/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Espen Jürgensen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "logger.h" #include "conffile.h" #include "transcode.h" #include "player.h" #include "listener.h" #include "httpd.h" #include "httpd_streaming.h" /* httpd event base, from httpd.c */ extern struct event_base *evbase_httpd; // Seconds between sending silence when player is idle // (to prevent client from hanging up) #define STREAMING_SILENCE_INTERVAL 1 // Buffer size for transmitting from player to httpd thread #define STREAMING_RAWBUF_SIZE (STOB(AIRTUNES_V2_PACKET_SAMPLES)) // Should prevent that we keep transcoding to dead connections #define STREAMING_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 60 // Linked list of mp3 streaming requests struct streaming_session { struct evhttp_request *req; struct streaming_session *next; }; static struct streaming_session *streaming_sessions; static int streaming_initialized; // Buffers and interval for sending silence when playback is paused static uint8_t *streaming_silence_data; static size_t streaming_silence_size; static struct timeval streaming_silence_tv = { STREAMING_SILENCE_INTERVAL, 0 }; // Input buffer, output buffer and encoding ctx for transcode static uint8_t streaming_rawbuf[STREAMING_RAWBUF_SIZE]; static struct encode_ctx *streaming_encode_ctx; static struct evbuffer *streaming_encoded_data; // Used for pushing events and data from the player static struct event *streamingev; static struct player_status streaming_player_status; static int streaming_player_changed; static int streaming_pipe[2]; static void streaming_fail_cb(struct evhttp_connection *evcon, void *arg) { struct streaming_session *this; struct streaming_session *session; struct streaming_session *prev; this = (struct streaming_session *)arg; DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_STREAMING, "Connection failed; stopping mp3 streaming to client\n"); prev = NULL; for (session = streaming_sessions; session; session = session->next) { if (session->req == this->req) break; prev = session; } if (!prev) streaming_sessions = session->next; else prev->next = session->next; free(session); if (!streaming_sessions) { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_STREAMING, "No more clients, will stop streaming\n"); event_del(streamingev); } } static void streaming_send_cb(evutil_socket_t fd, short event, void *arg) { struct streaming_session *session; struct evbuffer *evbuf; struct decoded_frame *decoded; uint8_t *buf; int len; int ret; // Player wrote data to the pipe (EV_READ) if (event & EV_READ) { ret = read(streaming_pipe[0], &streaming_rawbuf, STREAMING_RAWBUF_SIZE); if (ret < 0) return; if (!streaming_sessions) return; decoded = transcode_raw2frame(streaming_rawbuf, STREAMING_RAWBUF_SIZE); if (!decoded) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Could not convert raw PCM to frame\n"); return; } ret = transcode_encode(streaming_encoded_data, decoded, streaming_encode_ctx); transcode_decoded_free(decoded); if (ret < 0) return; } // Event timed out, let's see what the player is doing and send silence if it is paused else { if (streaming_player_changed) { streaming_player_changed = 0; player_get_status(&streaming_player_status); } if (!streaming_sessions) return; if (streaming_player_status.status != PLAY_PAUSED) return; evbuffer_add(streaming_encoded_data, streaming_silence_data, streaming_silence_size); } len = evbuffer_get_length(streaming_encoded_data); // Send data evbuf = evbuffer_new(); for (session = streaming_sessions; session; session = session->next) { if (session->next) { buf = evbuffer_pullup(streaming_encoded_data, -1); evbuffer_add(evbuf, buf, len); evhttp_send_reply_chunk(session->req, evbuf); } else evhttp_send_reply_chunk(session->req, streaming_encoded_data); } evbuffer_free(evbuf); } // Thread: player (not fully thread safe, but hey...) static void player_change_cb(enum listener_event_type type) { streaming_player_changed = 1; } // Thread: player (also prone to race conditions, mostly during deinit) void streaming_write(uint8_t *buf, uint64_t rtptime) { int ret; if (!streaming_sessions) return; ret = write(streaming_pipe[1], buf, STREAMING_RAWBUF_SIZE); if (ret < 0) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Error writing to streaming pipe: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } int streaming_is_request(struct evhttp_request *req, char *uri) { char *ptr; ptr = strrchr(uri, '/'); if (!ptr || (strcasecmp(ptr, "/stream.mp3") != 0)) return 0; return 1; } int streaming_request(struct evhttp_request *req) { struct streaming_session *session; struct evhttp_connection *evcon; struct evkeyvalq *output_headers; cfg_t *lib; const char *name; char *address; ev_uint16_t port; if (!streaming_initialized) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Got mp3 streaming request, but cannot encode to mp3\n"); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); return -1; } evcon = evhttp_request_get_connection(req); evhttp_connection_get_peer(evcon, &address, &port); DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_STREAMING, "Beginning mp3 streaming to %s:%d\n", address, (int)port); lib = cfg_getsec(cfg, "library"); name = cfg_getstr(lib, "name"); output_headers = evhttp_request_get_output_headers(req); evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "Content-Type", "audio/mpeg"); evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "Server", "forked-daapd/" VERSION); evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "Pragma", "no-cache"); evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "Expires", "Mon, 31 Aug 2015 06:00:00 GMT"); evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "icy-name", name); // TODO ICY metaint evhttp_send_reply_start(req, HTTP_OK, "OK"); session = malloc(sizeof(struct streaming_session)); if (!session) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Out of memory for streaming request\n"); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal Server Error"); return -1; } if (!streaming_sessions) event_add(streamingev, &streaming_silence_tv); session->req = req; session->next = streaming_sessions; streaming_sessions = session; evhttp_connection_set_timeout(evcon, STREAMING_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); evhttp_connection_set_closecb(evcon, streaming_fail_cb, session); return 0; } int streaming_init(void) { struct decode_ctx *decode_ctx; struct decoded_frame *decoded; int remaining; int ret; decode_ctx = transcode_decode_setup_raw(); if (!decode_ctx) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Could not create decoding context\n"); return -1; } streaming_encode_ctx = transcode_encode_setup(decode_ctx, XCODE_MP3, NULL); transcode_decode_cleanup(decode_ctx); if (!streaming_encode_ctx) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Will not be able to stream mp3, libav does not support mp3 encoding\n"); return -1; } // Non-blocking because otherwise httpd and player thread may deadlock #ifdef HAVE_PIPE2 ret = pipe2(streaming_pipe, O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK); #else if ( pipe(streaming_pipe) < 0 || fcntl(streaming_pipe[0], F_SETFL, O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK) < 0 || fcntl(streaming_pipe[1], F_SETFL, O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK) < 0 ) ret = -1; else ret = 0; #endif if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_STREAMING, "Could not create pipe: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto pipe_fail; } // Listen to playback changes so we don't have to poll to check for pausing ret = listener_add(player_change_cb, LISTENER_PLAYER); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_STREAMING, "Could not add listener\n"); goto listener_fail; } // Initialize buffer for encoded mp3 audio and event for pipe reading streaming_encoded_data = evbuffer_new(); streamingev = event_new(evbase_httpd, streaming_pipe[0], EV_TIMEOUT | EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, streaming_send_cb, NULL); if (!streaming_encoded_data || !streamingev) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Out of memory for encoded_data or event\n"); goto event_fail; } // Encode some silence which will be used for playback pause and put in a permanent buffer remaining = STREAMING_SILENCE_INTERVAL * STOB(44100); while (remaining > STREAMING_RAWBUF_SIZE) { decoded = transcode_raw2frame(streaming_rawbuf, STREAMING_RAWBUF_SIZE); if (!decoded) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Could not convert raw PCM to frame\n"); goto silence_fail; } ret = transcode_encode(streaming_encoded_data, decoded, streaming_encode_ctx); transcode_decoded_free(decoded); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Could not encode silence buffer\n"); goto silence_fail; } remaining -= STREAMING_RAWBUF_SIZE; } streaming_silence_size = evbuffer_get_length(streaming_encoded_data); if (streaming_silence_size == 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "The encoder didn't encode any silence\n"); goto silence_fail; } streaming_silence_data = malloc(streaming_silence_size); if (!streaming_silence_data) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Out of memory for streaming_silence_data\n"); goto silence_fail; } ret = evbuffer_remove(streaming_encoded_data, streaming_silence_data, streaming_silence_size); if (ret != streaming_silence_size) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Unknown error while copying silence buffer\n"); free(streaming_silence_data); goto silence_fail; } // All done streaming_initialized = 1; return 0; silence_fail: event_free(streamingev); evbuffer_free(streaming_encoded_data); event_fail: listener_remove(player_change_cb); listener_fail: close(streaming_pipe[0]); close(streaming_pipe[1]); pipe_fail: transcode_encode_cleanup(streaming_encode_ctx); return -1; } void streaming_deinit(void) { struct streaming_session *session; struct streaming_session *next; if (!streaming_initialized) return; session = streaming_sessions; streaming_sessions = NULL; // Stops writing and sending next = NULL; while (session) { evhttp_send_reply_end(session->req); next = session->next; free(session); session = next; } event_free(streamingev); listener_remove(player_change_cb); close(streaming_pipe[0]); close(streaming_pipe[1]); transcode_encode_cleanup(streaming_encode_ctx); evbuffer_free(streaming_encoded_data); free(streaming_silence_data); }