Event.observe(window,'load',initPlaylist); var SEARCH_DELAY = 500; // # ms without typing before the search box searches var BROWSE_TEXT_LEN = 30; // Length to truncate genre/artist/album select boxes Ajax.Responders.register({ onCreate: function () {$('busymsg').style.visibility='visible';}, onComplete: function () {if (!Query.busy) {$('busymsg').style.visibility='hidden';}}}); function initPlaylist() { new Ajax.Request('/databases/1/containers?output=xml',{method: 'get',onComplete:rsSource}); Query.send('genres'); Event.observe('search','keypress',Search.keyPress); Event.observe('source','change',EventHandler.sourceChange); Event.observe('genres','change',EventHandler.genresChange); Event.observe('artists','change',EventHandler.artistsChange); Event.observe('albums','change',EventHandler.albumsChange); // Firefox remebers the search box value on page reload Field.clear('search'); } // TODO // Find a decent spinner instad of the busy text // Handle 'all' in select boxes // move stuff to responsehandler // handle source change events var Search = { timeOut: '', keyPress: function (e) { if (this.timeOut) { window.clearTimeout(this.timeOut); } if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) { EventHandler.search(); } else { this.timeOut = window.setTimeout(EventHandler.search,SEARCH_DELAY); } } }; var EventHandler = { sourceChange: function (e) { alert('Playlist id:'+$('source').value); }, search: function () { Query.setSearchString($('search').value); Query.send('genres'); }, genresChange: function (e) { EventHandler.setSelected('genres'); Query.send('artists'); }, artistsChange: function (e) { EventHandler.setSelected('artists'); Query.send('albums'); }, albumsChange: function (e) { EventHandler.setSelected('albums'); Query.send('songs'); }, setSelected: function (type) { var options = $A($(type).options); Query.clearSelection(type); if ($(type).value != 'all') { options.each(function (option) { if (option.selected) { Query.addSelection(type,option.value); } }); } } }; var Query = { genres: [], artists:[], albums: [], busy: '', searchString: '', clearSelection: function (type) { this[type] = []; }, addSelection: function (type,value){ this[type].push(value); }, setSearchString: function (string) { this.searchString = string; }, getUrl: function (type) { var query=[]; switch (type) { case 'artists': if (this.genres.length > 0) { query = this.genres.collect(function(value){return "'daap.songgenre:"+value.encode()+"'";}); } break; case 'albums': if (this.artists.length > 0) { query = this.artists.collect(function(value){return "'daap.songartist:"+value.encode()+"'";}); } else if (this.genres.length > 0) { query = this.genres.collect(function(value){return "'daap.songgenre:"+value.encode()+"'";}); } break; case 'songs': if (this.albums.length > 0) { query = this.albums.collect(function(value){return "'daap.songalbum:"+value.encode()+"'";}); } else if (this.artists.length > 0) { query = this.artists.collect(function(value){return "'daap.songartist:"+value.encode()+"'";}); } else if (this.genres.length > 0) { query = this.genres.collect(function(value){return "'daap.songgenre:"+value.encode()+"'";}); } break; default: // Do nothing break; } if (this.searchString) { var search = []; var string = this.searchString.encode(); ['daap.songgenre','daap.songartist','daap.songalbum','dmap.itemname'].each(function (item) { search.push("'" + item +':*' + string + "*'"); }); if (query.length > 0) { return '&query=(' +search.join(',') + ')+('.encode() + query.join(',')+ ')'; } else { return '&query=' + search.join(','); } } else { if (query.length > 0) { return '&query=' + query.join(','); } else { return ''; } } }, send: function (type) { this.busy = true; var url; var handler; var meta = ''; var index = ''; switch (type) { case 'genres': url = '/databases/1/browse/genres'; handler = ResponseHandler.genreAlbumArtist; break; case 'artists': url = '/databases/1/browse/artists'; handler = ResponseHandler.genreAlbumArtist; break; case 'albums': url = '/databases/1/browse/albums'; handler = ResponseHandler.genreAlbumArtist; break; case 'songs': url = '/databases/1/items'; meta = '&meta=daap.songalbum,daap.songartist,daap.songgenre,dmap.itemid,daap.songtime,dmap.itemname'; index = '&index=0-50'; handler = rsSongs; break; default: alert("Shouldn't happen 2"); break; } url = url + '?output=xml' + index + meta + this.getUrl(type); new Ajax.Request(url ,{method: 'get',onComplete:handler}); } }; var ResponseHandler = { genreAlbumArtist: function (request) { var type; if (request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('daap.browsegenrelisting').length > 0) { type = 'genres'; } if (request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('daap.browseartistlisting').length > 0) { type = 'artists'; } if (request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('daap.browsealbumlisting').length > 0) { type = 'albums'; } var items = $A(request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dmap.listingitem')); items = items.collect(function (el) { return Element.textContent(el); }).sort(); var select = $(type); Element.removeChildren(select); var o = document.createElement('option'); o.value = 'all'; o.appendChild(document.createTextNode('All (' + items.length + ' ' + type + ')')); select.appendChild(o); var selected = {}; Query[type].each(function(item) { selected[item] = true; }); Query.clearSelection(type); if (addOptions(type,items,selected)) { select.value='all'; } switch (type) { case 'genres': Query.send('artists'); break; case 'artists': Query.send('albums'); break; case 'albums': Query.send('songs'); break; default: alert("Shouldn't happen 3"); break; } } }; function addOptions(type,options,selected) { el = $(type); var nothingSelected = true; options.each(function (option) { var node; //###FIXME I have no idea why the Builder.node can't create options // with the selected state I want. var o = document.createElement('option'); o.value = option; var text = option.truncate(BROWSE_TEXT_LEN); if (option.length != text.length) { o.title = option; o.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); } else { o.appendChild(document.createTextNode(option)); } if (selected[option]) { o.selected = true; nothingSelected = false; Query.addSelection(type,option); } else { o.selected = false; } el.appendChild(o); }); return nothingSelected; } function rsSource(request) { var items = $A(request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dmap.listingitem')); var sourceSelect = $('source'); var smartPlaylists = []; var staticPlaylists = []; Element.removeChildren(sourceSelect); items.each(function (item,index) { if (0 === index) { // Skip Library return; } if (item.getElementsByTagName('com.apple.itunes.smart-playlist').length > 0) { smartPlaylists.push({name: Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('dmap.itemname')[0]), id: Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('dmap.itemid')[0])}); } else { staticPlaylists.push({name: Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('dmap.itemname')[0]), id: Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('dmap.itemid')[0])}); } }); sourceSelect.appendChild(Builder.node('option',{value: '1'},'Library')); if (smartPlaylists.length > 0) { optgroup = Builder.node('optgroup',{label: 'Smart playlists'}); smartPlaylists.each(function (item) { var option = document.createElement('option'); optgroup.appendChild(Builder.node('option',{value: item.id},item.name)); }); sourceSelect.appendChild(optgroup); } if (staticPlaylists.length > 0) { optgroup = Builder.node('optgroup',{label: 'Static playlists'}); staticPlaylists.each(function (item) { var option = document.createElement('option'); optgroup.appendChild(Builder.node('option',{value: item.id},item.name)); }); sourceSelect.appendChild(optgroup); } // Select Library sourceSelect.value = 1; } function rsSongs(request) { var items = $A(request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dmap.listingitem')); var songsTable = $('songs_data'); Element.removeChildren(songsTable); items.each(function (item) { var tr = document.createElement('tr'); var time = parseInt(Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('daap.songtime')[0])); time = Math.round(time / 1000); var seconds = time % 60; seconds = (seconds < 10) ? '0'+seconds : seconds; timeString = Math.floor(time/60)+ ':' + seconds; tr.appendChild(Builder.node('td',{style:'width: 140px;'},Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('dmap.itemname')[0]))); tr.appendChild(Builder.node('td',{style:'width: 50px;'},timeString)); tr.appendChild(Builder.node('td',{style:'width: 120px;'},Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('daap.songartist')[0]))); tr.appendChild(Builder.node('td',{style:'width: 120px;'},Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('daap.songalbum')[0]))); tr.appendChild(Builder.node('td',{style:'width: 100px;'},Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('daap.songgenre')[0]))); songsTable.appendChild(tr); }); Query.busy = false; } Object.extend(Element, { removeChildren: function(element) { while(element.hasChildNodes()) { element.removeChild(element.firstChild); } }, textContent: function(node) { if ((!node) || !node.hasChildNodes()) { // Empty text node return ''; } else { if (node.textContent) { // W3C ? return node.textContent; } else if (node.text) { // IE return node.text; } } // We shouldn't end up here; return ''; } }); String.prototype.encode = function () { return encodeURIComponent(this).replace(/\'/g,"\\'"); }; // Stolen from prototype 1.5 String.prototype.truncate = function(length, truncation) { length = length || 30; truncation = truncation === undefined ? '...' : truncation; var ret = (this.length > length) ? this.slice(0, length - truncation.length) + truncation : this; return '' + ret; }; function add() { alert('add'); } /* Detta script finns att hamta pa http://www.jojoxx.net och far anvandas fritt sa lange som dessa rader star kvar. */ function DataDumper(obj,n,prefix){ var str=""; prefix=(prefix)?prefix:""; n=(n)?n+1:1; var ind=""; for(var i=0;i<n;i++){ ind+=" "; } if(typeof(obj)=="string"){ str+=ind+prefix+"String:\""+obj+"\"\n"; } else if(typeof(obj)=="number"){ str+=ind+prefix+"Number:"+obj+"\n"; } else if(typeof(obj)=="function"){ str+=ind+prefix+"Function:"+obj+"\n"; } else if(typeof(obj) == 'boolean') { str+=ind+prefix+"Boolean:" + obj + "\n"; } else { var type="Array"; for(var i in obj){ type=(type=="Array"&&i==parseInt(i))?"Array":"Object"; } str+=ind+prefix+type+"[\n"; if(type=="Array"){ for(var i in obj){ str+=DataDumper(obj[i],n,i+"=>"); } } else { for(var i in obj){ str+=DataDumper(obj[i],n,i+"=>"); } } str+=ind+"]\n"; } return str; }