Event.observe(window,'load',init); //###TODO // * Disable/enable save/cancel, Add key and onchange listeners keep a note on changed items // * create the path/file browser // * better errormessage for non writable config // * make tabs? // * add warning if leaving page without saving // Config isn't defined until after the Event.observe above // I could have put it below Config = ... but I want all window.load events // at the start of the file function init() { Config.init(); } var ConfigXML = { config: {}, configIndex: {}, getOptionFromElementName: function (name) { return this.configIndex[name]; }, getOption: function (section,id) { return this.config[section][id]; }, getSections: function () { return $H(this.config).keys(); }, getItems: function(section) { return $H(this.config[section]).keys(); }, parseXML: function(xmlDoc) { $A(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('section')).each(function (section) { var items = {}; $A(section.getElementsByTagName('item')).each(function (item) { var returnItem = {}; $A(item.attributes).each(function (attr) { returnItem[attr.name] = attr.value; }); $A(item.childNodes).each(function (node) { if (Element.textContent(node) == '') { return; } if ('options' == node.nodeName) { var options = []; $A(item.getElementsByTagName('option')).each(function (option) { options.push({value: option.getAttribute('value'), label: Element.textContent(option)}); }); returnItem['options'] = options; } else { returnItem[node.nodeName] = Element.textContent(node); } $A(node.attributes).each(function (attr) { returnItem[attr.name] = attr.value; }); }); // Double index everything one as [section][id] // and one as [config_section:id] items[item.getAttribute('id')] = returnItem; ConfigXML.configIndex[returnItem.config_section+ ':' +returnItem.id] = returnItem; }); ConfigXML.config[section.getAttribute('name')] = items; }); } }; var ConfigInitialValues = { values: {}, getValues: function () { return $H(ConfigInitialValues.values); }, getValue: function (section,id) { return ConfigInitialValues.values[section+':'+id]; }, parseXML: function (xmldoc) { // IE and w3c treat xmldoc differently make shore firstChild is firstchild of if (xmldoc.childNodes[1] && xmldoc.childNodes[1].nodeName == 'config') { sections = $A(xmldoc.childNodes[1].childNodes); } else { sections = $A(xmldoc.firstChild.childNodes); } sections.each(function (section) { var sectionName = section.nodeName; $A(section.childNodes).each(function (node) { if (node.firstChild && node.firstChild.hasChildNodes()) { var values = []; $A(node.childNodes).each(function (n) { values.push(Element.textContent(n)); }); ConfigInitialValues.values[sectionName+':'+node.nodeName] = values; } else { ConfigInitialValues.values[sectionName+':'+node.nodeName] = Element.textContent(node); } }); }); } }; var Config = { configPath: '', init: function () { new Ajax.Request('/config.xml',{method: 'get',onComplete: Config.storeConfigLayout}); }, storeConfigLayout: function (request) { ConfigXML.parseXML(request.responseXML); new Ajax.Request('/xml-rpc?method=stats',{method: 'get',onComplete: Config.updateStatus}); }, updateStatus: function (request) { Config.configPath = Element.textContent(request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('config_path')[0]); Config.isWritable = Element.textContent(request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('writable_config')[0]) == '1'; // $('config_path').appendChild(document.createTextNode( // ); new Ajax.Request('/xml-rpc?method=config',{method: 'get',onComplete: Config.showConfig}); }, showConfig: function (request) { ConfigInitialValues.parseXML(request.responseXML); var sections = ConfigXML.getSections(); sections.each(function (section) { var head = document.createElement('div'); head.className= 'naviheader'; head.appendChild(document.createTextNode(section)); var body = document.createElement('div'); body.className = 'navibox'; if ('Server' == section) { body.appendChild(Builder.node('span',{id:'config_path'},'Config File Location')); body.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Config.configPath)); body.appendChild(Builder.node('br')); body.appendChild(Builder.node('div',{style: 'clear: both;'})); } ConfigXML.getItems(section).each(function (itemId) { body.appendChild(Config._buildItem(section,itemId)); }); $('theform').appendChild(head); $('theform').appendChild(body); }); if (!Config.isWritable) { Effect.Appear('config_not_writable_warning'); } else { // Create save and cancel buttons // var save = Builder.node('button',{id: 'button_save', disabled: 'disabled'},'Save'); var save = Builder.node('button',{id: 'button_save'},'Save'); Event.observe(save,'click',saveForm); var cancel = Builder.node('button',{id: 'button_cancel'},'Cancel'); Event.observe(cancel,'click',cancelForm); var spacer = document.createTextNode('\u00a0\u00a0'); var buttons = $('buttons'); if (navigator.platform.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') != -1) { // We're on mac buttons.appendChild(cancel); buttons.appendChild(spacer); buttons.appendChild(save); } else { //###TODO What about all them unix variants? buttons.appendChild(save); buttons.appendChild(spacer); buttons.appendChild(cancel); } } var advanced = Builder.node('a',{href: 'javascript://',id:'basic_config_button'},'Show basic config'); Event.observe(advanced,'click',Config._showBasicConfig); var basic = Builder.node('a',{href: 'javascript://',id:'advanced_config_button'},'Show advanced config'); Event.observe(basic,'click',Config._showAdvancedConfig); if (Cookie.getVar('show_advanced_config')) { basic.style.display = 'none'; } else { advanced.style.display = 'none'; } var div = $('toggle_basic_advanced'); div.appendChild(advanced); div.appendChild(basic); }, _buildItem: function(section,itemId) { var frag = document.createElement('div'); var href; var item = ConfigXML.getOption(section,itemId); var postId = item.config_section + ':' + itemId; var noBrowse = false; switch(item.type) { case 'text': if (item.multiple) { var values = ConfigInitialValues.getValue(item.config_section,item.id); if (!values || values.length === 0) { values = ['']; } // var parentSpan = Builder.node('span'); values.each(function (val,i) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(BuildElement.input(postId+i,postId, item.name, val || item.default_value || '', item.size || 20, item.short_description, '')); if (item.browse) { href = Builder.node('a',{href: 'javascript://'},'Browse'); Event.observe(href,'click',Config._browse); div.appendChild(href); } div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u00a0\u00a0')); href = Builder.node('a',{href: 'javascript://'},'Remove'); Event.observe(href,'click',Config._removeItemEvent); div.appendChild(href); div.appendChild(Builder.node('br')); frag.appendChild(div); }); // This is used by cancelForm to find out how // many options a multiple group has // frag.appendChild(parentSpan); href = Builder.node('a',{href:'javascript://',className:'addItemHref'},item.add_item_label); frag.appendChild(href); Event.observe(href,'click',Config._addItemEvent); frag.appendChild(Builder.node('div',{style:'clear: both'})); } else { frag.appendChild(BuildElement.input(postId,postId, item.name, ConfigInitialValues.getValue(item.config_section,item.id) || item.default_value || '', item.size || 20, item.short_description, '')); if (item.browse) { href = Builder.node('a',{href: 'javascript://'},'Browse'); Event.observe(href,'click',Config._browse); frag.appendChild(href); } frag.appendChild(Builder.node('br')); } break; case 'select': frag.appendChild(BuildElement.select(postId, item.name, item.options, ConfigInitialValues.getValue(item.config_section,item.id) || item.default_value, item.short_description)); frag.appendChild(Builder.node('br')); break; default: alert('This should not happen (1)'); break; } if (!Cookie.getVar('show_advanced_config') && item.advanced) { frag.style.display = 'none'; } return frag; }, _addItemEvent: function (e) { var div = Event.element(e).previousSibling; Config._addItem(div); }, _addItem: function(div) { var newSpan = div.cloneNode(true); var id = newSpan.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].id; var num = parseInt(id.match(/\d+$/)); num++; id = id.replace(/\d+$/,'') + num; newSpan.getElementsByTagName('label')[0].setAttribute('for',id); newSpan.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].id = id; newSpan.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value = ''; newSpan.style.display = 'none'; var hrefs = newSpan.getElementsByTagName('a'); if ('Netscape' == navigator.appName) { // Firefox et al doesn't copy registered events on an element deep clone // Don't know if that is w3c or if IE has it right if (hrefs.length == 1) { Event.observe(hrefs[0],'click',Config._removeItemEvent); } else { Event.observe(hrefs[0],'click',Config._browse); Event.observe(hrefs[1],'click',Config._removeItemEvent); } } div.parentNode.insertBefore(newSpan,div.nextSibling); Effect.BlindDown(newSpan,{duration: 0.2}); }, _removeItemEvent: function (e) { var div = Event.element(e); while (div.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'div') { div = div.parentNode; } Config._removeItem(div); }, _removeItem: function(div,noAnimation) { if (div.parentNode.childNodes.length > 1) { if (noAnimation) { // cancelForm uses a loop to delete elements, the loop can't wait // for Effect.BlindUp to finish Element.remove(div); } else { Effect.BlindUp(div,{duration: 0.2, afterFinish: function (){Element.remove(div);}}); } } else { div.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value=''; } }, _browse: function(e) { alert('Browse'); }, _showAdvancedConfig: function (e) { Element.toggle('advanced_config_button'); Element.toggle('basic_config_button'); Cookie.setVar('show_advanced_config','true',30); $H(ConfigXML.configIndex).each(function (item) { if (item.value.advanced) { var element = $(item.key); if (!element) { // Handle options with multiple values $A(document.getElementsByName(item.key)).each(function (el) { Effect.BlindDown(el.parentNode.parentNode); }); } else { Effect.BlindDown(element.parentNode); } } }); }, _showBasicConfig: function (e) { Element.toggle('advanced_config_button'); Element.toggle('basic_config_button'); Cookie.removeVar('show_advanced_config'); $H(ConfigXML.configIndex).each(function (item) { if (item.value.advanced) { var element = $(item.key); if (!element) { // Handle options with multiple values $A(document.getElementsByName(item.key)).each(function (el) { Effect.BlindUp(el.parentNode.parentNode); }); } else { Effect.BlindUp($(item.key).parentNode); } } }); } }; var BuildElement = { input: function(id,name,displayName,value,size,short_description,long_description) { var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var label = document.createElement('label'); label.setAttribute('for',id); label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(displayName)); frag.appendChild(label); if (Config.isWritable) { frag.appendChild(Builder.node('input',{id: id,name: name,className: 'text', value: value,size: size})); } else { frag.appendChild(Builder.node('input',{id: id,name: name,className: 'text', value: value,size: size, disabled: 'disabled'})); } frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u00a0')); if (short_description) { frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(short_description)); } return frag; }, select: function(id,displayName,options,value,short_description,long_description) { var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var label = document.createElement('label'); label.setAttribute('for',id); label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(displayName)); frag.appendChild(label); var select = Builder.node('select',{id: id,name: id,size: 1}); if (!Config.isWritable) { select.disabled = 'disabled'; } $A(options).each(function (option) { select.appendChild(Builder.node('option',{value: option.value}, option.label)); }); select.value = value; frag.appendChild(select); frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u00a0')); if (short_description) { frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(short_description)); } return frag; } }; function saved(req) { if ('200' == Element.textContent(req.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('status')[0])) { alert('Saved'); } else { alert("Couldn't save and if this weren't a beta I'd tell you why"); } } function saveForm() { var postVars = []; var multiple = {}; $A($('theform').getElementsByTagName('select')).each(function (select) { postVars.push(Form.Element.serialize(select.id)); }); $A($('theform').getElementsByTagName('input')).each(function (input) { if (ConfigXML.getOptionFromElementName(input.name).multiple) { if (multiple[input.name]) { multiple[input.name].push(encodeURIComponent(input.value)); } else { multiple[input.name] = [input.value]; } } else { postVars.push(Form.Element.serialize(input.id)); } }); $H(multiple).each(function (item) { postVars.push(item.key + '=' + item.value.join(',')); }); new Ajax.Request('/xml-rpc?method=updateconfig', {method: 'post', parameters: postVars.join('&'), onComplete: saved}); } function cancelForm() { ConfigXML.getSections().each(function (section){ ConfigXML.getItems(section).each(function (itemId) { var item = ConfigXML.getOption(section,itemId); var itemConfigId = item.config_section + ':' + item.id; if (item.multiple) { var values = ConfigInitialValues.getValue(item.config_section,itemId); if (!values || values.length === 0) { values = ['']; } var initialValuesCount = values.length; var currentElements = document.getElementsByName(itemConfigId); var i=0; while (initialValuesCount < currentElements.length) { i++; if (i > 10) { alert('Getting dizzy; too many turns in this loop (silly errormessage 1)'); return; } Config._removeItem(currentElements[0].parentNode,'noAnimation'); } while (initialValuesCount > currentElements.length) { i++; if (i > 10) { alert('An important part came off (silly errormessage 2)'); return; } Config._addItem(currentElements[currentElements.length-1].parentNode); } values.each(function (val,i){ currentElements[i].value = val; }); } else { //###TODO potential error a select without a default value $(itemConfigId).value = ConfigInitialValues.getValue(item.config_section,item.id) || item.default_value || ''; } }); }); return; } Object.extend(Element, { removeChildren: function(element) { while(element.hasChildNodes()) { element.removeChild(element.firstChild); } }, textContent: function(node) { if ((!node) || !node.hasChildNodes()) { // Empty text node return ''; } else { if (node.textContent) { // W3C ? return node.textContent; } else if (node.text) { // IE return node.text; } } // We shouldn't end up here; return ''; } }); /* Detta script finns att hamta pa http://www.jojoxx.net och far anvandas fritt sa lange som dessa rader star kvar. */ function DataDumper(obj,n,prefix){ var str=""; prefix=(prefix)?prefix:""; n=(n)?n+1:1; var ind=""; for(var i=0;i"); } } else { for(var i in obj){ str+=DataDumper(obj[i],n,i+"=>"); } } str+=ind+"]\n"; } return str; } var Cookie = { getVar: function(name) { var cookie = document.cookie; if (cookie.length > 0) { cookie += ';'; } re = new RegExp(name + '\=(.*?);' ); if (cookie.match(re)) { return RegExp.$1; } else { return ''; } }, setVar: function(name,value,days) { days = days || 30; var expire = new Date(new Date().getTime() + days*86400); document.cookie = name + '=' + value +';expires=' + expire.toUTCString(); }, removeVar: function(name) { var date = new Date(12); document.cookie = name + '=;expires=' + date.toUTCString(); } };