/* * (C) 1997, 2006 Mike Crowe * * License: Do what you like with it except claim that you wrote it. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "dospath.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <direct.h> CDosPath::CDosPath(const TCHAR *pszPath, int nFlags) { SetPath(pszPath, nFlags); } CDosPath::CDosPath(const CDosPath &old) { m_drive = old.m_drive; m_dir = old.m_dir; m_file = old.m_file; m_ext = old.m_ext; } CDosPath &CDosPath::operator=(const CDosPath &old) { m_drive = old.m_drive; m_dir = old.m_dir; m_file = old.m_file; m_ext = old.m_ext; return *this; } CDosPath::~CDosPath() { } void CDosPath::SplitPath(const TCHAR *path) { #if USE_SECURE _tsplitpath_s(path, m_drive.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_DRIVE), _MAX_DRIVE, m_dir.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_DIR), _MAX_DIR, m_file.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_FNAME), _MAX_FNAME, m_ext.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_EXT), _MAX_EXT); #else _tsplitpath(path, m_drive.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_DRIVE), m_dir.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_DIR), m_file.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_FNAME), m_ext.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_EXT)); #endif m_ext.ReleaseBuffer(); m_file.ReleaseBuffer(); m_dir.ReleaseBuffer(); m_drive.ReleaseBuffer(); } void CDosPath::SetPath(const TCHAR *pszPath, int nFlags) { if (nFlags & PATH_ONLY) { CString temp(pszPath); temp += '\\'; SplitPath(temp); } else SplitPath(pszPath); } CDosPath &CDosPath::operator|=(CDosPath &fullpath) { if (m_drive.IsEmpty()) { // TRACE1("Inserting drive %s\n", fullpath.m_szDrive); m_drive = fullpath.m_drive; } if (m_dir.IsEmpty()) { // TRACE1("Inserting directory %s\n", fullpath.m_szDir); m_dir = fullpath.m_dir; } if (m_file.IsEmpty()) { // TRACE1("Inserting file %s\n", fullpath.m_szFile); m_file = fullpath.m_file; } if (m_ext.IsEmpty()) { // TRACE1("Inserting extension %s\n", fullpath.m_szExt); m_ext = fullpath.m_ext; } return *this; } CDosPath CDosPath::operator|(CDosPath &fullpath) { CDosPath temp(GetPath()); temp |= fullpath; return temp; } CString CDosPath::GetPath() const { CString temp; #if USE_SECURE _tmakepath_s(temp.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_PATH), _MAX_PATH, m_drive, m_dir, m_file, m_ext); #else _tmakepath(temp.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_PATH), m_drive, m_dir, m_file, m_ext); #endif temp.ReleaseBuffer(); return temp; } CString CDosPath::GetPathOnly() const { CString temp; #if USE_SECURE _tmakepath_s(temp.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_PATH), _MAX_PATH, m_drive, m_dir, NULL, NULL); #else _tmakepath(temp.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_PATH), m_drive, m_dir, NULL, NULL); #endif temp.ReleaseBuffer(); return temp; } CDosPath CDosPath::CurrentPath() { TCHAR szBuffer[_MAX_PATH]; _tgetcwd(szBuffer, _MAX_PATH); return CDosPath(szBuffer, PATH_ONLY); } CDosPath CDosPath::AppPath() { TCHAR szBuffer[_MAX_PATH]; #ifdef _MFC GetModuleFileName(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance, szBuffer, _MAX_PATH); #else GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), szBuffer, _MAX_PATH); #endif return CDosPath(szBuffer); } CDosPath CDosPath::WindowsPath() { TCHAR szBuffer[_MAX_PATH]; GetWindowsDirectory(szBuffer, _MAX_PATH); return CDosPath(szBuffer, PATH_ONLY); } #ifdef MAKE_EXE #include <stdio.h> void main(int ac, char *av[]) { if (ac != 3) { printf("Usage: dospath incomplete complete\n"); return; } CDosPath a = av[1]; CDosPath b = av[2]; a |= b; printf("%s |= %s = %s\n", av[1], av[2], (const char *) a.GetPath()); printf("\n\n\n\n"); a = CDosPath::CurrentPath(); printf("Current = %s\n", (const char *)a.GetPath()); a = CDosPath::AppPath(); printf("App = %s\n", (const char *)a.GetPath()); a = CDosPath::TempPath(); printf("Temp = %s\n", (const char *)a.GetPath()); } #endif