/* * $Id$ * Implementation for simple gdbm db * * Copyright (C) 2003 Ron Pedde (ron@pedde.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "err.h" #include "mp3-scanner.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "redblack.h" /* * Defines */ #define DB_VERSION 2 #define STRLEN(a) (a) ? strlen((a)) + 1 : 1 #define MAYBEFREE(a) { if((a)) free((a)); }; /* * Typedefs */ typedef struct tag_mp3record { MP3FILE mp3file; datum key; } MP3RECORD; typedef struct tag_playlistentry { unsigned int id; struct tag_playlistentry *next; } DB_PLAYLISTENTRY; typedef struct tag_playlist { unsigned int id; int songs; int is_smart; char *name; struct tag_playlistentry *nodes; struct tag_playlist *next; } DB_PLAYLIST; typedef struct tag_mp3packed { int version; int bitrate; int samplerate; int song_length; int file_size; int year; int track; int total_tracks; int disc; int total_discs; int time_added; int time_modified; int time_played; unsigned int id; /* inode */ int path_len; int fname_len; int title_len; int artist_len; int album_len; int genre_len; int comment_len; int type_len; int composer_len; int orchestra_len; int conductor_len; int grouping_len; char data[1]; } MP3PACKED; /* * Globals */ int db_version_no; int db_update_mode=0; int db_song_count; int db_playlist_count=0; DB_PLAYLIST db_playlists; pthread_rwlock_t db_rwlock; /* OSX doesn't have PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER */ pthread_once_t db_initlock=PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; MP3RECORD db_enum_helper; GDBM_FILE db_songs; struct rbtree *db_removed; /* * Forwards */ int db_start_initial_update(void); int db_end_initial_update(void); int db_is_empty(void); int db_init(char *parameters); int db_deinit(void); int db_version(void); int db_add(MP3FILE *mp3file); int db_delete(int id); int db_add_playlist(unsigned int playlistid, char *name, int is_smart); int db_add_playlist_song(unsigned int playlistid, unsigned int itemid); int db_unpackrecord(datum *pdatum, MP3FILE *pmp3); datum *db_packrecord(MP3FILE *pmp3); MP3RECORD *db_enum_begin(void); MP3FILE *db_enum(MP3RECORD **current); int db_enum_end(void); DB_PLAYLIST *db_playlist_enum_begin(void); int db_playlist_enum(DB_PLAYLIST **current); int db_playlist_enum_end(void); DB_PLAYLISTENTRY *db_playlist_items_enum_begin(int playlistid); int db_playlist_items_enum(DB_PLAYLISTENTRY **current); int db_playlist_items_enum_end(void); int db_get_song_count(void); int db_get_playlist_count(void); int db_get_playlist_is_smart(int playlistid); int db_get_playlist_entry_count(int playlistid); char *db_get_playlist_name(int playlistid); MP3FILE *db_find(int id); void db_freefile(MP3FILE *pmp3); int db_compare_rb_nodes(const void *pa, const void *pb, const void *cfg); /* * db_compare_rb_nodes * * compare redblack nodes, which are just ints */ int db_compare_rb_nodes(const void *pa, const void *pb, const void *cfg) { if(*(int*)pa < *(int *)pb) return -1; if(*(int*)pb < *(int *)pa) return 1; return 0; } /* * db_init_once * * Must dynamically initialize the rwlock, as Mac OSX 10.3 (at least) * doesn't have a static initializer for rwlocks */ void db_init_once(void) { pthread_rwlock_init(&db_rwlock,NULL); } /* * db_init * * Initialize the database. Parameter is the directory * of the database files */ int db_init(char *parameters) { MP3FILE mp3file; datum tmp_key,tmp_nextkey,song_data; char db_path[PATH_MAX + 1]; if(pthread_once(&db_initlock,db_init_once)) return -1; if((db_removed=rbinit(db_compare_rb_nodes,NULL)) == NULL) { errno=ENOMEM; return -1; } pl_register(); snprintf(db_path,sizeof(db_path),"%s/%s",parameters,"songs.gdb"); db_songs=gdbm_open(db_path,0,GDBM_WRCREAT | GDBM_SYNC | GDBM_NOLOCK, 0600,NULL); if(!db_songs) { DPRINTF(ERR_FATAL,"Could not open songs database (%s)\n", gdbm_strerror(errno)); return -1; } db_version_no=1; db_song_count=0; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Building playlists\n"); /* count the actual songs and build the playlists */ tmp_key=gdbm_firstkey(db_songs); MEMNOTIFY(tmp_key.dptr); while(tmp_key.dptr) { /* Add it to the rbtree */ if(!rbsearch((void*)tmp_key.dptr,db_removed)) { errno=ENOMEM; return -1; } /* Fetch that key */ song_data=gdbm_fetch(db_songs,tmp_key); MEMNOTIFY(song_data.dptr); if(song_data.dptr) { if(!db_unpackrecord(&song_data,&mp3file)) { /* Check against playlist */ pl_eval(&mp3file); db_freefile(&mp3file); } free(song_data.dptr); } tmp_nextkey=gdbm_nextkey(db_songs,tmp_key); MEMNOTIFY(tmp_nextkey.dptr); // free(tmp_key.dptr); /* we'll free it in update mode */ tmp_key=tmp_nextkey; db_song_count++; } DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Loaded database... found %d songs\n",db_song_count); /* and the playlists */ return 0; } /* * db_deinit * * Close the db, in this case freeing memory */ int db_deinit(void) { DB_PLAYLIST *plist; DB_PLAYLISTENTRY *pentry; gdbm_close(db_songs); while(db_playlists.next) { plist=db_playlists.next; db_playlists.next=plist->next; free(plist->name); /* free all the nodes */ while(plist->nodes) { pentry=plist->nodes; plist->nodes = pentry->next; free(pentry); } free(plist); } return 0; } /* * db_version * * return the db version */ int db_version(void) { return db_version_no; } /* * db_start_initial_update * * Set the db to bulk import mode */ int db_start_initial_update(void) { db_update_mode=1; return 0; } /* * db_end_initial_update * * Take the db out of bulk import mode */ int db_end_initial_update(void) { const void *val; int inode; db_update_mode=0; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Initial update over. Removing stale items\n"); for(val=rblookup(RB_LUFIRST,NULL,db_removed); val != NULL; val=rblookup(RB_LUNEXT,val,db_removed)) { db_delete(*((int*)val)); free(val); } rbdestroy(db_removed); return 0; } /* * db_is_empty * * See if the db is empty or not -- that is, should * the scanner start up in bulk update mode or in * background update mode */ int db_is_empty(void) { return !db_song_count; } /* * db_add_playlist * * Add a new playlist */ int db_add_playlist(unsigned int playlistid, char *name, int is_smart) { int err; DB_PLAYLIST *pnew; pnew=(DB_PLAYLIST*)malloc(sizeof(DB_PLAYLIST)); if(!pnew) return -1; pnew->name=strdup(name); pnew->id=playlistid; pnew->nodes=NULL; pnew->songs=0; pnew->is_smart=is_smart; if(!pnew->name) { free(pnew); return -1; } DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Adding new playlist %s\n",name); if((err=pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&db_rwlock))) { DPRINTF(ERR_WARN,"cannot lock wrlock in db_add\n"); free(pnew->name); free(pnew); errno=err; return -1; } /* we'll update playlist count when we add a song! */ // db_playlist_count++; pnew->next=db_playlists.next; db_playlists.next=pnew; if(!db_update_mode) { db_version_no++; } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Added playlist\n"); return 0; } /* * db_add_playlist_song * * Add a song to a particular playlist */ int db_add_playlist_song(unsigned int playlistid, unsigned int itemid) { DB_PLAYLIST *current; DB_PLAYLISTENTRY *pnew; int err; pnew=(DB_PLAYLISTENTRY*)malloc(sizeof(DB_PLAYLISTENTRY)); if(!pnew) return -1; pnew->id=itemid; pnew->next=NULL; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Adding item %d to %d\n",itemid,playlistid); if((err=pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&db_rwlock))) { DPRINTF(ERR_WARN,"cannot lock wrlock in db_add\n"); free(pnew); errno=err; return -1; } current=db_playlists.next; while(current && (current->id != playlistid)) current=current->next; if(!current) { DPRINTF(ERR_WARN,"Could not find playlist attempting to add to\n"); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); free(pnew); return -1; } if(!current->songs) db_playlist_count++; current->songs++; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Playlist now has %d entries\n",current->songs); pnew->next = current->nodes; current->nodes = pnew; if(!db_update_mode) { db_version_no++; } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Added playlist item\n"); return 0; } /* * db_packrecord * * Given an MP3 record, turn it into a datum */ datum *db_packrecord(MP3FILE *pmp3) { int len; datum *result; MP3PACKED *ppacked; int offset; len=sizeof(MP3PACKED); len += STRLEN(pmp3->path); len += STRLEN(pmp3->fname); len += STRLEN(pmp3->title); len += STRLEN(pmp3->artist); len += STRLEN(pmp3->album); len += STRLEN(pmp3->genre); len += STRLEN(pmp3->comment); len += STRLEN(pmp3->type); len += STRLEN(pmp3->composer); len += STRLEN(pmp3->orchestra); len += STRLEN(pmp3->conductor); len += STRLEN(pmp3->grouping); result = (datum*) malloc(sizeof(datum)); if(!result) return NULL; result->dptr = (void*)malloc(len); result->dsize=len; if(!result->dptr) { free(result); return NULL; } memset(result->dptr,0x00,len); /* start packing! */ ppacked=(MP3PACKED *)result->dptr; ppacked->version=DB_VERSION; ppacked->bitrate=pmp3->bitrate; ppacked->samplerate=pmp3->samplerate; ppacked->song_length=pmp3->song_length; ppacked->file_size=pmp3->file_size; ppacked->year=pmp3->year; ppacked->track=pmp3->track; ppacked->total_tracks=pmp3->total_tracks; ppacked->disc=pmp3->disc; ppacked->total_discs=pmp3->total_discs; ppacked->time_added=pmp3->time_added; ppacked->time_modified=pmp3->time_modified; ppacked->time_played=pmp3->time_played; ppacked->id=pmp3->id; ppacked->path_len=STRLEN(pmp3->path); ppacked->fname_len=STRLEN(pmp3->fname); ppacked->title_len=STRLEN(pmp3->title); ppacked->artist_len=STRLEN(pmp3->artist); ppacked->album_len=STRLEN(pmp3->album); ppacked->genre_len=STRLEN(pmp3->genre); ppacked->comment_len=STRLEN(pmp3->comment); ppacked->type_len=STRLEN(pmp3->type); ppacked->composer_len=STRLEN(pmp3->composer); ppacked->orchestra_len=STRLEN(pmp3->orchestra); ppacked->conductor_len=STRLEN(pmp3->conductor); ppacked->grouping_len=STRLEN(pmp3->grouping); offset=0; if(pmp3->path) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->path,ppacked->path_len); offset+=ppacked->path_len; if(pmp3->fname) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->fname,ppacked->fname_len); offset+=ppacked->fname_len; if(pmp3->title) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->title,ppacked->title_len); offset+=ppacked->title_len; if(pmp3->artist) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->artist,ppacked->artist_len); offset+=ppacked->artist_len; if(pmp3->album) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->album,ppacked->album_len); offset+=ppacked->album_len; if(pmp3->genre) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->genre,ppacked->genre_len); offset+=ppacked->genre_len; if(pmp3->comment) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->comment,ppacked->comment_len); offset+=ppacked->comment_len; if(pmp3->type) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->type,ppacked->type_len); offset+=ppacked->type_len; if(pmp3->composer) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->composer,ppacked->composer_len); offset+=ppacked->composer_len; if(pmp3->orchestra) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->orchestra,ppacked->orchestra_len); offset+=ppacked->orchestra_len; if(pmp3->conductor) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->conductor,ppacked->conductor_len); offset+=ppacked->conductor_len; if(pmp3->grouping) memcpy(&ppacked->data[offset],pmp3->grouping,ppacked->grouping_len); offset+=ppacked->grouping_len; /* whew */ return result; } /* * db_unpackrecord * * Given a datum, return an MP3 record */ int db_unpackrecord(datum *pdatum, MP3FILE *pmp3) { MP3PACKED *ppacked; int offset; /* should check minimum length (for v1) */ memset(pmp3,0x0,sizeof(MP3FILE)); /* VERSION 1 */ ppacked=(MP3PACKED*)pdatum->dptr; if(ppacked->version != DB_VERSION) log_err(1,"ON-DISK DATABASE VERSION HAS CHANGED\nDelete your songs.gdb and restart.\n"); pmp3->bitrate=ppacked->bitrate; pmp3->samplerate=ppacked->samplerate; pmp3->song_length=ppacked->song_length; pmp3->file_size=ppacked->file_size; pmp3->year=ppacked->year; pmp3->track=ppacked->track; pmp3->total_tracks=ppacked->total_tracks; pmp3->disc=ppacked->disc; pmp3->total_discs=ppacked->total_discs; pmp3->time_added=ppacked->time_added; pmp3->time_modified=ppacked->time_modified; pmp3->time_played=ppacked->time_played; pmp3->id=ppacked->id; offset=0; if(ppacked->path_len > 1) pmp3->path=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->path_len; if(ppacked->fname_len > 1) pmp3->fname=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->fname_len; if(ppacked->title_len > 1) pmp3->title=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->title_len; if(ppacked->artist_len > 1) pmp3->artist=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->artist_len; if(ppacked->album_len > 1) pmp3->album=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->album_len; if(ppacked->genre_len > 1) pmp3->genre=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->genre_len; if(ppacked->comment_len > 1) pmp3->comment=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->comment_len; if(ppacked->type_len > 1) pmp3->type=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->type_len; if(ppacked->composer_len > 1) pmp3->composer=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->composer_len; if(ppacked->orchestra_len > 1) pmp3->orchestra=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->orchestra_len; if(ppacked->conductor_len > 1) pmp3->conductor=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->conductor_len; if(ppacked->grouping_len > 1) pmp3->grouping=strdup(&ppacked->data[offset]); offset += ppacked->grouping_len; return 0; } /* * db_add * * add an MP3 file to the database. */ int db_add(MP3FILE *pmp3) { int err; datum *pnew; datum dkey; MP3PACKED *ppacked; unsigned int id; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Adding %s\n",pmp3->path); if(!(pnew=db_packrecord(pmp3))) { errno=ENOMEM; return -1; } if((err=pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&db_rwlock))) { DPRINTF(ERR_WARN,"cannot lock wrlock in db_add\n"); free(pnew->dptr); free(pnew); errno=err; return -1; } /* insert the datum into the underlying database */ dkey.dptr=(void*)&(pmp3->id); dkey.dsize=sizeof(unsigned int); /* dummy this up in case the client didn't */ ppacked=(MP3PACKED *)pnew->dptr; ppacked->time_added=(int)time(NULL); ppacked->time_modified=ppacked->time_added; ppacked->time_played=0; if(gdbm_store(db_songs,dkey,*pnew,GDBM_REPLACE)) { log_err(1,"Error inserting file %s in database\n",pmp3->fname); } DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Testing for %d\n",pmp3->id); id=pmp3->id; dkey.dptr=(void*)&id; dkey.dsize=sizeof(unsigned int); if(!gdbm_exists(db_songs,dkey)) { log_err(1,"Error.. could not find just added file\n"); } free(pnew->dptr); free(pnew); if(!db_update_mode) { db_version_no++; } db_song_count++; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Added file\n"); return 0; } /* * db_freefile * * free a complete mp3record */ void db_freefile(MP3FILE *pmp3) { MAYBEFREE(pmp3->path); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->fname); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->title); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->artist); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->album); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->genre); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->comment); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->type); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->composer); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->orchestra); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->conductor); MAYBEFREE(pmp3->grouping); } /* * db_enum_begin * * Begin to walk through an enum of * the database. * * this should be done quickly, as we'll be holding * a reader lock on the db */ MP3RECORD *db_enum_begin(void) { int err; if((err=pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&db_rwlock))) { log_err(1,"Cannot lock rwlock\n"); errno=err; return NULL; } memset((void*)&db_enum_helper,0x00,sizeof(db_enum_helper)); db_enum_helper.key=gdbm_firstkey(db_songs); MEMNOTIFY(db_enum_helper.key.dptr); if(!db_enum_helper.key.dptr) return NULL; return &db_enum_helper; } /* * db_playlist_enum_begin * * Start enumerating playlists */ DB_PLAYLIST *db_playlist_enum_begin(void) { int err; DB_PLAYLIST *current; if((err=pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&db_rwlock))) { log_err(1,"Cannot lock rwlock\n"); errno=err; return NULL; } /* find first playlist with a song in it! */ current=db_playlists.next; while(current && (!current->songs)) current=current->next; return current; } /* * db_playlist_items_enum_begin * * Start enumerating playlist items */ DB_PLAYLISTENTRY *db_playlist_items_enum_begin(int playlistid) { DB_PLAYLIST *current; int err; if((err=pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&db_rwlock))) { log_err(1,"Cannot lock rwlock\n"); errno=err; return NULL; } current=db_playlists.next; while(current && (current->id != playlistid)) current=current->next; if(!current) return NULL; return current->nodes; } /* * db_enum * * Walk to the next entry */ MP3FILE *db_enum(MP3RECORD **current) { datum nextkey; datum data; if(db_enum_helper.key.dptr) { db_freefile(&db_enum_helper.mp3file); /* Got the key, let's fetch it */ data=gdbm_fetch(db_songs,db_enum_helper.key); MEMNOTIFY(data.dptr); if(!data.dptr) { log_err(1,"Inconsistant database.\n"); } if(db_unpackrecord(&data,&db_enum_helper.mp3file)) { log_err(1,"Cannot unpack item.. Corrupt database?\n"); } if(data.dptr) free(data.dptr); nextkey=gdbm_nextkey(db_songs,db_enum_helper.key); MEMNOTIFY(nextkey.dptr); if(db_enum_helper.key.dptr) { free(db_enum_helper.key.dptr); db_enum_helper.key.dptr=NULL; } db_enum_helper.key=nextkey; return &db_enum_helper.mp3file; } return NULL; } /* * db_playlist_enum * * walk to the next entry */ int db_playlist_enum(DB_PLAYLIST **current) { int retval; DB_PLAYLIST *p; if(*current) { retval = (*current)->id; p=*current; p=p->next; while(p && (!p->songs)) p=p->next; *current=p; return retval; } return -1; } /* * db_playlist_items_enum * * walk to the next entry */ int db_playlist_items_enum(DB_PLAYLISTENTRY **current) { int retval; if(*current) { retval = (*current)->id; *current=(*current)->next; return retval; } return -1; } /* * db_enum_end * * quit walking the database (and give up reader lock) */ int db_enum_end(void) { db_freefile(&db_enum_helper.mp3file); if(db_enum_helper.key.dptr) free(db_enum_helper.key.dptr); return pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); } /* * db_playlist_enum_end * * quit walking the database */ int db_playlist_enum_end(void) { return pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); } /* * db_playlist_items_enum_end * * Quit walking the database */ int db_playlist_items_enum_end(void) { return pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); } /* * db_find * * Find a MP3FILE entry based on file id */ MP3FILE *db_find(int id) { /* FIXME: Not reentrant */ static MP3FILE *pmp3=NULL; datum key, content; key.dptr=(char*)&id; key.dsize=sizeof(int); content=gdbm_fetch(db_songs,key); MEMNOTIFY(content.dptr); if(!content.dptr) return NULL; if(pmp3) { db_freefile(pmp3); free(pmp3); } pmp3=(MP3FILE*)malloc(sizeof(MP3FILE)); if(!pmp3) return NULL; db_unpackrecord(&content,pmp3); return pmp3; } /* * db_get_playlist_count * * return the number of playlists */ int db_get_playlist_count(void) { return db_playlist_count; } /* * db_get_song_count * * return the number of songs in the database. Used for the /database * request */ int db_get_song_count(void) { return db_song_count; } /* * db_get_playlist_is_smart * * return whether or not the playlist is a "smart" playlist */ int db_get_playlist_is_smart(int playlistid) { DB_PLAYLIST *current; int err; int result; if((err=pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&db_rwlock))) { log_err(1,"Cannot lock rwlock\n"); errno=err; return -1; } current=db_playlists.next; while(current && (current->id != playlistid)) current=current->next; if(!current) { result=0; } else { result=current->is_smart; } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); return result; } /* * db_get_playlist_entry_count * * return the number of songs in a particular playlist */ int db_get_playlist_entry_count(int playlistid) { int count; DB_PLAYLIST *current; int err; if((err=pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&db_rwlock))) { log_err(1,"Cannot lock rwlock\n"); errno=err; return -1; } current=db_playlists.next; while(current && (current->id != playlistid)) current=current->next; if(!current) { count = -1; } else { count = current->songs; } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); return count; } /* * db_get_playlist_name * * return the name of a playlist * * FIXME: Small race here */ char *db_get_playlist_name(int playlistid) { char *name; DB_PLAYLIST *current; int err; if((err=pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&db_rwlock))) { log_err(1,"Cannot lock rwlock\n"); errno=err; return NULL; } current=db_playlists.next; while(current && (current->id != playlistid)) current=current->next; if(!current) { name = NULL; } else { name = current->name; } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); return name; } /* * db_exists * * Check if a particular ID exists or not */ int db_exists(int id) { int *node; int err; MP3FILE *pmp3; if((err=pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&db_rwlock))) { log_err(1,"Cannot lock rwlock\n"); errno=err; return -1; } /* this is wrong and expensive */ pmp3=db_find(id); if(db_update_mode) { /* knock it off the maybe list */ (void*)node = rbdelete((void*)&id,db_removed); if(node) { DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Knocked node %d from the list\n",*node); free(node); } } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); return pmp3 ? 1 : 0; } /* * db_last_modified * * See when the file was last updated in the database */ int db_last_modified(int id) { int retval; MP3FILE *pmp3; int err; if((err=pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&db_rwlock))) { log_err(1,"Cannot lock rwlock\n"); errno=err; return -1; } pmp3=db_find(id); if(!pmp3) { retval=0; } else { retval=pmp3->time_modified; } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); return retval; } /* * db_delete * * Delete an item from the database, and also remove it * from any playlists. */ int db_delete(int id) { int err; int retval; datum key; DB_PLAYLIST *pcurrent; DB_PLAYLISTENTRY *phead, *ptail; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Removing item %d\n",id); if((err=pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&db_rwlock))) { log_err(1,"Cannot lock rwlock\n"); errno=err; return -1; } if(db_exists(id)) { key.dptr=(void*)&id; key.dsize=sizeof(int); gdbm_delete(db_songs,key); db_song_count--; if(!db_update_mode) db_version_no++; /* walk the playlists and remove the item */ pcurrent=db_playlists.next; while(pcurrent) { phead=ptail=pcurrent->nodes; while(phead && (phead->id != id)) { ptail=phead; phead=phead->next; } if(phead) { /* found it */ DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Removing from playlist %d\n", pcurrent->id); if(phead == pcurrent->nodes) { pcurrent->nodes=phead->next; } else { ptail->next=phead->next; } free(phead); } pcurrent=pcurrent->next; } } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_rwlock); return 0; }