/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Espen Jürgensen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "httpd_internal.h" #include "player.h" #include "logger.h" #include "conffile.h" #define STREAMING_ICY_METALEN_MAX 4080 // 255*16 incl header/footer (16bytes) #define STREAMING_ICY_METATITLELEN_MAX 4064 // STREAMING_ICY_METALEN_MAX -16 (not incl header/footer) struct streaming_session { struct httpd_request *hreq; int id; struct event *audioev; struct event *metadataev; struct evbuffer *audiobuf; size_t bytes_sent; bool icy_is_requested; size_t icy_remaining; char icy_title[STREAMING_ICY_METATITLELEN_MAX]; }; static struct media_quality streaming_default_quality = { .sample_rate = 44100, .bits_per_sample = 16, .channels = 2, .bit_rate = 128000, }; static void session_free(struct streaming_session *session); /* ------------------------------ ICY metadata -------------------------------*/ // To test mp3 and ICY tagm it is good to use: // mpv --display-tags=* http://localhost:3689/stream.mp3 // As streaming quality goes up, we send more data to the remote client. With a // smaller ICY_METAINT value we have to splice metadata more frequently - on // some devices with small input buffers, a higher quality stream and low // ICY_METAINT can lead to stuttering as observed on a Roku Soundbridge static unsigned short streaming_icy_metaint = 16384; // We know that the icymeta is limited to 1+255*16 (ie 4081) bytes so caller must // provide a buf of this size to avoid needless mallocs // // The icy meta block is defined by a single byte indicating how many double byte // words used for the actual meta. Unused bytes are null padded // // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4911062/pulling-track-info-from-an-audio-stream-using-php/4914538#4914538 // http://www.smackfu.com/stuff/programming/shoutcast.html static uint8_t * icy_meta_create(uint8_t buf[STREAMING_ICY_METALEN_MAX+1], unsigned *buflen, const char *title) { unsigned titlelen; unsigned metalen; uint8_t no16s; *buflen = 0; if (title == NULL) { no16s = 0; memcpy(buf, &no16s, 1); *buflen = 1; } else { titlelen = strlen(title); if (titlelen > STREAMING_ICY_METATITLELEN_MAX) titlelen = STREAMING_ICY_METATITLELEN_MAX; // dont worry about the null byte // [0] 1x byte N, indicate the total number of 16 bytes words required // to represent the meta data // [1..N] meta data book ended by "StreamTitle='" and "';" // // The '15' is strlen of StreamTitle=' + '; no16s = (15 + titlelen)/16 +1; metalen = 1 + no16s*16; memset(buf, 0, metalen); memcpy(buf, &no16s, 1); memcpy(buf+1, (const uint8_t*)"StreamTitle='", 13); memcpy(buf+14, title, titlelen); memcpy(buf+14+titlelen, (const uint8_t*)"';", 2); *buflen = metalen; } return buf; } static void icy_meta_splice(struct evbuffer *out, struct evbuffer *in, size_t *icy_remaining, char *title) { uint8_t meta[STREAMING_ICY_METALEN_MAX + 1]; unsigned metalen; size_t buf_remaining; size_t consume; for (buf_remaining = evbuffer_get_length(in); buf_remaining > 0; buf_remaining -= consume) { consume = MIN(*icy_remaining, buf_remaining); evbuffer_remove_buffer(in, out, consume); *icy_remaining -= consume; if (*icy_remaining == 0) { icy_meta_create(meta, &metalen, title); evbuffer_add(out, meta, metalen); *icy_remaining = streaming_icy_metaint; } } } /* ----------------------------- Event callbacks ---------------------------- */ static void conn_close_cb(void *arg) { struct streaming_session *session = arg; session_free(session); } static void audio_cb(evutil_socket_t fd, short event, void *arg) { struct streaming_session *session = arg; struct httpd_request *hreq; int len; CHECK_NULL(L_STREAMING, hreq = session->hreq); len = evbuffer_read(session->audiobuf, fd, -1); if (len < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_STREAMING, "Stopping mp3 streaming to %s:%d\n", session->hreq->peer_address, (int)session->hreq->peer_port); httpd_send_reply_end(session->hreq); session_free(session); return; } if (session->icy_is_requested) icy_meta_splice(hreq->out_body, session->audiobuf, &session->icy_remaining, session->icy_title); else evbuffer_add_buffer(hreq->out_body, session->audiobuf); httpd_send_reply_chunk(hreq, NULL, NULL); session->bytes_sent += len; } static void metadata_cb(evutil_socket_t fd, short event, void *arg) { struct streaming_session *session = arg; struct evbuffer *evbuf; int len; CHECK_NULL(L_STREAMING, evbuf = evbuffer_new()); len = evbuffer_read(evbuf, fd, -1); if (len < 0) goto out; len = sizeof(session->icy_title); evbuffer_remove(evbuf, session->icy_title, len); session->icy_title[len - 1] = '\0'; out: evbuffer_free(evbuf); } /* ----------------------------- Session helpers ---------------------------- */ static void session_free(struct streaming_session *session) { if (!session) return; player_streaming_deregister(session->id); if (session->audioev) event_free(session->audioev); if (session->metadataev) event_free(session->metadataev); evbuffer_free(session->audiobuf); free(session); } static struct streaming_session * session_new(struct httpd_request *hreq, bool icy_is_requested, enum media_format format, struct media_quality quality) { struct streaming_session *session; int audio_fd; int metadata_fd; CHECK_NULL(L_STREAMING, session = calloc(1, sizeof(struct streaming_session))); CHECK_NULL(L_STREAMING, session->audiobuf = evbuffer_new()); session->hreq = hreq; session->icy_is_requested = icy_is_requested; session->icy_remaining = streaming_icy_metaint; // Ask streaming output module for a fd to read mp3 from session->id = player_streaming_register(&audio_fd, &metadata_fd, format, quality); if (session->id < 0) goto error; CHECK_NULL(L_STREAMING, session->audioev = event_new(hreq->evbase, audio_fd, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, audio_cb, session)); event_add(session->audioev, NULL); CHECK_NULL(L_STREAMING, session->metadataev = event_new(hreq->evbase, metadata_fd, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, metadata_cb, session)); event_add(session->metadataev, NULL); return session; error: session_free(session); return NULL; } /* -------------------------- Module implementation ------------------------- */ static int streaming_mp3_handler(struct httpd_request *hreq) { struct streaming_session *session = NULL; const char *name = cfg_getstr(cfg_getsec(cfg, "library"), "name"); const char *param; bool icy_is_requested; char buf[9]; param = httpd_header_find(hreq->in_headers, "Icy-MetaData"); icy_is_requested = (param && strcmp(param, "1") == 0); if (icy_is_requested) { httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "icy-name", name); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", streaming_icy_metaint); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "icy-metaint", buf); } session = session_new(hreq, icy_is_requested, MEDIA_FORMAT_MP3, streaming_default_quality); if (!session) return -1; // Error sent by caller httpd_request_close_cb_set(hreq, conn_close_cb, session); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Content-Type", "audio/mpeg"); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Server", PACKAGE_NAME "/" VERSION); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Pragma", "no-cache"); httpd_header_add(hreq->out_headers, "Expires", "Mon, 31 Aug 2015 06:00:00 GMT"); httpd_send_reply_start(hreq, HTTP_OK, "OK"); return 0; } static struct httpd_uri_map streaming_handlers[] = { { .regexp = "^/stream.mp3$", .handler = streaming_mp3_handler, .flags = HTTPD_HANDLER_REALTIME, }, { .regexp = NULL, .handler = NULL } }; static void streaming_request(struct httpd_request *hreq) { int ret; if (!hreq->handler) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Unrecognized path in streaming request: '%s'\n", hreq->uri); httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_NOTFOUND, NULL); return; } ret = hreq->handler(hreq); if (ret < 0) httpd_send_error(hreq, HTTP_INTERNAL, NULL); } static int streaming_init(void) { int val; val = cfg_getint(cfg_getsec(cfg, "streaming"), "sample_rate"); // Validate against the variations of libmp3lame's supported sample rates: 32000/44100/48000 if (val % 11025 > 0 && val % 12000 > 0 && val % 8000 > 0) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Unsupported streaming sample_rate=%d, defaulting\n", val); else streaming_default_quality.sample_rate = val; val = cfg_getint(cfg_getsec(cfg, "streaming"), "bit_rate"); switch (val) { case 64: case 96: case 128: case 192: case 320: streaming_default_quality.bit_rate = val*1000; break; default: DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_STREAMING, "Unsuppported streaming bit_rate=%d, supports: 64/96/128/192/320, defaulting\n", val); } DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_STREAMING, "Streaming quality: %d/%d/%d @ %dkbps\n", streaming_default_quality.sample_rate, streaming_default_quality.bits_per_sample, streaming_default_quality.channels, streaming_default_quality.bit_rate/1000); val = cfg_getint(cfg_getsec(cfg, "streaming"), "icy_metaint"); // Too low a value forces server to send more meta than data if (val >= 4096 && val <= 131072) streaming_icy_metaint = val; else DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_STREAMING, "Unsupported icy_metaint=%d, supported range: 4096..131072, defaulting to %d\n", val, streaming_icy_metaint); return 0; } struct httpd_module httpd_streaming = { .name = "Streaming", .type = MODULE_STREAMING, .logdomain = L_STREAMING, .fullpaths = { "/stream.mp3", NULL }, .handlers = streaming_handlers, .init = streaming_init, .request = streaming_request, };