/* * $Id$ * Functions for reading and writing the config file * * Copyright (C) 2006 Ron Pedde (ron@pedde.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * \file config.c * * Config file reading and writing */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H # include #endif #include #include #include "conf.h" #include "err.h" #include "ll.h" #include "daapd.h" /** Globals */ //static int ecode; static LL_HANDLE conf_main=NULL; static LL_HANDLE conf_comments=NULL; static char *conf_main_file = NULL; static pthread_mutex_t conf_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #define CONF_LINEBUFFER 128 #define CONF_T_INT 0 #define CONF_T_STRING 1 #define CONF_T_EXISTPATH 2 /** a path that must exist */ #define CONF_T_MULTICOMMA 3 /** multiple entries separated by commas */ typedef struct _CONF_ELEMENTS { int required; int deprecated; int type; char *section; char *term; } CONF_ELEMENTS; /** Forwards */ static int _conf_verify(LL_HANDLE pll); static LL_ITEM *_conf_fetch_item(LL_HANDLE pll, char *section, char *term); static int _conf_exists(LL_HANDLE pll, char *section, char *term); static void _conf_lock(void); static void _conf_unlock(void); static int _conf_write(FILE *fp, LL *pll, int sublevel, char *parent); static CONF_ELEMENTS *_conf_get_keyinfo(char *section, char *key); static int _conf_makedir(char *path); static int _conf_existdir(char *path); static CONF_ELEMENTS conf_elements[] = { { 1, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","runas" }, { 1, 0, CONF_T_EXISTPATH,"general","web_root" }, { 1, 0, CONF_T_INT,"general","port" }, { 1, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","admin_pw" }, { 1, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","mp3_dir" }, { 0, 1, CONF_T_EXISTPATH,"general","db_dir" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","db_type" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","db_parms" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_INT,"general","debuglevel" }, { 1, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","servername" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_INT,"general","rescan_interval" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_INT,"general","always_scan" }, { 0, 1, CONF_T_INT,"general","latin1_tags" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_INT,"general","process_m3u" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_INT,"general","scan_type" }, { 0, 1, CONF_T_INT,"general","compress" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","playlist" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","extensions" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","interface" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","ssc_codectypes" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","ssc_prog" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","password" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_MULTICOMMA,"general","compdirs" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_STRING,"general","logfile" }, { 0, 0, CONF_T_INT, NULL, NULL } }; /** * Try and create a directory, including parents (probably * in response to a config file entry that does not exist). * * @param path path to make * @returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise */ int _conf_makedir(char *path) { char *token, *next_token; char *pathdup; char path_buffer[PATH_MAX]; int err; int retval = FALSE; DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_CONF,"Creating %s\n",path); pathdup=strdup(path); if(!pathdup) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_CONF,"Malloc error\n"); } next_token=pathdup+1; memset(path_buffer,0,sizeof(path_buffer)); while((token=strsep(&next_token,"/"))) { if((strlen(path_buffer) + strlen(token)) < PATH_MAX) { strcat(path_buffer,"/"); strcat(path_buffer,token); /* FIXME: this is wrong -- it should really be 0700 owned by * the runas user. That would require some os_ indirection */ DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_CONF,"Making %s\n",path_buffer); if((mkdir(path_buffer,0777)) && (errno != EEXIST)) { err=errno; free(pathdup); errno=err; DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Could not make dirctory %s: %s\n", path_buffer,strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } retval = TRUE; } } free(pathdup); return retval; } /** * Determine if a particular directory exists or not * * @param path directory to test for existence * @returns true if path exists, false otherwise */ int _conf_existdir(char *path) { struct stat sb; DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_CONF,"Checking existence of %s\n",path); if(stat(path,&sb)) { return FALSE; } if(sb.st_mode & S_IFDIR) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** * given a section and key, get the conf_element for it. * right now this is simple, but eventually there might * be more difficult mateches to be made * * @param section section the key was found ind * @param key key we are searching for info on * @returns the CONF_ELEMENT that is the closest match, or * NULL if no match was found. */ CONF_ELEMENTS *_conf_get_keyinfo(char *section, char *key) { CONF_ELEMENTS *pcurrent; int found=0; pcurrent = &conf_elements[0]; while(pcurrent->section && pcurrent->term) { if((strcasecmp(section,pcurrent->section) != 0) || (strcasecmp(key,pcurrent->term) != 0)) { pcurrent++; } else { found = 1; break; } } return found ? pcurrent : NULL; } /** * lock the conf mutex */ void _conf_lock() { int err; if((err=pthread_mutex_lock(&conf_mutex))) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_CONF,"Cannot lock configuration mutex: %s\n", strerror(err)); } } /** * unlock the conf mutex */ void _conf_unlock() { int err; if((err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&conf_mutex))) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_CONF,"Cannot unlock configuration mutex %s\n", strerror(err)); } } /** * fetch item based on section/term basis, rather than just a single * level deep, like ll_fetch_item does * * @param pll top level linked list to test (config tree) * @param section section to term (key) is in * @param term term/key to look for * @returns LL_ITEM of the key, or NULL */ LL_ITEM *_conf_fetch_item(LL_HANDLE pll, char *section, char *term) { LL_ITEM *psection; LL_ITEM *pitem; if(!(psection = ll_fetch_item(pll,section))) return NULL; if(psection->type != LL_TYPE_LL) return NULL; if(!(pitem = ll_fetch_item(psection->value.as_ll,term))) return NULL; return pitem; } /** * simple test to see if a particular section/key value exists * * @param pll config tree to test * @param section section to find the term under * @param term key to search for under the specified section * @returns TRUE if key exists, FALSE otherwise */ int _conf_exists(LL_HANDLE pll, char *section, char *term) { if(!_conf_fetch_item(pll,section,term)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /** * Verify that the configuration isn't obviously wrong. * Type checking has already been done, this just checks * required stuff isn't missing. * * @param pll tree to check * @returns TRUE if configuration appears valid, FALSE otherwise */ int _conf_verify(LL_HANDLE pll) { LL_ITEM *pi = NULL; CONF_ELEMENTS *pce; int is_valid=TRUE; char resolved_path[PATH_MAX]; /* first, walk through the elements and make sure * all required elements are there */ pce = &conf_elements[0]; while(pce->section) { if(pce->required) { if(!_conf_exists(pll,pce->section, pce->term)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Missing configuration entry " " %s/%s. Please review the sample config\n", pce->section, pce->term); is_valid=FALSE; } } if(pce->deprecated) { if(_conf_exists(pll,pce->section,pce->term)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Config entry %s/%s is deprecated. Please " "review the sample config\n", pce->section, pce->term); } } if(pce->type == CONF_T_EXISTPATH) { /* first, need to resolve */ pi = _conf_fetch_item(pll,pce->section, pce->term); if(pi) { memset(resolved_path,0,sizeof(resolved_path)); if(pi->value.as_string) { realpath(pi->value.as_string,resolved_path); free(pi->value.as_string); pi->value.as_string = strdup(resolved_path); } /* now, should verify it exists */ if(!_conf_existdir(resolved_path)) { if(!_conf_makedir(resolved_path)) { is_valid=0; DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Can't make path %s, invalid config.\n", resolved_path); } } } } pce++; } /* here we would walk through derived sections, if there * were any */ return is_valid; } /** * read a configfile into a tree * * @param file file to read * @returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */ int conf_read(char *file) { FILE *fin; int err; LL_HANDLE pllnew, plltemp, pllcurrent, pllcomment; char linebuffer[CONF_LINEBUFFER+1]; char keybuffer[256]; char *comment, *term, *value, *delim; char *section_name=NULL; char *prev_comments=NULL; int total_comment_length=CONF_LINEBUFFER; int current_comment_length=0; int compat_mode=1; int warned_truncate=0; int line=0; int ws=0; CONF_ELEMENTS *pce; int key_type; if(conf_main_file) { conf_close(); } conf_main_file = strdup(file); fin=fopen(file,"r"); if(!fin) { return CONF_E_FOPEN; } prev_comments = (char*)malloc(total_comment_length); if(!prev_comments) DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_CONF,"Malloc error\n"); prev_comments[0] = '\0'; if((err=ll_create(&pllnew)) != LL_E_SUCCESS) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Error creating linked list: %d\n",err); fclose(fin); return CONF_E_UNKNOWN; } ll_create(&pllcomment); /* don't care if we lose comments */ comment = NULL; pllcurrent=NULL; /* got what will be the root of the config tree, now start walking through * the input file, populating the tree */ while(fgets(linebuffer,CONF_LINEBUFFER,fin)) { line++; linebuffer[CONF_LINEBUFFER] = '\0'; ws=0; comment=strchr(linebuffer,'#'); if(comment) { *comment = '\0'; comment++; } while(strlen(linebuffer) && (strchr("\n\r ",linebuffer[strlen(linebuffer)-1]))) linebuffer[strlen(linebuffer)-1] = '\0'; if(linebuffer[0] == '[') { /* section header */ compat_mode=0; term=&linebuffer[1]; value = strchr(term,']'); if(!value) { ll_destroy(pllnew); fclose(fin); return CONF_E_BADHEADER; } *value = '\0'; if((err = ll_create(&plltemp)) != LL_E_SUCCESS) { ll_destroy(pllnew); fclose(fin); return CONF_E_UNKNOWN; } ll_add_ll(pllnew,term,plltemp); /* set current section and name */ pllcurrent = plltemp; if(section_name) free(section_name); section_name = strdup(term); /* set precomments */ if(prev_comments[0] != '\0') { /* we had some preceding comments */ snprintf(keybuffer,sizeof(keybuffer),"pre_%s",section_name); ll_add_string(pllcomment,keybuffer,prev_comments); prev_comments[0] = '\0'; current_comment_length=0; } if(comment) { /* we had some preceding comments */ snprintf(keybuffer,sizeof(keybuffer),"in_%s",section_name); ll_add_string(pllcomment,keybuffer,comment); prev_comments[0] = '\0'; current_comment_length=0; comment = NULL; } } else { /* k/v pair */ term=&linebuffer[0]; while((*term=='\t') || (*term==' ')) term++; value=term; if(compat_mode) { delim="\t "; } else { delim="="; } strsep(&value,delim); if((value) && (term) && (strlen(term))) { while((strlen(term) && (strchr("\t ",term[strlen(term)-1])))) term[strlen(term)-1] = '\0'; while(strlen(value) && (strchr("\t ",*value))) value++; while((strlen(value) && (strchr("\t ",value[strlen(value)-1])))) value[strlen(value)-1] = '\0'; if(!pllcurrent) { /* in compat mode -- add a general section */ if((err=ll_create(&plltemp)) != LL_E_SUCCESS) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Error creating list: %d\n",err); ll_destroy(pllnew); fclose(fin); return CONF_E_UNKNOWN; } ll_add_ll(pllnew,"general",plltemp); pllcurrent = plltemp; if(section_name) free(section_name); /* shouldn't ahppen */ section_name = strdup("general"); /* no inline comments, just precomments */ if(prev_comments[0] != '\0') { /* we had some preceding comments */ ll_add_string(pllcomment,"pre_general",prev_comments); prev_comments[0] = '\0'; current_comment_length=0; } } /* see what kind this is, and act accordingly */ pce = _conf_get_keyinfo(section_name,term); key_type = CONF_T_STRING; if(pce) key_type = pce->type; switch(key_type) { case CONF_T_MULTICOMMA: break; case CONF_T_INT: case CONF_T_STRING: case CONF_T_EXISTPATH: default: ll_add_string(pllcurrent,term,value); break; } if(comment) { /* this is an inline comment */ snprintf(keybuffer,sizeof(keybuffer),"in_%s_%s", section_name,term); DPRINTF(E_SPAM,L_CONF,"Adding %s: %s\n",keybuffer,comment); ll_add_string(pllcomment,keybuffer,comment); comment = NULL; } if(prev_comments[0] != '\0') { /* we had some preceding comments */ snprintf(keybuffer,sizeof(keybuffer),"pre_%s_%s", section_name, term); DPRINTF(E_SPAM,L_CONF,"Adding %s: %s\n",keybuffer, prev_comments); ll_add_string(pllcomment,keybuffer,prev_comments); prev_comments[0] = '\0'; current_comment_length=0; } } else { ws=1; } if(((term) && (strlen(term))) && (!value)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Error in config file on line %d\n",line); ll_destroy(pllnew); return CONF_E_PARSE; } } if((comment)||(ws)) { if(!comment) comment = ""; DPRINTF(E_SPAM,L_CONF,"found comment: %s\n",comment); /* add to prev comments */ while((current_comment_length + (int)strlen(comment) + 2 >= total_comment_length) && (total_comment_length < 32768)) { total_comment_length *= 2; DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_CONF,"Expanding precomments to %d\n", total_comment_length); prev_comments=realloc(prev_comments,total_comment_length); if(!prev_comments) DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_CONF,"Malloc error\n"); } if(current_comment_length + (int)strlen(comment)+2 >= total_comment_length) { if(!warned_truncate) DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Truncating comments in config\n"); warned_truncate=1; } else { if(strlen(comment)) { strcat(prev_comments,"#"); strcat(prev_comments,comment); current_comment_length += ((int) strlen(comment) + 1); } else { strcat(prev_comments,"\n"); current_comment_length += 2; /* windows, worst case */ } } DPRINTF(E_SPAM,L_CONF,"Current comment block: \n%s\n",prev_comments); } } if(section_name) free(section_name); if(prev_comments) { if(prev_comments[0] != '\0') { ll_add_string(pllcomment,"end",prev_comments); } free(prev_comments); } fclose(fin); /* Sanity check */ if(_conf_verify(pllnew)) { DPRINTF(E_INF,L_CONF,"Loading new config file.\n"); _conf_lock(); if(conf_main) { ll_destroy(conf_main); } if(conf_comments) { ll_destroy(conf_comments); } conf_main = pllnew; conf_comments = pllcomment; _conf_unlock(); } else { ll_destroy(pllnew); ll_destroy(pllcomment); DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Could not validate config file. Ignoring\n"); } return CONF_E_SUCCESS; } /** * do final config file shutdown */ int conf_close(void) { if(conf_main) { ll_destroy(conf_main); conf_main = NULL; } if(conf_comments) { ll_destroy(conf_comments); conf_comments = NULL; } if(conf_main_file) { free(conf_main_file); conf_main_file = NULL; } return CONF_E_SUCCESS; } /** * read a value from the CURRENT config tree as an integer * * @param section section name to search in * @param key key to search for * @param dflt default value to return if key not found * @returns value as integer if found, dflt value otherwise */ int conf_get_int(char *section, char *key, int dflt) { LL_ITEM *pitem; int retval; _conf_lock(); pitem = _conf_fetch_item(conf_main,section,key); if((!pitem) || (pitem->type != LL_TYPE_STRING)) { retval = dflt; } else { retval = atoi(pitem->value.as_string); } _conf_unlock(); return retval; } /** * read a value from the CURRENT config tree as a string * * @param section section name to search in * @param key key to search for * @param dflt default value to return if key not found * @param out buffer to put resulting string in * @param size pointer to size of buffer * @returns CONF_E_SUCCESS with out filled on success, * or CONF_E_OVERFLOW, with size set to required buffer size */ int conf_get_string(char *section, char *key, char *dflt, char *out, int *size) { LL_ITEM *pitem; char *result; int len; _conf_lock(); pitem = _conf_fetch_item(conf_main,section,key); if((!pitem) || (pitem->type != LL_TYPE_STRING)) { result = dflt; } else { result = pitem->value.as_string; } if(!result) { _conf_unlock(); return CONF_E_NOTFOUND; } len = (int) strlen(result) + 1; if(len <= *size) { *size = len; strcpy(out,result); } else { _conf_unlock(); *size = len; return CONF_E_OVERFLOW; } _conf_unlock(); return CONF_E_SUCCESS; } /** * return the value from the CURRENT config tree as an allocated string * * @param section section name to search in * @param key key to search for * @param dflt default value to return if key not found * @returns a pointer to an allocated string containing the required * configuration key */ char *conf_alloc_string (char *section, char *key, char *dflt) { int size = -1; char *out; /* FIXME: races */ conf_get_string(section, key, dflt, NULL, &size); out = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char)); if(!out) DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_CONF,"Malloc failure\n"); if(conf_get_string (section, key, dflt, out, &size) != CONF_E_SUCCESS) return NULL; return out; } /** * set (update) the config tree with a particular value. * this accepts an int, but it actually adds it as a string. * in that sense, it's really just a wrapper for conf_set_string * * @param section section that the key is in * @param key key to update * @param value value to set it to * @returns E_CONF_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise */ int conf_set_int(char *section, char *key, int value) { char buffer[40]; /* ?? */ snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"%d",value); return conf_set_string(section, key, buffer); } /** * set (update) the config tree with a particular string value * * @param section section that the key is in * @param key key to update * @param value value to set it to * @returns E_CONF_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise */ int conf_set_string(char *section, char *key, char *value) { LL_ITEM *pitem; LL_ITEM *psection; LL *section_ll; int err; _conf_lock(); pitem = _conf_fetch_item(conf_main,section,key); if(!pitem) { /* fetch the section and add it to that list */ if(!(psection = ll_fetch_item(conf_main,section))) { /* that subkey doesn't exist yet... */ if((err = ll_create(§ion_ll)) != LL_E_SUCCESS) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Could not create linked list: %d\n",err); _conf_unlock(); return CONF_E_UNKNOWN; } if((err=ll_add_ll(conf_main,section,section_ll)) != LL_E_SUCCESS) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Error inserting new subkey: %d\n",err); _conf_unlock(); return CONF_E_UNKNOWN; } } else { section_ll = psection->value.as_ll; } /* have the section, now add it */ if((err = ll_add_string(section_ll,key,value)) != LL_E_SUCCESS) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"Error in conf_set_string: " "(%s/%s)\n",section,key); _conf_unlock(); return CONF_E_UNKNOWN; } } else { /* we have the item, let's update it */ ll_update_string(pitem,value); } _conf_unlock(); return CONF_E_SUCCESS; } /** * determine if the configuration file is writable * * @returns TRUE if writable, FALSE otherwise */ int conf_iswritable(void) { FILE *fp; int retval = FALSE; /* don't want configfile reopened under us */ _conf_lock(); if(!conf_main_file) return FALSE; if((fp = fopen(conf_main_file,"r+")) != NULL) { fclose(fp); retval = TRUE; } _conf_unlock(); return retval; } /** * write the current config tree back to the config file * */ int conf_write(void) { int retval = FALSE; FILE *fp; if(!conf_main_file) { return CONF_E_NOCONF; } _conf_lock(); if((fp = fopen(conf_main_file,"w+")) != NULL) { retval = _conf_write(fp,conf_main,0,NULL); fclose(fp); } _conf_unlock(); return retval; } /** * do the actual work of writing the config file * * @param fp file we are writing the config file to * @param pll list we are dumping k/v pairs for * @param sublevel whether this is the root, or a subkey * @returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise */ int _conf_write(FILE *fp, LL *pll, int sublevel, char *parent) { LL_ITEM *pli; LL_ITEM *ppre, *pin; char keybuffer[256]; if(!pll) return TRUE; /* write all the solo keys, first! */ pli = pll->itemlist.next; while(pli) { /* if there is a PRE there, then let's emit that*/ if(sublevel) { snprintf(keybuffer,sizeof(keybuffer),"pre_%s_%s",parent,pli->key); ppre=ll_fetch_item(conf_comments,keybuffer); snprintf(keybuffer,sizeof(keybuffer),"in_%s_%s",parent,pli->key); pin = ll_fetch_item(conf_comments,keybuffer); } else { snprintf(keybuffer,sizeof(keybuffer),"pre_%s",pli->key); ppre=ll_fetch_item(conf_comments,keybuffer); snprintf(keybuffer,sizeof(keybuffer),"in_%s",pli->key); pin = ll_fetch_item(conf_comments,keybuffer); } if(ppre) { fprintf(fp,"%s",ppre->value.as_string); } switch(pli->type) { case LL_TYPE_LL: if(sublevel) { /* something wrong! */ DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_CONF,"LL in sublevel: %s\n",pli->key); } else { fprintf(fp,"[%s]",pli->key); if(pin) { fprintf(fp," #%s",pin->value.as_string); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); if(!_conf_write(fp, pli->value.as_ll, 1, pli->key)) return FALSE; } break; case LL_TYPE_INT: fprintf(fp,"%s = %d",pli->key,pli->value.as_int); if(pin) { fprintf(fp," #%s",pin->value.as_string); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); break; case LL_TYPE_STRING: fprintf(fp,"%s = %s",pli->key,pli->value.as_string); if(pin) { fprintf(fp," #%s",pin->value.as_string); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); break; } pli = pli->next; } if(!sublevel) { pin = ll_fetch_item(conf_comments,"end"); if(pin) { fprintf(fp,"%s",pin->value.as_string); } } return TRUE; } /** * determine if a configuration entry is actually set * * @param section section to test * @key key to check * @return TRUE if set, FALSE otherwise */ int conf_isset(char *section, char *key) { int retval = FALSE; _conf_lock(); if(_conf_fetch_item(conf_main,section,key)) { retval = TRUE; } _conf_unlock(); return retval; } /** * split a string on delimiter boundaries, filling * a string-pointer array. * * The user must free both the first element in the array, * and the array itself. * * @param s string to split * @param delimiters boundaries to split on * @param argvp an argv array to be filled * @returns number of tokens */ int _conf_split(char *s, char *delimiters, char ***argvp) { int i; int numtokens; const char *snew; char *t; char *tokptr; if ((s == NULL) || (delimiters == NULL) || (argvp == NULL)) return -1; *argvp = NULL; snew = s + strspn(s, delimiters); if ((t = malloc(strlen(snew) + 1)) == NULL) return -1; strcpy(t, snew); numtokens = 0; tokptr = NULL; while(strtok_r(t,delimiters,&tokptr) != NULL) numtokens++; if ((*argvp = malloc((numtokens + 1)*sizeof(char *))) == NULL) { free(t); return -1; } if (numtokens == 0) free(t); else { strcpy(t, snew); tokptr = NULL; for (i = 0; i < numtokens; i++) *((*argvp) + i) = strtok_r(t, delimiters, &tokptr); } *((*argvp) + numtokens) = NULL; return numtokens; }