/* * $Id: $ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "compat.h" #include "ff-plugins.h" #include "rsp.h" #include "xml-rpc.h" typedef struct tag_rsp_privinfo { DB_QUERY dq; int uri_count; char *uri_sections[10]; } PRIVINFO; /* Forwards */ PLUGIN_INFO *plugin_info(PLUGIN_INPUT_FN *); void plugin_handler(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc); int plugin_auth(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, char *username, char *password); void rsp_info(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi); void rsp_db(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi); void rsp_playlist(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi); void rsp_browse(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi); void rsp_stream(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi); void rsp_error(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi, int eno, char *estr); /* Globals */ PLUGIN_OUTPUT_FN _pofn = { plugin_handler, plugin_auth }; PLUGIN_REND_INFO _pri[] = { { "_rsp._tcp", NULL }, { NULL, NULL } }; PLUGIN_INPUT_FN *_ppi; PLUGIN_INFO _pi = { PLUGIN_VERSION, /* version */ PLUGIN_OUTPUT, /* type */ "rsp/" VERSION, /* server */ "/rsp/.*", /* url */ &_pofn, /* output fns */ NULL, /* event fns */ NULL, /* transcode fns */ _pri, /* rend info */ NULL /* transcode info */ }; typedef struct tag_response { char *uri[10]; void (*dispatch)(WS_CONNINFO *, PRIVINFO *); } PLUGIN_RESPONSE; PLUGIN_RESPONSE rsp_uri_map[] = { {{"rsp", "info",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL }, rsp_info }, {{"rsp", "db" ,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL }, rsp_db }, {{"rsp", "db" , "*",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL }, rsp_playlist }, {{"rsp", "db" , "*", "*",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL }, rsp_browse }, {{"rsp","stream", "*",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL }, rsp_stream } }; #define E_RSP 0x0000 #define E_DB 0x1000 #define T_STRING 0 #define T_INT 1 #define T_DATE 2 #define F_FULL 1 #define F_BROWSE 2 #define F_ID 4 #define F_DETAILED 8 typedef struct tag_fieldspec { char *name; int flags; /* 1: full, 2: browse, 4: id */ int type; /* 0: string, 1: int, 2: date */ } FIELDSPEC; FIELDSPEC rsp_playlist_fields[] = { { "id" , 15, T_INT }, { "title" , 11, T_STRING }, { "type" , 8, T_INT }, { "items" , 11, T_INT }, { "query" , 8, T_STRING }, { "db_timestamp" , 8, T_DATE }, { "path" , 8, T_STRING }, { "index" , 8, T_INT }, { NULL , 0, 0 } }; FIELDSPEC rsp_fields[] = { { "id" , 15, T_INT }, { "path" , 8, T_STRING }, { "fname" , 8, T_STRING }, { "title" , 15, T_STRING }, { "artist" , 11, T_STRING }, { "album" , 11, T_STRING }, { "genre" , 9, T_STRING }, { "comment" , 9, T_STRING }, { "type" , 9, T_STRING }, { "composer" , 9, T_STRING }, { "orchestra" , 9, T_STRING }, { "conductor" , 9, T_STRING }, { "grouping" , 0, T_STRING }, { "url" , 9, T_STRING }, { "bitrate" , 9, T_INT }, { "samplerate" , 9, T_INT }, { "song_length" , 9, T_INT }, { "file_size" , 9, T_INT }, { "year" , 9, T_INT }, { "track" , 11, T_INT }, { "total_tracks" , 9, T_INT }, { "disc" , 11, T_INT }, { "total_discs" , 9, T_INT }, { "bpm" , 9, T_INT }, { "compilation" , 9, T_INT }, { "rating" , 9, T_INT }, { "play_count" , 9, T_INT }, { "data_kind" , 8, T_INT }, { "item_kind" , 8, T_INT }, { "description" , 9, T_STRING }, { "time_added" , 9, T_DATE }, { "time_modified", 9, T_DATE }, { "time_played" , 9, T_DATE }, { "db_timestamp" , 8, T_DATE }, { "disabled" , 9, T_INT }, { "sample_count" , 8, T_INT }, { "force_update" , 8, T_INT }, { "codectype" , 15, T_INT }, { "idx" , 8, T_INT }, { "has_video" , 8, T_INT }, { "contentrating", 8, T_INT }, { NULL , 0 } }; /** * return info about this plugin module */ PLUGIN_INFO *plugin_info(PLUGIN_INPUT_FN *ppi) { _ppi = ppi; return &_pi; } /** * check for auth. Kind of a ham-handed implementation, but * works. */ int plugin_auth(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, char *username, char *password) { char *readpassword; readpassword = _ppi->conf_alloc_string("general","password",NULL); if(password == NULL) { /* testing to see if we need a pw */ if((readpassword == NULL) || (strlen(readpassword)==0)) { if(readpassword) _ppi->conf_dispose_string(readpassword); return TRUE; } else { _ppi->conf_dispose_string(readpassword); return FALSE; } } else { if(strcasecmp(password,readpassword)) { _ppi->conf_dispose_string(readpassword); return FALSE; } else { _ppi->conf_dispose_string(readpassword); return TRUE; } } return TRUE; /* ?? */ } /** * dispatch handler for web stuff */ void plugin_handler(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc) { char *string, *save, *token; PRIVINFO *ppi; int elements; int index, part; int found; _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Getting uri...\n"); string = _ppi->ws_uri(pwsc); string++; _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Mallocing privinfo...\n"); ppi = (PRIVINFO *)malloc(sizeof(PRIVINFO)); if(ppi) { memset(ppi,0,sizeof(PRIVINFO)); } if(!ppi) { _ppi->ws_returnerror(pwsc,500,"Malloc error in plugin_handler"); return; } memset((void*)&ppi->dq,0,sizeof(DB_QUERY)); _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Tokenizing url\n"); while((ppi->uri_count < 10) && (token=strtok_r(string,"/",&save))) { string=NULL; ppi->uri_sections[ppi->uri_count++] = token; } elements = sizeof(rsp_uri_map) / sizeof(PLUGIN_RESPONSE); _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Found %d elements\n",elements); index = 0; found = 0; while((!found) && (index < elements)) { /* test this set */ _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Checking reponse %d\n",index); part=0; while(part < 10) { if((rsp_uri_map[index].uri[part]) && (!ppi->uri_sections[part])) break; if((ppi->uri_sections[part]) && (!rsp_uri_map[index].uri[part])) break; if((rsp_uri_map[index].uri[part]) && (strcmp(rsp_uri_map[index].uri[part],"*") != 0)) { if(strcmp(rsp_uri_map[index].uri[part], ppi->uri_sections[part])!= 0) break; } part++; } if(part == 10) { found = 1; _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Found it! Index: %d\n",index); } else { index++; } } if(found) { rsp_uri_map[index].dispatch(pwsc, ppi); _ppi->ws_close(pwsc); free(ppi); return; } rsp_error(pwsc, ppi, 1, "Bad path"); _ppi->ws_close(pwsc); free(ppi); return; } /** * get server info */ void rsp_info(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi) { XMLSTRUCT *pxml; char servername[256]; int size; _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Starting rsp_info\n"); pxml = xml_init(pwsc,1); xml_push(pxml,"response"); xml_push(pxml,"status"); xml_output(pxml,"errorcode","0"); xml_output(pxml,"errorstring",""); xml_output(pxml,"records","0"); xml_output(pxml,"totalrecords","0"); xml_pop(pxml); /* status */ /* info block */ xml_push(pxml,"info"); xml_output(pxml,"count","%d",_ppi->db_count()); xml_output(pxml,"rsp-version","%s",RSP_VERSION); xml_output(pxml,"server-version","%s",_ppi->server_ver()); size = sizeof(servername); _ppi->server_name(servername,&size); xml_output(pxml,"name","%s",servername); xml_pop(pxml); /* info */ xml_pop(pxml); /* response */ xml_deinit(pxml); } /** * /rsp/db * * dump details about all playlists */ void rsp_db(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi) { XMLSTRUCT *pxml; char *pe; int err; char **row; int rowindex; ppi->dq.query_type = QUERY_TYPE_PLAYLISTS; if((err=_ppi->db_enum_start(&pe,&ppi->dq)) != 0) { rsp_error(pwsc, ppi, err | E_DB, pe); _ppi->db_enum_dispose(NULL,&ppi->dq); return; } pxml = xml_init(pwsc,1); xml_push(pxml,"response"); xml_push(pxml,"status"); xml_output(pxml,"errorcode","0"); xml_output(pxml,"errorstring",""); xml_output(pxml,"records","%d",ppi->dq.totalcount); xml_output(pxml,"totalrecords","%d",ppi->dq.totalcount); xml_pop(pxml); /* status */ xml_push(pxml,"playlists"); while((_ppi->db_enum_fetch_row(NULL,&row,&ppi->dq) == 0) && (row)) { xml_push(pxml,"playlist"); rowindex=0; while(rsp_playlist_fields[rowindex].name) { if(rsp_playlist_fields[rowindex].flags & F_FULL) { xml_output(pxml,rsp_playlist_fields[rowindex].name,"%s", row[rowindex]); } rowindex++; } xml_pop(pxml); /* playlist */ } _ppi->db_enum_end(NULL); _ppi->db_enum_dispose(NULL,&ppi->dq); xml_pop(pxml); /* playlists */ xml_pop(pxml); /* response */ xml_deinit(pxml); } /** * get all items under the playlist */ void rsp_playlist(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi) { XMLSTRUCT *pxml; char *pe; int err; char **row; int rowindex; int returned; char *browse_type; int type; int transcode; unsigned int samplerate; int done = 0; ppi->dq.filter = _ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"query"); ppi->dq.filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_FIREFLY; if(_ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"offset")) { ppi->dq.offset = atoi(_ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"offset")); } if(_ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"limit")) { ppi->dq.limit = atoi(_ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"limit")); } browse_type = _ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"type"); type = F_FULL; if(browse_type) { if(strcasecmp(browse_type,"browse") == 0) { type = F_BROWSE; } else if(strcasecmp(browse_type,"id") == 0) { type = F_ID; } else if(strcasecmp(browse_type,"detailed") ==0) { type = F_DETAILED; } } ppi->dq.query_type = QUERY_TYPE_ITEMS; ppi->dq.playlist_id = atoi(ppi->uri_sections[2]); if((err=_ppi->db_enum_start(&pe,&ppi->dq)) != 0) { rsp_error(pwsc, ppi, err | E_DB, pe); _ppi->db_enum_dispose(NULL,&ppi->dq); free(pe); return; } pxml = xml_init(pwsc,1); if(ppi->dq.offset > ppi->dq.totalcount) { returned = 0; } else { returned = ppi->dq.limit; if(returned > (ppi->dq.totalcount - ppi->dq.offset)) returned = ppi->dq.totalcount - ppi->dq.offset; } xml_push(pxml,"response"); xml_push(pxml,"status"); xml_output(pxml,"errorcode","0"); xml_output(pxml,"errorstring",""); xml_output(pxml,"records","%d",returned); xml_output(pxml,"totalrecords","%d",ppi->dq.totalcount); xml_pop(pxml); /* status */ xml_push(pxml,"items"); while((!done) && (_ppi->db_enum_fetch_row(NULL,&row,&ppi->dq) == 0) && (row)) { xml_push(pxml,"item"); rowindex=0; transcode = 0; transcode = _ppi->should_transcode(pwsc,row[37]); _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Transcode: %d, %s: %s\n",transcode,row[37],row[2]); while(rsp_fields[rowindex].name) { if((rsp_fields[rowindex].flags & type) && (row[rowindex] && strlen(row[rowindex]))) { if(transcode) { switch(rowindex) { case 8: xml_output(pxml,rsp_fields[rowindex].name,"%s","wav"); break; case 29: xml_output(pxml,rsp_fields[rowindex].name,"%s", "wav audio file"); break; case 14: /* bitrate */ samplerate = atoi(row[15]); if(samplerate) { samplerate = (samplerate * 8) / 250; } else { samplerate = 1411; } xml_output(pxml,rsp_fields[rowindex].name,"%d", samplerate); break; case 37: xml_output(pxml,rsp_fields[rowindex].name,"%s","wav"); xml_output(pxml,"original_codec","%s",row[37]); break; default: xml_output(pxml,rsp_fields[rowindex].name,"%s", row[rowindex]); break; } } else { /* check for pushing against closed socket */ if(xml_output(pxml,rsp_fields[rowindex].name,"%s", row[rowindex]) == -1) done=1; } } rowindex++; } xml_pop(pxml); /* item */ } _ppi->db_enum_end(NULL); xml_pop(pxml); /* items */ xml_pop(pxml); /* response */ xml_deinit(pxml); } void rsp_browse(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi) { XMLSTRUCT *pxml; char *pe; int err; char **row; int returned; /* this might fail if an unsupported browse type */ ppi->dq.query_type = QUERY_TYPE_DISTINCT; ppi->dq.distinct_field = ppi->uri_sections[3]; ppi->dq.filter = _ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"query"); ppi->dq.filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_FIREFLY; if(_ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"offset")) { ppi->dq.offset = atoi(_ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"offset")); } if(_ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"limit")) { ppi->dq.limit = atoi(_ppi->ws_getvar(pwsc,"limit")); } ppi->dq.playlist_id = atoi(ppi->uri_sections[2]); if((err=_ppi->db_enum_start(&pe,&ppi->dq)) != 0) { rsp_error(pwsc, ppi, err | E_DB, pe); _ppi->db_enum_dispose(NULL,&ppi->dq); return; } pxml = xml_init(pwsc,1); if(ppi->dq.offset > ppi->dq.totalcount) { returned = 0; } else { returned = ppi->dq.limit; if(returned > (ppi->dq.totalcount - ppi->dq.offset)) returned = ppi->dq.totalcount - ppi->dq.offset; } xml_push(pxml,"response"); xml_push(pxml,"status"); xml_output(pxml,"errorcode","0"); xml_output(pxml,"errorstring",""); xml_output(pxml,"records","%d",returned); xml_output(pxml,"totalrecords","%d",ppi->dq.totalcount); xml_pop(pxml); /* status */ xml_push(pxml,"items"); while((_ppi->db_enum_fetch_row(NULL,&row,&ppi->dq) == 0) && (row)) { xml_output(pxml,"item","%s",row[0]); } _ppi->db_enum_end(NULL); _ppi->db_enum_dispose(NULL,&ppi->dq); xml_pop(pxml); /* items */ xml_pop(pxml); /* response */ xml_deinit(pxml); } void rsp_stream(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi) { _ppi->stream(pwsc, ppi->uri_sections[2]); return; } void rsp_error(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, PRIVINFO *ppi, int eno, char *estr) { XMLSTRUCT *pxml; pxml = xml_init(pwsc, 1); xml_push(pxml,"response"); xml_push(pxml,"status"); xml_output(pxml,"errorcode","%d",eno); xml_output(pxml,"errorstring","%s",estr); xml_output(pxml,"records","0"); xml_output(pxml,"totalrecords","0"); xml_pop(pxml); /* status */ xml_pop(pxml); /* response */ xml_deinit(pxml); _ppi->ws_close(pwsc); }