/* * $Id$ * * Decode a tcpflow from iTunes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct tag_daap_items { int type; char *tag; char *description; } DAAP_ITEMS; DAAP_ITEMS taglist[] = { { 0x05, "miid", "dmap.itemid" }, { 0x09, "minm", "dmap.itemname" }, { 0x01, "mikd", "dmap.itemkind" }, { 0x07, "mper", "dmap.persistentid" }, { 0x0C, "mcon", "dmap.container" }, { 0x05, "mcti", "dmap.containeritemid" }, { 0x05, "mpco", "dmap.parentcontainerid" }, { 0x05, "mstt", "dmap.status" }, { 0x09, "msts", "dmap.statusstring" }, { 0x05, "mimc", "dmap.itemcount" }, { 0x05, "mctc", "dmap.containercount" }, { 0x05, "mrco", "dmap.returnedcount" }, { 0x05, "mtco", "dmap.specifiedtotalcount" }, { 0x0C, "mlcl", "dmap.listing" }, { 0x0C, "mlit", "dmap.listingitem" }, { 0x0C, "mbcl", "dmap.bag" }, { 0x0C, "mdcl", "dmap.dictionary" }, { 0x0C, "msrv", "dmap.serverinforesponse" }, { 0x01, "msau", "dmap.authenticationmethod" }, { 0x01, "mslr", "dmap.loginrequired" }, { 0x0B, "mpro", "dmap.protocolversion" }, { 0x01, "msal", "dmap.supportsautologout" }, { 0x01, "msup", "dmap.supportsupdate" }, { 0x01, "mspi", "dmap.supportspersistentids" }, { 0x01, "msex", "dmap.supportsextensions" }, { 0x01, "msbr", "dmap.supportsbrowse" }, { 0x01, "msqy", "dmap.supportsquery" }, { 0x01, "msix", "dmap.supportsindex" }, { 0x01, "msrs", "dmap.supportsresolve" }, { 0x05, "mstm", "dmap.timeoutinterval" }, { 0x05, "msdc", "dmap.databasescount" }, { 0x0C, "mlog", "dmap.loginresponse" }, { 0x05, "mlid", "dmap.sessionid" }, { 0x0C, "mupd", "dmap.updateresponse" }, { 0x05, "musr", "dmap.serverrevision" }, { 0x01, "muty", "dmap.updatetype" }, { 0x0C, "mudl", "dmap.deletedidlisting" }, { 0x0C, "mccr", "dmap.contentcodesresponse" }, { 0x05, "mcnm", "dmap.contentcodesnumber" }, { 0x09, "mcna", "dmap.contentcodesname" }, { 0x03, "mcty", "dmap.contentcodestype" }, { 0x0B, "apro", "daap.protocolversion" }, { 0x0C, "avdb", "daap.serverdatabases" }, { 0x0C, "abro", "daap.databasebrowse" }, { 0x0C, "abal", "daap.browsealbumlisting" }, { 0x0C, "abar", "daap.browseartistlisting" }, { 0x0C, "abcp", "daap.browsecomposerlisting" }, { 0x0C, "abgn", "daap.browsegenrelisting" }, { 0x0C, "adbs", "daap.databasesongs" }, { 0x09, "asal", "daap.songalbum" }, { 0x09, "asar", "daap.songartist" }, { 0x03, "asbt", "daap.songbeatsperminute" }, { 0x03, "asbr", "daap.songbitrate" }, { 0x09, "ascm", "daap.songcomment" }, { 0x01, "asco", "daap.songcompilation" }, { 0x09, "ascp", "daap.songcomposer" }, { 0x0A, "asda", "daap.songdateadded" }, { 0x0A, "asdm", "daap.songdatemodified" }, { 0x03, "asdc", "daap.songdisccount" }, { 0x03, "asdn", "daap.songdiscnumber" }, { 0x01, "asdb", "daap.songdisabled" }, { 0x09, "aseq", "daap.songeqpreset" }, { 0x09, "asfm", "daap.songformat" }, { 0x09, "asgn", "daap.songgenre" }, { 0x09, "asdt", "daap.songdescription" }, { 0x02, "asrv", "daap.songrelativevolume" }, { 0x05, "assr", "daap.songsamplerate" }, { 0x05, "assz", "daap.songsize" }, { 0x05, "asst", "daap.songstarttime" }, { 0x05, "assp", "daap.songstoptime" }, { 0x05, "astm", "daap.songtime" }, { 0x03, "astc", "daap.songtrackcount" }, { 0x03, "astn", "daap.songtracknumber" }, { 0x01, "asur", "daap.songuserrating" }, { 0x03, "asyr", "daap.songyear" }, { 0x01, "asdk", "daap.songdatakind" }, { 0x09, "asul", "daap.songdataurl" }, { 0x0C, "aply", "daap.databaseplaylists" }, { 0x01, "abpl", "daap.baseplaylist" }, { 0x0C, "apso", "daap.playlistsongs" }, { 0x0C, "arsv", "daap.resolve" }, { 0x0C, "arif", "daap.resolveinfo" }, { 0x05, "aeNV", "com.apple.itunes.norm-volume" }, { 0x01, "aeSP", "com.apple.itunes.smart-playlist" }, /* iTunes 4.5+ */ { 0x01, "msas", "dmap.authenticationschemes" }, { 0x05, "ascd", "daap.songcodectype" }, { 0x05, "ascs", "daap.songcodecsubtype" }, { 0x09, "agrp", "daap.songgrouping" }, { 0x05, "aeSV", "com.apple.itunes.music-sharing-version" }, { 0x05, "aePI", "com.apple.itunes.itms-playlistid" }, { 0x05, "aeCI", "com.apple.iTunes.itms-composerid" }, { 0x05, "aeGI", "com.apple.iTunes.itms-genreid" }, { 0x05, "aeAI", "com.apple.iTunes.itms-artistid" }, { 0x05, "aeSI", "com.apple.iTunes.itms-songid" }, { 0x05, "aeSF", "com.apple.iTunes.itms-storefrontid" }, /* iTunes 5.0+ */ { 0x01, "ascr", "daap.songcontentrating" }, { 0x05, "f" "\x8d" "ch", "dmap.haschildcontainers" }, /* wtf - content codes says it's 1 */ /* iTunes 6.0.2+ */ { 0x01, "aeHV", "com.apple.itunes.has-video" }, /* mt-daapd specific */ { 0x09, "MSPS", "org.mt-daapd.smart-playlist-spec" }, { 0x01, "MPTY", "org.mt-daapd.playlist-type" }, { 0x0C, "MAPR", "org.mt-daapd.addplaylist" }, { 0x0C, "MAPI", "org.mt-daapd.addplaylistitem" }, { 0x00, NULL, NULL } }; int lookup_tag(char *tag, char *descr, int *type) { DAAP_ITEMS *current = taglist; while((current->tag) && (strcasecmp(current->tag,tag))) { current++; } if(current->tag) { strcpy(descr,current->description); *type = current->type; return 1; } return 0; } int decode_tag(FILE *fout, char *current, int level, int len) { int type; int subtag_len; int tempint; char tag[5]; char descr[40]; char line[4096]; char templine[4096]; while(len) { memset(tag,0,sizeof(tag)); memcpy(tag,current,4); current += 4; len -= 4; memcpy((char*)&subtag_len,current,4); current += 4; len -= 4; if(lookup_tag(tag,descr,&type)) { memset(line,' ',sizeof(line)); sprintf((char*)&line[level * 2],"%02x %s (%s) - ", type,tag,descr); switch(type) { case 0x01: /* byte */ case 0x02: /* unsigned byte */ if(subtag_len != 1) { printf("Foo! %s should have tag len 1, has %d\n", tag,subtag_len); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sprintf(templine,"%02x (%d)\n",*((char*)current),(int)(*((char*)current))); current += 1; len -= 1; break; case 0x03: if(subtag_len != 2) { printf("Foo! %s should have tag len 2, has %d\n", tag,subtag_len); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sprintf(templine,"%02x %d\n",*((short int*)current),(int)(*((short int *)current))); current += 2; len -= 2; break; break; case 0x0A: case 0x05: if(subtag_len != 4) { printf("Foo! %s should have tag len 4, has %d\n", tag,subtag_len); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sprintf(templine,"%04x (%d)\n",*((int*)current),*((int*)current)); current += 4; len -= 4; break; case 0x07: if(subtag_len != 8) { printf("Foo! %s should have tag len 8, has %d\n", tag,subtag_len); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sprintf(templine,"%04x%04x (%lu)\n",*((int*)current),*((int*)current+4),*((long long*)current)); current += 8; len -= 8; break; case 0x09: if(subtag_len == 0) { strcpy(templine,"(empty)\n"); } else { memset(templine,0,sizeof(templine)); memcpy(templine,current,subtag_len); strcat(templine,"\n"); } current += subtag_len; len -= subtag_len; break; case 0x0B: if(subtag_len != 4) { printf("Foo! %s should have tag len 4, has %d\n", tag,subtag_len); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tempint = *((int*)current); sprintf(templine,"%d.%d\n",tempint >> 16 & 0xFFFF, tempint & 0xFFFF); current += 4; len -= 4; break; case 0x0C: sprintf(templine,"\n"); break; default: printf("Foo! Bad tag: type %d\n",type); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fprintf(fout,"%s%s",line,templine); if(type == 0x0c) { if(decode_tag(fout, current,level+1,subtag_len)) { current += subtag_len; len -= subtag_len; } else { return 0; } } } else { printf("Bad tag: %s (%02x%02x%02x%02x)\n",tag,(unsigned char)tag[0],(unsigned char)tag[1], (unsigned char)tag[2],(unsigned char)tag[3]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); return 0; } } return 1; } void decode_dmap(int conv, char *uncompressed, long uncompressed_size) { char buffer[256]; FILE *fout; sprintf(buffer,"decoded.%d",conv); fout=fopen(buffer,"w"); if(!decode_tag(fout,uncompressed,0,uncompressed_size)) { printf("Foo! All screwed up!\n"); } fclose(fout); } int readline(int fd, char *buffer) { char *current; char inchar; current=buffer; while(read(fd,&inchar,1) == 1) { switch(inchar) { case '\r': break; case '\n': *current='\0'; return 0; default: *current++ = inchar; break; } } return -1; } void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: decodeflow [-d] file\n"); fprintf(stderr," -d: file is a dmap dump, not a flow"); fprintf(stderr,"\n\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; int conversation=0; char buffer[1024]; int done=0; FILE *out; char *compressed; char *uncompressed; long compressed_size; long uncompressed_size; int err; char file[256]; int out_fd; FILE *stream; int option; int is_compressed; char *loc; int dmap=0; while((option=getopt(argc, argv, "d")) != -1) { switch(option) { case 'd': dmap=1; break; default: usage(); break; } } if(optind == argc) { usage(); } fd=open(argv[optind],O_RDONLY); if(fd == -1) { perror("open"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(dmap) { out=fdopen(STDOUT_FILENO,"w"); uncompressed_size=lseek(fd,0,SEEK_END); lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET); uncompressed=(char*)malloc(uncompressed_size); read(fd,uncompressed,uncompressed_size); decode_tag(out,uncompressed,0,uncompressed_size); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } while(!done) { /* read in the headers */ is_compressed=0; printf("Reading headers for conv %d\n",conversation); while(1) { if(readline(fd,buffer)) { done=1; break; } printf("got %s\n",buffer); if(!strlen(buffer)) break; if(strncasecmp(buffer,"Content-Encoding:",17) == 0) { loc=buffer+17; while(*loc==' ') { loc++; } if(strncasecmp(loc,"gzip",4) == 0) { is_compressed=1; } } if(strncasecmp(buffer,"Content-Length:",15) == 0) { compressed_size=atol((char*)&buffer[15]); printf("Size of conv %d is %d\n",conversation,compressed_size); } } if(done) break; printf("Headers complete for conversation %d\n",conversation); printf("Flow %s compressed\n",is_compressed ? "IS" : "IS NOT"); uncompressed_size = 10 * compressed_size; compressed=(char*)malloc(compressed_size); uncompressed=(char*)malloc(uncompressed_size); if((!compressed) || (!uncompressed)) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(read(fd,compressed,compressed_size) != compressed_size) { perror("read"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* dump the compressed data */ sprintf(file,"compressed.%d",conversation); out_fd=open(file,O_CREAT | O_RDWR,0666); if(out_fd == -1) { perror("open"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } write(out_fd,compressed,compressed_size); close(out_fd); if(is_compressed) { sprintf(file,"/sw/bin/zcat compressed.%d",conversation); stream=popen(file,"r"); if(!stream) { perror("popen"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } err=fread(uncompressed,1,uncompressed_size,stream); if(err == -1) { perror("fread"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(err == uncompressed_size) { printf("Error: buffer too small\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } uncompressed_size = err; pclose(stream); } else { uncompressed_size=compressed_size; memcpy(uncompressed,compressed,compressed_size); } /* dump the uncompressed data */ sprintf(file,"uncompressed.%d",conversation); out_fd=open(file,O_CREAT | O_RDWR,0666); if(out_fd == -1) { perror("open"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } write(out_fd,uncompressed,uncompressed_size); close(out_fd); printf("Uncompressed size: %d\n",uncompressed_size); /* now decode and print */ decode_dmap(conversation, uncompressed, uncompressed_size); free(compressed); free(uncompressed); conversation++; } printf("Done"); }