Upgrading forked-daapd ---------------------- From time to time, newer versions of forked-daapd may need to perform a database upgrade. This upgrade is handled by forked-daapd upon startup if required. Before upgrading forked-daapd, it is always a good idea to backup your database, just in case. The database upgrade procedure is built into forked-daapd; there is no external upgrade script to run. Depending on the changes done to the database structure, the upgrade process will take more or less time and may need some space in /tmp for temporary data. The upgrade can also require some more space in the directory containing the database file. Before running the new forked-daapd version, make sure you have done your backups and checked your disk space. Some upgrades can also trigger a full rescan to rebuild parts of the database, so startup will be a bit slower and more resource-intensive than usual.