!define LANG "FRENCH" !insertmacro LANG_STRING PRODUCT_NAME "Firefly Media Server" ; Install strings !insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_BONJOUR_ERROR "Bonjour for Windows service not found. Please install Apple's Bonjour for Windows." !insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_STOPPING_SERVICE "Stopping Service..." !insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_WAITING_FOR_STOP "Waiting for service stop ($9)" ; Strings for the application install directory panel !insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_DESTFOLDER "Destination Folder" !insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_DESTDETAIL "Setup will install ${PRODUCT_NAME} in the following folder.$\r$\n$\r$\nTo install in a different folder, click Browse and select another folder. Click Next to continue." ; Strings for the music path directory panel !insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_MUSICTITLE "Choose Music Location" !insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_MUSICHEADER "Choose the folder containing music to share." !insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_MUSICFOLDER "Music Folder" !insertmacro LANG_STRING STRING_MUSICDETAIL "Setup will share the music in the following folder.$\r$\n$\r$\nTo share a different folder, click Browse and select another folder. Click Install to start the installation." ; These are for the startmenu shortcuts !insertmacro LANG_BOTHSTRING STRING_WEBSITE "Website" !insertmacro LANG_BOTHSTRING STRING_UNINSTALL "Uninstall" !insertmacro LANG_BOTHSTRING STRING_DEBUG_MODE "Debug Mode" !insertmacro LANG_BOTHSTRING STRING_FF_CONFIGURATION "Firefly Configuration" !insertmacro LANG_BOTHSTRING STRING_ADV_CONFIG "Advanced Configuration" ; Uninstall Strings !insertmacro LANG_UNSTRING STRING_UNINSTALLED "$(^Name) was successfully removed from your computer." !insertmacro LANG_UNSTRING STRING_AREYOUSURE "Are you sure you want to completely remove $(^Name) and all of its components?"