/* * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Espen Jurgensen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include // strcasestr #include // strcasecmp #include // mutex #include #include "transcode.h" #include "http.h" #include "misc.h" #include "misc_json.h" #include "settings.h" #include "logger.h" #include "artwork.h" #include "worker.h" #include "input.h" struct prepared_metadata { // Parsed metadata goes here struct input_metadata parsed; // Mutex to share the parsed metadata pthread_mutex_t lock; } prepared_metadata; /* ------- Handling/parsing of StreamUrl tags from some http streams ---------*/ struct streamurl_map { const char *setting; enum json_type jtype; int (*parser)(struct input_metadata *, const char *, json_object *); char *words; }; static int streamurl_parse_artwork_url(struct input_metadata *metadata, const char *key, json_object *val) { const char *url = json_object_get_string(val); if (metadata->artwork_url) return -1; // Already found artwork if (!artwork_extension_is_artwork(url)) return -1; metadata->artwork_url = strdup(url); return 0; } static int streamurl_parse_length(struct input_metadata *metadata, const char *key, json_object *val) { int len = json_object_get_int(val); if (len <= 0 || len > 7200) return -1; // We expect seconds, so if it is longer than 2 hours we are probably wrong metadata->len_ms = len * 1000; metadata->pos_is_updated = true; metadata->pos_ms = 0; return 0; } // Lookup is case-insensitive and partial, first occurrence takes precedence static struct streamurl_map streamurl_map[] = { { "streamurl_keywords_artwork_url", json_type_string, streamurl_parse_artwork_url }, { "streamurl_keywords_length", json_type_int, streamurl_parse_length }, }; static void streamurl_field_parse(struct input_metadata *metadata, struct streamurl_map *map, const char *jkey, json_object *jval) { char *word; char *ptr; if (!map->words) return; for (word = atrim(strtok_r(map->words, ",", &ptr)); word; free(word), word = atrim(strtok_r(NULL, ",", &ptr))) { if (json_object_get_type(jval) != map->jtype) continue; if (!strcasestr(jkey, word)) // True if e.g. word="duration" and jkey="eventDuration" continue; map->parser(metadata, jkey, jval); } } static int streamurl_json_parse(struct input_metadata *metadata, const char *body) { json_object *jresponse; int i; jresponse = json_tokener_parse(body); if (!jresponse) return -1; json_object_object_foreach(jresponse, jkey, jval) { for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(streamurl_map); i++) { streamurl_field_parse(metadata, &streamurl_map[i], jkey, jval); } } jparse_free(jresponse); return 0; } static void streamurl_settings_unload(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(streamurl_map); i++) { free(streamurl_map[i].words); streamurl_map[i].words = NULL; } } static int streamurl_settings_load(void) { struct settings_category *category; bool enabled; int i; category = settings_category_get("misc"); if (!category) return -1; for (i = 0, enabled = false; i < ARRAY_SIZE(streamurl_map); i++) { streamurl_map[i].words = settings_option_getstr(settings_option_get(category, streamurl_map[i].setting)); if (streamurl_map[i].words) enabled = true; } return enabled ? 0 : -1; } static int streamurl_process(struct input_metadata *metadata, const char *url) { struct http_client_ctx client = { 0 }; struct keyval kv = { 0 }; struct evbuffer *evbuf; const char *content_type; char *body; int ret; // If the user didn't configure any keywords to look for then we can stop now ret = streamurl_settings_load(); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_PLAYER, "Ignoring StreamUrl resource '%s', no settings\n", url); return -1; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_PLAYER, "Downloading StreamUrl resource '%s'\n", url); CHECK_NULL(L_PLAYER, evbuf = evbuffer_new()); client.url = url; client.input_headers = &kv; client.input_body = evbuf; ret = http_client_request(&client, NULL); if (ret < 0 || client.response_code != HTTP_OK) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_PLAYER, "Request for StreamUrl resource '%s' failed, response code %d\n", url, client.response_code); ret = -1; goto out; } // 0-terminate for safety evbuffer_add(evbuf, "", 1); body = (char *)evbuffer_pullup(evbuf, -1); content_type = keyval_get(&kv, "Content-Type"); if (content_type && strcasecmp(content_type, "application/json") == 0) { ret = streamurl_json_parse(metadata, body); } else { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_PLAYER, "No handler for StreamUrl resource '%s' with content type '%s'\n", url, content_type); ret = -1; } out: keyval_clear(&kv); evbuffer_free(evbuf); streamurl_settings_unload(); return ret; } // Thread: worker static void streamurl_cb(void *arg) { struct input_metadata metadata = { 0 }; char *url = arg; int ret; ret = streamurl_process(&metadata, url); if (ret < 0) // Only negative on error/unconfigured (not if no metadata) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&prepared_metadata.lock); swap_pointers(&prepared_metadata.parsed.artwork_url, &metadata.artwork_url); prepared_metadata.parsed.pos_is_updated = metadata.pos_is_updated; prepared_metadata.parsed.pos_ms = metadata.pos_ms; prepared_metadata.parsed.len_ms = metadata.len_ms; pthread_mutex_unlock(&prepared_metadata.lock); input_metadata_free(&metadata, 1); input_write(NULL, NULL, INPUT_FLAG_METADATA); } /*-------------------------------- http metadata -----------------------------*/ // Checks if there is new metadata, which means getting the ICY data plus the // StreamTitle and StreamUrl fields from libav. If StreamUrl is not an artwork // link then we also kick off async downloading of it. static int metadata_prepare(struct input_source *source) { struct http_icy_metadata *m; int changed; m = transcode_metadata(source->input_ctx, &changed); if (!m) return -1; if (!changed) { http_icy_metadata_free(m, 0); return -1; } swap_pointers(&prepared_metadata.parsed.artist, &m->artist); // Note we map title to album, because clients should show stream name as title swap_pointers(&prepared_metadata.parsed.album, &m->title); // In this case we have to go async to download the url and process the content if (m->url && !artwork_extension_is_artwork(m->url)) worker_execute(streamurl_cb, m->url, strlen(m->url) + 1, 0); else swap_pointers(&prepared_metadata.parsed.artwork_url, &m->url); http_icy_metadata_free(m, 0); return 0; } /*---------------------------- Input implementation --------------------------*/ // Important! If you change any of the below then consider if the change also // should be made in file.c static int setup(struct input_source *source) { struct transcode_ctx *ctx; char *url; if (http_stream_setup(&url, source->path) < 0) return -1; free(source->path); source->path = url; ctx = transcode_setup(XCODE_PCM_NATIVE, NULL, source->data_kind, source->path, source->len_ms); if (!ctx) return -1; CHECK_NULL(L_PLAYER, source->evbuf = evbuffer_new()); source->quality.sample_rate = transcode_encode_query(ctx->encode_ctx, "sample_rate"); source->quality.bits_per_sample = transcode_encode_query(ctx->encode_ctx, "bits_per_sample"); source->quality.channels = transcode_encode_query(ctx->encode_ctx, "channels"); source->input_ctx = ctx; return 0; } static int stop(struct input_source *source) { struct transcode_ctx *ctx = source->input_ctx; transcode_cleanup(&ctx); if (source->evbuf) evbuffer_free(source->evbuf); source->input_ctx = NULL; source->evbuf = NULL; return 0; } static int play(struct input_source *source) { struct transcode_ctx *ctx = source->input_ctx; int icy_timer; int ret; short flags; // We set "wanted" to 1 because the read size doesn't matter to us // TODO optimize? ret = transcode(source->evbuf, &icy_timer, ctx, 1); if (ret == 0) { input_write(source->evbuf, &source->quality, INPUT_FLAG_EOF); stop(source); return -1; } else if (ret < 0) { input_write(NULL, NULL, INPUT_FLAG_ERROR); stop(source); return -1; } flags = (icy_timer && metadata_prepare(source) == 0) ? INPUT_FLAG_METADATA : 0; input_write(source->evbuf, &source->quality, flags); return 0; } static int seek(struct input_source *source, int seek_ms) { // Stream is live/unknown length so can't seek. We return 0 anyway, because // it is valid for the input to request a seek, since the input is not // supposed to concern itself about this. if (source->len_ms == 0) return 0; return transcode_seek(source->input_ctx, seek_ms); } static int metadata_get(struct input_metadata *metadata, struct input_source *source) { pthread_mutex_lock(&prepared_metadata.lock); *metadata = prepared_metadata.parsed; // Ownership transferred to caller, null all pointers in the struct memset(&prepared_metadata.parsed, 0, sizeof(struct input_metadata)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&prepared_metadata.lock); return 0; } static int init(void) { CHECK_ERR(L_PLAYER, mutex_init(&prepared_metadata.lock)); return 0; } static void deinit(void) { CHECK_ERR(L_PLAYER, pthread_mutex_destroy(&prepared_metadata.lock)); } struct input_definition input_http = { .name = "http", .type = INPUT_TYPE_HTTP, .disabled = 0, .setup = setup, .play = play, .stop = stop, .metadata_get = metadata_get, .seek = seek, .init = init, .deinit = deinit, };