/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Julien BLACHE <jb@jblache.org> * Copyright (C) 2010 Kai Elwert <elwertk@googlemail.com> * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Meffert <christian.meffert@googlemail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <sqlite3.h> #include <stddef.h> #include "db_init.h" #include "logger.h" #define T_ADMIN \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS admin(" \ " key VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \ " value VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL" \ ");" #define T_FILES \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files (" \ " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \ " path VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL," \ " virtual_path VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT NULL," \ " fname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," \ " directory_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " title VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " artist VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " album VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " album_artist VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " genre VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " comment VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " type VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " composer VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " orchestra VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " conductor VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " grouping VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " url VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL," \ " bitrate INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " samplerate INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " song_length INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " file_size INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " year INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " date_released INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " track INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " total_tracks INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " disc INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " total_discs INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " bpm INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " compilation INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " artwork INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " play_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " skip_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " seek INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " data_kind INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " media_kind INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " item_kind INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " description INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " db_timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " time_added INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " time_modified INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " time_played INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " time_skipped INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " disabled INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " sample_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " codectype VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT NULL," \ " idx INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " has_video INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " contentrating INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " bits_per_sample INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " tv_series_name VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " tv_episode_num_str VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " tv_network_name VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " tv_episode_sort INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " tv_season_num INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " songartistid INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " songalbumid INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " title_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " artist_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " album_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " album_artist_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " composer_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP" \ ");" #define T_PL \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playlists (" \ " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \ " title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " type INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " query VARCHAR(1024)," \ " db_timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " disabled INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " path VARCHAR(4096)," \ " idx INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " special_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " virtual_path VARCHAR(4096)," \ " parent_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " directory_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " query_order VARCHAR(1024)," \ " query_limit INTEGER DEFAULT -1" \ ");" #define T_PLITEMS \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playlistitems (" \ " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \ " playlistid INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " filepath VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL" \ ");" #define T_GROUPS \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS groups (" \ " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \ " type INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " name VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " persistentid INTEGER NOT NULL," \ "CONSTRAINT groups_type_unique_persistentid UNIQUE (type, persistentid)" \ ");" #define T_PAIRINGS \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pairings(" \ " remote VARCHAR(64) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \ " name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," \ " guid VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL" \ ");" #define T_SPEAKERS \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS speakers(" \ " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \ " selected INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " volume INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " name VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL," \ " auth_key VARCHAR(2048) DEFAULT NULL" \ ");" #define T_INOTIFY \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS inotify (" \ " wd INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \ " cookie INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " path VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL" \ ");" #define T_DIRECTORIES \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS directories (" \ " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," \ " virtual_path VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL," \ " db_timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " disabled INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " parent_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " path VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT NULL" \ ");" #define T_QUEUE \ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS queue (" \ " id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," \ " file_id INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " pos INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " shuffle_pos INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " data_kind INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " media_kind INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " song_length INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " path VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL," \ " virtual_path VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL," \ " title VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " artist VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " album_artist VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " album VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " genre VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " songalbumid INTEGER NOT NULL," \ " time_modified INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " artist_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " album_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " album_artist_sort VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL COLLATE DAAP," \ " year INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " track INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " disc INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " artwork_url VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT NULL," \ " queue_version INTEGER DEFAULT 0," \ " composer VARCHAR(1024) DEFAULT NULL," \ " songartistid INTEGER NOT NULL" \ ");" #define Q_PL1 \ "INSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id)" \ " VALUES(1, 'Library', 0, '1 = 1', 0, '', 0, 0);" #define Q_PL2 \ "INSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id)" \ " VALUES(2, 'Music', 0, 'f.media_kind = 1', 0, '', 0, 6);" #define Q_PL3 \ "INSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id)" \ " VALUES(3, 'Movies', 0, 'f.media_kind = 2', 0, '', 0, 4);" #define Q_PL4 \ "INSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id)" \ " VALUES(4, 'TV Shows', 0, 'f.media_kind = 64', 0, '', 0, 5);" #define Q_PL5 \ "INSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id)" \ " VALUES(5, 'Podcasts', 0, 'f.media_kind = 4', 0, '', 0, 1);" #define Q_PL6 \ "INSERT INTO playlists (id, title, type, query, db_timestamp, path, idx, special_id)" \ " VALUES(6, 'Audiobooks', 0, 'f.media_kind = 8', 0, '', 0, 7);" /* These are the remaining automatically-created iTunes playlists, but * their query is unknown " VALUES(6, 'iTunes U', 0, 'media_kind = 256', 0, '', 0, 13);" " VALUES(8, 'Purchased', 0, 'media_kind = 1024', 0, '', 0, 8);" */ #define Q_DIR1 \ "INSERT INTO directories (id, virtual_path, db_timestamp, disabled, parent_id, path)" \ " VALUES (1, '/', 0, 0, 0, NULL);" #define Q_DIR2 \ "INSERT INTO directories (id, virtual_path, db_timestamp, disabled, parent_id, path)" \ " VALUES (2, '/file:', 0, 0, 1, '/');" #define Q_DIR3 \ "INSERT INTO directories (id, virtual_path, db_timestamp, disabled, parent_id, path)" \ " VALUES (3, '/http:', 0, 0, 1, NULL);" #define Q_DIR4 \ "INSERT INTO directories (id, virtual_path, db_timestamp, disabled, parent_id, path)" \ " VALUES (4, '/spotify:', 0, 4294967296, 1, NULL);" #define Q_QUEUE_VERSION \ "INSERT INTO admin (key, value) VALUES ('queue_version', '0');" #define Q_SCVER_MAJOR \ "INSERT INTO admin (key, value) VALUES ('schema_version_major', '%d');" #define Q_SCVER_MINOR \ "INSERT INTO admin (key, value) VALUES ('schema_version_minor', '%02d');" struct db_init_query { char *query; char *desc; }; static const struct db_init_query db_init_table_queries[] = { { T_ADMIN, "create table admin" }, { T_FILES, "create table files" }, { T_PL, "create table playlists" }, { T_PLITEMS, "create table playlistitems" }, { T_GROUPS, "create table groups" }, { T_PAIRINGS, "create table pairings" }, { T_SPEAKERS, "create table speakers" }, { T_INOTIFY, "create table inotify" }, { T_DIRECTORIES, "create table directories" }, { T_QUEUE, "create table queue" }, { Q_PL1, "create default playlist" }, { Q_PL2, "create default smart playlist 'Music'" }, { Q_PL3, "create default smart playlist 'Movies'" }, { Q_PL4, "create default smart playlist 'TV Shows'" }, { Q_PL5, "create default smart playlist 'Podcasts'" }, { Q_PL6, "create default smart playlist 'Audiobooks'" }, { Q_DIR1, "create default root directory '/'" }, { Q_DIR2, "create default base directory '/file:'" }, { Q_DIR3, "create default base directory '/http:'" }, { Q_DIR4, "create default base directory '/spotify:'" }, { Q_QUEUE_VERSION, "initialize queue version" }, }; /* Indices must be prefixed with idx_ for db_drop_indices() to id them */ #define I_RESCAN \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_rescan ON files(path, db_timestamp);" #define I_FNAME \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_fname ON files(disabled, fname COLLATE NOCASE);" #define I_SONGARTISTID \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_sari ON files(songartistid);" /* Used by Q_GROUP_ALBUMS */ #define I_SONGALBUMID \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_sali ON files(songalbumid, disabled, media_kind, album_sort, disc, track);" /* Used by Q_GROUP_ARTISTS */ #define I_STATEMKINDSARI \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_state_mkind_sari ON files(disabled, media_kind, songartistid);" #define I_STATEMKINDSALI \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_state_mkind_sali ON files(disabled, media_kind, songalbumid);" /* Used by Q_BROWSE_ALBUM */ #define I_ALBUM \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_album ON files(disabled, album_sort, album, media_kind);" /* Used by Q_BROWSE_ARTIST */ #define I_ALBUMARTIST \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_albumartist ON files(disabled, album_artist_sort, album_artist, media_kind);" /* Used by Q_BROWSE_COMPOSERS */ #define I_COMPOSER \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_composer ON files(disabled, composer_sort, composer, media_kind);" /* Used by Q_BROWSE_GENRES */ #define I_GENRE \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_genre ON files(disabled, genre, media_kind);" /* Used by Q_PLITEMS for smart playlists */ #define I_TITLE \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_title ON files(disabled, title_sort, media_kind);" #define I_FILELIST \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_filelist ON files(disabled, virtual_path, time_modified);" #define I_FILE_DIR \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_file_dir ON files(disabled, directory_id);" #define I_PL_PATH \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_pl_path ON playlists(path);" #define I_PL_DISABLED \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_pl_disabled ON playlists(disabled, type, virtual_path, db_timestamp);" #define I_PL_DIR \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_pl_dir ON files(disabled, directory_id);" #define I_FILEPATH \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_filepath ON playlistitems(filepath ASC);" #define I_PLITEMID \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_playlistid ON playlistitems(playlistid, filepath);" #define I_GRP_PERSIST \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_grp_persist ON groups(persistentid);" #define I_PAIRING \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_pairingguid ON pairings(guid);" #define I_DIR_VPATH \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_dir_vpath ON directories(disabled, virtual_path);" #define I_DIR_PARENT \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_dir_parentid ON directories(parent_id);" #define I_QUEUE_POS \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_queue_pos ON queue(pos);" #define I_QUEUE_SHUFFLEPOS \ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_queue_shufflepos ON queue(shuffle_pos);" static const struct db_init_query db_init_index_queries[] = { { I_RESCAN, "create rescan index" }, { I_FNAME, "create filename index" }, { I_SONGARTISTID, "create songartistid index" }, { I_SONGALBUMID, "create songalbumid index" }, { I_STATEMKINDSARI, "create state/mkind/sari index" }, { I_STATEMKINDSALI, "create state/mkind/sali index" }, { I_ALBUMARTIST, "create album_artist index" }, { I_COMPOSER, "create composer index" }, { I_GENRE, "create genre index" }, { I_TITLE, "create title index" }, { I_ALBUM, "create album index" }, { I_FILELIST, "create filelist index" }, { I_FILE_DIR, "create file dir index" }, { I_PL_PATH, "create playlist path index" }, { I_PL_DISABLED, "create playlist state index" }, { I_PL_DIR, "create playlist dir index" }, { I_FILEPATH, "create file path index" }, { I_PLITEMID, "create playlist id index" }, { I_GRP_PERSIST, "create groups persistentid index" }, { I_PAIRING, "create pairing guid index" }, { I_DIR_VPATH, "create directories disabled_virtualpath index" }, { I_DIR_PARENT, "create directories parentid index" }, { I_QUEUE_POS, "create queue pos index" }, { I_QUEUE_SHUFFLEPOS, "create queue shuffle pos index" }, }; /* Triggers must be prefixed with trg_ for db_drop_triggers() to id them */ #define TRG_FILES_INSERT_SONGIDS \ "CREATE TRIGGER trg_files_insert_songids AFTER INSERT ON files FOR EACH ROW" \ " BEGIN" \ " UPDATE files SET songartistid = daap_songalbumid(LOWER(NEW.album_artist), ''), " \ " songalbumid = daap_songalbumid(LOWER(NEW.album_artist), LOWER(NEW.album))" \ " WHERE id = NEW.id;" \ " END;" #define TRG_FILES_UPDATE_SONGIDS \ "CREATE TRIGGER trg_files_update_songids AFTER UPDATE OF album_artist, album ON files FOR EACH ROW" \ " BEGIN" \ " UPDATE files SET songartistid = daap_songalbumid(LOWER(NEW.album_artist), ''), " \ " songalbumid = daap_songalbumid(LOWER(NEW.album_artist), LOWER(NEW.album))" \ " WHERE id = NEW.id;" \ " END;" #define TRG_GROUPS_UPDATE \ "CREATE TRIGGER trg_groups_update AFTER UPDATE OF songartistid, songalbumid ON files FOR EACH ROW" \ " WHEN (NEW.songartistid != 0 AND NEW.songalbumid != 0)" \ " BEGIN" \ " INSERT OR IGNORE INTO groups (type, name, persistentid) VALUES (1, NEW.album, NEW.songalbumid);" \ " INSERT OR IGNORE INTO groups (type, name, persistentid) VALUES (2, NEW.album_artist, NEW.songartistid);" \ " END;" static const struct db_init_query db_init_trigger_queries[] = { { TRG_FILES_INSERT_SONGIDS, "create trigger trg_files_insert_songids" }, { TRG_FILES_UPDATE_SONGIDS, "create trigger trg_files_update_songids" }, { TRG_GROUPS_UPDATE, "create trigger trg_groups_update" }, }; int db_init_indices(sqlite3 *hdl) { char *errmsg; int i; int ret; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(db_init_index_queries) / sizeof(db_init_index_queries[0])); i++) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DB, "DB init index query: %s\n", db_init_index_queries[i].desc); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, db_init_index_queries[i].query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DB, "DB init error: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } } return 0; } int db_init_triggers(sqlite3 *hdl) { char *errmsg; int i; int ret; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(db_init_trigger_queries) / sizeof(db_init_trigger_queries[0])); i++) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DB, "DB init trigger query: %s\n", db_init_trigger_queries[i].desc); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, db_init_trigger_queries[i].query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DB, "DB init error: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } } return 0; } int db_init_tables(sqlite3 *hdl) { char *query; char *errmsg; int i; int ret; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(db_init_table_queries) / sizeof(db_init_table_queries[0])); i++) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DB, "DB init table query: %s\n", db_init_table_queries[i].desc); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, db_init_table_queries[i].query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DB, "DB init error: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } } query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_SCVER_MAJOR, SCHEMA_VERSION_MAJOR); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DB, "DB init table query: %s\n", query); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DB, "DB init error: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } query = sqlite3_mprintf(Q_SCVER_MINOR, SCHEMA_VERSION_MINOR); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DB, "DB init table query: %s\n", query); ret = sqlite3_exec(hdl, query, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); sqlite3_free(query); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DB, "DB init error: %s\n", errmsg); sqlite3_free(errmsg); return -1; } ret = db_init_indices(hdl); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DB, "DB init error: failed to create indices\n"); return -1; } ret = db_init_triggers(hdl); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DB, "DB init error: failed to create triggers\n"); return -1; } return ret; }