/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Espen Jürgensen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "conffile.h" #include "logger.h" #include "httpd.h" // TODO get rid of this, only used for httpd_gzip_deflate #include "httpd_daap.h" #include "transcode.h" #include "db.h" #include "worker.h" #include "cache.h" #include "listener.h" #include "commands.h" struct cache_arg { sqlite3 *hdl; // which cache database char *query; // daap query char *ua; // user agent int is_remote; int msec; uint32_t id; // file id const char *header_format; const char *path; // artwork path char *pathcopy; // copy of artwork path (for async operations) int type; // individual or group artwork int64_t persistentid; int max_w; int max_h; int format; time_t mtime; int cached; int del; struct evbuffer *evbuf; }; struct cachelist { uint32_t id; uint32_t ts; }; struct cache_db_def { const char *name; const char *create_query; const char *drop_query; }; struct cache_artwork_stash { char *path; int format; size_t size; uint8_t *data; }; struct cache_xcode_job { const char *format; char *file_path; int file_id; struct event *ev; bool is_encoding; struct evbuffer *header; }; /* --------------------------------- GLOBALS -------------------------------- */ // cache thread static pthread_t tid_cache; // Event base, pipes and events static struct event_base *evbase_cache; static struct commands_base *cmdbase; // State static bool cache_is_initialized; static bool cache_is_suspended; #define DB_DEF_ADMIN \ { \ "admin", \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS admin(" \ " key VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \ " value VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL" \ ");", \ "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS admin;", \ } // DAAP cache #define CACHE_DAAP_VERSION 5 static sqlite3 *cache_daap_hdl; static struct event *cache_daap_updateev; // The user may configure a threshold (in msec), and queries slower than // that will have their reply cached static int cache_daap_threshold; static struct cache_db_def cache_daap_db_def[] = { DB_DEF_ADMIN, { "replies", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS replies (" " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," " query VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL," " reply BLOB" ");", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS replies;", }, { "queries", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS queries (" " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," " query VARCHAR(4096) UNIQUE NOT NULL," " user_agent VARCHAR(1024)," " is_remote INTEGER DEFAULT 0," " msec INTEGER DEFAULT 0," " timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0" ");", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS queries;", }, { "idx_query", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_query ON replies (query);", "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_query;", }, }; // Artwork cache #define CACHE_ARTWORK_VERSION 5 static sqlite3 *cache_artwork_hdl; static struct cache_artwork_stash cache_stash; static struct cache_db_def cache_artwork_db_def[] = { DB_DEF_ADMIN, { "artwork", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artwork (" " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," " type INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," " persistentid INTEGER NOT NULL," " max_w INTEGER NOT NULL," " max_h INTEGER NOT NULL," " format INTEGER NOT NULL," " filepath VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL," " db_timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0," " data BLOB" ");", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS artwork;", }, { "idx_persistentidwh", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_persistentidwh ON artwork(type, persistentid, max_w, max_h);", "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_persistentidwh;", }, { "idx_pathtime", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_pathtime ON artwork(filepath, db_timestamp);", "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_pathtime;", }, }; // Transcoding cache #define CACHE_XCODE_VERSION 1 #define CACHE_XCODE_NTHREADS 4 #define CACHE_XCODE_FORMAT_MP4 "mp4" static sqlite3 *cache_xcode_hdl; static struct event *cache_xcode_updateev; static struct event *cache_xcode_prepareev; static struct cache_xcode_job cache_xcode_jobs[CACHE_XCODE_NTHREADS]; static bool cache_xcode_is_enabled; static struct cache_db_def cache_xcode_db_def[] = { DB_DEF_ADMIN, { "files", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files (" " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," " time_modified INTEGER DEFAULT 0," " filepath VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL" ");", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS files;", }, { "data", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data (" " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," " timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0," " file_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," " format VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," " header BLOB," " UNIQUE(file_id, format) ON CONFLICT REPLACE" ");", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data;", }, }; /* --------------------------------- HELPERS -------------------------------- */ /* The purpose of this function is to remove transient tags from a request * url (query), eg remove session-id=xxx */ static void remove_tag(char *in, const char *tag) { char *s; char *e; s = strstr(in, tag); if (!s) return; e = strchr(s, '&'); if (e) memmove(s, (e + 1), strlen(e + 1) + 1); else if (s > in) *(s - 1) = '\0'; } /* ---------------------------------- MAIN ---------------------------------- */ /* Thread: cache */ static int cache_tables_create(sqlite3 *hdl, int version, struct cache_db_def *db_def, int db_def_size) { #define Q_CACHE_VERSION "INSERT INTO admin (key, value) VALUES ('cache_version', '%d');" char *query; char *errmsg; int ret; int i; for (i = 0; i < db_def_size; i++) { ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, db_def[i].create_query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_CACHE, "Error creating cache db entity '%s': %s\n", db_def[i].name, errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } } query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_CACHE_VERSION, version); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_CACHE, "Error inserting cache version: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } return 0; #undef Q_CACHE_VERSION } static int cache_tables_drop(sqlite3 *hdl, struct cache_db_def *db_def, int db_def_size) { #define Q_VACUUM "VACUUM;" char *errmsg; int ret; int i; for (i = 0; i < db_def_size; i++) { ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, db_def[i].drop_query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_CACHE, "Error dropping cache db entity '%s': %s\n", db_def[i].name, errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } } ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, Q_VACUUM, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error vacuuming cache database: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } return 0; #undef Q_VACUUM } static int cache_version_check(int *have_version, sqlite3 *hdl, int want_version) { #define Q_VER "SELECT value FROM admin WHERE key = 'cache_version';" sqlite3_stmt *stmt; int ret; *have_version = 0; ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(hdl, Q_VER, -1, &stmt, NULL); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { return 0; // Virgin database, admin table doesn't exists } ret = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_ROW) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Could not step: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(hdl)); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return -1; } *have_version = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return 0; #undef Q_VER } static int cache_pragma_set(sqlite3 *hdl) { #define Q_PRAGMA_CACHE_SIZE "PRAGMA cache_size=%d;" #define Q_PRAGMA_JOURNAL_MODE "PRAGMA journal_mode=%s;" #define Q_PRAGMA_SYNCHRONOUS "PRAGMA synchronous=%d;" #define Q_PRAGMA_MMAP_SIZE "PRAGMA mmap_size=%d;" char *errmsg; int ret; int cache_size; char *journal_mode; int synchronous; int mmap_size; char *query; // Set page cache size in number of pages cache_size = cfg_getint(cfg_getsec(cfg, "sqlite"), "pragma_cache_size_cache"); if (cache_size > -1) { query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_PRAGMA_CACHE_SIZE, cache_size); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error setting pragma_cache_size_cache: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } } // Set journal mode journal_mode = cfg_getstr(cfg_getsec(cfg, "sqlite"), "pragma_journal_mode"); if (journal_mode) { query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_PRAGMA_JOURNAL_MODE, journal_mode); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error setting pragma_journal_mode: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } } // Set synchronous flag synchronous = cfg_getint(cfg_getsec(cfg, "sqlite"), "pragma_synchronous"); if (synchronous > -1) { query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_PRAGMA_SYNCHRONOUS, synchronous); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error setting pragma_synchronous: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } } // Set mmap size mmap_size = cfg_getint(cfg_getsec(cfg, "sqlite"), "pragma_mmap_size_cache"); if (synchronous > -1) { query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_PRAGMA_MMAP_SIZE, mmap_size); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error setting pragma_mmap_size: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } } return 0; #undef Q_PRAGMA_CACHE_SIZE #undef Q_PRAGMA_JOURNAL_MODE #undef Q_PRAGMA_SYNCHRONOUS #undef Q_PRAGMA_MMAP_SIZE } static void cache_close_one(sqlite3 **hdl) { sqlite3_stmt *stmt; if (!*hdl) return; /* Tear down anything that's in flight */ while ((stmt = sqlite3_next_stmt(*hdl, 0))) sqlite3_finalize(stmt); sqlite3_close(*hdl); *hdl = NULL; } static void cache_close(void) { cache_close_one(&cache_daap_hdl); cache_close_one(&cache_artwork_hdl); cache_close_one(&cache_xcode_hdl); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Cache closed\n"); } static int cache_open_one(sqlite3 **hdl, const char *path, const char *name, int want_version, struct cache_db_def *db_def, int db_def_size) { sqlite3 *h; int have_version; int ret; ret = sqlite3_open(path, &h); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Could not open '%s': %s\n", path, sqlite3_errmsg(h)); goto error; } ret = cache_version_check(&have_version, h, want_version); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Could not check cache '%s' database version\n", name); goto error; } if (have_version > 0 && have_version < want_version) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Database schema outdated, deleting cache '%s' v%d -> v%d\n", name, have_version, want_version); ret = cache_tables_drop(h, db_def, db_def_size); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error deleting '%s' database tables\n", name); goto error; } } if (have_version < want_version) { ret = cache_tables_create(h, want_version, db_def, db_def_size); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Could not create cache '%s' database tables\n", name); goto error; } DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_CACHE, "Cache '%s' database tables created\n", name); } *hdl = h; return 0; error: sqlite3_close(h); return -1; } static int cache_open(void) { const char *directory; const char *filename; char *daap_db_path; char *artwork_db_path; char *xcode_db_path; int ret; directory = cfg_getstr(cfg_getsec(cfg, "general"), "cache_dir"); CHECK_NULL(L_DB, filename = cfg_getstr(cfg_getsec(cfg, "general"), "cache_daap_filename")); CHECK_NULL(L_DB, daap_db_path = safe_asprintf("%s%s", directory, filename)); CHECK_NULL(L_DB, filename = cfg_getstr(cfg_getsec(cfg, "general"), "cache_artwork_filename")); CHECK_NULL(L_DB, artwork_db_path = safe_asprintf("%s%s", directory, filename)); CHECK_NULL(L_DB, filename = cfg_getstr(cfg_getsec(cfg, "general"), "cache_xcode_filename")); CHECK_NULL(L_DB, xcode_db_path = safe_asprintf("%s%s", directory, filename)); ret = cache_open_one(&cache_daap_hdl, daap_db_path, "daap", CACHE_DAAP_VERSION, cache_daap_db_def, ARRAY_SIZE(cache_daap_db_def)); if (ret < 0) goto error; ret = cache_open_one(&cache_artwork_hdl, artwork_db_path, "artwork", CACHE_ARTWORK_VERSION, cache_artwork_db_def, ARRAY_SIZE(cache_artwork_db_def)); if (ret < 0) goto error; ret = cache_open_one(&cache_xcode_hdl, xcode_db_path, "xcode", CACHE_XCODE_VERSION, cache_xcode_db_def, ARRAY_SIZE(cache_xcode_db_def)); if (ret < 0) goto error; ret = cache_pragma_set(cache_artwork_hdl); if (ret < 0) goto error; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Cache opened\n"); free(daap_db_path); free(artwork_db_path); free(xcode_db_path); return 0; error: cache_close(); free(daap_db_path); free(artwork_db_path); free(xcode_db_path); return -1; } /* Adds the reply (stored in evbuf) to the cache */ static int cache_daap_reply_add(sqlite3 *hdl, const char *query, struct evbuffer *evbuf) { #define Q_TMPL "INSERT INTO replies (query, reply) VALUES (?, ?);" sqlite3_stmt *stmt; unsigned char *data; size_t datalen; int ret; datalen = evbuffer_get_length(evbuf); data = evbuffer_pullup(evbuf, -1); ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(hdl, Q_TMPL, -1, &stmt, 0); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error preparing query for cache update: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(hdl)); return -1; } sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, query, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 2, data, datalen, SQLITE_STATIC); ret = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_DONE) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error stepping query for cache update: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(hdl)); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return -1; } ret = sqlite3_finalize(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error finalizing query for cache update: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(hdl)); return -1; } //DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Wrote cache reply, size %d\n", datalen); return 0; #undef Q_TMPL } /* Adds the query to the list of queries for which we will build and cache a reply */ static enum command_state cache_daap_query_add(void *arg, int *retval) { #define Q_TMPL "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO queries (user_agent, is_remote, query, msec, timestamp) VALUES ('%q', %d, '%q', %d, %" PRIi64 ");" #define Q_CLEANUP "DELETE FROM queries WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM queries ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 20);" struct cache_arg *cmdarg = arg; struct timeval delay = { 60, 0 }; char *query; char *errmsg; int ret; if (!cmdarg->ua) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Couldn't add slow query to cache, unknown user-agent\n"); goto error_add; } // Currently we are only able to pre-build and cache these reply types if ( (strncmp(cmdarg->query, "/databases/1/containers/", strlen("/databases/1/containers/")) != 0) && (strncmp(cmdarg->query, "/databases/1/groups?", strlen("/databases/1/groups?")) != 0) && (strncmp(cmdarg->query, "/databases/1/items?", strlen("/databases/1/items?")) != 0) && (strncmp(cmdarg->query, "/databases/1/browse/", strlen("/databases/1/browse/")) != 0) ) goto error_add; remove_tag(cmdarg->query, "session-id"); remove_tag(cmdarg->query, "revision-number"); query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_TMPL, cmdarg->ua, cmdarg->is_remote, cmdarg->query, cmdarg->msec, (int64_t)time(NULL)); if (!query) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Out of memory making query string.\n"); goto error_add; } ret = sqlite3_exec(cmdarg->hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error adding query to query list: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); goto error_add; } DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_CACHE, "Slow query (%d ms) added to cache: '%s' (user-agent: '%s')\n", cmdarg->msec, cmdarg->query, cmdarg->ua); free(cmdarg->ua); free(cmdarg->query); // Limits the size of the cache to only contain replies for 20 most recent queries ret = sqlite3_exec(cmdarg->hdl, Q_CLEANUP, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error cleaning up query list before update: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } // Will set of cache regeneration after waiting a bit (so there is less risk // of disturbing the user) evtimer_add(cache_daap_updateev, &delay); *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; error_add: if (cmdarg->ua) free(cmdarg->ua); if (cmdarg->query) free(cmdarg->query); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; #undef Q_CLEANUP #undef Q_TMPL } // Gets a reply from the cache. // cmdarg->evbuf will be filled with the reply (gzipped) static enum command_state cache_daap_query_get(void *arg, int *retval) { #define Q_TMPL "SELECT reply FROM replies WHERE query = ?;" struct cache_arg *cmdarg = arg; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; char *query; int datalen; int ret; query = cmdarg->query; remove_tag(query, "session-id"); remove_tag(query, "revision-number"); // Look in the DB ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(cmdarg->hdl, Q_TMPL, -1, &stmt, 0); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error preparing query for cache update: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(cmdarg->hdl)); free(query); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, query, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); ret = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_ROW) { if (ret != SQLITE_DONE) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error stepping query for cache update: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(cmdarg->hdl)); goto error_get; } datalen = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 0); if (!cmdarg->evbuf) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error: DAAP reply evbuffer is NULL\n"); goto error_get; } ret = evbuffer_add(cmdarg->evbuf, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 0), datalen); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Out of memory for DAAP reply evbuffer\n"); goto error_get; } ret = sqlite3_finalize(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error finalizing query for getting cache: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(cmdarg->hdl)); DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_CACHE, "Cache hit: %s\n", query); free(query); *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; error_get: sqlite3_finalize(stmt); free(query); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; #undef Q_TMPL } /* Removes the query from the cache */ static int cache_daap_query_delete(sqlite3 *hdl, const int id) { #define Q_TMPL "DELETE FROM queries WHERE id = %d;" char *query; char *errmsg; int ret; query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_TMPL, id); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error deleting query from cache: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } return 0; #undef Q_TMPL } /* Here we actually update the cache by asking httpd_daap for responses * to the queries set for caching */ static void cache_daap_update_cb(int fd, short what, void *arg) { sqlite3 *hdl = cache_daap_hdl; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; struct evbuffer *evbuf; struct evbuffer *gzbuf; char *errmsg; char *query; int ret; if (cache_is_suspended) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Got a request to update DAAP cache while suspended\n"); return; } DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_CACHE, "Beginning DAAP cache update\n"); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, "DELETE FROM replies;", NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error clearing reply cache before update: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return; } ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(hdl, "SELECT id, user_agent, is_remote, query FROM queries;", -1, &stmt, 0); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error preparing for cache update: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(hdl)); return; } while ((ret = sqlite3_step(stmt)) == SQLITE_ROW) { query = strdup((char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 3)); evbuf = daap_reply_build(query, (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1), sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 2)); if (!evbuf) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error building DAAP reply for query: %s\n", query); cache_daap_query_delete(hdl, sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0)); free(query); continue; } gzbuf = httpd_gzip_deflate(evbuf); if (!gzbuf) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error gzipping DAAP reply for query: %s\n", query); cache_daap_query_delete(hdl, sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0)); free(query); evbuffer_free(evbuf); continue; } evbuffer_free(evbuf); cache_daap_reply_add(hdl, query, gzbuf); free(query); evbuffer_free(gzbuf); } if (ret != SQLITE_DONE) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Could not step: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(hdl)); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_CACHE, "DAAP cache updated\n"); } /* ----------------------- Caching of transcoded data ----------------------- */ static void xcode_job_clear(struct cache_xcode_job *job) { free(job->file_path); if (job->header) evbuffer_free(job->header); // Can't just memset to zero, because *ev is persistent job->format = NULL; job->file_path = NULL; job->file_id = 0; job->header = NULL; job->is_encoding = false; } static enum command_state xcode_header_get(void *arg, int *retval) { #define Q_TMPL "SELECT header FROM data WHERE length(header) > 0 AND file_id = ? AND format = ?;" struct cache_arg *cmdarg = arg; sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL; int ret; cmdarg->cached = 0; ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(cmdarg->hdl, Q_TMPL, -1, &stmt, 0); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) goto error; sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, cmdarg->id); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2, cmdarg->header_format, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); ret = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (ret == SQLITE_DONE) goto end; else if (ret != SQLITE_ROW) goto error; ret = evbuffer_add(cmdarg->evbuf, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 0), sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 0)); if (ret < 0) goto error; cmdarg->cached = 1; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Cache header hit (%zu bytes)\n", evbuffer_get_length(cmdarg->evbuf)); end: sqlite3_finalize(stmt); *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; error: DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Database error getting prepared header from cache: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(cmdarg->hdl)); if (stmt) sqlite3_finalize(stmt); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; #undef Q_TMPL } static void xcode_trigger(void) { struct timeval delay_xcode = { 5, 0 }; if (cache_xcode_is_enabled) event_add(cache_xcode_updateev, &delay_xcode); } static enum command_state xcode_toggle(void *arg, int *retval) { bool *enable = arg; if (*enable == cache_xcode_is_enabled) goto end; cache_xcode_is_enabled = *enable; xcode_trigger(); end: *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; } static int xcode_add_entry(sqlite3 *hdl, uint32_t id, uint32_t ts, const char *path) { #define Q_TMPL "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO files (id, time_modified, filepath) VALUES (%d, %d, '%q');" char *query; char *errmsg; int ret; DPRINTF(E_SPAM, L_CACHE, "Adding xcode file id %d, path '%s'\n", id, path); query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_TMPL, id, ts, path); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error adding row to cache: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } return 0; #undef Q_TMPL } static int xcode_del_entry(sqlite3 *hdl, uint32_t id) { #define Q_TMPL_FILES "DELETE FROM files WHERE id = %d;" #define Q_TMPL_DATA "DELETE FROM data WHERE file_id = %d;" char query[256]; char *errmsg; int ret; DPRINTF(E_SPAM, L_CACHE, "Deleting xcode file id %d\n", id); sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(query), query, Q_TMPL_FILES, (int)id); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error deleting row from xcode files: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(query), query, Q_TMPL_DATA, (int)id); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error deleting rows from xcode_data: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } return 0; #undef Q_TMPL_DATA #undef Q_TMPL_FILES } /* In the xcode table we keep a prepared header for files that could be subject * to transcoding. Whenever the library changes, this callback runs, and the * list of files in the xcode table is synced with the main files table. * * In practice we compare two tables, both sorted by id: * * From files: From the cache * | id | time_modified | | id | time_modified | data | * * We do it one item at the time from files, and then going through cache table * rows until: table end OR id is larger OR id is equal and time equal or newer */ static int xcode_sync_with_files(sqlite3 *hdl) { sqlite3_stmt *stmt; struct cachelist *cachelist = NULL; size_t cachelist_size = 0; size_t cachelist_len = 0; struct query_params qp = { .type = Q_ITEMS, .filter = "f.data_kind = 0", .order = "f.id" }; struct db_media_file_info dbmfi; struct db_media_file_info *rowA; struct cachelist *rowB; uint32_t id; uint32_t ts; int cmp; int i; int ret; // Both lists must be sorted by id, otherwise the compare below won't work ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(hdl, "SELECT id, time_modified FROM files ORDER BY id;", -1, &stmt, 0); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) goto error; while (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { if (cachelist_len + 1 > cachelist_size) { cachelist_size += 1024; CHECK_NULL(L_CACHE, cachelist = realloc(cachelist, cachelist_size * sizeof(struct cachelist))); } cachelist[cachelist_len].id = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0); cachelist[cachelist_len].ts = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 1); cachelist_len++; } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); ret = db_query_start(&qp); if (ret < 0) goto error; // Silence false maybe-uninitialized warning rowB = NULL; // Loop while either list ("A" files list, "B" cache list) has remaining items for(i = 0, cmp = 0;;) { if (cmp <= 0) rowA = (db_query_fetch_file(&dbmfi, &qp) == 0) ? &dbmfi : NULL;; if (cmp >= 0) rowB = (i < cachelist_len) ? &cachelist[i++] : NULL; if (!rowA && !rowB) break; // Done with both lists #if 0 if (rowA) DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "cmp %d, rowA->id %s\n", cmp, rowA->id); if (rowB) DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "cmp %d, rowB->id %u, i %d, cachelist_len %zu\n", cmp, rowB->id, i, cachelist_len); #endif if (rowA) { safe_atou32(rowA->id, &id); safe_atou32(rowA->time_modified, &ts); } cmp = 0; // In both lists - unless: if (!rowB || (rowA && rowB->id > id)) // A had an item not in B { xcode_add_entry(hdl, id, ts, rowA->path); cmp = -1; } else if (!rowA || (rowB && rowB->id < id)) // B had an item not in A { xcode_del_entry(hdl, rowB->id); cmp = 1; } else if (rowB->id == id && rowB->ts < ts) // Item in B is too old { xcode_del_entry(hdl, rowB->id); xcode_add_entry(hdl, id, ts, rowA->path); } } db_query_end(&qp); free(cachelist); return 0; error: DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Database error while processing xcode files table\n"); free(cachelist); return -1; } static int xcode_header_save(sqlite3 *hdl, int file_id, const char *format, uint8_t *data, size_t datalen) { #define Q_TMPL "INSERT INTO data (timestamp, file_id, format, header) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);" sqlite3_stmt *stmt; int ret; ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(hdl, Q_TMPL, -1, &stmt, 0); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error preparing xcode data for cache update: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(hdl)); return -1; } sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, (uint64_t)time(NULL)); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 2, file_id); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 3, format, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 4, data, datalen, SQLITE_STATIC); ret = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_DONE) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error stepping xcode data for cache update: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(hdl)); return -1; } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return 0; #undef Q_TMPL } static int xcode_file_next(int *file_id, char **file_path, sqlite3 *hdl, const char *format) { #define Q_TMPL "SELECT f.id, f.filepath, d.id FROM files f LEFT JOIN data d ON f.id = d.file_id AND d.format = '%q' WHERE d.id IS NULL LIMIT 1;" sqlite3_stmt *stmt; char query[256]; int ret; sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(query), query, Q_TMPL, format); ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(hdl, query, -1, &stmt, 0); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error occured while finding next file to prepare header for\n"); return -1; } ret = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_ROW) { sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return -1; // All done } *file_id = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0); *file_path = strdup((char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1)); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); // Save an empty header so next call to this function will return a new file return xcode_header_save(hdl, *file_id, format, NULL, 0); #undef Q_TMPL } // Thread: worker static void xcode_worker(void *arg) { struct cache_xcode_job *job = *(struct cache_xcode_job **)arg; int ret; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Preparing %s header for '%s' (file id %d)\n", job->format, job->file_path, job->file_id); if (strcmp(job->format, CACHE_XCODE_FORMAT_MP4) == 0) { ret = transcode_prepare_header(&job->header, XCODE_MP4_ALAC, job->file_path); if (ret < 0) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error preparing %s header for '%s' (file id %d)\n", job->format, job->file_path, job->file_id); } // Tell the cache thread that we are done. Only the cache thread can save the // result to the DB. event_active(job->ev, 0, 0); } static void cache_xcode_job_complete_cb(int fd, short what, void *arg) { struct cache_xcode_job *job = arg; uint8_t *data; size_t datalen; if (job->header) { #if 1 datalen = evbuffer_get_length(job->header); data = evbuffer_pullup(job->header, -1); #else data = (unsigned char*)"dummy"; datalen = 6; #endif xcode_header_save(cache_xcode_hdl, job->file_id, job->format, data, datalen); } xcode_job_clear(job); // Makes the job available again event_active(cache_xcode_prepareev, 0, 0); } // Preparing headers can take very long, so we use worker threads. However, all // DB access must be from the cache thread. So this function will find the next // file from the db and then dispatch a thread for the encoding. static void cache_xcode_prepare_cb(int fd, short what, void *arg) { struct cache_xcode_job *job = NULL; bool is_encoding = false; int ret; int i; if (!cache_is_initialized) return; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cache_xcode_jobs); i++) { if (cache_xcode_jobs[i].is_encoding) is_encoding = true; else if (!job) job = &cache_xcode_jobs[i]; } if (!job) return; // No available thread right now, wait for cache_xcode_job_complete_cb() ret = xcode_file_next(&job->file_id, &job->file_path, cache_xcode_hdl, CACHE_XCODE_FORMAT_MP4); if (ret < 0) { if (!is_encoding) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Header generation completed\n"); return; } else if (!is_encoding) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Kicking off header generation\n"); job->is_encoding = true; job->format = CACHE_XCODE_FORMAT_MP4; worker_execute(xcode_worker, &job, sizeof(struct cache_xcode_job *), 0); // Set off more threads event_active(cache_xcode_prepareev, 0, 0); } static void cache_xcode_update_cb(int fd, short what, void *arg) { if (xcode_sync_with_files(cache_xcode_hdl) < 0) return; event_active(cache_xcode_prepareev, 0, 0); } /* Sets off an update by activating the event. The delay is because we are low * priority compared to other listeners of database updates. */ static enum command_state cache_database_update(void *arg, int *retval) { struct timeval delay_daap = { 10, 0 }; event_add(cache_daap_updateev, &delay_daap); // TODO unlink or rename cache.db xcode_trigger(); *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; } /* Callback from filescanner thread */ static void cache_daap_listener_cb(short event_mask) { commands_exec_async(cmdbase, cache_database_update, NULL); } /* * Updates cached timestamps to current time for all cache entries for the given path, if the file was not modfied * after the cached timestamp. All cache entries for the given path are deleted, if the file was * modified after the cached timestamp. * * @param cmdarg->pathcopy the full path to the artwork file (could be an jpg/png image or a media file with embedded artwork) * @param cmdarg->mtime modified timestamp of the artwork file * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ static enum command_state cache_artwork_ping_impl(void *arg, int *retval) { #define Q_TMPL_PING "UPDATE artwork SET db_timestamp = %" PRIi64 " WHERE filepath = '%q' AND db_timestamp >= %" PRIi64 ";" #define Q_TMPL_DEL "DELETE FROM artwork WHERE filepath = '%q' AND db_timestamp < %" PRIi64 ";" struct cache_arg *cmdarg = arg; char *query; char *errmsg; int ret; query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_TMPL_PING, (int64_t)time(NULL), cmdarg->pathcopy, (int64_t)cmdarg->mtime); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Running query '%s'\n", query); ret = sqlite3_exec(cmdarg->hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Query error: %s\n", errmsg); goto error_ping; } if (cmdarg->del > 0) { query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_TMPL_DEL, cmdarg->pathcopy, (int64_t)cmdarg->mtime); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Running query '%s'\n", query); ret = sqlite3_exec(cmdarg->hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Query error: %s\n", errmsg); goto error_ping; } } free(cmdarg->pathcopy); *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; error_ping: sqlite3_free(errmsg); free(cmdarg->pathcopy); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; #undef Q_TMPL_PING #undef Q_TMPL_DEL } /* * Removes all cache entries for the given path * * @param cmdarg->path the full path to the artwork file (could be an jpg/png image or a media file with embedded artwork) * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ static enum command_state cache_artwork_delete_by_path_impl(void *arg, int *retval) { #define Q_TMPL_DEL "DELETE FROM artwork WHERE filepath = '%q';" struct cache_arg *cmdarg = arg; char *query; char *errmsg; int ret; query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_TMPL_DEL, cmdarg->path); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Running query '%s'\n", query); ret = sqlite3_exec(cmdarg->hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Query error: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Deleted %d rows\n", sqlite3_changes(cmdarg->hdl)); *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; #undef Q_TMPL_DEL } /* * Removes all cache entries with cached timestamp older than the given reference timestamp * * @param cmdarg->mtime reference timestamp * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ static enum command_state cache_artwork_purge_cruft_impl(void *arg, int *retval) { #define Q_TMPL "DELETE FROM artwork WHERE db_timestamp < %" PRIi64 ";" struct cache_arg *cmdarg = arg; char *query; char *errmsg; int ret; query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_TMPL, (int64_t)cmdarg->mtime); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Running purge query '%s'\n", query); ret = sqlite3_exec(cmdarg->hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Query error: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Purged %d rows\n", sqlite3_changes(cmdarg->hdl)); *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; #undef Q_TMPL } /* * Adds the given (scaled) artwork image to the artwork cache * * @param cmdarg->persistentid persistent songalbumid or songartistid * @param cmdarg->max_w maximum image width * @param cmdarg->max_h maximum image height * @param cmdarg->format ART_FMT_PNG for png, ART_FMT_JPEG for jpeg or 0 if no artwork available * @param cmdarg->filename the full path to the artwork file (could be an jpg/png image or a media file with embedded artwork) or empty if no artwork available * @param cmdarg->evbuf event buffer containing the (scaled) image * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ static enum command_state cache_artwork_add_impl(void *arg, int *retval) { struct cache_arg *cmdarg = arg; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; char *query; uint8_t *data; int datalen; int ret; query = "INSERT INTO artwork (id, persistentid, max_w, max_h, format, filepath, db_timestamp, data, type) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"; ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(cmdarg->hdl, query, -1, &stmt, 0); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Could not prepare statement: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(cmdarg->hdl)); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } datalen = evbuffer_get_length(cmdarg->evbuf); data = evbuffer_pullup(cmdarg->evbuf, -1); sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 1, cmdarg->persistentid); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 2, cmdarg->max_w); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 3, cmdarg->max_h); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 4, cmdarg->format); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 5, cmdarg->path, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 6, (uint64_t)time(NULL)); sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 7, data, datalen, SQLITE_STATIC); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 8, cmdarg->type); ret = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_DONE) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error stepping query for artwork add: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(cmdarg->hdl)); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } ret = sqlite3_finalize(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error finalizing query for artwork add: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(cmdarg->hdl)); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; } /* * Get the cached artwork image for the given persistentid and maximum width/height * * If there is a cached entry for the given id and width/height, the parameter cached is set to 1. * In this case format and data contain the cached values. * * @param cmdarg->type individual or group artwork * @param cmdarg->persistentid persistent itemid, songalbumid or songartistid * @param cmdarg->max_w maximum image width * @param cmdarg->max_h maximum image height * @param cmdarg->cached set by this function to 0 if no cache entry exists, otherwise 1 * @param cmdarg->format set by this function to the format of the cache entry * @param cmdarg->evbuf event buffer filled by this function with the scaled image * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ static enum command_state cache_artwork_get_impl(void *arg, int *retval) { #define Q_TMPL "SELECT a.format, a.data FROM artwork a WHERE a.type = %d AND a.persistentid = %" PRIi64 " AND a.max_w = %d AND a.max_h = %d;" struct cache_arg *cmdarg = arg; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; char *query; int datalen; int ret; query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_TMPL, cmdarg->type, cmdarg->persistentid, cmdarg->max_w, cmdarg->max_h); if (!query) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Out of memory for query string\n"); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Running query '%s'\n", query); ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(cmdarg->hdl, query, -1, &stmt, 0); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Could not prepare statement: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(cmdarg->hdl)); ret = -1; goto error_get; } ret = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_ROW) { cmdarg->cached = 0; if (ret == SQLITE_DONE) { ret = 0; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "No results\n"); } else { ret = -1; DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Could not step: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(cmdarg->hdl)); } goto error_get; } cmdarg->format = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0); datalen = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 1); if (!cmdarg->evbuf) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error: Artwork evbuffer is NULL\n"); ret = -1; goto error_get; } ret = evbuffer_add(cmdarg->evbuf, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 1), datalen); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Out of memory for artwork evbuffer\n"); ret = -1; goto error_get; } cmdarg->cached = 1; ret = sqlite3_finalize(stmt); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error finalizing query for getting cache: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(cmdarg->hdl)); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Cache hit: %s\n", query); sqlite3_free(query); *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; error_get: sqlite3_finalize(stmt); sqlite3_free(query); *retval = ret; return COMMAND_END; #undef Q_TMPL } static enum command_state cache_artwork_stash_impl(void *arg, int *retval) { struct cache_arg *cmdarg = arg; // Clear current stash if (cache_stash.path) { free(cache_stash.path); free(cache_stash.data); memset(&cache_stash, 0, sizeof(struct cache_artwork_stash)); } // If called with no evbuf then we are done, we just needed to clear the stash if (!cmdarg->evbuf) { *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; } cache_stash.size = evbuffer_get_length(cmdarg->evbuf); cache_stash.data = malloc(cache_stash.size); if (!cache_stash.data) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Out of memory for artwork stash data\n"); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } cache_stash.path = strdup(cmdarg->path); if (!cache_stash.path) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Out of memory for artwork stash path\n"); free(cache_stash.data); *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } cache_stash.format = cmdarg->format; *retval = evbuffer_copyout(cmdarg->evbuf, cache_stash.data, cache_stash.size); return COMMAND_END; } static enum command_state cache_artwork_read_impl(void *arg, int *retval) { struct cache_arg *cmdarg = arg; cmdarg->format = 0; if (!cache_stash.path || !cache_stash.data || (strcmp(cache_stash.path, cmdarg->path) != 0)) { *retval = -1; return COMMAND_END; } cmdarg->format = cache_stash.format; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_CACHE, "Stash hit (format %d, size %zu): %s\n", cache_stash.format, cache_stash.size, cache_stash.path); *retval = evbuffer_add(cmdarg->evbuf, cache_stash.data, cache_stash.size); return COMMAND_END; } static void * cache(void *arg) { int ret; int i; ret = cache_open(); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error: Cache create failed. Cache will be disabled.\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } // The thread needs a connection with the main db, so it can generate DAAP // replies through httpd_daap.c and read changes from the files table ret = db_perthread_init(); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Error: DB init failed. Cache will be disabled.\n"); cache_close(); pthread_exit(NULL); } CHECK_NULL(L_CACHE, cache_daap_updateev = evtimer_new(evbase_cache, cache_daap_update_cb, NULL)); CHECK_NULL(L_CACHE, cache_xcode_updateev = evtimer_new(evbase_cache, cache_xcode_update_cb, NULL)); CHECK_NULL(L_CACHE, cache_xcode_prepareev = evtimer_new(evbase_cache, cache_xcode_prepare_cb, NULL)); CHECK_ERR(L_CACHE, event_priority_set(cache_xcode_prepareev, 0)); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cache_xcode_jobs); i++) CHECK_NULL(L_CACHE, cache_xcode_jobs[i].ev = evtimer_new(evbase_cache, cache_xcode_job_complete_cb, &cache_xcode_jobs[i])); CHECK_ERR(L_CACHE, listener_add(cache_daap_listener_cb, LISTENER_DATABASE)); cache_is_initialized = 1; event_base_dispatch(evbase_cache); if (cache_is_initialized) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Cache event loop terminated ahead of time!\n"); cache_is_initialized = 0; } listener_remove(cache_daap_listener_cb); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cache_xcode_jobs); i++) event_free(cache_xcode_jobs[i].ev); event_free(cache_xcode_prepareev); event_free(cache_xcode_updateev); event_free(cache_daap_updateev); db_perthread_deinit(); cache_close(); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* ----------------------------- DAAP cache API ---------------------------- */ /* The DAAP cache will cache raw daap replies for queries added with * cache_daap_add(). Only some query types are supported. * You can't add queries where the canonical reply is not HTTP_OK, because * daap_request will use that as default for cache replies. * */ void cache_daap_suspend(void) { cache_is_suspended = 1; } void cache_daap_resume(void) { cache_is_suspended = 0; } int cache_daap_get(struct evbuffer *evbuf, const char *query) { struct cache_arg cmdarg; if (!cache_is_initialized) return -1; cmdarg.hdl = cache_daap_hdl; cmdarg.query = strdup(query); cmdarg.evbuf = evbuf; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, cache_daap_query_get, NULL, &cmdarg); } void cache_daap_add(const char *query, const char *ua, int is_remote, int msec) { struct cache_arg *cmdarg; if (!cache_is_initialized) return; cmdarg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct cache_arg)); if (!cmdarg) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Could not allocate cache_arg\n"); return; } cmdarg->hdl = cache_daap_hdl; cmdarg->query = strdup(query); cmdarg->ua = strdup(ua); cmdarg->is_remote = is_remote; cmdarg->msec = msec; commands_exec_async(cmdbase, cache_daap_query_add, cmdarg); } int cache_daap_threshold_get(void) { return cache_daap_threshold; } /* --------------------------- Transcode cache API ------------------------- */ int cache_xcode_header_get(struct evbuffer *evbuf, int *cached, uint32_t id, const char *format) { struct cache_arg cmdarg; int ret; if (!cache_is_initialized) return -1; cmdarg.hdl = cache_xcode_hdl; cmdarg.evbuf = evbuf; cmdarg.id = id; cmdarg.header_format = format; ret = commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, xcode_header_get, NULL, &cmdarg); *cached = cmdarg.cached; return ret; } int cache_xcode_toggle(bool enable) { if (!cache_is_initialized) return -1; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, xcode_toggle, NULL, &enable); } /* ---------------------------- Artwork cache API -------------------------- */ /* * Updates cached timestamps to current time for all cache entries for the given path, if the file was not modfied * after the cached timestamp. * * If the parameter "del" is greater than 0, all cache entries for the given path are deleted, if the file was * modified after the cached timestamp. * * @param path the full path to the artwork file (could be an jpg/png image or a media file with embedded artwork) * @param mtime modified timestamp of the artwork file * @param del if > 0 cached entries for the given path are deleted if the cached timestamp (db_timestamp) is older than mtime * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ void cache_artwork_ping(const char *path, time_t mtime, int del) { struct cache_arg *cmdarg; if (!cache_is_initialized) return; cmdarg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct cache_arg)); if (!cmdarg) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Could not allocate cache_arg\n"); return; } cmdarg->hdl = cache_artwork_hdl; cmdarg->pathcopy = strdup(path); cmdarg->mtime = mtime; cmdarg->del = del; commands_exec_async(cmdbase, cache_artwork_ping_impl, cmdarg); } /* * Removes all cache entries for the given path * * @param path the full path to the artwork file (could be an jpg/png image or a media file with embedded artwork) * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ int cache_artwork_delete_by_path(const char *path) { struct cache_arg cmdarg; if (!cache_is_initialized) return -1; cmdarg.hdl = cache_artwork_hdl; cmdarg.path = path; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, cache_artwork_delete_by_path_impl, NULL, &cmdarg); } /* * Removes all cache entries with cached timestamp older than the given reference timestamp * * @param ref reference timestamp * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ int cache_artwork_purge_cruft(time_t ref) { struct cache_arg cmdarg; if (!cache_is_initialized) return -1; cmdarg.hdl = cache_artwork_hdl; cmdarg.mtime = ref; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, cache_artwork_purge_cruft_impl, NULL, &cmdarg); } /* * Adds the given (scaled) artwork image to the artwork cache * * @param type individual or group artwork * @param persistentid persistent itemid, songalbumid or songartistid * @param max_w maximum image width * @param max_h maximum image height * @param format ART_FMT_PNG for png, ART_FMT_JPEG for jpeg or 0 if no artwork available * @param filename the full path to the artwork file (could be an jpg/png image or a media file with embedded artwork) or empty if no artwork available * @param evbuf event buffer containing the (scaled) image * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ int cache_artwork_add(int type, int64_t persistentid, int max_w, int max_h, int format, char *filename, struct evbuffer *evbuf) { struct cache_arg cmdarg; if (!cache_is_initialized) return -1; cmdarg.hdl = cache_artwork_hdl; cmdarg.type = type; cmdarg.persistentid = persistentid; cmdarg.max_w = max_w; cmdarg.max_h = max_h; cmdarg.format = format; cmdarg.path = filename; cmdarg.evbuf = evbuf; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, cache_artwork_add_impl, NULL, &cmdarg); } /* * Get the cached artwork image for the given persistentid and maximum width/height * * If there is a cached entry for the given id and width/height, the parameter cached is set to 1. * In this case format and data contain the cached values. * * @param persistentid persistent songalbumid or songartistid * @param max_w maximum image width * @param max_h maximum image height * @param cached set by this function to 0 if no cache entry exists, otherwise 1 * @param format set by this function to the format of the cache entry * @param evbuf event buffer filled by this function with the scaled image * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ int cache_artwork_get(int type, int64_t persistentid, int max_w, int max_h, int *cached, int *format, struct evbuffer *evbuf) { struct cache_arg cmdarg; int ret; if (!cache_is_initialized) { *cached = 0; *format = 0; return 0; } cmdarg.hdl = cache_artwork_hdl; cmdarg.type = type; cmdarg.persistentid = persistentid; cmdarg.max_w = max_w; cmdarg.max_h = max_h; cmdarg.evbuf = evbuf; ret = commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, cache_artwork_get_impl, NULL, &cmdarg); *format = cmdarg.format; *cached = cmdarg.cached; return ret; } /* * Put an artwork image in the in-memory stash (the previous will be deleted) * * @param evbuf event buffer with the cached image to cache * @param path the source (url) of the image to stash * @param format the format of the image * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ int cache_artwork_stash(struct evbuffer *evbuf, const char *path, int format) { struct cache_arg cmdarg; if (!cache_is_initialized) return -1; cmdarg.evbuf = evbuf; cmdarg.path = path; cmdarg.format = format; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, cache_artwork_stash_impl, NULL, &cmdarg); } /* * Read the cached artwork image in the in-memory stash into evbuffer * * @param evbuf event buffer filled by this function with the cached image * @param path this function will check that the path matches the cached image's path * @param format set by this function to the format of the image * @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred */ int cache_artwork_read(struct evbuffer *evbuf, const char *path, int *format) { struct cache_arg cmdarg; int ret; if (!cache_is_initialized) return -1; cmdarg.evbuf = evbuf; cmdarg.path = path; ret = commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, cache_artwork_read_impl, NULL, &cmdarg); *format = cmdarg.format; return ret; } /* --------------------------- Cache general API ---------------------------- */ int cache_init(void) { cache_daap_threshold = cfg_getint(cfg_getsec(cfg, "general"), "cache_daap_threshold"); if (cache_daap_threshold == 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_CACHE, "Cache threshold set to 0, disabling cache\n"); return 0; } CHECK_NULL(L_CACHE, evbase_cache = event_base_new()); CHECK_ERR(L_CACHE, event_base_priority_init(evbase_cache, 8)); CHECK_NULL(L_CACHE, cmdbase = commands_base_new(evbase_cache, NULL)); CHECK_ERR(L_CACHE, pthread_create(&tid_cache, NULL, cache, NULL)); thread_setname(tid_cache, "cache"); DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_CACHE, "Cache thread init\n"); return 0; } void cache_deinit(void) { int ret; if (!cache_is_initialized) return; cache_is_initialized = 0; commands_base_destroy(cmdbase); ret = pthread_join(tid_cache, NULL); if (ret != 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_CACHE, "Could not join cache thread: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } event_base_free(evbase_cache); }