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Works? The most important question. Did this version work for you? If not, uncheck the box, and put an explanation in the NOTES entry below.
Version This is the version of mt-daapd you are running. If you are using a public release, use the version number (0.1.0, 0.1.1, etc). If it is manually checked out of cvs, use 'cvs', if it is a nightly snapshot, use the snapshot name, for example: 'cvs-20040328'.
System This is the operating system and version you are running. Use something like "Sparc Solaris 9" or "x86 Linux 2.6.3" or "Mac OSX 10.3" or something to help identify what platform and version you are running.
Compile args If you used any compile flags, that would be helpful. Examples might include '--with-gdbm', or '--enable-howl' or something else.
Notes If it didn't work for you, or if you just want to make a suggestion, leave those notes here. Remember that these notes are publicly viewable.
Rating Just for fun, give this release a rating from 1 to 10, 1 being so bad it started your computer on fire, 10 meaning works so well, it even made your breath fresher.
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