/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Meffert * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ grammar SMARTPL; options { output = AST; ASTLabelType = pANTLR3_BASE_TREE; language = C; } playlist : STR '{' expression '}' EOF ; expression : aexpr (OR^ aexpr)* (HAVING^ aexpr)? (ORDERBY^ orderexpr)? (LIMIT^ limitexpr)? ; orderexpr : ordertag SORTDIR ; ordertag : STRTAG | INTTAG | DATETAG | ENUMTAG | RANDOMTAG | (XXX)? NeverUsedRule ; NeverUsedRule: /* antlr3 seems to have a problem with ordertag, introducing the NeverUsedRule fixes it. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20057063/follow-set-in-is-undefined-in-generated-parser */ ; XXX : 'XXX' /**/ ; limitexpr : INT ; aexpr : nexpr (AND^ nexpr)* ; nexpr : NOT^ crit | crit ; crit : LPAR expression RPAR -> expression | STRTAG (INCLUDES|IS|STARTSWITH) STR | INTTAG INTBOOL INT | DATETAG (AFTER|BEFORE) dateval | ENUMTAG IS ENUMVAL | GROUPTAG INTBOOL INT ; dateval : DATE | interval BEFORE DATE | interval AFTER DATE | interval AGO ; interval : INT DATINTERVAL ; STRTAG : 'artist' | 'album_artist' | 'album' | 'title' | 'genre' | 'composer' | 'path' | 'type' | 'grouping' | 'artist_id' | 'album_id' | 'songartistid' | 'songalbumid' | 'codectype' ; INTTAG : 'play_count' | 'skip_count' | 'rating' | 'year' | 'compilation' | 'track' | 'disc' | 'bitrate' | 'bits_per_sample' | 'samplerate' | 'song_length' ; DATETAG : 'time_added' | 'time_modified' | 'time_played' | 'time_skipped' | 'date_released' ; ENUMTAG : 'data_kind' | 'media_kind' ; GROUPTAG : 'track_count' | 'album_count' ; RANDOMTAG : 'random' ; INCLUDES : 'includes' ; IS : 'is' ; STARTSWITH : 'starts with' ; INTBOOL : (GREATER|GREATEREQUAL|LESS|LESSEQUAL|EQUAL) ; fragment GREATER : '>' ; fragment GREATEREQUAL: '>=' ; fragment LESS : '<' ; fragment LESSEQUAL : '<=' ; fragment EQUAL : '=' ; AFTER : 'after' ; BEFORE : 'before' ; AGO : 'ago' ; AND : 'AND' | 'and' ; OR : 'OR' | 'or' ; NOT : 'NOT' | 'not' ; LPAR : '(' ; RPAR : ')' ; DATE : ('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')('0'..'9')'-'('0'..'1')('0'..'9')'-'('0'..'3')('0'..'9') | 'today' | 'yesterday' | 'last week' | 'last month' | 'last year' ; DATINTERVAL : 'days' | 'weeks' | 'months' | 'years' ; ENUMVAL : 'music' | 'movie' | 'podcast' | 'audiobook' | 'tvshow' | 'file' | 'url' | 'spotify' | 'pipe' ; ORDERBY : 'order by' | 'ORDER BY' ; SORTDIR : 'asc' | 'ASC' | 'desc' | 'DESC' ; LIMIT : 'limit' | 'LIMIT' ; HAVING : 'having' | 'HAVING' ; STR : '"' ~('"')+ '"' ; INT : ('0'..'9')+ ; WHITESPACE : ('\t'|' '|'\r'|'\n'|'\u000C') { $channel = HIDDEN; } ;