match); *pcursor = cursor; return node; } void query_free(query_node_t* query) { if(0 != query) { switch(query->type) { // conjunction case qot_and: case qot_or: query_free(query->left.node); query_free(query->right.node); break; // negation case qot_not: query_free(query->left.node); break; // arithmetic case qot_eq: case qot_ne: case qot_le: case qot_lt: case qot_ge: case qot_gt: break; // string case qot_is: case qot_begins: case qot_ends: case qot_contains: free(query->right.str); break; // constants case qot_const: break; default: DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Illegal query type: %d\n", query->type); break; } free(query); } } static const query_field_t* find_field(const char* name, const query_field_t* fields) { while(fields->name && strcasecmp(fields->name, name)) fields++; if(fields->name == 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_QRY,"Illegal query field: %s\n", name); return NULL; } return fields; } int query_add_string(char **current, int *size, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int write_size; va_start(ap, fmt); write_size=vsnprintf(*current, *size, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if(write_size > *size) { *size=0; return 0; } *size = *size - write_size; return write_size; } int query_build_clause(query_node_t *query, char **current, int *size) { char* labels[] = { "NOP", "AND", "OR", "NOT", "=", "<>", "<=", "<", ">=", ">", "=", " (%s LIKE '%s%%') ", " (%s LIKE '%%%s') ", " (%s LIKE '%%%s%%') ", "constant" }; switch(query->type) { case qot_and: case qot_or: if(*size) (*current) += query_add_string(current,size," ("); if(query_build_clause(query->left.node,current,size)) return 1; if(*size) (*current) += query_add_string(current,size," %s ", labels[query->type]); if(query_build_clause(query->right.node,current,size)) return 1; if(*size) (*current) += query_add_string(current,size,") "); break; case qot_not: if(*size) (*current) += query_add_string(current,size," (NOT "); if(query_build_clause(query->left.node,current,size)) return 1; if(*size) (*current) += query_add_string(current,size,") "); break; case qot_eq: case qot_ne: case qot_le: case qot_lt: case qot_ge: case qot_gt: if(*size) (*current) += query_add_string(current,size," (%s %s ", query->left.field->fieldname, labels[query->type]); if(query->left.field->type == qft_i32) { if(*size) (*current) += query_add_string(current,size," %d) ",query->right.i32); } else { if(*size) (*current) += query_add_string(current,size," %ll) ",query->right.i64); } break; case qot_is: if(*size)(*current) += query_add_string(current,size," (%s='%s') ", query->left.field->fieldname, query->right.str); break; case qot_begins: case qot_ends: case qot_contains: if(*size)(*current) += query_add_string(current,size,labels[query->type], query->left.field->fieldname, query->right.str); break; case qot_const: /* Not sure what this would be for */ break; default: break; } return 0; } char* query_unescape(const char* src) { char* copy = malloc(strlen(src) + 1); char* dst = copy; while(*src) { if(*src == '%') { int val = 0; if(*++src) { if(isdigit(*src)) val = val * 16 + *src - '0'; else val = val * 16 + tolower(*src) - 'a' + 10; } if(*++src) { if(isdigit(*src)) val = val * 16 + *src - '0'; else val = val * 16 + tolower(*src) - 'a' + 10; } src++; *dst++ = val; } else *dst++ = *src++; } *dst++ = 0; return copy; }