/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Julien BLACHE * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_EVENTFD # include #endif #include #include #include "logger.h" #include "db.h" #include "conffile.h" #include "misc.h" #include "worker.h" #include "httpd.h" #include "httpd_internal.h" #include "transcode.h" #ifdef LASTFM # include "lastfm.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBWEBSOCKETS # include "websocket.h" #endif #define STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE (64 * 1024) #define ERR_PAGE "\n\n" \ "%d %s\n" \ "\n\n" \ "


\n" \ "\n\n" #define HTTPD_STREAM_SAMPLE_RATE 44100 #define HTTPD_STREAM_BPS 16 #define HTTPD_STREAM_CHANNELS 2 extern struct httpd_module httpd_dacp; extern struct httpd_module httpd_daap; extern struct httpd_module httpd_jsonapi; extern struct httpd_module httpd_artworkapi; extern struct httpd_module httpd_streaming; extern struct httpd_module httpd_oauth; extern struct httpd_module httpd_rsp; // Must be in sync with enum httpd_modules static struct httpd_module *httpd_modules[] = { &httpd_dacp, &httpd_daap, &httpd_jsonapi, &httpd_artworkapi, &httpd_streaming, &httpd_oauth, &httpd_rsp, NULL }; struct content_type_map { char *ext; char *ctype; }; struct stream_ctx { struct httpd_request *hreq; uint8_t *buf; struct evbuffer *evbuf; struct event *ev; int id; int fd; off_t size; off_t stream_size; off_t offset; off_t start_offset; off_t end_offset; int marked; struct transcode_ctx *xcode; }; static const struct content_type_map ext2ctype[] = { { ".html", "text/html; charset=utf-8" }, { ".xml", "text/xml; charset=utf-8" }, { ".css", "text/css; charset=utf-8" }, { ".txt", "text/plain; charset=utf-8" }, { ".js", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8" }, { ".gif", "image/gif" }, { ".ico", "image/x-ico" }, { ".png", "image/png" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static char webroot_directory[PATH_MAX]; struct event_base *evbase_httpd; #ifdef HAVE_EVENTFD static int exit_efd; #else static int exit_pipe[2]; #endif static int httpd_exit; static struct event *exitev; static httpd_server *httpd_serv; static pthread_t tid_httpd; static const char *httpd_allow_origin; static int httpd_port; /* -------------------------------- HELPERS --------------------------------- */ static int path_is_legal(const char *path) { return strncmp(webroot_directory, path, strlen(webroot_directory)); } /* Callback from the worker thread (async operation as it may block) */ static void playcount_inc_cb(void *arg) { int *id = arg; db_file_inc_playcount(*id); } #ifdef LASTFM /* Callback from the worker thread (async operation as it may block) */ static void scrobble_cb(void *arg) { int *id = arg; lastfm_scrobble(*id); } #endif /* --------------------------- MODULES INTERFACE ---------------------------- */ static void modules_handlers_unset(struct httpd_uri_map *uri_map) { struct httpd_uri_map *uri; for (uri = uri_map; uri->preg; uri++) { regfree(uri->preg); // Frees allocation by regcomp free(uri->preg); // Frees our own calloc } } static int modules_handlers_set(struct httpd_uri_map *uri_map) { struct httpd_uri_map *uri; char buf[64]; int ret; for (uri = uri_map; uri->handler; uri++) { uri->preg = calloc(1, sizeof(regex_t)); if (!uri->preg) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Error setting URI handler, out of memory"); goto error; } ret = regcomp(uri->preg, uri->regexp, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB); if (ret != 0) { regerror(ret, uri->preg, buf, sizeof(buf)); DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Error setting URI handler, regexp error: %s\n", buf); goto error; } } return 0; error: modules_handlers_unset(uri_map); return -1; } static int modules_init(void) { struct httpd_module **ptr; struct httpd_module *m; for (ptr = httpd_modules; *ptr; ptr++) { m = *ptr; m->initialized = (!m->init || m->init() == 0); if (!m->initialized) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "%s init failed\n", m->name); return -1; } if (modules_handlers_set(m->handlers) != 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "%s handler configuration failed\n", m->name); return -1; } } return 0; } static void modules_deinit(void) { struct httpd_module **ptr; struct httpd_module *m; for (ptr = httpd_modules; *ptr; ptr++) { m = *ptr; if (m->initialized && m->deinit) m->deinit(); modules_handlers_unset(m->handlers); } } static struct httpd_module * modules_search(const char *path) { struct httpd_module **ptr; struct httpd_module *m; const char **test; bool is_found = false; for (ptr = httpd_modules; *ptr; ptr++) { m = *ptr; if (!m->subpaths || !m->request) continue; for (test = m->subpaths; *test && !is_found; test++) is_found = (strncmp(path, *test, strlen(*test)) == 0); for (test = m->fullpaths; *test && !is_found; test++) is_found = (strcmp(path, *test) == 0); if (is_found) return m; } return NULL; } /* --------------------------- REQUEST HELPERS ------------------------------ */ static void request_unset(struct httpd_request *hreq) { if (hreq->out_body) evbuffer_free(hreq->out_body); httpd_uri_parsed_free(hreq->uri_parsed); } static void request_set(struct httpd_request *hreq, httpd_backend *backend, const char *uri, const char *user_agent) { struct httpd_uri_map *map; int ret; memset(hreq, 0, sizeof(struct httpd_request)); // Populate hreq by getting values from the backend (or from the caller) hreq->backend = backend; if (backend) { hreq->uri = httpd_backend_uri_get(backend); hreq->in_headers = httpd_backend_input_headers_get(backend); hreq->out_headers = httpd_backend_output_headers_get(backend); hreq->in_body = httpd_backend_input_buffer_get(backend); httpd_backend_method_get(&hreq->method, backend); httpd_backend_peer_get(&hreq->peer_address, &hreq->peer_port, backend); hreq->user_agent = httpd_header_find(hreq->in_headers, "User-Agent"); } else { hreq->uri = uri; hreq->user_agent = user_agent; } // Don't write directly to backend's buffer. This way we are sure we own the // buffer even if there is no backend. CHECK_NULL(L_HTTPD, hreq->out_body = evbuffer_new()); hreq->uri_parsed = httpd_uri_parsed_create(hreq->uri); if (!hreq->uri_parsed) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Unable to parse URI '%s' in request from '%s'\n", hreq->uri, hreq->peer_address); return; } hreq->path = httpd_uri_path_get(hreq->uri_parsed); hreq->query = httpd_uri_query_get(hreq->uri_parsed); httpd_uri_path_parts_get(&hreq->path_parts, hreq->uri_parsed); // Path with e.g. /api -> JSON module hreq->module = modules_search(hreq->path); if (!hreq->module) { return; } for (map = hreq->module->handlers; map->handler; map++) { // Check if handler supports the current http request method if (map->method && hreq->method && !(map->method & hreq->method)) continue; ret = regexec(map->preg, hreq->path, 0, NULL, 0); if (ret != 0) continue; hreq->handler = map->handler; break; } } void httpd_redirect_to(struct httpd_request *hreq, const char *path) { httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Location", path); httpd_send_reply(hreq, HTTP_MOVETEMP, "Moved", NULL, HTTPD_SEND_NO_GZIP); } /* * Checks if the given ETag matches the "If-None-Match" request header * * If the request does not contains a "If-None-Match" header value or the value * does not match the given ETag, it returns false (modified) and adds the * "Cache-Control" and "ETag" headers to the response header. * * @param req The request with request and response headers * @param etag The valid ETag for the requested resource * @return True if the given ETag matches the request-header-value "If-None-Match", otherwise false */ bool httpd_request_etag_matches(struct httpd_request *hreq, const char *etag) { const char *none_match; none_match = httpd_header_find(hreq->in_headers, "If-None-Match"); // Return not modified, if given timestamp matches "If-Modified-Since" request header if (none_match && (strcasecmp(etag, none_match) == 0)) return true; // Add cache headers to allow client side caching httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Cache-Control", "private,no-cache,max-age=0"); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "ETag", etag); return false; } /* * Checks if the given timestamp matches the "If-Modified-Since" request header * * If the request does not contains a "If-Modified-Since" header value or the value * does not match the given timestamp, it returns false (modified) and adds the * "Cache-Control" and "Last-Modified" headers to the response header. * * @param req The request with request and response headers * @param mtime The last modified timestamp for the requested resource * @return True if the given timestamp matches the request-header-value "If-Modified-Since", otherwise false */ bool httpd_request_not_modified_since(struct httpd_request *hreq, time_t mtime) { char last_modified[1000]; const char *modified_since; struct tm timebuf; modified_since = httpd_header_find(hreq->in_headers, "If-Modified-Since"); strftime(last_modified, sizeof(last_modified), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", gmtime_r(&mtime, &timebuf)); // Return not modified, if given timestamp matches "If-Modified-Since" request header if (modified_since && (strcasecmp(last_modified, modified_since) == 0)) return true; // Add cache headers to allow client side caching httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Cache-Control", "private,no-cache,max-age=0"); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Last-Modified", last_modified); return false; } void httpd_response_not_cachable(struct httpd_request *hreq) { // Remove potentially set cache control headers httpd_header_remove(hreq->out_headers, "Cache-Control"); httpd_header_remove(hreq->out_headers, "Last-Modified"); httpd_header_remove(hreq->out_headers, "ETag"); // Tell clients that they are not allowed to cache this response httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Cache-Control", "no-store"); } static void serve_file(struct httpd_request *hreq) { char *ext; char path[PATH_MAX]; char deref[PATH_MAX]; char *ctype; struct evbuffer *evbuf; struct stat sb; int fd; int i; uint8_t buf[4096]; bool slashed; int ret; /* Check authentication */ if (!httpd_admin_check_auth(hreq)) return; ret = snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", webroot_directory, hreq->path); if ((ret < 0) || (ret >= sizeof(path))) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Request exceeds PATH_MAX: %s\n", hreq->uri); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); return; } if (!realpath(path, deref)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not dereference %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); return; } if (strlen(deref) >= PATH_MAX) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Dereferenced path exceeds PATH_MAX: %s\n", path); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); return; } ret = lstat(deref, &sb); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_HTTPD, "Could not lstat() %s: %s\n", deref, strerror(errno)); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); return; } if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { slashed = (path[strlen(path) - 1] == '/'); strncat(path, ((slashed) ? "index.html" : "/index.html"), sizeof(path) - strlen(path) - 1); if (!realpath(path, deref)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not dereference %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); return; } if (strlen(deref) >= PATH_MAX) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Dereferenced path exceeds PATH_MAX: %s\n", path); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); return; } ret = stat(deref, &sb); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not stat() %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); return; } } if (path_is_legal(deref) != 0) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_HTTPD, "Access to file outside the web root dir forbidden: %s\n", deref); httpd_send_error(hreq, 403, "Forbidden"); return; } if (httpd_request_not_modified_since(hreq, sb.st_mtime)) { httpd_send_reply(hreq, HTTP_NOTMODIFIED, NULL, NULL, HTTPD_SEND_NO_GZIP); return; } evbuf = evbuffer_new(); if (!evbuf) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not create evbuffer\n"); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal error"); return; } fd = open(deref, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not open %s: %s\n", deref, strerror(errno)); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); evbuffer_free(evbuf); return; } ret = evbuffer_expand(evbuf, sb.st_size); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Out of memory for htdocs-file\n"); goto out_fail; } while ((ret = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) evbuffer_add(evbuf, buf, ret); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not read file into evbuffer\n"); goto out_fail; } ctype = "application/octet-stream"; ext = strrchr(path, '.'); if (ext) { for (i = 0; ext2ctype[i].ext; i++) { if (strcmp(ext, ext2ctype[i].ext) == 0) { ctype = ext2ctype[i].ctype; break; } } } httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Type", ctype); httpd_send_reply(hreq, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf, HTTPD_SEND_NO_GZIP); evbuffer_free(evbuf); close(fd); return; out_fail: httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal error"); evbuffer_free(evbuf); close(fd); } /* ---------------------------- STREAM HANDLING ----------------------------- */ static void stream_end(struct stream_ctx *st, int failed) { httpd_request_closecb_set(st->hreq, NULL, NULL); if (!failed) httpd_send_reply_end(st->hreq); evbuffer_free(st->evbuf); event_free(st->ev); if (st->xcode) transcode_cleanup(&st->xcode); else { free(st->buf); close(st->fd); } free(st); } static void stream_end_register(struct stream_ctx *st) { if (!st->marked && (st->stream_size > ((st->size * 50) / 100)) && (st->offset > ((st->size * 80) / 100))) { st->marked = 1; worker_execute(playcount_inc_cb, &st->id, sizeof(int), 0); #ifdef LASTFM worker_execute(scrobble_cb, &st->id, sizeof(int), 1); #endif } } static void stream_chunk_resched_cb(httpd_connection *conn, void *arg) { struct stream_ctx *st; struct timeval tv; int ret; st = (struct stream_ctx *)arg; evutil_timerclear(&tv); ret = event_add(st->ev, &tv); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not re-add one-shot event for streaming\n"); stream_end(st, 0); } } static void stream_chunk_xcode_cb(int fd, short event, void *arg) { struct stream_ctx *st; struct timeval tv; int xcoded; int ret; st = (struct stream_ctx *)arg; xcoded = transcode(st->evbuf, NULL, st->xcode, STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE); if (xcoded <= 0) { if (xcoded == 0) DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_HTTPD, "Done streaming transcoded file id %d\n", st->id); else DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Transcoding error, file id %d\n", st->id); stream_end(st, 0); return; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "Got %d bytes from transcode; streaming file id %d\n", xcoded, st->id); /* Consume transcoded data until we meet start_offset */ if (st->start_offset > st->offset) { ret = st->start_offset - st->offset; if (ret < xcoded) { evbuffer_drain(st->evbuf, ret); st->offset += ret; ret = xcoded - ret; } else { evbuffer_drain(st->evbuf, xcoded); st->offset += xcoded; goto consume; } } else ret = xcoded; httpd_send_reply_chunk(st->hreq, st->evbuf, stream_chunk_resched_cb, st); st->offset += ret; stream_end_register(st); return; consume: /* reschedule immediately - consume up to start_offset */ evutil_timerclear(&tv); ret = event_add(st->ev, &tv); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not re-add one-shot event for streaming (xcode)\n"); stream_end(st, 0); return; } } static void stream_chunk_raw_cb(int fd, short event, void *arg) { struct stream_ctx *st; size_t chunk_size; int ret; st = (struct stream_ctx *)arg; if (st->end_offset && (st->offset > st->end_offset)) { stream_end(st, 0); return; } if (st->end_offset && ((st->offset + STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE) > (st->end_offset + 1))) chunk_size = st->end_offset + 1 - st->offset; else chunk_size = STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE; ret = read(st->fd, st->buf, chunk_size); if (ret <= 0) { if (ret == 0) DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_HTTPD, "Done streaming file id %d\n", st->id); else DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Streaming error, file id %d\n", st->id); stream_end(st, 0); return; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "Read %d bytes; streaming file id %d\n", ret, st->id); evbuffer_add(st->evbuf, st->buf, ret); httpd_send_reply_chunk(st->hreq, st->evbuf, stream_chunk_resched_cb, st); st->offset += ret; stream_end_register(st); } static void stream_fail_cb(httpd_connection *conn, void *arg) { struct stream_ctx *st; st = (struct stream_ctx *)arg; DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_HTTPD, "Connection failed; stopping streaming of file ID %d\n", st->id); /* Stop streaming */ event_del(st->ev); stream_end(st, 1); } /* ---------------------------- MAIN HTTPD THREAD --------------------------- */ static void * httpd(void *arg) { int ret; ret = db_perthread_init(); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Error: DB init failed\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } event_base_dispatch(evbase_httpd); if (!httpd_exit) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "HTTPd event loop terminated ahead of time!\n"); db_perthread_deinit(); pthread_exit(NULL); } static void exit_cb(int fd, short event, void *arg) { event_base_loopbreak(evbase_httpd); httpd_exit = 1; } static int handle_cors_preflight(struct httpd_request *hreq, const char *allow_origin) { bool is_cors_preflight; is_cors_preflight = ( hreq->method == HTTPD_METHOD_OPTIONS && hreq->in_headers && allow_origin && httpd_header_find(hreq->in_headers, "Origin") && httpd_header_find(hreq->in_headers, "Access-Control-Request-Method") ); if (!is_cors_preflight) return -1; httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", allow_origin); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "authorization"); // In this case there is no reason to go through httpd_send_reply httpd_backend_reply_send(hreq->backend, HTTP_OK, "OK", NULL); return 0; } static void httpd_gen_cb(httpd_backend *backend, void *arg) { struct httpd_request hreq; // This is to make modifications to e.g. evhttps's request object httpd_backend_preprocess(backend); // Populates the hreq struct request_set(&hreq, backend, NULL, NULL); // Did we get a CORS preflight request? if (handle_cors_preflight(&hreq, httpd_allow_origin) == 0) { goto out; } if (!(&hreq)->uri || !(&hreq)->uri_parsed) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_HTTPD, "Invalid URI in request: '%s'\n", (&hreq)->uri); httpd_redirect_to(&hreq, "/"); goto out; } else if (!(&hreq)->path) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_HTTPD, "Invalid path in request: '%s'\n", (&hreq)->uri); httpd_redirect_to(&hreq, "/"); goto out; } if ((&hreq)->module) { (&hreq)->module->request(&hreq); } else { // Serve web interface files DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "HTTP request: '%s'\n", (&hreq)->uri); serve_file(&hreq); } out: request_unset(&hreq); } /* ------------------------------- HTTPD API -------------------------------- */ void httpd_request_unset(struct httpd_request *hreq) { request_unset(hreq); } void httpd_request_set(struct httpd_request *hreq, const char *uri, const char *user_agent) { request_set(hreq, NULL, uri, user_agent); } /* Thread: httpd */ void httpd_stream_file(struct httpd_request *hreq, int id) { struct media_quality quality = { HTTPD_STREAM_SAMPLE_RATE, HTTPD_STREAM_BPS, HTTPD_STREAM_CHANNELS, 0 }; struct media_file_info *mfi; struct stream_ctx *st; void (*stream_cb)(int fd, short event, void *arg); struct stat sb; struct timeval tv; const char *param; const char *param_end; const char *client_codecs; char buf[64]; int64_t offset; int64_t end_offset; off_t pos; int transcode; int ret; offset = 0; end_offset = 0; param = httpd_header_find(hreq->in_headers, "Range"); if (param) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "Found Range header: %s\n", param); /* Start offset */ ret = safe_atoi64(param + strlen("bytes="), &offset); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Invalid start offset, will stream whole file (%s)\n", param); offset = 0; } /* End offset, if any */ else { param_end = strchr(param, '-'); if (param_end && (strlen(param_end) > 1)) { ret = safe_atoi64(param_end + 1, &end_offset); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Invalid end offset, will stream to end of file (%s)\n", param); end_offset = 0; } if (end_offset < offset) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "End offset < start offset, will stream to end of file (%" PRIi64 " < %" PRIi64 ")\n", end_offset, offset); end_offset = 0; } } } } mfi = db_file_fetch_byid(id); if (!mfi) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Item %d not found\n", id); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); return; } if (mfi->data_kind != DATA_KIND_FILE) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not serve '%s' to client, not a file\n", mfi->path); httpd_send_error(hreq, 500, "Cannot stream non-file content"); goto out_free_mfi; } st = (struct stream_ctx *)malloc(sizeof(struct stream_ctx)); if (!st) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Out of memory for struct stream_ctx\n"); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal Server Error"); goto out_free_mfi; } memset(st, 0, sizeof(struct stream_ctx)); st->fd = -1; client_codecs = httpd_header_find(hreq->in_headers, "Accept-Codecs"); transcode = transcode_needed(hreq->user_agent, client_codecs, mfi->codectype); if (transcode) { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_HTTPD, "Preparing to transcode %s\n", mfi->path); stream_cb = stream_chunk_xcode_cb; st->xcode = transcode_setup(XCODE_PCM16_HEADER, &quality, mfi->data_kind, mfi->path, mfi->song_length, &st->size); if (!st->xcode) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_HTTPD, "Transcoding setup failed, aborting streaming\n"); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal Server Error"); goto out_free_st; } if (!httpd_header_find(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Type")) httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Type", "audio/wav"); } else { /* Stream the raw file */ DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_HTTPD, "Preparing to stream %s\n", mfi->path); st->buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE); if (!st->buf) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Out of memory for raw streaming buffer\n"); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal Server Error"); goto out_free_st; } stream_cb = stream_chunk_raw_cb; st->fd = open(mfi->path, O_RDONLY); if (st->fd < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not open %s: %s\n", mfi->path, strerror(errno)); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); goto out_cleanup; } ret = stat(mfi->path, &sb); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not stat() %s: %s\n", mfi->path, strerror(errno)); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); goto out_cleanup; } st->size = sb.st_size; pos = lseek(st->fd, offset, SEEK_SET); if (pos == (off_t) -1) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not seek into %s: %s\n", mfi->path, strerror(errno)); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); goto out_cleanup; } st->offset = offset; st->end_offset = end_offset; /* Content-Type for video files is different than for audio files * and overrides whatever may have been set previously, like * application/x-dmap-tagged when we're speaking DAAP. */ if (mfi->has_video) { /* Front Row and others expect video/ */ ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "video/%s", mfi->type); if ((ret < 0) || (ret >= sizeof(buf))) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Content-Type too large for buffer, dropping\n"); else { httpd_header_remove(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Type"); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Type", buf); } } /* If no Content-Type has been set and we're streaming audio, add a proper * Content-Type for the file we're streaming. Remember DAAP streams audio * with application/x-dmap-tagged as the Content-Type (ugh!). */ else if (!httpd_header_find(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Type") && mfi->type) { ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "audio/%s", mfi->type); if ((ret < 0) || (ret >= sizeof(buf))) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Content-Type too large for buffer, dropping\n"); else httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Type", buf); } } st->evbuf = evbuffer_new(); if (!st->evbuf) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not allocate an evbuffer for streaming\n"); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal Server Error"); goto out_cleanup; } ret = evbuffer_expand(st->evbuf, STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE); if (ret != 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not expand evbuffer for streaming\n"); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal Server Error"); goto out_cleanup; } st->ev = event_new(evbase_httpd, -1, EV_TIMEOUT, stream_cb, st); evutil_timerclear(&tv); if (!st->ev || (event_add(st->ev, &tv) < 0)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not add one-shot event for streaming\n"); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal Server Error"); goto out_cleanup; } st->id = mfi->id; st->start_offset = offset; st->stream_size = st->size; st->hreq = hreq; if ((offset == 0) && (end_offset == 0)) { /* If we are not decoding, send the Content-Length. We don't do * that if we are decoding because we can only guesstimate the * size in this case and the error margin is unknown and variable. */ if (!transcode) { ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi64, (int64_t)st->size); if ((ret < 0) || (ret >= sizeof(buf))) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Content-Length too large for buffer, dropping\n"); else httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Length", buf); } httpd_send_reply_start(hreq, HTTP_OK, "OK"); } else { if (offset > 0) st->stream_size -= offset; if (end_offset > 0) st->stream_size -= (st->size - end_offset); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "Stream request with range %" PRIi64 "-%" PRIi64 "\n", offset, end_offset); ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "bytes %" PRIi64 "-%" PRIi64 "/%" PRIi64, offset, (end_offset) ? end_offset : (int64_t)st->size, (int64_t)st->size); if ((ret < 0) || (ret >= sizeof(buf))) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Content-Range too large for buffer, dropping\n"); else httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Range", buf); ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi64, ((end_offset) ? end_offset + 1 : (int64_t)st->size) - offset); if ((ret < 0) || (ret >= sizeof(buf))) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Content-Length too large for buffer, dropping\n"); else httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Length", buf); httpd_send_reply_start(hreq, 206, "Partial Content"); } #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE if (!transcode) { /* Hint the OS */ if ( (ret = posix_fadvise(st->fd, st->start_offset, st->stream_size, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED)) != 0 || (ret = posix_fadvise(st->fd, st->start_offset, st->stream_size, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL)) != 0 || (ret = posix_fadvise(st->fd, st->start_offset, st->stream_size, POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE)) != 0 ) DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "posix_fadvise() failed with error %d\n", ret); } #endif httpd_request_closecb_set(hreq, stream_fail_cb, st); DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_HTTPD, "Kicking off streaming for %s\n", mfi->path); free_mfi(mfi, 0); return; out_cleanup: if (st->evbuf) evbuffer_free(st->evbuf); if (st->xcode) transcode_cleanup(&st->xcode); if (st->buf) free(st->buf); if (st->fd > 0) close(st->fd); out_free_st: free(st); out_free_mfi: free_mfi(mfi, 0); } struct evbuffer * httpd_gzip_deflate(struct evbuffer *in) { struct evbuffer *out; struct evbuffer_iovec iovec[1]; z_stream strm; int ret; strm.zalloc = Z_NULL; strm.zfree = Z_NULL; strm.opaque = Z_NULL; // Just to keep Coverity from complaining about uninitialized values strm.total_in = 0; strm.total_out = 0; // Set up a gzip stream (the "+ 16" in 15 + 16), instead of a zlib stream (default) ret = deflateInit2(&strm, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, 15 + 16, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY); if (ret != Z_OK) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "zlib setup failed: %s\n", zError(ret)); return NULL; } strm.next_in = evbuffer_pullup(in, -1); strm.avail_in = evbuffer_get_length(in); out = evbuffer_new(); if (!out) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not allocate evbuffer for gzipped reply\n"); goto out_deflate_end; } // We use this to avoid a memcpy. The 512 is an arbitrary padding to make sure // there is enough space, even if the compressed output should be slightly // larger than input (could happen with small inputs). ret = evbuffer_reserve_space(out, strm.avail_in + 512, iovec, 1); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not reserve memory for gzipped reply\n"); goto out_evbuf_free; } strm.next_out = iovec[0].iov_base; strm.avail_out = iovec[0].iov_len; ret = deflate(&strm, Z_FINISH); if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) goto out_evbuf_free; iovec[0].iov_len -= strm.avail_out; evbuffer_commit_space(out, iovec, 1); deflateEnd(&strm); return out; out_evbuf_free: evbuffer_free(out); out_deflate_end: deflateEnd(&strm); return NULL; } void httpd_send_reply(struct httpd_request *hreq, int code, const char *reason, struct evbuffer *evbuf, enum httpd_send_flags flags) { struct evbuffer *gzbuf; const char *param; int do_gzip; if (!hreq->backend) return; do_gzip = ( (!(flags & HTTPD_SEND_NO_GZIP)) && evbuf && (evbuffer_get_length(evbuf) > 512) && (param = httpd_header_find(hreq->in_headers, "Accept-Encoding")) && (strstr(param, "gzip") || strstr(param, "*")) ); if (httpd_allow_origin) httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", httpd_allow_origin); if (do_gzip && (gzbuf = httpd_gzip_deflate(evbuf))) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "Gzipping response\n"); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Encoding", "gzip"); httpd_backend_reply_send(hreq->backend, code, reason, gzbuf); evbuffer_free(gzbuf); // Drain original buffer, as would be after evhttp_send_reply() evbuffer_drain(evbuf, evbuffer_get_length(evbuf)); } else { httpd_backend_reply_send(hreq->backend, code, reason, evbuf); } } void httpd_send_reply_start(struct httpd_request *hreq, int code, const char *reason) { httpd_backend_reply_start_send(hreq->backend, code, reason); } void httpd_send_reply_chunk(struct httpd_request *hreq, struct evbuffer *evbuf, httpd_connection_chunkcb cb, void *arg) { httpd_backend_reply_chunk_send(hreq->backend, evbuf, cb, arg); } void httpd_send_reply_end(struct httpd_request *hreq) { httpd_backend_reply_end_send(hreq->backend); } // This is a modified version of evhttp_send_error (credit libevent) void httpd_send_error(struct httpd_request *hreq, int error, const char *reason) { struct evbuffer *evbuf; httpd_headers_clear(hreq->out_headers); if (httpd_allow_origin) httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", httpd_allow_origin); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Type", "text/html"); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Connection", "close"); evbuf = evbuffer_new(); if (!evbuf) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not allocate evbuffer for error page\n"); else evbuffer_add_printf(evbuf, ERR_PAGE, error, reason, reason); httpd_backend_reply_send(hreq->backend, error, reason, evbuf); if (evbuf) evbuffer_free(evbuf); } bool httpd_admin_check_auth(struct httpd_request *hreq) { const char *passwd; int ret; if (net_peer_address_is_trusted(hreq->peer_address)) return true; passwd = cfg_getstr(cfg_getsec(cfg, "general"), "admin_password"); if (!passwd) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Web interface request to '%s' denied: No password set in the config\n", hreq->uri); httpd_send_error(hreq, 403, "Forbidden"); return false; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "Checking web interface authentication\n"); ret = httpd_basic_auth(hreq, "admin", passwd, PACKAGE " web interface"); if (ret != 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Web interface request to '%s' denied: Incorrect password\n", hreq->uri); // httpd_basic_auth has sent a reply return false; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "Authentication successful\n"); return true; } int httpd_basic_auth(struct httpd_request *hreq, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *realm) { struct evbuffer *evbuf; char header[256]; const char *auth; char *authuser; char *authpwd; int ret; auth = httpd_header_find(hreq->in_headers, "Authorization"); if (!auth) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "No Authorization header\n"); goto need_auth; } if (strncmp(auth, "Basic ", strlen("Basic ")) != 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Bad Authentication header\n"); goto need_auth; } auth += strlen("Basic "); authuser = (char *)b64_decode(NULL, auth); if (!authuser) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not decode Authentication header\n"); goto need_auth; } authpwd = strchr(authuser, ':'); if (!authpwd) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Malformed Authentication header\n"); free(authuser); goto need_auth; } *authpwd = '\0'; authpwd++; if (user) { if (strcmp(user, authuser) != 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Username mismatch\n"); free(authuser); goto need_auth; } } if (strcmp(passwd, authpwd) != 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Bad password\n"); free(authuser); goto need_auth; } free(authuser); return 0; need_auth: ret = snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "Basic realm=\"%s\"", realm); if ((ret < 0) || (ret >= sizeof(header))) { httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal Server Error"); return -1; } evbuf = evbuffer_new(); if (!evbuf) { httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal Server Error"); return -1; } httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "WWW-Authenticate", header); evbuffer_add_printf(evbuf, ERR_PAGE, 401, "Unauthorized", "Authorization required"); httpd_send_reply(hreq, 401, "Unauthorized", evbuf, HTTPD_SEND_NO_GZIP); evbuffer_free(evbuf); return -1; } /* Thread: main */ int httpd_init(const char *webroot) { struct stat sb; int ret; httpd_exit = 0; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "Starting web server with root directory '%s'\n", webroot); ret = stat(webroot, &sb); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Could not stat() web root directory '%s': %s\n", webroot, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Web root directory '%s' is not a directory\n", webroot); return -1; } if (!realpath(webroot, webroot_directory)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_HTTPD, "Web root directory '%s' could not be dereferenced: %s\n", webroot, strerror(errno)); return -1; } evbase_httpd = event_base_new(); if (!evbase_httpd) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Could not create an event base\n"); return -1; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBWEBSOCKETS ret = websocket_init(); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Websocket init failed\n"); goto websocket_fail; } #endif ret = modules_init(); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Modules init failed\n"); goto modules_fail; } #ifdef HAVE_EVENTFD exit_efd = eventfd(0, EFD_CLOEXEC); if (exit_efd < 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Could not create eventfd: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto pipe_fail; } exitev = event_new(evbase_httpd, exit_efd, EV_READ, exit_cb, NULL); #else # ifdef HAVE_PIPE2 ret = pipe2(exit_pipe, O_CLOEXEC); # else ret = pipe(exit_pipe); # endif if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Could not create pipe: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto pipe_fail; } exitev = event_new(evbase_httpd, exit_pipe[0], EV_READ, exit_cb, NULL); #endif /* HAVE_EVENTFD */ if (!exitev) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Could not create exit event\n"); goto exitev_fail; } event_add(exitev, NULL); httpd_port = cfg_getint(cfg_getsec(cfg, "library"), "port"); httpd_serv = httpd_server_new(evbase_httpd, httpd_port, httpd_gen_cb, NULL); if (!httpd_serv) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Could not create HTTP server on port %d (server already running?)\n", httpd_port); goto httpd_server_fail; } // For CORS headers httpd_allow_origin = cfg_getstr(cfg_getsec(cfg, "general"), "allow_origin"); if (strlen(httpd_allow_origin) == 0) httpd_allow_origin = NULL; httpd_server_allow_origin_set(httpd_serv, httpd_allow_origin); ret = pthread_create(&tid_httpd, NULL, httpd, NULL); if (ret != 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Could not spawn HTTPd thread: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto thread_fail; } thread_setname(tid_httpd, "httpd"); return 0; thread_fail: httpd_server_free(httpd_serv); httpd_server_fail: event_free(exitev); exitev_fail: #ifdef HAVE_EVENTFD close(exit_efd); #else close(exit_pipe[0]); close(exit_pipe[1]); #endif pipe_fail: modules_fail: modules_deinit(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBWEBSOCKETS websocket_deinit(); websocket_fail: #endif event_base_free(evbase_httpd); return -1; } /* Thread: main */ void httpd_deinit(void) { int ret; #ifdef HAVE_EVENTFD ret = eventfd_write(exit_efd, 1); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Could not send exit event: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } #else int dummy = 42; ret = write(exit_pipe[1], &dummy, sizeof(dummy)); if (ret != sizeof(dummy)) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Could not write to exit fd: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } #endif ret = pthread_join(tid_httpd, NULL); if (ret != 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_HTTPD, "Could not join HTTPd thread: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } modules_deinit(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBWEBSOCKETS websocket_deinit(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_EVENTFD close(exit_efd); #else close(exit_pipe[0]); close(exit_pipe[1]); #endif event_free(exitev); httpd_server_free(httpd_serv); event_base_free(evbase_httpd); }