/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Espen Jürgensen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "db.h" #include "conffile.h" #include "lastfm.h" #include "listener.h" #include "logger.h" #include "misc.h" #include "misc_xml.h" #include "http.h" // LastFM becomes disabled if we get a scrobble, try initialising session, // but can't (probably no session key in db because user does not use LastFM) static bool lastfm_disabled = false; /** * The API key and secret (not so secret being open source) is specific to us, * and is used to identify client and to sign requests. */ static const char *lastfm_api_key = "579593f2ed3f49673c7364fd1c9c829b"; static const char *lastfm_secret = "ce45a1d275c10b3edf0ecfa27791cb2b"; static const char *api_url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/"; static const char *auth_url = "https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/"; // Session key static char *lastfm_session_key = NULL; /* --------------------------------- HELPERS ------------------------------- */ /* Creates an md5 signature of the concatenated parameters and adds it to keyval */ static int param_sign(struct keyval *kv) { struct onekeyval *okv; char hash[33]; char ebuf[64]; uint8_t *hash_bytes; size_t hash_len; gcry_md_hd_t md_hdl; gpg_error_t gc_err; int ret; int i; gc_err = gcry_md_open(&md_hdl, GCRY_MD_MD5, 0); if (gc_err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { gpg_strerror_r(gc_err, ebuf, sizeof(ebuf)); DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LASTFM, "Could not open MD5: %s\n", ebuf); return -1; } for (okv = kv->head; okv; okv = okv->next) { gcry_md_write(md_hdl, okv->name, strlen(okv->name)); gcry_md_write(md_hdl, okv->value, strlen(okv->value)); } gcry_md_write(md_hdl, lastfm_secret, strlen(lastfm_secret)); hash_bytes = gcry_md_read(md_hdl, GCRY_MD_MD5); if (!hash_bytes) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LASTFM, "Could not read MD5 hash\n"); return -1; } hash_len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(GCRY_MD_MD5); for (i = 0; i < hash_len; i++) sprintf(hash + (2 * i), "%02x", hash_bytes[i]); ret = keyval_add(kv, "api_sig", hash); gcry_md_close(md_hdl); return ret; } /* --------------------------------- MAIN --------------------------------- */ /* Example responses myname dsfjDFDS22 0 Authentication Failed - You do not have permissions to access the service Hard Place My Artist My Album My Album Artist 1699649816 */ static int response_process(struct http_client_ctx *ctx, char **errmsg) { xml_node *tree; const char *error; char *body; char *sk; // NULL-terminate the buffer evbuffer_add(ctx->input_body, "", 1); body = (char *)evbuffer_pullup(ctx->input_body, -1); if (!body || (strlen(body) == 0)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LASTFM, "Empty response\n"); return -1; } tree = xml_from_string(body); if (!tree) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LASTFM, "Failed to parse LastFM response:\n%s\n", body); return -1; } error = xml_get_val(tree, "lfm/error"); if (error) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LASTFM, "Request to LastFM failed: %s\n", error); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LASTFM, "LastFM response:\n%s\n", body); if (errmsg) *errmsg = atrim(error); xml_free(tree); return -1; } DPRINTF(E_SPAM, L_LASTFM, "LastFM response:\n%s\n", body); // Was it a scrobble request? Then do nothing. TODO: Check for error messages if (xml_get_node(tree, "lfm/scrobbles/scrobble")) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LASTFM, "Scrobble callback\n"); xml_free(tree); return 0; } // Otherwise an auth request, so get the session key sk = atrim(xml_get_val(tree, "lfm/session/key")); if (!sk) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LASTFM, "Session key not found\n"); xml_free(tree); return -1; } DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LASTFM, "Got session key from LastFM: %s\n", sk); db_admin_set(DB_ADMIN_LASTFM_SESSION_KEY, sk); free(lastfm_session_key); lastfm_session_key = sk; lastfm_disabled = false; xml_free(tree); return 0; } /* * Post request against the Last.fm api * * Important: * The Last.fm API requires that we MD5 sign sorted parameters (without "format" parameters), * therefor the keyval parameters must be sorted alphabetically by their key. * * @param url API endpoint url * @param kv Alphabetically sorted post parameters * @param errmsg (Optional) returns the error message (or NULL) if request failed */ static int request_post(const char *url, struct keyval *kv, char **errmsg) { struct http_client_ctx ctx; char *request_body; int ret; // API requires that we MD5 sign sorted param (without "format" param) ret = param_sign(kv); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LASTFM, "Aborting request, param_sign failed\n"); return -1; } memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(struct http_client_ctx)); request_body = http_form_urlencode(kv); if (!request_body) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LASTFM, "Aborting request, http_form_urlencode failed\n"); return -1; } ctx.output_body = request_body; ctx.url = url; ctx.input_body = evbuffer_new(); ret = http_client_request(&ctx, NULL); if (ret < 0) goto out_free_ctx; ret = response_process(&ctx, errmsg); out_free_ctx: free(request_body); evbuffer_free(ctx.input_body); return ret; } static int scrobble(int id) { struct media_file_info *mfi; struct keyval *kv; char duration[4]; char trackNumber[4]; char timestamp[16]; int ret; mfi = db_file_fetch_byid(id); if (!mfi) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LASTFM, "Scrobble failed, track id %d is unknown\n", id); return -1; } // Don't scrobble songs which are shorter than 30 sec if (mfi->song_length < 30000) goto noscrobble; // Don't scrobble non-music and radio stations if ((mfi->media_kind != MEDIA_KIND_MUSIC) || (mfi->data_kind == DATA_KIND_HTTP)) goto noscrobble; // Don't scrobble songs with unknown artist if (strcmp(mfi->artist, CFG_NAME_UNKNOWN_ARTIST) == 0) goto noscrobble; kv = keyval_alloc(); if (!kv) goto noscrobble; snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%" PRIu32, mfi->song_length); snprintf(trackNumber, sizeof(trackNumber), "%" PRIu32, mfi->track); snprintf(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%" PRIi64, (int64_t)time(NULL)); ret = ( (keyval_add(kv, "album", mfi->album) == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "albumArtist", mfi->album_artist) == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "api_key", lastfm_api_key) == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "artist", mfi->artist) == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "duration", duration) == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "method", "track.scrobble") == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "sk", lastfm_session_key) == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "timestamp", timestamp) == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "track", mfi->title) == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "trackNumber", trackNumber) == 0) ); free_mfi(mfi, 0); if (!ret) { keyval_clear(kv); free(kv); return -1; } DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LASTFM, "Scrobbling '%s' by '%s'\n", keyval_get(kv, "track"), keyval_get(kv, "artist")); ret = request_post(api_url, kv, NULL); keyval_clear(kv); free(kv); return ret; noscrobble: free_mfi(mfi, 0); return -1; } /* ---------------------------- Our lastfm API --------------------------- */ /* Thread: filescanner, httpd */ static void stop_scrobbling() { // Delete any existing session key free(lastfm_session_key); lastfm_session_key = NULL; // Disable LastFM, will be enabled after successful login request lastfm_disabled = true; db_admin_delete(DB_ADMIN_LASTFM_SESSION_KEY); } /* Thread: filescanner, httpd */ int lastfm_login_user(const char *user, const char *password, char **errmsg) { struct keyval *kv; int ret; DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LASTFM, "LastFM credentials file OK, logging in with username %s\n", user); // Stop active scrobbling session stop_scrobbling(); kv = keyval_alloc(); if (!kv) return -1; ret = ( (keyval_add(kv, "api_key", lastfm_api_key) == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "method", "auth.getMobileSession") == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "password", password) == 0) && (keyval_add(kv, "username", user) == 0) ); if (!ret) goto out_free_kv; // Send the login request ret = request_post(auth_url, kv, errmsg); out_free_kv: keyval_clear(kv); free(kv); listener_notify(LISTENER_LASTFM); return ret; } /* Thread: filescanner */ void lastfm_login(char **arglist) { if (arglist) lastfm_login_user(arglist[0], arglist[1], NULL); else lastfm_login_user(NULL, NULL, NULL); } void lastfm_logout(void) { stop_scrobbling(); listener_notify(LISTENER_LASTFM); } /* Thread: worker */ int lastfm_scrobble(int id) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LASTFM, "Got LastFM scrobble request\n"); // LastFM is disabled because we already tried looking for a session key, but failed if (lastfm_disabled) return -1; return scrobble(id); } /* Thread: httpd */ bool lastfm_is_enabled(void) { return !lastfm_disabled; } /* Thread: main */ int lastfm_init(void) { int ret; ret = db_admin_get(&lastfm_session_key, DB_ADMIN_LASTFM_SESSION_KEY); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LASTFM, "No valid LastFM session key\n"); lastfm_disabled = true; } return 0; }